Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


Saturday, June 23, 2018

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



I have been dating my BF for 4yrs now, from my university days. It has always been a long distance relationship. My problem is that I'm really confused now with the things I read online, he calls me and tells me he loves me and all. But we haven't seen for a year and half, we're in the same country. He's in Abuja while I'm in Owerri, he's a very busy person though and works on Saturdays too but I think he should at least send for me even if he's busy.

Two is that he hardly spends on me, unless my birthday where he sent 10k but I think I motivated it by sending a surprise cake of that same amount to him a few days before my birthday (we share same birth month). I have been out of job for 2years now but I do some side hustles that pays sometimes, and the other times account becomes red.

Guyman would know my account is red and I'm starving because of money but he wouldn't fringe or send even 2k. This guy is financially okay and drives one of the latest Camry. And I can't just bring myself to ask him for money, I would just prefer to stay and starve. I just want to be sure I'm not wasting my time with him. Maybe because I have never had s#x with him, I'm still a Vee. 

One thing I like about him is that he picks up whenever I call and he hardly clubs or hangs out, he tells me all his movement so I don't think he's cheating.

I also don't believe he is stingy because he just bought a new Corolla for the mum and contributes for his friend's ceremonies but throughout the 4 years I have known him, I don't think he has spent up to 50k on me.

People always say that if a guy isn't spending on you, then he's spending on someone else.

I didn't really care before but my brother called me earlier this year and told me that my BF doesn't love me, because there's no way you can stay a whole year without visiting your love, or even refuse to send her money knowing fully well that she doesn't have a job, just little hustles.

One thing I'm sure of is that he'll sponsor my visit whenever I'm ready to have s#x with him, else he'll wait.

I'm confused o, am I in this relationship alone or must I be having s#x with him before he can spend on me?

*Why dont you have this Conversation with him?Ask him all these questions you have asked us...Find out your status with him before someone sends you invitation card and you are told it was not a serious thing he had with you....From the way i see it,I dont think you are in a committed relationship,has nothing to do with money.....When a man loves you,he will find time to see you..

How many years ago did you guys see?Not even for Christmas?Hmmm Babe you might be dating yourself.....

And one more thing,if you need money ask him nicely,otherwise he doesnt owe you anything so dont even use money to sum up whether he loves you or not.


  1. I’ve got two words for you


    1. Nothing o Run away from... cos sister is dating herself.
      So if they ask for pple in a relationshp she'll raise hand too..hahahahahah
      Receive major sense

    2. You sound like you are scared of him or the outcome of a serious conversation. My dear the worst thing that can happen is for him to break up with you, and yes you will always spend on someone you love with or without being a virgin. “His just not that into you” ( please all girls need to watch that movie) so you will know when to move on.

    3. Come o why all of una wen dey send chronicles dey claim virgin? U dated a man for four years and he hasn't slept with you... If i were you, dats a red flag. I go run first of all.. Virgin koor, virgin ni... No one gives a phuck if u r a virgin or not, dem no dey use am cash cheque... Plus we be naija, we know what naija girls do for money but everybody go come stella blog dey form virginity, abegi park well jaare. Mchew. I no even get advise for u sef bicos the virginity lie don put me off.

  2. You.Are.Dating.Yourself.

  3. 4years and he is not into you per se. Well, try and talk to him because truth be told my mind is telling me something about the relationship. It is well.

  4. Hmm, 4 years and you live in the same country? That's not really long distance relationship... Probably his married or something cs i dunno why he lives in Nigeria and in the last 4 years he hasn't gone for job leave to come see you, or even invite you over to his house. There's definitely something fishey. Talk with him and tell him how you feel and you both should work towards seeing.... If not you are dating yourself dear.

  5. "Sending for you?"
    So that what will happen; you spend days/weeks in his house and supply tohtoh and probably more chronicles; shall I terminate it . . .?

    Please girl, leave someone who has no time for you and look up to God who gives a good spouse.

    1. But we need more chronicles to read; don't we?

  6. You need to go see him. Tell him you want to come visiting even if he didn't send you T-fare borrow from someone and go see him. Then discuss and know your stand coz you ain't getting younger

    1. If she go see him in his house . The guy will fuck that virginity commot. Don't come n complain of rape. If you are not ready to have sex, don't go visiting to spend the night or weekend.

