Stella Dimoko Mama Tee Series - Marriage And Tribal Differences ...


Friday, July 27, 2018

Mama Tee Series - Marriage And Tribal Differences ...

A friend's marriage is now shaky because of tribe differences.

She married a man she loved and who also showered her with love despite the tribe differences. She felt love and understanding between couples was all that mattered in a marriage. Now, she has come to realise that there are more.
She is from the Eastern part of the country married to a Yoruba man.

According her, during courtship, she did not see any sign that her man's culture would threaten her peace.

After marriage, she gave birth, that was when trouble started. Her mum came for omugwo, after naming ceremony, her mother-in-law stayed behind and a meeting was held with my friend's husband present. They begged her mum to leave saying that in their own family, the man's mum is responsible for omugwo and if she is not available, her sister or any other available elderly woman from the man's side does it. 

Her mil told them she only allowed the woman's mum to stay because her son said he did not remember to discuss it with his wife before she gave birth and also, she had already rushed down when the baby arrived. So wify's mama packed her bags and went away.

The husband's mum took over the bathing of the baby, she complained of how the other grandma could not bathe baby properly. How she did not massage his head well, how she probably wanted the head to look like that of 'Omo Ibo'. Hahahaha

This woman started complaining of the food my friend cooked, she would say she doesn't eat Igbo soup, stew does not have enough pepper, etc. She later started cooking her own food separately. Whenever my friend was going to the market, mil would write her own foodstuff list, she would tell her to collect money from her husband and dear friend would buy the things for her.

She didn't stop there, she reported my friend to her son that she doesn't greet her well. Her two knees are supposed to touch the floor when she is greeting her especially in the morning. She is supposed to kneel down completely and stand only when mil says so. Husband too said wify should be greeting his mum like that. That one was another issue and still an issue.

Some of my friend's sisters-in-law and cousins that came for the naming ceremony also complained to Mama that my friend did not 'greet' them well and did not address them with 'respect'. Mama told husband, husband told wify to bend her knees and greet them next time she sees any of them and she should not call anyone of them by their first names including the teenagers among them. She should add 'aunty/sister or brother'. Lmao.

She is mandated to attend all her husband's family functions and buy Aso-ebi because the man is the first son. What angers my friend is the way her husband agrees to all these and tells her its their culture.
My friend works, she has even resumed work and she takes her child to the creche. Mil said she wants to rest, she didn't come to babysit.

Now she has spent 6months plus, she is still there causing wahala. Reporting every little thing to her son, gossiping her son's wife to people including neighbours. Her son cannot stop her.

My friend said she doesn't love her husband anymore and already tired.

Mama Tee


  1. Just negodu!! Dem never born d MIL that will comman do all these in my house wallahi. Yaraba or not.😏🚶‍♀️

    1. My dear,I tire. There's no love in this family at all.

    2. I tell you. But the main thing is to watch the kind of man to marry. He should be a man that can stand his ground and not allow any of his relative to do anyhow to his wife

    3. She married a MUMMY'S boy, I have an igBo friend who is married to a yoruba man and it's her mother that comes for omugwo, her mother in law leaves after naming ceremony.

    4. But why do Yoruba men get tied to their mother's apron strings?
      When I read the first few lines about the "love between the couples". I knew that
      the problem was his mother. It is really sad!

      Solution: proper courtship devoid of sex. Sex is a distraction for meaningful courtship.
      Instead of looking forward to what should be discoursed on the next date, it is the style of
      sex that you begin to look forward to.

    5. My dear, very annoying nonsense!

      The problem is they always see their sons home as their home and always want to do whatever they like without consideration to the wife.

      What of mama's husband? This one she came to rest at your friend's place at who's expense? Let her son resign or stop working so he can sit at home and tend to her needs or hire a house help.

      I don't even know if I am married to a mama's boy but my in-laws tried me when we just got married mother in law.

      We went to visit her one day an we barely sat down for 5mins when she came to tell me "a wife does not sit down in her in laws place'. I was even sick and just recovering and she knew.

      I was so upset, I was livid that I couldn't even hide it. I just became cold to everyone. Since that day I don't go out of my way to please anybody.

      I can not be in perpetual misery because of anyone. If you are good to me I will be good to you if you are bad to me, I reciprocate.

      No time my dear,no time!!

      Be unapologetically you and the world and your in-laws will adjust, as long as you are not evil to anyone.

