Stella Dimoko Thursday Spontaneous Post...



Thursday, May 03, 2018

Thursday Spontaneous Post...

#4thdayoftheweek #youknowwhatimean #hmmmmm #nasoedeybenah #thankGoditsthursdayeverythursday #awonboyseeeh #bologneselove #heyroseflower #sunnykindadayifnotsendmesome #wontgobacktothewayitusedtobebeforeGodblessedme #aaaaaaaargh #bereadingohandtryingtodecodelol #positivevibes #goodday #noneedtobejealousnah #mayyoupreogressthismay #mayyourheartdissolveintogratitude #Godofmiracle #mayyoubeblessedwithexactlywhatyouwishothers #mayoyubecursedifyoucurse #mayyoubeblessedifyoubless  #amen

Good Morning to everyone oh...

Hope you slept well and woke up ready to take on the Challenges that come with hustling?

Some of you are really very funny and read things upside down...A BV mailed me after reading yesterday's Chronicle that she had set a stinker to her BFF and was ready to beat her up cos that one helps her with cash from time to time and now she is suspecting that her case might also be the one as described in the post and that she doesn't have time to be asking anyone what she should do,that she would breaks heads ASAP....LOL

Read and learn and apply wisdom that's all.

Those of you saying you are tired of BBnaija posts,why should you be?All is termed as Entertainment news and it will keep coming,don't worry,i will space them out.

Please send in your articles for in house news...

Now let me help some of you earn some money.....Offer lasts only from today until Sunday...If you send me any exclusive gist and i use it,I will PAY YOU for it....*wink*

Have a great Day and see ya inside in house news later...



  1. It's a cold morning. Good morning bvs.

    1. Loving today's weather!goodmorning beautiful people! Ona don stick ona kitchen with foodstuffs?call us ooooo! We go deliver!have a great day all

    2. “Una don stack una kitchen bla bla bla

  2. So I was out with my friends yesterday(married couple) and the mans phone rings and so he answered the call. At some point, he puts the phone on speaker speaker for us to listen.

    Apparently, a young lady was professing her unconditional love for him and that she knows he is married but that she has to have him. That ever since she started working at the company ( she is a corps member) and set her eyes on him, she hasn't been able to stop thinking about him.

    He tells her immediately that she should look for help that he is married and loves his wife. Oboy! The babe started crying o. That he should just share a bit of his love with her. That she knows she is taking a bold step by asking but that she can't hide it anymore.

    My mouth was open throughout the phone call. So apparently, he knew she has a crush on him and had been avoiding her but babe took a bold step to profess it yesterday.

    Some ladies are shameless!

    Good morning Bvs

    1. Shameless is the right word dear. The quest for quick riches I guess is the cause of this. Being a discipline man is the height of responsibility.

    2. Imagine!!! And we go say men cheat too much. Some ladies are shameless.

    3. Babes want something else from the married man.

    4. That's why I don't blame women who attack side chicks, many of them deserved it..

    5. Shameless girls. Women complain men cheat but u guys continue to make them cheat. Cheap idiots everywhere. If I be the wife eeh I go reach that office disgrace her big time. Stupid corper! ! The ones she fuck for nysc camp no reach. Parent learn to train your daughter's! ! Most of them Don spoil pass beans. Imagine! Rubbish

    6. He should share his love abi? Smh for some senseless ladies. If that happens, it's ladies like this that will make sure she collects the whole love, remain nada for the queen of the house. Yeye!

    7. Bet me....that guy would date her last last.

    8. Bet you wetin?
      You know the guy? or u just assume theyre all the same, how many guys turned u down & later dated u

    9. Lol. Thank you my dear Ed. You are a deep thinker. Only a simple person will put him on a higher pedestal because of that production he made out of that call. To me, the man is a cheat who is trying to buy some credibility in the eyes of his wife and others. Na today? Abeg leave that thing!!!

