Stella Dimoko Reality Star Ifu Ennada Celebrates Former Housemate Cee-C As Her #WCW


Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Reality Star Ifu Ennada Celebrates Former Housemate Cee-C As Her #WCW

Big Brother reality star Ifu Ennada has named her former housemate Cee-C her #WCW today and poured Encomium on her....*rolling my eyes upward*

STORRRRRRRRRRRY!!!...please shift!!!.....The alliance you are trying to form now is too late,leave CeeC Alone abeg!!!


  1. Adannne that is what i wi call u and not Ennanda

    1. Her NSAKU is irritating...... But shout out to all d fathers with daughter love

    2. Nsaku...woow its been ages I heard that word it was when i schooled in 042, nwa nsaku... Those peeps taught me that it was gum body haaaa. I miss my nwa nsaku babe

    3. Ennada is doing notice me. One shocking thing is the number of people who like Ceec. Like seriously? How many of you so called Ceec fans will want to marry a girl like that? Or a man with her character? Or want your son to marry a woman with that kind of evil character? If not that they were in the house, that girl could have seriously harmed TobI in one way or the other. Ceec is a disgrace to her family. If she can't control her emotions in public, imagine what she will do behind closed doors. You people should be honest. So she will learn from her mistakes. Imagine Ceec saying that her family didn't complain about her behavior while in the house. How will they dare when they know that she is mad?

    4. Aunty/uncle, are you God that created her. Leave people to like whomever they please.
      So her family should throw her away bcos he character is not good.
      We see beyond her flaws. She has realised her mistakes and is willing to seek help.
      So if someone has anger problems the family should stop loving her and throw her away in evil forest.
      Let her live her life pls. She is working on herself. No one is beyond redemption.

    5. I prefer my daughter being a drama queen like Ceecee to having sex on TV like Nina. Please you people should free her jare. Not her fan though.

    6. @ anonymous 22:32, this is a game u choose which team you want to belong. Don't come and condemn someone are you God? No one is perfect, but some parts of the person could be excellent.
      Who knows if your negative part is worse than Ceece's.
      Our criticism should be corrective an not distructive.

    7. I really hope that she works on herself oh because it is not just anger issues. She lies too much! It is almost as if its pathological. She lies to the point that it becomes her reality.

      She needs to work on her insecurities and on loving herself more biko. If a man doesnt want you you cant force him or want to make his life miserable because, perhaps, you feel like you are too much. Her character needs an overhaul. Anger issues is just one of the minor issues she has abeg

  2. Buhahahaha Ifu ennada is that really you. Wow




    1. I see an ulterior motive in this shout out

  3. Wish everyone was like me who had shame. I get shame ehn.... sotey e come be like pride.

    The girl is popular because of her drama. Okay, you anti-dramarians allow her bask in her glory naau.... No oh! All of you wan attach. For me oh, given how alone Cc was in the house most times, she should be left to paddle her boat. They should be true to themselves.

    1. I tire ooooo..... They are all trynna famz each other.. . .

      Ifu Wan famz Ceec, Ceec wan famz BamTed!!!!

  4. This one too want to trend when she realized we're gradually forgetting her. She's trying to attached herself and Ceec into a movie that's not forthcoming

    *Larry was here*

  5. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

  6. This Ifu just wants to make sure she’s not forgotten so soon!

  7. Abegi wetin be #WCW?

    1. Snarker ReallyπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. Lmao Snarker u no well
      Anon it’s Woman Crush Wednesday

  8. Beautiful girl.
    She seems to be doing better and more positive outside. Not throwing anyone under the bus in interviews.
    PLS go for your anger management. You need an overall in your attitude still

  9. Kaiiiiii Stella is so blunt!!one thing I really Love about u stelz..don't mind Ifu, very confused babe

  10. Ifu jst wants to be in everybody’s good books. She went to bbn thinking she was the best thing dat ever happened.talked to nina anyhow. Still came out and granted sm aggressive interviews until fans afttacked her. She quickly apologised to them and suddenly started licking ass. She goes round dropping comments on every blog.professional famzer

