Stella Dimoko Tuesday IHN


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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Tuesday IHN



Stella nwanyioma, I love your blog and how you are always keeping me glued each day. Today is my birthday I would love my pictures to grace face of ihn for June 12th as a June 12th baby that I am...I thank God for life and family, happy birthday to all celebrating today and this month



Good day Darling King Stella, so today i add another year to my thirty something years on earth.

Today i start i new year, today marks the beginning of a new phase of life for me as i have finally come to terms with the reality of things.

I wish things were different and happened differently but then since its the way it is, life must go on and i have to move on and i hope fate and life smiles on me so that which i so desire finds me.

Happy birthday to me.

Happy Birthday Cynthia..You tried your best and it didnt work out...Sometimes it is better to move on and find happiness within yourself before you become depressed...I like that you are strong and striving hard to be good at what you do......
Cynthia is single again after her Marriage crashed and she is strong again emotionally and ready to mingle.Her contact is on her Blog ID if you like her...
*wink*...She is a Single Mother!

There are so many BVs going through divorce right now and I pray that God gives them all (both Male and female)emotional strength to overcome whatever shame they might feel..
If it doesnt work out dont blame yourself,dont get depressed,get up and live again!....THERE IS NO SHAME IN BEING DIVORCED............................................................................................................


The heart is pumping so heavily, so fast, and the owner is struggling on his bed, his death bed! As he lay there, with all his veins visiblly revealed on his fore-head, and his hand clinging tightly to the bed sheet. It’s so obvious that the man is hearing what others cannot hear. He opened his eyes wide all of a sudden and yelled “please! One more chance! 

Just one more chance! 
(Sobs) please!” then a voice sounds, ‘how can you do this to me? I’ve been with you all these years, but you chose to put me in the cage, only for you to free me now that you are…………… you are so useless. Unfortunately my freedom makes no sense, my liberty has no meaning. For you made my lot to be in the cage, and now, I must die with you, poor soul!’

As the voice stopped, another one yelled ‘why cry now, evil soul! Why? Did I not make myself lovely and enticing enough? Who else could have given you much more rewards as I promised? I dwelled in your imagination and lifted the curtain of your reality faintly to gaze into the world of fantasy, you should follow your heart, but alas! My wings you broke when you caught me, and my hands you tied backwards, pilling unnecessary endeavors upon me! Today, poor and evil soul! You chose to untie me and my severed wings you restored, but where shall I fly to? To who? For what? I was made for you and for you alone. So my freedom of flight is a disaster in reverse, poor and evil soul you are!!’

The man faced with the pain of death and the whole body full of sweat as his eyes is wet with tears. The beloved ones around were trying to calm him down but to an avail and yet another tormenting voice speaks, ‘look at me now, I rather torment you with soft words than the harsh ones they used, for in such a way you dealt with me, you neither screamed or yelled at me, and neither did you cage or break my wings. You simply corked your gun and made me your target with smiles and sometimes with fear you shot at me your painful bullets of procrastination. The more I screamed, the more you said, “later, not now, I’m busy, I can’t do it, it is impossible” but your worst bullet on me was that of inferiority complex. Today, how joyful I was when I discovered I have been removed from that spot! I enthusiastically ran into your abode to continue our journey, but as I got into the entrance of your chamber, the last enemy I met was one who called himself Death! He told me your time is up and so is everyone whose life is knit to yours. 

I am not here alone to die with you! Look around you, see your relatives and loved ones crying, for their beloved is passing away, but little did they know that they are not just losing you, but they are losing us, though we are unseen because you never gave us life!

We are the books you never wrote, songs you never composed nor sang, places you never visited, drama you never acted and poems you never developed, visions you never achieved, intentions that never became inventions. We are your potentials!

You never used us, but now wicked soul, we must perish with you. Before your eyes are closed in death, may we torment your soul one more time to see beyond your naked eyes and look in to the future! Can you see that lady swallowing those pills over there? She would have been saved had she heard your music. Can you see that man drowning himself? He would have had a rethink, if only you had written your book, for before committing suicide, he earnestly look for an answer – the answer you carry within us, but now to your grave! See that innocent nephew of yours? Yeah, that little boy of twelve; he’s grown now, but can you guess where he is now? He is on his way to rob a widow – his last operation before he gets killed. You are leaving money wealth and riches behind, but the values that got you this affluence, you never passed to the next generation. Here are our last words and together we say them:


This calls for sober reflection!

Na wah!!!



I am looking to employ a househelp .
Please anyone that is interested should please contact me on 08124490625.
Location: Owerri 




''I am Chris... from childhood until now i suffer of night bedwetting..
its occurs normally from 3:am in d nite...
it ceased years back..
now it has re-surfaced again...
i would see myself urinating in d dream..only for it to manifest physically....
i'm really disturbed by this, bcz right now am 35yrs...''

I dont know what to say to this?I guess bedwetting is a state of mind.....Sir you need to train your mind to get up,once that toilet dream starts.....




