Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...

OMG !!!!!


Imagine this life... 
Hubby has been complaining no money, no money for children's school fees... 
Had to meet bestie and she helped with payment of the fees,encouraging and calling to check up.. 

Feeding money too, bestie to the rescue. You begin to feel you are a burden and bestie has to reassure you it's nothing. 
Bestie becomes you only friend because she was that only friend when you were in need. 

She helps with everything down to clothes and shoe and hubby keeps saying no money, family is too large bla bla. Too large with only two kids? You ask yourself. 
Only to visit bestie and decides to use the toilet and then hubby's Face towel is hanging there. 

Yes, it's a customized face towel, from a wedding party. 
And then to confirm your suspicions,
You begin to snoop on hubby's phone and then you realise hubby has been dating bestie . And then you realise hubby has been complaining about lack of finance for a year😢 .

Now the shocker is bestie sent a text to hubby and it reads. 
" I gave 50k to madam last week, she was looking stressed and David is sick according to her. Why didn't she tell you your child is sick or are you guys not talking? Abeg pity her my love".

Another reads " Give her 10k this night abeg. I don't want her to come and embarrass me in my shop this week, please baby do this for me"
Then another reads " I need 118k to complete the money for the inverter battery, I couldn't sleep last night. Please don't forget to call me concerning the other stuffs.. I have surprises for you"

Now it feels like the ground should open and swallow you. 
With shivering fingers , you go to the sent items and it's empty. 
You decide to forward the text message to your phone as evidence.

And then you ask yourself " what's the point" you just feel like killing somebody or maybe running away, maybe something nasty. 
What would you do? 
Your answer matters a lot at this point.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME????...This is really traumatising to even read...WTF!!!


  1. This is the real enemy not even frenemy. They are the type that kills the wife and marries her husband. God help you ma'am.

    1. I don't doubt this. Women are bad so also are men

      Poster just involve the entire family and let them know your husband have been bewitched.

      He needs deliverance.

    2. Wow both your husband and friend are very wicked people that can kill you. Imagine the level of betrayal.
      Madam just calm down and plan your revenge well.
      You must destroy your frenemy and then also deal with the man.
      Is she married, if she is you better start now to plan how to destroy her marriage. You said she has a shop, time to pay some boys to destroy everything in that shop or even still go spiritual on her.

      As for that horseband, if na me the marriage is already over but I then I have the finances to move on so I cannot advice you on that one.

    3. Go and tell Betsy you are hiv positive, same as your man, you can also tell her you found out he is cheating and you have a plan... or you can simply do nothing and dash them each other, I don’t think it’s even worth it

    4. This is heartbreaking reading... At this stage of things, you can not handle this issue alone because two very important people who seemed to be in your most private Circle have betrayed your trust so very deeply... Your best line of action is to get some family members involved at this stage before you "let the cat out of the bag"... This is for your own safety as it seems you are standing alone at this point. You may not be in the right frame of mind to go the length of handling this level of betrayal which obviously has shattered your entire being.... Get your families involved, present your facts/findings and let this issue be addressed accordingly. May God help you to come out off this herculean situation u have been enmeshed in by the very ones who are ur supposed love ones!

    5. Act along & set a plan. Your hubby has money, look for a way to swindle him! Look for landed properties to sell.
      U fool the fool that is fooling u, or better still ruin d bastard. Kaka keku maje sese, a fi s'awadanu

    6. Stella I know you end trends to lots of replies under a comment biko allow me to share how my heartbeat accelerated reading this disgusting evil. Sweetie you are in shock please get you a help f a s t

    7. So who is the enemy? The husband that refused to take care of his own children or the bestie that owes you nothing. At least she begged hubby to pity you.
      Women stop making excuses for grown men. I dont care if he decides to cheat but a man that refuses to treat his own ill child is evil.
      Please empower yourself with a job or business so that you dont go begging plate in hand every time. Find a way to get huge cash from your bestie. You can ask her to loan you. She is your best bet between the devil and deep blue sea.
      Take care of yourself and kids and dont die ontop man matter.

    8. Omg! Poster, u are not safe in that house! Your hubby is a very wicked man.

    9. Chy I love your reply, empower your self!! That’s the best thing you can do. Yes it is tough but only for now. I won’t decide if you should stay or leave. Get something doing to earn money

  2. How do some people sleep at night?

    1. Poster don't bother him about money anymore,let your friend enemy carry the cross since she's the one managing your horseband's money affairs. I don't want to be wicked but I would have said start poisoning him small small, let him be in the wheelchair

  3. OMG you really made the devil your best friend. What a pity?

    You better thank God that your bestie did not tell your darling horseband to push you out of your house. That your friend is a real KILLER.

    My dear, please get your acts together and deal with them. Take your game tot he next level. Keep asking for money and even if he says he dont have, dont stop and pretend you did not know what you saw.

    Deal with both of them.