    2. @poster You don't have to sleep in the same house. Do you have a relative who stays in ABJ and won't mind having you for a week

    3. What is this one saying? So she should borrow money to see someone who doesn't even know she exist. Why can't d man borrow money to come and see her? They've not seen each other for more than a year and the man is not bothered. Na she dey find husband abi? Poster pls don't listen to this advice o. It's time for you to know your stand o. Don't use your two korokoro eye to enter a frustrated marriage pls. The guy could be married or something. Maybe he is busy flirting around and then waiting for the right time to come and settle down with a good virgin. And wait o, poster you said you don't think he is cheating? Be deceiving yourself there. Guyman has been eating from diff pot of soup. He is just keeping you as a wife material. When he is tired of flirting, he will come and marry you. Before then, close your legs like a mermaid and be waiting for him you hear? As if he is the only man in this world

    4. There is nothing to discuss about abeg. Must she be the one yo visit? Poster don't visit him o. Before he will goan rape you. If he really wants to see you, he should come to your base even if it's just one weekend. No need self, you are dating yourself. So love yourself very well OK.

  7. My dear you are dating yourself.

    Dats all.

  8. Spending on you in return for sex is called?
    servicing a vain man
    bush meat
    What else?

    1. See this broke ass nigger. So your own is to be collecting for free abi? What do we call you then?

    2. we should be doing osho free?

    3. But when it's time to get married, you ladies will look for a guy that lasts in bed... Mtchew. Like you girls don't enjoy the sex too. Aunty Yua not doing oshofree, we're all collecting from ourselves it's a mutual thingy.we're openly embracing gold digging in exchange for sex that both parties will enjoy,who is fooling who in this country. Nonsense and "go harder, go faster".

  9. You are a virgin n you are sure he is not cheating. Kwakwakwa. Madam virgin. I don't want to sound harsh but this Abuja that I know. A man who is ready to sponsor you to come n chop cock is man who is sexually active n does not belief in close your legs n act like a marmaid. Meaning he has been sampling girls here n the thing is swt. I will advice you to look for a guy who is a true Christian n who does not do samplying b4 marriage n hook up with him. Only such guys will take care of you so that you won't be tempted to follow another man n loose your virginity out of money frustration.

  10. True talk Madam SDK. I concur.

  11. A wise Brazilian man said to me "If its important to you, you will make out time for it or make a good excuse"..he was right!
    Lady, you might as well be talking to MTN customer care line, or anyother automated response with your phone.
    Even a woman that lives under one roof with a man cant vouch for loyalty & faithfulness, how much more you thats miles away, he picks ur call anytime, so that makes u happy & assume ure sitted on the right hand of God abi? Its ur type that married men can easily deceive & you'd be stable like a tree absorbing photosynthesis & giving out oxygen! You better wake up!!!!

  12. Pls don't go to see him oooo,call him instead,what if you go and he he use sweet mouth confuse you,u come fall sleep with am?u will regret it afterwards.

  13. Most guys living in Abuja are married men. Please do what Stella says ask him all this questions you asked us! After all we are not the ones dating you! Look for someone that loves you unconditionally and who will be there for you! You are dating a man and you are starving hmmmmm receive sense ooo!

  14. Madam he is not spending on you cos u don't give him PUSSY,Some men are like that,

  15. Babe, do you have boils on your lips preventing you from speaking? There are some guys that will only help when you ask for it, not stylishly but matter-of-factly. With such guys ehn, if you like complain from morning to night about not having food for the past 3weeks, all they would do is listen and do nothing. My dear, ASK HIM and if he falls to assist you.....then we can establish that he is STINGY. Is your mouth for fancy or it is only sharp when you are engaging in phone sex🀦‍♀️😏

  16. u nid panasharp gal

  17. "One thing I'm sure of is that he'll sponsor my visit whenever I'm ready to have s#x with him, else he'll wait"

    He has waited for 4years and doesn't seem to be complaining. Continue dating yourself.

