Stella Dimoko THURSDAY IHN


Thursday, May 03, 2018


Hmmmmm short things sometimes are a relief......LOL

OMG OMG OMG,its Friday tomorrow!!!


Good day Aunty Stella,
Hope you having a good day with ya cookies and cream,Thank you for the good work you doing coz I cannot go a day without visiting your blog.This is me lala gracing the face of IHN..Shout out to all the dramarians keeping this blog alive.
Hugs and kisses xxx.

This is BV Lala?you are cute for days with ya bad mouth..LOL

I see behind you,you za oza room toilet..hehehehehehehehe



Tomorrow is Friday and I will advertise anything you send me as long as you are not breaking the law...

Some of you come here advertising free and hoping to get sales but your products are more expensive than the ones in the malls or Market...haba!

If you are getting the advert free from me,why not make your stuff ten naira cheaper and build your customer base before you increase? #advice

Adverts sent in after 9am Nigerian time tomorrow will not be posted...until Monday!...some people send in adverts one minute before in house news begging for it to be posted..thats kinda stressful.




Dear mothers in the house, is anyone going through any of these experiences, or am I alone on this.

After my last pregnancy, every pore of my body produces sweat. I sweat from my scalp,my face and my thighs down to my legs. When I spend few minutes outside,I become drenched in my own sweat. I never had this with my first pregnancy because it was via cesarean section. The second was vayjayjay delivery and I understood the real meaning of pain from that. 

 In fact, the CS delivery was a walk in the park compared with this. I was in excruciating pain for hours and finally after delivery,the doctor said I had cervical tear and my vayjayjay tore into a part of my buttocks. I was given anesthesia that wore off after five minutes and the doctor said I wouldn't get another shot. 

The thing is, the first baby came head first but the second twin came with legs and scattered everywhere. For three hours after delivery I was being stitched cos I was bleeding profusely. During this process I was screaming down the whole building begging the doctor for mercy but he just muttered a few words of sympathy and stitched away. I nearly passed out from the pain and all through this I was stark naked and very cold to my bones. My teeth were chattering and I was just gritting my teeth to at least reduce the uncontrollable shakings.

After I was discharged, I went home and was busy doing sitz bath with hot water i.e I would allow the vapour from the water to cover my vagina area instead of using warm water and sitting directly in it. After two days I noticed that the stitches had loosed and I was still bleeding. The doctor checked and told me all the stitches had loosed so I needed to be restitched. On closer inspection, he saw that the opening of the cervix was ragged hence the continual bleeding. He started the process again and after five minutes the painkiller had worn off. The pain was unbearable and because it was during the day,people and patients could hear my endless screaming but I didn't care. 

After the process I couldn't walk properly and sitting was impossible. Guess what again? All the stitches still loosed. This time I went to the Director of the hospital and he said that happened because the wound was not fresh. He advised me to just continue with the sitz bath that it would heal naturally. After about three weeks it did but my vayjayjay is not the same again. Another part of my body that has altered is my stomach,till tomorrow it still looks like I'm five months pregnant and the stretch marks all over my belly look like big tribal marks. Note that I didn't scratch when pregnant. I have learnt to take my body as it is but I'm yet to come to terms with the excess sweating.

*Have you seen a doctor about the excess sweating?its like a hormone problem..not sure.Try to talk to a specialist on this...keep your pits well shaved as well.



Please help me post the attached on the in house news section , would love advise from people because am confused not sure if I should go ahead with it or not

Does the vision you were given conform with the Reality?Cos some of these Pastors who see vision of spirit hubby,they are the ones behind it...




I plan having my baby in US by November but my main problem is accommodation .i plan coming by October and most likely to spend 8weeks .
I would really appreciate it if anybody can give me an affordable accommodation at a discounted rate or recommend where to get an affordable accommodation in inglewood,California.i can be reached via my email:
Thank you .

Hmmm that time you wanna travel,you might be turned back,make it earlier cos i know they dont allow pregnant women almost near their due dates to fly...



We are currently looking to hire two people for the position of Sales Rep for a Baking Ingredients wholesale and retail warehouse.

He or She must meet the following criteria; 
At least an OND certificate
Excellent Communication Skills
Good Salesmanship
Ability to work under minimal supervision
Team Spirit

Applicant must reside in Benin, a good knowledge of Baking Ingredients would be an added advantage.

Please note that successful candidates would need two verifiable guarantors (not parents) within Benin.
Interested candidates should forward their CVs to on or before 5th of May. 

