Stella Dimoko Educative,Entertaining And Inspirational - 1009


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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Educative,Entertaining And Inspirational - 1009

These are just pictures but they tell stories that will either Educate,Entertain or Motivate you...


  1. Interesting....
    ( In Miss Ess handwriting)

    1. 1. Lol, some humans behave like animals. But seriously that's a rogue robot,lol
      2. We need that paint in Nigeria asap
      3. I could just taste it... reminding me of...oh those days

  2. That robot head is not correct
    Ori e o pe rara

  3. That milkshake would be fun try with or without a hangover.

  4. All the 3 facts (educating).
    Good to know.

  5. Fact 3 seems like something I might be trying soon.


  6. The robot own is so right,I live in the states and work in a factory,we produce this thing they use in doing filter, there are robot workers among us,they pay them salary and even have bank accounts,there was one day we were having lunch at our rest place and we humsn were just talking about stress and all of suden one stupid robot said, I think I am broken and need sick leave,am gona tell the boss,...I looked at my fellow workers but they all seemed fine with it...forget oyinbo don go far..I know most of you won't believe this..and the only few that will believe are the ones in abroad. .and mind you not everybody here from abroad are the same ohhh..some people you will see them and immidiately you will say...this one no dey her oh😊and some you are like..this oneself dey abroad???😈

    1. So wait. They pay robot salary?? Because humans don finish?? Dia madt!
      I expect that they will 'copy' everything overtime, so wont be shocked by what they say.

  7. Talk about a "Pee Back Time". I checked google and its true. These Oyibos always have their way though.

    If tried in Nigeria, they'll say its jazz.

  8. Arlington, TX — Android Dick is a robot created in the likeness of the science fiction writer, Philip K. Dick. Android Dick is an attempt to create thinking and reasoning artificial intelligence that has human traits like compassion and creativity. The first version of the android was created in 2005 and has been a work in progress ever since.

    In 2011, the creators of the android appeared on the PBS show Nova, where they interviewed the robot and asked it a series of questions. Some of the answers were impressive. Others are typical of what you would expect from a robot. However, one answer in particular is probably one of the most ominous things ever spoken by artificial intelligence.

    During the interview with the creators (embedded below), Android Dick said, “…don’t worry, even if I evolve into terminator I will still be nice to you, I will keep you warm and safe in my people zoo where I can watch you for old time’s sake. [emphasis added].”

    The comments came after the creators asked, “Do you think that robots will take over the world?”

    When asked about his programming, Android Dick responded by saying “A lot of humans ask me if I can make choices or if everything I do is programmed. The best way I can respond to that is to say that everything, humans, animals and robots, do is programmed to a degree. As technology improves, it is anticipated that I will be able to integrate new words that I hear online and in real time. I may not get everything right, say the wrong thing, and sometimes may not know what to say, but everyday I make progress. Pretty remarkable, huh?”

    While Android Dick does seem intelligent, many of his predictions are truly ominous, and it is actually fairly common for robots to display this sort of strange attitude.

    As we reported earlier this year, one of Japan’s largest cellphone carriers, SoftBank Mobile, has created the first humanoid robot designed specifically for living with humans. The company claims the robot, Pepper, is the first example of artificial intelligence that can actually feel and understand emotion. However, a quick demonstration with Pepper shows that it has a difficult time with emotion and is in fact a bit of an egomaniac. Regardless of the question it is asked, most conversations usually leads back to Pepper (and its rivalry with the iPhone).

    Last month, over 1,000 scientists and experts — including Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk — signed a letter warning of the dangers of unchecked advancements in artificial intelligence. This robot certainly doesn’t calm those concerns.

    1. Emeka I find I am always looking out for you in this segment. πŸ‘ That thing is scary and interesting...

  9. Thanks 04:37.
    I will always do my best


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