

Wednesday, May 02, 2018


Why does today feel like Monday?*smh*
Anyway where are the self named dramarians in house?I salute!!!!

Where is my #Cookiesandcream?

Kisses to my new Blog boo..hehehehehhehehehehehe
Guess who my new blog boo is?


Ooops BV Rhoda is the only entry for todays in house news but she is disqualified from the giveaway that was supposed to be for Monday in house news.....I dont have to announce any giveaway before anyone sends their photos,it has to be ''FREIWILLIG'' according to the Germans!

Kisses to you babe.



Tuesday Chronicles

Hello Dear,
The comments on my post made my day. I’ve been laughing so loud people at work think I’m crazy.  

Choiiii comments have opened my eyes. Thank you Stello. I’d Love to meet you someday. Thanks for giving us your platform. You just shaped my life. I’m in the process of filing. No more distractions .
I want to contribute to help someone however little. Please let me know how.
Merci Stella. 



Political Gamble

LIE enjoys heavy patronage,even at exorbitant price, in the market square.The stall of 'Truth' suffers considerable patronage, even at a giveaway price...!!!
Otito d'oja okuta,owon la nra iro.

Can't we just put political affiliations aside and see through to how this country moves forward? Like, is this a soccer league or some sport fans club where you want your team to stay the winner forever? This is an entity that embodies national conglomeration of persons...and we be acting like even if it doesn't develop or the polities aren't living good lives, it doesn't matter, your party must stay in government despite being insensitive and ugly in political depositions.

I mean, it leaves me gobsmacked while at same time it's so pathetic and petrifying to really see whole lot of Nigerians talking everyday about the development of the country like it's a night time story. The ship left the dock a long time ago and we still waiting for ropes to be thrown by the captain? That's a long wait if I wouldn't be mincing words. 

So you are gonna tell me you ain't seeing people dying everyday? Children, fathers, mothers killed and dreams of lifetimes gets shattered by day and we still don't see through all these holes on our ragged clothes. If we keep living like nothing matters - like our inner man is dead and we cognitively outpost our emotions for crumbs of breads....before we all know what we have, we'll be discussing what precious things we had. Its so sad watching our country wash away in this opium cascade of lighted mess. Saddening.

Little piece of my dice thrown



I found this video about codeine addiction and it's effect and it just makes me sad.

Indeed, we are raising a generation of addicts! I shudder to think about what the next generation will be like- if they make it that far. The increase in violence against each other, increase in unusual behaviour, increase in mental illnesses and suicide, increase in impotence and sterility, increase in other diseases. 
Of a truth, I shudder!

This brings me to my encounter with Tramadol in January. 
I am a medical doctor and I always believed Tramadol is an analgesia. QED. 
That mindset was erased when I sat down to have a heart to heart talk with a vivacious, full of life, young man, in my consulting room in one of the primary health care centers in Lagos state. It was a conversation, not a consultation.
He had come to me to ask if Tramadol had side effects. My response to him was that even Paracetamol which we take for our headaches has side effects but as long as it wasn't abused then, we could all hope to remain safe.

Then we had the most enlightening conversation....
He wasn't talking about Tramadol, as I knew it. He brought out a 225mg Tramadol tablet. I am a doctor and prior to this, I had never seen one. I never even knew they existed! I was familiar with 50mg and 100mg capsules but a 225mg tablet? No sire! Then he told me there were even 500mg tablets for those who took 1000mg tablets at once! 

To say I was shocked is an understatement. How? He had started using Tramadol over 5 years ago in 100L while in the higher institution. It helped him stay awake all night to read and assimilate all that he read. Gradually he had graduated to 100mg. Now, over 5 years later, he was on 225mg daily , or every other day, depending on what he hoped to achieve. Sometimes, he popped 2 tablets. He used it when he needed to work as it gave him the energy required to work like a horse. It increased his libido and staying power when he had a new babe that he needed to impress, infact, he was the supplier of a couple of married men when they had a new girl they wanted to impress with their bedroom skills....