*If you applied before,please apply again,the first email address was not correct.



Caterers vacancy

A healthcare facility in ojodu berger axis is recruiting for caterers
•canditate must possess a diploma in catering
•speaks english fluently
•Be ready to work on holidays and weekend (on shift basis)
•Must live close to the Berger area

Salary 30-35k

Interested candidate should send their CV to greatneez
Note :Diploma  not BSC




Credibility they say when lost, is very hard to regain. When you talk about credibility, there are two things that comes to mind,  one of which is HONESTY. 

A honest person is seen as one who is truthful, sincere and described as a reliable individual,

The other is TRUST. You can not be credible if you are not trustworthy neither can you be trustworthy if you are not honest.

Trust is like a sticker that loses its value once the glue is gone.

I often hear people talk about credibility when selecting people for an important position but sincerely speaking, most times the so called credible ones end up getting derailed.

Its quite unfortunate that in today's world, a lot of dishonest people have taken over the society.

The Bible states that "a good name is better than all the treasures of the world" but It seems the reverse is now the order of the day.

People engage in all manners of illicit and shady deals for quick success and reward. Then I ask myself "to what end are those material gains, if you cannot leave a good legacy when you are gone?"

If we must attract the attention of genuine people, we must take our attitudes and actions into consideration because they tend to create the impression of who we truly are.

You won't go far in life if you are not trustworthy because people won't trust you with contracts, finances or any other forms of resources. This is because you won't be transparent and reliable to account honestly for that which is committed to you.

Finally, it is possible to rebuild your reputation from past mistakes but it is difficult, and can only be rebuilt over time which will entail proving a positive change of character to people.

Today, greed has become the major destroyer of people's credibility.
Like I once said, "needs can be met but greed is insatiable". 
When you are able to overcome greed, and become contented with what you have, then you are on the path to happiness.




Deliveries are on Saturday house to house,if you want yours,please call the number up there to place your orders



  1. My soul glorifies the lord...

    1. ...and my spirit rejoices in God my saviour.

    2. Stella, some of your BVs sef can price someone back to the village, they believe everything here is giveaway. After engaging you in conversation for weeks they will still say it's expensive after I have given discount to the barest minimum. They should pity us too

    3. He looks on his servant in her loneliness...

    4. Good afternoon bvs! Welcome ihn

    5. Hence, all ages shall call me blessed.

    6. Stells,i hope you will post the exclusive stories oh Nobe to just do us longer throat like that wan that you say the guy no marry babe and she call police for am.. Bring back RHI back.


  2. 1 Corinthians 5:12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? ARE YOU NOT TO JUDGE THOSE INSIDE? 13 God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you.”
    Once you tell a Christian to stop evil deeds as fornication or abortions, they scream don't judge; you are wrong. The scripture is there for rebuke and correction all done in love
    Anytime you write a chronicle and tell me you are a Christian, you have submitted yourself to be judged by the teachings of Christ. So when you are told "flee fornication", do not shout "WHY JUDGE?!"
    The NT teaching is not for you to commit fornication or murder (abortions). When you pastor is alleged to have stolen, do not scream "JUDGE NOT!" He is meant to be judged in accordance with God's word. When Jesus taught "don't judge" he was talking about those outside the church; non-Christians.

    If you are a fornicator, the church suppose to expel you and restore you gently (Gal. 6) if you repent.

    1. People really misinterprete the word "Judge".

      Judging in the Christain sense means concluding you are iredeemable or you can't be saved.

      But if you steal and I call you a thief, I haven't judged you. I have called sin by its name, what I do to you afterwards determines it I judge or not.

      Do I give you steps/or pray with you on how to get over the vice?

      Or do I keep magnifying the sin and make you feel worthless?

  3. Quit being discouraged because something didn’t work out the way you wanted. Don’t live frustrated because somebody left that you wanted to stay. A door closed that you wanted open. God knows what He’s doing. He has your best interest at heart. You may not see it now, but one day, you’ll see what He was up to and you’ll be glad He closed the door. You’ll thank Him for not answering that prayer.

  4. Before you see the rainbow, you see the rain. If you want to reach your goals, you have to be able to put up with the pain.

  5. Hi everyone! Hi Stella✋

  6. When you learn how much you are worth, you would stop giving people discount.

  7. Good afternoon everyone. I am hungry. Will be back.

    Everywhere is cool or is it that i am inside the office or what. Maybe i need to go out and see if the sun can hammer me small.

