Stella Dimoko Spontaneous FRIDAY


Friday, June 29, 2018

Spontaneous FRIDAY

#tGif #toosad #GodpleaseforgiveNgieria #toomanytragedies #whatisgoingon #endtimeindeedorhumaninducedendtime #prayfornigeria #wokeuplikethis #omg #idontknowwhattosay #shockedbeyondwords #blackthursday

Good Morning ....I hope everyone is emotionally stable today after yesterday?

Yesterday was a black Thursday for Lagosians!..It is so sad and i pray the injured survive and those departed sad!

I also hope everyone is OK where ever they are!....

I am just wondering if there was anyway we could have avoided the tanker incident and if there is also anyway a similar one can be avoided in the future?

Looking at the fire and even imagining anyone is trapped inside their car can make someone go into shock..just looking!!!

Maybe these tankers should be banned from running during the day time when the roads are filled with other cars?

I am presently in a sad mood watching all the fire videos.........

I don't know what else to type right now..........

May Today be a good day and may God keep us all save from harm.


  1. Good morning darls. It's well with our souls.

    1. Martins Aboy 0llphow do I back up my photos using Gmail biko? Or is there any other way?

    2. @Emjay,Go to your playstore and search for "Google drive" then download..
      After download,sign in with your gmail account then you would see the required field to upload as much as many pictures which you can arrange according to any folder of your choice..

      Hope this helps..


    3. It's pure carelessness! These tragedies are avoidable if only we'll do the right thing!

  2. Dear God, have mercy on us
    What is happening to our dear country??

    Personally,this very June is one month I don't pray for it's reoccurrence....The month has claimed too many casualties
    The plateau killings,Dbanj Son,Bodija Market,Otedola Bridge and so many we don't even know.

    I pray God soothes the pain of all the affected bereaved families. May God wash away the sins of this country,we need your divine intervention,it is becoming unbearable πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”...

    Good morning lovelies

    1. My condolence to the various families affected in this tradegy. Sometimes human carelessness are always the result of things like this and not necessary sins. In this country we play too much and don't take precautionary measures over serious life threatening issues.

    2. Amen!
      There's a ton line between life and death...

      May God continue to keep us safe. May we not become a sacrificial lamb for our country in Jesus name πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

    3. I pray God have mercy and healed our land.

    4. @Olori You don’t have to pray about it as June wil not reoccur this year, pray for better days ahead instead.

      @Teejay *Human carelessness are[sic]*
      Human (singular) carelessness is (singular).
      *not necessary[sic]*
      Not necessarily.

      @Miss A *Thin line*

      @Cutest Pat Throw the whole sentence away.

    5. Anonymous sic, I dey hail you o...#headmonitoringspirit

    6. Choi anon 10:11 pls allow us to murder English in peace ehhn.
      We no de lecture room biko

    7. Anon 10:11,are you English lecturer

    8. @chigirl: "are you English lecturer"
      *Are you a lecturer in English?

      I am neither English nor a lecturer.

  3. The Government has failed us!

    The Christians in places of authority have failed us!!

    Souls are weeping!!!

    Families are dying!!!!

    People are mourning!!!!!

    The country is in a state of confusion!!!!!!

    Blood everywhere!!!!!!!

    How did we even get here??????

    It's so scary, I am very afraid!!!!!!!

    PLEASE, PRAY FOR NIGERIA!!!!!!!!!!....

    This last week has been so horrible. From one bad news to another.. .. dear Lord, pls help us

    1. Lord,Nigeria needs you. Please have mercy on us. Look upon us with your eyes of mercy Lord,please forgive us father. All we ask is your mercy Lord for we cannot go on like this.

    2. I sincerely hope everyone is okay...
      Hello Lagos Bvs, hope you all we good and your families too...
      I read some testimonies. I thank God for the lives of those that narrowly escaped that place.
      May God preserve us all.

      Hey Chikibaby...been long I saw you on this street. Guess we miss ourselves here
      I can't get the picture of you rocking those braces out of my head. You just know how to say in everything. Be safe okay.

      Pls, pray to God as you step out. May we all be safe. Amen!

    3. We need to draw more closer to God.

  4. Some BVs should know the difference between BORROW & LEND and stop confusing me whenever I'm reading their comments.

    to collect/take something from someone temporarily, on the condition to pay/give back later.

