Stella Dimoko Spontaneous THURSDAY


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Spontaneous THURSDAY

#omgitsthursday #mercifulGod #Goddey #liarliarliarliarlmao #howdoyousaysorrywhenyoucanshowit  #needablogbooeeeeh #iwokeupmissingyou #nothingweyGodnofitdoeh #havefaithinGod #miraclesstillhappeningtrustGod #whoneedsamiracletoday #foodiethoughts

Good Morning everyone...

Its throwback Thursday and i feel good....You should too cos if you are reading this then you have every reason to thank God!!!

Dont forget to have a great day and concentrate on making your hustle pay....some of you are broke but use your time for things that cannot give you alert.....Some of you are looking for Blessings from God but too tight fisted to Bless anyone around you...

It is more Blessed to give than to receive people!

Have a beautiful Thursday!

Kisses to All.....




  2. I heard the general overseer and president of Ebomi ministry in Jos, Prophet Isa El-Buba was allegedly  arrested by the DSS  two days ago after his fierce condemnation of the killings in his state and the inaction of the government in connivance with the security agencies.

    His only crime was that, he spoke that Buhari should be voted out in the coming election if he cannot protect the lives of those he sworn an oath  to protect.  People in Plateau State can you confirm that news for me.

    This cowardly act goes a long way to underscore how desperately wicked this government can be and how far they can go to gab the mouth of critics.  Whoever speaks against this government will be arrested by the security agencies. Are we still in an era of military regime?

    They should be rest assured that in every action there is a corresponding equal and opposite reaction. They will surely pay for this crime of genocide and ethnic cleansing been pepetrated by their kinsmen at the long run unless there is no repercussion for evil. 

    1. Gm Stella. I just remembered a post that said he has itching body. I remember my Bro has it and we went to like 3 hospitals no solution. Till he started putting salt inside his water to bath. That was when it finally left

    2. Buhari will never go unpunished since he now equates the lives of human to that of cow. He will surely have a test of his medicine in his life time.

    3. This is tiring 😎😎😎😎

    4. Are we not practicing democracy anymore
      Freedom of speech is for everyone
      This is so sad

    5. This is tiring 😎😎😎😎,how far?,you don settle your almanjiris 😎😎😎

  3. I borrowed my elder sis money last year October. She promised to pay back Dec. Apart from that huge sum, I do assist her with small change when she was broke. She later got a contract job that gave her 200k few months ago. She changed her wardrobe, bought new set of shoes but due to the little misunderstanding we had in Jan, she said she won't pay me back. She even started a business, and kept on buying junks yet she feels comfortable owning me.
    She won 500k as a result of academic excellence in 2016, and she only gave me 10k out of it. I didn't complain because I always work hard to make my own money. She also gave mother and our younger sis small money too, and she squandered the rest. She said I should use the money she owes me to pay her 10k back. I can only boast that she has given me that amount all her life. If I borrow money from her, I do pay her back before the ultimatum comes.
    Our mother kept on asking her to pay me but for where. Mum forcefully collects money from her because there was a time mum used her whole salary to pay for her Msc fees. Yet, she nags anytime she gives mum money. I was out of a job two months ago and I was seriously broke and she didn't even reason my matter. Even with her dirty character, my mum always take her sides by claiming that life has always smiled on me more than my sis, and that a mother should always support a struggling child, and due to the fact that she's an SU just like mum.
    My sis knows how to look pathetic if she needs your help but once she makes money, she will wear shoulder pads, then she will go broke again and start licking your feet asking for help. The cycle continues like that. I wish I have a cold heart that can pay her back in her coin because the value of the money she owes me has even depreciated. I have promised that my 1 kobo won't reach her pocket again. So help me God.

    1. My Dear, I can not tell you to stop giving because 'giving is life'
      @Princess Tever

    2. @Anon,do according to your mind. If I were in your shoes she will never see my 10kobo again.

    3. Be as gentle as a dove and as wise as a serpent. Stronger people are usually always overlooked, so sometimes play your sisters game and appear like you need pity. Its hard but IT WORKS!