Gentlemen and ladies! Wake up the adults, the adolescents and babies!

 I must tell you what i know, and if i say yes, please don't say no, for the "reluctants", excuse me, i dare say, will be buried in the coming revolutionary volcano. You all know that Nigeria is dying. In sports, economy, education, security, education and culture, our strength is being evaporated and drying. Our late heroes and unborn victims, on the other side are crying. We never stop to claim we're trying. "We're almost there!" our government will always be lying. Ah! If that's your stand too, i swear I'll not be buying.

They said our true freedom will come through democracy. Years have passed and yet, see the hell of troubles we're facing. Our fathers are greedy and money has made them so crazy. Even we the children cannot deny that we're ignorant and lazy. When i was called a terrorist by an American friend called Tracy, despite the anger and violent breath that laced my Monitor hazy, i had to accept the truth, Boko-haramism, Niger-Deltalism, Sokalism, Gerigerism, Okijalism and others in one country alone, am i truly not a terrorist in a world of crazy democracy.

Undeniably, i love Writing, but, where are the books that many of us have written and intended to publish? They've been eaten by cockroaches and rats. There are many who are skilled at painting, nobody appreciates them, their paintings are fading, their wills are fainting. Sculptors that moulded the statues on our campuses, they're not celebrated like Bernini or Michelangelo, their names pass prison times in satchels and arm purses. Music... The medium through which Satan touches our souls is the only Art we appreciate, and unfortunately unaware of how it makes our morales depreciate. J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, James Hardley Chase, Agatha Christie and others were foreign warriors in writing. Dan Brown, John Grisham and others are contemporary foreign valids in writing. If Wole Soyinka, Chinua Achebe, Buchi Emecheta, D. O. Fagunwa and others whose works were internationally renowned are the old writers we have, aside Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie, give me another name of a current internationally renowned Nigerian writer. 

What do they even teach us in schools? What do our parents want of us? To be brave and liberate our oppressed world or to pass exams, get presentable certificates and find jobs to raise families in cowardly peace. Wrong? If you still talk of endurance, believe me, it's a product of your ignorance. If i talk of revolution and perseverance and you're still overwhelmed by reluctance, i will consider you a nuisance, guilty of extreme ignorance. Have i what than to recommend repentance? The fourteenth and sixteenth centuries of the Western world enjoyed renaissance, men of Arts, rise up, you have my insurance.

#Bv Adeniji#




Before I proceed on this topic, please I want you to know that I am in no way undermining God's command,  I just want to express myself in an honest way.  

Forgiveness is hard,  really hard. Most times in my times of reflection, I ask God if it's really possible to make heaven.  When you think you've overcome all the 'big sins',  the 'small ones' hold you down or perhaps we allow them to hold us down.

When I talk about struggling with unforgiveness, I don't mean a case of when you are insulted, accused falsely (depending on the gravity of the accusation),maltreated,  rejected and the  rest,  those are easily forgotten within a few hours or days.

 Let me use this as an example; somebody is living with you, eating your food, knows every single bit about your life and you never suspected the person was behind your predicament .When you are being carried up and down from one church to the other, visiting different hospitals,  slowly dying and this insider keeps being sympathetic outwardly but using spiritual wickedness against you until God remembers you and for no reason this person starts avoiding you in your own house, each time you see face to face, the person's face is full of great fear and trepidation, each time he sights you coming, he runs inside and finally one early morning, you wake up to find the room he occupies empty. He's packed out. Gradually,  with time, healing is restored, all the strange sicknesses are gone.  Your eyes are opened and you realise that he was probably behind all the calamities that befell you.  The  hurt sets in,  the pain,  betrayal, the thought that "what if I had died?" the clear and visible look of guilt on his face when he comes visiting and Hezekiah Walker 's "God Favoured Me" is on repeat. 

Another scenario, how do you forgive somebody who plots how to r#pe you and carries it out and you cower in shame and nobody knows about it but each time you see the smug look on the person's face, all the hurtful feelings come flooding in again. 

How do you forgive somebody who you know in a thousand years will never ask for forgiveness and they go about their normal lives without a care in the world ,  while you strive to be free from bitterness and hatred? 

Are you justified in your unforgiveness because they never asked? 
To think you've prayed all you know how yet you're still battling with these negative emotions.  
Each time you go to church, the topic is always on 'forgiveness " it's as if the message is for you. 

Before I wrap it up,  David in the Bible commanded Solomon not to allow Joab's hoary hair go to the grave in peace because he intentionally slew Abner and Amasa who David planned to replace Joab with. He also disobeyed David by killing Absalom. Does it mean David never forgave him, is his unforgiveness justified? 

OMG.... this is deep!


We deal in all kinds of women fashion (dresses, jeans, jumpsuit,tops, suits, shoes, slippers, handbags and accessories.
We offer a 5% discount for all SDK BVs, if they buy items above 10,000naira.
Our store address:Whitemark fashion & accessories
144 Ogunlana Drive surulere
Instagram: Whitemark _fashion
Our number:08094403644



3bedroom flat, all tiled with water, stable light, fenced big compound with enough parking space. It is located in Dutse (Baupma).
Call- 08165180805 for more enquiries. 



