Stella Dimoko Meghan Markle's Half-Sister Samantha Tears Her Apart In Twitter Rant,Says It's On Meghan If Their Dad Dies..


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Meghan Markle's Half-Sister Samantha Tears Her Apart In Twitter Rant,Says It's On Meghan If Their Dad Dies..

Meghan Markle's estranged half-sister has branded the royal family an "embarrassment" for "ignoring" her father and claims she will hold the Duchess of Sussex responsible if he dies. 

The 53-year-old launched yet another scathing attack on her sibling after she and Prince Harry visited a London exhibition on Nelson Mandela and met with his relatives.

She tweeted: "Glad you have so much time to gallivant around paying tribute to others while ignoring your own father!

"How can you be so cold and look in the mirror? Harry? I guess I was right."

Ms Grant added: "Act like a humanitarian act like a woman! If our father dies I'm holding you responsible, Meg."

Her comments come after the Duchess of Sussex's father, Thomas Markle, who has recently been suffering with heart problems, gave an interview at the weekend in which he said his daughter looks "terrified" and has a "pained smile".

Mr Markle also told TMZ that he is not going to stop talking about his daughter and he just wants to be in contact with her.

Ms Grant also said: "My father is not an embarrassment for loving his daughter! The royals are an embarrassment for being so cold. You should be ashamed of ourselves."

Mr Markle had also told the Sun he has not heard from his daughter in two months and fears he is being frozen out over the staged paparazzi photos and for speaking publicly about her wedding to Prince Harry.

"I think she's under too much pressure. My thing about my daughter now is I think she's terrified," he said.

"I've seen her smiles for years. I know her smile. I don't like the one i'm seeing now."
Mr Markle said he was worried about the influence the royals were having on her and that calls to his daughter had gone unanswered.

Mr Markle told The Sun that he plans to come over to England without a royal appointment.

“I don’t care whether she is p***** off at me or not,” he said.

“I’m not going to wave flags and make a fool of my­self. I’d find a hotel room and try to reach them.”
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*This is one of the reasons Royals Marry their kind....
Meghan cannot be happy with all these going on


  1. Replies
    1. We will soon hear they are divorcing.
      There's only so much the royals can take.

    2. Keep ignoring them thing am sure of is dat harry loves you die!!! No shaking babes.

  2. Geeez Samantha, give it a rest. Why so pained-she got the Prince. Ntoooorrr

    1. They hurt this lady so much and instead of giving her time to come round, they are still mounting pressure on her and won't let her breathe.

      Is she the only child the man has? Or because she married into the royal family you people want to depress her? Every week , either father or sister is granting interviews.

      Why didn't he think about the consequences before betraying his own daughter?

      Meghan should forget these people, she needs peace.
      What sort of disgusting family is this? After people will be chanting family is everything!! Woe betide you people, evil lots.

    2. He says she has a pained smile. They are the reason she doesnt have peace and joy anymore. And she has lost confidence cos her family has stripped her off any pride or dignity she worked hard for as a top actress. Now. She has Harry as probably her only ally. She never used to be clingy. It probably reflects an inner need for support. She seems to be struggling. So sad to see. Family from hell.

    3. Scarlet Gruber19 July 2018 at 12:59

      they are indeed family from hell. i just tire for their yeye drama

    4. Anony 11:43, u got it.

  3. You see why these Royals avoid average and none royal homes?
    I need to know how they were handling these father/daughter fall outs before Meghan got married into the Royal family.. It never made the news then.
    Why should Meghan be happy? Months before her wedding they sold her out to the press, warned Harry not to get married to her and practically became a public disgrace hurling suitcases all over.
    Btw, This step sister should get Harry’s name off her mouth, talking about mirrors and cold🙄

    1. The royals would be asking themselves why they got into this gbege in the first place. In-laws from hell.

    2. But Mr Markle has never talked ill about his daughter. I think Meghan is being cold about her dad, that's bad enough.

      She should try and spend some time with her father than shutting him out of her life.

    3. @ Fan what do you know? Nothing!!

    4. All I can say is that this family are set out to bring her down, she's on tour now, she has previously contacted her father who had previously sold her out before, and he is still granting interviews talking about her not being happy, TF sir that's just too low! Call her or Go to England if you are so desperate to see her, they all just seem pained they are not living in Windsor castle. Trying to be relevant, seems they are terrified of being just a footnote in history! Just as he had once said. This is why Meghan decided to shut them out of her royal life. They are all opportunists!

