Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....


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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....

This story get as e be meeeeeeeeeeeen!!!


Good day Stella

I have been meaning to write you for a while now but I deep telling myself that I can overcome some issues without involving the public, but right now I think it's high time I seeked your opinion and BVs'.

I am in a relationship with a man whom I don't know whether to call a blessing or otherwise. We started dating 4years ago and we decided to tie the knot this year. We have had and still having what most people will call normal relationship issue and the latest one is what I will like to talk about. 

His family members are no strangers to mine, in fact if you see me talking to his mum you would think she is my paddy if not for the age difference, I talk to her without censoring my speech whatsoever and she doesn't discourage it at all to the best of my knowledge I believe his mum loves me just like my mum loves him, he talks to my mum too the way he deem fit and we all see no wrong in it, his siblings are like besties to me.

 I got my present job through his mum, he isn't in Nigeria presently, he helped my sister into the country that he is and also helped my friend too when I asked him to, they are all doing fine, he stays in the same apartment with my sister and this is where trouble started....

There was a time I cheated on him(something happened and I got angry), he came back to the country and I told him, he got so angry that he hit me severally but we later settled and forgave each other, when he went back to the country he met his ex and he cheated with her, note that his ex stays in naija he claimed that she travelled to get some stuff and they met and I didn't know all these till he came back and claimed that he cheated on me with a random girl and that he is so disappointed in himself, he begged for forgiveness and I forgave him he never mentioned that the lady was his ex until I got to find out last year that he fathered a child with the lady in December...

 I used to sleep over at his mummy's place Even when he wasn't around so I guess his mum found out and decided to codely tell me by saying that somebody told her that she has something outside that she needs to go and claim it, I later confirmed from his sister, to say I was heart broken was putting it mild I chatted and confronted him about it at first he wanted to deny until I told him to be truthful because I have almost never lied to him no matter how ugly the truth is, then he admitted and said he didn't know she was pregnant that he blocked her when I requested that he did then only for the lady's family to start calling him late last year that he impregnated their daughter and ran away, he isn't back yet, he said when he comes around he will request for DNA if the child is his he will take care of her.

I broke up with him and told him I didn't want to have anything to do with him ever again, I decided to take my time and look for the right man, during this period he kept messaging and calling that I had to block him on WhatsApp he called me one day and told me to be calm that I should listen to him and not take hasty decision that I will regret(trying to refer to the last time I cheated) I got mad and told myself that he still had the effrontery to dictate to me what to do after all this, so I decided to date a guy that was asking me out then, after all I have broken up with Tunde I can do whatever the hell I want. 

So I started dating the guy and I told Tunde to move on as I have moved on too and I don't want a baby mama drama, he still kept calling but I stopped picking so he resorted to calling my mum, all this while I didn't tell my mum anything because I didn't want to break her heart, so she was always abusing and scolding me that I have someone who loves me and my entire family yet I'm doing rubbish. My sister is in a relationship with his cousin thanks to his mum who engineered it because she loves my sister and decided to match make her with the cousin, and they are very much in love. 

The cousin(let's call him Segun) is in the country too, so they decided to rent an apartment together then rent part of it out to people, that's how Segun sent for my sister and his brother to come and start staying with them and to also look for work there, my sister started observing that Tunde cooks and eat with a female occupant in that house and that Tunde promised to help them in job search but he didn't, so one day I was chatting with her about the work situation only for her to tell me all that's is happening in the house, how Tunde stopped eating with them and started eating and doing everything with the lady(she is married and her husband is in that country too but doesn't stay with them) and how he didn't help them with the job search except when they just came and all, and how Tunde's mum told her to go back to her previous employer after everyone already told her to tell them that she won't be working with them again they should get someone else, so she said which mouth will she use to call her boss and tell them that after how over 2 months, I told her to keep calm that she will get a job and she should leave Tunde and his mum and continue searching.

 I told her to delete our conversation but she forgot, this was before I blocked Tunde, so I updated my status saying if your man knows how to take care of married women, married men are plenty also looking for unmarried girls to look after, the status struck him so he asked for my sister's phone and checked our messages he saw everything and hell was let loose, he thought I told her that he had a baby so he told her everything with his mouth claiming that I pushed him to it by cheating on him and bringing STD along. 