    I dont know why most Nigerian girls feel once a man is dating you he automatically assumes responsibility for you even without your asking.
    Communication is vital in any relationship. Talk to him about your fears and concerns. Stop with all the assumptions

    1. Communication is lacking in most relationships.

      Ability to air your opinions and be heard is causing cracks in some relationships.

  18. OK babe, wanna know the truth..? He's married.
    If he's not married, then best believe there's someone else occupying his heart & home.

    Solution?? You either forget him & double your hustle. Waiting for HK. could be tantamount to waiting for a ship at the airport... it'll never come.

    Is it some one that you haven't seen in over a year that'll have time to come ask your hand in marriage?

    You really need to start considering someone else but whatever you do...your choice!

    1. No o. Leave her let her be forming good girl and waiting for uncle she has not seen for more than a year now. That's how you will miss your future husband cos you're waiting and keeping your virginiy for someone who doesn't give a fu#k. Poster pls open your eyes o. The fact that you're a virgin doesn't mean you will not reason with your head too.

    2. Why're you taking this post more personal than the poster is? Sistah calm down, we know that you're woke. Queen Solomon

  19. Pleased look for a job, work and be responsible for your own expenses. He does not owe you anything. Close your legs, work for your own money, then you dictate who and what you want at any point in time.
    Feminist spirit activated

    1. Did she tell you she is jobless and irresponsible? You think it's easy to get a job in Naija? She said she lost her job but she has other side biz she is doing. Feminist my ass

    2. U people wont read 2 understand b4 commenting.

  20. Poster go and find a virgin man and leave a sexually active man alone.

    why will he invite you to his house? do you want him to be watching you as TV . I'm sure he has a TV , so if he needs something to watch he will watch his TV and not you.

    don't go and visit him if you know you are not ready for sex.

    if you are ready for sex have sex with him for fun because he might not marry you after the sex and I don't need another chronicle titled used and dumped from you.

    1. So you are saying a girl can't visit her bf without sex being involved?? It's only when you want to have sex you can visit a bf?

    2. My dear, that's the MENTALITY of an average Nigerian.

    3. I’m sure he’s fucking the retired runs girl whenever he visits her in Lagos.

  21. U r dating urself

  22. Your brother is right, listen to him. You say he's not stingy and yet in 4years you can not boast of 60k from him? ...abeg shut up. He doesn't love u! Period, abi menstruation....

  23. Hmm trust me this type of stories don't end well. I've been in this kind of relationship before, mine was owerri and Lagos.Then,I can vouch for this guy that there's no one else cos the dude is a smooth criminal.He called me to come and see him at the hotel and I'm like 'why not your house as usual?' He said he has a visitor so I told him if I can't come to the house,he can forget the visit. He feigned anger and told me not to buzz him again, I said fine. In a week's time, I saw his pre-wedding picture on Instagram.I even sent him a text with a new line(cos he blocked my line) telling him that he should have told me he's engaged instead of leading me on. He didn't even respond to the sms neither did he show remorse. This is someone I've known for 7years. He took advantage of my love for him. Please my advice is to leave him ASAP, don't say I'm just blabbing. My story is a true life story. If you all can remember, there's a viral wedding video on IG where the bride was dancing to phyno's OGENE (Easter 2018),that's the guys wife. When people were commenting 'cute kids alert', God bless your home dear and some were drooling over the video, I said to myself "if only they know the true xter of the guy'. For him to still want to sleep with me even when his fiance is in his house few days before the wedding,i wonder what will happen in that marriage . I wished him well and moved on.

    1. So much clue!! Off to instagram to find him. God will give you someone better sis.

    2. "For him to still want to sleep with me even when his fiance is in his house few days before the wedding,i wonder what will happen in that marriage " - *sigh. Nothing will happen. Some people with bad character are married. Some with good character are single. Highest, he will cheat. Wifey will cry and forgive him and remain. No be Nigerian women again - na to die there be that.

      I think some men see marriage as bondage, so they like to have that final guilt-free sex before the ring. I have heard such weird stories where guys try to sleep around few months/days to their wedding.

      Poster leave that guy, abeg. He is taking you for granted. You mean NOTHING to him. Get a job, fend for yourself. If your Virginity is for Christ, then you have to date a guy with similar values and similar love for Christ. At the end of the day you deserve who you are with, because you made the choice to be with them.

