Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


Thursday, May 03, 2018

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



Hello Stella,

I need is to just let it out,I don't have no one to share with and I just want to get this off my chest.

I have been with my man for more than 11 years now and it has been a roller coaster ride,I have a very beautiful daughter and three miscarriages due to neglect and lack of sympathy.I blame myself for all that happens in my life because I believe we humans are the architect of our life:

I met this abroad guy thru a friend of my sister and we got talking,he told me he is separated and had only a child,mind you I was around 29yrs then working as a secretary in a good office with job security and not desperate to get married then,we got talking and he came home after a few months and When we met we slept together and I got pregnant a month after while he had gone back to the US.

So my journey into these shattered dreams started,I tried to abort the pregnancy but it was unsuccessful'then my sister said I should tell him and hears what he wants to say first before making a final attempt with the abortion,I did and he said if am ready for the responsibility of the child I should keep it and there and then I told myself am not getting any younger'moreover I am working and could afford to care for a child and so my journey into loveless sham started.

I had complications during the pregnancy but I gave birth to a lovely girl without any defect despite all the abortion drugs and injection that I took,he got me a flat after I gave birth,forced and threatened me to leave my job despite warning from my boss who paid for my diploma course all because he is too jealous and possessive...

After leaving my job the emotional abuse started,he doesn't want to see me with any of my family"note that my father died and my mother left while I was in my teens so I was the product of relative upbringing,I never had parental love although my father loved me while he was alive and when he died I was looking for that kind of love in older men hence my preference for older men because my partner is 15 years older.

I later got to know that he had kids from three American women,he is a chronic womanizer,a cheat,very jealous and possessive liar and a handsome Yoruba demon.

Stella I have so many things to tell you but I will mail you the rest of my story later because am so depressed and heavy hearted right now,my partner just came back after two years and hasn't touched me since he came because he said and I quote"not right now"......

*Touch you keh?you still need him to gbensh you and add more problems?One would think you would be trying to free yourself from him after this  Negative wah,you dont advice,you need prayers and a feeling of self worth...

Please behave like a mermaid until your brain begins to work again,you hear?


  1. But it is all obvious this man does not want you. He stayed back because of the child. Seems you are forcing yourself on him to be loved and he has seen it. Please move on from him, let the child be just what you owe each other.

    1. This sounds more like a coherent version of that chronicle we got a few days back...

      Or is it just me?

    2. 21:57 ya head dey there. It is the same poster.

  2. I'm i experiencing a Dejavu?
    Seems ive read this before.

    1. We have! This is Sunday 29th April's chronicle...just rewritten!

    2. It sounds like the one we read last week. Only difference is this one is not asking to make more babies. I haff tired.

    3. You need some oxygen! “Am”

    4. its not the same and its two different people that i have verified from...strange

      Anyways drop your advices and lets move on

    5. True, I'm in need of some oxygen.

    6. It seems they are in the same situationship with the Abroad angel.

    7. I just said the exact thing

    8. Stella verify wella. Na de same poster.

  3. ha na wa. In this pain you are, you are still talking of fuck fuck from the yoruba demon you called him.

    Na wa. I hate when men tell you to leave your job? That is bad because first your financial freedom is taken away. Your self worth is reduced.

    My dear, please try and see if you can get something to do before you commit suicide. depression leads to suicide, so dont add to then already growing numbers.

    It is well with you again. Love your baby well.

    The problem with falling for abroadian horsebands/boyfriends. Legs go open yakata

  4. Lmao you women like sex so much that even after a man almost panel beats you to death you’d still allow him ride you like a horse meanwhile you’re walking around like a zombie.

    So after all the things you mentioned that is wrong with this relationship, you are so drawn in my his supposed ‘handsomeness’ that you can’t bear the thought of him not having sexual contact with you. You need help darling and you don’t even seem to realize that.