      See, i used to be like you trying to fix everyone's issue but when i need help or have my own issues, because everyone sees me as the fixer, they just go 'you'd be okay. Na you na!'. This year 2018!!! I don change am. Before you start upsetting me i start crying. For example, when i was going for my masters i heard 'na you na! No be you! Whatever you put your mind to you will achieve it. I trust you'. Me too i fired, and honestly God provided. But i worked my ass of (school and bills) that when i came back to naija i had to take one month to eat and sleep and get my cloth size back. But when i went everyone was hailing my father and sisters as if they did well for sending me for masters (although popsy dropped me some cool cash before i left though). Okay. My younger sister, slay queen, damsel in distress. That girl has never jumped bus since she graduated, but she has never not owned a car. Isnt it funny? Me i would be hustling for even tyre. As of now she's living in the same city with one of my sisters, and BIL gave a car. Masters, she started crying upandan. My uncle just woke up and took it up. She is on her way this fall and she called me the other sounding excited that hasnt even spent N1! Not her ticket, interview fees or even arrange her documents. They did it for her. And my uncle has even bought the car she will be driving to school and sent her picture. If you see the way me i was working in UK, you would think i am a deprived orphan. As i started crying too, things started happening. See, you will be amazed that your mother can offset that loan for your sister sef, but you wont know that kind of money is in her account until you start crying like its the only money youre hoping to get to manage your 'small' life. My uncle i thought was stingy, i know how many times i don go western union this year. Last week the wife still sent me unto: manage you hear? 😂🤣 i laaughed! Since i graduated, i used to boast that my parents dont need to do anything for me. This year, it has changed because we are all in this matter together. Emulate your sister's crafty ways, get your money back, earn your mother's eympathy and stop being all tough. I wish i could say more but i pray God gives you wisdom to understand this format i am explaining.
      As you go home today, walk through that door with your head down. Be 'depressed' dont talk to anyone until they are confused. That loan will be paid asap. Bet it? 👆

    4. And all this mouth you are making 'my 1 kobo wont reach her' story! Na your sister. You go still help am, by fire by force. Collect your money first and cool down before you take any stance.

    5. Don’t give her ur money again...if i tell u my own u will cry...after all d money I spent on them, they asked me who sent me and denied everything...u better use ur tongue to count ur teeth

    6. Chiki lala...... billionaire's niece

    7. @lolo hian! no oooh. Biko its not like that oh 👐

    8. Chiki must add her lies. Bla bla bla. It is not always about you !

  4. Wawu,this 2018 World Cup is so unpredictable, Germany the greatest is out of the tournament at the group stage

    I won't be surprise if Switzerland or even Portugal gets to the semi final.
    Stella,my kisses to the boys...i know they must be angry and heartbroken.

    Good morning lovelies 💕💕💕💕💕

    1. Good morning momma how are you? I no hear from you this football silence you gan oh!

      Sdk's boys are heartbroken,but football must continue.

    2. It was so funny when the German keeper went to the field to join them in playing altho it cost the second goal.

    3. @Olori there's a jinx after most defending champions. Most of them always drop out with shame and humiliation.. Sdk doh. I know its ain't easy but try and strong for them boys..

    4. This is an unpredictable world cup 😎😎😎😎

    5. Lord I need a miracle that looks like a lie, the one that comes from you that money can't buy. 😇😇

    6. It's so unpredictable. The betting companies must be having a great time

    7. This world cup will definitely have a new winner 😎😎😎

    8. Bee 10 momma, talk to you on the other side
      Same girl, I laughed so hard mehn
      Princess, I noticed that too
      Lady bug and Stella I tell you, so unpredictable

  5. It is the Lord's doing
    It is marvellous in my sight
    It is the Lord's doing
    I will praise Him.

    All the glory must be to the Lord
    For He is worthy of our praise
    No man on earth should give glory himself
    All the glory must be to the Lord.

    I thank You Heavenly Father for Your faithfulness.
    All I have to say is, Thank You Lord.

