Stella Dimoko Saturday In House Gists - The Expensive Wedding


Saturday, June 23, 2018

Saturday In House Gists - The Expensive Wedding

Weddings that some might have borrowed money to have....

Weddings that some might have spent too much and currently using eyes to calculate the venue as they marry..

Some might not recover financially ..

Some might take time and some might pay back fast...

Did you have an expensive Wedding tale?Did you regret it afterwards and wished you had spent less?

Why do you think some people put pressure on themselves to get married the big way when they cannot afford it?

Someone reading this now is yet to pay back monies they borrowed to get married....Why did you do it?

I have even heard of couples breaking up cos the woman wanted it big and the man said NO and they had huge differences that could not be settled...

Lets make this Interesting!...


  1. Replies
    1. I made a reception dress and her traditional wear for her and she has refused to pay my balance she and her husband has been toying with me the funniest part is that she doesn't know how to talk she told me she would pay me when she have the money I'm an introvert I don't know what to do she was even ordering on phone on top my Money bvss what do I do

    2. She is older and she's taking advantage of me, why tell me to make you a dress when you don't have the money to pay,na story she dey tell me now she told me she hasn't pay her son school fees, it's paining me I didn't beg her for money I worked for her I didn't let her to be put to shame

    3. Wedding is based on preference . Do what you can afford, By all means spend to your satisfaction if you have more in the reservoir if not, face your front and do what you can afford.

  2. Oya married bv's r don shelee make una show face come tell us.

  3. Do what ever makes you happy

  4. People get choice, anything wey them wan do on their day na them sabi, as long as nobody dey come borrow money from me for a wedding you are not even sure of as time goes on.

  5. Good afternoon people of SDK. Still on my bed cuddling my pillow as rain no free me jare.

    Stella, the primary reasons for spending so much on wedding is showing off to society. All the glitters, food, drinks expensive asoebi,enjoyment is the effort the two families of the groom and bride make to please the guests who are to attend the wedding.

    1. I spent approximately £55k on my white wedding alone! Trad is a different story. But I’m happy!! We are happy and it was a day to remember. X

    2. Nneka welcome. You've just been waiting for an opportunity to brag. Nno.

    3. Who is Nneka? Please give us tea biko.

  6. I've always wanted a small intimate outdoor wedding. I don't want crowd. Just close family and friends. I hope everyone involved won't argue much when the time comes. I don't want any ashoebi too just Wear a dress and suit up. I have my colours already. I hope my mama nd inlaws will understand and tell their village people. I just want a simple cosy wedding . Hehehehe.

    Well.. Some homes are in serious debt today cos they borrowed to do wedding. The worst are the ones that took loans lol. It is well.

    1. Hahahaha when it's time for preparation you won't have much say. You will be saying OK to a lot. Lol

    2. Hahaha Anon 14.59... exactly

  7. Some people reading this are also planning for their wedding, don't just read comments learn from them. Good luck to everyone

  8. nope. I never borrowed money for my traditional marriage, almost sold off my little shop but my mum would not hear of it. so we managed what was available and it was more than enough. the total cost should not be more than 500k. I won't recommend borrowing or spending excessively for a wedding but there is too much money, Biko flaunt it.


  9. Had an expensive wedding because both Mumsie and Mummy in-law no gree, it was never our decision in the first place. Most Cathedral weddings are BIG in my homezone anyway. 2 overbearing women(Agbala meets Agbala) who matched each other eyeball to eyeball. They convinced the Big Daddies and they parted with large sums. Wetin be my own. DH kuma no send dem so we had to fall in line and frollick in the excess spendings. Kikiki.

    Imagine that time o, 2 Marcopolo luxury buses from the East loaded with relations. One for each side. Their accommodation nko? Oh chim! Fixing them up with relations and hotel rooms wasnt an easy feat. One quarter of the guests at the reception we didn't know them but they sprayed and sprayed as we danced and danced while Mumsie was dropping anointing oil here and there. Hayaaaa. This life eeh.

    Nope. Me and DH didn't put in much because we were 2 working class middle managment executives who weren't that "rich" but what we got? As in the proceeds after all were settled by the capable Events Company we engaged?
    Oh la la! We bought a 3 bedroom executive flat in a CHOICE AREA (side eyes at Stella Kork and Chikito) sharp sharp and moved in calmly. Yes o.