    This man isn’t even married to you and all you have gotten from him is the flat he rented for you and a child. Are you saying that other men don’t talk to you or what is so special about this man that you are stuck on this guy who has no good plans for you? How can you leave your job because a man said so? Women stay away from possessive and crazy people, possessiveness is not love and you’d wake up many years later wondering why you put yourself in that position to be used.

    Aunty oga madam, get a job and let this man be please but I know it probably wouldn’t happen but do it for your daughter. Don’t raise her to grow up and blame her upbringing just like you are doing even as an adult. It’s irritating to say the least that you’ve reduced yourself to an object for a man’s affection.

    1. Hahaha doppel has *keed* me.
      Aunty oga madam ke

    2. Hahaha doppel has *keed* me.
      Aunty oga madam ke

    3. Nigerian women. Some of these stories are just pathetic. No self worth whatsoever. Please move the hell on. When will women realize 80percnt of Nigerian men abroad are liars. Please one abroad knows of your existence and when he dies you mean nothing I mean nothing. Please get some sense....

  5. Anonymous donor3 May 2018 at 15:14

    You lost me when you tried to justify leaving your job. Any advice that is not
    1.closing your legs
    2.getting a job
    3. Cutting him off until u grow sense, please my sister , do not take it.
    Your daughter deserves a happy mother. You did not birth her for her to suffer. Put your feelings aside for once and get your hands dirty with work. You're a mother now. Responsible for her outcome and how she ends up in life.

  6. I think I have seen this story here before. Madam, u dont need another child. I cant find where he married u in this ur story so u r not his wife. Dust yourself and look for job. Beg your former employer and see what can come out from there. Move on with your life. Some chronicles like your are quite avoidable.

    1. A very similar post was featured days back; it's not same.

  7. A na akogheri.

  8. hmmmmmmm, please package your self very well and look for love elsewhere. from your write top above ,i don't think he married you legally. Please you are worth more than penis. Please forget about penis right now and concentrate on your life. thanks.

  9. A man living abroad made you resign from your job here in Nigeria? I did not see anywhere he paid your bride price. Aunty please move on. That man is a destiny waster

  10. Some girls are senseless, plainly so. After all you said here, you still want him to touch you for a part 2 pregnancy stories. Go ahead , it's your choice, but don't come here to complain. I feel for you though, because misery is in front of you if you continue this path you are on right now. Grow some small sense and quit this thing you're in, it will destroy you.

    1. Sometimes I wonder if I'm a woman cos I can't take half of what these girls take from men all in the name of p***s. Is it that they don't see anything wrong in the treatment meted out to them?

    2. Don't mind the so called married women taking trash from men. It's even good you keep playing dumb so that you will continue to send chronicles for single girls to learn. I'm annoyed on your behalf

  11. Stella has said it all. What is wrong with peolpe?

  12. There's a new breed of weak, thoughtless and very irritating women. God please, help this generation.


    1. So irritating indeed. Especially in Nigeria.

  13. Poster, so he is all this things you listed above and you wasted 11 years of your life with him? From my calculations, you should be about 40 now and you never get sense? Did he marry you? Better go and look for a job and train your child you're just a baby mama. You better leave him now and mingle with people, who knows you might meet the right one

    1. She needs to forget man for now and get her own life together. 10-11 years of this rubbish? With a child? Man is the least of her needs.

    2. Oh she don reach 40? Wow! I never even calculated it sef.

  14. You still want to be touched by him? You not scared of Std? All the best

  15. Has this chronicle not been posted before ?

  16. Is this not repeated? Madam can u hear yourself complaining any not being touched or having another baby by this wicked animal man? SMH

  17. And some of us good guys are here looking for a nice babe.

    Whereas one idiot somewhere is busy making babies with all the nice women in the world.

    Why do bad guys have all the luck?

  18. What a shock???? Poster so if he wants to sleep with you; you would open your legs?? Your mentality is your problem my dear, Not your baby daddy. Please work on your self esteem.

  19. Stella don't mind her and thank you Stella for telling her to pray, I don't know the problem of ladies now our days, even though you are not desperate for marriage then you need to pray first, if you had prayed then you will not fall victim of all this problems, haa am shot of words now.