The benefits of Tramadol were apparently numerous! 
In my shock, I asked him if he wasn't worried about his future, his organs or the possibility of survival without it. Of course he wasn't. It was always available in a lot of road side chemists sef, no need to go far. As per the dose?

 He considered himself a good boy as a lot of people were on 500mg or more per day and he could still do well with 225mg. I counselled him in the best way I could and told him he was jeopardizing his future but, I know my words fell on deaf ears. I see him sometimes and I know he hasn't made any attempt to kick this habit.

I spoke to as many people as I knew about that encounter. The shock of it would not let me keep quiet and to my utmost dismay, I realised I was the naive one! It was rampant and it was "the norm"! 

A university undergraduate laughed and said "haba aunty , it's normal Now, it's called Trams and all the guys use it.... 500mg, 1000mg, infact that's not all they use. They combine it with "blue boy" and something else I can't remember now. No party is a party without trams and codeine and blue boy. Before, it used to be marijuana but now girls know the smell of marijuana so guys use trams and codeine to spike the drinks so the girls can lose their inhibitions.

It has become so normal to find a group of guys who are talking and one just falls and starts convulsing, you will know those are the ones who take trams...." 

The conversation went on and I realised how deep the problem was and how much trouble we are in, as a nation. These are the leaders of tomorrow, the fathers and people who would be at the helm of affairs. 
What chaos.

 Then, other things started to make sense.... things I had heard that were unimaginable previously... remember the high school students who finished waec some years ago and how the boys went crazy and started slashing the skirts of their fellow female colleagues and raping them, on the streets, in broad daylight! A mother had to intervene and that was it.... Likely they were also under the influence. 

A lot of other unimaginable things....

In February, I encountered a woman who said her son had 2 convulsions in the past 2 weeks... my 1st question to him was do you use tramadol?Previously, I would have been looking for a medical cure but Now? I knew better.

He responded " I used to, I stopped 2 weeks ago" . And there was our reason for the convulsions...he was having withdrawal symptoms! He was even lucky, he had only 2 convulsions in 2 weeks! Some people have repeated  convulsions and so they have to be admitted to have the seizures controlled.

He was in 200L in the university, he lived with his cousins who attended the same school and all took Tramadol, along with their friends and neighbours. He was on 500mg daily before he stopped... 500mg. His cousins took a whole lot more. My main concern was this, even if we could stop him and rehabilitate him, how would he overcome the temptation posed by his cousins? Or would we take him out of school because of this? Peer pressure was ruining his life. His mum was devastated. She had gone beyond being angry and disappointed, she just wanted help! 

I told her where to go, I hope the outcome is good but the truth , as sad as it is, is we are raising a generation of addicts and I don't think anyone is doing anything about it. 

Do we have enough people speaking against it? Enlightening these kids about how they are damaging their future? I do not think so. Are there measures to stop this addicts from getting the drugs? Obviously not! The guy I spoke with said the police raid these chemists regularly with the hopes of catching them red handed so they can collect "chop money". Is this true? I have no clue. I do not think enough is being done by the regulatory bodies either, I stand to be corrected. That rep said fresh from the oven.... if I had 1 million cartons I will finish it in a week! Hmmmmmmm.

And even if we could change the situation, do we have enough resources to rehabilitate these people who need it? I seriously doubt it. And so....
I fear.
I worry.

It started in the university.... Now it is in the secondary schools... imagine a world where primary school pupils are addicts too.
What can we do?
Who will help save our children?

'#copied and sent in by BV


Register your Business name, Companies and IT

I Am a lawyer and into incorporation of Business Names, Companies and Its.Pleading for Patronage from BV's. Please help a sister. I can be reached on 08169624635.


Job Vacancy 

We are currently looking to hire two people for the position of Sales Rep for a Baking Ingredients wholesale and retail warehouse.

He or She must meet the following criteria; 
At least an OND certificate
Excellent Communication Skills
Good Salesmanship
Ability to work under minimal supervision
Team Spirit

Applicant must reside in Benin, a good knowledge of Baking Ingredients would be an added advantage.