    3. Ehya!!! @Asanwanyi pls wait for me

    4. I know the video oh πŸ™†πŸ½

  24. Please take a walk . Its not worth it

  25. Your brother told you the gospel truth. A man who loves you will make an effort to see you and he will ensure all is well with you. This guy is a time waster. You are wasting your best years. In four years you do not know where he lives, who his ppl are, how his personality truly is. I think he friend zoned you and is living a full life wherever he is. Please get brain and let him be, move on and start dating eligible men in your own area to see who you click with. Do not waste one more minute on this dude. When a man is into you he will move heaven and earth to see you and be around you. Listen to Percy Sledge song, When a Man Loves a Woman, this song best puts in words what happens in a man who is truly in love.

  26. Let me make this simple.
    1. He is dating but not dating "you".

    2. He is in love but not with you.

    3. Move on.

  27. My dear,dude isnt into you.
    He has someone he Loves and cares for.

    My last relationship was like yours.
    He chatted more on whatsapp, video called more on whatsapp. They only time he called me via mtn was when I was visiting, he will call every 10mins to ask if I am still coming.

    I was just his Fuck girl.

    He was always claiming broke. Well,i am the kind of girl who takes care of myself, I dont feel entitled to a man's money. I have been very independent all my life so I attached no importance to his Stinginess towards me. He always complained of being broke,he was staying with his Mother when I met him.

    Meanwhile he had this 20year old girl he was allover her pics on facebook,chatting her on whatsapp,using her pics on whatsapp and all.

    I asked about his relationship with her and he said she was his "smallie how can he date her when she is Akwaibom...she is a virgin and he doesnt want to disvirgin her because he is commited to her blablabla"

    When he got an apartment he invited me over ,it was a scheduled Visit...this was on the 23/08/17. I entered his apartment and noticed he had her pictures allover his house,that was the final straw.

    I worked out and never Looked back.

    Last month he contacted me again that he is single and he has broken up with the Girl.

    Story too Long.

    I am done with him for good.

    1. Is he ijaw? Attended maritime academy? Hmmm

  28. What relationship? Pls remove that 'ship' from there, he's a distant relative of yours...

    Maybe he doesn't even know you're dating him. Snap out of that Fantasy Island & feel what you touch. You're on your Own...

    1. lol.... ure so right, hes a distant relation without the ship. kikikiki

    2. Buhahahahahaha ure mean.

  29. believe this,you believe that, you are truly a virgin. Run jor, he is wherever he is flexing n boinking probably his real chic. Stop wasting the time better guys would have come in n treat you right on "I am in a relationship and i love my boo status" ok

  30. Sweetheart. You are not in a relationship. Your brother is right. And this sending for you talk? Don’t even think about. Move on. You deserve to be with someone who loves, appreciates and wants to spend time with you. I think in your heart you know the truth.

    Move on please.

  31. Hmmmmmmm...

    Talk to him,you guys need to discuss heart to's very important,ur discussion will give you an head way..

    Mc pinky

  32. @olori Tobi please when I said 'I wonder what will happen in that marriage'I didn't mean divorce o, at least I'm not that heartless to wish him that. I'm just saying for him to have a heart to play someone he's known for 7years(met him as an industrial trainee student) and feel no remorse, also to still want to sleep with me when he knows he won't marry me, it shows he has a very wicked heart and we all know how such guys behave.
    I have nothing against his wife, I've moved on, just sharing my story so that the poster can learn from it.

    1. Ah ok now I get you. Just bad that it's a man's world. I live in the abroad, I know men here that lived widely, broke hearts, slept around and all who went on to marry fresh beautiful med docs from Nigeria who never knew all they did. Who even see them as a prize. Unfair world it is.

  33. Na wa oooh! Some of you will eat shit till it turns to delicacy. That you're a virgin doesn't mean you should not have sense. Please shift and come back when youre ready to think with your brain.

    1. Lol @ Chiki telling it as it is. Poster he's just not that into you πŸ’πŸ½and yes sex is a contributory factor, he just doesn't want your wahala save you are ready to give him the cookie and that doesn't guarantee his reciprocating the love either, so dear just chill and have a plan B.

    2. The Margaret Thatcher!!


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