Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



Hi Stella, please help me to post this so as to get meaningful advice from bvs bc I am very confused at the moment. 

Pardon my lengthy write -up. 

I met my husband in 2011 at my working place. I was a receptionist at a hotel in enugu .He asked me out several times but I refused because of the nature of the job. (people tend to stereotype girls that work in hotels so I was very skeptical of anyone I met within that environment).

 My husband tried everything possible for me to see him as someone that meant well.He frequented the town for business and lodged at ours during those times. After about a year and three months of constant persuasion, I accepted his proposal. 

You see, I was a very brilliant girl while growing up but life hasn't been fair to my family so I couldn't continue my education. My husband made me stop work because he said he doesn't want any stigma when he introduces me to anyone . 

He became my pillar and paid all my bills and sometimes extended his generosity to my siblings. I started taking exams for me to enter the University. True to his words, he supplied everything i needed. Money for all the exams and saw to my welfare during those times i stopped working. I later got admission into the higher institution and hubby saw to it that I lacked nothing. 

From accommodation to school fees to food,clothing and the rest. He even wanted to buy me a car then in school but my mom kicked against that. I was that girl everybody envied in school. 

Now there was a problem, hubby is into a family business. you guys know how it normally goes in things like this.Everybody spending extravagantly. Afterall, it is nobody's sole business. I was against that and told him to settle his brothers so that he can stand on his own alone. This will enable him manage his capital more, spend money more cautiously and make better business decisions but he was non chalant about it. 

Mind you our relationship was on/off through out the time we dated but he never stopped taking care of me though. We might quarrel over little things and I will give him some space and only call him if I needed something. I was a virgin so he never cared about the space thingy. 

Last year he decided it was time to get married and we did.

During the preparations for our wedding, I still asked him about his plans for the business and he said he will do that after we got married.Unknowingly to me,my husband is in huge debt. 

I became pregnant after our wedding. It was then I started noticing things. He never wanted to tell me but I became suspicious because he now thinks a lot and stopped spending as he used to. I confronted him and he told me the shocking news.He is in huge debt spanning into tens of millions and it had affected the business greatly. It happened during our space giving thing. 

He is the breadwinner of his family and to me they are not bothered about the situation. After all they stay in their own house (family house) and have money saved up for rainy days like this. 

Now to the point of this chronicles., I don't sleep and eat well any more, I am five months gone.I cry most times while my hubby is away at work and now think a lot. My husband is trying all he can to make me happy but I am very scared for my future and that of my baby. What if things don't bounce back to normal? I just came out of school last year and I have tried to search for a job all to no avail. 

My younger brother visited me and told my mom about our predicament. My mom was furious with my hubby;why he didn't let me know about all this stuff since.According to her, we would have postponed our marriage plans he is back on his feet or, I would have put child bearing on hold for now. 

 Now to the reason why I am confused, my mom asked me to come back home for now for her to take care of me. She is scared of loosing me seeing that I am pregnant and troubled at the same time. Not like she is saying that I should leave my husband entirely but to come home and sit it out while my husband takes care of his issues. I am confused. My hubby said I shouldn't go that he don't want to be alone and moreover it might get people talking.

I don't want to hurt someone that have been there for me. I love him dearly for me to hurt him. My mom insists I come home bc of my condition and the fact that I can't take care of myself right now. I am very fragile right now. What do you suggest I do. Please pardon any typos.

*Hmmmmmm...Why cant your mum com and visit you and stay for a while?
Madam you better stop worrying and take each day as it comes oh...High blood pressure in pregnancy always ends up very bad.

Sto worrying and let your hubby deal with the situation.!


  1. Madam gold digger... you are leaving him bevause he's about to be broke.
    Do you realise some people went broke to pay fpr yoir wedding asoebi!!!! Infact they are still paying for it and u want to use style to runaway....especially after collecting money for your bsc.
    Broad daylight witchcraft

    1. I love you for this comment. abeg chop kiss

    2. Madam Sylvia this is too harsh! She wants your advice not insults. Haba!!

    3. What would be ur response if someone typed this trash abt you? You must be a lunatic.

    4. Madam Sylvia take 5, she can now read and even write chronicles because of this man..

    5. Sylvia God bless u!
      U said everything exactly on my mind. See a scheming woman now suddenly getting worried over loss of her cash cow surplus money flow.
      She's forgotten she's originally from a poverty stricken home & normally expected to understand about money loss or the lack of it, to make wise adjustment.

      Sorry dear chronicle writer, the mam educated u with no expenses spared..abi? Even extended goodwill to ur family? Maybe u as his wife can also do something useful to help him out instead of forming over "worried" now. Lol!

      Chronicle of wasteful women & their partners who enjoy spending & no concerns for wise savings or budget planning.
      Ndi ara!!!

    6. The way this poster is emphasising on her mother wanting her to go home sef. It's not like you are sleeping in hunger. You are just scared that things may get harder and your mum I'm sorry to say is not making this easy by asking you to come back home. Where was she when you needed to go to school?

    7. Sylvia you're right but too harsh.

      Poster your mum is a bad person. Forget that postponing wedding or childbearing nonsense she said. She wants you to leave the man.

      If you really love your husband as you claim,you will stay with him to weather the storm.

    8. Haba. Sylvia that was to harsh nah Do you realise she's pregnant, have you been pregnant before? My dear is not Easy to be in a financial mess Epecially when Exceptly A New born... we women are very wicked see the kind word that came out from you mouth.. My dear tell your mother to come Over if Ur hubby will Agree o, goodluck may Almighty God locate your family..

    9. All of you are stupid. pls dear manage with your man, if you can't, stay with your mum for a while, after giving birth you can go back to him.

