Stella Dimoko OMU NKWU


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Thursday, June 14, 2018


Igbo kweenu ... Yaa 
Igbo kweenu.... Yaa
Igbo kwezuonu.... Isee!!!! 

Ndi be anyi ekele kwa m unu, nke onye chiri ya zero. O tego kwa aka anyi kparitara uka na asusu Anyi. Isiokwu anyi ji bia taa Bu maka OMU NKWU. E ji m na aka na nwa afo igbo obula ma Ihe bu OMU? O buru na imaghi, OMU Bu igu nkwu akebeghi aka, nya bu nke ka na -aputa aputa . Mgbe mbu, e chekwa m na obu so a na eme uka OMU ka o na aba uru, mana OMU nwere otutu ihe eji ya eme na-ala igbo. 

1.E ji OMU aru ulo akanye. 

2. E ji ya ekechi ogiri. 

3. E ji ya egosi na ihe di egwu dikwa, dika n'ala a na-azo azo MA obu ebe a na-egbu osisi, ka ndi mmadu ghara ibia nso. 

4.E ji OMU egosi ihe e doro nso. 

5.A na amanye OMU na fine na ugboala Bu ozu mmadu .

6. A na-ege OMU n'ulo ahia onye nwuru anwu..

Nkea Bu ufodu ihe eji OMU eme nke mma, gwakwa anyi ndi nke I mara.
Daalu nu ummunne m, chetakwa nu ka Anyi na asu asusu anyi bu igbo na a kuzi kwara ya Umu anyi, ka asusu anyi na omenala anyi di mma ghara ifu.
Ka e mesia


  1. Ndi Igbo umu Nnem anam ekene ooooπŸ–πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–
    Dalu nooo

    Anam abia🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢 kwa

    1. Daalu nne, biko chighata azu osiso πŸ˜€

    2. The translation of this your comment eeπŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ igbo is a funny language @Stella Babe.dalu

      Amawbia ugbo ogiriga

  2. ntupo adighi na ihe ikpara. Kedu ka esi etinye ya na igwe computer?

    1. Nwanne m amaghi m, Biko onye ma ka esi etinye ntupo ma a na-ede asusu igbo bia gwa anyi

    2. Enwe keyboard Ìgbo. I ga eme ya download ma ọbu na ekwentα»‹ gα»‹ nwere ya. Lol kam chia ọchα»‹. Amaghα»‹ m ede Ìgbo mΓ nΓ  anam anwa. 😁

  3. I tried reading in English and what Google gave me was the funniest and most disjointed sentences ever...

    Chike, come and bail us out

  4. Eji omu egozi ala ana azoazo . Ejikwa ya egozi ebe udo adighi ma eme nsogbu di.

    Amawbia ugbo ogiriga

    1. Eji omu etiputa oke mmonwu(mmonwu shinne). Ejikwasi ya eli okenye ma agba mgba.Daalu kwanu.

    2. Ndeewo nu Ada Amawbia na Ada Aguiyi

  5. Ndi Igbo birikwenuoooo. eje omu edochi ala ana azo azo, ana amanye ya na ulo ndi mmadu ma ihe aru mee na obodo. Enwere mgbe nna tuwara nwa ya nwanyi ime na obodo anyi, ndi okenye gara tunye omu na ulo onye obula.

  6. Chukwu gozie gi nke'oma. ndewoo umunne'm. Ka osepuru uwa gba'gu`ume. Obi di mu utoor na nkowa 'e kowa anyi.

    1. Chim o! I bu onye Igbo? Ewooo, Oko onu, amu atogbu o la m!

    2. So inube maka onye a`na kpo dike a`na gbari izu nke mbu? nwa chi na sulu uzo. Ichie TEEJAY SDK DIVA.

    3. Biko Teejay, anu be ho m o. I bu nwoke ka I bu Nwanyi? “Diva” bu Nwanyi. O buru na m nwere efe, akara m i nyere gi aka nwa obere na bekee. Ji sie ike nwa Nna. Igbo biri kwa o

    4. 15:07 De`mee ooh! Chukwu gozie gi, chedokwa gi ni`ihi na nsogbu juru nu uwa.

  7. anyα»‹ maara na Canberra na asα»₯sα»₯ gα»‹ na omenala gα»‹ ga-efu ma hα»₯kwara gα»‹ n'anya nke ukwuu otΓΊ α»‹ si eme ka ọdα»‹bendα»‹ gα»‹ dα»‹rα»‹ n'ọgbọ gα»‹.