My sister was shocked and asked me if it was true I told her yes, but there was no STD as doctor confirmed it. Since then my sister and him stopped talking and I broke up with him and started dating someone else.
I still maintained my relationship with his mum as she is my boss at work but I stopped visiting her, when he realised that I wasn't going to change my mind he doubled the calls he put through to my mum yet I didn't bulge I already have someone and I won't let his present condition discourage me after all Tunde had nothing before we met but now he has two land that he has started construction on, if I can do it with Tunde I can do it with Yemi(let's call the new guy yemi).

my mum won't stop ranting about the situation of things with Tunde I didn't tell her anything other than God knows best and I continued going out with yemi, I didn't used to go out on weekend before, since Tunde wasn't around but now that I started dating yemi I started going out with him and so weekend(Sunday) became a outing day for me I go to my mum's shop on Saturdays. one day my mum overhead my two sisters talking about Tunde and me that's how she made them telling her everything and she started crying, she didn't tell me she heard anything but I realised that her anger towards me reduced and she no longer abused me like before....

 I later got to find out one day that she now knows the situation of things, Tunde reduced the way he called her maybe she gave him attitude and he started calling me frequently again even when I'm with Yemi, I still liked him though but I couldn't get over what happened plus yemi was everything I wanted except that he isn't boxed up but I know and believe that will change with time and hard work.Tunde would call with strange number reminding me of how we started and the good memories we shared, how he endured a lot of humiliation from my friends and my then ex that he didn't have money, how I stuck with him and now that his story is about to change I want to go and start over with someone else, 

he said he doesn't mind calling my mum to confess that I should just forgive him and we should get back to together, he was always crying on phone falling sick and all, he didn't stop calling my mum and she was forced to ask me to forgive him if I can. I was confused I didn't know whether to go back to Tunde and stick with Yemi whom I don't know if he has an ex around the corner waiting to get pregnant too, Tunde later arranged for me to travel to his place with his Mum, to see if I still want to be with him, it was a two weeks vacation of which we fought for a week and decided we couldn't live without each other the second week, I met the married girl Tunde was said to be eating and cooking with and truly they were doing most things together and I find it odd the first week but later got to like her because she seemed nice, she took me on outting when Tunde goes out to work...

well I complained about some of the things he does with her and the other girls and he adjusted almost immediately, we were open with our love in the presence of everyone as he complained bitterly about how I look at him with disgust every time and I don't jump over him like I used to. I changed as well but I was still sad at the lack of affection between him and my sister his cousin doesnt stay with them anymore as he got accommodation with his company, even when he came to greet us Tunde didn't allow me offer him food due to the grudge they had.

One day I and my sister went out and we started gisting which led to other conversations and we spoke about Tunde and his baby mama, I learnt some other things from her and I was heart broken again, she told me that Tunde is a pretender and liar and many other things I promised I won't tell him but when I got back to naija I couldn't stop thinking about it so I confronted and it became a big fight that he confronted his cousin and my sister that Tunde told my sis to leave the house but his cousin said no because they got the apartment together, so Tunde said if they don't leave he will leave and get a house on his own and become a tenant somewhere else where no one knows him. 

Finally everyone of them agreed to leave the house, Tunde told me he has seen a place and the other tenant that are close to him can move there with him while those his cousin brought can find somewhere else to stay with my sis, note that he said he was going solo that he didn't want to leave with anyone again he just want to go and rent a house where none of his former occupant will be, only for him to change it that he be leaving for another apartment with the girls, now my sis pinged me that Tunde isn't planning to leave the house he only wants to chase her out as he has already started bringing people to come and check ,she sent me a VN, sent buy one of the tenant that Segun his cousin brought to the house, the lady claimed that Tunde asked her if she will like to still stay in the house that he isn't leaving again my even though my sis planned to leave next week that's why she Messaged the lady to reminded her. I Would have confronted him again but I'm tired of all this back and forth, we have started wedding plans already as we pick picked a date but I haven't told people yet except for 3 of my friends, he has been complaining that I'm not enthusiastic about the whole thing and I told him its because the date is still far even though its this year...

Deep down inside me I'm sad, my sis said everyone in the house started avoiding her like plague since the incident, they see her as a bad person and mock her any chance they get. I'm confused so sorry for this epistle had to cut somethings out please forgive the typos as I am not at peace at all.