    1. She'll do it. Sooner or later. Fear women.

  4. Pour acid on your bestie. Nobody should come under my comment and say rubbish

    1. Rubbish! Rubbish!! Rubbish!!!

    2. So how many people have you poured acid on before?

      And lest I forget, RUBBISH!

    3. Or get someone with HIV to hold her hostage and rape her multiple times. That is better than the acid attack. She definitely give your hubby the virus too. Then sit back and watch how the drama unfolds. Make sure you don’t sleep with him again o😅😅😅

    4. Seconded but leave no trace

    5. Wetin make she pour d useless hubby? D husband is useless like LAWMA waste, Oloriburuku man

  5. Killing somebody or running away won't solve anything. Yours is not the first and it won't be the last. There's nothing new under the sun again. Just make sure you find something tangible doing and be independent.

    Mind let the 2 of them know you're aware of their illicit act, and if you can't cope, leave the marriage, but if you can cope continue

    *Larry was here*

    1. Poster take this advice. Vengeance is the Lord's, He will repay.

    2. Poster take this advice. Vengeance is the Lord's, He will repay.

    3. Best comment so far! Poster if you do get to read this...your life and that of your kids are not safe. You are the side chic in this situation, believe me. Now I don't know how you can get quick cash, but you must leave with your me, you don't want to die and leave ur kids behind. As painful and unrealistic as this may sound, you are on ur own. Pls do not show any emotion, start planning on leaving even if it's to go back to ur parents, this is the best you can do for ur kids. You deserve better, make sure u save that evidence. You must be very smart about this, sell any property if u have documents, u must act this drama very well. Pretend for Africa but don't have sex with him again. Now to the most important thing, wake up at midnight naked and cry to God, petition both of them but don't curse them, hand them over to God and watch how it unfolds...except hubby did not marry you, but if he paid your bride price then trust me, you will see. Do not do anything stupid in the name of revenge. Remember you have kids to look after. Act very well o. God bless

  6. OMG. This is no frenemy. But an ENEMY from the pit of hell.

    This is just too bad.

    I'd confront her if I were in your shoes ma'am. Let me see the face she'd put up.

    Backstabbing witch.

    1. Women first should stop all this confiding in friends about every little issues in their marriage. Some will gist he bought me new car,iPhone. Even new pant. They also discuss all their fights and short comings.
      I'm sure you have matured women in marriage , your mum,your elder sister,aunty confide in them. They are more experienced in marriage and will give you the real truth. Some friends are envious when they see happy homes. Take your matter to God or your family. Reveal very little.
      I don't believe in my friends being close to my hubby or me being close to any of their hubby or bf. Unless I go to their house, greet the hubby and small chit chat. I don't have their numbers except like 2 of them and i only call lets say the wife is not picking her calls and I need entrance to their estate.
      Most of my dealings with them is in presence of their wives.
      Poster this one pass me. Don't know what to advise sef .

    2. least I forget that man is an animal, start withdrawing from that marriage, go cold turkey on the friendship also. Let them be imagining what is going wrong.
      Screen shot the chats and seek council from your family.

  7. Those two people can poison or kill you, just pack your things make sure you use your phone to snap those messages or send them to your phone, but let them know when you have left the house, they are both killers esp your bestie

  8. Replies
    1. Act like u don't know yet,get a job,get ur shit together,get an apartment ready then get ur family, his family ur friend and husband including her family tell them everything with evidence then leave for good... If u tell them now without u doing anything, they won CU's they will push u out hoise with nothing and she will take over ur home..

    2. Haaaaaaa! Enemy within, the worst. Your hubby Don chop egbemikokomioko. Pls don't ask me the meaning.

    3. Please be careful before he changes the phones password. Do not forward. Snapp with another phone .Stella I'm sending you something for your eyes only. A prophetess and a delivrance prayer warrior. Nigeria is messed up

    4. @Sharon Aminu, what if she is killed before she's done getting a job bla bla bla? That's too much time to remain in that house. Armed with her evidence, she needs to run NOW!

    5. What if friend or husband is a BV?

    6. she should run to were?empty handed with two children doing Nothing, she will suffer Intimidation, insult, depression,lack etc and even her kids will be taken from her but now that she knows watup,she will have to be careful around them

  9. Oh no.. Friends. Na wa oo

  10. OK lawd I rebuke this kind of torture in my life and generation,

    Hmmmmm na human right straight he should just settle me and my children and I will start my life afresh because Yoruba proverb says oju apa olejo oju ara, the marriage can never be the same again

  11. Is this a movie??!!
    Chaaai!!! Some ladies sef....

    1. The tin dey like serious movie! Oriegwu

  12. Just imagine.
    Friends that pretend to help you but are slowly killing you or trying to steal something that's yours. I hate backstabbers maybe that's why I cant deal with that Tobi/Alex relationship thing..

    Madam, apparently your hubby encourages it all. Never leave your home for any woman. Fight till the end. Expose them, Shame them but still get your man and then treat his fuck up. Nonsense.