Please note that successfull candidates would need two verifiable guarantors (not parents) within Benin.

Interested candidates should forward their CVs to on or before 4th of May. 




I have a wedding and reception dresses I used this January for sale. They've only been worn once. I'll give out the veil and inner skirt for free. I'll also do shoki after the sale...they're size 12-14. The wedding gown is 80 and the reception gown 50. Both no is 08093925993 



An experienced Uber / Taxify driver is urgently needed.
Must have valid driver's license.
Must also have passed uber driver eligibility test.
Should be living between sangotedo to lakowe/Bogije area of Lagos.
Pls whatsapp 08039603954 only if you meet the requirements.
Pls note that you must have driven on either of the platforms before.



Please I'm a lawyer with two years experience but presently out of a job.  I'm tired of being idle. Please,  if there's job out there either in the legal field or out of,  I wouldn't mind the opportunity. 
I will really appreciate any help I can get. 

My contact number is 07033971159 and my email address is


Elis bakery And Confectioneries Gwarinpa Abuja. 

A little bliss in every bite is what you experience @ Elis Bakery and Confectionery!! For a yummy, healthy and tasty bite, contact us for your occasion cakes, finger foods, outdoor catering services and other bakery products at an affordable price without compromise on quality!! Ours is expression with confection! Expect a royal treat.

08036918447, 08185598482. 


IS THAT NOT ASUN?kia me and food ooooooooooooh


Olawealth Recharge card Giveaway.


New designs of Ankara out now.!!
#4500 for dutch Holland Ankara (excluding Delivery Fee for more than 10).
100% cotton and it comes in 6 yards.

Call. 07013087887
WhatsApp. 07037210981

Delivery is to anywhere in Nigeria and outside Nigeria.

WOW ola giving away 2k?that is so nice and I am so proud of you is your heart break?getting any better?gist me na,why did you and your girl break up?

Meanwhile,Ola dont worry I will patronise you big time very soon.....When I start 10 people who have birthdays will get six yards of their choice each.....UNTIL THEN.......



  1. Seriously, bvs gat no chill at all.

    Whenever I think of the title"sexy" they add to Teejay's id, I just laugh uncontrollably and I begin to wonder where all these bvs come from.

    Hey bvs here wadup?

    1. That suya up there though, just made my mouth watery.

      Your comment will be visible after approval

    2. He called himself sexy daddy. Apparently that is what his eyes told him when he looked at himself.

    3. Why are you selling that reception dress for 50k? and the other one for 80? Why not forget about shoki and price it reasonably so that you can sell it off. The longer it stays with you, the more difficult to dispose. Just an advice.

    4. Ola wealth weldone oooo! Way to go! Hw are we ooooo

  2. I am the BV who became a sidechic while trying to help a married man settle in and the guilt was killing me.

    I dropped my comment sometime back and I want to appreciate everyone who replied.

    Took the bold step and told him we should stop having sex yesterday. He said he was cool with it so far it makes me happy, but i fear we might go back. I think we should cut off, but he's saying we would survive afterall we have been friends for a year and 6 months and had sex for 3 weeks.

    He doesn't have any other person asides his colleagues here and they don't even know his house, I mean he could die in his house for days and no one will know.

    I hope I don't go back to my vomit, I miss God and communicating with him. I wish i never offered to help on that flight.

    Please say a prayer for me. (Especially those who can remember my initial story.)

    1. I think I remember your story. You did well Please don't relent.

    2. It is not in your place to pity him or take care of him. I think you are your own problem here, there are many single guys out there you can have sex with if that is what is great about him.
      He is familiar with the town now and if he still doesn't have friends,that is not your business anymore. Last last e dey your body if you never ready to borrow yourself brain.

    3. Poster I remember you. You have tried but you need to try harder by amping up your willpower and forget him TOTALLY. Therein lies your deliverance, forget every excuse.

