Stella Dimoko TUESDAY IHN


Tuesday, May 01, 2018


Hello Tuesday!!!......

Hope everyone is OK?...I saw a very very disturbing Chronicle posted in the comment section and i have taken it off,will post it tomorrow..OMG!!!....Please all others who sent in theirs should be patient,this one is too shocking!....Spoilt my mood.


Good day Stella. I want you to use my baby picture as the face of ihn, my ttc testimony is either no 62/63 but am the woman that has 14 and 9 year old children respectively and trusting God for the third baby but God answered and gave me this lovely girl. she was one on 16th April. 

This my testimony is over due but na phone wahala make me never give am. My baby came at 7 months and 2 weeks. But faithful God saw us through. For all those trusting God do not lose hope God is still in the business of doing miracles. Though we all see Miracle of bbn, don't worry He will show up. 

Stella God bless you. 

She is sooooooooooooooooo wah oh,person don old,TTC babies will soon become Blog visitors oh...hahahahhaha



Makeup Artistry,Gele tying,Facials etc in Warri,Delta state. Send us a mail if you  want the best make up ever...... or call us on 07059505298

WOW,I love the make up Babe...Cinta is also Single and happily searching*wink*..I hope its OK to include that ooooh if not i apologise..

Is your eye color photo shop or what?



Stella good morning. Trust you're good.

Just wanted to share something with that has made me believe it pays to be honest really. 

On Saturday, I went out for a wedding. I boarded a tricycle. (Keke) I brought out #500 to give the driver on alighting, he said I should hold on. With the rush and all, the driver gave me #300 thinking I had given him my #500. I was confused myself. 

I took some steps away. I checked my purse, I saw the #500. I quickly went to the driver and told him he gave me change without me giving him his money. He was so thankful and prayed for me sef. Lol.

We had a house guest yesterday and he left this money. Stella, this man gifted me 10k in my Hubby's presence.  Me that was down to nothing as at early this morning. Its just like a dream because this same person has never gifted me money.

I'm just so happy and thankful to God.

LOL:please send my share oooh


Being An Emphath

So I read the IHG scary comment of a bv who said she was always sad and depressed in the house she lived till she realised she was living near a mental home and quickly moved out. Another bv commented that she was an emphath who absorbed other people's energy.

 I quickly googled it up and I was everything listed there except that I hate animals around me (no apologies). I never knew that was the term that described me completely. I can't stand people suffering, in pain and in great need.I'll give an example, in church when they are praying for women ttc I'll just be crying and begging God to do for them as He did for me. 

I'll even take it far by telling God to take my reproductive parts and give to them if that's what is causing delay,all I ask is that he preserves the ones He has given me. Even when I read chronicles on SDK especially about women in abusive relationships and how they are battered. I get so angry on their behalf and I see myself tranferring the aggression to my husband. I snap at any little offence but I soon realise I'm taking things out of hand so I caution myself. When I listen to some songs I have goose bumps all over my body, sometimes I shed tears while watching emotional movies.

I keep wondering why people intentionally practise evil and wickedness and why can't we all make up our minds to be good so as to make the world a better place.I enjoy solitude a lot and I don't keep friends,even in my neighbourhood the only thing we exchange is greetings,I'm sure most people think I'm anti-social or a proud person. And to think that most times,I'm a good judge of people's character at first encounter. 

I want to know if being a melancholic by temperament can make it worse or each have nothing to do with each other.




I don't usually do this but i feel there's something, a message for me in these two strange dreams i had last night. Kindly keep me anonymous.

In the first dream, three Fulani men brought their cows to my home and the cows were all over the house, i didn't complain, i just patiently allowed them. Meanwhile the men were aggressive and speaking hausa, shouting with daggers and all but i remained calm and was even telling them "Yakuri yakuri" (it means don't be angry in hausa".

Why i was calm, i don't know. They left with their cows without harming me or anyone. I woke up and thanked God it was a dream.

Secondly, after i slept back, i had another funny dream where armed robbers came to our compound. They were very many robbed almost everybody. They came to my flat, and took our stuff including phones. Now after they left, i left the house and was in shock. After walking about, i wanted to return back home but realised i couldn't trace my house again. I walked about for sometime until i realised i was in another street entirely and so i traced my way back home. The strange thing is i saw myself carrying a black bago bag and inside the bag were items that the robbers took from us. My phones were there too. I got back home and that was when i woke up finally.

