Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative.....


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative.....

Oh dear me!!!!



Dear Stella,

Please keep me anonymous.

I love reading the CHRONICLES aspect of your blog because of the hilarious but very educating advice from BVs.

To deviate, I am not seeking advice on a bad boyfriend or bad husband. I am seeking advice because of my bad addiction. I am totally addicted to eating CLAY SOIL. I mean, the type they sell in local markets - what the Igbos call NZU and the Calabarians or Akwa Ibomites call NDOM.

I am so addicted to it to the extent that I hardly go a day without eating this stuff. There is a particular local market here in Lagos, where I discovered I can buy it in 'DERIKA'. I buy as much as 4 'DERIKAS' and keep at home. I have three ways of eating it, some parts, I soak in water and allow it melt for days, I find it so appealing pouring the melted CLAY into my throat. Another part, I grind it and it turns to it original form (sand-like), then I will use spoon to scoop it and pour into my throat. The third part, I simply, keep it as it comes, then once in a while, I pick the pieces and crunch it. I love the crunchy noise it makes and the dusty AROMA gives me dejavu.

I want to believe there are serious health implications of being addicted to eating CLAY SOIL. I have had cause to GOOGLE the implications severally and read that it is a sort of mental disorder. My addiction grows more when I am depressed or very worried. I would like doctors in the house or those that may have good advice to use their comments to slap me back to reality, because sometimes, I feel I am not normal with this addiction.

Thank you.

*Clay is even a good word,you are filling up your bowels with sand and its gathering up somewhere inside of you....please stop before you give birth to a bag of sand oh....


  1. Pregnant women are the ones I know that love eating clay soil. I eat it once in a while if i see it but being addicted to it is bad. Please run away from it. @Princes Tever.

    1. Scarlet Gruber19 July 2018 at 15:52

      Is this the normal red clay sand or something else, i am hearing this for the first time.

    2. I use to eat this a lot, I use to eat it everyday to until a lecturer of mine back in university recommended this medicine (vitafol) to me. It's 30 capsules in the container. When I got to about 10, anytime I try eating It, i throw up. By the time I finished taking all the capsules the craving went away totally. Please try It, it's vitamins. I recommended it to my neighbour and she to had the same result.

    3. Poster it is called PICA. you are anaemic, please get iron tabs and drink ugu juice with peak milk morning and evening

    4. 💖 💜 💛 💖 💜 💛 💖 💜 💛 💖 💜 💛 💖 💜 💛 💖 💜 💛 💖 💜 💛 💖 💜 💛 💖 💜 💛 💖 💜

    5. You need an iron supplement, you are deficient and that's a sign. Also happens to pregnant women who don't take their iron medicine.

    6. You berra stop eating NZU it soaks blood And Delay conception..

    7. Poster please listen to those two anons. Its most likey iron deficiency. Please, ensure take green vegetables everyday. And yes squeezed ugwu and milk helps blood production.

    8. It’s known as PICA, a psychological disorder - this mainly happens to pregnant women but non pregnant women and men can also have the disorder.

      Usualally, it’s a deficiency of some supplement - go to your doctor for blood test and you can be given the appropriate supplement.

      This should gradually ease your need to want the clay.

  2. Clay.. I know that thing in Cotedvoire..

    My students love taking it..
    They said its cool for pregnant women

    1. Meet TB Joshua this is kind of deliverance he's good at

    2. Pls try and stop it, it takes determination and discipline to stop any form of addiction but with
      the help of God nothing is impossible. And stop buying the clay soil abeg

    3. She just needs to correct the deficiency she has. Once her iron levels go up, the cravings will go away

  3. please poster you have to stop as soon as possible cos u are practically eating sands which in much accumulation causes serious health issues.

  4. LMAO @Stella's comment

    Poster Biko limit how you consume this thing. Stop buying it in bulk. Nothing in excess is ever good, even water.