    4. Madam u r still giving excuse to rally around him, to visit him in his house. Are you his guardian angel? Did you bring him to the town? If you dnt cut off from him u wud defntly go bck, bcos u’ve alrdy had sex, so it’s easier to have sex again. Pls cut him off, i’m sure that is what he told you, that he doesn’t have any1 in the town, pls dnt be naive, he is a man, they lie as if they were born to do so. Dnt be suprised the initial phone call in the plane was all a lie jst to get ur attention, even if u had not offered to help him, he would have asked you to, immediately after his phone call, dats d rsn for the call, it was a preamble, to condition ur mind that he needed help. Lastly, madam anything that does not give u peace of mind, pls give it up. Dnt violate ur body, dnt waste ur time, bcos at some point he’d move on n leave u sulking. Dnt be dat single lady that a married man wud walk out on, u’d neva forgive urslf, u’d feel lyk trash.

    5. Poster I'm in you shoes. I told my married bf that I don't wanna have sex anymore last year but he kept playing the 'just this last time' game(we have been seeing each other 3 years). I couldn't take it no more as he became emotionally abusive. I broke all ties with him on Sunday. I hope I'm strong enough if he comes back again. Meanwhile, there is this inner peace I have right now bc I did the right thing. Thank you Jesus!

    6. My dear I remember your story, if you don't cut off every communication with him and you avoid visiting him at, you will continue to gbensh. In fact, I find it very difficult that you will both stop gbenshing

      *Larry was here*

    7. How will a grown man die in his house? He doesn't have a phone? I see you still have plenty years on planet earth that's why you are joking with your destiny. Don't go and settle down. He doesn't have any other person ko? So you think you are the only one he is cheating with? Women and fish brain.

    8. Na real fish brain.

      Fish brain with those big big holes inside. Mtsheew.

    9. Yea I remember your story and I think you should cut him out completely. Abi you sef no go like marry?

    10. You will have to try harder. Don't mind all those judging you. They should cast the first stone if you have never sinned? Was in a similar situation but I am the married man. I finally broke up the relationship cause she lost focus and rather than retrace our steps she taught she could make me jealous and come back. Warned her that stopping the relationship does not mean I won't be there for her. Try and let go but be his friend from a DISTANCE and the relationship will naturally wear out. Avoid visiting him, don't chat him up late at night, look for something to distract you when you miss him. No one is perfect.

  3. Dear Lord all I just need is a job.
    What kinda life is this?

    1. God will answer your prayers.
      Thanks to all beevees that wished my daughter well today being her birthday.God bless you all.@Yori Yori,She kept some cake for you ooooo

  4. Rhoda is a fine girl for life.

    Ola...God bless your histle....more customers fall on u

  5. Stella start it from January.

    Good afternoon everyone, how is You?

    Let me go and eat something first. This one the thing no block, make i continue to comment, may be tomorrow they go block am. Na Baba God do am for me.

    Love you all. Ola congrats on your giveaway. I pray you get more customers. I hear say na the Queen knack pigeon on the girl head hahahahahaha. You forgot you told Queen you are for her alone, you come carry another babe put yourside. Ekpele ooo. Hope the break up no pain too much. Abeg win another giveaway and give her, she might come back.

    Make una no mind me oooo. I am in a happy mood

    1. Lol @start from January

      Stella I will collect for April oooo 😚😋😋🙈🙈🙈❤❤

    2. hahahahaha beloved i am not greedy. Make she start from January, my own is February so make january too enjoy the booty

    3. Stella Please start from this Month, Baiday is 9th

    4. Oluchi you too much. Now now now you resurrected your dead old ID. Who no want Ankara material on birthday

    5. Miss Obioma have you bought Beggars form from Cutiebee. Common remove this passport nonsense here.

  6. Rhoda you is beautiful.
    Nice one Ola.

  7. It's a beautiful Wednesday ihn

  8. This your sign out is bad... IHN yeah

  9. Emergency n fake birthdays get

    1. No be lie you yarn.... I think the benefactors must have celebrated their birthdays here For proof. 🤷

  10. That wedding cake is so unique.i love.

  11. Hello people
    Dada Toyosi how body e be like say u don transfer dat malaria to me and its not even up to a month i use fansidar.
    Baby blu i hope u r fine too
    it is well with us o

  12. Ola stay out of relationships for now... you have a new business, you need money to grow it...

    Women needs love and care and you can't show these if you're broke. This is my candid advise.

