Stella Dimoko Alibaba's Table Shaking Post On Salvation And The Church


Friday, July 27, 2018

Alibaba's Table Shaking Post On Salvation And The Church

This might get some upset and some might agree with this......


  1. I no deh house o. The mummy they are signing petition against should come and carry her broken table from ali baba's page mbok.

  2. True but Ali babe talks too much...instagram comedian

  3. This is Freeze’s daily mealπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

    1. Breakfast,brunch,lunch and dinner followed by dessert sef. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

  4. this man is beginning to annoy d heck outta me

    1. Do you understand sacarsm or you'r one of the sheeple?

    2. Obviously one of d gullible sheeple @Shantelle. Kwakwakwakwa!

    3. na sheeple clan naaa
      Ali Baba well done sir, scatter the table jooor!

    4. Who cares about your annoyance? If it's about preek na, you'll say he's bae.

  5. He should Shut up.

    If you don't give, don't discourage others.

    That is why it is bad for pastors to invite commendienns to the church to use the Altar for comedy. This is what they get.

    Anyway who get that table should come and car it

    1. Yes Yoriyori, I have always said it that it should not be encouraged. One now sees all types of disparaging remarks about church all in the name of comedy.

    2. Wonder mum good you know it is bad. I still blame pastors for this

    3. Make Una go sleep

  6. Is this happening?
    First time ali baba sounds funny to me. Actually smiled(not laugh).
    Just wowwww!

  7. This is nothing but the truth and I used to fall for all this before I realized we are being fooled...Those days whenever i do it that week bad market go full Am,I normally sell well whenever I just pray normal and help others willingly and then I realised that these pastors are all thieves....

  8. The questions are:
    Do the churches especially the Pentecostals do all these?
    It is a shame.

    I am not a church person. I stay in one of the western countries
    and you know how hard it can be for new comers. When I first arrived,
    without health insurance, we were searching for an affordable/ basic
    care; just to see a doctor. We found that in an orthodox church; free consultation etc.-the queue was
    much though.
    This summer holidays, I was passing by a major street and I saw a sign post in an
    orthodox church that "free summer meals are offered inside for kids etc.". Now the cities have
    a lot of less privileged kids who depend on school meals and since school wasn't in session, they
    needed supplementary feeding.
    I have never ceased to wonder why it is only the orthodox setting that do most of the
    charities. The Pentecostals chant prosperity and snatch huge amounts from their members
    but nothing to show for it in terms of charity works.

    1. RCCG (Jesus House) PH Do free meals every sun and med care too. The restoration home is there for displaced persons, there are also other charity works, skills aquisation done by the church in PH and different villages in Rivers State.

      Giving is announced inform of cash, food stuffs, clothes used or new etc to help the church reach out to people. Is not a must is from your heart. It is when people like stella, you and I give in our own little ways to those that needs it, that the world becomes a better place to live in.

      Those who are not giving shouldn't discourage those who are. A lot is being done by the church that no one hears about cos the word of God says when you give with right hand, the left shouldn't know or see what you give.

      I'm only a member of the church and not a worker and God knows we assist the church in anyway we can. Pastors don't work, how do you expect them to fend for themselves and family? How will the church and word of God spread if we don't assist those on mission to be strong mentally, physically and in the spirit?

      When giving is announced our pastors will tell the church it should be from your heart and anything and way you can.

    2. Preach it! orthodox churches always give back to their communities, reason why I went back to Catholic church. Since I went back, I have nothing but peace of mind. They have different programs to support the poor.Free prenatal clinics for pregnant women, even free baby supplies, They taught me how to give back. I'm not that bouyant myself, but I volunteer my time every now and then.My the almighty God meet us all at our point of need.

    3. RCCG nationwide does free meal. My region gives free meal every day. We have a centre under my region for that(the RCCG in Masha Surulere) 10am everyday.

      My church hospital does free cancer screening,chemo and all sorts for free.

    4. Nna mehn,
      See as Redeemed peeps dey throway lies here with reckless abandon.
      It is enough that una don dey rip off una members. Make una no add lies put for the
      already existing ones.
      No be redeemed I go make I pray, kneel down pray o, they pursue me commot.
      And his house shall be called a house of prayer.

      Maybe you guys share those food in the dreams everyday.