    ọ bα»₯rα»₯ na m nwere ike α»‹jα»₯, olee ọgwα»₯ ndα»‹ m nwere ike iji ọzọ, ike gwα»₯rα»₯ m α»‹ga α»₯lọ mposi .. nke a na-aga otu izu ugbu a

    Mc pinky

  8. Igbo bu Igbo ekele m'unu.
    Nna idere ofuma
    eji omu nkwu egechi ebe nwanyi di ya nwuru no
    Eji ya egechi onu ite nkwu ocha.
    Ndi n'eso oke nmonwu n'etinye ya n'onu ma ha buru ite ogwu.

  9. Dalu kwa'nu umu igbo anyi!.Omu bakwara esigbo uru na ala Igbo..Mu bu ADA-IDE ji ya bu Omu mee decoration mbochi mgba nkwu!.Omere ya bu mgbako adi more traditional..
    Igbo Amaka!..

  10. Oriaku Amanda Favour, Onyenweanyi gozie gi na iwelite mmΓΊΓ³ anyi elu na asΓΊsΓΊ anyi bΓΊ igbo. ObΓΊ ihe di mma maka na Γ»fΓ΄du na ime anyi echezosigo ka esi ede edemede igbo. Ejikwa Γ³mΓΊ eme echekwa ΓΊlo (fencing) na ime obodo. Udo diri unu✋✋✋

  11. Amaro kwa m ihe ozo eji ya bu ife eme apart from d listed. Lool!
    Ekene kwa mu unu o.

    1. Sandy yo Onye Engligbo πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚...Igbo amaka, igbo di uto... umu Nnem ekene kwamunu .
      Stella nwanyioma, Udo diri gi ..

    2. nwanyi oma πŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ˜€

    3. *apart from the listed* πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Jehova bu eze!

  12. No one to interpret? Teejay over to you.

  13. umu Igbo ibem ekene oooo.

    Amanda ya gaziere GI nke OMA.

    1. ana ekechi ya na ite ogwu.
    2. Eji ya afiochi onu manya ocha
    3. Eji ya egosi ihe di nso.
    4. eji ya eke otumokpo, nwanne iwotago ...hahahaha

    Same girl
    Amanda is talking about the uses of palm leaf.
    if you know anyone say it and I will translate it in Igbo.
    as for the uses Amanda listed, it has no English version. It has only native version so I will advice you find someone from your tribe that hears Igbo that will translate it to you in your language.

    ogwu ka oha m na onu.

    Aurora ino ebee?

    Fan Emmanuel bia nga na ibu nwafo amusiri ike.

    Bloglord, TGW and Adadioramma kedu ebe unu nno? biko puta nu na igwe. asi na anyuko mamiri onu ogba ufufu.

    1. Mazi Chike o'tua ko di. Ezigbote nwafor ki`ibu. nara`m atoor. Igbo amaka jianyi ooh.

    2. Chike Chike!!!
      Ezigbote nwafo ka ibu

    3. Ha! Chike nwa nna ibiakwa!! Odinke nma? πŸ˜‚

    4. TeeJay onye nke anyi ya gaziere GI nke OMA.

      Oriaku Amanda, ndi be anyi siri na gidigidi bu ugwu Eze maka na ofu osisi adighi eme ohia ya mere anyi jiri puta na Uju ikwado gi. Ejikwa m ohere a ayo ndi Igbo aputabeghi kwado edemede Igbo a ka ha puta gosi ihe eji maka ya si na Igbo Amaka.

  14. Stella what is this. Your blog is for different tribes and a common language is better than this nonsense. Some people open every post you know. No translation nothing. Pls it's somehow.

    1. Life is not that serious. Pls take it easy. Get an Igbo friend to interprete it for you.

    2. Onye si ΓΆya!!!!!! Gbafuo nga ugbu a tupu mu eweta apianpia. Umuazi ugbu a na amaghΔ― nsΓΆ

    3. Oh so you are the fellow who went crying to Stella complaining about this post? Ibu ezigbote uchu.
      To think that I was been polite in today's IHN sef in replying. It's your own language that is nonsense you tribalistic animal!
      When Stella writes in German I didn't see you writing to complain oh! But here you are foaming at the mouth nkita ara.
      This blog is big enough so send yours to Stella and keep off this post!