    Oh my soul magnify the Lord
    My spirit bless His name
    For death could not hold him a captive
    Even in the grave, Jesus is Lord
    Even in the grave, Jesus is Lord.

    I'm so highly lifted this morning and I give all the praise, thanks, adoration and worship to my Heavenly Father.
    He knows me better than I know myself.
    When I'm weak, He is strong.

    May y'all have a blessed and fruitful day.
    Don't forget to always keep the smile with positive vibes only.

    Stella, sorry about the German team lost game.
    Show must go on.

    1. Fruitful day I wish you
      Good morning Ms.A💕💕💕

    2. Praise and worship 😎😎😎😎

    3. Yimu...ex mrs catering pratical.
      Stella if like don’t post my comment shior

  6. WE BUY DEAD AND FAULTY INVERTER BATTERY CALL ME IF U HAVE(08141395113/0811 790 3918‬)28 June 2018 at 08:02

    Ok seen

  7. Good morning beautiful people,hope you all had a wonderful night? I wish you all a wonderful day.

    God Bless Everyone.

    1. Stop asking about people's night,it is private 😎😎😎😎

  8. Good morning beautiful people of SDK. A very happy and fruitful Thurday for us.

    There shall be showers of blessing....

    1. Hello pat, how are you doing today?

    2. Stella am very fine, I missed your comments here where have you been? Welcome back.

  9. Top of the Morning BlogFam..

    Today issa cool Thursday morning..
    My Testimony Loading soon.
    Thank you Jesus for everything.

    Your Name Is My Strong Tower
    Way Maker is Your Name.
    I know Your Name...

  10. WE BUY DEAD AND FAULTY INVERTER BATTERY CALL ME IF U HAVE(08141395113/0811 790 3918‬)28 June 2018 at 08:03

    Nice word and very well said.givers never lack

  11. Thank God for a wonderful day and the gift of life. Jesus is always faithful.

  12. Beautiful morning stella. I'm still on bed.
    .good morning Mrs A

    Bv Ada lagos. Where are you?

    Hi chikito

    Sweet yori yori sup?

    EKA bAby. Safe trip to europe

    1. I am here o,waiting for you.

    2. Lolo ideato. Queen of sdk blogosphere i greet you.
      Welcome back

    3. Thanks. E never reach tho

    4. Good morning the one and only Lolo Ideato of SDK blog!

      Assurance gang 😘😘😘

    5. My dearest, i am fine. How are you. Abeg enjoy everything God has given you.

    6. My people........ much love from here. #assurancegang

    7. Eka joy...bitterleaf soup...dat ur old papa boyfriend go lick all ur stew finish before he propose to Benin man dey carry u enter italy...i pity u

    8. Eka Joy, enjoy your stay and safe trip.

  13. This week is gone already..
    Am the next in line for a miracle..
    #TBT#.. Lemme go to Instagram and troll some celeb pictures. Kikikik.
    King Stella enjoy your day.

  14. How do I spice my relationship up, my past relationships have been so booring cuz I didn't put my mind on it and I felt they just wanna use me then, but the new person Im dating is kind of serious and it's paining me cuz he felt I'm booring he has been the one calling but I want to do more I want to make my relationship lively

    1. Add maggi n salt

    2. Start dancing on instagram and tag him

    3. Buy a dildo naa n spice it with cameroun pepper.

    4. Read books on relationship from bro Gbile Akani and thank me later.

    5. Go to church together, go see a movie together.
      Go to club together.

      Study the word of God together.
      Embark on short weekend holiday. There are lots of beautiful places to visit in Nigeria.

      Watch football or any other sports together and don't forget to argue with him.
      Go to functions together.
      Go for shopping together.

    6. 😂😂😂😂😂😂,on a spicy mission 😎😎😎😎

    7. Give your life to Christ, Blackberry you too spoil.. I tire

    8. Men like thrill. How can you be boring while you guys are still dating? When I date i am so care free the man can't spend a second without thinking of my craziness. I normally use alot of curry spice,ginger and garlic. It gives it a unique taste..... just try that n thank me later

    9. @Ms A mbanu!! me i dont think any holiday can be had in Nigeria. I am unwilling to be convinced about this 😂😂

  15. Day 5

    There's a lady who suffered oppression from a particular demon that comes to sleep with her EVERYDAY for 8years.