    10. Don't mind her. So your mum can't send you money/food stuff. I didn't say send to your home but to you personally if she is worried about you. A good mother will do that codedly. You can go and spend weekend/holiday in her house even and bring food-stuff back.
      All these parents sef. You let a young man take over your daughter's education,take care of her needs. Something that should be their own responsibility; the man now has issues and they can't help out. Your mum may not have much money but she can atleast help with food.
      It was sweeting her that time collecting the man's goodies.
      And pls poster when you've weaned your baby pls look for something doing. If it's selling drinks and snack in your front house. Atleast something you can use to hold body while that man hustles.
      No one is finding the country easy as of now. Give it time. Don't go back home and be a baby mama in your mamas house. By the time reality sets in and your mother start feeling the pinch of having you and baby home,she will start ridiculing you and deny she asked you to come home.
      Stay and ask your family for help. Afterall the man did for you all when he had.

    11. Kai! Madam I am vexed with this your chronicle. You are the reason the whites coined the word "ingrate". I am in a similar situation. Before marriage,my hubby was there for me and provided for my needs. He took care of me very well. I had a classy wedding in our own lil way. After marriage,things were no longer rosy because I discovered that he was in debt and even lost his job in the process. I had already taken in sef before i discovered the true situation of things. It got to a point that we couldn't even feed. We will soak garri and salt and leave it to rise and so many suffering tales but I bore it all.There was no money for hospital reg and items sef.Did I think of leaving him? NO. Did I think of going to my mom's to spend time? NO. My hubby and I loved each other and took for better for worse vow(DV exclusive) and I know that leaving him will place him at serious health risks. I was always crying, praying and turned a beggar for the sake of my unborn child. To the glory of God,he used SDK and an anonymous giver to come through for me(not saying her inbox should be bombarded o). Got my baby items,hospital items n paid my bill in full. I have given birth to a beautiful baby girl. My mum on the other hand was always praying and encouraging my hubby that things would pick up soon. When she came for omugwo,seems she borrowed money cos the foodstuffs she bought were much. She was taking care of pressing bills in the house with smiles,waking up midnight to carry baby and pray for us,doing chores and feeding my husband and I. That is what a mother should do,not asking you to leave your husband after all he has done for you. We believe that our child is a big blessing and things would turn around. So pray,believe,encourage and support your hubby. The grass doesn't always have to be green.
      Sorry for the long epistle but this your chronicle annoyed me. Men are humans too and deserves to be catered for as well.

    12. Thank you for this comment. Marriage is for better for worse,sorry the worse came early. This is the best time to stand by your man if you truly care about him. Your mum should come stay with you if she truly care about you and not the other way round. Its nots a good thing for a mother to ask her daughter to leave her matrimonial home simply because things are rough. Stay in your home.

      And finally, do not use ur own hand and invite preeclampsia(read about it) into your life with all this unnecessary worries, my dear u won't like the effects, take it from someone that had a first hand experience.

      Stop worrying and concentrate on yourself and your unborn child. everything will sort itself out.

    13. God bless u Sylvia. Onye osho! Bastard girl.... Imagine d rubbish. Put ur brother in his shoes. Poor pple and greed r like 5/6. Ole

    14. Some people don't know what they have until they loose it...don't you have conscience? Pls don't let your mother scatter your home. He even waited all these while before you got pregnant. I don't even know what to tell you, me that carried my pregnancy and gave birth and did omugwo all by myself, it was just me and my husband. Pls I beg you don't abandon that Man cos if you do, you will not forgive yourself forever. He needs you now more than ever, use this opportunity to express your gratitude to him. Goodluck and safe delivery.

    15. God bless you Anon 18.02, well written.

    16. Una don come again o awon virgins. Every person sending in tales by moonlight is a virgin. Infact tbe whole of Nigeria is a virgin. Who gives a phuck. How ur virginity take factor into this ur chronicle. I will keep pointing out all u chronicle virginias because the way wen i see am every woman wen dey naija na virgin Considering say na olosho work 90% of the women dey do. I just dey baffled how every chronicler na virgin. I no even n dey read past una rubbish virginity because to me the stories na lie.

    17. Madam sylvia nkwobi or isi ewu

    18. Madam Poster, you obviously do not know the meaning of marriage. So life was not fair to your family and you were working at a hotel to support feeding at home, why didn’t your mother leave her own husband (your father)?

      Some mothers eh... tufia!!

      Even when you were chopping the guy, you were not saving? Now you want to run away cos you’re seeing the man will be broke soon...

      Search your conscience oh!!!

  2. Stay with your hubby and weather the storm.

    1. Poster, sorry o but you sound like a user. In everything that man helped you.why don’t you stay with your hubby cus you are now married, are you trying to say married people cannot experience ups and down, and is that how you will keep running away? This man stayed by you, it’s time you stay by him, all the times he was giving you plenty money, why weren’t you saving? Why dint you start a business? You were just chopping now that it’s finished, you want to run away just like nijah film, better sit down there by friend, why are you even being negative about things not getting better? You mother should come over abeg

    2. Abuja marriage, for better for stay for worse for go.
      Poster, you and your mum are ungrateful. If you leave now, u are deserting your husband to face his problems alone. I thought they say marriage is for poorer for richer? What do I know?

    3. Madam, I'm sorry about your predicament. Now is the time for you to sit tight, pray for your man and stand by him, not time to run away.
      Be his strength in this time of weakness.
      The continuous in-flow of money is what is getting you worried right? You have nothing to worry about. Lots of people survive with little even in this economy.
      Be wise in your spendings from now on. Cut your coat according to your cloth. Cut down on things that take money from you like multiple cars, trips abroad and other extravagant things. Buy only things that are essential.
      Marriage is for better and for worse. You did not marry only so that he can take care of you while you sit back and relax. You are meant to take care of each other and have each other's back.
      If he still can, let him give you some money so that you can start a little business because I dont think you can get a job in this condition.