    4. @ anon 13.10... life is not that serious. Stella is only trying to promote our diverse cultures and heritage. She has put up a Yoruba piece in the past. I don't read Yoruba but I hear and I thought it was noble of the writer. The piece is only talking about the different uses of palm leaves.

      Says it can be used to make houses/roofs.

      Can be used to show that a terrible thing just happened.

      Used to warn people off a land in dispute.

      Mark a family that has committed a sacrilegious act.

      Used to show that a VVIP/an revered elder just died.

      And a host other stuff.

      Please don't be offended by the post. We should embrace our diversity and help promote our various culture and heritage.

      #lovewins #onelove #onepeople #oneblessednigeria.

      Remain blessed.

    5. Chill abi you think they want to share money and code it?

    6. Hahaha anon 16:10, you no go kee me oo.

  15. LMAO I just had this translated to English and it's hilarious!

  16. Ndi beanyi ekene m nuooo

  17. Oriaku Amanda biko ahotaghim No5.isi na aji omu eme "fine" obu asusu bekee ko Igbo?

    1. Nwanne m biko wepu "fine" ahu inugo, edeteghi m ihe m choro ide

  18. Omu nkwu for aziza (broom).
    Omu nkwu for ute (mat).

    1. O bunu bekee ka Γ―na asu di ihe a?
      Umu efulefu.

    2. Lmao @ efulefu. Abughim efulefu nwa Ada. A nam eye nwam ara Oge m dere ya, ya mere m jiri dee Engligbo osiso. Abukwam okacha mara n'asusu Igbo. E nwerem Igbo A1 na Waec. Biko laa Azu, tupu mu atupu gi n'ogbo.

    3. Nwanyi oma ekwete'm na`ngi. e`bu nwa`afo Igbo ne eziokwu. Asusu gi dabara ofu ma.

  19. Ndi be anyi ekele kwa m unu, nke onye chiri ya zero. O tego kwa aka anyi kparitara uka na asusu Anyi. Isiokwu anyi ji bia taa Bu maka OMU NKWU. E ji m na aka na nwa afo igbo obula ma Ihe bu OMU? O buru na imaghi, OMU Bu igu nkwu akebeghi aka, nya bu nke ka na -aputa aputa . Mgbe mbu, e chekwa m na obu so a na eme uka OMU ka o na aba uru, mana OMU nwere otutu ihe eji ya eme na-ala igbo.

    Thank you, I thank you, the one who lost it. He also sponsors our conversation with Anyi. Our theme is here today for your quote. Are you kidnapped with breast cancer? If you do not know, you can read the text, but it's still appealing. At first, I was reminded that this was a part of the conversation and that it was worth it, but it had a lot of things to do with it.

    1. πŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜€. google na-asi asi

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, Odikwaegwu

  20. Umu nnem ndewo o. Oga adiri anyi na nma. Asusu Igbo ga adi gaa n'iru. Eji omu nkwu agbichi ozu. Iji gosi na mmadu nwuru ebe ahu, iji maa atu ebe enwere ihe mberede okporo uzo.

    Ya gazie o. Oga adiri anyi na nma n'aha Jesus.... Amen

  21. ummunna, igba liala oh...😁

  22. Ana eji omu achupu ndi mere aru n'ala Igbo.
    Ana ejikwa ya ekesi osisi nami-puta mkpuru dika osisi udara, ma-obu ube, maka ndi oshi/osi/ori.

    Udo diri anyi nile.

  23. Igbo nmanma nuooo.....
    Rie nu....
    nuo nu...
    Udo diri unu oo...

  24. OMG! The goggle translation is nothing but pure gibberish! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  25. Onye igbo kedu kodi?
    Ibata goro godo nma.

  26. Igbo bu Igbo ekenekwam unu. Ndu Nwoke Ndu Nwanyi, Ndu mmiri Ndu azu. Anyi ga adi ka echi maka na echi adighi agwu agwu. Ndi dibia igbo jikwa omu nkwu were aju ogu na ofor.

  27. Kedu ebe "Lady Bug" no biko bia nye anyi olu. Ndi Igbo maanu mmaooooo

  28. Ana-etiunye omu nkwu ebe enwere ihe mberede okporo uzo. Igbo bu Igbo birikwaoooo

  29. Dalu nne oma mela nke ukwu
    mana ihe m na aju gi bu gini ka omu na egosiputa na ala igbo


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