    On the 3rd day of the Praise, the spirit came as usual. But she said she just saw that something stood up in her and chased the demon away. And today,she's free for ever more!

    Whats stopping you from receiving your testimony? Sleep or data? Defy all odds and join @nathanielblow on instagram 12am-1am prompt!

    Singing : Your name is a strong Tower, Jesus...

    1. Yes
      will never stop praising my God.

    2. Imela chineke. The way maker will show up for us all. Amen

  16. So 66 of 67 bvs dont like social media PDA. Bunch of liars.

    But you keep awwing at cardi B and offset pda.

    While dating i love my privacy. No one should put me up anywhere. Because5 guys might end up puting me up on their social media.

    But when married

    I'll use my hand, post pictures of us on his Instagram and write sweet words. Cos he'll be too busy for social media..

    I'll always update his social media with our pics...

    It doesnt stop him from secretly cheating. But atleast they'll know there is a madam he adores😜😜😜😜😜😜😜

    1. A man that adores you won't cheat

    2. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.the part of five guys showing you off was hilarious.

    3. Okay, that's your own mode,leave others to theirs,why call them liars because they don't conform to yours😎😎😎😎😎

    4. Lol @five guy putting up your pictures on their social media.

      There are people who are dating or married partners that are not on social media.

    5. He adores you and he cheats? Who gave birth to all these women with this kind of thought process?

    6. My lovers bv ada lagos and Mrs A... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    7. Deciving urself...iya akpati

    8. Hmmm! And I thought i was the only one who hates it when guys are very active on social media. Once i see that you are that type, you're put in 'side eye' corner. I can do social media for two, thanks.

  17. Love is a beautiful thing, lets learn to love one another and tolerate ourselves . say something nice to someone today as that can go a long way in making their day beautiful . Few days ago, i say a little girl looking at me persistently so i asked her
    Little girl : because you are so beautiful .
    That truly made my day

    1. Okay,we hear you 😎😎😎😎
      You are beautiful,hope I've made your day😎😎😎😎😎

  18. I have a strong feelings that Senegal will reach the quarter finals, if possible Semi's

    1. Ola you need 2 bottles of accolades for this comment

  19. Good morning house, Today feels soooo good. Taking hot cup of coffee and will soon be on my way to the office. Have a good Thursday people.

    1. If you like take cold cup of coffee,na you know 😎😎😎😎

    2. Lady Bug, I will send you some hot hot coffee to help with this your bitterness.

  20. Good morning house... So the german machine lost out yesterday... Chai the thing pain me die... Na team france i dey now.

  21. I need a miracle today, nothing u no fit do God.

    Good morning bvs

  22. Good morning people of God. Pls how do I watch Darcy on my phone when I’m not at home? Biko help anyone? Thanks lovelies😍

  23. Good morning people of God. Pls how do I watch DSTV on my phone when i’m Not at home? Thanks lovelies😍

  24. Replies
    1. Thank God for another beautiful day. The blog was hilarious yesterday. Funny bvs with funny comments. Hahahaha
      Have a nice day everyone.

  25. Every Jericho wall in Nigeria I hand it over to you God take charge and take over this country Nigeria, let there be peace in four every four corners of this country Nigeria ijn Amen

    Good morning SDK family hope our night was great? Thank God for keeping us alive.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. I am so lazy to exercise this morning,somebody needs to kick me out of bed.