    1. The weather is cool today (at least here). Bring 2 packs of food, I am hungry too and you 😀

    2. No wahala ooo. Do you want Tastee?

    3. If it's the Tastee at Marina, Amanda say yes. Choi. The peppered chicken and ketchup is heavenly.

  8. IHN is here yeaaaah! Tmrw is friday!few days to go! Cant wait !

  9. IHN tide

    Bv lala you is beautiful

  10. I was shivering and had goosebumps all over my body reading the nursing mother's story. Jesus Christ!
    It is well madam

    1. I do not know why they allowed her to have a VB
      Multiple births are always done by CS
      Sorry madam for the painful experience
      The biggest mistake you made was sitting on hot water
      When I had my baby, I didn't even sit on water
      I just used a wet warm towel with small dettol and salt to dab and clean my stitches while squatting
      I did this after every time i changed pads or used the restroom/ had my bath
      There are a lot of misconceptions about postpartum care that make a lot of mothers suffer more pain than necessary.
      1. Sitting on steaming hot water to flush out blood and tighten vjay(wrong)
      2.Pressing uterus with hot water ( doesn't help, you uterus will shrink naturally)
      3. Using hot water to press the new born baby (wonder what it does for them)

    2. Please, multiple deliveries aren't Always via c/s.
      Besides, multiple deliveries vaginally tend to be easier because of the smaller sized babies but technically demanding hence it SHOULD be done by the Dr on ground.
      The sweating may be heat intolerance... Is there any neck swelling or lump??
      A vaginoplasty or reconstruction can be done to return confidence in yourself and it isn't even difficult or overly expensive.
      P.s- Hit the gym and dedicate yourself. Your body will always answer you

  11. Dreams/visions on spiritual husbands:

    Nobody should be telling you this or that. Seek God yourself for Jesus says, my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me; John 10:27.
    It is seeking "pastors" instead of God that expose you desperate females to unnecessary troubles, rapes, fraud etc.

    The Bible is there for you to read and understand the issues about life. Pray to God to have direction in life.

  12. Thanks ola for the airtime giveaway
    cant still comment with my I.D
    cliz natural hair

  13. Hi everyone

    Olawealth o, two BVs that flashed you are yet to confirm their Bv'ship since yesterday.

    Please you have to send me two more numbers....seems it they no want again 🤷🤷

    1. Give anybody you deem it fit...😌😌

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Alright @ Olawealth I saw Bv Beeolah asking for some yesterday. If you are interested Bv Beeolah please contact me with your number. Please click on my profile.

  14. Botox cures excessive sweating especially the armpits....
    Sorry about ur vagina...dividends of motherhood...

  15. In house news is here. Hello every one. See that fine BV. Post partum sweating lady, I don't know if it's normal but I too sweated excessively. After 3 months, I was back to normal but I still have some days. As for the hospital that treated you, the doctor was unfair and unprofessional. You should not feel when you are being stiched not to talk about screaming. How many months post partum are you? as for the tummy, me sef need help. If any one has remedy to get back my flat tummy, kindly share. And no, I no want exercise abeg

    1. Same thing happened to me excessive sweating after I had my son, like Stella said I made sure to shave my arm pits almost every 2-3 days and changed my deodorant to clinical strength deodorant, is as for the stomach I started walking at least 10000 steps a day cut down on carb and increased worked for me.


  16. So last weekend I went to my fiance's family home for an event. Everyone was there, the sisters, relations, gbogbotigbo. Me being a quiet person, I'm always alone, sometimes I help out in the kitchen, one of my boo's new sister-in-law was just everywhere that there is work, to wash plate, she will appear, to cook everything, she no dey taya. I just do my own thing,
    So it happened that the cook had to rush home, because her baby was sick, someone had to do the cooking, you know cooking for more than 25 people, initially I wasn't aware that we (the wives) were to prepare food, nobody called me. After some time hunger came, I went to the kitchen, fiance's oldest sister and one of the wives were saying something, I guess it was about me, I sat down in the kitchen, greeted them, wetin concern me. Mom-in-law entered, she began ceeceeing on me, saying things like " dis is how my son will starve to death, she did not even let me explain that I wasn't aware of the cooking, she dished out food for everyone else except me and told me to sort myself out. The thing pain me, e remain to cry, infact I went to the room, cried small and came back. One of their cousin who was my hostel mate in school called me and was asking what was happening, the gist Don reach her sef that "I, xxxx can't cook, that I'm lazy, she said I should "show them"������
    Me wey my mama do catering before, in fact she don sell food for barrow, before God upgraded her.