    Getting my make up done to meet up with Bae... she just prepared my favorite soup..

    1. Lolo Ideato super super lesbian. Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.

    2. Ideato aka Lady bug how far.

    3. Lady Bug is now PrettyAddy. Ada Mara nma.

  13. 80k wedding 👗 and 50k for reception 👗? It is well.
    Enjoy your day people

    1. My dear, the seller is not ready yet, I will be crazy to buy a second hand wedding gown for 80k. She's only pulling our legs for now

      *Larry was here*

  14. Rhoda you look so beautiful and fresh. Ola the Ankara distributor I love your sense of humor. May God strengthen you in all you do. Nice piece from Mc pinky. I wish everyone stress free day in the remaining hours of the day.

    1. DIVINE alias TEEJAY the THIEF....

    2. hahahahaha this anonymouses you will kee someone here. How did you know he is divine if you too no dey waka like some people here.

      Is it your THIEF? Let him thief well, i support TJ

    3. 15:05 aka Tee Jay be calling yourself Divine so that we will think you are not sexy daddy o

  15. Nice one Olawealth. Keep it up

    Your Ankara prints are beautiful

  16. Ola may God bless your business

    The most annoying of that addiction is sniffing soakaway. Thank God FG is try to ban cough syrup with codeine.

  17. Holla holla holla..

    Thanks to all who flashed..
    I will send you airtime by evening..😘😘😘😘😘

    Love you all.
    I will gist you stellz, na indifferences ooooo

    1. Make the airtime reach my side oh God bless you

  18. Thanking God for the gift of is a gift ,to be alive and well is a privilege

  19. Please there's an issue bothering me and I don't know how best to tackle it, before I take a wrong discission.

    Been married for more than 3yrs now. I TTC for a year before God blessed me with my daughter. When I was 3 months gone I resigned from my place of work, due to pregnancy sickness. And then 2months later my husband lost his job. With the help of my parents I was able to scale through the pregnancy period and after... It was months after I gave birth to my baby that my husband got a job with the help of my dad.

    During the time my husband lost his job. Our sex life changed, it was worst, dh would not have sex with me for more than a month or two, and when he finally decide to make love to me he won't last up to 2minutes.

    I spoke to him about it and his excuse was that he was frustrated because of his joblessness and all that.( my husband made me love sex, and we do it like anytime any of us is in the mood). In the space of 10months, dh made love to me four times and those times he did not last up to 2mins.

    After he got the job, he changed but it wasn't really better, it was just once in a week. But now my problem is, my husband has not has turned it to once in month and sometimes we can go two months without doing it.

    I'm a very clean person, and my dh usually say that what he likes most about me. I'm not dirty, I'm tight down there, whenever we wanna it we still use lubricant for the first round for you to know how tight I am.

    I'm tired already, and I'm getting tempted to go out. I can't continue like this. I have spoken to him several times about it.

    I even asked if there's a problem with him so that we can find a solution to it. He said he is fine. Aside this issue we are cool. But I can continue like this. Plz help me what do I do.

    1. Start snooping
      There might be a side chicken. If you find evidence of one, confront him, he will beg you and change to your former hubby that you knew

    2. Your husband is suffering from erectile dysfunction and he may not even be aware of it. I once suffered such and did not know until my wife complained.

      Tell your husband about it and also make him understand how bad you feel not having regular sex.

    3. See ehn, sex dey tire person, if cos of sex u would go outside, pls do, but be rest assured, when dey catch u n throw u out, u go tire to be food o.

    4. You need a marriage counselor whose specialty is on sex related issues. Find one if you think that your marital sex life is lacking and could derail your marriage. Afterwards, communicate with your husband to see the need why you both have to see a counselor. Goodluck!