  20. Honey...You should be looking for a way to get a job and get away from this man. You need to be working and not depending on this man for your livelihood. Your child...your daughter needs a good example since her father is really not worth much. Please get back on your feet and focus on raising your child to do and be better.

    You are depressed because you gave away a bright future to settle with a man who was just looking to sow his wild oats. You are not respected by this man. He has three other women who have his children and he respects none of you. I want you to look at yourself and your daughter and want more. Do you want your daughter to end up doing the same thing? I am sure not so please it is not too late to get your self together and live! Live my sister and you will be surprised that the cloud of depression will be lifted from your shoulders. You deserve better, you might have made the mistake of following this guy but mistakes can be corrected. Want better, then do better so your baby girl can be better.

  21. please run as fast as your legs can carry you. it is your husband o. go get job and train ur daughter. it is well with you.


    1. Many dumb women sorry to say if its another story.
      Pls why do Nigerian women loose all their senses when they hear guys from abroad like this, like abroad is heaven.
      pls parents endeavor to work hard, take your kids to this same abroad. Even if its Dubai for one holiday, so ladies start knowing this abroad is not heaven. It is possible for you to get educated, find work and sponsor yourself to the same ''abroad''.
      I remember a lady I worked with she was about 30 or so. She was married with a girl of 8 or so, and had not seen her husband in like 9yrs. He was based abroad, came in married her, got her pregnant and went back but he has paper issues so hasn't been able to return. A girl of 8 has never met her father before. I think they have rejected the lady visa 3times now. She is just living like a single mother.
      I don't even have advice for this poster, I just tire for her and last week poster, similar story. These abroad men come to pump you with a child trap you, you will be the free pussy for naija, they return there and continue their life with other women. No marriage, nothing. You will be here crying living like a baby mama where they are flexing their lives. And majority wont even move the lady and the child to the abroad, they will keep posting you.

    2. Thanks @beds and Roses. Even on here we see them shouting 'abroad abroad!'.... as if it's heaven. It's not even about parents, cos sometimes we find it easier to always blame parents for individual mistakes and misplaced priorities. God knows that when i was growing up, my parents spent their money training so many people in school and couldn't give us those summer holiday perks. However, since I started earning my own money I have ensured Nobody can use 'abroad' to insult, intimidate or confuse me because before you say 'Jack Robinson' I'm in your country. Its when you see it as a big deal, or something you can never do on your own in life, that someone will use it to confuse you. Same approach we have towards guys that have more money. Once a guy has some money, his character, background, values and mentality don't matter; to a girl who never thought she would make hers in life.
      I'm still waiting for the person who will ask me to choose between him and my job. As he is saying it, he's following the speed and taking a walk. Cos that alone is a sign... especially when he can't give a concrete back-up plan.
      This poster is still waiting for angel Michael to tell her to go and get a job and arrange her life. In her head she's married with a child and even sends a chronicle that the man hasn't touched her. Wow!

    3. I can remember one abroad guy my friend wanted to hook me up with. Her fiance friend. He had called me few times before they arrived nigeria for my friends wedding.
      The D day came,I am my friend were going to meet her own fiance and the Americana for a date.
      When I say the guy, very razz looking, wear shorts with slippers and socks speaking phonetics and looked very broke. To make matters worse I don't know what he ate
      He started messing in the car that was taking me back home to the extent we sprayed airfreshner
      He now came up with one story if I can borrow him 50k he hasn't changed his dollars bla bla a man I don't know.
      I said sorry I don't have. Because with how broke he looked I'm not sure I will see my money. I later heard he is working as security guard in Newyork. Me that has a good job here.
      That was my last involvement with him. Forget all these abroad men.

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. stop dropping such comments here about the tess please

    2. thought though but all the me,I don't think madam needs any advice from us since u still want him to gbensh u.

      Put your mind at work and look ways at which ur damsel can get the best.I mean legitimate ways.

