Stella Dimoko Motherhood Changed Me -2


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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Motherhood Changed Me -2

Motherhood changed me in so many ways I never thought possible. ....

I am one of those people who likes my space, silence and solitude. I am the type who hates anything out of place and loves everything being in order. When I am tired and hungry, I would rather go to bed hungry than stress myself cooking. I can't stand dirt and untidiness, before the babies came, my hubby used to be alarmed each time I made a fuss about how a little item was kept out of place. I never left unwashed plates in the sink till the next day. 

 I would sweep the house regularly and still wear slippers around to avoid my legs getting dirty and avoid sneezing.

My life took a tremendous turn around when the babies came. I had to endure endless house work,sleepless nights and no matter how much I tried putting the house in order, it still looked as if I had done nothing. When I sweep the house, no matter how I instruct them to eat on the table, the food will still find its way to the whole parlour. I arrange clothes and keep in the closet, they'll wait for me to enter the kitchen and turn the whole room upside down. 

When I soak clothes in the bathroom to wash later, my ever energetic three year olds would drag it to the carpeted room and start washing, before I return every where is soaked in water. 

 One is so smart that when you keep things high above her reach, she'll drag the dinning chair to the spot and climb it to get it. I also had to deal with their endless yellings and my own shouting to make them keep quiet. Mhen Was I frustrated? That is an understatement, most days I would just sit down and bawl.

 I had no one helping me because hubby was always in the office and getting a maid was something I never entertained. My hubby still wonders how his 'peke peke' wife is now one who cleans up the children and pack up their vomit when they are sick. 

 One day he asked me "So you can actually touch shit with your hands?" I just smiled and let it slide.

 Whenever people see me going for school runs with four children, they'lI just be amazed and stop to commend me. I have learned patience cos I used to be very intolerant. I can't wait for them to grow up so that the stress will greatly reduce.....

*When they grow,the stress reduces alright but then the worries begin....ah it is a never ending story never ''Chi chontin!''


  1. Chai! Kudos to all mother's. Well done dear.

    1. Kk, let me vent small as my little one is sleeping. We woke up this morning and I did 2hrs maths with my daughter who is in Year 3 after her breakfast and thought it would be a good idea to go to a nearby park cos of this killing heat. Went and had a nice time, got back home so we could eat, rest and she'll do English lesson for the day by 3pm.
      I decided to go put something in the oven for her only for my 1 year to have got his finger stuck in his sisters bicycle. It was bleeding seriously, i was so confused and had to run out of the house, luckily one of my neighbours was peeping out of his fence and he had to quickly come into my house and helped with it.
      The thing just weak me no be small, not sure if to go to A&E or call Ambulance as it was deep. Me wey never even chop under this hot weather, o re mi wa ni: I swear. Shaking like a jelly fish and thank God for my neighbour who calmed me down.
      The older one was crying cos she's never seen her brother cry that much. Me sef was close to tears but I had to brave it.
      God have mercy.

    2. Take now to A&e. Cos he might have severed tendon or nerves

    3. Wow! Stella I didn't know you later had a daughter, when I came to this blog some years ago you only had some, congrats mama you are the real MVP four children and still blogging wow! Don't mind my surprise oh, I must not have been around when you gave birth to your princess.

    4. @ Just Bella, that isn't Stella's story.

    5. Thanks a lot Jumi, I cleaned it with cotton wool dabbed in dettol water. The bleeding has stopped has I tied it with a piece of muslin with a bit of pressure, gave him Ibuprofen as well. Awake and playing now but il definitely keep and eye on him.

    6. Thanks anony, 20:29, I didn't notices was just surprise cos I was away for sometime between 2years ago. Thanks for the correction dearie.

  2. It's not easy o, now I can't even makeup or make a nice hair nor fix my nails.. I still thank God for everything, starring at him gives me joy

    1. Having light headache as a result of insufficient sleep/rest. Is it dropping them in the morning, checking them in the afternoon to make sure they have enough food and snacks to eat before I close from work? Then when I finally pick them, complain starts. Trying to do undress and do one or two things, the scattering will start, shouting will follow, atimes I would just lie down and be murmuring,..."make una kukuma finish me," and the next thing will be the struggling to climb on me. Jeez.
      The little one will cry for attention and at that moment cartoon becomes irrelevant. God bless us. Amen

  3. U would have gotten a maid...abeg me I can’t do all those work....body sabi pain me...and am lazy...
    If any child scatters d room u will arrange it urself...I don’t have time for nonsense

    1. Wait until then let's see if you will have time or not.

    2. But u no lazy for bed...hahahahahaha

    3. U dey mind her, this kind girl nah bed she go strong pass, you are just running mouth don't worry when you start having kids you will know how far...