*Let your sister move out abeg.......Let her also stop petty gossiping with you ah ah!!!...And you too stop being confused and grow up..
since he loves you so much and cannot do without you,then make him settle with his cousin and your sister...there is too much bad blood going round and you cannot marry like this........


  1. I'm I the only one who doesn't understand this chronicle?

    1. Sister no be only you. pls poster is it still Tunde you intent to marry with his impending baby or its the new guy. This date you've picked with him hmmmmm, just be prepared there is a lot more drama coming from that babymama and her people.
      The first mistake you made is confessing you cheated. Except you are caught physically, why confess. That man will keep using it and adding spices till your dying day.

    2. Poster there is too much stress in this relationship. Both of you lack respect for each other. What is love? Can you or him answer? Yes both of you cheated out of anger, is that how you will manage anger? She has a baby mama, what is the position of that baby mama and child? What are you doing with that part of the relationship? Do you really love this guy or are you in love with the past you shared? Why are you monitoring his life through your sister? How long will you go on like that? Why do you want to marry who you do not trust? What is so special about him? Are those attributes enough to erase his bad sides? Can you compromise and tolerate? Or are you going to run off with another man at the rise of another of his vices? Both of you sounded so immature. Marriage is not all about age but maturity. Why can't both of you make the resolve to make the relationship healthy before talking marriage? To be plain, your relationship is not healthy and needs building before taking it to the next level. Let your sister move out of the house and stay away from Tunde. Forget about marriage this year, try to nurture your relationship with Tunde, build back trust, respect and renew the spark in your relationship before going to the altar. Pray over this relationship. Sometimes we are in love with our past that it messes our present and future. You cheated, he cheated or still cheats, you had another boyfriend and you came back. These things should have made your bond stronger if you trully care for each other and also made you to resolve to make your relationship work, rather you are still blackmailing each other with it. For how long will it last? Sister, put a break on that marriage, work on yourself, relationship and family interference, see if you can make it work. Why marry today and divorce tomorrow? When and why did you lose respect for your man? If you don't trust him now, how are you sure you will trust in tomorrow? Why do you want to marry him? Why do you love him? Why can't he give you peace? Love should make you happy not sad. Love should make you sleep at night not invest in private detectives. The answers lie in your heart. Pray and ponder, the answers will be out. No matter what you do, you hold the key to your happiness!

    3. No be only you ooo

    4. Sincerely, I'm confused here. What happened to Yemi? Did you break up or what? I just hope you know what you're doing getting married to this Tunde guy cos from your chronicle, you're as confused as I am reading this.

    5. Me too, can't even read all

    6. No. The story is better acted out or witnessed. Other than that you are on your own.

    7. My dear...You are not alone..same here

    8. I thought I was following, then I got lost at that junction close to mama put...

    9. Poster this ur chronicle no get head, leg n tail...all of u are childish...yoruba people are known for betraying...mgbati mgbati people

    10. Me too o, I don't understand anything from Tuned to yemi to sister to apartment to other people, married woman, cook together. Bike poster too complicated just forget Tunde.

    11. fuck you you are indeed foolish as your name. Atleast this one is yet to use his mother for money ritual or kill his brother for parcel of lands. uncircumcised bunch

    12. That your boyfriend is not mentally matured. Negative and positive having contact brings CURRENT. Not everything you should tell a man, and from your chronicle, you are not emotionally matured.
      1. Pray for guidance
      2. Set your priorities well before marrying him.
      3. Try reconcile him with everyone.
      4. Your mum should be your fan in this.
      5. I don't see anything wrong with what your sister did but you should always use your common sense #applyWisdom
      6. You and him need to sit down and iron things out concerning his child. Any visit to see the child should be done by both of you. The ex should also know her limit.

      Let me remind you, if your marriage is not built on Jesus, it will fail o.

      If you don't know your AIM of getting married,.you'll keep having problem. #ThinkingAboutTheMATCH.

    13. Ure not alone even had 2 stop reading. All I saw was rubbish. Poster how old are u pls? Let those who understand ur story advice u. Next!

    14. I thought i was following also, then lost strenght and track, i managed to pick both up at some point.... then i lost it all together again, seems the new guy Yemi also got lost as well.....

    15. Ori gbogbo won o pe!!! Which kind rubbish be this. A while, move jor make we see road. Rubbish.

    16. Zikora your head dey there. Poster pls follow Zikora's advice at 15:30. You story is not straightforward coz you jumble your names and pronouns making it hard to tell who excatly you're talking about at each point.