    5. Lol!!! Any need to argue with you? Anon 19:02 Hehhehehhe....

  9. Bullocks! All these fake pastors and ministers everywhere as if bred by rats. Keep on collecting and collecting but never giving back to the society in the same degree.
    You get millions from service and then open one small orphanage claiming to be breaking your back abi bed( sides eyes at BB) for the masses.
    Those who know know

  10. Funnily there is a counter petition against the one risen for the female patorpreneur and more people are getting to sign that. This tells you how ignorant and clueless we are as a nation

  11. Alibaba mind your damn business . you talk too much for my likeness.

    1. And who cares about a pleb like you!?!

    2. Your Intelligentsia name is mire annoying.

  12. Alibaba might have been towing the path of midlife crisis. His posts lately? Symptoms!

    1. Hahhahahha badass Anon..... Ali come carry your shade o! Is it a true? Hehhehehhe

  13. nothing was shaken here

  14. O ye Oluwa! Make I face front biko.

  15. Do data providers give Wi-Fi free to the churches or is it not money that they use in subscribing for it? Is there any allocation from heaven to all the churches?

    1. Thank you! Or do data/wifi providers give discounted services at the least to churches? Lets not even discuss free services, do they give discounts to churches? So why do u want free wifi in church? The wifi in ur house isnt it passworded Mr. Alibaba? Thats if u have sef

    2. The wifi he referred to is not the real wifi, just an irony! He meant wifi (God's blessings) which is free is now being sold!

    3. Thank you Spotlight. If not for you how those two for manage for life?

  16. To understand the rot in the church, step out of all activities and think as a rational human/according to biblical doctrine. Then you will see that you have been led astray long time ago. But without this you will keep being a foolish sheep.

  17. I get where he's coming from, but heck WiFi shouldn't be open to all in church else you find people watching porn and masturbating in church! You came to church to worship and not to browse, do it and go home. Although I get the table he's shaking, no one preaches about the widows mite anymore.. Now it's 'the bigger the money, the bigger the bkessings' lol

  18. Pastor Funke Adejumo is untop of this table, you need to see the woman is doing her eyes wam wam wam you will know say she is a professional yahoo yahoo pastor

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸšΆ‍♀️πŸƒ‍♀️

    2. haha haha πŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ˜€, GOD please forgive me oh, but I had to laugh @ wam wam wam. That's what my mom calls someone that's too smart, she'll say "o na eme anya wam wam wam "

    3. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£aaaaaaaah!
      This your comment is epic and litπŸ‘Œ

  19. He should face front with his table shaking

  20. That calling out for money happens all the time,most especially in all these themed church programmes.God forgive me ooh,i'm not judging..But these men of god has really dealt with me in this life and at a time i stopped going to church.To crown it all,they blaspheme God by using these phrase"If I be man of god" to convince their members.
    Majority of them,even call out for money in order to give Prophecy.."Like i see 20 people here that will give N50,000 to God for business breakthrough and
    bla bla "and you will see people rushing out,the worst part of it is that,only 10 people might come out.The number is not always complete like they claim.
    I don't make comments in any pastor's post but this money part got to me..Kai!
    They dealt with me in my single days..Sorry4mytypos#..We all need to be careful.

    1. hmmmmm!
      Stealing in the name of God, terrible!

  21. I don't involve myself in all these church arguments or what nots. I go to church, listen to the word and come back home. I vowed that I'd give a certain amount as offering this year and God helping me, I've been consistent. I've kept my vow so far. I give when I'm led and help when it's within my capacity. The most important thing is living right and loving your neighbors as yourself which is the greatest command. If you don't keep the command, then you're pretty much wasting your time.
    Things you see in church will make you wonder, so I try to distance myself as much as possible. I was added to some church whatsapp group, but I politely exited the group for reasons best known to me. I don't want any form of association. If we see in church, we exchange pleasantries and everyone goes their way. I love my peace.

    1. Chocolate, I don't know who you are. If you're a man, you be correct guy. If you be woman, I don fall for you. You echo my exact semtiments.

  22. shantelle and sandy, no, I am not one of d sheeples, neither am I gullible but when a man begins to talk too much, he loses respect

    1. True that! @he talks too much. But 'we' can't deny the fact he's right on this one.

  23. I do not put my mouth in issues like this.Only God is tge judge but seriously, people need to start reading the Bible by themselves. Save yourelf sthe stress of running into people you call wolf in sheep's clothing.

  24. All these Pentecostal churches, I call them destiny fryers! Go near them or listen to their members at your own risk.
    Den of witches & wizards, full of scam,con people & crooked, manipulative individuals.

  25. I ve de up my mind to ist dey look. Pastor and wife getting bigger nyash,others drying up. Abeg, Gback to Dunamis K

  26. I actually saw this happen in a church in Nigeria. Exactly like this and the donation was in dollars. So blessing na for only rich people.


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