    1. See yourself calling yourself "wife", who told you.
      if it is a Yoruba home, the mother of that guy can
      undo you. . . whatever she tells the son is what
      he will do including dumping you even when married.
      No pretense girl, brace up for a battle line is
      drawn already. Work hard to win their trust and
      do not fight what you won't be able to finish.

    2. Lol...really show them.
      Me, even b4 I married my hubby, I hardly cook in my in law's place, either mum or sis in-law does the cooking. Last last, I can sweep n clean but cooking? Hardly. I believe is all about understanding sha...they know I cook for hubby at home( I know they must have asked him cos my own too but in their place? I'm a princess.
      Now na petting sef... Anything I want to do, they will say don't worry let me do it.

      I'm not saying my approach is d best but the man and kind of family u marry into determines how u carry yourself. If they are on about cooking, then give them a helluva of cooking.

    3. So you can't have a one-on-one conversation with your MIL to explain that you didn't know you were supposed to cook? Your 'quiet' self would rather listen to gossip (that someone said out of ignorance and anger) and is coming to tell us you can cook. So that BVs would do what with this infor now? Come and set firewood for you? You have scored zero in conflict resolution my dear. Your malice doesn't change how any one feels about you right now. Sorry.

    4. When you wake up in the morning, you go down and see what others are doing.

    5. Na wa. That's y I don't like visiting all dis husband family, dey must see something about someone. They prefer those high service gals. Dey don't like d ones that r being theirself. It's well dear. Don't just take it at heart. Next time u visit, just try as much as possible to b around them OK.

    6. Eayaaa you made a mistake by going inside the room to stay when others were doing something in the kitchen.atleast you would have asked them if there was something you would help out with

    7. Is it compulsory that a prospective wife cook? Or is it a culture thing? I've seen where a girl attended d birthday of her proposed FIL, she wasn't allowed to to touch anything, they served her n treated her like a guest..a very welcomed guest...after birthday dinner, she attempted to clear d table, they said nooooo...u are our guest, sit down, na her boyfriend n sisters clear table...unless ...sha..what do I know...

    8. Dem no give you food you de cry, you no fit go junction go buy Akara

    9. You don't know you would cook but you will comfortably eat what others prepared. Even condemning the hard working sister in law.
      Please show them so that you can be thrown out. You deserve that your mother in law

  17. Hello ihn
    Hello Stella
    Hello bvs
    Hello beloved thanks for the call and card
    Hello ola I was a beneficiary of your card and I got it , thanks a bunch.
    Hello everybody .. Ihn is here will be back to read comments .

  18. Bv Lala with bad mouth you fine sha.
    Resemble Linda Eze Queen and boss a.k.a pigeon nacker

  19. ....Continuation.
    Me wey my mama do catering before, in fact she don sell food for barrow, before God upgraded her.
    So I went into the kitchen, saw some food items, was confused on what to cook, so I decided on boos favourite, onugbu, since every ingredient was available, I went to pluck bitter leaf, I met some relations outside, two women, "Nne won't you dry the leaves" the other was like " This girl's that will fix nail fix eye, but cant do anything.. She continued by telling me that I won't survive in marriage if I don't know how to cook, that she liked the way (Sister ie is treating all this daughters-in-law blablabla. I went back to my thing. So another sister came in, when I was about boiling cocoyam, she said I should just cook for myself o, so I won't waste ingredient.. Can you imagine. Another also came in and was like, I should cook plenty in case more visitors come, they come they confuse me, that last last if I didn't cook it well, I will carry it to my mother. I was just fuming, I didn't just want to talk back, was just smiling foolishly, the tosaquuen came in and was just moving up and down the kitchen looking for fault, finally she said I shouldn't hesitate to call her, if needed help, I was sha going through my phone at a point, another amebo came in and left, soon I began to hear that I'm browsing how to cook onubgu, I was just hearing laughter upstairs, no so they were moving up ND down the kitchen.