  5. Anonymous donor19 July 2018 at 15:06

    Hahahaha. @giving birth to sand.
    IT'S USUALLY A sign of deficiency .
    poster, buy ferrous , folic acid , bco , vit c then take them all for one month At least at a stretch .
    During this time, stop soaking nzu. GRADUALLY REDUCE consumption till u stop. THATS IF U ARE SERIOUS.

    1. And what leads to deficiency, in our environment mainly worm infestation, so poster take Zentel or Combantrin before taking multivitamins.
      If it doesn't stop go and visit a psychiatrist.

    2. Agree with deworming. Then multivitamins and hopefully, it isn’t anything mental..

  6. Anonymous donor19 July 2018 at 15:06

    Hahahaha. @giving birth to sand.
    IT'S USUALLY A sign of deficiency .
    poster, buy ferrous , folic acid , bco , vit c then take them all for one month At least at a stretch .
    During this time, stop soaking nzu. GRADUALLY REDUCE consumption till u stop. THATS IF U ARE SERIOUS.

    1. Stella don dey chop comments this early morning
      be careful before you become pregnant and give
      birth to a bag of comments.

  7. @Stella
    The birth canal is different from the digestive system. Whatever enters the mouth goes through the nyansh. Whatever enters tohtoh comes out of tohtoh.

    1. U don cray finish Allah😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

      Ⓜc pinky

    2. That FAN girl never come perch here,
      she no dey take eye see tohtoh and amu
      Whether written or live

  8. OMG, you are so lucky I saw this early before much comments. I was heavily addicted to it too. It was all over my house,my mom bought them as replacement for school provisions some times. I so loved nzu that I can't eat if I don't have enough as a step down. One day a friend gave me calcium, iron and some essential mineral supplement. I took it for 2weeks, believe it my appetite for nzu disappeard. I found out that my body needs iron so much that I crave nzu to shut it up. So,NNE I believe u are Igbo. Go get the best iron,calcium, manganese supplement. Take it religiously and watch ur taste for nzu run. What I found out eating nzu is heavy bleeding during menstruation, pains in waist, fibroid, lack of eating well, hard stools etc. Ignore my typos.

    1. Had a roommate in school that year that loved it every time she goes out she must buy it and got me hooked on it as I started eating it too but I never got addicted,can't remember the last time I even ate it

    2. I used to be addicted too years ago,when I was in Nigeria. Don't know if that was what gave me fibroid and constipation which I'm still battling. I had advise myself. Those tiny stones and sands definitely won't be good for the body, especially kidney. I still buy them here in London but once in a while. Maybe twice in a year.

  9. AND another thing is that, it can cause intestinal
    blockage. Please you have to stop.

  10. I loved nzu while growing up and I licked it like say the world will end the next day.
    You need to see a doctor first of all to make sure that the ones you have consumed is not accumulating waiting for the day it will manifest it's effect.
    You then need to see a qualified doctor that handles addictions so help you break the hold it has on you. Also stop going to the market and buying a potentially dangerous thing for yourself

  11. RUN TO SCOAN!! That is where your types are being delivered. EMMANUEL!!!!

  12. My dear all I can say is that you can stop, if I was able to quit smoking then everyone can stop their addiction. Just decide to stop. You may fall back two or three times but don't give up, you will stop. I even stopped masturbating and I now follow a strict diet. All this happened when I decided I wanted to stop any addiction and become a better version of myself. There is nothing anyone can say to make you stop, you have to decide to stop and quit your addiction. The answer lies in you.

    1. How did you stop smoking? Please help me,I’m an addicted marijuana lover. I’ve tried to stop but I always relapse. Pls help😩😩😩

  13. Lols I just remember the crunchy feeling and dusty aroma. I was addicted to it too, but somehow I stop eating it. Mine was so bad that I grind and snort it like coke. What I can't tell u is how I got over it. I just found myself not eating it again.

    Find something to replace it with. Maybe glucose tablets or vitamin c,black current or even black berries. Something healthy.