    10. I think so too @Blessed Mum cos the man is a very spiritual person.

      The funny and scary thing was the way the wife start down calmly throughout the conversation. Her calmness made me scared for the girl sef. I know I pray and God answers me but this woman's prayer life is on another level. So many things we've prayed together for got answered within weeks.

      I'm just pitying the girl in advance.

      @Ed I hope not. I pray God gives him the strength to withstand whatever that young lady has under her sleeves.

    11. @Same Girl if you believe this stunt who can believe anything. I am thinking that the man planned all this to show the wife that he love her and can never cheat on her, WHILE HE IS A REAL CHEAT.

    12. Lol. Thank you my dear Ed. You are a deep thinker. Only a simple person will put him on a higher pedestal because of that production he made out of that call. To me, the man is a cheat who is trying to buy some credibility in the eyes of his wife and others. Na today? Abeg leave that thing!!!

    13. Ed nah you talk jare. Even if it's not the corp member, he is dating someone presently. All those his actions nah carade. Putting phone on speaker, et el..all nah washhhh. He was just trying to buy her trust so that she won't become suspicious when things start unfolding. That's all.

    14. @Ed I don't trust the guy either. If I was there I would just put off that phone call. Wetin go make corper even get your number? Get liver call you, open mouth talk that rubbish talk? There are guys in that company she dare not try it with. So there's something still, that hasn't been dealt with.

    15. @Whatever,Chances are,he's not a cheat. Stop reading implied meaning into almost everything. How sure are you that he's a cheat

    16. Cheat Oshi.. The guy man wan prove point. Nobody can try such film tricks with me, the world has moved on. There are other sophisticated methods of cheating not rubbish show. Inukwa.

    17. Ed,thank you jare. I thought same reading through.

    18. chikito u sound a worker works in a company and getting anyones number in that company is a big deal? what if the guy works in the same dept with her or her immediate boss? so the corper getting his number makes it suspicious?not all men are cheats and i dont see what is the big deal in what he did to make it sound suspicious...if you have not met people who are open and so transparent in their ways stop judging everyone with a one tract mind

    19. This is surely a case of "dann if u do, dann if u don't." True, it might all be a charade, but d same set of people would either blame him for nite answering d call, or not having d call on speaker. Maybe he cheats, maybe he doesn't, that's not d point here. The point is; there are ladies who do shit like this on d regular.
      @Chikito, it's easy to get d contact of a fellow employing, albeit a senior staff. If u wonder why d lady might've d audacity to call him, he might just be one of those easy going guys in d office.
      Nothing about this incident makes him a person that cheats or not. That's absolutely not d point of d comment anyway.

    20. Anon 12:34 so it's me you saw to attack and abuse? You didn't see other people's comment? My dear, nicely put: You are the dumbest BV i have ever seen on here if you believe that bullshit. If e pain you ntoooin πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹ that's what you get for not having a brain.

      Anon 12:52 There is a way a man would carry himself in the workplace, that would make a young lady have second thoughts about calling him to say such. Infact, if she's as stupid as anon 12:34 to say such, his response won't make her cry and plead. His response should teach her a lesson that would make her not try that again, give her brain reset. I have superiors and subordinates at work who i know would like to corner me, on a good day. I am very cordial with them, but them no fit try am. You can be fluid at work without being accessible to bullshit like that esp if you're a married man.

  3. Good morning everyone
    Thank GOD for a brand new day
    *off to look for exclusive news for SDK *πŸ˜€πŸ€£πŸ˜πŸ˜Ž Hahaha

  4. Good morning everyone...

    For accountability about Olawealth's airtime, I have transferred 500 airtime each to the 3 BVs I have their blog IDs.

    I'm yet to get a confirmation from the other 2bvs.

    #rain #assurance #kisses

    1. Beloved PA, good morning oh... Wey my own 'richard' card now? πŸ˜’πŸ˜

    2. Mama Twins, It's for the first 4/5that first flashed Olawealth tπŸ˜€πŸ˜€

    3. Beloved are you?

    4. @Beloved continue saying it, and ASSURANCE will FALL ON YOU.