    The thing is if you come from a large family and they insist it will be big, allow them, just make sure they know your budget and the excesses you can't bear. As for AWAY-DESTINATION weddings? I don't support them. That is selfish because you'll be cutting off some important Diokpas and Dijiunos from the ceremony and when they chew kolanut and spit into the air to SWEAR for una. Hmmmm. Na God go save your marriage.
    Then you will spend millions of bucks on logistics and concierge services, how much is a twin duplex in a tush Estate in Awka selling again? Hahahahaha. Naaaa. For today, I don't think I encourage anybody to do BIG wedding o, Naija is tight. As in?

    A big NO because it can MAKE YOU or BREAK YOU.
    Watch your pockets closely before you choose.

    1. I know you will type epistle. You don't disappoint!

    2. Hmmmm ok thank God you bought a 3bedroom apartment but marriage that is doomed to never make it even with all the village people plus Diokpas and dijiunos will still pack up. Eg Ubili, toyin johnson to mention just a few celebs.

    3. Ekwurekwu..GbazaQueen

  10. Stella I will talk about my mother in-law instead,because this table somehow has my name on it.

    Well my husband paid only my dowry, we are waiting for money to do the remaining,only for my mother in-law to call my husband yesterday morning, asking him if he's alone, he said yes. The woman not knowing that I'm around started telling her son not to go ahead with the Court marriage he planned,in fact not to marry me. But because I'm 3weeks pregnant and living with him he shouldn't tell me. The guy felt disappointed and asked her where the talk was coming from. She told him that someone told her that people from my side hardly makes a good home.

    I was just listening.. This is a woman that calls me everyday claiming to love me.
    Her son just sounded it clear to her that we are married even without any other thing and the Court wedding will be very soon. She begged him not to go ahead with court wedding but wait for money to do in elaborate wedding.

    When the guy ended the call he just told me to ignore, I was like hmmm..
    BVs I've been feeling somehow about this woman since, how do I go about it?

    1. When we warn you to beware of mother in laws, una go de write they love me. When you hear how they talk behind your back, most of you will die. Poster,ignore. That's how they are. Just love your hubby more and pray Psalm 91 over your marriage daily. Do not confront her

    2. Your hubby shouldnt have let you hear that. Mothers are protective in nature. Who knows what she was told. Don't take it personally since she didnt really say anything bad about you but where you come from. Just forgive and continue love her please.

    3. ur MIL is unnecessarily jealous, just ignore her and prove her wrong

    4. Na wa ooo

    5. Feeling somehow why???
      Instead of you to rejoice that God is revealing your 'enemies' to your face.
      With all the fake love this woman has shown you, if this woman brought something to you to drink or gave you soap or something wouldn't have taken it? Drink,lick cup sef. What if it's something to poison your baby or you?
      My prayer wherever I go, is not for good friends. I am a good person, good people must surely come to me. My prayer is for God to show me the enemies who are smiling in my face.
      That is the most important thing.
      When you don't know what is rising against you, how will you know what to pray for?

    6. Prove her wrong by loving her and making a good home.
      Love her like your own mum

    7. I agree with Sherikoko, u'r husband shd have been a little more tactful and respectful of his mother. Mothers can go over the top in protecting their children at times. She may not dislike u in particular. The seeds of distrust have now been sown nevertheless; and they're pretty difficult to do away with. Cover ur marriage with prayer and ask God to give u wisdom.

    8. @Anon, pretend as if you've not heard anything she said and show her love. since your husband insist the court marriage will continue then you are good to go.

    9. Poster Anon 15.40 is right.
      Wisdom is profitable to direct. Pray about it.
      Forget all these people talking about imaginary enemies. Your MIL probably loves you if not she wouldn't be calling you d way u say she does. Shes just been a bit sceptical because of what she was told. Prove to her that you are different. Marriage is such a long time for you to start seeing her as the enemy now. She might be the best thing that might as well happen to you apart from your hubby. Give her a second chance.

    10. Sherikoko he never knew the woman wanted to talk about me,I guess his reason for telling her he was alone.
      Do you know that she called me today and asked me to please send her airtime😁.. At the end of the conversation she told me to great her grandchild and tell him/her that she so much love us😀😀

    11. My dear, just prove her wrong that people from your side don't make a good home. Isn't that's what she scared of? JUST PROVE HER WRONG!

    12. @Anon.16.26.... hahahahaaha... funny woman.... its pardonable as long as she didnt bad mouth you. Forgive her jaree. She seems nice. Just confused by what people said

    13. Can't imagine how hard it will be for you to pretend but focus on having a good/peaceful home and she might get to confess her sins(lol)
      Grandma sef try,u say make dem no marry person u dey ask for card....!

  11. It's a matter of choice..I don't like to elaborate idea about this is just that,I would prefer anyone cutting his or her cloth accordingly and don't be hoodwinked by anyone.