    1. What home? Is this what you call a home? What is she protecting?

    2. Which home? Home wey don turn upside down, she sleeps & wakes wit a judascal & have a close demon called jezebel
      Eleyi o nse home, d man is a born odale

    3. Husband syndrome dey worry this one...which home? That's why most women die trying to fight for rubbish. The woman should leave with her kids asap. It's not easy but she will stabilize, her only revenge should be her success. Then make sure she looks good enough to score a handsome single dude to marry her...lobatan

    4. I will add to it: WHICH HOME??!! Gosh... some of you are so drunk in an illusion that it's pitiful. WHICH HOME?!!

  13. I hope there's not a twisted story on your bestie's side about how she was the first to meet him and you snatched him prior marriage?

    Even at that...

    A lot of people will come here and talk about how they are glad they don't have "besties"...but I just want y'all to know a goat will be a goat regardless of the environment.

    For him to have an erection for a woman who is that close to his wife shows he's a dog.

    What should you do?

    My dear, be calm for now. Gather as much evidence as you can, have a place to go to after confrontation and confront both of them AT THE SAME TIME preferably in the presence of his family members. (So they don't connive to kill you at that instant).

    1. Kudos for your first sentence.
      Women will never tell you the full story
      only the one that will make you sympathize with them.

    2. It's a super story, a life of strife and sorrows...

  14. Dont forward the messages to your phone,it would look like you typed them yourself should you Wanna use it as evidence later,screenshot the message log with your husband's number and your bestie's number showing,with all the chats,and i mean all the chats cos some woman will decide to leave out their husband's chat and copy out only the sidechick own,they should both be shamed or face whatever you decide to do to them,and one more thing do not react immediately cos i can imagine how you will be feeling now,take your time,if you can watch them closely and catch them in the act red handed,that will be nice too afterall you have access to your best friend house and obviously your husband has been going there,be very wise.
    Anonymous Bug

    1. You know she will only fight the woman. Her golden goat was seduced and needs to be saved from the hands of the big bad women of this world. Don't waste your energy.

    2. Anonymous 15:20 .. You have just said my mind... dont foward them to your phone... You can also use your phone to snap their chats.... Or send his chat to your mail from his whatsapp... I feel your pain and Iswear, your bestie is cursed. I aiint laying a curse on her oo.. She has cursed herself already. I honestly do not get how one does such to er bestie.. Jesu Human beings are just wow... It cant even sink in... The way I am in denial eh... M too shocked .

    3. Evidence to prove to who? She don confirm say "ayeee leee oooo ibosiiii ooo"
      Make she set her own counter plan

  15. Singles should stop complaining that their married friends cut them off, its cos of stories like these....once ur friend is married, give her space before u kolobi her no one, sorry madam...that's the world we live in.

    1. Her HUSBAND should not fall for any advances. You as a woman can not stop a cheating man from cheating. If you isolate yourself na you go suffer. This is horrible advice. Married men sleep with other married women. It is easier than a single girl because the married woman would not want to be exposed. The single girl has no qualms.

    2. If you lack self control and self respect, there are still single people who have this. Please speak for your self.

    3. U too get sense, polluted world. Bestie from hell, hubby from hell

  16. Shes been robbing Peter to pay Paul.
    In this situation you wont need to bite the finger that fed you, but cut it off completely, like WTF!! Such blatant face to face betrayal... who does that?
    Gather rugged babes that are ready to throway shame & join u to disgrace the living day light out of her in that her shop.

    1. @ hydrogen, what about d useless hubby? Make dem pamper him?

    2. shr should stage robbery to her own home, steal all his valuables or ambush him on the road, sell it off & make a profit... form tears & sadness with him, start wit that.

  17. Yeah, i have had husbands of childhood friends chase me. If i had no scruples I could have dated them. Some men are filth.

  18. Household enemy.
    Madam, please get enough money from her before you walk away. Be careful how you react so that you can stay as alive for your kids.

    Think of exit plan.!!!!

    She can kill you to keep this secret. Sorry

  19. Our closet friends or family members are our enemies. Never trust anybody, as for your horseband God will judge him

  20. I just read one of the most wicked things a friend can do to her so called friend. If you had a source of income I would have said leave and don't explain anything to anybody. Those two can kill you to be together.

    1. Huh. Expose them. Both of them oo, together. Then plan to leave that house. The control is too much. They could kill you. Or on the other hand, there is blackmail

  21. Madam Pls go tie that man with cele people

    1. Even if she ties him to TB Joshua, he will still sleep around.

  22. This is simply evil, it can be termed as witchcraft! why is the heart of man desperately wicked. Kolode!!!!

  23. OMG!

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  24. Deep sigh....This is heart breaking. But girl, you need to pick yourself up from this rock bottom somehow and move on. Your husband and your best friend, not only are they cheating, she controls what you get at home. like wtf! i think your husband is the bigger monster here. To reduce the mother of his 2 kids to this, because of p###y, hmmmmnnn. My heart aches for you. Only God can see you through. Seriously, for my sake, give her 10k. Are you sure, you didnt snatch this husband of yours from bestie in the first place, cos the effrontery is mind boggling. I didnt mean to type this long, but thinking about this, my hands just cant stop!