    It also means :
    To adapt another person's idea for ones use.

    to give someone something temporarily, on the condition to pay/give you back later.

    Past tense
    Borrow = borrowed
    Lend = lent

    A borrower is someone who borrows.

    A lender is someone who lends.

    The past tense of lend which is lent has the same spelling as "Lent"(period of penitence for Christians before Easter) but they have different meaning.

    Biko if you can't speak or write big grammar, write/speak simple English like me.

    I borrowed money from him.
    Me: I collected money from him to pay back later.

    2: l lent him money.
    Me: I gave him money to pay me back later.

  5. No one lives in the past more than a man that once had money.......

    You swore never to seek for help from him again. You don't need his help to survived. In fact anything that will make you walk to him for assistance should rather kill you on the way.

    Few years later, you are stuck in your own vomit. Isn't this ridiculous?

    1. @Teejay: Survive. Please free *ed*.

    2. @anonymous sic, tuale baba!! #teammonitoringspirits

  6. Yesterday I went to Ikeja for a small side hustle, the guy was supposed to pay me cash but he ended up with bank transfer. The only cash I had left was my tfare(afterall we are clamouring for a cashless I got to the bus stop and entered a bus heading to yaba, a young pretty lady who was standing beside the bus approached me through the window and asked if I could help pay for her seat...I told her I don't have enough cash with me for both of us but I can lap her to Yaba. She frowned, hissed and bounced.😱
    My people, abeg help me reason the matter, was my offer wrong??


    Ichie TJ I read IHN of yesterday late and saw where you picked me as one of the recipients of your data subscription. God bless you nwanna, the gate of riches shall be opened continually for your sake. Gracias!!!


    1. Lmao.. . A full grown adult? Continue!

    2. She is one of the co_operate beggars.. She was trying her luck.

    3. Amen bro.... You are a brother and my boss.

    4. The lady needed money for something else not for transportation.

    5. You aint serious. What an offer!
      You and I know its wrong ofcourse. Kikikikiki

  7. Good morning beevee
    So sad about the petrol tanker yesterday.So many deaths lately.

    1. So many! Extremely sad. How you doing dear 😘. Kisses to you and the family

  8. Hello bvs,how do I get my money from this lady and her family, I made her reception dress and her traditional wear without collecting the advance payment from her she was very busy within that week and I didn't want to disappoint her, she paid part of the money the following week and she hasn't pay me my balance, I have been to her house severally that her husband promised to pay me but he hasn't, I'm a calm person and they are taking advantage of me now the lady told me she will pay me my money when she have it I asked her when will that be but she said she doesn't know and she didn't call me since then

    1. I dint know why people do This! Take advantage of people that's why I don't blame people who stick to their payment rules before collection. If you ddnt have money, you ddnt have to make a reception dress.
      Don't know your relationship with her but you may have to be firm

    2. Eayah the economy is not smiling at all oooo. I am sure they spent their monies on the wedding thinking they will make gain. It is a pity. May be you should wait small before going to meet them again.

      Dont wont to spoil your hustle, they might not pay again. It is well with you

    3. The lady is not nice,but you should have insisted for your balance before dropping off her clothes. I am not nice when it comes to my balance because I do not like to owe.

    4. That's human being for you.

    5. She and her hubby are shameless entities. Tag a SARS guy along when next u are going for ya payment, they will cough out both ya money and d one for settling d guy immediately.. Nonsense and ingredients.
      I detest people that behave as such.

  9. Those tankers should be banned during the day and run on midnight. It will help out in a large extent.

    1. Internal rest granted unto their souls and let God's perpetual light shine upon them. Quick recovery to those hospitalized. Such a terrible loss of human lives.

    2. I thought they were. I realy thought they were. They scare the hell out of me. I thought they were asked to commute on my at night nationwide.
      God help us

    3. Internal rest ko external rest ni. Itibolibo

    4. ... and run on midnight?
      It will help out in a large extent?
      Oh Lord! internal?
      Between you and English, one must kill the other very soon

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. I typed eternal but autocorrect changed it. I am not that daft please. You should know autocorrect does funny things with similar words spelling. See them feasting on teejay abi this one na tense again?