I am looking to rent a one room self contain apartment around surulere and environs at a very affordable price. Direct contact with Landlord will be highly appreciated. Thanks and God bless




It is the ultimate height of irresponsibility and stupidity to blame someone else for your failures in life. Only a fool and a weakling would come up with such assertion. 

At the age of 26, I thought of going into business supply.  With the help of some  training received, I  picked up some knowledge in supply. 

There was this company I almost approached for enquiry about supplying products to them but was discouraged by a friend I told about it. 

Months later I discovered someone started supplying the company the same products I had wanted to go into. When I enquired, I found out it was the same friend I told who became the supplier. Wow!!!! What a world...

Have you ever notice that some people won't venture into anything productive but once they see you going into one or doing fine in one, they will jump into the exact thing you are doing just to compete with you and even frustrate you out of it if you aren't  strong enough to withstand competition.

It will be so disappointing and frustrating disclosing the profit you are making in business to anyone.  Most people aren't comfortable with your progress and happiness in life. All they want is to see you fall and will go to any length just to see that achieved.

So lot of people today are victims of their hasty pronouncement of  blessings in life. Sometimes you need to keep the good news to yourself and stay focused, not everyone is genuinely happy for you as you take them to be. Some things are better kept secret if you must  succeed in life.

A sure guaranteed formular to be distracted and discouraged in life, is showing people your plans and proposals. One bad trend with humanity is that, when they see you succeeding they becomes jealous and envy, and would wished it was them.

Why must it be you? Why not them? They will never see or say anything good about you. Already you have been labelled an occultic person and all what not. Some will even want to dig up your past because they see your presence has become  good and they feel intimidated by the success they see.

Refuse to be distracted so that your distractors will be disappointed. You are very much unique to succeed with the right frame of mind.


Hmmm another deep one!!!!...This is why it is always good to give as little details as possible about your day never know!!!


She wanted to sell them changed her mind and decided to give them out for free hoping that God will open heavens on her......

If you like any of these things....please contact her on Whatsapp 08114936152. Location: Lagos.



  1. Hi Y'all 🙋🙋🙋

    Hi Boss 😍😍😍

    Issa Hot Afternoon ☀


    1. Happy Birthday Ijeoma Vivian. Cheers to your new age.

      Happy Birthday Cynthia...may the love you desire find you.

      What else. Beautiful day

    2. Bikonu my people, I want to know lf this jaruma empire woman is doing the right thing. I see her as a upgraded native doctor. Who does a that? Buy a wrist and waist bead to attract millionaires, stuff you eat that wealthy men won't leave you

    3. Bikonu my people, I want to know lf this jaruma empire woman is doing the right thing. I see her as a upgraded native doctor. Who does a that? Buy a wrist and waist bead to attract millionaires, stuff you eat that wealthy men won't leave you

    4. Awwww cynthia God is your strength. Happy birthday

    5. Omg omg,my two good people are celebrating today
      Ijeome my baby, God bless you always. is well.God bless you too.happy birthday to you all

    6. Happy birthday to you Cynthia, I wish you heaven's best. GOD got your back. Happy birthday to you ijeoma,age gracefully

    7. Happy birthday Cynthia... 💕🖤
      God restore everything u have lost

    8. Cynthia baby happy birthday, remain strong the right one shall find you.
      Happy birthday IJ, have fun.

      My late coming don mature 😛

    9. To the bed wetting guy, you’re not alone. It happens to a lot more people than you think but all keep it hush hush. You can make changes to your fluid intake before bed. It’s embarrasing but you should know it’s not your fault. Do not let it get you down or change your perspective on life. If you ask questions, you may be surprised to find that someone in your family also suffered or is still suffering from it. Keep your head up and do the best you can to keep dry before bed. You can’t change or stop what’s beneath you.

    10. Stella pls where is sisi Eko? Tell tess is missing her.

      HBD Cyhams. Stella hope she's ok with u putting this out here.

      Pls my inlaw is looking 4 a self contain abi na one bedroom in benin. Good road n reasonable power supply is basic. Within sapele road, GRA n airport road. Pls help. Tnx.

  2. Happy birthday to you Cynthia of Cynhams Cakes and Pastries, Abuja. I wish you nothing but the best as you add another year. The Lord will do a new thing in your life and it shall spring forth. Enjoy your day.

    1. Happy birthday dear, God got your back .

    2. Cynhams cakes, you are so beautiful. God has so much is store for you. Hold on okay

  3. Ijeoma Vivian happy birthday.

  4. Every thought that’s ever gone through your mind, every idea that you’ve ever had, Every problem you’ve ever been through, every challenge that you’ve ever faced, every battle you’ve ever fought, every enemy that’s ever stood against you, every day that you’ve ever felt like a failure, every moment you’ve raised your hand in success! God says, “When you can’t make sense of it, I can still use it, because I am the God who uses all things for your good and for my glory". – Pastor Matt Hagee

    1. Wonderful inspirational message you got here. Thanks fluffy for this.

  5. Good afternoon

    It's amazing how you can connect with some people within seconds of meeting.