    5. Brenda A I'm fine. Is that the ID you use in commenting. Hope you know it's a plastic ID.

      Okay send me a link of where you have used this same ID to comment or a screenshot of your previous comments. To prove it's not an emergency id...That's If you still want the airtime. Alright?

    6. Hello beloved . I was a beneficiary of ola card yesterday.
      Thank you for the call and the card I got our very own p.a. bless

  5. Good morning everyone.
    Positive vibes.
    New business loading.
    Saturday pomo loading.
    Lovely day y'all.

  6. Stella sense will not kill you on that exclusive story.
    Morning people.

  7. To be educated is, after all, to develop the questioning habit, to be skeptical of easy promises and to use past experience creatively".------ Chinua Achebe.

    1. We are educated, and we are using our past experiences to creatively question this your familiar habit...

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  8. Your love is Kind
    Your love is patient
    You fill my heart
    With so much peace and joy
    You're amazing
    You make my life feel brand new
    Jesus you love me too much oh
    Too much oh
    Too much oh excess love oh

    Have a great thursday.

    1. Let me go and play the song it

    2. Haa... I love this song by Mercy chinwo...

      Good morning Swag...

  9. There's Choice to remain a slave-get crumbs from the white,live and work like a Jackie or Talk/ to regain your freedom-Imprison,starve and eventually get killed.Blacks have a great numbers against the whites.i agree with kanye.#Choice

    1. You are such an idiot! Foolish and stupid. Kanye and your foolish self are both from the gutters. You two are mentally enslaved in the white imperialists’ goals. Idiots! To you the blacks have always been on the bigger number right? Such historical dumbness.

    2. .....but theyvid you are one of the slaves.

    3. Blacks have a great number against whites? In which country or county?

    4. Where? In the US? By which statistics are black people more in population? Cos last I chcannot coed they’re barely 18%of the population and even lower in economic power

      Kanye is dumber than I thought... it’s just sad.. but then mental illness is real...

  10. Morning beeveeleons😍😍😍
    Cold morning in Keno..😎

    Finally we have been blessed by the rain, just that no light for another 1monthπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

    Make una share love everywhere you go ooo.
    Never underestimate a man.
    You will be left with surprises...πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›



    1. Enjoy,no rain here yet oo

    2. Hello ola I was a beneficiary of your card giveaway . I got a call from our very own beloved . thanks a bunch more money to your account . thank you!

  11. I got the recharge card yesterday from olawealth. Olawealth God bless you. Beloved you do wellπŸ‘Š. Thanks stella

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. The most beautiful way to start and end a day is with a grateful heart.πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

    Good morning lovelies,loving this Shower of blessings 😁😁😁😁😁😁
    congratulations to all Liverpool fans, it is well deserved
    But hala hala Madrid for life.

    1. Hey mama how is you Abj calling my people.

      SDK please bring BBN news do not stop abeg!

    2. Fine momma
      Tolex is storming abj today nice moveπŸ˜€πŸ˜€
      Femi and krastv is hosting them on Friday
      I can never get tired of bbnaija news πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

    3. Fine momma
      Tolex are storming Abuja today
      femi and krastv is hosting them on Friday
      I can never get tired of bbnaija newsπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

  14. The Word for Today! Refuse to be classified by people’s opinion of you. What God says about you should be the final word. Good Morning, have a blissful day...... Ahead

  15. Amen to ur prayers...
    Yesterday chronicle is an eye opener,fear people...

  16. Lately this days I don't seem to be happy. No work. No money after all my 2.1 in uniBen. The only reason am happy is that am alive. Hmm mm God pick my call.even if na 60k job

    1. Start from somewhere even if it a 20k,don't wait and something

  17. Too much positive vibes today oh...

    Really excited about my Farm Project...

  18. Its a beautiful Thursday to make money. Morning bvs.

  19. Good morning fam
    It's a new day remember to make yourself happy no matter the circumstances#staypositiveassurancechoosehappiness..