    17. Tunde, Segun and Yemi Chronicles

  2. How old are you pls???

    1. Gather for a selfie 🤳 if you didn't understand this chronicle.

    2. Poster leave Tunde
      You do obviously do not have the emotional intelligence to deal with baby mama drama
      So your boyfriend could hide a whole baby from you and you did not have an inkling. He is very deep and dangerous
      The sad thing is that even if you end up with Yemi, you will still cheat with Tunde
      Besides how do y'äll get so entangled with each others families like this while dating?
      I mean, involving mothers and cousins and sisters and brothers in an ordinary relationship? Na wa o
      Your relationship is obviously overcrowded, too many people in it
      And that your watsapp status shows you are very immature too
      So even if he was fucking a married woma, you would have started fucking a married man too? Bravo!
      You both need to grow up before thinking about marriage, if at all
      The he-said, she-said situation is too toxic abeg.

    3. My dear same question I asked.

    4. I don't even understand, it's too much abeg ,I no fit read

    5. South africa love stuff.... Poster u really stress me with this ur chronic chronicle... At d end i am confused, angry & sad like u.... Mtshewww

    6. She is probably a 23 year old that thinks everything is about sex and marriage. Grow up girl. Get busy with other important aspects of life okay. It's like you are easily available for every man with an erection to pour his semen in. Just this chronicles you've slept with 3 men. How many more have you slept with outside this chronicles???

      Forget marriage for now and build your self esteem. You're acting like Nina big brother

    7. Lol @19:05.

  3. You folks are on a "cheating game" and it actually dates back to before marriage if you want to be sincere. Questions:
    Supposing you became pregnant in your own case of cheating; or are you infertile?
    Is your anger because he cheated or because he has a child?
    You need to calm down and face your marriage or better, get to be with him. Marriage was meant for companionship but where one marry because of "abroad or money" or both combined and companionship isn't achieved, the cheating game isn't far fetched!

    1. Una don start; fork fork fork fork everywhere.

    2. hahahahahahaha you don kolo truly. fork na using cutlery ooo. so which one you dey cutlery or fuck? answer

    3. @Yori Yori
      You see as you mind dirty reach
      Does "fork" need interpretation?
      Why you no understand am as cutleries
      You come dey yarn dust?

  4. This is the real chronicle. Let your sister move out of that house . the environment is toxic.

    1. WHich kind mumu chronicle be this? My sister this and that, it’s like you don’t know how to make decisions on your own, is your sister your twin? Why you tie her for waist? She should move out now, it’s not that serious, where is her own boyfriend? Must she depend on tunde? Yoruba people and family wahala. Tunde isn’t a serious person either, someone that dated a married woman, also has a child out side, abeg na you know

  5. Too long and all na yoruba demon. Abeg let me go and look for where to sleep, i don wack correct food.

    stella see you in the oza room

  6. youre dating a new guy and you travelled to cheat with ur ex for 2weeks, youre not loyal.

    1. she cheated on Tunde at some point, also cheated on the new guy Yemi. shes trully not loyal

  7. abeg this one too long cldnt read all joor

  8. I thought she said "they tied the knot this year", is tying the knot not marriage again?
    All these "insertions and withdrawals of phallus and tohtoh", na so marriage go take work?

    1. No be that kain knot... Na move-in lovers, they move-out anytime depending on the mood. Their mums too are small children with the back & forth calling, crying and advising
      Its high time stella start taging 18- not 18+

  9. Nonsense. Crap. Cheats. Toxic. Immature. Disgusting. If you both marry each other, i pity both of you.

    1. Marry when dem neva even know their compass bearing?

  10. Must u confront tunde with evwrything your sister tells you about him. You are not mature at all. Learn to kép ur mouth shut when ur blood tells u things.

    1. She, tunde, yemi, sister, mothers, cousin... Infact all cast & crew of this movie are shidren!

  11. This one long a letter 😥
    Tell your sister to move out and ignore them, if Tunde and his cohorts are not willing to bury the hatchet and behave like adults then please rethink that marriage where if any of your family stands behind you in any issue and then your husband decides to keep malice with them for supporting you...who does that? If my sister wan enter fire because of a man and I don't warn her what kind of sister does that make me? Mind your business...mind your business is not applicable to all situations as far as am concerned.