    I need some TLC 😍😍😍

    1. Ijeoma Vivian birthday girl
      Happy birthday
      Which one of the three pictures is your real colour?
      The three pictures all have different colour shades
      Look at Cynthia, her colour is the same in all the pictures.
      Filter will not make you lose better something. Say amen

  6. Cynhams cake CEO ...Cynthia happy belated Birthday. You look cute, may your days be long on earth.

    1. Belated? Are you ok?

    2. @Cutest Pat 'belated' is used for a birthday that was celebrated a day before today. Cynthia's birthday is today.

      Anonny 14:22 it would have been better if you had explained the word 'belated' to her understanding than that remarked you put up there. What if she didn't know the meaning of it? Why not correct in love? We all aren't perfect and need each other to become better but most times the others we need often disappoint us by bullying us simply because they think they have it all. Not fair if you ask me.

    3. May God almighty increase your knowledge@TEEJAY

    4. Please,both of you,Google what BELATED actually means. Teacher Akijo and pikin. No need for long epistles.

      I am not anon 14:22.

    5. Amen and thanks @FluffyCake.

  7. Welcome IHN,Happy birthday Cynthia and Ijeoma

  8. Happy birthday to @ Ijeoma Vivian🎂🎂🎂🎂
    Age Gracefully ..
    God bless you real good.

    Happy birthday to @ Cynhams cakes.
    Bigger and better you I pray..

    God bless your hustle...

    Beautiful faces🖕🖕🖕🖕 celebrating today...

  9. Na WA for God o.. How can He say that if we live in the Spirit we will share the Glory of Jesus..He will be our elder brother while Him our Father... Why is Jesus so humble like this? Who are we to share in the glory of God, after He died on the cross for a sin we committed, sincerely I have been worried after reading through Romans 8. Have even been trying to understand the Holy Trinity, how can we share in the Glory of Jesus... I expect that yes as Christians after suffering with Him we get a reward but not a reward as huge as this... Am confused or too humbled..i don't even know how I feel

  10. To the person always urinating stop drinking water after 6pm in the evening, It will help you alot. @ Cynham cake it is well.More grace to you, but the pics are much sha

  11. Good day all. I'm so sad right now,they just stole my husbands phone right here in my shop. I pray we'll find the person that took it.

    God Bless Everyone.

    1. Ahhhh in this Uncle Buhari era Sorry o. I pray it's found.

    2. Happy birthday Cynthia. God is arranging good package for you. Shine on.

  12. Ijeoma Issa fine girl for life... HBD girl... God bless you real good.

    Chioma.....HBD to you, May the Lord change your story to a testimony,smile,for all your sorrows has ended and above all may he continue to bless your hustle.

  13. Happy birthday Ijeoma Vivian, God's grace and blessings cover you. 🍰😘

    Happy birthday Cynthia, divorce is not the end of the world. Just make sure you have no hate in your heart against him or anyone. Another man will come knocking on your door soon. May God bless you and the works of your hands. 🍰🍾🥂😘😘. Enjoy your life girl and don't forget to go on holiday. Nigeria has got so many beautiful places to visit.

    I have decided I will not be writing RIP on any post of a person that commit suicide again.

    Hot like fire, I don't like summer, the heat makes me pukes.....

    1. Erm aunty I thought you said Airconditioning makes you puke??

    2. Yes, @anonymous. They both makes me puke. I think it has to do with my hormones.

    3. Ehya kpele,the way our bodies change sometimes one wonders. As long as we are alive in good health, thank God abi.

  14. Happy birthday to those celebrating...long life in good health.

    Bv D'royalty, do waist bead gives figure 8 shape?

    1. My sister, capital YES o. I don see am with my korokoro eyes.
      As soon as you give birth to a baby girl, wear am waist beads. As the girl dey grow, the beads go dey shape her waist, she go get small waist and her hips go show well well. She go come get figure 8 especially if she no dey 'tirin'. My own pikin dey 'tirin', she no get fat for body at all. Na so she just be like figure 1. But I no go mind her 'tirin' stature, I go wear am the thing like that make e dey shape the waist bone dey go.

      You can wear them for small growing girls too, adults too can can wear them. When they become too tight, you remove them and increase the length.

    2. D'royalty ya very funny o😅 but one don't need to be fat in order to be shapy nah. ..abi you never see Lepa with figure 8 before?...Just start trimming her figure with exercises...Yes, there are exercises that bring out shape.

