She is back with a blast!!!!
Hello everyone. Happy new month. I'm back! (Hehehe).
I surely missed you guys and I hope you're all doing very okay.
You know, I keep saying that there's no greater gift in life than having a very good health. It comes with a price for some, for others they are very lucky they don't have to pay for it. For some, they pay little to get better, for others, they have to pay enormous amounts to stay alive and there is no guarantee that they'll come out of such illnesses.
That was the case of a young man in his late twenties that was brought to the ER. He was said to have slumped at home and became unresponsive. I knew him, he was a regular patient at the hospital although I hadn't seen him in a while.
He would get admitted and would be treated for gastric ulcer most times on the wards. He was really good looking then, good accent, clean skin with finely crafted tattoos. I could tell he was very well to do. I had read his case file once because i would see him at least once a month at the outpatient unit and I was curious to know what the problem was.
I asked a fellow colleague who was part of the team treating him and I was told that he was an alcoholic, tobacco addict and a drug addict. I was told that despite his ulcer, he still continued with that sedentary lifestyle. He was warned several times and was even booked to see a psychiatrist, but he refused, stating that he wasn't 'mad'. He would only visit the hospital whenever the ulcer pain was unbearable. Even while on admission, he would sneak in alcohol into the hospital room.
A doctor once saw a sachet of gin in his room bin and that was how they found out he drinks on admission. Whenever he was on admission, Not only do they have to deal with the ulcer which makes him vomit blood sometimes, they also have to deal with his alcohol withdrawal symptoms, he would begin to run a fever, scream and fling things around in his room for no reason.
Anyways, back to the ER. He was brought in semiconscious. His mother was with him. Poor woman was so worried. Little did I know that things had gotten out of hand since the last time I saw him. His mother said while they were on a short vacation in another country, he fell ill. He was taken to an hospital there where they ran tests and he was diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer!.
Just like that? I wondered. Is that how fast people now jump the cancer ladder? He was still looking okay the last time he came around, or so I thought. Now he looked so ill and pale. His eyes were very yellow which means the cancer had spread to the liver. He had lost so much weight in such a short time. His alcohol habit must have hastened things up!
He was placed on oxygen, had IV fluids and his blood was taken for series of tests. His sugar level was very high which was understandable because the pancreas is an important organ in controlling blood sugar. He was placed on insulin and several other IV meds. The mother said He was supposed to start chemotherapy but they had to return home because they had overstayed.
His blood level was very low too so he had to be transfused. I felt pity for the mother who has to watch her child battle a terminal illness, one that could have been avoided. A few hours after the blood and other treatments he came around. He had to be referred to where he could start his chemotherapy, of which its just a palliative kind of care. The doctors who knew him and once treated him came to see him when they heard, they felt sad for him. He had all the classical symptoms of Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer, trust doctors, they were quick to pinpoint them out from what they've been taught in med school.
They couldn't agree more, the symptoms were glaring. Its going to be a sad, long and painful journey for him. Its going to be a lonely journey too, because I'm sure those friends that hailed him as a 'bad guy' and sat with him to do drugs will desert him and leave him to bear his cross alone.
The days of partying drinking and testing new drugs are over and reality will set in. I can never forget his story. Chemotherapy wont cure it, but there's nothing God can't do.
I keep saying that there's no single benefit of taking illicit substances. People are drinking codeine like its water, sniffing cocaine like its nothing special. There are some very few lucky people who drink so much but are 'graced' that they don't develop any health related issue, but for a large majority, it eventually leads to death, and trust me, dying from alcohol can be the slowest and the most physically and emotionally draining death ever. Say no to drugs! Guard your health.
I keep saying that there's no single benefit of taking illicit substances. People are drinking codeine like its water, sniffing cocaine like its nothing special. There are some very few lucky people who drink so much but are 'graced' that they don't develop any health related issue, but for a large majority, it eventually leads to death, and trust me, dying from alcohol can be the slowest and the most physically and emotionally draining death ever. Say no to drugs! Guard your health.
Its so good to be back! (smiles)
They drink Colorado now.
ReplyDeleteAwon omo ko mo !