    7. Teejay so you think your only problem with English is wrong tenses? Hahahah
      Mkpi,you have numerous problems with English. Up there, you used wrong words, proposition and grammar are part of your problem.
      How can trailers run ON midnight?
      What will help OUT IN large extent?
      Go to Google and find out what is wrong with those two lines that I mentioned above.

    8. Did autocorrect also change “run on midnight and “in a large extent”?.

    9. Hahahahahahaha..@anonymous sic, your monitoring spirit game is tight o...Kai!

    10. Anonymous on Teejay's grammatical blunders you can actually correct in love NOT forgetting your corrections are unsolicited. No need brewing and spewing such hatred all in the name of correction.Our writing tone gives us away as either loving or bitter souls.

    11. @Anon 11:49 Go google "tough love" son.

    12. *prepositions not proposition...

      Let's proof-read before posting, pls..............

  10. It was a sad day yesterday so many souls gone. God please have mercy let this june end tomorrow in peace! I got a voice note of days in june, july and August i keep wondering why pastors can't pray against some prophecies. Its scary!

    1. Which pastor? These professional motivational speakers??? Lmoo.

    2. I got same voice not but I didn't bother to listen to it. Cheii,with your comment, I went back to it.
      God has used you for me because my husband would be on the road from east likely on the 12th July..

      May God keep us safe..

    3. Pastors Has failed Us in this Country. Mostly the top ones.
      @Princess Tever

    4. So this prophecy put fears in you people. What a wawu.

      You all should stay at home ooo, dont go out to your business. Stay at home, inshort go and buy food for the days.

      Sorry for una again.

    5. Share the dates na, abi na only una wan escape.

  11. God protect us ooo. Im abiding to those prophetic dates on when not to travel. Whether true or false

    On other issues

    So my friend called n said my bestie is pregnant. Until she's back in the country, i'll confirm. She cant be stupid n blind at the same time.

    Chikibaby. He shouldnt be active on SM. Being active is my turnoff before i can consider dating.

    1. I hope is not the Assurance girl that's pregnant? So, should we be expecting assurance baby?

      Morning babe 😘😘😘😘

    2. Is it chef chioma? I saw one video and she really looks pregnant no be akpu she chop oh!

    3. I saw the video of her looking pregnant on Instagram 2weeks ago! Its not small assurance baby congrats if its true.

    4. Its definitely chef chioma. Moron girl
      She has joined the league of Davido's baby mamas
      Instead of her to use contraceptives until the boy marries her, she just brought the Igbo race to ridicule.

    5. Lolo
      Pls send Stella a mail when you confirm it let her do the exclusive. Up SDK!

    6. Mrs A. Gist not confirmed yet. Habhahahhahahaha @assurance baby

      Anon n bee. Ill confirm by next week

  12. Good morning BVs.

    So I thought about TGW this morning. I hope you're ok wherever you are.

    I received a miraculous present yesterday. I pray I come across people like that more often.

    Enjoy your day!!! TGIF!!

  13. It is really a black Thursday o. I had to call my people I know that ply that route always and by that time. May the soul of those departed rest in peace. And I pray quick recovery to those injured.

    Ambode has to look into this hold up issue in lagos.

  14. So CAN and pastors have been going about urging thier Christian congregation not to vote for Muslim candidates in the up coming General elections..releasing secret videos on social media (whatsapp etc) and urging Christian celebrities to follow suite which they are actively  promoting the agenda on socials too..

    The anti-Muslim campaign is being actively promoted in almost all churches with Muslims being portrayed as killers..

    Just one example should suffice for economy of space. In spite of all the noise made about Muslims killing Christians, none of the five killers arrested over the gruesome murder of two Catholic bishops and church members in Benue is a Muslim: David Akenawe, Agada Tsesaa, Tarza Orvanya, Manga Husseini, and Ngyohov Shin are all Christians and members of the notorious Benue militia. But l am not surprised that the Nigerian media ignored this Breaking News.” Also The recent Plateau crisis is reportedly a reprisal attack by Fulanis after some of thier men were killed and hundreds of thier cows fisted on and it is worthy of note that most of these nomadic Fulani men aren't even Muslims. Also the attack could have been sponsored by politicians with lots of the killers being Christians too if investigation is made..