  3. My dear, just seat there and encourage your husband. People go in debt and within sometime God opens ways and they pay off and life goes on. He has been there for you and your family. Its time to show him love. Enough love that will make him think less and work harder while you people pray things get better.
    You have a baby on the way. Be happy, this phase will soon pass away.

  4. Pls stay with your husband,console him,pray and don't be a bastard..

  5. remember ur vows...

  6. Poster, pls stop worrying, take care of yourself and all things will fall into places.

    1. Madam please do not bring your mother into your home cos from what you wrote up here,she's not a good woman. She will make matters worse for the gentleman.
      What kind of mother will advice her daughter to come back home because her husband is bankrupt? Na you be the first to get belle?? Even if there's no food in the house is she not supposed to always visit you guys with the little she has?? Upon the fact that this guy took her Responsibility's of taking care of you even before he got married to you.

      She's the one that's supposed to encourage you to stand by your husband at this trying time but no, she's advising you to come home. "So he will sort him self out ALONE"?? You all contributed to that dept he owe judging by your narratives. And for you to even give it a thought you are an ingrate!
      You better stick that your yeye ass down and stand/ pray for your husband. Selfish family

    2. @Fan, you have said it all.
      Poster pls ignore your mom and stand by your hubby, he really needs your support at this trying time of his. Pray for him and believe that God will turn things around for him, this is the advice your mom should have given you - encouraging advice as mother not telling you to return home, after all, this man was there for you and your entire family, it's time for you guys to stand by him and support him.
      And stop thinking biko, for your own good and that of your unborn child.

    3. Wow you don't know the mother's heart. She didn't say don't marry. She said leave this toxic environment and come home to your mother to take care of you. Many husbands have sent their wives to her mom for a little bit when home was tight. This is more so with a pregnant wife that is brooding. I'm sorry the marriage is not the priority now. Health of mother and baby is what matters

    4. Why is her home a toxic environment??? Cos her husband is in debt? Nawa o. What do you people think marriage Is? She's the one over thinking the situation and endangering her baby. She should relax and pray. How much of the debt has her crying paid?

    5. Yes that makes it toxic for her. Too much stress. She needs a distraction and hubby has to go to make money. Who is home making sure she eats well . You think you can just tell a depressed person sorry o, take heart and they will be fine. No. She needs constant monitoring. High BP is very dangerous especially in a pregnant woman. Should her mother just watch her wither away

  7. Don't go to you mother unless your baby is in danger. Get a grip and focus on being healthy. You're playing with your life and the life of your child. Hubby is not the first to be in debt. Give the man peace of mind to work and figure out the situation. And you sef, use your head and think instead of worrying. But stay with your man. Why would you want him coming home to an empty house when he's married

  8. A woman stays in her husband's house, your mum is worried cause you are allowing your fear over take your look

  9. Stella, you have said it all.
    I wish you the best.

  10. Don't be the kind of wife that runs away when there is trouble, support him, be a shoulder for him to lean on, make your a hide away place for his troubles, let him look forward to come home, trust God and believe in your husband. its for better for worse. i know your mum means well but if is her son in that situation will she ask his pregnant wife to go home to her parents? take care of yourself and be the love he needs.

  11. See what someone they took out from being a receptionist in a hotel and paid her way through school is talking. If your mum could take care of you, why were you working in a hotel and not going to school? Now the young man has a little issue with his biz; you are thinking 'about your future'. What was your future before he came into your life. The young man should kick your sorry ass out as you are not a partner in anyway. Some of these debt will be as a result of sponsoring you and you are telling me your future. Your future kill you there!

    1. Lol... Thank you.. No need to add anything again. Instead of standing by your man and encouraging him, you want to go back home��

    2. The poster na stupid person! This is MARRIAGE not FRIENDSHIP! So ur husband will have financial problems and you run to your Mum. After the problem u come bk abi? You are mad! No just vex me now, if that guy saved up all he spent on u, am so sure he won’t be in this mess. Nonsense

    3. Thank you for this wonderful advice. Poster, coming from another woman, I encourage you to be there for your husband cos if u stand by him, you will enjoy once the storm is over

  12. Isn't it better she comes over??
    She is angry or concerned?
    Why insist you come over without wanting to know if your hubby is comfortable with the idea?
    Why not show support by sending you people either foodstuffs or an amount of money every month or week (at intervals) .

    High blood pressure in pregnancy is a very bad thing.... I lost my baby to it (still birth and ruptured placenta)..

    With what you described up there, your hubby is a good man who made a mistake.. Good people also make mistakes

    1. Which come over to come do what? Not like she has given birth already. The truth is if her mother comes she will put the man under pressure and make things worse let her sit put in her house.

    2. Her mother should come and do what. Young woman you better seat down in your home and pray for ur husband.dont go anywhere, encourage and pray for him.

    3. That woman should stay in her house oo. She will come and scatter the peace in that house.

  13. The lord will see you through this, please let your mum come over to your house and take care of you if she so wish...Have faith in God because the birth of your baby will open doors for your hubby to bounce back..Babies born out of pure love comes with loads of BlESSINGS.

  14. Poster you do not need to disturb yourself with thinking, take life the way it is. Your husband will bounce back, life is up and down.

    Let your mum visit you because you are heavy now, allow your husband to deal with the issue but keep on praying for him, no condition is permanent.