    1. Where was your boo when all these were going on?

    2. Okay. Just scrolling to read this. You seem to be enjoying it. Let's hope you don't burst one day and overreact

    3. Shuo all these ones dey happen?

    4. Lolz.. Chai... Those in-laws ehn.. NAwA ooo.. Abeg where u hubby??

  20. Enter your comment...hello Thursday

  21. Enter your comment...hmmm

  22. I had goose bumps reading that Mrs Dee corner about delivery.
    This is why I prefer CS. My veejay is still intact. If you had done CS, you won't have a wide vagina from the various tears that the stitches loosen. You would worry about your tummy alone. Well, you can go for vaginal reconstruction after you are done with childbearing. I had my first through CS. I saw pain but now I'm glad I did it. My self esteem is top notch. Big tummy gone, veejay intact

  23. Good day all and happy Thursday. What I read up there about vag** delivery made me afraid. Gosh,sorry about that pain o,women are strong and are really trying,but y didnt u opt for another CS when youve already had one before. I will kindly advice you to visit another hosoital and see their consultant. Pls,dont take it for granted before ots too late. .....bye all

  24. So sorry Mrs dee...birthing in Nigeria scared me alot

  25. Initially I wanted to be a wife material by pounding the cocoyam, since they were having the fun of their life making jest of me, I brought out the blend and blend away, soon as the blender came on two more peeped into the kitchen. Last last I come finish cooking, the smell of the house showed that an Anambra babe was cooking, Mehn I deserve some accolade. After that big sister came in and said she will taste the food, she did, and said I should and more salt, mind you this lady is pregnant, see them. I said OK, no be only salt.
    My fiance came back, with his brothers, and other males, no so I began serving, who born the maga, Mehn, come and see accolades on my head, he even gave me the look of assurance. One of the cousin gave me some huge dough as he was about leaving, infact soup finish before you know it. I just washed and cleaned up and went back to my room.
    Did I tell you that Dad in law, was just praising me, even comparing me to his wife, since we are from the same state, her face come they red. I'm tired already will continue later,the gist is plent.

    Signing out

    1. Seriously waiting for this sweet gist. I am sure you will do dem pepperdem gang when the time comes

    2. Mstcheeeeeeeew. On top say make them marry you. Useless family. Them go show you pepper. I must marry

    3. Hahahahahahaha
      You is savage

    4. Hahahahaha. In-laws oshi. I too had my fair share before marriage. I am married to a man wey be say we live for the same area, so u can imagine the way my gist was flying upandan when we were about to get married. Some say this one wey no dey siddon for house, she no sabi cook, na only to wear make up and trousers she sabi. They made sure they poisoned my mother's in-law heart. To the extent she sef come dey behave funny unto say she no like me. But las las I shamed them! Till today sef weneva there is a gathering na me my mother in-law dey call to come cook for them, even her sons dey use me make mouth. So just ignore them.

    5. Hahahaha
      My Anambra's good u shut them up for good.
      But wait oo, na IMo family u want marry into? Cos na dem fit they hala person like this.

      Thank God u succeeded sha.

    6. Good you proved to them that you can cook. 👍. My little advice for you is that you don't start your marriage quarrelling with your would-be -in-laws. Try and win them over diplomatically for your own peace of mind

    7. You’re a character well done! Take some accolades!

    8. Congrats Kim! This is what is called kill them with your success. An Anambra woman making onugbu and you wan yarn dust? Taa! Them never see suntin. Just dey do your thing dey go, las las them go adjust. ✌��✌��

    9. I just Dey 😁 here. I love your clap back instead of hiding to cry and blame them. You gave them clean reply!!.

      But keep away from their family gathering until your marriage rite is completed.

    10. Lol. U r funny. Thank God u were able to control your anger. In-laws matter no easy.

    11. Some families just want to Lord over their brother/son's wife.

      Even the daughters in the family be behaving like they aren't women and forget they too will go to another woman's family some day.

      Anon, why e dey pain you like this nah? I dey sure say na you still vex for under that her first comment.

      Abi you be one of the egoistic sisters to the brother that wanted to fuck her up nii.

    12. Swag laFresh na you be the anon? Anytime you hear Anambra body go dey pepper you. Comot for this comment

    13. I give u upper hand my Anambra sister, i am sure u used a very fresh ogiri to mesmerize their nose.
      @ mhiz A, ur guess is as gud as mine. Na only owerri girls fit dey gbazaqin like dat. I have them as sister in laws. But na brain and maturity i dey use follow them if not i for don clash with them.

    14. 16:44, ".... anytime you hear Anambra body go dey pepper you" that weed you smoke must really be disturbing your brain.

    15. You Lafresh swear you were not dumped by an Igbo handsome boy before. E dey your body, continue crying with your overbloated comment, we dey laugh follow you for back.