    6. Haha haha Sandy yo yo. Den never born dem well

    7. All this omugup wahala. Bathe your baby yourself haba. Bad as e bad get a house help nobody needs to come. It’s not mamas baby it is your baby. Tell hubby that omuguo has finished mama should go. From there cut every kneeling down and sister to his friends and relatives. See mama as your own mum. If she says kneel for her then kneel, if your mum had demanded it you would do it. Everything else can stop.

      Take this as a lesson prepare for your baby next time make sure your sis cousin house girl etc is around before the birth tell mama omuguo is not needed end of story.

    8. Poster your friend is from a poor home or background it's not the trip. N.a. poor people De do this one.

  2. Na wa o. Telling her mother to leave is kind of rude and insultive. Is it a do or die tradition? So if they were abroad and her mom was with her they would fly the mil in by fire by force? Abegi. Anyway, she would adjust and be alright.

  3. The man is not man enough. What culture? This how they go about saying what is not about Yoruba's. Truly, the mil is the one that will do omugbo but all the mandatory aunty and brother is a no no.
    How many times has her son prostrated for her while greeting her? Abeg, the husband is the problem here.

    1. true the husband is the problem, there is nothing like a man that can protect and stand by the wife against all this in-laws wahala. Its a normal thing to have little or plenty in-law issues but its now for the man to draw the line.

    2. Oh, Elegant you say?
      In Yoruba culture the MIL is the one that does omugwo?
      Tell me something

    3. God bless you. The man is the problem. Its how he presents his wife that his family will carry her. Nonsense and ingredients

    4. Yorubas wahala, they want respect and cannot give it. They do that to non-yorubas. They cannot try it to a yoruba wife. Ijebus especially so i wont be surprised if the lady's dh is from there (apologies to the ijebus). what my eyes has seen ehn for their hand, people ask me how i am still coping. The MILs are horrible and i dont blame them because if a man knows how to draw the line and make it clear to them, no MIL or SIL will want to take advantage. When you realise you have nobody defending you in a strange land and you decide to fight for you and your children they call you names and start singing songs of patience how long will the MIL stay. Wicked people acting as if their direct kids wont endup in another persons family. One day Stella go receive my story, i just dey take my time. Tell the poster to ignore plus the hub sef. The annoying thing is while dating it maybe that he did not show signs of closeness to the mum, after marriage them go turn Van damme for your house/marriage. She should just be pray that the hub doesnot use this as an opportunity to cheat. They may marry him another wife sef. It is well with her!

    5. Well said Elegant. The man is the cause of all these brouhaha the wife is facing.

      How a man's family treats the wife depends on how the husband respects/portrays/treats her.

    6. See them...see them...yaraba this, yaraba that. Your eyes were not covered when you were going into the marriage. Abide by the culture of the tribe you married into. Though it's not easy, but omugwo is not for life. Definitely, mother-in-law will go, please cope while it last.

    7. See me see trouble. Did they force anybody to marry a Yoruba man. If they toast you why not say No since you feel they hold on to mamas Apron. I'm sure there are men in your villages. Or only women dey there ??? My in-laws are no angels but I have learnt how to manage each person. Some people talk like they don't have issues even with their own mothers. Don't you resolve them and make-up.
      It takes real wisdom to handle in-laws. If you leave a good man because of in-law issue na you know

    8. Anon 20:22. Whats good about the man in this story???

  4. My dear this not because of tribal differences. Some people are just like that. My mum married from the same tribe and they did worse to her. When you are soft and obedient and your husband is not man enough this is what they do. The best thing to do is to respect your MIL but keep your distance. If she calls you pretend not to hear. Use silence to frustrate her. Don't argue or talk back. Just lock up. If visitors come don't cook or serve them anything. Do Omo Ibo for them. I have a sister in law who trained her inlaws. They met their match in her. She just became like wood around them. When they got fed up they left her alone. She doesn't go to family parties talk less of buying aso ebi. She also did not let them see their grand child. After they rained abuses on her finish they left her in peace. She is respectful but not docile. She does not complain or explain and is sweet as pie to her husband. After they reported her so mush he told them to eff off. Madam be wise.

    1. Yes its the family....I am a yoruba married to a yoruba guy, i dont kneel down for MIL.and its my mum that's always come for omugwo cos my MIL cant even do anything,and you cant help me you dont need to come and occupy space please....

  5. Heya
    Sorry this is not about tribe but family
    That MIL and hubby are not okay
    All that auntie abi brother doesn't happen in my own family
    And did they not know she was an igbo lady.
    That 🐴 band is not a man at all.