    Make your research about so many business men and women they owe too. Dangote is owing, Otedola is owing and so many of them. So relax your nerves.

  15. For better or for worse Madam. What ruins it all is the idea in our head of how it's supposed to be... women think marriages should be enjoyed, not endured.
    Please stick to your husband and pray. Support him and PRAY, worrying doesn't take an inch off your troubles. Don't go anywhere please

  16. Be very careful madam! Health is wealth!

  17. From your write up I can tell you are young. Stop worrying about money for now and concentrate on carrying your pregnancy till full term, after every thing he has done for you, it's unwise and inconsiderate to go live with your mum now that he needs you most. please stop with that my mummy this and that ( you have a family now) ,your mum has lived her life, better live yours. Pray about the situation, give him a shoulder to lean on and watch how things would change. That Yeye statement you made about him not telling you before the wedding,he is human and scared of losing you. Stop been an Ingrate and stop with mummy stuff ( stay in your house and make things work).

    1. I’m just so angry at this poster. U want to run back to the mother that couldn’t send u to school abi or d one that her husband was bill gates . Your mother has forgotten how poor she n her hubby was that they couldn’t sustain their children till u found yourself working in an hotel . Now she is angry at your man ... u n your mum are gold diggers... see her talking about future as if she added one naira to secure hers ...I’m pissed joo

    2. I'm telling You! That her mum is not a good person. After a man did what she couldn't do for her child. Nawa

  18. U need to be around a caregiver. Discuss it with ur mum and husband so that u can all work out something. Ur health shd come first in a matter like this. If anything happens to u (God forbid)so much for husband and love. It could also help to get ur doctor to throw in his professional advice, if that's what it will take to convince ur husband. A lot of women go to their mums,relations or friends for care during pregnancy. Nobody holds it against their husbands. It's understood that a husband is not always in the best position to nurse his pregnant wife; and it's not neccesarily a matter of money.

    1. When did pregnancy become a form of ill health

    2. Nobi’s Mum, pregnancy is a very delicate miracle and your question is not right. Every pregnancy can be high risk if stress comes in.

    3. Nobi's mum, for some of us, pregnancy is a form of sickness.
      I for example, gets morning sickness, as in severe morning sickness from my 6th week till I give birth, (I'm not exaggerating) at times it so severe that I will be admitted In the hospital for some days, so yes, pregnancy CAN be a form of ill health.

      @poster, I would suggest you take it easy on yourself.
      Allow hubby to try and straighten out the financial situation with his family business.
      I think your mum, might be overreacting, but I dont think that you moving back home should be on the table now, Especially, since your husband is not in support of the agreement.
      I believe that this phase will pass soon, be strong and be of good courage.

  19. Better stay with your husband and iron things out,look for something to learn maybe a skill to distract your self from getting depressed while staying at home. Have a heart to heart talk with him and see how he plans settling the issue, provided he gives you a reasonable response and works according to plans, although it may take time to resolve but i will advice you stay.
    This will teach him a big lesson.

  20. I think it is you that should brace up and stop worrying.

    If your husband is still able to provide for your basic needs despite his situation, I think you should stay with him. When all was rosy for him, you were there. Don't leave now because of the issues on ground.

    Try to take worries off your mind and pray to God for breakthrough for your husband.

  21. Every marriage has its own trying time. Stay with your husband, and pray that he bounce back. Your mother can still help you while you are with with your husband. Please support this man that has been nice to you from on set.

  22. Please don't leave him. Your mother can come and stay for awhile just like Stella said but don't go anywhere. He needs you more now.

    1. Stay with him unless your mother is planning to return his bride price. All the time oga was spending on you, you didn't even save anything to start business with?
      Look for a tailor closeby and learn seamstress. Get busy.

  23. Chai see why it's good to know how to manage money. I feel for your husband and I think you should stay with him to sort out things cos if you leave now it will be like you left because he's financially down.
    My dad didn't know how to plan and manage money growing up so my mom does most of it. You people should start planning together. It's only a phase it will pass.

  24. Madam please stay in your husband's house.this is time for you to stand by him not leaving him,except the pregnancy has a lots of complications that needs the presence of someone with you otherwise stay in your house.Truth is everyone has one challenge or the other they go through but you can never know unless you are told

  25. You better sit your ass down and stand by your husband in this trial time,someone that loves you this much,it is just a phase and it will soon pass

  26. Mtschewwwwww your mom is an ingrate. You sef, u even send in a chronicle bcoz u think u will get support on your plans.... nonsense

  27. You are worried about the future of your unborn baby and yourself. How thoughtful of you. Now your mom is saying you should come back home, suddenly she can now take care of you abiiii? Now that your husband needs your support and encouragement your mum feels that you should leave, well do what is in your mind. Sometimes the first few years of marriage is usually tough and that's when the testing period comes. What if he is testing you? Biko let me stop asking questions before some people will start shouting that because I'm comfortable wallowing in poverty I want everyone else to follow suit. Poster remember his good deeds and pay him back. Have your baby first God will show up when you least expect it. Shalom!!!

    1. You made a good point.

    2. Don't mind the wicked people, mother and daughter, God punish you!!.

    3. This is exactly why I forbid my generations from marrying any Nugerian & having in laws with this kinds of mindset. People will cause you problems with greed, abandon, exclude, reject & kick u when they see u down on ur luck!!!

      I rather end my bloodline than to ever to relate & associate with such wickedness by marriage!!!
      GOD HELP ME.