What messages are in these dreams? Help anyone.



I have a wedding gown and a second dress for sale in Lagos. 
The wedding gown goes for 30k. Bought new, worn once and already dried cleaned it. The wedding gown is a UK size 10-14, it comes with a veil and basket. 
The second dress is grey in colour, UK size 12 and goes for 10k.
If interested please call me on 08054332062.
Find attached the pictures.



Looking for an iphone to buy

I am a regular BV and am looking at buying an iphone. If you have an iphone 6S plus or 7 for sell at a reasonable price, you must have the receipt and it should be in a very good working condition, haven't been worked on before. please contact me on this number 08158772347



Please kindly help me post this on your blog.

1. Male professional large format operator is urgently needed.

Kindly send your CV to .

Abuja Residents only.



I live in Houston Texas and I have a spare bedroom for expectant mothers coming to deliver in Texas, tourist or any one that needs a place for a short time. I can be reached via email at my apartment is conducive and everything would be included in the bill. You will also have your personal bathroom and toilet


Nuerodevelopmental disorder tutor.

I'm looking for any clients anywhere in Lagos ( island or mainland). I'm a well certified trained in Neurodevelopmental disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Applied Behavioural Analyst (ABA). I'm looking for clients in any school that has an autistic students or children with additional needs. And also, any parents that has an additional need child that I can work with. The service can be in school or home service. I relocated from Abuja so I'm new in this lagos. I can be reached on 07033570123 or through my email



Our company is currently recruiting for the post of;

1. Marketer

Qualification - Bsc./Diploma in any relevant field

A lady to be precise, must be god looking,fluent in English and smart with a good experience in Real Estate marketing.

Kindly submit your CV via mail to


Mrs Dee's Corner

New Job and Ebola Scare

Fellow bvs please I want to see how well I can be at writing. I need your constructive criticisms and corrections where necessary. Thank you.

Middle of the year in 2014,I had just gotten married when I received a call to come start work for a job I applied when I was still single. It was a multinational organisation but the pay was no where near the reputation of the organisation. It was meagre. I decided to take it for two reasons; first, the salary was higher than what my present job paid and secondly, working there would boost my CV. 

My boss was an expartriate from one of these Asian countries and one of the conditions for employing me was that I would not be pregnant till after two years of working with them. Their reason was the other lady I was to replace was pregnant so they had to let her go despite how efficient she was because they didn't want a heavily pregnant woman manning the reception area. I had just been married for three weeks and was eagerly anticipating the next menstruation. 

I was ready to give my all at my new place of work. The first month passed and there was no sign of my menstrual flow, it had never been late before but I refused to believe I was pregnant. Who wants to be pregnant when my new job would be at stake if it happened? I just believed it was delayed and kept hoping it would finally come. By the middle of the second month, I started spotting slightly and I was joyous. I would see little blood stains on my pants and I'ld heave a sigh of relief. 

So it had finally come but the next day everything would be clear again. By the time I fell sick and was rushed to the hospital, the first thing the doctor did was to carry out a PT test and yes, your thoughts are as good as mine, I was pregnant. I was very angry and I cried uncontrollably. My husband consoled me but I refused to be consoled.

 I started begging God for the pregnancy to abort (foolish me).I didn't want any pregnancy to stand in the way of my new job. My prayers were not answered. I suffered serious morning sickness,I couldn't keep anything down not even water. I made up my mind to hide it as much as possible but morning sickness was out to expose me. My early stage of pregnancy also fell within the Ebola period and everyone was super conscious and careful especially my boss. When my boss noticed I was always vomiting and feeling dizzy as I complained,he did not suspect pregnancy,he was scared for his life as he felt I have been infected with the Ebola virus. 

He asked if I plied the Obalende route and I innocently affirmed. I never knew he asked because he felt I may have been exposed to the virus as the first recorded case happened in a private hospital on that location. He wasted no time to send me home and told me to resume after a week. I was scared for my job but I really needed the break as I never knew pregnancy would take its toll on me this way. After the break, me being infected with Ebola was ruled out but I was still vomiting. 