  12. Try and settle the grudge he's having with your sister especially, marrying him with this hatred between both of them is not a wise thing to do.

    If this continues, just know that your sister can't visit you or be close to your kids because of the man you married which is wrong. I can't take this, I don't know about you.

    About how you feel, just make up your mind on time on what you want. Remember to pray about this cos a lady's instincts are right most times. Talk to God about this...

  13. This story takes the prize. BULLS***TEST thing i ever read. NUFF SAID!!

  14. Na wah...let your sister move out of the apartment. Try to settle the issues between your sister and the parties involved before your marriage.

  15. Looking forward to your next chronicle title ''I married a cheat''. Cheers to your upcoming marital life laced with drama that would make Shakespeare want to come back to life!!!

    1. Hahahahhahah Adele: But Stella this would be the title of a great series, I Dated/ Married A Cheat: What Did I Do? E go sweet for reality TV sef. Expose all the exposables. Let women and men know their modus operandi.

  16. If I say I understand this longwinded convoluted gbagaun filled epistle, na lie.
    No vex, I no go skool.
    Somebody should plix extoricate. Ehen, my temperature is high, catarrh sef e dey...let me go and prepare for this match by 7pm. Food and small chops and drinks must full ground. Ehn please post that comment section post with plenty gbagaun ehn, let me use to laugh small and reduce tension biko.

  17. Your sister is not matured at all. I don't know who's older between you too. Must she narrate every actions that takes place in that house to you? She could not even code it to avoid raising unnecessary confusion and dust. Is that how you will continue to listen, digest and confront your guy on each gossip she downloaded for you.

    Please, let her move out. She's causing alot of rift.
    Your planning marriage when you're aren't sure of whom you want to marry. Discuss with him especially about the baby involved in his life. How she will be taken care of and other issues. You need to think and decide what you want for your self if it's Tunde or Yemi to avoid future chronicle.

    1. Is Yemi still in the picture???

    2. You just said my mind her sister is the major problem. Did you ask her to spy for you. If Tunde is bad why is she staying with him ,don't be suprise after leaving Tunde your sister start fucking him. Tunde must be a cheerful giver from what I read. Not everyone wants good for you o.waych out for you sister well

  18. You all will be fine since your destiny and that of some of your family members lies with the Tunde guy.

  19. Meaning?
    I didn't "hunderstand."
    This looks like higher institution setting..
    You all should grow up abeg.
    You too aren't loyal.
    Let Yemi go please...
    Shuo!. I no even too "hunderstand" d mata sef. See long epistle.

    1. Ohhh Chocolate u just insulted those in higher institutions believe me.

    2. Tessbaby
      I'm sorry.
      You too you no see the setting?
      The poster made me sad and confused.
      I was struggling to understand like say na exam.
      I had to alight at the junction cos the journey taya me.
      No vex!

  20. Please i already have a migraine. Na which kind chronicle be dis shou? Tunde this, yemi that, cousins plus sister kor. Very confusing. I can't kill myself trying to decipher the situation. Tunde ednut kor, yemi shogunle ni....

    1. Hahahaha, Please the poster is asking for advice Biko.

  21. This chronicle gave me headache, is too zigzag.

  22. This long epistle is for what na?
    If you marry Tunde just get ready for a drama-filled life especially baby mama drama.

  23. Na Yemi I pity pass for this your chronicle. So yemi na your human dildo 😳 you dey use am dey calm body abi? Oh brother Yemi Take heart, it is well with you...😩😭😭

    1. at least Yemi enjoy free confused kpekus na.... no harm done.

    2. Stella you need a like button.

    3. Frank, this one you read the chronicle..give advice accordingly, poster just follow this advice😂😂😂

  24. The grudge between tunde and your sister is that they fucked. Both of them know, they can't tell anyone.

    Why did you leave a young man (yemi) that didn't do anything to you to go and be a second hand?

    First of all, How much have you saved from the Tunde guy? please try and reply my comment then I will tell you what to do...

    1. 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 I never even reason go that side

  25. What are you even saying? You picked a date with Tunde? Na wa o. Your sis should leave the environment.

  26. You want to marry Tunde? You are cheating on Yemi as we speak? Actually eh, free Yemi for a woman with sense and marry Tunde so that he will not mistakenly marry one of our sensible sisters.