  28. Marriage is for better and for worse. Abi u did not pay attention to ur vows on ur wedding day. This man has been there for u, for u to even consider leaving him to face his problems alone is so heartless of u. U should be his ride or die. Ur mom no try at all. If she is worried about u, let her pray for u guys. Do not invite her to ur home for now because she will give ur husband more high blood pressure. Stick ur husband, he was ur rock when u needed him, be his rock now. Stop using ur pregnancy as an excuse for nonsense.

  29. But he has prospects and ambitions, not so? So stay with him.

  30. Woman, stay with your husband. Don't be a gold-digger here. We are humans and can adjust to any condition. Stop thinking about the past enjoyment and help this husband of yours to forge ahead. Let me tell you a story: a man's wife was coughing for a long time and was not responding to all sorts of treatment so her dad encouraged the husband to let his daughter come stay with him for a while for more treatment and better rest. The husband even encouraged his wife to go because they dont have kids yet and he had tried all he could, so he was willing to try anything to make her well again. the wife left and somehow they had a quarrel and that was the end of the marriage bcos the man later discovered that he was feeling relieved that the woman's drama was no longer there as she was not in the house again. He is so happy now and has refused to go for his wife and also, the wife and her family seem happy too bcos none of them bothered to contact the man and inquire why he has not come for his wife. na so marriage take end o. So woman, dont give your husband that reason to enjoy your absence o...please! Stand by your man! marriage na endureance, tolerance and many other 'rances'. I wish you the best!

  31. Madam obey your is full of challenges.since he has asked you to stay. Your mum should live with you until deliver in your husbands house.I understand the situation. May the lord strengthen you. Cheers!!

  32. Poster I'm sorry if my comment will hurt you but I must say, you and your mum are gold diggers.
    so when money dey you people will dey but when money go you people will go?

    marriage is for better for worse. So you better sit your greedy ass back there and support your husband.

    why didn't your mum get angry and give your father space when he could not train you in school?

    why didn't you give your mum space when she could not train you in school?

    why didn't you leave him when you noticed he was spending too much on your while in school?

    you and your mum are ungrateful gold diggers. ingrate of the highest level.

    so that's how you will run to your mum when issues come up in your matrimonial home?

    gerrara here for real mehn !!!

    like mother like daughter.

    1. Thank you. Gold-digging,selfish Hogwart graduates that's what they are.

    2. I just tire..... Like how can you even think of leaving home at a time like this??? Na wa!!! This is why some men don't like training girls in school..... Let your mum come over if she cares about you so much

    3. Million likes @Chike

  33. All these fair-weather mothers. Why can't she come spend some time in your own house since she's so worried about your health???

  34. This is what happens when you you marry for money and not genuine love take away money then you will see that not many women would stand with their husband during hard times. You have forgotten how he helped you through school and now that you have graduated story have change that man was just your escape route. You better stop thinking and start praying for your husband.

    When I and my husband got married he lost his Job it wasn't easy, I was even trying to get admitted into a higher institution but I said let us put it on hold first. My husband refused and dh saved the little he had and bought me the direct entry form without informing me he just got it and gave me to go enrol it and he said I shouldn't worry God will not leave us. remember the isrealite when they were in the wilderness God didn’t leave them though it was something that must happen. We weren't thinking of the future we were grateful for everyday believing that the future will be bright.

    My story is long will just make it short not really good in storytelling. I prayed, fasted stood by him yeah it wasn't easy nobody said life was easy anyway but I didn't give up on my husband and at the end of it all God came through for us though we are still work in progress because God is not a magician but I don't go to bed thinking where my next meal would come from I eat and give out.
    I'm still in school final year and I pray to God to help me with a good Job to support my husband in anyway way his the most amazing, selfless human being have ever come across.

    Marriage is not a bed of roses sweet stay and support your husband.

  35. Why is your mum asking you to come home? Both you and hubby are her children right now, so as a mother she should come to the house and comfort you guys. Both of you are distressed and her singling you out (to me) is selfish. Its not a time for blames, cos really no guy will want to take chances for you to come and be speaking english now that you have certificate.

    1. Loooooooool @speaking English

    2. @cookie its true naau! She will now become 'too educated for him',so he had to marry her first and conquer that one before moving to another. I no blame guy man AT ALL.

  36. Na wa ooooo, he will surely bounce back no matter wht: don't leave because of money.

  37. Poster this your chronicle dey make me vex for you and your ungrateful mother.

    you are scared of your future and want to go back to your mum because your husband is in huge debt but your are not scared of your future when your parents can't train you in school and give you good life like your husband did?

    why didn't you give your parents space that time since you like to be scared of your future?

    usu mia gi onu there.

    1. Oga you are very stupid. When he wanted to buy her a car and the mother refused nko? Because he tried her in school she should now die of thinking abi? Dear poster stay anywhere you feel more comfortable. Don't let these bvs blackmail into staying with that man now. If you feel more comfortable in his house then stay but if you don't then go and stay with your mum for sometime.

  38. Unless u are in grave danger,stick to ur husband. Its only a phase everything is gonna be alright.

  39. This is what happens when you you marry for money and not genuine love take away money then you will see that not many women would stand with their husband during hard times. You have forgotten how he helped you through school and now that you have graduated story have change that man was just your escape route. You better stop thinking and start praying for your husband.

    When I and my husband got married he lost his Job it wasn't easy, I was even trying to get admitted into a higher institution but I said let us put it on hold first. My husband refused and dh saved the little he had and bought me the direct entry form without informing me he just got it and gave me to go enrol it and he said I shouldn't worry God will not leave us. remember the isrealite when they were in the wilderness God didn’t leave them though it was something that must happen for the children of God to get to the promise land and those that murmured after what God did for them didn’t get to the promise land. We weren't thinking of the future we were grateful for everyday believing that the future will be bright.