    But what kind of people are we that we continue to drag ourselves backwards while the rest of the world is going forward? Election campaign should be issue-based. Religion is not given any room in politics in other climes. Why should we be looking at the faith of a candidate and not his pedigree, his integrity and his antecedence?
    “It is a pity that CAN and pastors still push primordial sentiment like religion to the front burner when advanced countries only consider credibility and ability to deliver. Why is it that CAN cannot tolerate Muslim leadership after Muslims have tolerated Christian leadership for so long?”

    I wonder why Muslims should not be allowed to rule for the same long period that Christians have been in office. “It is on record that of the 16 wasted years of PDP rule, a Muslim (former President Umaru Yaradua) only ruled for two years and he died in office. Christians ruled for 14 years (ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo: 8 years and Goodluck Jonathan: 6 years). So why can’t you live and let live?”

    Listen up, do you all know that the idea of Christians voting for Christians only in order to elect a Christian president is unrealistic? If we decide to vote in that order I.e Muslims vote only Muslims and Christians vote only Christians, then Nigeria ceases to have a Christian President Cause about 65% of Nigeria's population are Muslims. Muslims have the population playing in thier favour.

    Who told CAN, pastors and all ye ethno-religious bigots that you can install a Christian president with an all-Christian vote? It is a mirage. CAN is day-dreaming. What if Muslims also ask their fellow Muslims not to vote for any Christian candidate? What do you think will happen?

    Nigeria is a heterogeneous, multi-religious and multi-cultural project, which belongs to nobody and it is bigger than any section. For any progress to be made, Muslims and Christians as well as all ethnic groups, have to sink their differences. We all have to work together. Nigeria is a wrong candidate for ‘vote only Christian candidate and possess your possession’ slogans.”as Nigeria is blessed with good Christian candidates and credible Muslim candidates.

    But l ask again, who told CAN and all ye pushing  the agenda that you can install a Christian president with an all-Christian vote? It is a mirage. You are day-dreaming. What if Muslims also ask their fellow Muslims not to vote for any Christian candidate? What do you think will happen? Nigeria ceases to have any Christian president again forever and ever!!!

    Eesah Bin Abdallah

    1. Essah I always laugh @ your stupidity, shey una think say na una plenty pass Christians for this country abi. Ok let's go by what you said, muslims should vote their own while Christians do same so we'll see who wins.
      Allow Christians campaign for their own course while you muslims do same if e dey pain you. Our eyes don open reach back now, so una jihad no go ever work on us.

    2. Lady T/ am worth more than a thousand dollars29 June 2018 at 09:53

      Whoever told you that pastors are urging their members not to vote a Muslim, told you a lie.

      Its not about a Muslim/Christian. Its about a leader who fears God, is just and has his people at heart. One who swears to his own hurt. So pls, some of what you have written here is hearsay.

    3. Who be this one again, sense never reach you uptill now?

    4. Stella where is my reply to Eesah.

    5. Esah.
      Thank God you have come out to open your bum and we have seen that thing you people are covering. The problem with you muslims is lies. You where born into lies, grew up in lies, and continued in lies every day you go to the mosque they tell you more lies, and he who lies is of the devil. Your imams have never told you the truth since the day you where born. I feel bad for you and i pray you come into the light. Who told you that muslims have up to 40% talk more of 65% population in Nigeria? Is that what you where told in the mosque? Do you know why your islamist leaders paid people to butcher Christians in kaduna south, taraba, benue and jos south? because they feel they can reduce our population that way, perforate the border and gain access to the east and south south. But let me tell you something, Nigeria is of The LORD GOD JEHOVAH and he kingdom of hell cannot and will never prevail against us. Islam is operating under the spirit of egypt which is witchcraft from the bond woman haggai. You think we are not aware that buhari collected money from the midle east for his campaign in exchange of Nigeria for jihadic purposes? and before he came out for election they went to sudan to invoke the spirit of the dead in order to win? One thing i know is sure... The wickedness of the wicked in Nigeria has come to an end. We are in the season of a revolution where only those in the light will be saved.
      Nigeria is of the Lord!!!
      Jesus is Lord!!!
      No controversy!!!

  15. WE BUY DEAD AND FAULTY INVERTER BATTERY CALL ME IF U HAVE(08141395113/0811 790 3918‬)29 June 2018 at 08:07

    Very very 😞.