    1. Another point you've raised there Olori Orente. This family no be at all. I just feel extreme pity for the wife.

  6. Again it depends o, cos my sis husband is a Yoruba man, honestly I've never seen his type, my mom did all d omugwo,his mom visited twice n no complain, she n my mom are besties now..she calls my sis arewa obirin, dunno if I spelt it well...but they love my sister ehn, despite his strictness towards them.

    1. So good to hear
      It's an individual thing
      I came about my blog I. D courtesy my mom in law.

    2. God bless you BB,mama Tee please note that mil wahala have nothing to do with tribe,it's just a personal thing.I am Yoruba with an Igbo mil but if I must confess she is the best.I have a friend here in my estate who is Igbo but complains bitterly about her Igbo mil.What do we say about that?

    3. Your sister husband get head ni. Its becos he did not drag her before them nau. How a man will be comfortable wen his wife is being bashed is what I Dont understand

    4. Arewa Obinrin means a beautiful woman.

      Like Olori Orente said above, it depends on the type of family and may I add that it also depends on the man himself - your brother in law has proved that.

      Even if the family members are trouble, once the man doesn't allow them torment trouble in his domain, they comport themselves around him and his family.

    5. im from the east too and im married to an ijebu man, my MIL is the best out there,i can do no wrong in her eyes and its not eye service, she loves me n i love her much more. when it comes to dispute shes always fair in her judgement thats if u let her knw wats up, even if we were quarelling in her presence she doesnt interfere, she might just call u later n tell u where u went wrong n how to keep a man cos all men r the same. God bless my MIL

    6. You re extremely lucky. Some of us are having it tough that they have accepted another wife in the name of youare not good! Well lastlast, its about the family not tribe!

    7. Anon 15:07, the truth is you are also a good wife, you deserve your mother in law and may God continue to bless your marriage Amen.

      My mum is also like your Mil when interacting with her Dil.

      She truly loves them and I have met her a couple of times advising her sons to always pamper their wives and encourages them to help her cook and wash dishes when he is less busy.
      They even go to the market from work courtesy my mum.

      When they gave birth they didn't want her to leave she had to cook up a fake story for her to escape. Mind you she is Yoruba so it was her duty as a Mil.

      She takes their sides always but here is the issue, the second wife if you take sides with her 99 times the moment you call her aside just 1 time to tell her she was at fault you become a bad person, she is never wrong.

      So anon you are a good wife at least you accept whenever you are wrong.

      Stella we need to also do a thread on wicked daughter in laws. My cousin is one, gist plenty and please post. Thanks.

  7. Let her leave the marriage na, didn't she know these things before entering the marriage?
    I'm also married to a man that is not my tribe, I had spent time with the family well while dating, I knew their likes/dislikes. I even learnt to cook the food not because I was forced but because I wanted to.
    She should have known that's his culture its the man's mother that comes because they believe the home belongs to the man. All this should have been well discussed while she was pregnant.
    Let her leave her marriage and become a baby mama because of a woman that will leave soon.
    Her own is even better, how about my friend in the UK that gave birth, the husbands mother came from Naija asper culture and she said she only eats amala and only eats fresh stew daily. My friend will bend to roll amala daily in UK and prepare fresh soup daily. The woman hardly helped, always going shopping daily. Luckily her own mum is in the UK too,she came daily to help and return back home. They just managed the situation till she left 6months later. The woman is even late now, and wasn't even alive for the 2nd child. All these things are for a time. If she likes let her listen to friends that will tell her to leave because of an August visitor.

    1. No nau,this is too harsh. I'm Yoruba and I know how some of our mothers can be.

    2. My problem is all these things are not enough for you to say you don't love your husband anymore and contemplate leaving a marriage a child is involved.
      Yes there are horrible mother-inlaws cut across all tribes. Even oyinbo's have monster-inlaws. But it is for a time, she wont live with you forever.

    3. Beds and Roses all i want to tell you is that "YOU ARE STUPID". IDIOT and no she won't be a baby mama but a single mother with happiness. Marriage is not a do or die affair. ODE

    4. @beds and roses, thank God you dont have a hubby that supports his family in all they do, when he is wrong noone to correct him, when you stand up for yourself you are termed as a bad person, you dont have patience or respect. When you even eplin your side of the story it his her sons own that is the truer version, she go even add join (y should the mother know everything you may ask!, its the son that tells her as e dey go), you want to plan but he is not ready, spends on family but tells wife are you not working when she asks for a little bit more or any luxury he can afford. My sis just thank God because some situation can be so nauseating that you wont even know when you blow-hot-anger. Now with all this, tell me you think the love will be there when he now adds cheating with several women that some have been used to insult you?