    My story is long will just make it short not really good in storytelling. I prayed, fasted stood by him yeah it wasn't easy nobody said life was easy anyway but I didn't give up on my husband and at the end of it all God came through for us though we are still work in progress because God is not a magician but I don't go to bed thinking where my next meal would come from I eat and give out.
    I'm still in school final year and I pray to God to help me with a good Job to support my husband in anyway way his the most amazing, selfless human being have ever come across.

    Marriage is not a bed of roses sweet stay and support your husband pray for home. Maybe your husband didn't tell you about all that so you wouldn't worry. Communication is key in marriage discuss with your husband ask him what they are doing to pay off all his debt and there's no way you will be in business and not owe people. Just calm down madam wifey you are too forward.

  40. one of your jobs as a wife is to take care of your husband. he needs you more than anything right now, tell your mum to come and take care of both of you madam, so you wan leave am to sort himself out, and come back and enjoy, not nice

  41. My dear poster with every act of sincerity I mean no disrespect, you are what is called a fair weather wife. It's rosy hey! Ur good now it's hard you are about to flee. Wait I thought you were poor abi from a poor background so why is a little period of financial setback grossing you out abi were you born rich I stand to be corrected. While I agree he should have told you the truth about the situation of his finances but would you have married him. You enjoyed in the time of boom so stick it out now. Why should want to go to your mothers is that your home. You are married to him so stay with him be patient, stop thinking and pray for him. This one you don dey plan to jump out na lie ooo u have been chopping his money so wait e go better.

  42. Poster u r not serious, u better stay put n keep praying for a turn around! What manner of disloyal attitude is this one? Ur mum is a bad woman! My hubby got redundancy 4 months after our wedding, i was 3 months preggers, istayed put n managed like never before, oh how I managed! I couldn't it was me dt could manage like that, even my folks were surprised. How God sustained us eh I just can't explain, when the going was good, hubby took real good care of me, I was balling seriously then in school, please don't be an ingrate! For better for worse! This is the worse n he needs you

    1. When he was spending on you and your family, you said nothing. Your mum said he should have told you of what he was going through so that she will time to cancel the wedding, she now has money to feed you abi? Now your husband need you, you want to run away abi? You cant even stay and work it out with him okwaya? You and your entire family are bloody gold digers! Wicked people! Parasites!

  43. Stay with your husband! From your write up, you are a gold digger. This man saw you through school. He now has financial challenges and you are thinking about your future and that of your baby, like seriously? You need some e slaps that will reset your brain. Your mother can send whatever she wants to send to you but do not move out to stay with her. Your husband needs your total support during these trying times.

  44. Fair weather girlfriend became the fair weather wife. You have quickly forgotten ‘ for richer or poorer’ but has no problems jumping into the white dress.
    Better stay with your husband and carry the cross because I’m sure you are here looking for justification to move our- we are not going to give you any!
    Your mum should come and stay with you if she is that concerned.

  45. Where was i before small chops interrupted.... 😂😂
    Madam you too try and be strong!! In marriage these times of uncertainty will come for everyone. Whats all this anxiety for? Afraid of being too broke to maintain status quo? Well this is where your faith comes in to play. Faith starts where thinking ends.
    As a good wife you should be more concerned about understanding your husband's business case/model, asking the right questions so it doesnt happen again WHEN he picks up - as you will be there to ring bell of warning and put checks when his testosterone is on business overdrive.

    Na wa oh... make una small small with your assumptions oh. Marriage isnt child's play and you must be in it to win.

    1. "Faith starts where thinking ends". Love you for this.

  46. madam u are very selfish and self centered, u don't have single love for ur husband, and ur mom can't even advice u well.shame on u. keep thinking about future u hear because u are now God.

  47. Poster it’s like you brought bad luck into your husband’s life. You know this, reason why you want to run away. If you run to another man na so the man go ruin. Nonsense. Oponu.

  48. All of you saying she's a gold digger are mad.The issue is, the guy would have put the wedding on hold or at least postpone getting her pregnant. What if the situation doesn't change over night? the innocent baby will start now to know what poverty is. Moreover, she will suffer with this guy now but when big money comes in the guy will start looking for side chicks. @Poster, try and look for a way to manage the situation. Marriage is like a parcel, you only know the content when you enter into it.

  49. No you go nowhere
    Stay with him and supper him
    You leaving will not only make you bad but your family in entirety
    If that man hurts himself cos of You, you will not forgive yourself not mum. He wronged you by not telling you but that's the shut men so. Always feel they far it covered until it comes crumbling. And women are best builders. So stay strong for yourself, baby and your home. It will be history
    It's well

    Get someone to stay with you instead..

  50. I can't believe am commenting on this.
    I don't think your mother should even come, at times like this it's a couples battle. You need privacy for you to face it squarely. Your mother is more of the greedy type her presence will bring unnecessary tension in the home.

    You obviously married him for the money but babe if you still want money you better leave and look for a made man but if you still want this marriage this is the time to prove it


  51. You're worried about too many what if's. Why don't you focus on what is & how you can be of help. Reduce your financial demands, encourage him, monitor your income and expenses, start thinking of starting something to bring extra income into the family. Then watch how your man handles the situation. your mama go still tire to dey take care of you if you go to her.

  52. Ode..
    You were hoping to give birth in america n its looking like money is tight...your husband is having challenges in business u n ur mom wanna connive n run.. Ur mother ehn...better stay with ur husband..fair weather wife.

  53. Something is doing you o!
    Where do u want to go to?
    your mother is not helping at all, you should sit down and pray for your husband. he needs you more now. and you want to run. I believe u are not starving and if u are mumsi should help with foodstuft.
    See the way you are bringing out ur husband in front of your family.