    3. Hahahahaha it will shape the bony waist like that

  15. I give you all the Glory Most High God.Thank you for your divine favour in my birth month. I am grateful Lord.

  16. I want to share this here. It's like a testimony. Few months ago I complained about my kid sister who is 25 and really stubborn, she will talk rudely to my mum and come back late or don't even come home for days at all. My mum was worried and it got to me. We were advised to let her be which we did but we didn't stop praying for her. I discussed it in my home cell meeting and we prayed about it. Last month my mum called me to say my sister came back from work one evening and went straight to her on her kneels and begged to be forgiven. She asked my mum to pray for her which she did and since that day, there has been joy unspeakable in my family.
    This is my testimony. God is good.

    1. Hmmm I'm happy for u but u guys shld be on alert.maybe belly don enter

    2. Thank God for the turnaround. May it be permanent

    3. Anon you have wisdom
      She may actually be pregnant
      Watch her carefully so she won't do something sily

    4. Thank God it ended in praise

    5. Thanks guys and no she isn't pregnant. 😁😁😁

    6. Thank God,remember your story she was really stubborn.

  17. Happy birthday cynthia... Wish you all the joy and happiness life has to offer. Have a lovely birthday

  18. Pls I am searching for à job in lagos

  19. Cynthia hbd, it is well with you, take care of urself

  20. Happy Birthday to the celebrants....

    Teejay,, ur write up is do deep ...thanks for that

    Mrs Dee,,u nailed it..God have mercy on us.

    Greetings to all passengers in this bus of ihn..please no drama,allow the driver to concentrate.

    Mc pinky

    1. Thanks Pinky. You are kind. I think we need a revolutionary mindset if ever we dream of a better Nigeria.

  21. Happy Birthday Ijeoma & Cynham Cakes, you both look beautiful. Cynham cakes your photoshoot is lovely and those dresses are fine. May love find you and may everything fall into place for u.
    That watermelon in that fruit platter looks like ojuju calabar.. Lol... Blessings fall on the giver of those clothes, may you receive your heart desires shaken, pressed and double.
    Happy June 12 to all of us at work, the rest of you should collect your greetings from your bed, pot and couch.
    Whitemark may customers fall on you.

  22. #That awkward moment when you wave and smile at someone, but they don’t see you 😁

  23. This is my take on the issue of having children with another man while you are still married: I think it is better for the woman to get the kids outside if it has been proven beyond reasonable doubt that her husband 'thing' is not working so that she can save her married. Again if a woman continue looking for the fruit of the womb for over 5 years, I will advise her to 'test' outside so that she will know whether it is her fault or her husband fault. ( I know I am not Annonymous)

    1. Test outside or exploring medical options, which is better? Na was o...

    2. Lolllll I love how Nigerians practice their own christianity.

    3. What exactly does "test outside" mean? Human beings can never cease to amaze one with the way you can complicate and ruin your life. Sister na adultery you dey smooth talk like this? 😕
      What happened to going to a fertility clinic and exploring the various options that are available? Even if the man is impotent with zero sperm cells what happened to sperm donor option and adoption? Instead of opening legs without a single sense of shame why not advocate these options?
      Test fire! & save the marriage my ass. So na the adultery and the children that will come from the affair that will help you save the marriage abi? Wonderful!
      See that Toyin jist that is trending now? read it again and have a rethink.

    4. Erm... No. There are labs that can figure that out. If he refuses to go, give him an ultimatum. If he goes and he's the one with problems, he should agree to adoption or a sperm donor. If he doesn't, divorce him. Then, do all the microphone testing testing 123 as a single woman.

    5. Whateverinsdkblog, this two-legged table you are shaking has many bvs on it. They will soon come for your head.

    6. You just had to spill this rubbish this hot 🔥 afternoon to the ears of the gullible naive married women who are already contemplating on embarking on the adulterous journey.

      Well done fake Princess.

    7. Some people have noodles inside their head instead brain.

    8. - whatever, how can you be supporting adultery? this is so so wrong

  24. Happy birthday ijeoma and Cynthia. You both look pretty. Cybthia Am sure love will find you soon just don't worry so much about it. Focus on work taking care of your child. "He makes all things beautiful in his time"

  25. In life, you just never know
    Be nice, live, laugh, do good, do what makes you happy, dream, dare, and just be you, cuz you just never know.

  26. Happy Birthday cynham cakes and the other celebrants.. More life!

  27. Happy Birthday Madam Cynhams. May God meet you at the point of your needs and grant your good heart desires. You're beautiful.
    Happy Birthday beautiful Ijeoma Vivian. You're blessed.
    Good afternoon Stella and lovely BVs.

  28. Blog visitor Chris,Please go for deliverance.
    Look for a True deliverance MINISTRY..(MFM)
    You need deliverance to break out from spirit of bedwetting..
    It is well dear..

    @ Cynhams cake,May LOVE locate you again..
    It is well dear..

  29. Struggling with unforgivenness. Dee corner, the Bible says without holiness no eye shall see the lord,if you don't forgive the person that means you are holding something against him of which our Lord hates.