      All this obodo pple

      Mc pinky

  24. Wonder when some women will learn,after everything you still haven't received sense at your age. Better walk out of that situationship and focus on your life and kid,your destiny isn't tied to him

  25. There is a problem. Women's movements are making the rounds but it seems women are making more and more expensive mistakes. This story is not the same as last one from some days back but it shows that our girls are not thinking straight. Sisters please stop leaving your jobs and businesses and education for anyone. Stop idolizing the man with money, men can be very fickle. Splurge today, none tomorrow. If you are going to stop work, make sure you have assets in your name BEFORE stopping not after. Emotions do not mean squat when a man wants something. He will paint a picture of love and devotion and then shock you in the end. Ask even happily married women, they will tell you men are fickle.
    How can an adult entrust her wellbeing to another so blindly. Ladies no stop. Even those of you who have kids and need to stop, have something to fall back on or else you will be in so much regret and pain.

  26. Someone on this blog, i cnt remember who, said something about nigerian women being depressed, pls permit me to add and brainless. Madam u mean to tell me that after all this hurt, wen u c this man u get turned on? Pls in the name of God, give urself brain, u already have one child for this man out of wedlock and out of job. Stop sex for now and set ur priorities right. Do the right thing for once in ur life. Tell this man to marry u first and then get another job, then u can think of having sex with him, bcos i want to assume u know having sex with him wud not produce a pay check for u, it’s gonna b another baby that wud refuse to be aborted just like ur first. Gudluck!

  27. Chronicle writer you seem to have no self worth for want to kill yourself ontop of a man that obviously never loved you.

    Let me ask you is your common sense tied to the tire of a danfo bus that it has been used to drive all over Lagos and so you can no longer read the writing on the wall HE DOESNT LOVE YOU & YOU DONT NEED AN EXTERNAL LOVE TO FEEL COMPLETE...MADAM POSTER LOVE YOURSELF,STOP BEEN A LIABILITY AND GET A JOB... Look at how you destroyed your life by hanging your happiness and self worth on a mere man.

    Get a job,become busy,add positive value to yourself and see how fast you will move out of your depressed state

    Receive sense

  28. The female empowerment movement in Nigeria has to include a reorientation drive. Girls need to be taught to do better. Parents have to be educated on how to mirror common sense to their children. I am so bothered by Chronicles it makes my heart hurt. I am tired of the entertainment from these stories. I want to do something, what can we do to change the tide. What can we do to give our Nigerian girls more guidance. These stories will not stop. A 40 year old woman still asking why he will not touch her. The he is a man with no love or respect for her or her daughter. Our women need to be set free, our men need to be held to a higher standard. What is this???

    1. The people you want to set free will still come and tell you that you don't want them to enjoy happy homes. This poster is on this blog and reads all we write here and all people try to say/do to empower women. And she hasn't budged. What else?!

    2. I dont know again. The homes they call happy are nothing to write home about. It is the most irritating thing to see what these women defend.

  29. Omo see rain ooh!..You could mistaken this time 3.53pm as midnite..
    Aunty you contradicted yourself in his whole right up ooh,you are confused.
    You said up there,that you had a daughter and miscarriages from a complicated relationship.You should have learnt your lesson from that phase..
    You even called the abroad chronic Womaniser a partner,Come on!..What do you really want?.Your baby daddy who hasnt even taken any serious step on your behalf.A man who made you to quit yourjob.Yet,you are still dreaming of parting your legs continuously for him.
    You need to be smart this time and plan your future.
    You complained that he hasnt touched you,since he came back,meaning that you are still into him despite knowing of all his philandering ways..
    Pls wake up to reality..Do you want to infected with a deadly disease?..or are you a sex fleek?
    Act like a mermaid this time and repent.Dust yourself and move on.You can as well get a job or start up a business..God could still give you a better man that will wife you and make you happy.
    Be hopeful okay!..Just take your time and fix your life back.its never too late.You deserve better.

  30. what did I just read? my goodness ... self esteem issues so strong


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