  27. Toxic relationship. As far as I'm concerned it's better to just move on from this whole mess and start afresh.

  28. Anonymous donor26 June 2018 at 16:05

    Stella. What do you mean her sister should stop?.
    Poster is the one that should stop exposing things told her in confidence. Kilode? At this rate, nobody will tell her something anymore.
    Since yall are getting married, just ask him to make up with your sister and his cousin if he truly loves you. Pet him , cos your own dey your body. Na dv una go land Las Las at this rate.
    Seems like your body and mouth dey hot.
    Try and bridle your tongue and anger too.
    If you have truly forgiven him, forget about it and show him true love. If you haven't forgiven him, better shift the wedding.
    Ps: we should expect more cheating and countercheating whenever una fight abi?

  29. Better look for someone else to cheat with or you go back to your landlord, arrest him and get your dog to impregnate his goat. Ana akogheri

  30. My dear, I seriously don't like distance relationship. If your Yemi is available. kindly stick with him. Remember if you finally marry your Tunde, his baby mama will always be in the picture meanwhile she will always be the mother of his first child.

    1. If she marries Tunde, she will continue to cheat on Yemi. I've said it before - this is why I avoid people who still have ties to their exes. They are unreliable and fickle minded. Deal with them at your own peril. Confused lot!

  31. you left tunde for cheating and having a baby, but you still left yemi for the same tunde again. Something is wrong with you, and why did you keep putting your sister on the bad side? Your mouth is too loose, the poor girl was telling you stuff for your own good but you kept on snitching on her. I can never do that to my sister o, if my sister tells me something that I know if I confront that person it will look bad on her I won't confront them. You're just selfish, immature and a hoe.

  32. This is wakanda Chronicles.
    Some people see only half of these shit in real life marriages and they are going for divorce fiam.
    Relationship is hard, marriage is even harder. Nobody truly knows how far or how deep you guys can go further or how much more you guys can take.
    Unfortunately, guyman feels he has given more, seems like he has more to lose since you orchestrated it that way.
    Guyman dey your back pocket for now, once you marry guyman, equation balanced; another ballgame continues.
    Walahi this your wakanda Chronicles strong...... lemme go back to my France Vs Denmark jejely.

  33. You know my thoughts about this chronicle even before i got to Stella's red pen:
    1. You are very immature. You cant even hold a secret and use the information to your advantage. Updating status, calling to stir trouble all the way from Nigeria.
    2.Your tunde is both immature, manipulative and confused. He has a wandering penis and will sleep with every dog because you (very daftly) told him you cheated on him.
    3. His cousin (Segun) is just as messy, for not minding his business with your sister so they can get married or whatever; but is tell-taling on his cousin. If Tunde is badly behaved and Segun is a good person, he would caution Tunde without causing international trouble.
    4.Your sister sef.... is she not an adult? Can't she step out of this situation and get her own balance?
    5. All of you are just too childish
    6. And (i am sorry to say) his mum is not even straightforward!! A girl has dated your son 4 years and you couldnt disclose to her that there was not-so-good news coming? You are using parable? And you call the woman your 'friend'?

    Please grow up, tell Segun and Tunde to GROW THE FUCK UP!! And tell your sister to get a life OF HER OWN. What nonsense is this?? High school diaries?

    Quick one: Are the guys yorubas? Hehehe. Please answer cos I'm asking for a friend. *hiss*

    1. tbh i think they are definitely ndi ofe mmanụ.

    2. Her telling him she cheated beats me, seems she wanted him to be violent or get jealous. Some of these things turn people on, violent make up sex 🤔

    3. Of course they are. Demons, fucking demons!!

    4. Even without the names, you'd guess right where they're from. Typical of them.

    5. Tribalist...ndi ara

  34. Tell your sister to move out, make sure you settle the dispute between Tunde and your sister before getting married

  35. Poster you are immature for running your mouth against your sister
    Who does that? Why do you tell your boyfriend what your sister says?
    if you make mistake Marry that Tunde, your name na sorry because the man and his family wont have one single respect for your family again
    Shebi he has already started denying her food in his house
    Una nevr marry o!
    You stupidly allowed him to disrestect your sister like that
    No worry, love should continue blinding your eyes.
    Note: Nobody was made for anybody. There is nothing like soulmate
    Find someone that respects and gives you peace of mind and stick to the person!
    You people shpuld stop all this soul tie nonsense abeg
    Which one is "we decided we could not live without each other"
    Were you not living before you met him?
    Were you not in his life before he got another girl pregnant?
    Anyway, last last you will carry your own belle to compete with the baby mama
    Everyone go kuku rest.