  16. Thank GOD its Friday! Jumaat mubarak folks... Good morning house...

  17. It is so sad. Watching that accident make me weeping. I ply this road every other day. Someone's sister, brother is involved. I couldn't sleep, the government need to do something about Tanker movement. Black Thursday

    1. πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯

    2. Oh! It 'make you weeping' too? Take heart you hear?
      Now I know so many bvs lost their loved ones in that accident

    3. hahahahaha bad child. You pray blog visitors lost their loved ones. Sorry to disappoint you.

    4. Mama girls how do I get in contact with you?

    5. Teejay 'cam' down. Inugo. I know say body dey sweet you as you dey do giveaway.
      Let the people you want to giveaway to contact you. Fire no dey chase pot.

  18. So sad oooo..
    But we all have to be strong and move on..

    Everybody now knows that we are the ones using our hands to kill ourselves..

    This is not spiritual but physical..

    We all are to be blamet

  19. Good morning all. Yesterday was really a black Thursday here in Lagos. I watched the video and I cried uncontrollably. May they all rest in peace.

    May we all have a fruitful working day ahead.

    1. The police should start by arresting the owner of the truck and the driver if he is alive. They should be sentenced the life imprisonment for putting an unroadworthy vehicle on the road. The depot that loaded the tanker with fuel should be charged also for loading a dangerous substance into a truck that is not roadworthy.

    2. There they go again, chasing the goose. Who told the tanker wasn't road worthy? Di the driver break any law? He was on the road just like any other vehicle and the accident occurred. How about blaming your gadamn government for not putting proper law guiding these big vehicles and tankers in place? How about establishing efficient and effective Health and safety guidelines and departments to enforce them?

    3. I don't even think the driver of the tanker would be alive the damaged is huge

  20. Good morning to you all!
    I really feel sad yesterday night as I returned from my busy day and I saw the news of the numerous people that died due to our negligence.

    I need to start calling my family members this morning because you never know!

    I hope all BVs are safe and none of your family members affected.

    I'm really confused with the state of things in Nigeria.
    I repeat, forget all about the party and concentrate on the person representing.

    Concentrate on the law makers. The law makers deserve more screening before voting them in.

    They are all thieves
    They are all murderers
    They are all heartless

    Calamity that could have been avoided.
    Many souls gone just like that
    May God grant them rest and give their family and loved ones the strength and courage to help them come out of this dark moment.

    Sad day for Nigeria and Nigerians.

    1. The Lawmakers are the worst of them all. Collecting huge amount of money for nothing.
      @Princess Tever

  21. May God continue to protect us from all evil happening in the world.
    May the souls of the departed rest in peace. May God grant their families the fortitude to bear the lost.
    Am also in support ooh,let all tanker and trailer drivers be banned during the day time.

    1. Am?
      Now I know why you failed that exam before

  22. God is angry with nigeria

  23. 'Some day, we will keep religion aside and face what’s been eating this country. Until then, still #PrayForNigeria '

  24. Very horrific. Fire is not something i wish my enemy. My house has once been blazed down to ashes in 2015. I knw the trauma i went through for weeks. Every time i close my eyes to sleep all i saw was fire. And having to do with buying everything again even toothbrush. Its well. I pray for all of them esp the survivors. Tankers nd all this containers shld stop riding during day time.

    1. May God comfort you and may He remove the fears in you Amen

  25. Lagos and even Nigeria as a whole is getting scarier to live in as the the days go by. Where would one run to now. We can only pray to God and also do our best to be safe.

  26. Good morning everyone and thank God for keeping us alive and safe. Going out everyday and coming back safely we should always thank God for that. Sometimes I appreciate the traffic on 3MB it reduces the rate of accidents on the bridge. I could remember some few weeks back the driver of the bus I was in that day was sleeping on steering only God knows what could have happened if there's no traffic. Do have a fruitful and great day. RIP to the departed.

    1. Thank you Stella. May God continue to keep us safe. Have a fruitful day.

  27. I listened to the audio where a man said we should take some dates important; 23rd, 28th of June, 11th, 12th 22nd, 24th, 30th of July, August ( 1st, 6th, 19th). May God have mery on us.

    1. I just listened to it, but my question is can the pastor not pray against such prophecy?

    2. Hmmmmm. No more intercessory prayers in Christian hood.

    3. These men of God who always share catastrophes, they don't have power to 'cancel' it? They can only prophesy tragedy? They can't prophesy anything good? Can you lot share any of the good things your 'men of God' have prophesied this year? Any? Ok, just mention one.