  54. I am quite impressed.
    Everyone is speaking in one Voice. Don't leave your husband now that he needs you most.
    If you leave now and another woman Comes and give him the comfort and support that he needs, shey you will write another chronicle?. You have Contributed nothing to this man. This is the only time you will have to do something for him,by staying with him and pray.

  55. You are scared for your future? Which one;the one you never had until he have you one? lol

  56. Madam, please answer my question. You have been thinking and getting yourself worked up, did it solve the problem or made the tens of millions available? Your worrying cannot bring solution to the issue on ground.
    Meanwhile, you and your mother are selfish and inconsiderate. Have you thought of what your absence will do to your husband . you want to leave him alone , go back to your mother to enjoy. Abii? If your mother is sincerely concerned and have not forgotten what he did for you so soon then she can support both of you with food stuff, prayers and comforting words or even cash if she has. Instead of insisting you come back home.
    If i'm your husband and you leave you will never come back as my wife again.

    1. Gbam, if na me be the husband too she will never return back to my house as my wife.

  57. Honestly, you and your mother are scheming, gold diggers. I am so disgusted reading this. You obviously married him for his money and nothing more. Greedy paupers. I pity that poor man that married out of love. Nonsense.

  58. You are now a wife and no longer a girlfriend, do what all good wives do for their husbands, get on your knees before God and plead his case, pray until something happens. be a prayer warrior for him. You enjoyed the better with him, you shouldn't abandon him during the hard times to sort himself out. Do you know the degree of psychological boost your presence might be giving him. If you leave him whether temporary or not you're sending a very wrong message.

  59. My dear, marriage is for mature people. How would you feel if you had a broken arm and your husband's mother asks him to come over to her house for a while until yoir arm gets better?

    1. As in! @for mature people
      Do they know that?? If its to line up and assume that you are becoming a gwegs they will appear. Yet i see people who claim to be mothering others acting like babies everyday, even on here. I often wonder....

  60. If you fail in times of adversity, your strength is small. So says the Bible.

    Honey your husband loves you, you love him, so what is the problem? Can't you stand by your man, be his rock, his support system, his balm, his strength and his Joy?
    The two of you can get through this as a team.

    what do you mean by your condition? pregnancy is not a sickness abi disease, so stop acting like one who is sick. Brave up darling and be your man's rock.

    Stop thinking and let things sort themselves out naturally. When he is back from work, serve him his food, then while you sit intimately together, ask him if he has a plan? Devise strategies together on how to get through this.

    What are you going to do in your mother's home? Are you not married? If you don't have food at home, let her send you money and come support and encourage you and not asking you to come home, was that how she left your father when he couldn't afford to train you in school and give you all you need?

    There are women who are about 8 months pregnant who still hawk, leave home at 5 am to beat Lagos traffic and get to work in time.

    All that is required of you is to sit back at home, pray, encourage yourself and encourage your man. Act the part; marriage is not just about staying in the home in good times.

    Know this; IF YOU LEAVE NOW YOUR HUSBAND NEEDS YOU, HE WOULDN'T NEED YOU WHEN YOU RETURN, IN FACT, YOU WOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO RETURN, because you have proven yourself to be unreliable and undependable.

    Also Know this; YOU ARE MARRIED, stop making selfish decisions and start thinking as a wife and mother.

    1. @Anon 17:33 well said. Why do you have to explain everything to your family. I realised that when I tell things about my husband to my family,they capitalize on the wrongs and make my husband look bad. Brave yourself and fight with and for your husband. Imagine you were an orphan, where will you run to. Sometimes we worry unnecessarily. It's not like you are suffering. Put yourself together go on your knees and talk to your God. Stand by your husband, devise strategies on payment plan. Do not push him away, cook his meal and watch him eat when he comes back. Let him know everything will be fine. Do not cause stress to the baby by worrying. Mind you, if you lose the baby, your wahala go plenty pass weti e dey now

  61. Is he finding it difficult to feed you? Is he asking you to contribute to paying the debts? Are the debtors knocking on your door everyday for their money? From your chronicle, the answers are negative.

    So where are you running to? Why is your mum trying to single you out like you're the only one affected? Don't you know you're married to this man and there are ups and downs in marriage? From your write-up, he's not putting any pressure on you so calm down. He seems like a good man and leaving him at his hour of need will only show how selfish you are.

    Try to stay calm for your baby. HBP is dangerous at this point.

  62. And who knows, your hubby didn't tell you cos he doesn't want you to get worried. Don't for once think he tricked you into marriage (I mean, the guy saw you through school and even was generous to your family). So I'm sure he felt he could handle his debt without getting you involved.

    At times,my hubby won't tell me some things if he feels I won't handle it emotionally. He'd rather take care of it himself and only tell me when it's handled and I'll be like...😁😁😏. Some men are like that.

    So woman, he needs you now than ever biko. Don't mind your mum. If you're bored and it makes you think too much, let someone come and stay with you.

  63. My dear, marriage is for mature people. When one person is weak, the other must be strong. Your hisband needs your support and encouragement now more than ever before.How would you feel if you had a broken arm and your husband's mother asks him to come over to her house for a while so that she can cook for him until your arm gets better? Which kain fragile? Marriage is for better or for worse. The only prayer I have is that if you leave, may your husband find a nice young lady who will encourage and support him with words of encouragement whilst you go to have your fragile baby. AND may that lady remain there to enjoy with him when things get better for him.Amen.