    Can't imagine someone spending millions on that precious day thereafter paying's bad.

    Mc pinky

  12. For me, na Destination wedding sure pass. That BAAD type kikikikikikikiki


    1. ÀMÈÑ 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💛 💜 💖 💜 💛 💖 💜 💛 💖

  13. Sips coffee ☕

  14. My dad wanted a big wedding, what I used to call a 'wedding crusade' then but I'm just like my mum, very very private. Told him how I wanted it to go, from trad to white. The number of people to invite and all. I don't like crowd gathering one bit. Good thing, hubby's my kind of person. We wanted 150 guests max.

    My sis was in charge of the bridal train and wanted all her friends on the train about 7 of them. How? They all volunteered to buy their clothes and sew. That one wouldn't have been an issue for me but me that don't like all that kinda noise, I told her she alone was okay for me. She refused and we ended up with just two.

    We had our wedding in one of the cathedrals here in lag and the reception was very quiet. We danced for a while with my dad shielding us left right and centre. The man can be so protective!🙄🙄 There was enough to eat and drink (water, wine, fruit juice). Catering service was excellent. I heard there were left overs. Na dem sabi. My own was as long as nobody complained that they were not served, I was okay. Before 4pm, wedding was over. We didn't spend much from our pockets but the wedding was very colorful.

    1. I think I should emulate yours. Iont want noise too.

  15. Joyfully married for over a decade.
    He paid my bride price in my dads sitting room and we ate and danced.
    Next was the registry where family and friends followed us to and
    after that, went to a splendid eatery in town with about 50 guests
    who ate sumptuously.
    My dress: a simple white skirt suit, white hat, gloves, shoes and jewelries.
    Still wear my dress till date on occasions. He wore a simply navy blue suit.
    Estimated marriage cost (excluding what happened in my dad's house) = 200k

    1. Forgot to add that our guests had takeaways.
      My dad hosted that small ceremony in his house
      Don't think it cost much.

    2. What year of the Lord was this?

    3. Thank GOD for a supporting family.

    4. I know you Anon.

    5. @16:57
      Didn't you read "joyfully married for a decade?"
      You don't know what a decade means?

    6. @19:37
      No ma/Sir.
      I dont.
      So what year of the Lord was this?

    7. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
      Abeg tell us the year of the Lord that N200k wedding happened?

  16. I had a very small wedding of about 40 guest.

    1. Mine if possible 30 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  17. My ex sister told me that my ex borrowed 3 million from his place of work for his wedding to peper me because i got married in a quiet way. He even sent a message to laugh at me that i got married to a broke boring guy. 3 months after his expensive wedding wife ran to her people that husband is not giving bringing home anything that she don't have any savings of her own because she is always buying food and paying bills, that she cannot continue carrying pregnancy working, so she ended up aborting 12wks pregnancy. Na there wahala start with the 2 families, immediately her bride price was returned.

    1. He's a fool. The pepper peppered him na.

    2. Hahahahaha immature ex. Nne hope you sent him a message in his own coin

  18. Please include the year you got married and how much you spent

  19. My wedding was kinda huge. Crowd everywhere. Very expensive hall with alot of other unnecessary expenses. Overhyped planner. There was little or nothing we could do about it As my FIL was an influential person in his sphere. My MIL and Sils where on full gear on almost everything. MIL insisted hubby is her only son and they went all the way for it.
    To be honest, it wasnt one of my best days. Was totally overwhelmed by it all. If i had my way I would have preferred something smaller intimate n warm. Hopefully I'll get that at out 5yrs anniversary.

    Advise to anyone planning a wedding. Don't outdo yourself. No matter what you do people will still move on and forget all that in a bit. Save your money and make sure you have a honeymoon to remember

  20. My wedding was a very quiet one even though I am from a large and sociable family coupled with the fact that hubby is a uniform personnel where uniform papparrazi should have taken place. I insisted on a private ceremony, less than 200 guests. My friends where disappointed that me that I am "pepperdemgang" refuse to "pepperdem"on my wedding. It was classy, I know all guests from my side and hubby knows his too. When I and hubby calculated how much we spent from our pockets, it was less than 500k. Immediately after the wedding, we got a land and started work on it. To the glory of God we are "pepperingdem" in our house.**lol**

  21. I want a simple quiet wedding. Its a matter of choice. Do what pleases u so long as u are not going bankrupt. Most men prefer a simple wedding ceremony but wifey and MIL no dey always gree

  22. Guys advice me. He doesn't have a job. I don't have either. We have done introduction. He says he wants to come and do bride price then we go to court.
    Biko, even the bride price he doesn't want to bring money for cloth. Even if it's Ankara. I'm the first daughter, is this how my life will start?