    Do you know how many times we offend God on a daily basis? Since we were created in the image of God, let us also follow His footsteps. Forgive!

    Forgive and let your minds be at peace with them and leave the rest for God because surely they shall receive their own punishment.

    Remember "The wicked ones shall not go unpunished ".

  30. Happy birthday Ijeoma. Live long and prosper
    Happy birthday Cynhams cakes. Live long an prosper. Be strong Cynthia. Put in more energy in your cake business and kids. You would would fine.

  31. I stopped loving my husband. No sexual feelings or intimacy, from one issue to another. We are not into each other. I am not happy and in a bad state of mind.

    1. Go your separate ways amicably.

    2. @Anon, find out why no sexual feelings and work on it.

    3. Simple. Take Kik's short and simple advice before adultery and DV chronicles enter the marriage join.

  32. Chikito, consider writing a Yoruba demon chronicle mbok. Some of us would love to read it. Don't plead "work" o. Na the work you dey do since dey see small small chance to comment. BlackBerry and Steffy, make una try start za oza room chronicles too. People need to learn this bed breaking skills. Impact your world please.

    1. Happy birthday beautiful ladies,my G

    2. Kikikiki. So you enjoyed the comment? Yet na una go still say I dey write epistle. Una try! I should wrote chronicle as a Yoruba demon excorcist that I IS naau.... then the day I drop comments you don't agree with, you will still go anon to fire Yoruba Demon bullets at me.

      I gave ALL the guidelines on SP: Guard your heart very selfishly, dont take them seriously until their whole family comes to prostrate for yours. Simple!

    3. 15:16 some one is speaking for herself, you are saying 'una' point them out. Always speaking like someone who has nuts and bolts shaking. And yes I whistled for you, you can come back but I won't be here to throw you a bone.

    4. Leave anonymous bashing. It will continue as long as people can hide behind their keypads/boards. Even you have been accused of going anonymous to bash some people but it didn't change anything. Besides, anonymous blog visitors can only bark; they can't bite. It's the different stories that I find interesting. We all know YDs will carry their firewood to hell themselves. I enjoy reading how they were outsmarted by someone they thought they could play.

    5. @16:20 it's you that your dead relatives are chanting for. Those who the gods want to destroy they first do what? Ehen... we both know you will read this so enjoy.

      Lol. @ameborna.... true. like the coward above you who is on their way to their destined destination.

    6. Elenu jabberwocky!!! Lamooooooooo look who's calling someone coward. Ikeregbe wrote 3 page epistle but was too AFRAID to direct it to the recipient, arindin oshi. Aunty ko, Mummy ni. You should have asked for extra braces on your brain, or whatever exists in that space. Tata. I'm still whistling. Here, fetch!!! Lmaooooooo

    7. Please always take your meds regularly. One day someone will say 'Good Morning' and you will plunge a knife in their eye. Since ordinary 'thank you' is enough to make you foam at the mouth. Kpele. Whatever you are going through God has a solution. Go on your knees, even though you're pretty close to the ground already, and cry out your issues. Kpele shogbo?

  33. Hbd Cynthia.
    See, don't do church church oo...
    Better slay, as in slaaaaaaaay
    Use ur cake catch them...
    Use ur cake mingle...
    No look anybody face.

  34. Raise your hand, if you always scroll pass teejay's corner.. 🙋🙋🙋🙋

    1. I raise bum bum join sef o, plus useless, nauseating epistles from bipolar patients.

  35. Loaded IHN.

    Happy birthday to the celebrants. May God bless and keep you both.

    Forgiveness is hard no be lie.

  36. Happy birthday to ijeoma and cynthia

  37. Cynhams I wish you nothing but the best as you add a new year. I'm happy you're getting your groove back and that you have a thriving business.
    The worst thing any woman especially married woman will do to herself is not to have a source of income because when/if the storm comes, it will batter you beyond recognition.
    Happy birthday once more and live your life dear.
    On this forgiveness issue, you can't do it except by the grace of God. Most times, it's not even for the other party but for you because it comes with this freedom and lightness you won't notice until you let go.
    In 2012 after an issue that plunged me into depression and suicidal thoughts, I only started getting better and loving life after I forgave my offender. He didn't deserve it, he didn't merit it, he didn't even ask for be who you see that will say "abeg forgive me?" but then God gave me the grace to pull through and I started healing. A healing that only came when I said God take over my life because I can't do this alone. You forgave me and the least I can do is to extend the same. So if you're out there struggling with forgiveness, pray to God to help you let go, not for your offender but for you to heal and move on. It's not easy but it's not impossible either.

    1. Exactly. Forgiveness is what we do for ourself in order to have inner peace and joy. Unforgiveness does a great deal(harm) in the vessel that house it.

  38. Aha! Ihn is somehow short & dry today.

  39. Lovely write up🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 @ Teejay
    Spot on.

  40. Teejay corner, nice epistle up there. It is very wrong to tell people your plans they are ready to thwart it for you.