    1. Oshe baddest baiby!🙌🙌🙌

  14. What did I just read? You mean you eat clay? The red soil?? Or is it that ash coloured ball-like something that some women ground with egusi??

    What sort of fetish is that? You even derive pleasure pouring it into your throat? You need a psychiatrist.. fast!!

    1. Hanty calm down! It's not that serious. Sit back, relax and let those who know educate you.

  15. You are setting yourself up for lead poisoning, severe iron deficiency, and other health hazards, worm infestation, intestinal obstruction and metal poisoning, geophagia is not good at all, try and get help, you added you were also depressed. Contact mentallyawareng on Instagram, just seek help pls.

  16. My dear you will stop, you cant eat nzu more than me now..., everybody know me, i tie and put in all my handbags in case of emergency
    But immediately i got married and took in, i stopped i cant stand the smell to talk of taking it, it wasnt planned oh
    So you stop

    1. You were given supplements in d hospital during pregnancy. It chased it away.

  17. Also go for medical checkup especially Iron deficiency and Pernicious anemia these can cause weird cravings called PICA.

  18. You need to start taking iron supplements immediately. It is called PICA. Your iron level is very low. Happened to me, so I know. It will disappear and you might even begin to dislike it.

  19. Replies
    1. My younger sister had same'nzu'addiction and graduated to 'ulo',don't know how she stopped.

    2. Just Glamour you are funny o. Since this month I have been craving it Nzu so bad. I don't even know where I can buy it here. I checked Amazon but there is no Nzu. Just other foreign varieties. My only consolation is to watch youtube videos of people eating clay. Hmmm yummy.

  20. Poster you have what is called Pica. You have apme vitamin deficiencies that the body is trying to get by making you crave NZU. Get iron, folic acid and vit B complex vitamins Nd use for 4-8wks.

  21. It's a sign of deficiency of calcium in your body.I do consume it but not in large quantity as you mentioned because of the aroma. Buy calcium supplements and always eat salad. By taking it little by little , you will drop it gradually.

    1. Madam it has nothing to do with calcium deficiency. ITK

  22. Take iron supplements... Before u block ur anus.

  23. I once heard they give it to some women who want to conceive to aid the whole process. This your addiction is either naturally mental or spiritually mental, you seriously need help which ever way it turns out to be. Kai.
    I remember my cousin was so fond of chewing matchsticks & sniffing the sulfide part, my mums boxes of matchsticks where always missing & finishing on time until we discovered who was consuming them. She claimed she loved the smell, we saw several empty match boxes in her wardrobe corners, back then she just finished secondary school, she continued chewing matchstick till university days when she finally received sense & stopped or rather God healed her of her sickness of chewing matchsticks. I pray that same God heal you in Jesus name. Amen

  24. is it nzu or uloo that she is referring to?

  25. I’m addicted to ice block. I chew it a lot and it makes me feel good.

  26. What kind of addiction is this?

  27. Poster stop it before it get out of hand. How can you be addicted to Ndom mbok? Go to hospital and check your health, it is bad to consume it that much.

  28. Hahaha
    I eat the other type occasionally. The flat one, not nzu.
    Mine helps me with nausea and stomach upset. I also learnt it's used to control high blood pressure. At least I've seen those it worked for. However, I don't know how its used.
    Poster the power lies in you to quit.
    It's just like quitting smoking, you're the only one that can help yourself.
    If you're determined to stop, you'd stop.

    1. They call this one ulo in Igbo

  29. As weird as your craving sounds, it’s not so uncommon. See a doctor as your body has some iron deficiencies.

  30. I was once like you, mine started with chalk from secondary school. One of my trigger was the smell of first rain. I always substitute the urge with uzu (don't know if I got the spelling right). How I got over that addiction, I don't know but I was able to.
    Just note down your triggers and do something about it. Till you know your trigger you won't know how to handle it.

