Stella Dimoko Wordless Post



Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Wordless Post


  1. Na her leg a man go ask for in marriage before; abi na her puna?
    If he does not ask for her hand in marriage, she go dey write chronicles dey disturb Stella make she publish.

    Marriage sweet both jor and na both dey work am out.

    1. Tell me about it.

    2. πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•

    3. Lolllllll Kai u pple crack me up on this blog....what???? Lol

  2. word full there na

  3. hahahahahaha. I will follow the Bible that says he who finds a wife, obtain favour from God. Women are favoured by God. That is what I will say.

    When you read the Bible, during Jesus trials, women stood with Him. Made sure they followed Him to the end, even went to the tomb to look for Him. God has blessed us richly with favours that is what I will say.

    Women God bless all of us Amen

  4. Facts of life!

    Women sacrifices so much.

  5. Please tell us ooo, so that we can know our worth and stop subjecting ourselves to untold hardship cos of the school of thought of the old generation mothers. Now,we work n still do all the above stated and the unappreciative attitude of the male gender continues all cos we refuse to stand for our own rights as the salt of the male gender! Its well

  6. A woman under a man's roof is more honoured n highly respected in most part of d world. We ve been made 2 understand dat if n wen a man gives u his name he has taken u out of shame n harrasment that comes with being single so hes also doing u a favour n a huge one at that.

    Now to d tins mentioned above, i find it disturbing wen we say we bear kids 4 our husbands. Pls thats so wrong. D kids re also ours n a source of joy 2 us even more bt we sometimes mk it sound like we doing d men a favour by birthing kids in marriage. As 4 change of name u can as well keep ur fathers name or add it 2 ur new name. Marriage is simply an institution ordained by God so no one is doing anyone a favour by venturing.

    1. Very soon they will accuse you of having low self esteem. The Nigerian woman's idea of female liberation is so far removed from that of other woman in other parts of the world.

    2. Thank you. Nigerians and their ignorance have turned everything to black and white. Everyone acting now like marriage is a casual business tolerance, no commitment, no compromise.
      The honour of being a wife has been disregarded rather it's now being viewed as a bondage and the men are no longer taxed to be responsible.
      It doesn't help that blogs (this included) will rather promote stories of woe and the divisions than unity and strength of the institution.
      People marry and walk away after 3 months and people applaud her rather than ask if she wore sun shades during her dating period.
      We keep encouraging nonsense in the name of female liberation and in the process destroying the very fabric that binds.
      It is well

    3. Tess,Spot on! the kids give you so much joy so its not because of a man you have kids.

    4. In most part of which world does a married woman have the most respect? Say Africa and maybe the middle east. Everywhere else women are respected for their efforts. Marriage is beautiful but nobody made "us" understand anything unless you mean African society if not, this is pure bs.

    5. Wait being single is a shame ?

    6. Yes. A big shame. anon 20.16 goan marryπŸ˜‹

    7. Even here in the Us, check all those FB advertised posts that pops up on your FB timeline, whenever someone says he or she ha been married for 25, 35,40,50 years, there are always so many likes and encomiums passed on such an individual... so no, it is not only in Africa or the Middle East...

      It is just that it is In Africa and the Middle East that there are socially accepted regulations/ restrictions on marriage, divorce, singlehood.

      Trust me, even in the US, people get married to stay socially accepted. Cue politicians, religious enthusiasts... and they are still praised for it

      Reason why they make a big deal of cheating and DV so the divorced woman gains acceptability

      Sorry for the long comment, this is actually my thesis area.

  7. Women deserved 100% love 😍 and respect form men

  8. The day women begins to see their worth the men too will see it. Life can actually be fun and fulfilled with or without a husband.

  9. Please someone should come to my rescue.
    My feet are so dark and irritating. Especially my toes. I'm not using organic products. Pls help me with what I can use to make it even with other parts of my body.. If u see other parts of my body, u won't believe I have such feet.

  10. In my opinion, women will win when we stop the pity party. Try to benefit from the marriage too. Dont lose yourself.

  11. Not all men, just Nigeria men.

  12. Some women loves where is sweet they can't endure little hardship they just want the relationship or affair Rosy, even the Bible says he that endure the to the end the same shall be save. Some women lack understanding in every relationship understanding matters a lot.

    1. Endure with a man that will cheat.
      Abeg my own name is ASSURANCE.
      I didn't suffer in my papa house. Can't suffer outside for a man.

    2. If your name is assurance like Chioma then really you can add Endurance to the Assurance. Chioma's man is no prize.

    3. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

    4. Choi. Anon 20.13...enduarance no b small

  13. From I was a young girl I have knew that marriage is something that favours the man more than the woman, I saw how hard my mother had to work and I knew it was one of the biggest lies sold to women. A woman never owns herself, she is born into her father's name, and leaves to go and marry into her husband's name. Virginity is pushed to assure that her husband has the luxury of being the only man she sleeps with in her lifetime. However, with that said I know that there are places on this earth where a woman must marry if even only for personal protection, because women are always seen as soft target for brute men. This world is a man's world no matter what we want to believe. Even God is defined as a male entity and given the title father, God is a spirit that is without form, but for humans to accept the Omniscience of God it first had to give God a gender role, which is the stupidest thing ever. Let us not even touch the Bible, Koran and Torah which all push the male agenda and place women as mere help meet to men. Most women are not even lucid enough to understand how this game is really setup.

    1. Thank you Anon 18:49! Love your comment.

  14. Women go through a lot in the family circle. I love woman

  15. Women go through a lot and should be treated well even though they have short comings.

  16. Throwing my dice......

    Lets get off this issue,men and women are just like phone and battery,without a battery ur fone won't work and if you are using solar to keep the fone working,u still have a small battery in the fone that keeps the solar System working when it's dark.

    We are help mates and not slaves to one another..

    It's is only a man who wants to show is level of stupidity will take his wife as a slave and also a woman who is mentally retarded will think the man is of no use.

    Picking up my dice.......

    Mc pinky

    1. Bisi, you speak too much sense and what you describe is not the African marriage. It is for those who want partners. In these parts, if you have not suffered, you are not virtuous and you will not enter married people heaven.


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