    5. Am very sure all that man thinks about is how to make money extra money for u and ur baby...pls look for a job or something to do

    6. Madam, have you gotten a job now? Or is sex all that worries you?
      You cant force a horse to drink water hope you know.He will come around when you are empowered and start doing shakara.

    7. blackberry shut up....when you are supposed to make sense you is not food but its a necessary tool. your hubby is either having an affair or just being self centered....he needs to see a doctor if he has problems...take him out to dinner and tell him your mind, tell him he is tempting you...if he doesn't sit up then do what u need to do

  20. My heartfelt gratitude goes to Stella and my anonymous angel "O" for blessing us with a huge amount yesterday. My family and I say a big thank you. To angel "O" may you never know lack. May all your heart desires and that which you seek for be granted by the Almighty and may your pocket never run dry. Thanks Stella for this wonderful platform and may God continue to strengthen and bless you in all that you do.

    Preggy BVs

    1. Congrats. Stell God bless you and Angel O many blessings yakata for una oo

  21. Hot hot day. Whew!

    That Suya be drawing my throat. It's well.

    Those Ankara are really fine o.

    Father Lord you know everything.😊😊

  22. Yes o Stella, today feels like Monday. And the weather is something else. It can actually cook indomie.

    Bv Rhoda, your beauty is intoxicating.

    Ola wealth, wishing u all the best in your biz.

    My people una doh.

  23. Ola i hope you know that tomorrow your village people will gather and say that recharge card thing was a stunt?please those that u chose do they have blog IDS or just random people who are here for the giveaway?how do we prove that you gave out any recharge?I am asking the question your village people will ask you later....thank me now

    1. Stingy Ola is giving out 2k? I don't believe it.
      Pls those recipients should have known blog ids o. Ask them their blog ids and list the ids here incase they stole someone else's ids.

    2. Hi Boss

      Olawealth just called to send me the money to get the Airtime for the first four BVs.

      Hahahaha the fear of bvs.

      Olawealth come and answer, those that flashed, are they bona-fide BVs? Lol

    3. The money is in my hands right now. Olawealth included A 5th person..making it 2500.

      I have the five numbers also, sent in by Olawealth.

      Maybe I will call them one by one and ask sdk blog related

      Bvs and giveaways ehn

    4. Kwakwakwakwa
      Watch out for
      Cookie L
      Cookie Lyion
      Crooked Lyon

      Ola Wealth oti sele. Eku shoki sharing. The thieves are in the kitchen cooking up new ids, you wait

    5. hahahahaha chai, una go kee person on this blog.

      which one is the C that is all here. They are about 10 or 20

    6. Beloved i saw yonne emergency blog Id hailing you on o of post doing that. I think the post is celebs instagram photos or so. Don't fall for it o. If it's not an Id you have seen here before dont give them the cards. One person can sit down and flash Ola with his/her three or four different phone lines

  24. Lols @ the sign out meme

    In other news, stella you are trying o. So this is what you see in your inbox and you come here to pretend as if nothing happened. So bv Paul Okah disappeared after exchanging words with you because of the 250k house rent you promised to pay for him.
    But Stella I know you are not totally innocent though because you have given me a dose of your rudeness when I begged for free advert sometime back. I remained calm and swallowed all bcos of what I wanted to get from you which is what Paul should have done.

    1. Dis Stella has suffered. Imagine a whole Mr Paul Okah shaming himself. Dats d reason why sdk answers calls rudely because she go don dey paranoid b4 bvs call her line.
      He wanted N250k loun loun, if she gives dat amount how much will b remaining 4 her family.
      He quietly took a walk.

    2. Stella never learns. Why grown men sleep and wake on a blog writing epistles, what do you think they're there for? to read gossip? no way. Its all format.
      Stella stop all form of freebies and giveaways for straight 6 months. Lets see who stays. The scavengers will shift and the remnants are your BVs.

    3. @chy.okoli I laff piss for body at this your comment.

      Anybody who is still scammed after all the warnings here. The persons head must be porous. Very very porous.

      6 months ke??? The blog will just empty na.

      You wicked o!
      #marketingtacticjammarketingfraudsters ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa
      If you know you know.

