Stella Dimoko Motherhood Changed Me -3


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Motherhood Changed Me -3

Hmmmmm Motherhood. ........

 it a blessing for me whenever i have to sacrifice for my kids as i don't even think  twice before doing it. 

I lost my job last month when i resumed and my boss said i should please stay home and take care of my kids since i have added another to my team.
WTF !!!

I initially i thought he just said that and had other official reasons and went to beg him only for him to say really he is a father and think it not going to be easy for me seeing how i was always eager to close to pick the kids or dis-tabilized when one is sick or i rush out when i get a Call from their school. And claims he doesn't want his business to suffer cuz of my motherhood.

I brightened up and thanked him as it so kind of him to think it through for me....


In my mind i was like no be because of pikin person dey work. I just knelt down and thanked him very well ,because really even being at home with the kids is not an easy one especially now that they are on holidays talk less of combining work with it,i see myself beating my older girl everyday ,something nobody will ever try with me because i keep telling them i have an everlasting scar for their sake...

Or is it to talk of the cesarean section i had for one reason or the other just to birth them?.sometimes i look at them and pitied/ love my mum for what she had to go through to bring us up.Now i can never be my sexy self again neither can i have my body back but seeing them makes me forget all. 

Chai or is it the fun that doesn't happen more than once in a year probably during festive,to go out to parties or wedding is war especially when your kids are little.i used to love hanging out so much when i was single and was longing for more with hubby when we were finally married but now even if am asked to  hangout i will say biko bring it home for me as the thought of going out with kids and having to shout to keep them in one place is tiring for me.

Or is it the fact that i feel like a nanny and house help everyday,from taking care of the kids to cleaning and doing the house chores and hubby going to work and coming back to sleep and gets paid for that ( monthly allowance at the end of the month which makes me super jealous as i love to have a corporate work.

Or is it the fact that every time i go to the market i pick something for them and never for my self in years or the fact that you tolerate some people just for the kids sake . Chai the blunt, rude me is now a gentle,mute and humble lady.

Or the fact that it makes one responsible once u are a mother as the survival of your child lies with an endless list for me 

I miss my house being clean as every where i go now you either stepping or seating on one toy as no matter how much you arrange they are ready to disarrange.The same way i pray my parents reap me, the fruit of their labour is the same way i ask to reap mine too.

God bless our children for us and give to those ttc-ing. it a super wonderful experience.

Thumbs up to all Mothers......


  1. God bless all mothers. The sacrifices are unlimited.....

  2. God bless you and all mothers. But please o, don't make a habit to be beating up your kids. That's how one of our tenants makes it a duty to flog her kids almost on a daily basis and now the kids are so timid and seem to do anything right cos she's always there to shout at them and flog them at the slightest provocation.

    1. We try not to...

    2. It’s not easy, I have to get a speech therapist for my son, the fee is almost 300k and yet I am supposed to reduce the time I spend in the shop so I can spend more time with him, I have to involve, story time, puzzle time, academic time and other things to my schedule it’s tiring mehn.
      He has picked up so much and is going to nursery two but I have to still do more with the two of them to improve their imagination, my mum says I am stressing but that’s just me and my worry, I really want them to be the best they can be

    3. This is so me...
      The paragraph of how your boss stopped... Same thing nearly happened to me... I'm always eager to close, any call I received about my kids...vooom, I'd go out. Chai, motherhood rocks.
      God has been helping me, I don't buy things for myself even if I enter the market to buy one or two things for myself, the fear of not running out of pampers, wipes and milk will just take the money.
      God bless us. I don't get enough sleep, I even slept this morning in my office...
      Ogas wey dey read this blog make una dey understand us when we fall asleep in the offices o.

    4. wow @Push up. God is your strength. i will say a prayer for you and your son tonight. Hugs

  3. Few are mothers like you going by your story.
    A lot of them do not lift their faces from their phones;
    social media has taken them away and the kids are on their own.

