Stella Dimoko Dabota Lawson Says Her Life Changed When She Relocated To Nigeria Years Back + SHe Now Lives The Good Life!


Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Dabota Lawson Says Her Life Changed When She Relocated To Nigeria Years Back + SHe Now Lives The Good Life!

Beauty Entrepreneur Dabota Lawson shared some photos from her Leicester University days, and while narrating all her accomplishments revealed she made so many wrong choices and mistakes the moment she moved back to Nigeria.


  1. So you relocated to Nigeria just to follow Toto and co fuck randy old men with all your degrees.... thank you.
    Indeed you really made very poor choices, why not try and befriend other educated ladies like yourself?
    Misplaced priorities.

    1. Anonymous your stupidity deserves some accolades,bad belle😑😑😑😑😑


    2. Tell me if you have never made a wrong choice! She is winning , what's your story?

    3. Bad belle for wetin, wetin she get i want?

      Face front and go get some d__k because you are sounding frustrated.

    4. Biko what is Dabota winning?

    5. @ Lep when people say their opinion as in drop it like its hot the way it is doesn't mean they have bad belle o,Dabota is hoelosho,everyone knows that,she should keep to her world and stop trying to be a motivational speaker

    6. So she went to LSBF, Mtcheeeeeeeew.
      Abeg, dont ever say that out in public again. You can continue saying that to people in Nigeria but not on blogs or social media.
      Abeg, cover your face πŸ˜”.
      LSBF abeg, gerraout of here.

    7. Anonymous kill yourself already....she is winning...what have you achieved so far in life....

  2. Dabota oooo. Oya collect the accolades πŸ‘Œ

  3. Yeah living your dream hoeing,professional runz girl as if you achieved all that you listed up there by your hard work,anyway fucking is hardwork too sha cos its not easy to do doggy,scissors,sidon untop dickh and even use am do microphone,its real hardwork,continue Dabota more lubricant to your punani,always use the flavoured one,and dont forget to keep renewing your jazz.

    1. @anonymous, I know for a fact that you are woman who can't stand to see other women successful...stop taking this CeeC bitters that you are drinking,it would make you hate successful people more,bad Belle

      Post your own accomplishments and let us judge you,if not keep kwaqet 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑


    2. Bwahahahaha....

      Imagine the rubbish she is spewing up there.

    3. LMFAO @even use am do microphone

    4. @ Lep fuck off my comment ok,who is Dabota? What has she achieved in her life,oohh you mean those things she listed up there,ask Dabota what profit she is making? What is her turnover after tax every year?stupid instagram stay queens clique all forming boss-lady,Business entrepreneur but they are actually prostitutes,and to your question,i dont need to go on media to show my accpmplishments,people who knows me outside the blog respect me and know what i'm worth huh,that i stated the obvious about Dabota doesn't mean i'm bitter.And its quite ok,you this unruly idiot,dabota's voltron,since when did you start sticking up for hoes?i didnt write my comment based only on what i read about Dabota online but things i know personally and i've seen.

    5. Shut the fuck up...if you can’t unveil yourself and bring facts then you are a bloody hater.....jealous bitch, what have you achieved in this life.....stop hating on women who fuck and get Porsche like fuck for free stop hating...your type will go to her shopping mall and be doing eye service and looking for free bees but will come anonymous on blogs to pour venom on the poor girl...stop the hate and prosper

  4. Dabota always in the IJGB state of mind. We know you lived abroad already πŸ™„

  5. Good job Missy Dabota. Love women who are book and street smart, go getters.
    When you fall , crawl, hang on to even a string and get up! Dust yourself, then swagger out of that bulls hit of a mistake. Don't forget to put your head up, plugged your ears to naysayers & those who will use mouth and keyboard to distract you.

    Or those who think you must sleep or must have slept with this and that for you to succeed. They do not know that you still have to be smart (book and street), not just light skin and pussy; to get a money bag to invest in your vision.
    I celebrate you girl.

    As expexted, some crack dumb heads will come and menstruate under my comment. As usual they will say it's Dabota. SMH at the level of ignorance.