  26. I love today's weather💚💚💚💚💚💚
    #assurance #porshe #muchLove

  27. Teejay is sexydaddy period.

    1. Bring your proofs or remain silent forever

    2. You say so based on this?

      Xhlrted P 1 May 2018 at 20:39
      Eka Joy...hey hey you. Lady please chill it and be calm. Why get apprehensive over nothing? You've been through this rough track before, do not repeat it. The warnings you issued the 1st time was ignored, why stick out your head a second time? Fiile!
      Now here's my resolve; TeeJay has consistently maintained he's not Sexy Daddy but for now, word codecs pick his semantics and drag it as Sexy Daddy's. His server module is reading from Mini Ewa and Sexy Daddy's is from the transmission station close to Salvation Ministries all within the same base station in Rumuobiakani in Port Harcourt.
      This is not enough to say he is same person, not until call track modules read that his log in phone number calls a number with ...81266... as middle digits. Many use other phone numbers to log into blogs to post comment.
      2.Many bvs sound alike but are not even in same location.
      BLACKBERRY is in same location as IRENE B and sounds alike but hell no. They are not same. Till you have a rigid evidence, cool it down because he's close to something. Real close. If you know you know.
      Fond out why Stella Kork is ignoring all banters. Everyone here is an adult, you are responsible for what you bring upon yourself.
      Men are controlled by what they see. I was not around for Sept to Nov last year during the scandal but honestly Sexy Daddy was led on by a crop of inexperienced and horny bvs. He only cued into their lewd remarks and nudge-ons. Few were ignorant of his antics, I recall deriding some typing Óla ôtú International and some gibberish comments. Married women sharing and throwing bedroom gimmicks with him? That was the height of it.
      Just pipe low because I understand that maybe based on your grooming such wild and devious moves irritate you but hey it's the Blogosphere. His phone. His data. His doings.Except you enjoy the names you may acquire because of this ish.

      Be it him or not it's his bizness, his phone and data.

      No one has the right to chase him out of this blog, I don't think Stella too can chase him either so don't give yourselves headache over him being sexy daddy or sexy Teejay.

      Stellz, where's my first comment?

    3. Nicole taaah. what amount has that brought into your account?

    4. The memo from xp worked bcos ekajoy has stopped trolling TeeJay. Let there be peace

  28. Been thinking about an anonymous posted on IHN yesterday the guilt she was feeling from having sex with a married man while the Chronicles yesterday tells a story of a "bestfriend" sleeping not only with her friend's husband but even controlling the financial affairs.

    What's the difference?

    A working conscience.

    That's what a lot of us don't have anymore.

    You might not sleep around, you could even be a virgin but you could be good at ruining people's reputation, looking for the bad in every situation and magnifying it, complaining about everyone and everything....and after all of that you don't even feel a thing.

    You fall on your bed and snore off while your actions is causing another one's sleepless night.

    Watch it! Every action of an human is a seed, you can decide what seed to plant but you can never decide how large the fruit will be.

  29. Face of In house news is bae

  30. Stella ,I want to rant a little, please post. How do you deal with this situation. You know who is doing you, you know who is responsible for your problems. It has been revealed to you in many ways, dreams etc. You have been warned not to associate with the person yet you haven't totally overcame the person. The person's children are doing fine ,travelling all over, enjoying, getting married, doing great jobs yet the person don't want your family to make it at all, get married, or achieve anything. She has been there since childhood and yet she still refuse to let go. Why are people this wicked, please tell me. Live and let live naw . How do u solve this issue. Age is telling. It's not good to be stagnant in life . Has anyone been in this situation before. How did you overcome? You knowing this is a spiritual battle.

    1. This spiritual battle what have you done about it? Your rant means nothing if you dont take the matter serious by asking God Almighty to fight for you and to break off every contact with this person. The person is really strong for you.

      So how do you overcome a strong man? You can overcome a strong man by putting on the whole armour of God. Who is your pastor? What has he done to help in fighting this battle for you because it is bigger than you.

    2. Pastors have prayed. But I guess I have to intensify my prayers the more and direct my prayers to the evil doers.It breaks my heart when I look at my family and think of all we are going through. It gets me depressed most times. The woman just hate us. She is very rich and yet won't stop. Thanks yori yori

    3. The revelations didn't come with a solution? Sometimes if d perceived enemy is innocent, no matter the binding n casting, the person will continue to flourish, while u remain stagnant cos u are fighting d wrong person.

  31. Mrs Dee sorry for what you went/still going through. You should see a doctor about the sweat thing. I read somewhere, a personal suffering similar fate (didn't mention if it was after birth) was placed on diet, mostly fruits and green vegetables, and exercise to clear her colon. And she got better after a while.