Nna eehn, God forbid
What a way to waste life. I have a 24yr old patient who was drunk and went to turn on his generator and unfortunately fell from d veranda of a two story building, sustained a complete transrction of his spinal cord @c8 (more like from hands down)... he would be most likely confined to a wheel chair for d rest of his life. Else a miracle happens for him. I feel so much pity for his poor mom. She was so bitter. Saying hes always comimg home drunk n theres nothing she hasnt done to make him stop. Her only son.
DeleteYou won't understand what drug abuse is until u visit some Northern states. I thank GOD for my upbringing because at an early age I was taught God's word.All you need do as parents is to introduce God's word to your kids at an early age and you won't have to worry too much about the bad vices out there waiting with open arms to have them. It is surprising to people when I tell them I do not drink nor smoke ... Note this, once you have a habit that you can't stop at will, it has become demonic.You would need Prayers and self-discipline to stop that habit!Say no to drug abuse.....
DeleteThanks for educating us.
ReplyDeleteBut "luse", why you dey snoop for patient files like that . . . na becos na "fine boy?" You wan know whether you fit display?
How will the nurse educate u if she doesn't snoop nau. Welcome back nurse!
DeleteWhat is it? Curiosity is natural, So if she said he's damn ugly what will you term it? and fine boy or not his drug habit has made him ugly.
DeleteShe's been educating us on the emergency happenings which is where she works and we appreciate that a lot.
She has "her own team patients" but she went to another team's nurse to find out "what was wrong with that fine guy"
I know us women, we can scheme and scheme. Once you, even you see a fine guy, your head starts calculating his worth based on
his attires, his car, his kind of job and "is he single?"
U and ur group nne. Many of us ain't like Dat biko.
DeleteI always look forward to this post. Missed you.
ReplyDeleteAddiction. Very hard to stop. Very hard. It is well. Sad story there are still people out there with the same struggle. How to quit!!
I pray he gets healing.
Hmm. So sad. Ever since I became a mother I have been worried about how to raise my kids in this our world with all these seemingly pleasurable side attraction that lead to death. I find myself praying hard with heart beating fast whenever I read these kind of stories. God help me. It is well.
ReplyDeleteCutie pie, we are on the same lane o. The codeine and tramadol news had me worried since I read about them. I am so scared, I find myself literally strategising how I will raise my kids. May God help us raise them right.
DeleteWelcome nurse!
So sad for the guy to waste his life just like that. I was once in that situation, but thank God I off it now. With God nothing is impossible.
ReplyDeleteEayah it is well with his soul. May God help his family. See how the fine boy want to end his life with useless life style of the young
ReplyDeleteAs s medical person, you realise cancer was not because he was an alcoholic or drug addict right?
ReplyDeleteShe did not say it was. She only said it hastened the progression of the cancer to stage four.
DeleteBia Tracy Parker, please tobacco smoking and alcohol are risk factors for cancer of the pancreas and many other cancers. Please #sitdown.
DeleteI miss my favorite post........
ReplyDeleteWill they hear? Nope! They will swallow all sorts, inject any injectable, sniff any thing that can emit smoke.
ReplyDeleteNow federal government wants to ban codeine as if they just heard how it's leading youths to an early grave and madness if they are lucky 😩.
The emzor staff that was caught in a sting interview by the BBC has he been sacked? Imagine a big company like emzor not using that guy as an example to show how they are against drug abuse but saying they're doing internal investigation! I laugh oh. All of them are culpable and we all will feel the effects of this. Not only the person whose organs shuts down in protest but all of us.
You warn them and they still wouldn't listen. Ok after the "high" what next? what's the benefit?. Wastin money and calling it "fun". I can never understand the useless things that move youths lately.
ReplyDeleteWelcome was ur exams?
ReplyDeleteSorry for him
ReplyDeleteIt's good to have you back nurse, we sure missed you.
ReplyDeleteGreat to have you back.
ReplyDeleteHow were your exams? Sure you smashed it.
Can't wait to read more.
As for the drugs, so sad to say it's not going to get any better soon.
Fear fine boy and accent.. It is not blessing in disguise! 😂😂😂😂
ReplyDeleteGlad to have you back nurse. Thanks for this...
ReplyDeleteMy blog ID just dey misbehave .
Welcome back... I missed you