  36. This is the reason I am not a fan of being unnecessarily friendly with my boyfriend's family members before marriage.

    How many people are you dating?

    Where is Yemi in all these? I'm guessing you've parted ways with him.

    Is your self esteem that low to settle for a baby papa?? hello?? do you realise you're about to go into a polygamous home/marriage?

    What's the position of the baby mama & the baby??

    Babe, what's wrong with you sef?? You need a brain resetting slap!!

    Seeing all these red flags, ignoring it & thinking it'll get better is what has you all messed up.

  37. Since you have decided to marry tunde,I think you all should settle your grudges(tunde,ur sister and segun).The three people should talk and apologize where necessary ,you can't marry a man who is not in good terms with ur sis,You also have to tell tunde your fears and talk extensively on issues ,don't go into marriage with a grudge or insecurity.Can you visit like two weeks so you guys can talk well?

  38. Dear Poster,
    Its sad because as I have a theory "Women always wallop in self denial". It's very obvious that even if you end up with Tunde, you guys will never trust each other. Trouble, trouble, trouble. Tunde has all the red flags (baby mama, lying ass....) but because you believe your future with him (materialistically) is brighter than if you decide to stay with Yemi. You know you do not love Tunde anymore, but greed no go gree you see road. Time will tell.
    As for your sister, make she park well and face her own issues. Though it's only normal for her to want to protect you from all she has seen and experienced from bros Tunapa.

  39. Seems out of Jerry springers show. I don't even know what to say, your sis should move out abeg! What does she really want? If she doesn't like him for you, why is she stuck in his space? She should get a lif, her cousin/bf has moved so why she's still there beats me. You on the other hand might as well do the same. Don't rush into what you ain't sure of. Marriage is no child's play, n FYI he will cheat again n again, and you will retaliate and he will beat you up again! Best believe he may even be married in the "abroad". I feel there's more to this story n I smell a rat. If you decide to stay with him make sure he does the court wedding there and move there as well to avoid stories abeg.

  40. Cliff notes please!!!

  41. Somebody should plssssssss summarize this story for me .... My head aches.

  42. For some weird reason I feel this poster “Tunde” lives in one of the GCC countries UAE to be precise .. hmmm

  43. I'm here pitying you and your sexual partners. The kain STD wey una go dey share no be here. Yeye

  44. If I tell you I understood what the poster was saying then I don't have integrity, poster you need to go back to school, learn how to write stories,grow up, which one is love, fight,settle, gossip,my sister tell me, must you both gossip? You, your sisters should start all over again and forget about both tunde and yemi, don't be carried away cos of obodo oyibo guy.

    That guy will hurt you, cheat on treat you like trash, have more baby mamas

  45. Nonsense chronicle written by a confused mind.

  46. her sister is the major problem. Did you ask her to spy for you. If Tunde is bad why is she staying with him ,don't be suprise after leaving Tunde your sister start fucking him. Tunde must be a cheerful giver from what I read. Not everyone wants good for you out for you sister well. Why can your sis husband cater for her ,must it be tunde

  47. What is the main issue here? Is it that you want to know if you should go ahead to marry this tunde or if your sister is truly a bad person?
    You are not listening to your innermost voice. You are planning to marry someone and you are sad? Too many problems. Baby mama which is a permanent ish you will carry for your married life not to talk of his ex who is still in the picture. The tunde goes out with married women. Your sister "amebos" for you. She is going out with tundes cousin. Your mum persuaded you to forgive him. But your inner intuition is not happy. Do you know why? This relationship has all the trappings of ill health and will end up in the emergency unit of the Marraige General hospital.
    If I were you, I will put a hold on the marriage and allow fresh air blow a little. This your tunde cannot make a very good husband even though he loves you. He will continue to cheat on you. Take it to the bank.
    As for your sister, she is being a good sister to you- but probably doesnt want you to marry the tunde because she has seen a lot more than you living with him. Obviously the Segun and tunde have some hidden relative rivalry and two sisters dating cousins will always breed ish like this.
    Girl, give yourself more time!

  48. You and Tunde belong to each other. Two serial cheats! Please take Yemi's name off your cheating mouth. What a crooked chronicle!

  49. i just hate stress and drama.


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