    1. You better exercise to shed your fats😎😎😎😎

    2. Ada lagos. If you live in lekki i can ibtrod

    3. I can introduce you to my personal trainer

    4. Na ideato wey fat get personal trainer...odiegwu oh

  28. SDK naija use caurse finish that refree and his wife

  29. I used my money to bail out a colleague in my former place of work that stole!! I bail him with 20k!! Have never bailed someone before though , I don't hv idea!! His wife was heavily pregnant and no one to call. And if he is not bailed that Friday! It will be till Monday and if you see how the cell stink when I visited him.they have not paid salary o, I have my mom atm, I used it and went to ojodu police station. The woman in charge was asking for 40k I have to beg and beg till she collected the money. Me self was scared since we work in the same place. Let them not think I joined him in stealing oo. Hmm I shortee for him that he will pay for Wat he stole, he has to go look for d money then he paid.
    This guy promised to pay me and I was patient! ! He went round telling people that the money I used to bail him was too much!! I would have begged the woman. More than 6 months e no pay!! He keep promising. He chatted me up one day that I should send my account. I sent zenith and he was like gtb bike, I no won spend for bank charges. I said I don't have. My Bro said look for and send him. Collect your money. I did immediately. D guy no send!! I called!! E no pick.2 weeks nothing. I hv to call one of his sister.explain to her!! She called back saying she asked him and he was like the agreement he had with me is that he will send me anytin. That he cnt pay all. I said biko when we agree. I told her is OK God will punis him. But last week which made it more than a year I decided to send him message that I will call him out on fb nd send Stella to call him out. He read it nd block me. My bf bros told me to forgive him that he will pay me which is today. I hv forgiven him but is it right to collect it from my bf uncle????

    1. Next time face front and leave people to their problems, he has families that care less,but you decided to act mother Theresa 😎😎😎😎😎

    2. Your own is 20k for over a year, and you dey cry.

      Make i no talk my own. Next time you want to help people since they dont like pity, sign an agreement or just LOCK UP. Dem no go kill you

    3. It’s painful but just forget dat money

    4. I will advice you move on. Theives dont have shame. someone who stooped so low to steal,can even harm you on top of your 20k.

      So take heart dear.

    5. Sorry dear.

      One thing I tell myself these days is that I am NOT the saviour of the world. If you hadn't gone to bail him, someone else would have gone to bail him. Maybe even that Monday. But he wouldn't have died. And I was even surprised to read that you are a woman. He no get ANY male at all for he life wet he for call that day?

      Sometimes we carry burdens that aren't ours to carry at all, and the people we do that for turn around to bite us. Case in point, someone I helped asking me "did I steal from you?". Lol

      It is well sha. It's just for one to learn and become wiser. Be gentle as a dove, and as wise as a serpent. Don't ever forget that.

  30. Good morning people hope we all rested well? That anonymous asking if I beg on Instagram because I follow Alex is it your following? All these rats that will not learn to know that my opinion is my opinion! You can't change it if you want my ig Id ask so you can monitor how and when I comment. Estupida!
    I am not here to follow bandwagon i can like whatever I want to like but calling me a beggar is the height of it! People beg I get irritated ,but what do I know? Please lets learn to respect each other here because any idiota that calls my name anonymously or by your id i will give you back yo back. Few know me here so I have nothing to hide!

    1. Bee to the 10,there are so many stupid and foolish anonymous, don't allow them work out up this early morning 😎😎😎

    2. Hahahahahahaha
      This is so hilarious
      You, Bee 10 beg on I. G
      That means white is turning to red then

      Biko don't stress yourself, keep enjoying your leave. 💕💕💕💕💕

    3. Ordinary question wey dey ask u u no fit answer

    4. Don't mind them anonymous here, they can formulate unimaginable lies so as to paint someone bad here, just ignore them biko


  31. Bv EESAH....... I read your comment yesterday inside In-house-News, justifying the killings of people in Plateau State on the premise that cows were killed or feasted on. I had wanted to respond to you but it would have sounded so harsh as my emotion would have taken the better part of me just like others who responded to you did.

    I have learnt, in anger not to speak or write. Briefly I will say, your assertions were wrong and ill conceived. In as much as I would frown and condemn the killing of any Nigerian, Fulani or even their cattle which they hold sacred more than human life, my questions are 1. Why would they wiped out a whole community because of some missing cows? Is that justifiable to you?