    But we undo ourselves sometimes, one thing I don't joke with is doctor's instruction. Six weeks sitz bath would have ended your first ordeal, afterwards you can now do hot water/vapour. I hope you were not the one that opted for V birth after a previous CS.

    1. Thank you. Sit bath would have done it. You caused it with the vapour thing. Body system differs. Vapour works for some people

  32. Fine face of ihn.

    My people una doh.

  33. Every woman wants to be a super woman

  34. I’m in dire need of advice. Pls help a sister.I want to run 🏃‍♀️ out of this country. Can I travel to the US with my kids and settle there while my papers are still being processed? My dad filed for me 2years ago, they only acknowledged it. I’ve not heard anything from them since then. I’ve 2years valid visa. I’m thinking of getting visa for my kids and travel with them in sept to settle there while hubby stays here till my green card is ready then I can file for him. My fears are, can my kids start school there without issue? Can they go to hospital if the needs arise? Can I work while waiting for my papers? Will my stay there affect my processing papers? I’m so confused but desperately want to leave this 9ja. Can anybody who is well informed advice me please. 🙏🏽

    1. Hmmm! What ever is doing is worth doing well. American immigration isn't one to f**k with. Stay put and relocate the right way. I know how pepper body can be, but you're in the process. Wait it out.

    2. Reapply and go back to the embassy...
      They will grant u sharp sharp, because your husband is still in Nigeria..
      Then from there u apply for your children..

      Don't be afraid, follow due process. 😘😘

  35. Fever didn't allow me go to work today..had to collect injection...can't wait to eat cat fish pepper soup at night...I an always craving for pepper soup and amala when I an sick...

  36. The rain was a relief. Good afternoon bvs.
    That post on delivery is scary. My babies were not big neither did they come with legs. They came out without giving me tears. The one that I did CS was breach. It was painful than normal delivery though. See serious pains fa. What women go through. God bless mothers

  37. Stella your sign out meme is on point, that lady that wrote about spirit hubby, yeap is thru, you can go to a white garment church they can do deliver you, they will tell you to buy something's like white cloth, biscuits, sweet,and some other things.

    1. Kai which kind deliverance be that? na wa.

      Sweet, biscuits to do what, to give to spirit horseband abi na pikin?

      Na wa for what people go through all in the name of deliverance

  38. madam wey get spirit husband the d is real oooh..make I tell u my own story but Wld write in pidgin because I can't write well in English so I won't go n write here is my story about my spirit husband...wen I dey small I dey always notice say if I dey I go meet myself for somewhere wey I no no dancing n singing with children of my age wearing white...wen I wake up I go just dey sing d same song wey we single for my dream as I no no wetin dey forward to wen I dey secondary school , if I vex for person dat person must sick.I still didn't notice say Na my spirit husband dey perform dos 1997 I notice if I get bf before a week we go break nothing go cause d fight sister took mi to a pastor he say Na oko orun(spirit husband) if I sleep d idiot go make love with mi wen I wake I go see d sperm..if I see some wey I like before that night person go buy dat tin for without telling d person say I like d tin o..if I say I need money person must give mi money..d pastor asked mi to fast I did but my sister's friend took us to ijebu go meet one we wan enter naso d baba dey shout go back u can't take her with u naso fear catch mi n my d baba tell us say d spirit husband follow us reach him d time wey I promise him don reach say tank my star say I com him place.he say mk I go sew new cloth new shoe new pant new bra new ear ring new watch.say mk I wear com from Lagos to ijebu if dey com him place say make peep see mi.wen I reach him place we go stream as we reach he say mk I off everything put dem inside d calabash stay in d middle of d stream face am dey talk everything I wnt n d ones wey I no want, I did he say mk I put d calabash inside water dey wash my body with d stream I dey do am I felt something beside mi d tin dey say mk I look back but d baba just dey shout don't look back o.I finish everything o I no look wear another cloth off home.I had a dream dat say I c am dey vex for mi as I wan hold am he disappeared.naso I take free o.I am happy married with 2kids now.who say spirit husband no dey

    1. U dont mean it!
      My eyes and mouth are hanging wide open after reading this
      Does your husband know?

    2. hahahahaha this ya pidgin na wa. Thank God for you.

      Dont mind them that dont believe these things are real

  39. I don't know why the chronicle of yesterday touched me so much but it did.

    Even if someone was testing their writing skills, truth is this is what happens in many many homes here.