  20. It's raining here the weather is sooooo cold, good morning everyone, positive vibes only.

  21. Its a beautiful morning his in Gombe na just cool breeze we see no rain.

  22. I love this rain....

    Soco on replay...... Starboy, your head is there.

  23. Beautiful Thursday. Beautiful morning. Beautiful rain. Wished there was holiday so that man can rest from going out.

    Anyway it is a beautiful day. Lets enjoy it.

  24. SDK but Paul okah told me he lend you some money and you refused paying back when he wanted to pay rent and thats why he stopped commenting,I am sure he will see this cos he still reads the blog...this is what he told me.....

    1. Anon 9:11 Paul lend who money??? Stella??? You get malaria abeg go treat yourself! See o see lies!! I can't believe what am hearing ooo

    2. Paul lent My boss @Sdk money? You must be hallucinating. #yabaleft

    3. Children of anger everywhere! U guys say Stella is rude, you still struggling for giveaway and still mail her for money also abuse her on top. This is a blog oo! U either choose to remain or check out. I repeat stella is not owing anybody please she just has a good heart and head on her shoulder! Imagine a man begging a married woman to pay house rent abeg e get as e be! End of rant!

    4. You want fan a volcano abi? You bloody liar

    5. JOHESU please call off strike, PLEASE!!! Good morning people

    6. Hi guys....
      Sorry I went AWOL on ya all.
      The 3rd Trimester took its toll on me.
      Thank God for safe delivery.

      Martins are you here? Remind me of how to activate my ID. Do I just click on Google account?
      I go don miss plenty drama oooo....Chai.

    7. Anon you and Paul are the same. Liars. Pant on fire!

      So Paul after getting 70k for business empowerment. And wants to still colombi 250k. This is what you came up with. I'm highly disappointed in you.

      Please better go for deliverance. #yabaleft

    8. Hahaha haha πŸ˜‚ ,Paul lent Stella money? Hehehe, oriegwu

    9. LMAO. Stella owning who? Buhahahahahaha! Abeg, I nor fit laugh...

    10. Mr Paul Okah you are a disgrace to your manhood... Stella lent you which Money. Oshi

    11. Ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa

      Make una kuku kee mee

      Paul lent who money?
      My own Stella?
      How can you open your eyes and ears and believe this type of lie? Paul fit sell you as I dey see you so. You better start avoiding him since you don't have......
      Look, I no wan curse person today. Take ya time o

    12. He must be really hallucinating @ blog PA. How can the giver be the borrower. Impossicant.

    13. I can bet, that 70k is finished, as for the business I doubt it will flourish....

    14. Congratulations chameleon. Baby u are welcome to the world.

      Paul okah, your case dey God hand.

    15. Until I hear from Paul. Trust no one

    16. Anon 12:10 *yimu* story! We trust Stella.
      Let me sing for you: 🎢🎡Fly away Peter, fly away Paul... come back Peter, come back Paul... oh come back big black bird and sit on the blog🎡🎢 πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

    17. I change song small: 🎢🎡Fly away Peter, fly away Paul... come back Peter, come back Paul... oh come back big bold beggar and sit on the blog🎡🎢

  25. Good morning this morning good people.

    All things are working for my good...
    It's intentional...
    Never failing...

  26. Stella no fit give anybody N250k for rent. She was only going to HELP with part of the rent. Byeeee.

  27. Goodmorning everyone, have a nice day. This cold is confusing me abeg.

  28. So I took an Uber by past midnight yesterday..... I was scared to my bones.
    Woke up to serious headache....

  29. Feels good to comment after peeping from the window for a long time

  30. Thank you Ifunada for that Shout out you did for King Ceeecc. King Ceec HAD anger issue which I am sure she will over come soon. Aside that she is a very good person. My question now is: WHO NO GET ANGER ISSUE, EVEN A LITTLE?