  4. Sorry about the job, I know you will get a better offer when the time comes.

    Oh you've listed so many things that I can relate to: to go out is not an easy task for me any more. I tolerate a whole lot of shit now. I am more patient and I think twice before acting... oohh CS and my belle don drop but I'm busy with some tummy exercise and some solution to drink along with that. The arranging of the house is a nightmare. I don't know how many times I clean the bathroom in a day....I'm still at home too acting like a crazy woman always screaming and shouting chaiiiii

    1. My dear this is my life...everytime o go in the bathroom, there is poo stuck inside the toilet and wee on the toilet seat and the sink is dirty...if you see my white hair ehn, you will run away

  5. Wow! Motherhood is not easy I must say.

  6. Motherhood is really very tasking. Most times, once it's night time I will be very happy within me since that's the only time of the day I can really rest, but once I think of tomorrow that will soon show up and the stress of taking care of the kids all over again, I will just be weak.
    I think of getting a helper sometimes, but the stories we read on social media these days scare the shit out of me

    God bless and keep all mothers.
    Baby dust to the expectant ones.

  7. I don't understand it when women that gave birth thru cs says their stomach is now big, cause I did cs and my stomach is not big ( maybe my surgeon was God sent) I relate to most of what you said . I don't have ME time anymore , I can't remember the last time I thought of me first, still I can't trade motherhood for anything.
    Poster I pray a deserving job locates you.
    Big hug to all mothers

    1. You understand that our bodies aint the same too, right?... oh noo you DON'T!

    2. @Anon 14:13 - bodies not same but it has to do with determination. I gave birth via CS after 6 months I started using girdle, doing sit-up coupled with Lipton and wheat bread no sugar added almost every morning in the office and I eat bit by bit even till today and it reduced.
      With Discipline and determination you can have your body back.

      Motherhood changes women badly and our men should appreciate us.

    3. I started using girdle as soon as I was confirmed fit at 6 weeks. I branched market straight from hospital and bought three different types of girdle.You will never believe I birthed through CS except I tell you.
      Its all about determination.

  8. I'm a first time mom, work from 8-4, cleans the house and compound daily, takes care of my LO without help from hubby who believes all he needs to do is just drop money for upkeeps. Motherhood is indeed a great job

    1. Hubby is not fair to you. If roles were reversed would he managed all the hard work you do?

  9. Motherhood is a sacrifice oh. i wonder how people that had 10-11 children did it. anyway, there is a grace that comes with kids sha.
    baby dust to the expectant ones

  10. Dear mothers,please hire a domestic help if you can afford it.I know there are plenty stories of wicked nannies but there are still good ones,fix camera or CCTV if you can afford it.There is no medal for best suffer head mother.May God reward all mothers,we shall all reap bountifully in Jesus name (amen)

  11. Motherhood isn't easy at all. Sometimes I leave my hubby to take care of our child while i sleep or go out cos I cannot come and die lol. I thank God for this great job of having to care for your child(ren) even though e dey scatter dada.
    Ma'am I'll suggest you go out with your hubby sometimes so he won't feel neglected. a friend's hubby complained of being neglected since they started having kids and now they are drifting apart gradually because the guy now spends so much time with friends than his family

  12. just make sure the kids are grown to 2yrs at least for the smallest one before you look for anoda job or kuku do business

  13. Kudos to all the mum here, may God continue to strengthen us

  14. So sorry about your job. I can so relate. My then boss called me (I was in the clinic for antenatal and he was aware o)I explained to him that I was feeling somehow and really needed to stay for the ante Natal, he said I have to meet up a client and that the client office was close to the hospital. so I had to leave the clinic to where he sent me to. My water burst while I was on the client's office. I called him that I won't be able to finish up the errand as I needed to go back to the clinic. He grudgingly agreed.Trust General hospital,they kuku insulted my life for leaving in the first place. I gave birth the following day,and called my boss to tell him I had given birth. He congratulated me and sacked me.

    Thank God I got a better job. Motherhood really changes us.

    1. Nawa for that boss of yours.

    2. oh dear!
      lol@ congratulated and sacked you
      Thank God that you have a better job now.
      I pray that I get a job soonest.
      Motherhood selfless job.
      Motherhood Rock.

  15. Pls how do i make my 5year old and 2year old girls start sleeping in their room?


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