    4. there shall be no loss in my camp

  28. I'm so sad and heartbroken πŸ’” whatever they want to do about these tankers with products dragging road with other commuters during the day should be done fast. Another avoidable situation but no Nigeria never get anything right.πŸ™…

  29. Good morning everyone.
    Too many sad news this week, please let us all pray for our country

  30. It was a sad day indeed...

    May the families of the departed find peace and comfort in Jesus name Amen...

    Good morning beautiful people...

  31. That very moment after dressing for work, you hit the road and have gone many kilometers away from home. Then suddenly you are heavily pressed, 'I mean shit begin hungry you' lol..

    You are trying to suppress it so you can get to the office, then suddenly you started feeling as if you want to fart.... Oga ooh na lie!!!! Na set up be that, don't try it. The devil is out to humiliate you. hahahaha.

    1. Bia teejay how do you hunger for shitπŸ™„πŸ™„

    2. Lols...the devil is indeed a liar. My boss biko dash into any corner and emancipate yourself from such slavery. It's better to be late than decorating yourself with poo. Lol

    3. hahahahaha @Teejay it seems you have experienced it beforeπŸ˜‚πŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ˜‚

  32. It's sad Stella. I've just been imagining people trapped in their vehicles and burnt to death.😭😭. Painful death. God have mercy on Nigeria. This is not God's will for any man but what can we say? May God strengthen the bereaved at this trying time.

    To make my Thursday worse, someone sent one horrible video of a boy (maybe teenager) viciously raping a toddler. Some people are plain mad for sharing such horrible videos. I blame myself for enabling auto-download on WhatsApp. I've changed that now. I can't get that image out of my head. I wept inconsolably for that baby. I've cursed that boy with every fibre in me. It will not end well with him. Terrible world! Even amidst the baby's cries eh.

    Honestly, my Thursday ended badly nevertheless, I'm hopeful for a brighter today.

    Good morning guys.

    1. I don't understand Nigerians with pretence, why do you always cuss people for uploading such videos, the person doing it might be doing so to pass information on things/evils happening. But you guys will download the video, watch from beginning to end and come online to cuss the person that uploaded it.

    2. Hello sky, did you read through at all or you were just in a rush to reply? Cos if you did you'd have seen where I typed that my WhatsApp setting has auto download enabled. And far be it that I watch that video beyond 3 secs before deleting. Can't the message be passed in words without posting the video? Who takes delight in viewing such image?

      Please read to comprehend and don't spew nonsense under my comment next time. As much as I do not counter your opinion on this platform, try and do this same.

      I'm not in the mood for this please.

  33. Stella, our lives are safe in God's hands alone! The government doesn't care. All they worry about is to keep looting the cookie jar. God help us. We didn't wish to be in a country like this. I'm just sad jare.

  34. Please can our Lagos bvs plying that route mark themselves safe. Just say 'SAFE'.

  35. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 God is this country cursed or what?!!!! Jesus! I just can't stop crying oh Lord. This accident has broken me . The many easily preventable deaths in this country! We were still mourning over the plateau killings now this! God have mercy!
    RIP RIP RIP. May your deaths never be in vain

  36. These things are preventable for crying out loud! Why can't we EVER do the right things?!!! Why can't we ever keep to rules?
    Why do we have tankers plying the roads during the rush hours/day time? WHY?! keep them off the roads until night shebi that order was made? Containers keep falling off the bridges, tankers keep crashing into cars and markets! I'm tired of this country

  37. I did not know something bad happened. I heard on the radio while going home but did not know it was so bad.

    May God Almighty console all Amen.

    The people in this country are just terrible people. May God forgive Nigeria and Nigerians Amen.