A senior colleague called me one day,he told me he knew I was pregnant and that I should brace up and tell our boss as it was possible he already knew but was waiting for me to clear. I summoned courage and told him i was pregnant,he was not happy but he did not sack me immediately. When I later went for scan, it showed I was pregnant with twins. By five months,I was looking like a woman who would go into labour anytime soon. 

All the beautiful clothes I bought didn't fit anymore. I started putting on gowns. I was not looking professional anymore, I looked more like a whale and to add to it I was clumsy. By the end of the year,when it was time for Christmas break,I was told not to resume work in the new year. I was deeply hurt,but I took it in stride and looked forward to the birth of my babies.


Want to look unique or you want to start your own little business? Try our beautiful stainless steel jewelry with 100% guarantee. I sell retail and wholesale. Kindly Contact :0812 846 9817. I stay in Abuja but I can send anywhere.



I was recently transferred to Benin City, Edo State, I need a room self contain I can rent in Benin city,or if you have a room in your flat that you want to sublet, kindly contact me on this mail . It’s very urgent . Thank you



I am looking for a 3 week accommodation close to Bow House Business centre, Bow Road, London. At a very affordable rate please. between 1st and 21st of June, 2018. I'm a married female. Kindly help a sister. Thank you. my email:



Hello Stella,

My name is Chika, my company is hiring and I want you to please post on your blog so that BV’s who need the job can have an opportunity.

PATRICIA.COM.NG is currently hiring and seeks to fill the positions below with suitable and qualified persons.



· Applicants MUST be resident within the Lekki/Ajah axis.
· Must be Tech Savvy
· Must possess good idea of customer service

· Must be a good team player and quite analytical in reasoning.
· Must be a HND or B.Sc. holder (not more than 28 years)

Think you can fit in? Send CV to .


PS: I got my first interview on this blog two years ago and will love to provide the same opportunity for someone else.



Happy new month Mrs Stella, 

Yesterday evening a family member went to see a friend, on her way coming she met a man who told her of another man who beat up his pregnant wife to death. So my sister met another woman who in turn told her that she knows the said man. She said few years back, the man was still married to his first wife and they had three children together but the man always beat up the woman. 

This thing continued to a point the woman couldn't bear and she packed her things and left the house, leaving behind the children.

 When the man came back and find out the woman had left, he called and pleaded with her to return but she planned with her family members who asked the man to come over, they sent him a particular address and planned with tHugs to beat up him up, which they did. 

 He barely escaped and went back. After a while he met the deceased, they said he doesn't even know her family. She gave birth to her first child for him and waited for about four years before conceiving for second pregnancy. 

I learnt he is a drunkard and always beat her up until she met her untimely death yesterday. I heard they are both from Akwa Ibom State and they live in the Ajegunle area of Lagos. 

I also heard police have been informed and they stormed that vicinity yesterday, I believe they must have arrested him by now. I don't know why a man would allow the devil use him to that extreme.

 Please ladies if you are going through an abusive relationship I think the best option to do is to quit. If your Christian faith don't permit you to marry, then don't. You can quit the marriage and stay in your closet praying to God to change your husband and restore your home back. 

Remember only the living has opportunities, once you are dead, you are dead and the man in question will definitely marry another woman. Please women don't let your lives be at the mercy of one man. See, only the living can marry and once you are gone, another person will take over your home and might even maltreatment your children, please you have to be alive for your children and your family.

 It hurts me so much that the lady might have even had an opportunity to run away but decided to stay because she wants to remain married. Throughout the night I was even wondering which type of a man beat up a pregnant woman? Please mothers in the house, I encourage you to teach your sons to be responsible men in the future not just your daughters alone. I pray God gives wisdom.



Hello amazing Stella. How are you? This is in response to the question you asked on yesterday's IHN concerning masturbation. I won't mind if you post this so other BV can read.

We all know what masturbation is. Another name for it is 'solo s§x'.

Literally we don't find the word 'masturbation' spelt out in the Bible just like you won't find the words necrophilia, pedophilia, pornography etc in the Bible. But even without seeing these words spelt out boldly on the pages of the Scripture we know they are sinful.

This is because the Bible has a general word for them: S§XUAL IMMORALITY . 1 Corinthians 6:18 says, “Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins s§xually sins against his own body.”