    1. Yea @Cutest Pat so true about people. Thanks

  41. Cynhams cakes it's well with you. So it's divorce that made you look that way the last time your pix was posted here?
    Babe, you have children, you have a good business, you have a good shape. Stand firm and strive to be successful and big. Success is the best revenge. Let him hear your name in big places in a few years time.
    Also, be careful of any man or woman who contacts you. The women may contact you for their brothers or uncles. So many scammers in town. This one that you have a business, they will come with different types of format to collect money and ponyor from you. Shine your eyes. All the best dear.

    1. Who hacked your account Droyalty?

  42. happy birthday to Cynthia and Ijeoma aka Ijeawele.

    good write up to all the corners.

  43. That anon on the Trump/Kim post, come and give me your phone number o. They said Michelle has a penis! Her husband has mistakenly referred to her as Michael severally. Their two kids are their doctor friend's children and the younger girl really does look like the woman. Joan Rivers was murdered for spilling what she knew. Anon, biko come back. It all sounds malicious as Michelle grew up in America. Was/is she an hermaphrodite? Is this a conspiracy theory thing as I suspect? I really did like the two too before all the LGBT rights thing.

  44. Cynthia has a good body after giving birth. She has that Michelle Obama physique. Happy birthday.
    Chris who bedwets, from what I have learnt, the problem may not be from your bladder though I suggest you see a urologist. It may be a sleep disorder. You mentioned that this happens around the same time every Night. Have you read up on REM sleep cycles? There's a period of time when you are sleeping that you are more likely to act out your dreams. There's also a time that you are temporarily paralysed. I suspect there is something wrong with your REM sleep cycles. Read this excerpt:

    "REM, or rapid eye movement sleep, is the last of the five stages of sleep. During REM sleep, muscles in your arms and legs are temporarily paralyzed. When people wake up from REM they often say they’ve had vivid and bizarre dreams. Not being able to move may prevent you from acting out your dreams".

    Also, when you are awake, practice holding your pee for 2 seconds when you are peeing.I didn't say hold your pee till your bladder is full o. I mean that when you start to pee, hold it for 2 seconds, pee, hold it for 2 seconds, pee... Till bladder is empty. You're training your brain not to fully act out your urgency to pee. When you start doing this, you will see that whenever you bedwet, it will just be small drop. You will go and pee the rest in the toilet. This is because you peed and paused for 2 seconds before you woke up.
    Do you know how to practise mindfulness/meditation and breathing excercises? Read up and do these during the day.
    Email me if you're comfortable doing so.

  45. happy birthday Cynthia Cynhams cake. I remember the first time i really noticed you was when you sent your post for Stella's competition for caterers/free banner ad on her blog. You were heavy yet working with an outdated cooker.
    I silently felt empathy for you but equally admired your strength in pushing on to empower yourself from your kitchen with what you had....I remember reading comments from people on this blog, negative comments critising your icing and all and i notice the resilience in you.
    I celebrate you. I hope you find peace and strength. Its my prayer that God will remember you and favour you. You will sorrow no more. You will suffer no shame. The people that mocked you will celebrate you to your hearing....The husband who felt he could do without you will be replaced with one who would never want to think about spending a day without you.
    God bless you girl

  46. Happy birthday Ijeoma and Cynthia of Cynhams cakes. May you both never know a better yesterday. I wish you overflowing joy this day and always. God bless you.

  47. Happy birthday Ijeoma and Cynthia

  48. IHN is full of epistles and less drama... Happy birthday to the celebrants...

    Eid-il-Fitri in some Few days.

    Aliamdulilahi So far.

    God bless SDK

    1. Yes oo
      We are set for odun itunu awe (Eid El Fitri)
      May Allah spare our lives.

  49. Teejay what is business supply? Can you supply business? The right phrase is 'supply business'.
    Then this last line 'you are very much unique to succeed bla bla bla is wrong. You can say 'you are unique and so you can succeed.....
    Those are the only parts I read.
    I would suggest you make enquiries on any school in PH where they can teach you English writing

    1. Lmaooo you read. You deserve some accolades!!!

  50. Happy birthday Cynthia. I pray that all your heart desires come to pass speedily in Jerusalem name.

  51. Hbd Cynhams cake! U have small otele o for pyessing! 😢😚 Have fun dear!

    Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

  52. Happy Birthday Cynhams and ijeoma, I wish you both the best in life.

  53. Dear Mrs Dee, forgiveness is for you Not for the one that offended you. No matter the offence please forgive-even if they are unrepentant. I married a man who maltreated me so badly. The marriage failed-he moved me out. Then went ahead to tarnish my image so badly. As recently as March this year he sent me very abusive WhatsApp messages despite the fact that we are both remarried. Sadly he died last month. One of my biggest regret is that I didn't visit him in hospital when he was ill. We have but a little time on this planet. Forgive easily.

  54. happy birthday to those celebrating their birthdays today.
    indeed deep words.
    great write up cosmas

  55. Cynhams is the queen of SnapBack body. You are beautiful girl. The way she was looking while pregnant, I knew something was wrong. My dear it is well. You are a wonderful person, I don’t know you but your light shines through.