    I've been asking God for a job. So at least I can take care of myself but job no gree come. Since 2016 that we agreed to get married everywhere block. He no even get house wey he go live. He's squatting. Me no job, no money for business.

    I'm so confused here ehn. God please I'm begging you, it is not a must that I will marry him but bless me for myself and my family now.

    1. You have no business getting married both jobless? How are you gonna feed the kids you will soon start popping out of boredom😳

    2. Like Chyluv said,I beg, you don't have any business getting married with nothing to offer. Both of you should concentrate more on getting jobs. Don't even think of knacking without condom oh. No baby deserves to come into this kain life yet. No vex,but its the truth.

    3. Thanks we are not having sex at all.

      I'm just tired. I go for interviews and get rejected. He bids for jobs but no one has pulled through so far. Please you guys pray for me.

  23. If I had my way, I'd get married in my living room. Or maybe at the beach or a small beautiful garden. I'm uncomfortable with unnecessary noise, strange crowds and (in my opinion) unnecessary senrenren.

    It's my wedding. My wedding. Not a sports tournament, not a carnival, not slay festival.

    Small, warm, classy, intimate moment with dearest family and trusted friends.
    That would be just perfect for me.

    HOWEEEEVER,when it comes to planning my friends weddings trust me with the most colourful and outrageous ideas.
    I'm happy to be a part of it because I know that's how they want their day to be.

    Bottom line, do you. Don't bend over backwards so much that the entire essence is lost on your day.

    *er remember that the wedding is just one day yeah? And marriaaaaaaage is forever.
    Plan financially for that too. (Way more important)

    1. Oh my goodness! Did I write this? Exactly how I’d like it. When it comes to others’ I’m all for the fan fare if their pockets allow. But for me personally, I don’t want a big wedding. God help me with my future in laws.

  24. I am currently planning my trad for something this year and the expectation from family and friends is too high. Just looking at them with side eyes.We are working on our building project and that's all that matters to me.

  25. As a very reserved person who doesn't like stress and brouhaha, an intimate wedding is it for me. THANK GOD I have a very supportive family who are okay with my decision.

    1. Same here! I’m only scared the push back will come from my in laws.

  26. My traditional was flamboyant and colourful.
    Court marriage quietly done. Had a beautiful romantic honeymoon @ Odudu Cattle Ranch afterwards.
    No need to break a Bank just to please people that doesn't give a damn about you.
    5years, 2 children and loving our Union.

  27. Married, two years in October. I'm the complete opposite of my zaddy; he loves throwing parties. Tried talking him into a small gathering but for where?? Trad was somewhat huge though in my home town (we are from different states) then the wedding was big by our standards. I gave up on convincing him at some point for lowkey event so i handled my dress, hair and make-up, cake then left the rest to him which he appreciated.

    We were able to get two plots of land at different areas but not developed any of them yet and deep down i wish we keep that cash to do so. We serve a LIVING GOD Sha so I know it will happen soon ��

  28. My wedding turned out bigger than anticipated but it definitely was not to show off it’s almost 7 yeArs now

  29. I had a somewhat elaborate wedding thanks to my mum. I had told her we would like 100 guests mainly friends and family, she said what will people say? I told her it will be classy, I won't mind a destination wedding, although Sheraton had a great affordable package then for a wedding dinner for 100 guests, I was about to take the offer. Remember you are the first daughter, she said, everyone is so interested in attending this wedding, how can we not invite them, she lamented! She went on, I will have my own reception for my church people and other guests you don't want there. I was livid, the thought of stressing her with her high Bp. I decided to accommodate them. She did her bit. But mainly funded by us. We didn't borrow or run into debts because we worked with a budget but we couldn't have a honeymoon of our dreams afterwards. I wished we had had a destination wedding with all the money spent but it was memorable to all who attended. My little cousins remember every detail of the day and they tell me it was the best outing they ever had. My advice is just Do You! Do what you can afford, whatever makes you happy.

  30. I had an elaborate wedding like I wanted from my girl dreams(lol)my traditional wedding had BTW 250-300 guest(thank God it was an opened field)and d PLENTY food only went round with nothing left,we knew the crowd would be much but didn't know it would be that crazy,I had 12bridesmaid and 12groomsmen as well!!we used d biggest hall in town then for reception and a lot of people had no seats outside,it was CRAZY!!our parents all worked in same city and at top rank too so the crowd could not be avoided


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