    Too many pains on people as if what someone is going through is not enough, many still find themselves being beaten in the dream. OMASE OOO

    1. Can you enable your mail in your ID? Or which better way can I contact you for the data?

    2. Abeg ask Stella of my email contact. Shebi na so them dey do am. I tried going to your ID to contact you, i cant.

      Just tell me so that i can send you mail

    3. OK. Let me send a mail to Stella then. Thanks.

  38. Have you praised God today?
    Just call these names,don't Stop

    1. Wonderful
    2. Counsellor
    3. Prince of Peace
    4. Eternal Rock of Ages
    5. King of Glory
    6. Mighty God
    7. King of kings
    8. Lord of lords
    9. Lord of hosts
    10. Lilly of the valley
    11. Healer
    12. Deliverer
    13. Provider
    14. Creator
    15. Potter
    16. Day Star
    17. Cornerstone
    18. Prophet of prophets
    19. Saviour
    20. I AM THAT I AM
    21. Wisdom of God
    22. Head of the church
    23. Governor
    24. Righteous Judge
    25. Protector
    26. Rock of offence
    27. Shield
    28. Merciful God
    29. Gracious God
    30. Faithful God
    31. Giver
    32. Victorious in Holiness
    33. Consuming Fire
    34. El Elyon
    35. Jehovah Raphael
    36. Jehovah Rohi
    37. Jehovah Jireh
    38. Jehovah Elgibor
    39. Jehovah Sham ah
    40. Jehovah Shalom
    41. El Olam
    42. Defender
    43. Redeemer
    44. Comforter
    45. Trinity in Council
    46. Instructor
    47. Teacher
    48. Inspirer
    49. Reminder
    50. Invinsible God
    51. Hope of Glory
    52. Lion of Judah
    53. Root of Jesse
    54. Man of war
    55. Lamb of God
    56. Sustainer
    57. Convincer
    58. Light of the world
    59. Restorer
    60. Silencer
    61. Stiller of storms
    62. Proclaimer
    63. Father of the fatherless
    64. Husband of the widow
    65. Smith of heaven
    66. The Way
    67. The Truth
    68. The Life
    69. Bread of life
    70. Bread Winner
    71. Champion of champions
    72. Winner of winners
    73. Composer
    74. Author
    75. Finisher
    76. Glorious in Holiness
    77. Fearful in praises
    78. Sleepless God
    79. Ancient of days
    80. Ageless God
    81. Eternal God
    82. Excellent God
    83. Powerful God
    84. Leader of leaders
    85. Chief Inventor
    86. Convener
    87. Compassionate God
    88. Commander-in-Chief of heavenly host
    89. Worthy King
    90. Overseer
    91. Moulder
    92. Shaper
    93. Breaker
    94. Praiseworthy God
    95. Helper
    96. Richer than the richest
    97. Older than the oldest
    98. Trustworthy God
    99. Arranger
    100. Master Builder
    101. Master Planner
    102. Master Minder
    103. Arrester
    104. Relentless God
    105. Voice of hope
    106. Beautiful God
    107. Alpha and Omega
    108.Game Changer
    109. Our Refuge
    110. Our fortress
    111. Our Buckler
    112. Our Banner
    113. Strong Tower
    114. Unchanging changer
    115. Rose of Sharon
    116. All in All
    117. Pillar of our lives
    118. The First Born
    119. Lamb that was slain
    120. The Glory & lifter of our heads
    121. The word of God
    122. Our Advocate
    123. Our High Priest
    124. Bishop of our souls
    125. High and Lofty one
    126. Almighty
    127. Our Best Friend
    128. On time God
    129 Lion of Judah
    130 Omnipotent
    131. Omnipresent
    132 Omniscient
    133. Consumming fire Adonai
    134. The beginning & the end
    135 Living water
    136 Unquenchable fire
    137. Awesome God
    138 I salute your excellency Baba
    139 Battle stopper
    140 Unquestionable God.
    141 Jehova shikenu,
    142 Mighty one in battle.
    143 Glorious in Holiness,
    144 Fearful in praises.
    145 Mighty man of valour.
    146 Miracle worker.
    147 Rock of ages.
    148 Merciful God
    149 Advocate.
    150 Always doing wonders.
    151 Amen and Hallelujah.
    152 Answer to prayers.
    153 Intercessor.
    154 Interceptor.
    155 Balm of Gilead
    There is no one like him. To Him Be The Glory Forever Amen
    May God bless all those who will read these wonderful names of God to the end.

    Borrowed from whatsapp..

    Pray for our dear Country..I feel so sad now cuz the news got to me now,.let me be mute but I pray God gives ur family the fortitude to bear ur loss dear friend.