  31. Poster. You could have fibroids that should be removed. They make you want to eat strange things and carbohydrates that are crunchy. I used to eat a lot of dry Ijebu garri before I got them removed. This is not old wives tale. Google fibroids and strange addiction to certain foods

  32. Mjne is ijebu garri .im addicted .i chew it just like that

  33. This was me some years ago.I will grind my own and blow like cigarette, the smoke like stuff will come out of my nose and mouth .I just snapped out of it. Nzu can dirty unborn baby,skin too.I remember my first pregnancy i ate so much,that when my baby came out it was as if the rubbed her skin with nzu. It took plenty bottles of olive oil to clean her up.

  34. Dear poster,im so laughing hard here cos it seems i wrote that piece. I have been addicted to clay eating all my life by the way it is called GEOPHAGY- the act of eating earthy like things.I bought them in large quantities at costain,all the way from surulere,just to go buy nzu. My dear i had never being sick or needed a doctor until november 2017,I was at the US embassy and almost fainted,my legs couldnt carry me, i thought i was going to pass out.Long story short,i was taken to the hospital,test was run,doctor found out my blood count was short,way below normal..After several questions as why and what could have caused this I realized its my precious nzu that was "sucking"my blood.Omoh! dem no dey tell person naa,jejely i threw away the big nylon pack i still had at home,and though sometimes i still crave it,but for the life of me i cant touch it. So my dear,before you land in hospital,advice yasef jejely...

  35. Poster u have PICA. Google it

  36. Poster you are not alone,I can finish 50 or 200 pieces of nzu on daily basis, there was a time I traveled to the east,I told my mum to buy 200 naira own for me that I was coming to the north to share it with my sistes, my people I started eating nzu from onisha till abuja,imagine how many pieces s for 200 naira in the east.I go to the market here and buy plenty, can even enter keke for a far distance just to buy nzu. Some times I cannot sleep until I have nzu,I use it to step down after I eat food, i have it in my bag always, cannot o a day without nzu,I buy the garri garri ones and use spoon to fetch it and lick,I so much love nzu that I can go a day without food as long as I have nzu by my side. I tried to stop I could not,nzu was my favorite, I always enter the market always just to buy nzu,the money I have spend in buying nzu I can use it to buy a spot car lol. My mum sell nzu in my home time,each time am home,I lick nzu like my life depends on it,the ones in my home time is sweeter,I ask my mum to send it to me from my home town,imagine madness,I later move to a place where a woman sell nzu close to my house, my whole body will be shaking once I at nzu or I don't lick nzu.

    But do you know hat nzu was doing for me? Heavy bleeding, if am on my period is like tap,the blood flows like there is no more life in me,it brings out thick thick clothes, when is dropping my heart drops. I stopped using sanitary pad but started using pampers for my monthly period cos a pad cannot last for 30 mins,if you see where I want to change pad you will see blood like is water,my whole bed get stained, my cloth will stain,I go to office with extra cloth,I will be smelling blood blood up and down even with perfume and body spray. I suffered from heavy flow,serious abdominal pains,I got fabriod in the process,my tubes blocked,I just googled it and read online her deadly nzu is,it can stop a woman from getting pregnant, advised my self to stop it,is over 5 months that I stopped taking nzu and am feeling better,I no longer have that heavy flow,before I can finish 2 to 3 mofix pampers without two to three days. I feel better now,my leg normally stop moving when am sleeping, got to find out it was the too much sand I was pouring inside my body, once I stopped nzu,that leg issue left me. Please top taking nzu before it destroyed you, nzu can tighten your stomach, it can stop one from falling pregnant,you will have hard poo,fruit cannot ake your poo soft if is nzu,stop please fore you kill yourself.

  37. My addiction is chewing gum,I chew and swallow gum,I can chew like 50 naira center fresh and swallow it,hope my womb will not block?

  38. Poster, you are anaemic. Please go get iron supplements and use it for a while. You can get prescription for 3 to 6 months. You will be okay afterwards.
    God bless.


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