    1. Lol. @your 2nd paragraph though... hard truth! You have to be very smart to collect armed robber money from a man. Just being pretty and fair with big hips and fake phonetics, isn't enough. Sense is key!

  6. Wow such an intelligent and hardworking woman,its not easy to marry a billionaire and divorce him.. πŸ™„ ACCOLADES kor ASSURANCE niπŸ˜’

    1. After using the man she comes on social media to talk trash. Abeg get a life Dabota.
      I dont understand when LSBF became a school ooooooo?

  7. Write a book, it is good to learn and unlearn mistakes. Well I didn’t know you had all the education you had. Your choice of marriage should not make people judge you but the fact you were not his first beau got people questioning.

  8. Ejtite Entire1 May 2018 at 16:41

    I know my Nigerian people will drag her Ex billionaire husband into this...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I trust em πŸ‘

  9. And she had to marry an ancestor after all these accomplishments just so you can amass his wealth. It's sad that women think they can't make it without men in this Africa. I'm sure you knew that if you hadnt married that ancestor, you would have been struggling like every other mentally lazy naija woman waiting for men to give them money, Porsche and Co.

  10. see Dabota dey form worke, after she don wipe sunny sky bank account....taaaah

    1. No mind her, we wey know know.
      Olosho runs girl wey follow her grandpapa age mate.
      Shioooooooooor 😏

  11. She still tried, Financial economics part got me πŸ€” πŸ‘

  12. After struggling to get 221k followers all her instagram life, Bbn celebrities will come n gather 450k followers in 1 week

  13. Wonders will never end! God please just hold my mouth, I’m trying to be a changed person because if I decide to face this woman matter ehn, this blog May shut down. God please give me strength! I may still come back under anon sha because this is how some silly people go around deceiving gullible people on how their “hard work “ made them successful. They never tell us about how their pussy actually did most of the work.
    Aunty Dabo, you left out the part about marrying your ancestor and how his money gave you a giant push in your “career”
    You forgot to gist us about how an abroad based Cosmetic line almost sued you for stealing their product design because you could not make use of your brain to come up with your own unique idea
    You forgot to tell us about how you fucked Summy and his friends for cash after you husband kicked you out for being community property
    It’s not by sitting down in your “office” and pretending to type shit on a laptop that’d for the gram that’d make us think you’re a career woman. Stop deceiving yourself because those who know, know.
    Stop trying to portray yourself as a boss lady madam, e no work. You’re just another runs babe trying to make ends meet.
    By the way, your ex husband is still out here showing everyone he comes across your nude videos. aunty bleachy with the dark pussy, you forgot to edit your knuckle in your picture.
    I don’t have any prOblem with anyone sleeping around for cash, no be my ponyor but the one I won’t tolerate is for the runs girl to come and try to sell us a “motivational” story on how she made it. Please seat your black-yansh-that-don’t-match-your-body ass down make we hear word from genuine and clean people that have something important to say.
    You’re lucky I’m in no mood to expose you. Like I said, I’m a changed person. πŸ˜’

    1. She said she made many wrong decisions and all of them are public knowledge so what's there to expose

    2. You are already in anon mood, please spill.

    3. Gbammm dont mind them,they will come on social media and be claiming boss-lady,self-made,hardworking pussy more like mshewwww,as if we are deaf,blind,dump and brainless,who dey believe una

    4. LobatanπŸ™„

    5. expose wetin? is it more than runs? abeg go and park. so involved in another person's life. go and face your own.

    6. All I read here is she married a rich man divorced him and he settled her well and you are will not be well with whoever soaked your destiny in the pit of bitterness,madam why are you so bitter about the life choices of Dabota.

      IS she the one that said that you shouldnt use your own pussy to make money...what is wrong with all you anonymous Bv's who beef without common sense like this

      I don't know Dabota Lawson from anywhere but I don't think anyone has a right to judge her about her lifes choices,she made hers and is living with it, Go live yours and stop judging


    7. Choi anon, this one is enough 'expose' nau.

      Dabota, last last u go dey alright.