    4. 😂😂😂😂😂 una know well

    5. When you have children you will understand better 😏😏😏

  4. As I’m typing this.... I am hiding from them just to send an email.
    Please who else checks on their new born in the night to see if they are breathing🙈I can’t be the only one. I feel guilty AF! But I can’t help it.
    When I check the crib and I see no movement, My heart skips and freezes! I feel soooo bad doing it.
    These and many more are one of the things Morherhood Made Me Do😩😩😩😩😩

    1. I thought it only me oh. Tho not my kids but my niece and nephew. If they are sleeping na to peep n first thing is to check their breathing.
      One day I never knew why one took longer to breathe or devil wanted to kill me instantly ewo my heart dropped then I saw him breathe ewo. Thank God I'm not alone.

    2. Iphie I do , then when my baby sleeps for too long i check oh, hmmm.

    3. I fee a lot better now. Used to think I ahd evil thoughts😩😩😩
      Ollie, I always beg my Mom to take it easy with the body sculpting and moulding😢😢😢😢 I hate it when they cry incessantly too.

    4. Very guilty and she sleeps beside me most times, I've often startled her while trying to check if she would move in her sleep, it's crazy! I've suffered chronic back pain since becoming a mum, many sleepless nights, no toilet privacy again cos she would push the door and enter with her tiny little feets and start laughing cos every thing to her is hide and seek 😂

    5. I am also guilty esp that week Dbanj lost his son. I would wake up several times to check if he is sleeping, I will also go to my daughter's room to check on her 😍😅. Motherhood rocks big time.

    6. Omg Olivia, that is so me. When my mum bathes my daughter the cry no he hear. But if na me, I will just hurry. Afterall which dirt dey for baby's body?

    7. @ ChyAdaJesus, the day I heard that bad news, after work I just sat down with my toddler after work, even though I was tired. When I felt like I needed to lie down inside, I couldn't sleep. Every ten minutes, I would get up to go and see how she's doing.
      @iphie I check to see if her chest is moving up and down while sleeping. If I feel like the sleep is too deep, I nudge her a bit till she moves, then my heart comes down and I let her sleep. Motherhood is not easy,

  5. Hey God! I want twins ooooh😩😩😩😩😩
    Ollie, they are cute until they start walking around tripping over things in their wake. Then you want to send them off to grand ma’s but ofcourse you never come around to doing it.

  6. Mmmmmhhhh
    Motherhood, yes; labor pains and breastfeeding are the main stress
    The rest was removed by my dear husband. Talk about shopping for groceries, cooking
    carrying the crying baby and vacuum cleaning the house. He simply do them without being
    asked. He told me that he does not want me to be under undue stress and age before my time
    that he likes the way I look younger and more beautiful than when we got married. Not that I don't
    do these things, but he is always willing to help.

    We both work and come back and will be in the kitchen those early days. Now, our kids are a bit
    grown and can cook what they eat. We cook ours on weekends. Motherhood can be exciting if God gives you
    a husband and you both work it out.

    1. Wow... I like that... More blessings to your home. God gimme my very own husband/best friend

  7. Goodluck to all mothers, more strength and wisdom to you all.

  8. @ Iphie: you aren't the only one and I am a second time mother.
    The first two nights after I had him, he slept in the nursery. The third night he spent with me. As I got to check on him, because I thought I heard a sound, he laid there absolutely still.. even when I carried him no movement.i rushed to the nurses station and just handed him over because I was too scared to verbalize my fear. Thank God he's health and strong as a horse.

  9. On the other hand, motherhood is an amazing gift and blessing. You won't be ready for the strong feeling of unconditional love that will envelope you the firstime you hold your offspring in your hands.
    It's love in it a purest form I tell you

  10. LOl,when i gave birth,i also use to check if my LO is stil breathing,infact my baby had reflux,the first time she threw up i was panicking,now i can,t even eat withoup disruption,the fact is motherhood is an unending journey,but i cant trade it for anything

    1. That reflux almost finished me. Contribued to my paranoia and anxiety with my first. Food would come out from her nose 🙆🏾‍♂️ No matter how many times you burp her.
      And these newborns can lay still without moving. I bet if they checked my heart beat those periods, It would have stopped.

    2. Mine too.. My boy used to spill from his nose.. The ist night i saw it, i went crazy.. Fear made me carry him without caution from the bed which made him choke.. O my God!!!.. My 1month old underweight baby (1.78kg) started gasping for air, spit bubbles from his mouth and he kept spilling from the nose.. I knew what being crazy was that night.. Dint know when i threw him at my husband and acting mad, crying and wailing... Lolz.. Its funny now, but wasn't then.. I saw how helpless that made my husband when i gave the child to him. He was also very scared (we lost our first baby. We had a still birth due to preeclampsia).. Emotions were so obvious on his face but i dint care then (covers face...selfish me).. Till date, my husband still teases me with that story.. He has promised to tell our son how i dumped him on his hand and he became very strong for him and believed in him.. Lmao... When we got to the hospital, (never knew my husband was a fast driver oo.. D fast and furious type ..hahahah)the paediatrician said its either over feeding, improper positioning when breast feeding,not burping him well before laying him down or his head is too low when sleeping. So he adviced we get him a baby pillow.. That type with hole in the middle