1 Cor 6:9 also says, "Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the s§xually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have s§x with men." Also see Eph 5:3.

There are a whole lot of Bible passages that address s§xual immorality. You can Google it.

S§xual immorality is the “selling off” of sexual purity and involves any type of s§xual expression outside the boundaries of a biblically defined marriage relationship. Or simply put sexual immorality is when s§x is used in a way God never intended it. God created s§x for the married man and his wife. Anything outside this is sexual immorality.

Fornication, adultery, pornography, masturbation, homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality, necrophilia or any form of s§xual perversion are all categorized as sexual immorality.

So it is wrong to think that 'masturbation has no biblical insight of being a sin, but the thought that precede it is usually the sin aspect of it' like someone commented yesterday. Masturbation is very well there in the Bible.

For those who say times have changed, please don't make light the Word of God. One thing that can NEVER change is God's Word. His Word is the same yesterday, today and forever. God created sex and He knows how best it should be used to yield the best results for you. When He says "Don't do this", He is merely protecting you because He loves you. But often we say, "No. It's my life, " and we end up with so much hurt and heartbreak because we refuse to live by His Word.

BV Pure Inspirations



  1. Happy new month darlings.

  2. TTC baby is beautiful. Welcome IHN

  3. Among asking how battle ground ended, it ended with some loopholes...I dunno who ago,s father is, dunno what happened to hadiza at last, Cyril turned out to be Horace njoku,s son (the general), cissy died from a gunshot to d head by d general, he also killed anty sophie, he wanted to shoot teni, kolada took d bullet in his arm, roman appeared from nowhere, cuffed d general n took him as kolade smiled n nodded to roman....adora n her kids all safe...

  4. Still having a hangover trauma..... last night with Chioma was crazy...
    Join me now at tilt terrace for lunch.

    I'll be posting new videos on my vlog by tomorrow.. don't forget to watch n subscribe

    1. Lolo 🙋

    2. You and this your Chioma sha.

    3. You no fit change.

      Traffic is crazy. Who sent me to GTB food and drinks?

    4. What's the name of your vlog?

  5. House of cintas.. Be looking cute for days..
    Are the lady kiss Daniel sang the song "cute for days for"?
    I am single too ooo😂😂😂

    Hot sun be killing my mood. Chai!!!
    Never signed for this.!!


  6. Woooooooo
    SDK that your sign out note is bae 😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚

  7. Melancholic bv, that condition na mental help before u breakb ur husband head cos of someone else problems.

  8. Lemme drop this gist here.
    Actually I really do not have time for hubby's phone conversations or anything, but I know he's a cheat **nobody should come and tell me otherwise cos I know all men cheat**.
    So after some kind of things I've been reading online of wicked husbands I decided to tap hubby's phone to know if there's any secret agenda or something.

    So I searched google for tap call code and dialled it on his phone.
    Hmmm, the following morning I was woken up by him that who is that man calling my line? I said which man?
    He said a certain number called my line **actually his friend**and he picked the call asking the man why he's calling his wife? The man said **his name** called him with the number that's why he called. My hubby now told him it's his wife's number. The man apologised.
    Meanwhile hubby's phone was on silent all these while.
    Then I saw another missed call, ask hubby if he saw that missed call he said no.
    Me on the other hand have forgotten that I taped his call. That how I dialed the number and the person was asking me who's this? I said I saw your missed call on my phone just now. He said he didn't call me. I wanted to para before I remember what I did. My people na so I rush go cancel call taping oh.
    You see the hunter became the hunted. I no do again abeg.

    1. 😁😀😁😀😁
      Don't give urself high bp o..

    2. 😀😀😀😅😆😅😂😂😂

    3. Madam Anonymous, your gist isn't complete if you don't share the method or procedures you used in tapping the call(not everyone have strength to Google). If it didn't get the knack of applying it well, some others might apply it perfectly.

      Abeg don't think it's me that needs it oh. I'm only speaking for those who snoop. Because I am amongst Team NO SNOOPING... 😉😉

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. 😀😀😀😀😀
      Chillax now

    6. Lol instead of women to concentrate on empowering themselves, they are busy getting hbp over men... Mtcheeeeew

    7. Relax and enjoy your life. The stress of snooping is not worth it.

  9. Beautiful sharing my testimony this month.

  10. RE: Dream

    Kindly begin a daily fast and reading your scriptures to avoid invaders. God revealed this twice because it is certain and will happen, if you don't fast/pray.