    Now I read a lot of comments of men's attitude of entitlement etc etc. It's true. Nigerian men are terribly entitled and treat their woman's in the most condescending and patronising manner. Not all of course, there are still good men out there. But too few.
    Rather than complaining, seek solutions and start with the young male children in your houses. That young boy that is always balancing like an oba watching TV while everyone is busy around him cooking,cleaning, gardening, give him broom and a dustpan and tell him to bend his waist. Unless of course you gave birth to your female children to be his slaves. Give him responsibilities that require he look after people and make him accountable. Teach him to respect all forms of diversity. Show him how to bathe properly with a focus on his genitals, wash his clothes, lay his bed, buy things at the market, take care of a home, etc, so that later on in life, with or without a woman, he is never dependent.

    Teach him how to cook, so he is not always in one restaurant or looking for a female 'to take care of him'. Let oil burn him, allow pepper enter his eye, show him how to pound yam and dice vegetables. He will not die. So that later on when a woman offers food she has spent hours cooking to him, he will not hiss carelessly and say he's not hungry or that he would prefer to eat Mama Nnuku's pottage at the bus stop.

    Teach him about sex. The act, the importance,the sanctity. Open your mouth wide and discuss it in clear, lucid terms. After all it was sex that brought him to this earth so I do not know why you as a parent cannot guide him in the right way. Who are you leaving that aspect of his education to? If you do not teach him, all the porn platforms in the world will gladly be his tutor.

    Forget this generation of men.
    It's a complete write off in my opinion.

    Focus on the young boy child and groom him right.

    Otherwise we'll just be moving from one generation of monsters to another.

  40. Spiritual husbands are real. Poster you need fasting and midnight prayers

    1. I am not the poster but please do midnight prayers really work.What is the best time in the night for sure breakthrough

    2. The best time is between 12am and 2am. If you can do it for the two hours fine. If you can't, do it for one hour between 1am and 2am

    3. OK . Thank you

  41. Oliva sik and the anons of sp una make me laff enter gutter today ooze Choi
    So bv Paul okah couldn't wait to be a year old on dis blog bfor his true colors started showing choii ...bvs in Abuja anybody interested in BBQ party organised by's free just holla

    1. We are not interested, you are looking for one's destiny to steal.. Fear God oh. .

    2. hahahahahaha how do you know he or she wants to steal one's destiny. Everybody is a suspect

    3. Olivia silk has strong sense of humor. I laughed my head off

  42. Good afternoon lovelies.

  43. Anonymous 14:31,you need prayer in that situation, pray fervently fast and pray that every power of stagnancy in your life should die.

    1. Thank you. You don't know how long we have been fasting and praying. I am honestly tired. I was depressed all through 2017 ,just tired of the situation. We have gone through a lot . We really do not deserve this . But I really want this thing to stop before the middle of this month. I have a renewed hope and faith now.

  44. When this ponmo woman go come Lagos naa.Love seeing the picture of that thick ponmo

  45. Please what's a stinker

    1. Ask Google. Olodo

    2. I did ask google, anon know it all. But the meaning is different from what it is here. Just want to be sure it's the same meaning I think it is as it is been used here. Hope you are good now

    3. Good how. You can speak all this English but can't google to find meaning of stinker. We know your type.

  46. Kai, Mrs Dee, u really went tru a lot of pain. U would have opted for CS since u know they were twins. It seems ur Doc didnt tell u one was breech. A simple Cs would have saved u a whole lot.

    Mine wasnt dat stressful,d first one was breech while d 2nd was already down but bc d 1st has blocked d cervix, no way for d 2nd baby to come out. So my Doc advised for Cs and i had no option than to sign. I had only but 3 days pain,by 4th day, i have started walking freely.

    I dont know about the sweating but for the stretch mark, mix shea butter (Ori) with pure coconut oil. Rub on ur tummy everyday. Dats what i am using. I made d coconut oil myself.
    As for ur Vjay, maybe u should start doing kegal excercise. The CS option saved me from dat and i am enjoying the benefit. Even if i have twins again, I will stil opt for CS.

    1. I can now remeber the sweating part. I sweated very well during d 1st 3 weeks after cs. But i attributed mine to d several injections and drips dey gave me. Even at d middle of the nite, i do sweat profusely as if they poured me water. But it later stopped as days went by.

  47. The nursing woman should try aju Mbaise herbs. It works in reducing post partum pouch and removing lochia for new mothers

  48. Stella they allow very heavy pregnant women flight in most trips to America. Most women you see them with very bulging tummies. It's not like that in Europe. It's a big business in America...

  49. Hi everyone.
    Thank you Stella for the free advert. God bless you.


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