    8. Expose them please, expose all these ashewo, runs girl, prostitutes claming hard working self-made boss lady.

      I have seen the video, very dirty and disgusting. I do not care who she choses to f--k with that her smelly black dirty looking pussy but when they come on social media to deceive young girls that i cannot stand.

      Ladies of SDK blog, please do not listen to this runs madam i take God beg you. All that glitters is not gold.

    9. @LEP
      It’s like too much pussy juice has discombobulated your thinking faculty. Did you read the purpose of my rant? I have no problem with the fact that she’s into runs, most girls dabble into that these days, I have friends that are chronic runs girls that I still love fiercely and don’t judge. Hell you’re probably one too. What I’m disgusted by is when people who use their pussy to “stay winning” come out to yarn dust about hard work, “mistakes” and all the crap when they didn’t do SHIT! Their pussy accumulated mileage for them to be where they are. That’s pure deception. It’s better you continue to do your thing in private and don’t come out here to give us any bullshit motivational story.
      You say envy?? I laugh my ass off! I’m not one to brag but for a young gal my age, I’ve achieved a lot and still doing more and I still have a very bright future ahead - without any pussy work, of course😌- plus I come from a very well to do family so why should I envy a bleached, divorcee baby Mama that tries too hard? Pft, honey you outta take several seats and leave us the experts to school you. When I talk, just shut up, sit down and take notes.

    10. @ Lep jumping all over comments like a burning rabbit to give moral support to Dabota,continue you hear,it shows the kind of person you are,encouraging bad behaviours,sleeping around with different single/married men for money is bad,it tells on these girls over time,moreso most of these men use these girls for unspeakable things,some of them do end up dying a sudden death,some will eventually get married and end up giving their husbands the bad luck curse on them to the man and husband will get broke and the woman will move on to the next rich man,why do you think such always happen to them,some will open Business with the hoeing money and never make profit,why do you think they keep going back to fuck around,its because they cant really achieved anything except when sleep with men to get it and it always goes out their hands fast just as they got it,forget all those social media pics and flaunting,in real life most of them dont have money in their accounts,no them sabi sha,its their livese but stop giving them accolades

    11. Can't we just live and let live so this world will be a better place.

    12. Bitter bitch, keep hating her and she will keep moving up.....she married a billionaire and made money so what? How many women make money off a man and still invest? The poor girl has moved on and she has even acknowledged she made mistakes so what is your bitter arse still yarning? You will soon die of HBP...

    13. You are just a bitter hating bitch.....she slept with men for money and now working hard to maintain her life and you come here and spew vomit.....stop advising us we know what is good for us on this will die of bitterness one day tueh

  14. She is and I quote. Beautiful

  15. #Sometimes, things just aren't meant to be. Sometimes, no matter how bad you want it, you got to let it go*

  16. Anonymous with no bad past

  17. U made a 2.1 from a good UK university and settled for ur ancestor becos of money?!!! My girl u are low ooo. Please just hide urself and reinvent urself. I am fuming here

    1. Keep fuming till you burst into flames.....may you turn to burnt offering...hater oshi

  18. Wow! I just can't believe it! All the hate comments here are from women! The sinless women. Lol look at their mouths Dabota this Dabota that. The one that says she is from a well to do home! Anu mpama. Keep on judging, if only we can see their punanis am sure FRSC would have asked them to stay home due to high mileage. Why are women full of hate for their fellow women? Envy! Whatever she likes let her say. If you want to read, read if not move on ya all are not God! Haba! Ogini Di? I will expose her I will expose her . Show your face MRS EXPOSER let us see only then can we listen to you. If she likes let her be kesaiah which one is your own? Your problem is maybe you are sharing and getting kobo kobo hen hen eh ochi atogbue mooooo. Seriously let's stop the hate , love and pray for people instead. Peace

  19. But why do runs girls get on the defensive when a fellow runs girl is being castigated? Probably because they feel guilty. Hehehehe.


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