    Mc pinky

    1. Which one is "borrowed from whatsapp" like you plan on returning it

    2. Rock of offence ke!

  39. Goodmorning everyone!.i ve been short of words throughout this week,cant even comment.This week was just full of sad news,not only in nigeria even in my own personal life.
    God abeg.May this new coming July be good to this country,may we all experience new acceleration even in the midst of recession,good health,breakthrough and safe trips.Amen
    Tee jay anokwa'm ya ooh.gbasara ife data ichoro ike ndi mmadu.E cho enyemaka mu,emewuru mu ihe di na ya.
    Stella kisses to you.

  40. What happened oooo? Am I in this Nigeria self? Good morning all,may God remove sadness in our lives. If you go out and come in safely, you don't know what God has done. Bye all

  41. Abeg who knows what it means to be flying a dream. Pls nobody should come and start saying witch this witch that cos i know it's not somebody that knows better should explain pls

    1. It means you will soon board a plane to America

    2. What were you flying with? broom or airplane or bird?

      What you cant do physically, why do it spiritually in the dream.

      God help you to fly out out of that dream Amen

  42. Pls,I want to do my own body cream and I read about milk,which kind of milk can I use? And is glycerine also good for someone light? Pls,answer me

    1. Issokay,
      Yesterday na rice water.
      Today na milk.
      Tomorrow suya spice...
      Kwetinue. I now understand why some of una dey smell like wetin I no know.

  43. Good morning all. May God guide and protect us all in our coming in and going out. Stella the solution is not for the tankers to move at night because a whole lot of people move at night also. Nigeria as a whole doesn't have the resources to combat the tragedy that occurred during the day. What if it had happened at night? It would have been worse. There may have been no street lights or those rescue agencies will be using torch lights or they will be looking for generator to power the street lights. The solution is pipelines pls. Let's use pipelines to transport our PMS diesel and the rest but then our government is senseless. All they care about is lining their pockets with money. Unfortunately the few pipelines we have also suffer sabotage from disgruntled citizens. Which way Nigeria? Its only God that can help us

  44. I pray the families of the departed find peace in Allah's name. Me I don't know why my heartbeat is so fast this few days. Brighter days ahead In Sha Allah.

  45. The whole world Is presently controlled by Satan the devil and bad things happen to good people. I just pray that God watch over us and even if we loss our soul may we remain in Jehovah's memory.

    1. Been a while sis
      You must have offloaded
      We are living in the last days,critical time and hard to deal with....may jahs protection be on us

  46. Has anyone used alata samina? Is it any different from black soap in the market? Please advise me.

  47. I am just too sad. I can't even function today. I had a dream where a woman (i dont know in person) was rolling on the floor and being consoled in tears because her children were razed down by fire in that incident. When i see dreams like this, I know it is actually a vision.

    Oh God.... how do we fix this country? Just yesterday morning my mentor woke me up with a link to Malyasia's 11th national plan. They have had 5 year development and improvement plans since 1965, all recording at least 80% success. The failures are implemented in subsequent years, with a different trial pattern until success is recorded. And he was ranting about Nigeria not even having a National plan, or sticking to even a local/simple one. We never even complete the gist, when it became evident to us that we dont even have emergency services planned out to protect citizens. Just negodu the mess this week??

    This is why i get angry when someone in a functional system will wake up and be complaining about paying tax. When you are in the heat of lawlessness and carelessness, that your tax would be a minor issue!!

  48. Good morning my fellow bvs and our madam Stella.
    Pls my pple I'm worried o.As if Stella knows my mind and brought dat fart post on BEP yesterday even though I didn't see anyone with my type of problem
    My own is that I can fart like 50 times a day.and sometimes I can't even control it,it will jst come out on its own..buuuuh! I fart everywhere..on d road,church,market,at home.even my kids know where that loud sound like bomb comes from.and u see them exchanging funny glances and I'll jst husband don tire for my matter.but the funny thing abi saving grace is that the fart doesn't smell.And each time I fart I'll be relieve I'm my tommy,as if a heavy load was removed.pls is there anyone going thru such or knows what the cause is.pls help me o.

    1. The only solution is Detox

    2. what spices do you cook with? if you eat garden eggs and cucumber alot, ginger and garlic alot then iru.. trust me you'd fart from not till dykindoncom

  49. May God every family involved in yesterday tragedy, may we not be victim such again. Good morning blessed weekend to everyone.


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