    3. Anon, I don’t want to remember the horrors of that period 🙀

    4. My baby was the first child I knew that had Reflux! Hers was so bad she slept in her car seat, couldn't lie in her cot for up to 5 mins, without crying or choking on goods! if it wasn't on the seat then my shoulder or daddy's!
      I was anxious, depressed had panic attacks, insomnia cos I couldnt understand why she never slept for long and would choke on breast milk! It was an ordeal coupled with colics at night! Finally it resolved at 6 months! Wheeeeew

  11. SDK, loving this section of your blog. I would send my hilarious journey soon.

  12. I have no kids yet and I'm scared af to have them neice and nephew are everything and more to me rn...I miss them and I run to their house. But after two nights I'm running away 😂😂 all the shouts stop it!don't go there! drop it! ..kilode 🤣 my sis hubs usually tell her to better stop shouting 😂😂 my sis that used to be soft spoken o. My neice is turning 1 this weekend and I'm excited eh.... Will have mine when I'm confident enough ☻

  13. I haven't been able to catch 6 hours of good sleep since my people came. I am always exhausted at the end of the day. My pumpkins don't eat stale food. So I cook Three times in a day. This new habit of not eating stale food is giving me concern but what will I do?

    How about waking up twice in the middle of the night to check on them, or when they want to wee wee Or when they have a nightmare and scream ur name and u jumping up with ur heart in ur mouth? Wooooo is not easy rara. The circle never stops.

    1. You are actually doing great. I could never... Before I started having kids. Lol

    2. Pele. You're doing a good job.

      Good thing about my nieces is that they don't wake up at night. They started it when they were 7months old. They only cry when their pacifier falls off. To sleep during the day is big work for them.

  14. Mother hood rocks,God bless all caring mothers.

  15. Twins are amazing. I have more of my nieces pics in my gallery. Now they've started walking. No peace again.

    I can't wait to have mine.

  16. You are owwww and awwwing now cos u ain't the one that gave birth to them twins. Lol you would be Soooo occupied that you won't have time to snap them maybe after they just Tgeir bath or so..
    Really kids ain't easy taking care of, as am typing now am inside the room trying to rest and they are banging the door to let them in.
    My earpiece to the rescue. Make they go meet their dad Afteral he is on leave make I no go die young cos of stress

  17. Love your story and am learning.

  18. 2days at his Grandma's place and I'm already missing mg baby,the shouting,his *mummy I love you*,*its good to share with your Son mummy*, that's what he says when he wants to press my mumu button. I wish I don't have to take him to his grandmas but he's been going since he was 1 during long holiday, and now he's 5 years and still can't get over his absence at home. Even me I'm missing the shouting,cleaning and running after him around the house. He's coming back to a surprise baby sister. Motherhood rocks. Thank you Lord for grace.God pls bless all the TTC

  19. Wow!!!! You just described me in your first and second paragraph.I used to boast that my kids won't stress me because i didn't stress my parents but i've realised that kids have minds of their own.

    My aunts kids made me cry one time i visited them.She has a very large rugged sitting room so its not funny sweeping with broom but i just had to do it while i was there.You won't believe that as i'm sweeping this kids will purposely crush biscuit in the part ive swept and expect me to chase them around to stop.(To them it was fun as they will laugh while i try to remove them from the spot).No shout from me or their mum stopped them.

    So i formed a song about naughty kids and good kids and for everytime they littered the house, i will make them sing and we pick the dirt and go trash it.Other times i will just call them by their pet names and say "good kids don't litter the house " and before you know it they got used to not littering.

    I just pray my hubby will be the type that will assist me clean up before i run mad.I can't shout biko.

  20. Congrats to all mothers. Not easy at all.

    Abeg we need to give ourselves accolades

  21. My princess is 1 months now and I still can't believe how I've been coping. I never expected motherhood to be this stressful especially when you marry a man that doesn't understand what motherhood entails.with All the stress I still cook for 6 boys. I'll leave the baby with my mummy and rush tonthe market, come back and in the kitchen. Why can't your brother's and friends leave your house now that you're married with a kid? They want me to start acting up and I'm so ready for that. In fact, I'm getting a nanny soon before I run baby don't sleep at night at all. NOBODY TOLD ME

    1. So sorry about this, but I think you should talk to your husband and let him see things your way. May God put words in your mouth and open his hears.
      I dont want to imagine what ure going through cos I know how challenging it is taking care of a newborn let alone cook for other people

  22. Its not easy but it worth it

  23. Motherhood is not easy o. My little prince is 4 months old and I am loving every bit of it. My mom is late as is my husband's mom so no omugwo for me but we are coping just fine. My husband even wakes at night to feed the baby while I sleep.


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