    5. Scarlet Gruber19 July 2018 at 13:01

      Fan abi AC, please just negodu. you don't know the story

    6. I just pray they dont destroy this babe marriage

  4. This family are waste of space!...They should the newly wed to enjoy their marriage. GOSH!...

  5. The drama is too much. What kind of bush family be this lol

  6. Chimooo!
    I thought this lady is married?
    Why is she bent on destroying someone's home?

    Why kind marry their class talk are you saying Stella? Forget that thing!A jealous sister can come from any class.

    Meghan your silence sweet me die!

    Wicked family!
    She didn't reach out to you why not stay mute and wait.
    To me,this people are after money.
    Ndi ala!!!

  7. What kinda family is this one
    Confused people

  8. This is too much ,i wonder what could be done to shut them up. Where were they before she became royal, crazy family

  9. Na real bush and uncouth family

  10. These people will not let Meghan shine in this marriage at all.

  11. the royal family are not any different..they are equally just as disfunctional as the Merkels, the only difference is they dont speak to the press about their dirt

    1. ThAt means they are different.

    2. If they don't speak to the press about their dirt, how do you know they have dirt

  12. I have seen and heard about quite a number of people without shame in this world but Samantha and her father take the biscuit! Meghan should have disowned these pieces of white sh*t before she ever went public with Harry. Where are all these coded MI6 people parading as paparazzi when you need them sef? Can't they make Samantha choke on her saliva or drown in a bathtub bikonu? The world will smell foul play but we'd all be fine in the end. The Bible says we should not suffer a witch to live. Samantha is a WITCH in capital letters. Serious enemy of progress. This sinful world will have more oxygen if she leaves. Problem is folks in hell are even scared sh*t to have her come over. Grand patroness of witchcraft. Abeg let their father too die if he wants to die mbok. Who he epp? Dysfunctional and blood-sucking brood of vipers. I just imagine Meghan's life without her sweet black mom and the picture is scary. May her mom live long for her sake.

    1. As in, the envy is just something else.Condemning her own sister in public without considering how she would feel.

    2. My dear, you have said it all. Let him die if he wants to die.

      How can so called family members be ruining your life and be threatening you with the death? What if she commits suicide? Samantha If anything happens to the Meghan, you and your senseless father would be held responsible, nonsense.

    3. I love what you wrote. Don't worry, the Markles will soon get the M16 treatment, even Diana in all her glory got it. I am sure her unhappiness stems from her dysfunctional family.

    4. Scarlet Gruber19 July 2018 at 13:13

      i like your response o. but not to kill mbok. may God let them change. envious people everywhere.

    5. @Amebonawork, looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool. I like you. You make sense die. This is what most people are thinking but cannot voice out just so they remain politically correct. Family from hell. Diana die, heavens did not fall. Although I do not believe the FIRM has anything to do with her death. Na her waka waka kill her.(That Isoko Babe) Stella Mavor?

    6. Triple hailings my SDK people. I see una. Let us remember Meghan in our prayers o. This her "fa-enemy" just want her to commit suicide or get divorced at all cost but the God who singled her out for royalty will keep protecting her.

  13. Why is it always this Samantha?Is she the family PRO?
    Harry might be forced to divorce her to save the Royals from further embarrassment o. Samantha enough nah. I guess they were planning to meet Meghan's father and now this. They should allow this Lady rest nah, had it been she married non royals will Samantha be talking like this. She's too jealous abeg.

  14. Why did he even divorce Meghan's mum and all of a sudden Meghan became the favourite child? Nawa Power good o.
    The man should chill because with this attitude queen Eliza may forbid Harry from seeing him.

  15. The father's action is more than enough to make her unhappy. The family should let her have a moment of peace for God's sake. The call is damn too much. Gosh!

  16. She should reach out to her dad na. Did he do anything so so wrong that she doesn't want to be seen with him no more? Your dad is your dad!

    1. Scarlet Gruber19 July 2018 at 13:15

      you are alone joor

    2. A direct phone line was given to Megan's father. But he sold her out, granting interviews for sale, after the very first phone call. That made them block that line immediately. He should stop treating Megan like an opportunity for exploitation and start treating her like a daughter. They are not her only family, but they are the only ones that keep on selling interviews about her. And terrible ones for that matter.

      When her step sister has been abusing and insulting her in public and step brother wrote that letter calling on the royal family not to marry Megan and her father has done nothing. He does not act like a dad, so nobody should expect her to treat him like a dad. Her silence is the best.

    3. See the way he is selling interviews up and down. Fan Emmanuel, do you think they grant those interview for free. That's what sell papers and the family know. Slag and make money. If the father claim to love her, why selling her like dt.