  25. Gbamest!!! @d sign out post

    The Tramadol thingy dey make me for young boys sef... Alcohol, marijuana, codeine etc is linked to peer pressure! Coz they don't just wake up one day and start doing that, na from friends! And so many guys out there don't know how to say no, I'm not doing this.. Na so so copy copy dem dey do!

  26. Oluwa oh
    Ola is giving out 2k recharge cards? We will go and do thanksgiving in the church on Sunday. Ola the stingikoko corper aka Mr Ankara and crayfish.

    1. hahahahahaha do you mean ola cannot give N2k recharge cards? Is he serious aka gum?

    2. Show him small appreciation abeg. How much you don't give strangers before.

      Pray for him to reach your

    3. Even Even owner shock sef!

  27. All this men ain't loyal please what are the processing for court wedding as in what am I going to do first plz reply beevees

  28. Rhoda is beautiful, infact am salivating on that finger foods up there, a splendid afternoon to everyone blog PA don't forget me on the business give away am a available

  29. So Sophia Momodu deleted her Instagram account cos of people's trolling? Chai,world's people self.

    The sun is too hot here ooo, let me go and do and buy umbrella, it's getting too much.

    So Paul Oka with all his Abakaliki stories was a scam, what is wrong with all these guys self? After sending their pics they will still fuck up. Paul, Sexy Daddy, Magodo dog...chai. This is why I don't blame those accusing Teejay of being sexu Daddy, don't get me wrong, I don't they are one and same person but he came with a similar format and I think that is why Eka and co thinks they are same.

    Anyway, na here we dey. Last last, we go still hear the truth. Teejay, if truly u are innocent of all these allegations then I will suggest u stop replying all the trolls and concentrate on building your brand.

    Good day all.

    1. Its high time Stella stop cozying up to all these new inspirational epistle writers...I noticed its a pattern, get noticed, warm up,type inspirational epistles, then hit a giveaway, from there entitlement mentality creeps in, a fallout ensues,, then we go hear d real gist when pot son break.

    2. Paul is not a scam. He just felt entitled. After getting N70k, he thought it would be easy to get N250k for houserent. Na Stella wey dey dash dem money be the cause, nothing else.

    3. Yori Yori if you don't shuuuuuush it I will break your phone. No office Wi-Fi, no personal phone for you then we see how you'll comment. Talkative woman

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Bv Rhoda Rex na pretty girl.

    Ola,may your biz prosper.

  32. Wow Rhode, you're such a beautiful girl, I love your natural look.

    May God help the children of nowadays cos the way they are going ehn.

    And I begin to ask if it's strong hand or soft hand that these children really need to put them in track.

    Cos, whichever way a parent/parents raise their children, should they go astray, people still blame them for not using the opposite form.

    Ola, I like that your second Ankara, it's so beautiful.

  33. my namesake Rhoda is a fine girl, Ola God bless ur hustles.

  34. The preggy lady on yesterday's IHN that lost her job, I feel you. Is there no labour law in this country protecting working class women against such discrimination? It's crazy.
    I just got a multinational job after a very long rigorous recruitment exercise and found out I'm with child. I am to resume soon and I am worried because I don't know what will happen. Although there is nothing concerning pregnancy status in my contract yet...
    God dey.

    1. Please if you don't want it. Please give me.

  35. LMAO, so u be attach giveaway? Had no idea. Thanks for posting.

    1. Rhoda wan pretend she didn't know b4 putting her pics for in house news.


    2. Wetin happen anon wey you dey shout my name?
      You wan buy registration form?
      Contact Cutiebee, she is the Secretary.

      Rhoda fine babe, choi! See cowbell.
      Come and cut small for me na. Na Mouka foam bra dey help my ministry. Abi your own sef na Vitafoam?


    3. Anon: Aswear, I didn't know.

      Dee: LMAO. Abeg come carry o, as I dey find person wey I go dash. D thing tire me Biko.

    4. I join you laugh 😁 😁 kwakwakwa

  36. Stella God of heaven will honour you daily all the days of your life.


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