  64. Your hubby seems like a smart man, even smart ppl make mistakes, but their smartness never fades. I have faith that your husband will find a way to get back on his feet. He says he does not want to be alone so why would you leave him. He need you to have faith in him. Why not speak life into his soul and love him? Men get a lot of energy when their women use uplifting and life giving words an actions to them. Stay with your husband and love him more, love is the medicine for all ailments. After all, by your own words he never deserted you even when you had your outs, he always supported you and your family. He never tried to take you by force as collection for his generosity, now it is your turn to step up to the plate and bat for him and show him who you are, you want to run away and hide like a coward. Stand by your man!!!

  65. Madam poster, u and ur mom are gold digger, after all he did for you and your family now u want to leave him to rest in ur parents house, why he suffer alone, madam I put it to u that u don't love ur husband,ur only after his money, marriage is meant to be for better , for worst. and ur mom is a bad mother for advising u to leave ur husband at this time he needed u the most . please madam stand by your husband at is difficult timeand always encourage him and pray for him to stand by at his foot.

    1. Sweet mom God bless you ma. I save my strength typing. Obviously posted u never loved him .u hv bad mentality nd u were with him becos of his moni. Now moni no dey u Don dey panic.marriage no be beans.sometimes u eat chicken sometimes u drink garri. Love and pray for your man. The outside is not sweet like u think.

  66. It like your mum detect everything that goes on there, and I feel your hussy is not educated but a business. Imagine someone that couldn't afford going to school saying she afraid of no more money. And a woman that couldn't send her child to school saying wedding or pregnancy would have been on hold. Your hussy entered one chance family. Nothing we will say here if that man don't stand on his feet, you will leave him. May God forgive you n your mum. If you said you were from a rich home I would have understand you well.
    When I knew your character was when you said you always gave him space but still call to ask him for money. You never loved that man mbom.

    1. Comment Review:
      1. *DICTATE*
      2 *A MAN CANT BE A 'BUSINESS'. Please correct
      5. *UNDERSTOOD

      With love 💞,

  67. Poster, your husband deserves better than you! Poor naive guy. You fooled him with virginity and the poor thing thought he'd found a virtuous woman. Bunch of pathetic golddiggers. Please go back to your terrible mother make we hear word. I only wish the man will have the liver to send your unfaithful ass packing. Ungrateful lot! Shebi you sef don upgrade na. Naija slay queen. You never loved him. It was always about his money.

  68. Poster......Stay with your hubby now, so that in future you will be able to hold your head up that you stood by him when it was tough. Tough time don't last, tough people do.....

  69. I am confused madam. So you think you would go and still have a chance of coming back? Are you on a codeine diet? Mark my comment, if you go back to your mother's house, you would not be able to come back. You know what would happen if you go back, your husband would find emotional support somewhere else! And that's the end. He would get back on his feet and fight you for custody of your child and you know what your mum would do? She would tell you to go back to your husband that she is tired of taking care of you. Once you leave to your mum's especially when your husband has disagreed that's the end of the marriage. I know what I am talking about. The ball is in your court. Just so you know, you have been more of a liability to him than anything. You did not mention one thing you added to his life through out your whole chronicle. Your mates are helping their husbands with connections and contracts, your own is to eat and run away when the food has finished as the queen that you are. Biko zuzupu onyeoshi

  70. May God forgive you and your gold digging family. More sharpness to your hoes. Tueh!!!

  71. Writer you are wicked. when he was spending money on you anyhow how much did you keep aside for the raining day? una go just dey behave foolish, you come from a poor home and no sense of saving or investing in small business. ur mother is wicked i must say, your husband needs you now more than ever. if you leave dont think of coming back. marriage is for better for worse

  72. Ungrateful idiot.... Go back to ur hotel job

  73. Go to your mums and kiss your marriage bye bye. After all he has done for you.... you abandon him at this time. Hmmmm you are not thinking smart at all. Read all the comments and advice yourself.

  74. Madam you and your mother are gold diggers, follow your mothers advice and loose out

  75. Poster do not move an inch, your husband needs you now than ever, stick to him, pray for him, support him with all you can, if things bounce back to life he will never leave you. Stop worrying your self about the present situation things will be fine, I'd you give birth do this baby just put child bearing on hold till your husband bounce back to life.

    Your mum mean well but I'd I were you I will tell her to come over for a while, let her know you want to be beside your husband to give him strength , stop crying, worrying cos you have someone growing inside you. Your husband is a good man.

  76. Poster no need to rehash what everyone has said. But your husband needs you now than ever. There will always be challenges in life. You overcome them one after the other. This is the time for you to make that man so happy. Make him forget his troubles and with your encouragement he will go out and do exploits. I remember when my husband was having a very hard time at an under paying job. He would come back very depressed. Ill just serve him food, run him a bath and sit with him maybe rub his feet or head and gradually he will tel me whats making depressed. From there we will watch tv and before u know it he ll start laughing. I kept on praying thelat he would find favour from God as we were just newly married too. My dear it wasnt up to 4 months he moved to another company bigger role etc. But before all that I had decided that my husband will always find peace in my arms and in our home, no matter the circumstances by the grace of God. A wise woman builds her home. He can recover that millions in one day. Yes God can do it. Focus on building your home not how to run away. Ask God to help you and forgive you. Wish you well....

  77. Your husband is a good man. But you are not a very good person.
    He has problems with his business and all you can worry about is what the future holds and if he doesn't bounce back. It means you were in the marriage only for the money. I really feel sorry for your husband. He has taken care of you so much that you have forgotten where u came from. Now he has a challenge you want to abandon him. Suddenly he is to blame for the money not flowing again. You never truly loved this man and I feel really sorry for him. Eventually he willknow anyway. Such things cannot be hidden too long in a marriage

  78. Keep your mother out of this. How did your younger brother know?


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