    1. Her husband is the monster here. Her friend is a beast but none of this would happen if husband man says a simple no.

    2. Deep sigh? What's ur own na?

  25. keep collecting money from her and start saving then go cold turkey on both of them like completely silent..................let them wonder and let their conscience deal with them till they come forward. this is not a time to be emotional

  26. It's about time we go back to our parents and grandparents to ask how they held the marriage institution together then because it's obvious with this generations 'oversabi', something is still fundamentally wrong.
    Who will you blame here;
    The wife that goes 'exposing' 🏠 challenges to a 3rd party and becomes a beggar in the process??
    Abi it's the man dating and arranging his home via proxy???
    Or is it the 'caring' side chic with the wifey role???
    It's not a man Vs woman ish anymore. It's a foundational problem and the earlier we fix it at that level the better

    1. Our mothers and grandmothers stayed because the society was harsher then and most could not fend for the children without the man. There were no women's rights movements so they could not leave with their children. They suffered and most if given their way would never stay in those situations. They raised the sick beings we have today so don't day dream about a time that was toxic.

    2. On point 16.48

    3. One Moet for you! Gbam! @16:48.

      If our mothers download what they've gone through... hmmmmm

    4. Illicit sex is the cause of our problems,no matter how bad it was for our grannies,we have it worse because we are indecent,my mum always wished to remarry my dad if she has another chance at life so life was better then because sleeping around was frowned at..

    5. @anonymous16:48... y'all can say that if that's what you want to believe but the proof is in the taste as they say.
      With all that, they kept the family unit. The men were more responsible and the women weren't in so much competition and a friend like the above would virtually have been unheard of in the past.
      That is also a lie from the pit of hell that things were so toxic then. Every marriage I know or families I knew were stable and good unlike the nonsense pertaining today.

    6. Anon16:48 well said

    7. Anon 18:34pm, trust me when I tell you Nigerian women know how to cover. Now I do agree that some men were more responsible. However, the mothers were left to raise children by herself and she trained the girl child but left the boy to run amock like his father. The men grew up irresponsible. Cheating is not new, blatantly neglecting a child..your Women sleeping around with their friends...hahahha that is as old as sliced bread. Again, do not let our mothers tell you what they had to deal with, you will be jaded.

  27. Good script. Happens o, but this right here is scripted.

    1. osheyy nostradamus. 'Happens o, but this right here is scripted' Tell me, how did you tell?

  28. I smell a jazzed horseband

    1. I knew someone would say this. NO HE WAS NOT JAZZED. He is just a man without discipline/

    2. Hmmm.... This one is more than lack of discipline oh... This is real jazz! For him to turn the mother of his kids into a beggar all for another woman, is her vagina lined with gold? This is ogbonge jazz

    3. Women do not like to face the fact that men can be very irresponsible and I do not know why. Let me humour you and say he was jazzed, what took him to were he could be jazzed?

    4. His third leg took him. So what next?

    5. He was walking in the road d the came and jazzed him abi? He wasinding his business?

      The Bible states that all sin starts from lust - the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh and pride - the pride of life!! All sin!!

      If that man had paid attention yo veing the best father and husband he could possibly be, no jazz would touch him. First me, I know what im saying

  29. This is so demeaning. mehn! The guy is unbelievable and that your friend is DEVIL himself. chai

  30. First of all, I am sorry for your pain. The disrespect and ridicule hurts and I hope somehow you can find succor in knowing that this is not your fault.

    Lady, please this is so annoying. You set yourself up to be taken for a ride. Do you work or own a business? If no, can you please start the process of fending for yourself? Your husband is highly irresponsible and has disrespected you to the last. We all know You will channel your anger to this woman because obviously she seduced him right? Your husband probably cheated on you multiple times in the past and while dating but you listened to people who rains everywhere nne just love him more, he will change. Sister the energy you will use to be praying and binding, start praying for your own welfare so you can take care of yourself and your children. You do not have a bestie and you certainly do not have a husband. You can stay married to him because that is you alls lifeline and ladder to heaven, but please GET BUSY. Do your kids have special needs? Is this why you are not working at all (I assume you are not working because you have been so dependent on this man and his mistress).

    And please do not listen to anyone who says he was jazzed. He was not in anyway, your "husband" is irresponsible. The solution to this, dust up yourself and get something to do fast. Your marriage is non existent.