  11. Good afternoon everyone hope you are having a great time. Welcome IHN

  12. Beautiful baby girl. May your days be long.

    Poor woman. It's really sad. May God help us to make wise decisions.

    Stella thanks for posting. I will send yours o 😁😁😁

  13. Signing out meme is on point..

    @ Dream meaning the 2nd dream to my own understanding is that,You have recovered everything you have lost spiritually..and also pray for the manifestation of the dream..
    You know the spiritual controls the physical.
    It is well..

    Will be back to read comments
    Battery low.

  14. Beautiful baby 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
    Kisses to you cutie.

  15. I saw a video of Nina saying that Hanty Tobi is a gossip. Is like she has seen the video of Hanty Tobi and Alex 'Murdering'people with their tongue. I pity Nina sha. Alex and Tobi Gossip for BBN3 House no be here ooo

    1. Where is the video please?

  16. My brother order some goods from ebbay since january some came february but some r yet to come he went to post office and discovered same code was on a package wt different name and goods.what can he do

  17. And the month of May came with showers of blessing.
    Yaay!!! Its my birth month and it doubles as my 2nd wedding anniversary.
    Thank you onise iyanu, I'm eternally grateful.
    Happy new month and Happy workers day, may God continue to preserve us.Amen
    #Moremoney#£ #€
    #Morealert #Yesalert

    1. Congratulations dear. May your international testimony locate you. Amen

    2. My birthday mate, #30thmay. Congrats on your wedding anniversary, God will grant you all your heart desires. Amen

    3. My birthday mate, #30thmay. Congrats on your wedding anniversary, God will grant you all your heart desires. Amen

    4. Thanks Int'l P.A and Wakanda, in advance to us but mine is 28May I meant I'm turning 30.

  18. twinssquaredjj
    We almost alike.. 😎😎😎😎
    I feel same way too at times

  19. Ihn ihn ihn

    Beloved thanks for the advice


  20. Pure inspiration thanks for the clarification on the masturbation issue. I think you have some good point at it. I kinda agree with you like I did said yesterday that whatever made you feel guilt after doing it is not good to live with, in fact it becomes a crime. The lady with the pregnancy story you write so good but the story isn't complete right? That little baby up there is so cute and adorable. So much love kids and hope to have
    them someday.

    1. It's not a sin. Stop adding to the Bible. Adding to the word of God is a sin. He says don't add to it or take out of it

    2. Anon, it is a sin. These so called 'quick fixes' have eternal consequences.

  21. TTC baby so grown and beautiful already
    Miracle awaits us all

    I goggled that empathy too

    1. Assurance video out already
      I am looking for a sister..... Chioma my lover😀😀

  22. Good afternoon bvs! Welcome ihn.

  23. The Bible never explicitly expressed masturbation as a sin, that’s true. But masturbation usually involves having some sort of sexual fantasies or watching porn, so I think that’s the sinful aspect of it. And Jesus said that you don’t have to physically fornicate or commit adultery befor you know you’ve committed the act, thinking about it alone has made you guilty of committing the act. So masturbation is a form of fornication.
    What I’m not sure of is if masturbation by a married person is a sin. Especially if you think about your spouse when committing the act.

    1. But the fantasy is not about committing adultery. Stop making up rules

    2. I started masturbation at a very tender age due to all the romantic novels I do read them.... I really thank God I finally stopped it was not easy but I stopped eventually.....

  24. Teejay spermy how market? See you asking if the abroad Guy has broken Ekajoy's heart, what is your business with her love life? Then why are you asking after Yori Yori? is it because she is earning over 200k? Oloshi

    1. teejay is a big scam, I know what am saying..... I hardly comment but when I noticed another sexy daddy in the m
      making, I know I have to talk, after all this warning some people will still fall into his trap. ..


  25. Okay just have to drop this here. Just like the bv on the scare post. You dare not tell me 15min to go during an exam, I will just start vibrating sexually). Esp. If am still writing. It all started during junior waec. I don't know what this condition is called but I always plead the blood of Jesus when ever it starts. Abi is it fear DAT causes it?

