Actress Funmi Awelewa who took her time to fish out the boy from the slums of Ibadan revealed that a drama had ensued since Taju became a sensation.
According to Funmi, Taju whose mother abandoned at a tender age to go marry another man is in the care of an uncaring father who is also a chain smoker.

Seeing that TAJU has become a sensation, the family wanted to exploit him for money, so much that his mother already ordered that her son be returned to him.
“We already found a school but his mother said she wants to take her son, the family don’t love TAJU, they only want money” Awelewa spilled adding that they were left with no choice than to hand over the already abused boy to the government where it is certain he would be cared for!from goldmyne tv
Eeeyah .. Fine boy
ReplyDeleteSome women sef.. God forbid , abandon your own child all because of ponron
Wetin happen to this boy? Why the publicity? Original story pls.
ReplyDeleteThis one they are saying the boy is wild,hope he wont turn out another agbero like his dad.
DeleteWhy abandon your child to goan marry another man biko nu? Now she doesn't want him in school anymore, all because of money. God please give me these children that i have been asking for and i promise to protect them, bring them up in the way of the lord and give them my very best.
ReplyDeleteAmen 🙏. Just as he answered Sarah & Hanah so will you testify to Gods goodness and glory
DeleteVery nice desire. Sustain it. He knows best.
DeleteBy the special grace of God Almighty, you will hold your own child in your two hands by this time next year! So shall it be. Amen
DeleteAmen. You will have your own children by his grace. Our faithful God will do it for you.
DeleteI really don't see what people are seeing in dis little boy, I don't like the boy and he looks like he will grow up to be a very ungrateful person, such a lousy little tout, there are kids with lot more potentials to make it great in the future with no help or hope roaming the streets,they won't see those ones,now some of those your so called celebrities are using him to seek attention,to gain more followers and to be called a good person,dis one is just a glorified agbero mbok,u need to see the way he talks,tueh
ReplyDeleteYou are evil and wicked, you called a little child that grows in the slum as someone that looks like one who would be ungrateful.What do you expect from someone that doesn't have parental care haba!. Please celebrate him for his time to shine has come if you pray to be celebrated also in life.
DeleteMay God forgive you.... Have you ever thought that he might be a victim of his environment?? How many have you tried to help to harness their potentials?? You lots of so full of complains... May God deliver you!!! See how you wrote off the poor as a glorified agbero, may you not have cause to eat your words!!!
Delete'I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy on and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion on'.... It's in the bible.
You just called a little boy a lousy tout!!!!
DeleteHow dyu people sleep at night
May God forgive u for dis stupid comment..U open ur smelly mouth to say u hate an innocent boy who hasn't done anything bad to u.. Now I believe there are so many mad people on dis blog..I pity all d kids around u .U can easily rape or molest people's children bcos ur mindset is devilish..
DeleteThe way u hate him is just d way God will hate u and I'm sure ur life is miserable already .. Very soon u will start disturbing us with ur depression stories..
U that sees d future has concluded he will become ungrateful tomorrow..A boy of 5 years that wasn't opportune to be in school and he was raised in a slum..Now God wants to elevate him and all u can say is that u hate him..
How do u know other kids have more potentials to make it great in future than Taju? Are u d God that makes people great in life? Madam I spit on u.. U are just a scum.. Evil and bitter woman..
I'm sure some Jezebels like u will come under ur comment and concur with ur stupid view .. They should bring it on. Evil people that made this country to be like dis,after they will be blaming their village people for what they are going through..
If anyone do not see d good in what just happened to baby Taju,that person will never see good thing in life..
Stella let me not find this comment.Don't support evil comments like dis.
***Chy Ozo***
Idiot calling some one's kid Name.. you are very stupid for your stupidity, may people call you fool go born your own.. sheep..
DeleteDo you have a child yet? If no pray very well you would have one....and if you already have pray that that child will do you proud. I wont say more tgan that
DeleteWow.. I am sure it a woman that dropped this comment , pls in anyway how did this innocent child offend you for you to spit out so much hate ... Jeeez..this your comment broke my heart !!
DeleteDo you have kids at all? How would you feel if someone say they Dont like your child or call him a tout
You carry so much hate for a boy who is less than 10yrs old not like you have met him o. I am disappointed and ashamed on your behalf .
@cookie thanks for that sensible comment . God as singled out the boy for greatness wether the devil likes it or not taju will shine .
DeleteHaaaa!!! You are cursed beyond redemption! To say that to an innocent child? I hope you die barren, wether you are female or male it does not matter. You don't deserve the joy of parenthood, oloriburuku omo irankiran
DeleteAnon 10:44....why so much hate? I pray u witness d labour room in ur lifetime.Ozuo
DeleteVery cute boy. Now the mother want to use him to make money. Na wa for some people.
ReplyDeleteTaju needs training. From videos i see, he lacks manners n stubborn. He needs strong hands training
ReplyDeleteExactly. Probably beachside he has been on the street begging and fending for himself all these while. He is so aggressive and uncultured. I pray he turns out a responsible individual
DeleteYes, I agree with you. He is not properly trained and comes off as rude sometimes.That is the Ibadan way for you.
DeleteAll he needs now is love and guidance, school alone cannot give him that, that is why parental guidance is essential in any child’s life.
Taju needs parental training and I am happy for the help he is getting.
ReplyDeleteThe power of social media, thanks to AY and others who found him.
I felt bad when he said "mi o Lo school"
ReplyDeletewhether people like it or not some people just have that favour to be liked and blessed by others..,this boy is one of such. God has singled him out and he will be great....he should be handed over to the govt since he comes from a family of 2 unseriousness people. he is still young and can be refined..Taju the God that has singled you out will turn around your destiny for good
ReplyDeleteAnd one idiot up there has predicted he won't be somebody in future as if she is God.. When something bad starts happening to her,she will start moving from one church to another seeking for miracle..
DeleteTaju is a destiny's child and I love him even with d so called stubborness that evil and judgemental people are saying they saw in him..
They are only jealous that God singled out Taju for elevation while their own kids are suffering.. They are already jealous of an innocent small boy.. Tufiakwa.. D kind of evil people on dis blog eh.. Daz why I dont lick ass or try to mingle with anybody from this blog bcos most of them are evil and I don't want to have anything to do with them outside dis blog..
***Chy Ozo***
Chy ozo choke on your bile and die,you miserable old cargo, you are always on dis blog vomiting from the nose, useless stupid woman
DeleteBiko bring the first layer gist na. My maternity leave just dey start. I need non-stop gist.
ReplyDeleteThe God that single him out from the slum will make everything easy for him, the humbleness, calmness, smartness, fear of God to grow well. Amen. His environment really did affect him.
ReplyDeleteTaju's story is a typical example of who someone wanted to humiliate but God turned the situation to favour him. God bless everyone who has taken care of the boy. He shall grow up to fulfil his Destiny. Amen
ReplyDeleteHe reminds me of jumoke the bread seller