  31. Hmmm... am so sure my husband is cheating too. He doesn't approach me for sex and when I do he refuses, he says he is getting old at 39years, and then I ask him what the problem is and he says he doesn't have that attraction again but you r already taking sex enhancement drugs who are you using it for? I just made up my mind to cut all ties with him. I am so sure he is having an affair... God will be my helper

    1. Protect yourself in everyway. I hope you are working? If you have no kids, keep it that way. Do not bring children into this type of a union. Watch your back because these men do not cheat with sense. They go and lie to these women who think you are on your way out, then they get desperate and try to kick you out dead or alive. Cover your back and expect the worst while somehow hoping for the best.

  32. This is wickedness of the highest order, I can't even believe I read this.what nonsense

  33. This is wickedness of the highest order, I can't even believe I read this.what nonsense

  34. It's always been a crazy ass world....

  35. My dear, calm down, take a deep breath, relax and retreat. Can you step out of your house for sometime? Can you find any excuse to take your kids and stay away for a week or so? Don't do anything in a hurry. Think and plan. From your narrative, you are a house wife and depend on your husband for everything. You take every of your problems to your bestie. Things have changed my dear. Men love women who can hold down the family. Yes, we all can not be professionals or working class ladies but we can hold down our families by being an asset. You do not have a paying job but you can sustain your family by your creativity and wisdom. I don't know how long your husband and friend have been with each other but things will never be the same between three of you. Your husband may never come back to you and you have lost your friend forever.
    Now, after taking a time out, confront them. Tell them you know about their relationship and ask them why they choose to betray you. I want you to pray a lot before this confrontation, you will loose your temper, you will shout, you will threaten but I pray the grace of God keeps you calm throughout. He is your husband, you have to fight for him but you need to understand the level on involvement and your own ability to forgive. It might be you who pushed your husband in your friend's arm with nagging, request for every little thing in the house, or by always telling him how perfect your friend is, it might also be it is none of your fault. After confronting them, leave your friend and ask your husband what he wants. You, his family, or your friend? To overcome all of these, you need prayers and you need to step up to keep your home without running to friends.
    Few years back, I was a graduate without job because I relocated with my husband to a non English speaking country. I have no dime in my name but I need to support my husband. I started making his lunches from my kitchen, I make his snacks meat pie, chin-chin, small chops you name it. I didn't learn these before hand but I used Google. I braid my hair, I keep my house clean, then I started painting our apartment, I tried plumbing jobs before calling for help. I became a DIY lady and still look neat. I continue to read and keep my husband and his friends at an edge during discussion. My husband was so proud of theses little things which were saving money for us.
    I protected my home from friends. None of my friends knew when I went to bed angry or when I didn't buy a new dress because of money. I was not bragging nor begging, I was just being myself.
    Pray for peace and find out what went wrong and who stole the man from each other. Fight for your home and when you have tried everything and it failed, walk away and find the lessons hidden in this heart break. This is bad in all ramifications, two people you trusted so much made fun of you while showing empathy. For your friend, leave her to God. Do not loose your temper at her. After telling her you know about her and your husband, tell her you leave her to God to bless her. Don't give her room to argue with you. Stay away from her and pour your hearts out to God. Watch him do the shouting for you. If your hands are dirty ask for forgiveness and wait for God's guidance. It is a long difficult journey but you will be fine. Take care of yourself first before two of them. Find who you are then you can ask who they are. Wish I can relate to you on a personal note.

    1. Honey even if you were smelly at home your man would have loved you. Not every man is sensible like yours. This advice will only have her mocked and ridiculed. She needs to get a source of livelihood. All this extra will only deepen the grave this man is digging for her. She needs to take care of her and forget this man. If she stays with him, he will wake up when she stops caring and starts running the house with her sweat. His type are not sensible enough to be affected by all this nollywood drama you have painted.

    2. Zikora, I feel what you have written. It would have been nice if she had tried all these earlier. But it is too late! Her trust has been shattered, they have done the worst thing to her while also demeaning her in the process. If it's me I will walk away, things can never ever be the same. Except the man loves her greatly and can wait for her to heal, but if he loved her, he wouldn't have gone to this length... So you see, Things can never be the same

    3. Poster pls don’t take this advice...

    4. Fight for which home exactly....pls, who says she can't start over with a successful career and a man who adores her? Do u think it's easy to take back a man who ridiculed her so badly with her so called bestie? Can she make love to that same man and remain the same? Abeg shift

    5. Which home is poster fighting for. Poster don't fight for jackkkkk!!!!!
      Flee. Start assuming and acting like one who has no husband because the truth is that you have no husband. As a matter of fact, a widow is better than you are right now. This is the time to milk him and your bestie dry and then disappear with your children. I mean the word disappear. If you have to relocate to another state, please do. Start afresh, take time off to heal, then you can contact the useless man later. God forbids I pray for this kind of oloriburuku man. These ones can kill you to cover their act if they find out you know. Arm yourself with enough evidence before you zoom off. Let your family members know every. In fact, by the time he starts searching for you ehn, let it be your family members that will show him the evidence. They should not disclose your where about to him.