    Did you read or heard what that Fulani leader said? That they only killed 200 and people are shouting whereas their cows were 300 that was killed, and they need to balance the equation.  2. Why take laws into your hands? 3. Destroying peoples farmland to feed your cows is it a good act? Isn't that an invitation for crisis?

    I think if not for the obliteration of some histories from the school curriculum, in order to hide the true stories associated with the Fulani, their thirst and quest for dominance wherever they found themselves, you will understand that this people are synonymous with violence right from time immemorial. Either you are economical with the truth or one of them.

    It won't be mistaken to say that a repeat of  the jihadist  war is gathering momentum and quite sad non Muslim aren't seeing the hand writing by this war mongers.

    1. You better don't stress yourself on that one
      Such a destructive comment

    2. @Teejay, EESAH is nothing but a vampire like his cohort.
      Fulani heardsmen and their unborn children will never know peace. Let the arrow of God locate them and their sponsors in Jesus name.

  32. This world up games are so so unpredictable, I love that!

    Thank God for a good life, no complains at all. Oluwa Mi, e ma Seun ooo.

    Have a blessed day my lovely people.

  33. Good morning beautiful people of SDK. Do have a fruitful and great day.

  34. I don't understand what is happening to me, why is it that I cannot meet sweet, rich or well to so guys? Why is it that is only married men that I can see that are doing well? Biko I don't want someone husband, i need a guy that I can be with, am not desperate for marriage just want to have a good guy who will spend on me, love me, I must not be the only one spending on myself alone. I just want to be loved

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. hahahahaha we have rich guys everywhere. Seems dem cover you with black veil on your face

    3. Anon work and spend on yourself don't wait for any rich guy's money.

  35. Good morning people.. 😍 😍
    Thank you all for your congratulatory messages. I'm grateful. Got to the hospital at 6:30am, gave birth at 7:40am. My God was faithful

    The joy I feel can't be explained. I thought after having 2 babies the 3rd wouldn't make me all jittery but turn here I am, more excited than the first time because it's a baby Girl. Father lord 😍😍😍. Oh, baby girl came out a DIVA, you need to see all her pictures with her divaness. Her lashes, her hair, her complexion, everything is purrffeerrt like I wanted 😍😍😍😍. I'm too in love. Oh God, don't let me spoil her too much

    I use her to reach out to everyone who wants this joy, and I say by his mercy and grace, you shall partake in this happiness.

    Cookie, words fail me anytime I think of you. I love you plenty and you know this. You are actually one of the first 5 people I told I was preggy.
    You knew even before I was 6 weeks and we have been on this ride together. With all my plenty wahala😅😅😅😅

    On this note, father in heaven, know thee that I have hanged my boot 🙅🙅🙅

    1. congratulations my love....
      God bless her
      Amen to ur prayers

    2. Congratulations fabmum I am so happy for you!

    3. Congratulations!😎😎😎😎

    4. Awwwwww!!!!
      Kisses to your baby girl😗😘😗😘😗
      Thank God for you....

    5. OMG
      Congratulations fab momma
      Our baby girl will hear am
      So happy for you 💕💕💕

    6. Congrat once again Fab Mum for this bundle of joy.

    7. Congratulations Fabbie, I'm so happy for you. Kisses to your cute princess.

    8. Congratulations Fab Mum. Baby girls can be so cute. I pray next would be a baby girl so I can join you and hang boot. Please take care of the little one and enjoy your Omugwo.

    9. Congratulations to u. Thank God for save delivery. Kisses to cutie.

    10. Congrats Fabbie. I'm happy for you cos I know you desperately wanted a girl. Daughters give mothers joy. Its amazing. Pls don't spoil her biko.