    1. Dunno but it happens to me, not during exam but when I'm drying my hair with a hand dryer, and during kegel exercise... I love d orgasimic feeling like, I was conceived under Mexican

  26. Live and let live. The sky is big enough for everyone.

    Happy new month of greatness.

    Official prestige

  27. kokun foundation I went to your office with my aged mum, you kept us waiting without saying a word, despite 2000 naira transport from surulere, God where is your face? I don't want my mum to suffer. Have mercy on me.

    1. Pele ma...Bv Kokun please attend to her mum 🙏

  28. thanks for postings my advert. God bless u. Please patronize me oooooo cheap prices.

  29. It feels good to be Alive.. Grateful Heart.

  30. Dream poster i dont usually put so much meaning in dreams, but i once read in a book that when you dream that you've been robbed and things were returned to you, it means that the accomplice is known to you and you need to be very careful.

  31. Rip to that pregnant woman that died.
    I shared about domestic violence this morning and how religious leaders encourage women to remain in their marriages no matter what.
    My own pastor responded to a question asked by a member on whether a woman should leave a man that beats her. He said marriage is for better for worst, till death do them apart. If your husband beats you, report him to people he listens to, let them talk to him. You as a woman, check yourself, if you have razor tongue, tame it. The things that trigger his anger, stop doing them and the beatings will cease. No woman should leave her marriage, for any reason. These were the words of this pastor. Hmmm

  32. I am looking for a sister.......... Chioma my lover! !!!

    1. Cookie...seen the mini drama with your ID. Good it was resolved amicably. Sorry about that.

      That prayer by bv ***chy ozo*** is somewhat necessary at this time on this blog maka ndi ori Blog ID. That thief had a blog ID and understudied this place very well then chose who to bamboozle all the way from the other L blog.

      *nnie if you're reading this consider yourself lucky because that crayfish for drag you and your throat down to Lagos by force.
      Zo is short of Zombie thank God you already know.

  33. Teejay, u must be dumb to think I'd go anon you call u out on ur bullshit.

    The people that have paid their dues on this blog, I haven't gone anon on them. It's now u, this weak being, cheat and a fraud that I'd go anon on.

    Teejay, I repeat, u are sexy daddy. If u like send a thousand and one pics to prove otherwise, u are definitely sexy daddy and just as he was exposed, u will be exposed too.

    1. U are entitle to your hallucinations. I refuse and chose not to engage you stupidly as you have always done and can never be drag to your level. Oh you wish your hallucination are true so sorry there. Shame unto you. I am beginning to feel that sexy daddy of a guy must have dealt with you heavily. Wait a minute are you among those he duped? Chei ya! I understand your plight now, how much was it that you gave him? Did he broke your heart? Sorry dear broken heart don't mend. Keep dreaming until you fall sick.

    2. @Eka joy please ignore him... seriously waiting for the day he will exposed . .
      Mr talkative oshi


    3. I don't comment but I honestly think Teejay is sexy daddy. The pattern is glaring, the need for validation from bvs, the ass licking, trying to please stellar among others. He had wanted to confuse us with writing but keep giving himself away. He had alteration with Eka before his duping saga so he had wanted to use blog boo this time so that we wouldn't know it's him. His insults to Eka Joy this just afternoon just confirmed it. Half the blog can't be wrong. Stellar, I know you won't post my comment but please be careful of him. Cheers

    4. Ahhhh Thermometer please 🏃🏃🏃

    5. Eka joy,stop whining. present your evidence.

      blog urchin.

    6. Eka Joy...hey hey you. Lady please chill it and be calm. Why get apprehensive over nothing? You've been through this rough track before, do not repeat it. The warnings you issued the 1st time was ignored, why stick out your head a second time? Fiile!

      Now here's my resolve; TeeJay has consistently maintained he's not Sexy Daddy but for now, word codecs pick his semantics and drag it as Sexy Daddy's. His server module is reading from Mini Ewa and Sexy Daddy's is from the transmission station close to Salvation Ministries all within the same base station in Rumuobiakani in Port Harcourt.
      This is not enough to say he is same person, not until call track modules read that his log in phone number calls a number with ...81266... as middle digits. Many use other phone numbers to log into blogs to post comment.