  36. Dear Poster,
    Babe if I were you ehn, this is what I would do. I will go to bestie's shop one day, instead of asking for money as usual, I'll tell her that I THINK MY HUSBAND IS CHEATING AND I'M GOING SPIRITUAL ABOUT and enjoy watching her face turn red LMAO. No doubt she will tell hubby when I leave, so when I get home, I will be the sweetest wife, prepare a delicacy for hubby and watch him eat in fear LOL.

    The mind game I will play will be madddd.

    Then another day, I'll tell her that I put something in his food and that the next woman that sleeps with him will run mad.

    I will go back home, be the sweetest wife and watch both of them go crazy.

    *laughs maniacally*

    1. Cute!

      A woman without any money should do this. She will get kicked out faster than usain bolt on the track. This is not the movies sis, this is real life. She has been taken for a fool so long her friend and husband know her from A to Z.

  37. My Christian mind will say pray n forgive her. My wicked other side will say buy Orange. Use a syringe to inject it nicely with a poisonous subtance n give her as a gift. Make sure she enjoys the orange why you watch. N when the pain starts make sure you both are alone n tell her to beg to get the antidote of the poison. Wicked woman

  38. This is why Nigerian men treat you women like dirt.
    Because you women treat yourselves like dirt.
    Zero self esteem + Minus zero common sense.
    Two consensual adults had sex.
    Every one faces the woman.
    Did the husband trip and fall head first into that woman's vagina???
    Who married the wife?
    The bestie or the husband?
    Who said the vows?
    The husband or the bestie?
    You say she should deal with this one, how many more will she deal with?
    Until she becomes old and haggard, looking like his mother, while boy alinco goes upandan popping his collar looking fresh?
    See stupid comments from stupid women.
    None of my friends are Nigerian women, because your ways of reasoning are so primitive and the trash you accept is mind boggling. You reason like slaves. I just cant.

    Why won't your marriages be a lifetime of suffering and smiling and your horny goat like men feel so entitled???


    1. The most miserable women I have met are married Nigerian women. Always running around like chickens with their heads cut off. It is so shameful. Meanwhile their husbands disrespect them to no end. It hurts to watch as a man. Very sad.

    2. The way u people are quick to scream"low self-esteem "is alarming ,everyone knows how it feels like to be betrayed , the poster is hurting from discovering she was suffering all these while coz her stupid dick head horseband and evil(dark lord) bestie are gbenshing.
      You called her slave, but u didn't solicit to bring her out of the slavery, your friends are not Nigerians but u just commented on a blog owned by a Nigerian , madam know it all, ur own self esteem is extremely low and u re also a slave for commenting alongside wit slaves. I know u re very dirty pig, but learn to give credible advice.
      I repeat, ask Stella to give u the poster's details, so u wit ur imaginary high self esteem would help her financially, it will enable the poster leave her enslaved marriage, if u don't do that, then STFU and keep ur stinky self in the pit toilet where u belong.
      I give u the privilege to bark like a dog that u re under my comment.

    3. I'm telling you 16:57.

      If Nigerian women are not running after kanyamata or inserting only God knows what in their vaginas, they are sleeping in churches, visiting different spiritual mountains, touring night vigils. All for what? To curb their 'husband's wandering penis' or 'peace in their marriage'. Lolll imagine spending your entire life fighting, dodging sexually transmitted diseases, battling side chicks, running off prostitutes, constantly suspecting his female colleagues, changing female househelps and nannies every few months because Oga must fuck them, snooping on your husband's phones daily etc. Is that life????

      Ask them if any one of them has ever gone to church or vigil to pray for just for themselves, for an empire, for an everlasting legacy they can bequeath the world? Do they even know what this means?

      Nigeria women's entire future is guided by the rise and fall of the husband's dick. Whether the penis is entering every available sewer is not her business. She has managed to snag one. When you've spent a lifetime dumbing yourself down, with mediocrity as your spirit guide, what do you expect?

      Absolutely nauseating!

    4. Anon 17:31. What she said is not a lie though. Our women suffer when they get married and can not accept when one of the few have good marriages. There is nothing more depressing than listening to married women from Nigeria discussing. It always makes me want to make sure my daughter does not marry a Nigerian. I pray one day things will change but let us be real...a Nigerian marriage is so depressing esp from the women's perspective. It is hell. The only person who truly gains is the Nigerian man. He has a cook, cleaner, someone to scream at and pour his constant frustrations on, baby breeding machine and sex worker. It is not an insult but before you lash sef think am.

    5. 19:46- It has pained 17:31 to her bone marrow, she won't be able to 'think am'. Lmaooooo.

      17:31: In the meantime, while you're blubbering and blowing mucus all about,what advice to you have for this 'hurting woman'? Would love to learn from you....

      Nothing to say?
      What was I even expecting,(knocks self) typical empty headed lot.

      Is your darling hubby also doing 9-5 in your neighbour's pussy as a HARD WORKER that he is?