  11. All this is for what? Why is she not hailing bambam or ahenaka mtcheeeeeeeew.

  12. Medicine After death Lolzzz..

  13. Fammmmmzer
    Famz miracle
    Famz tobi
    Famz bamteddy
    Now she’s famzing cecee
    Okay oooooo

    How is vandora sef and her pretty skin? That girl is a mumu sha. She would have been rolling in millions by now if she had put her bbn fame to good use. A lot of people agree she has such lovely skin she should have created a business idea out of that fact and people would have def patronize her. Instead it was BemBem who’s skin is not spectacular and needs work IMO that did the beauty oil thing and blew. Vandora should start to concentrate on a legit business idea and not how to trade her pussy.

    1. Which fame. 2 week fame.
      Didn't watch bba when she was even in. Unless you are controversial in 2 weeks stay. No one wld remember you

    2. Vandora wasted 2 whole months doing absolutely nothing. Now she has woken up. I think she has something coming. The truth is dat her good skin mighy nt be as a rest if her cream.

    3. It's not how long, it's how well.

      Miyonse stayed how many days again?


    4. Then you don't know Vandora well. She was inside a chained box before going into BBNAIJA SHOW. The bobo tied her with clauses. They quarrelled after the show and she's now free. Watch the video on her page.
      Vandee is a happy girl but I think she started fucking too early as a child.

    5. bambam has a spectacular skin, it glows and its legit. I can say she has small pimples and tiny black spots on her face but her other parts are spotless. Yes vandora skin is top notch and awesome but she didnt make use of the opportunity. it's not too late i guess

  14. Hahahah Stella your 'stooory' made me lol. Honestly they should leave the babe. BBN is over naa, to your tents oh Israel. All man on your lane. The hustle begins! But honestly kudos to Cee's manager or PR. So far, they've done a good job of changing her image. She's been smart at handling interview questions and all. She really left everything that happened in the house in SA where it belongs. Forgive and move on everyone.

  15. Sheke Shajo
    Adanne stop famzing everywhere
    From miracle to bamteddy to tolex to ceec
    Biko face your acting,you know you are a big celeb.😏

  16. Ceec's dad is her biggest fan.

    He's so proud of her makes me wanna cry.
    Aside her anger, Ceec is a beautiful soul.

    Ifu, madam legend is anywhere belle face
    She's doing well for herself tho.

    1. Atleast she didn't open her pussy for any guy that said hi in bba. If Tobi had fucked her it would have been a big loss for her.
      She can work on her anger issues. I was once like her before marriage and kids changed me. My hubby is a NO nonsense man. I can't even raise my voice at him. One look and I maintain.

    2. Have you met Ifu? No.
      Have you met CCEE? No.
      Have you met CCEE'S dad? No.
      Don't believe everything you see online.
      Smokes and Mirrors.
      If you know, you know.

    3. Exactly anon 20.49. They believe everything. Even snowflakes are falling. Chi is the biggest hypocrite on this blog.

  17. Medicine after death... Ifu just go and relax

  18. If you could roll your eyes downwards, that would be some superhuman feat, I tell you.

  19. Make ifu shift,, we no her plans,, she wan trend by force

    1. English woaaahhh! We “know” not no! Haba do people read again? This one can’t be fixed by auto correct.

  20. Nothing beats natural fame than all these stunts our darling is forcing down our throat

  21. Instead of her to be tending, she is celebrating someone that was in the show together with her. She's inferior.

  22. Oh Cee C!!! I just love you πŸ’‹πŸ’‹


    How many times I call you?

    1. Lafresh, I bu ada Ozubulu?

  23. Ifuennada,gbaza queen!!!

    Why wouldnt CeeC leave her Fuckups in S/a???

    Her father just realised CeeC na his pikin after she disgraced her family on national TV! #damageControl.
    CeeC should see a Shrink not Firs boss!! She has issues deeper than jumping around with her father!!

  24. Stella because she is nt admiring your daughter according to you, she should SHIFT..... Please stop being Bias

  25. This girl has no shame sha.. with her strong body...

  26. Hmmm,she might truly be wcw-ing Ceecee,aong time has gone since she left the house people!!


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