      2.Many bvs sound alike but are not even in same location.
      BLACKBERRY is in same location as IRENE B and sounds alike but hell no. They are not same. Till you have a rigid evidence, cool it down because he's close to something. Real close. If you know you know.

      Fond out why Stella Kork is ignoring all banters. Everyone here is an adult, you are responsible for what you bring upon yourself.
      Men are controlled by what they see. I was not around for Sept to Nov last year during the scandal but honestly Sexy Daddy was led on by a crop of inexperienced and horny bvs. He only cued into their lewd remarks and nudge-ons. Few were ignorant of his antics, I recall deriding some typing Óla ôtú International and some gibberish comments. Married women sharing and throwing bedroom gimmicks with him? That was the height of it.

      Just pipe low because I understand that maybe based on your grooming such wild and devious moves irritate you but hey it's the Blogosphere. His phone. His data. His doings.Except you enjoy the names you may acquire because of this ish.


  34. Ihn baby is so beautiful. Congrats to bv.

    Ebola scare, this made me remember the salt in take them. Choi, people took a lot of salt that period o.

    My people una doh.

  35. Wow. That baby is all shades of CUTE......

  36. That baby is beautiful. God bless her and her parents.
    Beautiful Cyntas thanks for empowering bvs in Benin. God bless you.
    Women, run if he beats you, he may kill you one day. Thank God I left with my life. Let me keep struggling and care for my kids.

  37. The sun today is super hott😠😠😠😠

    Hmmm i don't seem to understand the way Lagos weather is anymore,it's so hotrue & I can't stop wondering who left the gate of hell open,darm😡😡😡


  38. To avoid facial wrinkles, a woman claimed to have not smiled or laughed for 40yrs, even after the birth of her daughter.

  39. "The more I thought about human nature, the more I saw how our tragic inclination for sin/mistakes causes us to use our minds to rationalize our action." - Martin Luther King Jr.

    It is unadulterated human nature for a person to attempt to justify those acts which their conscience convicts them of. But the truth you know shall set you free.


  40. TTC baby is cute, my testimony I loading too

  41. Re: Inquiry on Empaths/Temperament.

    I am the person who responded on that post.

    A dominant Melancholic Temperament is already strongly introspective and deeply sensitive, as such I do believe specific temperaments will have some influence on the nature of an Empath.

    What kind of Empath are you? Loll, yes there are different types with of course a common denominator.

    You must understand that an Empath radiates energy as well,not just absorbs.

    We ALL radiate energy to different degrees.
    Sometimes the energy is very clear and 'clean' (for want of a better word) and sometimes it is muddled and dark. Depending entirely on what is going on within us.

    This is normal.

    However for an Empath you absorb things on a much deeper level. A stranger's sorrowful story on can leave an Empath intensely weak,distressed,moody,in tears and yes in physical pain. You pick certain vibrations from people's character even without them speaking.

    In ignorance, people will say you have mood swings or are borderline bipolar. And you cannot blame them. In these parts we are quite ignorant about a lot of things and it's difficult to explain how the mind/spirit of an Empath work.

    You must guard and protect your energy levels otherwise you will be left empty, unhappy disoriented and weak more often than not. I think one of the first things we Empaths need to learn is that we cannot save the world. Loll.

    Guard your energy fields,that way you instantly REPEL negative energy, ABSORB positive,quickly identify and UTILISE these vibrations for deeper insight and most of all you RADIATE positive energy that leaves you and your environment balanced. Not easy, but possible.

    You are not abnormal or 'mental'. You are not weak or strange. You just feel and 'see' and identify things that sometimes you may not even understand, to a level that few can comprehend.

    You have an extraordinary gift.

    Use it.

    I hope this helps.


  42. I just turned 30,and having lots of grey hair.what can I use to darken the hair aside dye.dye makes my hair strong

    1. Leave like that o. Grey hair can be beautiful when you rock it well

  43. Good afternoon my lovelies. Happy new month. House of Cintas, you're beautiful.

  44. I want to go into the business of renting wedding gown, is it lucrative?

    1. Yes if you have plenty styles and good marketing atleast before you rent each one up to 3 times you must have recovered your money.

  45. RIP to the pregnant woman.

  46. Good afternoon everyone.
    Cute baby!


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