    11. Congratulations
      May God watch over the new born and make her bring glory to your home.
      That reminds me of bv Dada Toyosi, since she gave birth I have not seen her comment. Hope she and the baby are fine

    12. Congratulations dear, please send us baby dust

    13. Congrats fab mum, GOD bless you and your baby... Amen

    14. Awww😍😍😍

      Thanks @Sharon, olori orente, bee10, Stella Maris, lady bug, teejay, shooter gyal, banker, Cynthia, justswyt, mummy J, mummy gee.
      God bless you both

    15. Congratulations Fab Mum, may God keep the baby. I pray my next will be a baby boy so that I can also hang my booth like you.

    16. Congratulations once again Fan Mum.

    17. "Oh God, don't let me spoil her too much"

      This was so me when I finally had a girl. she's the most adorable thing I ever set my eyes on. Do you know I get so carried away, I always thank her for agreeing with God to come into my life? Then she'll give a smile that can heal the world.! Woh! Let me just stop there pls.

      Hearty Congratulations!!!!
      God bless her!!!!!


      Dont come for me oh!!!! 🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃

    18. Fab mum congratulations once again. I wrote it that day that I know you will spoil her silly. Kiss her for me. Welcome to the hag boot club.

      Our God is awesome. I remember last year when I was littering the comment section with "God I want a Son" I was confessing it until it came to pass. Jesus you love me too much ooo 💞🎶🎼🎺🎤🎵.

      May God's blessings meet everyone seeking this joy, amen.

    19. Congratulations. I love baby news. Amen to your prayers.

    20. Congratulations! I love baby news. May God bless you and your family. I pray God answers my prayers and give me a reason to rejoice and be rejoiced with soon in Jesus name. Amen

    21. Congratulations Fab mum.My love to baby.

    22. Congrats Fab mum, mushy kisses to your baby.

  36. oh God I always feel so scared to pray. If I want anything n I pray about it even if I was almost getting it, the mere fact have prayed and want that thing I will never get it. Now to pray scare the shit out of me. How can when I start praying for anything it get worst, but immediately my mind is not there or expecting it, it happens. But there no way I won't want something na. I tire for this life oh.

    1. So your village people now disguise as prayers,hian!😎😎😎😎

    2. The devil don really hold you well ooo. Abeg dont stop.

    3. It's your mindset, change it!

      Believe in God's word that says, asks anything in my name and I will do it! Whatever you ask in prayer, believe you have received it and you shall have it!

      My dear, prayer is a great key and weapon. It has been working for me and others, it must work for you. The question is do you believe?

      It starts by believing God's word is so powerful to do anything good and also changing your mindset! Shalom....

    4. Don't relent in your prayer life. Pray without ceasing according to the word of God. It may looks as if everything is stagnant but trust me God is working out things for you.

  37. Good morning all and a beautiful day to all Amen.

    The country is under siege by spiritual wickedness in high places. The blood letting going on is for more powers to some people. They forget that the God we serve, will not let His own suffer or be tormented. Those of you who dont serve God, now is the time to hold Him tight because these things will not end.

    Make i go drink my tea jare. See una. weather is cold. Two for the weather, one for the belle. It is well.

    See you all. Lets continue to put our brothers and sisters in Jos and other places in prayers. They surely need us now since we dont have Believers Organisations but CAN who only knows how to visit Abuja.

    1. It's so sad and heartbreaking seeing people becoming refugees in their own country. This is the height of wickedness and inaction from this administration. I repeat again, Nigeria is far from redemption. It will be better to be recolonized because we haven't learn anything good about governance.

    2. What is Osibanjo And Pastor Adeboye saying and doing in this?
      @Princess Tever

    3. @Princess Reverend, what do you expect Pastor Adeboye to do rather than praying for Nigeria.

  38. May today be full of blessings for us all.

  39. Australia has three A's and each A is pronounced differently.

  40. Gudmorn stella
    kisses to ur bfs
    Good morningEveryone 😍💓💙💋💟💞💜💝

  41. Stella sorry for the loss of Germany. This world cup is so unpredictable. May the best team win.

    Good morning to y'all.

  42. Hallelujah challenge continues today by midnight. Endeavour to join us as God is doing miracles.

  43. Good morning beautiful people. Today is my day of miracle and testimony in Jesus name.

  44. Morning house, fruitful day 😘 😘


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