    5. No Bed and Rose, this your advice no follow at all.

      Some in laws can make your life a living hell, as in miserable. I have seen sister in laws beat up their brothers wife. Don't ever trivialize this sort of issues where they will make you feel like an outsider in your own home, it is a terrible experience especially for a nursing mother.

      I have seen a situation where a mil will cause fight btw her son and wife and start dancing cause there is dispute and she is happy.

      The fact that you can tolerate anything from your in laws in the name of marriage doesn't mean others can.

      I don't care about tradition, my take on omugwo is whoever can help should come, that is the reality. A lot of people are birthing via csection now, they need help not a mother in law or anyone who will come and add to their work.

      If I give birth and my mom can't help then there is no need for her to come for omugwo, kappish.

    6. Anon 14.10, WHY NOT USE YOUR ID. IM SURE YOU HAVE ONE. Are you a baby mama??? is that why you are aggrieved. When they tell you to stop opening legs and allowing men to walk allover you. Do you listen. Manne less thing that cant stay in husbands house when they didn't receive home training.
      See the sort of words the animal is using. Used up goods.

  8. It's not really about tribe, my inlaw is yoruba too and his mother or family doesnt behave that way, infact when my sister put to bed both my mum and his took turn to come take care of the baby, and if they both arrive at the same time, they both would give each other brain and one would leave and return when the other goes without a word. His mother practically worships the ground she walks on, she even goes to the market for her daughter inlaw and she does it for all her son's wives. I don't really think it has anything to do with the tribe. I think its the family that has issues.

    Your friends husband is weak. I've seen yoruba men that if their mother dares disrespect their wife, mama would have to leave that day.

    1. I tell you May
      My mother in law is an Edo woman, but this woman loves her daughters in law so much.
      Despite the fact that I am still GTC, she doesn't joke with me at all.

    2. I'm telling you, the man is a weakling.
      When I birth my son through cs, I went to stay in mils house because of her business she refuse to come to my place, after I was discharged I was still draining and always feel weak, I couldn't eat, to carry my baby and feed was a tough work for me, I thought I was about to die, mil tried her beat to care for me but in all she thought I was pretending to be sick.
      She said I'm not the first person that will birth through cs so why is my case different, I cried ehn.
      Hubby comes daily to take
      me to the hospital for check up and she usually follow us to carry baby until a day she said she's not going meanwhile I use to tell hubby that I'm weak and all that but he took it lightly until one evening when I was returning from the toilet I just slumped and fainted thank God I came around and they started telling me how terrified they were, my people it was that night hubby took us home, he said he will continue from where she stopped. Mil got so angry that I want to come between her and her son that I'm a pretender, I spoke to my hubby and he understood me, he told her not to bother after one week we travelled to Lagos to my parents house.
      When it was time to travel, she said my baby is too small to board plane, she started another drama, I just let her son reply her in all the drama. Just imagine the archaic thinking, 30mins journey o I just left jeje and when I got home she started calling my mum, she told her to speak to me if she has offended me my mum asked but till today I never mentioned it to her.
      Thank God for my hubby, he's so firm in taking decisions that concerns his nuclear family, no time for mama say mama say.
      Sorry for my epistle, and pardon any typo.

    3. Olori Orente ..pls lets hear word,my MIL is this is that..yen yen yen yen yen..Mtshewwwwwwww

    4. 16:37, why are you jealous? Go get your own good MIL biko.

      Olori, my friend married a Yoruba man. She don tire for the love self. Her FIL credits her account every month because she's out of job. She's not pregnant yet and MIL follows her for all her medical waka. This thing is not a tribe thing. All my siblings and I married out of our tribe and we no dey get any in law wahala

    5. God bless you my good sis in law,lafresh😂
      What you just wrote is my story
      I am not lucky but blessed
      So many of my aunts said you want to marry a partly Edo family, yen yen yen.But I have no regrets.

  9. Cultural diversity

  10. This is not a yoruba anything. the husband is the issue here. the stance he takes is what his family will follow, he is even the first son o. What is Mama still doing there after 6months sef and she still takes the baby to creche. Some of these things can be corrected from the beginning

  11. Mama should do and go back to her own husband's house abeg. May God give me man wey be 'man' and wisdom to tackle issues in marriage. Amen!