      'It is well with you'.


    6. I agree that most Nigerian marriages are pathetic. I'm not married to a Nigerian myself and that is because of the mentality prevalent among most Nigerians. There are certain conversations that you will never have to worry about having if you are not narried to the average Nigerian or African even. Such chronicles as this is the case with women who have no self-worth and usually financially dependent on their husbands. It isn't limited to Nigerians. For example, WAGS all over Europe and America who stay with cheating partners aren't all Nigerians, are they?

    7. 17:31 I am 16:10.

      That's another problem with you Nigerian women, who you are badly representing with your uninspiring averageness: the inability to critically engage.

      I made a comment, entirely my opinion.

      Like a bat hidden in a roof set on fire you are appear, completely unfocused, flapping your wings viciously, much noise and zero content. Generously offering the highest forms of vapidity and puerileness.

      So far you've managed to insult your self repeatedly, you say you are a dog, that you belong in a pit toilet and that you are a dirty pig. In concern for you, I ask, how have your childish insults provided deeper insight on this issue or offered succor to this 'hurting' woman or anyone who may be going through this or worse?

      How old are you? Whatever your age, you have no right to embrace stupidity with such greed. If you have a dissenting view, state it like an adult who possesses the mental faculty of an adult.
      If you don't know how to,learn.

      And by the way, at no time did I call anyone a 'slave'. If I say for instance, 'Why is Tendai scurrying LIKE a thief, does that mean that Tendai IS a thief?

      I assume that 'slave' was the only multisyllabic word you could recognise in my entire comment. You will need to learn the meaning of 'context' and how to employ it before you can intelligently engage anyone in discourse.

      For now, stick to comics.

    8. Since you are clearly more mentally advanced than Nigerian women or Nigerians generally, you should save yourself from our dimwitted ways and stay off this blog.

    9. @ Anonymous 17:17, you cannot ask anyone to stay away from this blog or any other. What's wrong with you. Anonymous 01:17 laid bare the truth about your reasoning process and you can't handle it for what it is. Instead you seek to wallow even more in your stupidity. Gaskiya

  39. Its possible the poster didn't snatch him from anyone. Some friends are just out to destroy you,they want what you have at all cost and I won't be surprised if the bestie is using jazz for her hubby. Poster,I really wish you can leave the house to cool your head and start something for the sake of your kids. It is paramount for you to save all evidences and confront them in the presence of both families( yours and his). Find a way to lure your bestie to that meeting that day, drop the bombshell and walk out with your kids after submitting all evidences. Im praying for you

    1. HE WAS NOT JAZZED. JESUS CHRIST, he was not jazzed. He approached her loosy goosey friend and she agreed (or vice versa), she approached her loosey goosey husband and he agreed. It is that simple.

    2. Which stupid smelling stinking jazz??

      That's what your empty headed men have told you so they can fuck as many people as they want and always come back looking innocent.

      And you empty headed women will always swallow as the dumb lot that you are and be pampering them like little kids.

      Which stupid smelling jazz? Jazz that has not brought money and riches to the owner? It is your man with his average pocket and his 4 inch greasy dick it wants to get?

      Ok, it is only men that can eat jazz abi? Women no dey chop jazz? Ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa

    3. You keep shouting he was not jazzed like you are so sure, or you don't believe in jazz abi? You are on a long thing.

    4. Anon 16:58 better pray that correct jazz should not meet you and your own, if not, you go know wassup

    5. HONEY he was not jazzed. It is important that you ladies come out of your delusions and quickly too. How come we don't ever point to jazz when y'all cheat??? Exactly! Cause we expect women to be responsible. You ladies better start expecting more from these boys.

      Stella, I have Nigerian daughters and I am terrified. I have work to do to make sure she grows up strong. What I read on here is so scary and sad. How do women get to this point?

  40. Abeg has anyone been giving a vision saying you have a spirit husband hence all the disappointment. i personally dont believe all these things are real but has anyone had to deal with this and what did you do ? if any.
    because me don tire for life na only me.

    1. Anon sit down there you hear. Spirit horseband causes lots of dissappointment. I have told my story here before. When I did my prayers in my church, just normal prayers where my Bishop tells us to pray and pray yourself out of danger. That was when i saw 2 guys when i slept backing me, I did not see their faces. One was telling me so you dont know I have left you since, go and ask so so and so. Me foolish as i was begging him not to leave me, then later i got myself and said who is this person that i am begging not to leave, it was then it dawned on me that it was spirit horseband disturbing me.

      I am over free from it because i dont see them or they have anything to do with me.

      Please go to your church let them do deliverance for you so that you can be free

    2. Dont let them mess with ur psychology, the moment u start believing that shit, it'd start working On you For You!

  41. I happen to know an aunty(she was in a long distance marriage) but also had a man friend to hold body..well, her husband's family members started accusing her of infidelity & to cover up her tracks, she had her man friend (divorced man) do a public, society wedding to another woman so as to get the rumour mongers off her neck.