    Happy birthday!

  56. Hbd cynhams cakes, the Lord is ya strength. God bless ya new age. Hbd to the other celebrant. Kai I don't understand my body.

  57. Please make una judge this matter:
    Someone was owing another person money

    1. Debtor asked for the creditors account details. Creditor sent details and missed a digit - Say instead of putting 9 he put 8. Debtor did USSD banking by copying and pasting the account number directly. He put his pin and sent the money without checking the name properly. Only for creditor to find out that it was wrong and called debtor. Debtor said he has sent already and creditor was trying to blame Debtor for not checking that the name matched the account number. Debtor said he copied and pasted the account number directly, that creditor should have checked before sending to him.

    Please who is to blame?

    2. Creditor went on to say the wrong account number is his wife's own (cos their account numbers are similar, save one digit). That debtor should please go to the bank and ask that the money be put on hold and the transaction be reversed. Debtor said that if the account belongs to his wife he should just get the money from her at home. Cos in his mind he has pained the loan off to him through his wife and he's doesn't want bank documentation stress.

    Is that a right stance? Is this God at work or the devil starting trouble?

    Happy birthday Cynhams 😚😚😚😚😚 Keep shining nothing dey happen.

    1. It's mostly the fault of the creditor. Next time, he'll be more careful.

      As for wifey, if her husband is a stingy koko, blessings has just landed on her. Lol. They'll be fine jor.

    2. @Chikito, two of them are t OK be blamed.

    3. @Cynthia and cutest hmmm! matter unresolved till now. Me I'm going home 🤣🤣 #officedrama

  58. Oga who bed wets at 35 I honestly feel for u, I can only imagine how huge that burden is, come take some hugs. Your partner can help u handle it by waking u up from time to time to pee in the nyt. Or u can set an alarm that will help wake u up like three times in the nyt before day break.

  59. Cynthia many happy returns. You will be fine that I am sure of.

  60. Getting a divoice will be a Blessing for me, God knows. To those who are finding it hard, May the Lord be your strength.

  61. So I take a stroll over to nairaland and what do I see? Cynhams birthday post.
    Girl please don't sound or seem desperate in trying to move on. See small small boys insulting you because of what they term desperation over your post. And that picture where your panties almost showed should never have seen the light of day.
    Please take it easy okay?

  62. Dear friend, l guess ur bed wetting is a thing of the mind that u have to work on,whenever u start dreaming of urinating just try as much as possible to wake up..Can i have your contact?

  63. Happy birthday Cynthia! I'm divorced and getting remarried next week by God's grace. There will be a lot of people stuck in your past, judging you, feeling sorry for you, blaming you., gossiping about you, etc. Leave all of them there and move on. Take charge of your life and continue building your business, take care of your child and all will fall into place. I'm a living testimony.

  64. Chris the night bed-wetting dude maybe you need to see a therapist bcos one of the causes of adult bed-wetting is stress. Stress can also manifest in sleep talking, walking and also insomnia.

  65. Cynhams, many women have walked this path and overcame. Don't be sad, trust God, forgive and all things will continue to work together for your good. I admire your work ethics .


  66. Happy birthday Ijeoma & Cynthia. Wish you both more grace for the new year.

    Cynthia, do you make small chops too?

  67. Happy birthday to the celebrants, may God grants your heart desire.

  68. Ihn is here, Cynthia happy Birthday and Ijeoma happy Birthday too

  69. Happy birthday Cynthia. I wish you all the best in life. God bless you greatly. Sorry for all you went through, betters days are here for you in Jesus name.

  70. Happy~Birthday Cynthia!!!! May God who knows the end from the beginning reign supreme and mightily in all that concerns you and give you reason to be happy again. Let the meditation of your heart be granted.

    BV Ijeoma as you celebrate this day, may celebration unto joy never cease from your household. May God's countenance shine upon all you do.

  71. Cynhams cakes do you chew your finger nails?

  72. Attn BEDS AND ROSES:
    Your attention is needed in In House News.
    Dem write memo for you but FEAR no let them call your name.
    I say make I tell you as amembo wey I be.
    We await your robust response.

  73. Happy birthday Cynthia, may God grant you all your positive heart desires...

  74. Happy birthday to the celebrants
    Mrs Dee, nice one there

  75. Happy birthday cynthia and ijeoma.

    Cynhams, may God give u a man that love and cherish u. Wishing u all the best. I is well with u.

  76. Happy birthday to the celebrants.....your words got me TeeJay....thanks 4 that.

  77. Happy birthday Cybhams and Ijeoma. God bless you both with joys.

  78. Cynhams, it's well with you. Get ur groove back. Go out more, mingle with people via ur biz, take care of d kids, love and take care of urself, be closer to God. Things will turn around for good but in all things believe in the process and never be desperate. Happy birthday to you and Ijeoma


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