    1. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 youbis wickid Chiki

    2. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 You is wickid Chiki

  31. JOHESU please call off strike. PLEASE!!!

  32. Found out something about this law of giving and receiving. It works like magic. Opened my mind to it early this year and the result has been awesome.

    Good morning beautiful people.

  33. Good morning y'all😘😘😘

  34. Good morning 😊 house, it's a beautiful raining morning 😍.... May showers of blessings flooded our businesses

  35. Was surprised too @Olivia, I think Stella gives them the room, she opens her heart too much to sob stories. Apart from the over bloated sense of entitlement, the temerity to insult and give her attitude on top her money and goodwill, tsk! tsk!!

    Na over familiarity dey bring contempt, wish she will maintain somewhat of a professional relationship with most of her bvs.
    She dey try sef, sometimes I wonder how she finds the time to exchange several mails, call, msgs, source for news and take care of her family.

  36. Things are happening here behind the screen. Shooo,it was whiteberry, sexy daddy, Paul...
    I am certain that the next is scheming strategy. SDK, be woke.

    Hmmm, waiting for the next scam to be caught.

  37. Good morning Stella and Bvs. Stella any Bv that doesnt read ur hash tag,dat one na Bv. I attach so much interest in reading d Sp hash tags bc u write what u want to say there. Amen to ur prayers there. May today be favourable to us all.

  38. Paul @9:19 wehdone you hear. See your mouth like part of the rent. Part of the rent Kee you there. Yeye

  39. Stella i just stumble on a post u did on September 1,2015 about baby food recipe. I am searching for other food options for my twin babies. I am still going tru it and seriouly enjoying it bc its fully packed with info on diversity of what one can give his/her baby.

    1. So long a hash tag.

      The weather here is cold. Lord help me.

  40. Buhahaha olivia don vex.
    Everybody cannot be HARSH. You that cannot buy one loaf of bread for family and friends when returning back from travel.
    Pls leave our Stella for us, we love her soft

  41. I am totally amazed at the way people think, so Stella listens to all these sob stories. Anon 9:19, you nor sabi talk. In this time and age an adult is sitting and waiting for other people's sweat. Go and work!

  42. Olivia I'm sorry I misunderstood your comment then. If you buy all those you must be a darling then.
    Lurrvvv ya

  43. I don't know why the chronicle of yesterday touched me so much but it did.

    Even if someone was testing their writing skills, truth is this is what happens in many many homes here.

    Now, I read a lot of comments of men's attitude of entitlement etc etc. It's true. Nigerian men are terribly entitled and treat their woman in the most condescending and patronising manner. Not all of course, there are still good men out there. But too few.

    Rather than complaining, seek solutions and start with the young male children in your houses. That young boy that is always balancing like an oba watching TV while everyone is busy around him cooking,cleaning, gardening, give him broom and a dustpan and tell him to bend his waist. Unless of course you gave birth to your female children to be his slaves. Give him responsibilities that require he look after people and make him accountable. Teach him to respect all forms of diversity. Show him how to bathe properly with a focus on his genitals, wash his clothes, lay his bed, buy things at the market, take care of a home, etc, so that later on in life, with or without a woman, he is never dependent.

    Teach him how to cook, so he is not always in one restaurant or looking for a female 'to take care of him'. Let oil burn him, allow pepper enter his eye, show him how to pound yam and dice vegetables. He will not die. So that later on when a woman offers food she has spent hours cooking to him, he will not hiss carelessly and say he's not hungry or that he would prefer to eat Mama Nnuku's pottage at the bus stop.

    Teach him about sex. The act, the importance,the sanctity. Open your mouth wide and discuss it in clear,lucid terms. After all it was sex that brought him to this earth so I do not know why you as a parent cannot guide him in the right way. Who are you leaving that aspect of his education to? If you do not teach him, all the porn platforms in the world will gladly be his tutor.

    Forget this generation of men.
    It's a complete write off in my opinion.

    Focus on the young boy child and groom him right.

    Otherwise we'll just be moving from one generation of monsters to another.


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