  17. I don't think Meghan family should take all the blame. Meghan herself and the Royal family should share in it. We all have bad family members but we try to manage them in a way. Family is family she Meghan should know how to treat them right especially her father. She's acting like she has seen the end of time already. She shouldn't forget ignoring them completely can turn around and bite her later in life.

    1. Even if her marriage to Harry does not work, God forbid , she should stay away from these people forever.

      They do not wish her well or want any good for her.

      Correct me if I am wrong, has Meghan's Father ever come out to appeal or warn this ugly Samantha to stop granting this silly interviews and stop denting Meghan's image? What drastic step has he taken to caution this wild dog with verbal dysentery.

      Has he threatened to disown her if she does not stop ? This man is a useless father, pathetic man with no integrity.

      My father will not fold his arms and allow this esp. from a family member.

    2. Exactly,he never tried to caution Samantha when she was spilling rubbish before or after the marriage but he is akways quick to call out the royals.

    3. all of you anons and bvs saying that she should talk to the family don't know the full story from the beginning Meghan and her family only have one thing in common and and it's the name markle even blood is not that same as you know Samantha is her step sister. Meghan doesn't see them as family because only her mother has been there for her am sure that most of those so called family have not even met her before the day they knew she existed was when she was famous as an actress her step brother even searched for her number and called her then started asking for money it like Meghan blocked him and when she was marrying Harry he then wrote that letter to Harry to cancel wedding that she is a cold woman they just want to keep spoiling her name still she starts sending paychecks the father should have kept quiet were he is but kept talking up and down they wanted him to be there for the wedding and even gave him private line but he sold Meghan out and now he's forming heart problems they should just leave Meghan alone.

  18. "A man's enemies shall be members of his own household!"
    This is a prime example! Gosh!

  19. why can't they allow this lady enjoy her marriage ?
    how can she be happy with all these their wahala

  20. They did their worse still the wedding was not cancelled. The queen is too old for all this drama so she no fit put mouth like she did in the case of Diana. I think they are angry she has gone mute on all their allegation. The mother sef no send. What a family!

  21. Am afraid 😨 of mega Markle marriage, what kind of hell bet family is this? They should allow her to enjoy her marriage in peace, even if there are issues, saying it to the public is not the way out.

  22. Omo buruku se'e fe....... #Itsayorubaadage

  23. After the evil her weed selling white half brother wrote about her, the handwritten letter to Harry pasted on the front page Of tabloids, I lost all respect for the markles. Dysfunctional breed.

  24. Which kain one chance family is this nitori olorun! Allow this babe to shine in her marriage for crying out loud.
    God please don't allow the actions of these bitter wicked souls ruin Meghan marriage and happiness.

  25. This family is just way out of it. You can't force one to make peace with you especially when it's obvious you came because of the good news in that person's life. If Meghan don't take care of their dad,they should do so nah,abi are they handicap?

  26. How does he manage to see Meghan's pain and can't see Samantha's madness?

    1. Because he is mad too. They are all birds of a feather.

  27. She should DISOWN this family! Can they let her be for goodness sake! No wonder Megan holds unto Harry so much! She needs anchor and all the love she can get NOW! She is a new bride for goodness sake. What kind of family is this? Prince Harry please be strong and love her more despite the rubbish from her family. Megan is a strong woman i pray she doesnt break down! What kind of family is this? I can identify with Megan; family trying to bring her down! I remember when i got engaged my elder sister wasnt happy, i showed her my ring and she waved her hand at me no congratulations no excitement. When the engagement was called off, she said to me; He is just a small yoruba boy, forget him. I went home to heal, was told this, i took my bag came back to my base and promised myself i will never share ANY GOODNEWS with her again. I refuse calling her a witch but i told her i'm not in any competition with you. If God is God what will be will be. Never excited when i share goodnews but is quick to sympathize with me when i'm in sorrow. I suspect she reads this blog because she loves SDK like no tomorrow from the days of City people. She will tell you stories from SDK's column, when SDK got married! I have kept her at arm's length! I don't share nothing with anyone! If disowning them was possible i would have done that long ago but i have decided to be quiet.. Megan should continually keep them quiet and do her thing.

  28. This is too much, is Meghan Only the daughther haba, she should try and reach out to her father and mind what she says during their coversation..before they say nah Meghan frustrate the man who was frustrated before..

  29. CAN Meghan come for MFM programmes?
    Honestly she needs prayers like, powers of my fathers' house saying I will not enjoy my life die, die, die.

    Every man or woman broadcasting my name for evil, I command you to die.

    Anybody anywhere saying my marriage must die die before my marriage etc

  30. so if person born 3 kids and one abandon am will that make the person to die? these siblings shud just leave this girl in peace.


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