  12. U see dat kneeling of a thing I can’t...dats y I can never have anything to do with a Yoruba na because of this small thing she wan leave her husband

  13. Kwakwakwakwakwakwa @ omo ibo head. That their head shape that looks like frying pan

    1. Buhahahahahahahahahaha
      Their heads looks like Fido Dido cartoon head. They don't know how to massage baby's head well

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I am igbo married to a Yoruba man and I have not experienced all these. My Mil came to our house a month after I put to bed, stayed two weeks and left.
    The issue is from the husband not from his tribe. Even if the man was igbo, she would still have issues cos he is a Mummys boy.
    Intertribal marriage is very sweet o especially when you are yabbing each others tribe.
    For me, your partners behavior has greater impact on how his family treat you not tribe.

  16. The hubby is simply a Mommy's boy and need to grow a pair of balls.

  17. Na the man no get balls. My bro is married to IBO woman, believe me, this is the 11th year and they are going Strong. An older cousin too married Igbo, when the issue of culture arose, he told his people to FUCKING leave his wife alone! She won't knee down for someone she is older than! We love her to stupor coz he does not joke with her. So, it is not about tribe, it is ur friend's husband that is with no balls.

    1. I love your brother already. The husband should tell his people that his wife is not Yoruba, they should leave her alone. That is what my hubby told his own people back then. Today they have respected themselves

  18. It's not a tribe thing. It's the individuals involved

  19. What rubbish? How can he forget to disclose such an important information that can make or break a relationship? I know marriage is about patience and perseverance, but there are somethings I can't even agree to...How can u send my mother away? The of them will stay there and take turns bathing the baby.

  20. Most of these Y demons are mummy's boys.
    I hate that anty and brother thingy. The one I dated back then, I called all his younger ones by their names. shikina

  21. Hmmm,
    Mil and I were not padis before so as I delivered, although she couldn't come cos of fil Ill health, she even wanted to determine when my son would be circumcised, that's for it to be delayed for months, I no gree. When she came after five months, first day birthing the baby, she was just hissing, me I no send, I asked her why was she hissing, she talked about leg not being massaged well etc, immediately I ran to fetch his son, cos me I dey get readymade answers, no time. Even my baby didn't allow her carry him. He would keep screaming. If I come home with hubby and son from work, she would sing and dance for them calling them by their names and murmur ekaabo greeting to me. Omo, i no send. If I buy something for her, her face says it all, I no care. I ensured she did nothing for that one week she stayed, her breakfast and lunch would be on the dinning table before leaving with baby for work, washing machine available. do u know how it ended? She had partial stroke just a week after she came. Ah!!! Mama, you were told not to come oh. She had to be taken back home. where she has family that can be of help after been treated at the hospital here.
    She is very fine now, we rarely talk on fone cos if I call her, she would manage to answer greeting and Hand over the fone to fil who be my padi. I no mind. Them dey help me save my credit. Now, she sent her son to ask me to buy her some stuff. Hahhahaha, I laughed. I will definitely buy the best I can afford for her. But truly some of these mil so easily forgot they were formerly dil. Mschwwww.
    Yes I am Igbo and hubby is yoruba
    My dear, no leave oh, sha don't be too soft. Let your knees do the remaining.

    1. Why do You sound glad that she had a stroke?? If it we're your mother how will you feel? "If you love me you will love my dog". You hate your mil, therefore you actually hate your husband... Pls think deeply and honestly assess yourself. You will me a mil one day too. No matter what, honor her, this guarantees a blessing.

    2. Madam adviser, you better learn to read properly and assimilate clearly. If I hate her as you claim, would I buy her stuff, ensure she does nothing, make her meals and stay on my lane. Why would I wish anyone stroke let alone a mil. Taar, shift one corner. If that's how you intend to treat your future sil, then better check well. What honor again are you talking about. Until I lie on the floor and she steps on me to walk past abi. Because i didnt include how she contributed to my depressed state ttc? Abeg shift away from my comment.

  22. Some of these Yoruba people & their wahala! God forbid bad thing, they acting like they are God.
    Thank God I'm not going to marry a Yoruba man, bcoz from S-South where I come from the wife's family usually have the upper hand in this omugwo thing except they decide not to, apart from that I can't have any stupid MIL dictating what to do in my own house. Lailai. Wow I thank God for giving me the kind of man I have now, he is indeed a blessing, even if he is last born he always put everybody in their respectful place.

  23. I am a Ghanaian married to a Ghanaian and I'm in the same situation just that sil and bil add their wahala join mil's own.I cook,clean,sweep and wash for the whole family,mind you my sil is 27yrs as me and my bil 20yrs they don't do anything and mil treat them as babies.she said in her time she did more than what I'm doing fil supports his wife.stella can you believe that I did my own omogwu because mil convinced my hubby not to let my come because she also did her own omogwu so she wants me to be syrstr Lady.Am currently an online marketing manager of a company so iIdon't go to work everyday.when I'm home my sil will pack her ice cream put them in frigde to sell if I complain wahala . please pardon my mistakes.

  24. A man should protect his wife, he probably married her only for procreation. How can a man allow his family to be giving his wife stress like this.
    I'm Yoruba married to a yoruba man. My mother-in-law tried funny things but I ignored her and still did my things the way I wanted. She calmed down after she saw that all her gragra was being ignored. Unfortunately for her she doesn't have a daughter, she told me she would teach me how to kneel down probably since I'm not used to it, as if that's how her son prostrates for everyone up and down. She hardly sees me even though we live in the same local government area, now she hugs me most times when we see.

    Mama tee, your friend's MIL should go back to her house now, this is see finish syndrome. Her home is hers and she should manage it however she wants to, marriage is between the husband, his wife and God. Any other aggrieved person is a member of "the third party association"

  25. The problem lies with individual - the husband. Its not about tribe. There are good and bad people in all tribes. The husband is a weakling.

  26. It's not about tribe but d husband.. My hubby and I are both Ibo's but mother in law in Ego.... Mehnnnnnnnnn she's something else o but my hubby will always ALWAYS defend me, d mother will always say, Dnt bother reporting o, she will always side with d wife, even if am wrong, as far as say mama dey der, either he supports me or he won't talk, then privately he will let me knw say I no do well, when it comes to my children, she will want to take decisions and stamp final but I no give am hand at all,as far as my children are concerned my hubby and I decide no outsider....wat am I saying... Na as ur friend husband put am na so dem take am...

  27. my dear , even people from the same tribe also do tribalism as long as you are not from the same state. My friends hubby told her to go live with his mother if not no more marriage.. the man no dey stay for naija sef..

    1. He is not in the country, he ordered her to go live with his mother? He don be for your friend. Hope she is working, if not, let her find something doing to reduce the disrespect. If you are earning your own money, it would be better.

  28. Anon 16.04. Nawa, did the man marry your friend for his mom. Some men self. What happens to renting a place for your friend. Live with mother inlaw ko live with father inlaw ni.. Rada rada

  29. After Sil came for omugwo (as their mom is late) and wanted to practically start taking decisions and running my home for me, now even for hubby to let her visit sef na wahala. The other one wanted to come and cause trouble between us but ended up shaming herself as I can kill with my kindness but the look on my face will let you know I am not stupid. As they were feeling like manipulators, I taught them that na me manipulate pass and na me hold my husband mumu button. Now everyone calls me when they need to get to him but please stay in your house.

  30. I get along quite well with my mum, and my SILs don’t have time for rubbish. I think when everyone is busy there would be no time for some silly issues. My MIL can never come and stay in your house for more than 2weeks

  31. Na wa o, na so some yoruba MIL be o
    I had d same issue to MIL wanted to name my child I no gree lie lie

    Then my mom came 1st MIL sharply came too when my mum was arnd saying is culture 4 her to come 1st bla bla bla. Oya now come do work she sit down. U will cook and bring food to her morning to night and she stayed 6 months o she didnt want to cook but she has dietary list doing all sorts

    To bath baby sef she no do, wash baby’s clothes nutting only to watch tv and talk on whatsapp all day. Omo after 2 months I locked up n started ignoring her she was even bad mouthing me to pple saying I dont do this and that thinking i dnt hear yoruba. Since then I lost all forms of respect 4 her as in if u cant take me as ur daugther then u are not my mum to.

  32. My own na my sil o! She wan plan our whole life for us. She tried to force a name on our baby, insist we attend a certain church, tell us how to spend money, etc. Hubby carry her for head. If u disagree with her, she'll say she will cut off from u. Me I cut off from her very well. I told hubby she doesn't feed me, I even earn far more than her, she says she can born me but she don't treat me like a daughter. So I have since stopped pleasing her, hubby still idolize her, I really don't feel happy about the marriage anymore. Did I mentioned that Sol is no more with her husband?.


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