    The bride to be didn't know anything & thought this aunty was her hubby's sis because aunty was doing all the planning & arrangement. Apparently, aunty & her man-friend had an agreement to use the innocent woman as a front while they continue their illicit act codedly. Only few people were in the know, someone from the Man's family tried warning the new bride to be careful but she never really got the message.

    They eventually got married & aunty was the one controlling the marriage, calling the shots.
    The day the wife knew ehn..chai!! yam pepper scatter scatter!! she packed her things & walked away. I really pitied the woman but then...

    Aunty & the man are now married, she divorced her long distance hubby & married her man Friend.

    Fellow BVs, people are wicked!! Women are their own arch enemies.

    Poster, whatever you do, ensure you're alive for your children. You either walk away quietly after getting concrete evidence to divorce him or you fight dirty., if you have the means.

  42. Hmmmmm! Poster what your bestie did to YOUR HORSEBAND to gain his attention and control isn't ordinary. So you have to do the extraordinary to put them to shame ( life time disgrace) and gain your freedom. I mean you jazz them! Yes! Look for a herbalist / or spiritualist to make your HORSEBAND d**k get stock in your bestie VJ and the rest will be history. WTF !

    1. So after jazzing her husband and bestie, this woman will still ride the same dick???? Ayemi ooo

  43. Another one sided lamentation!

    All these girls will tell you what "friends' did to them
    Will they ever tell you what they did to friends?
    Will they tell you what they did to multiple women they
    don't know; all the "aristos" they f88ked at school and broken homes caused?
    You want proof?
    Who dey drop all those bombs for anonymous night and day posts etc.?
    The only problem is that when the things folks sowed begin to be ripe for harvest,
    they hardly remember the "seeds" and the season they sowed them!

    Here in the states, a young girl just abandoned two toddlers (18 months and 7months) and
    took a walk after she was evicted from her apartment. Locked them up and disappeared into
    thin air. After nearly a month, the apartment management went to clean up and reassign the
    place only to find the toddler staring into the blank, unresponsive but alive! She's been on a
    cat and mouse game with the police for weeks until she was caught yesterday (Stella can bring the story here it is still unfolding).
    When that one gets married and someone else "abandon her and waka" or "friend" do like this case, she won't
    tell you what she had done before; will she remember her "seeds" sown?
    Ok, will the girls tell you how many babies they've killed in some other ways?

    God has give we women a great responsibility to harbor and harness lives but sometimes
    betray this trust and hope to have a smooth sail in "our homes", a person reaps what
    that person sows (if she/he does not repent).

    1. WHAT IS THIS YOU HAVE JUST SAID? Seriously, you believe this is sensible or a contribution of some sort?

      Those who have been hurt for nothing but just being naive and patient are what? How does this make sense?

    2. @16:35
      Are you sure you aren't the one that did not understand the anonymous comment?
      That comment is not for "people who are naive and patient",
      it is for waka waka waka girls like the one in the story that walked away leaving
      two innocent toddlers.

    3. The 18 year toddler was alive after a month? No water, no food.
      Abi the toddler was making chicken and chips and lasagna for her/himself??
      I hear.

    4. @19:01
      Na so una dey take bang comprehension
      You see 18 year there abi na 18 month
      Google the story and read for yourself na

    5. Oh I understood clearly. I still say...WHAT IS THIS PERSON SAYING FOR FREAK SAKE? All the "waka waka" girls typically have it good. I believe in karma and justice but honey, God will have mercy on whom he chooses to have mercy on. This ain't nollywood.

    6. Nobody is talking about "karma" here.
      Karma: retributive "justice" (without room for repentance). This is not God's plan for man
      One reaps what one sows: Repentance absolves the person who sows evil from punishment; e.g. Apostle Paul.

      Please read and understand the bible especially the New Testament.
      The anonymous comment up there ended with "if they don't repent".
      Nothing is wrong with pointing out what someone is doing wrongly and
      telling the person to change.
      Taking it personal sounds like you've got a horse in this race; do you?

    7. Madam, you are a wicked soul!! I call people like you ' one of the friends of Job'

      Yes, remember them? The friends of Job. Remember them telling Job he was suffering because he had been.wicked and God was punishing him for aome hidden sin?
      Remember how God rebuked them?
      That is the kind of person you are. Yes, i know you would want to tell yourself you are preaching but this is not it. This is you being hypocritical and judgemental.

      So you are saying that this particular poster is suffering for something she had done in the past. What in the story led you to that conclusion except your evil mindset that people suffer when they have committed some sort of sin. Is that what the Bible teaches? If anything, doesn't it tell us that the righteous will suffer in different ways?

      You lack empathy or compassion. Thank God, we are all not like that. I pray you change and ask God for forgiveness...just like the friends of Job

    8. How about mayyyyyybe a woman made a wrong choice with the man she married? No?! Its better we think she screwed half of the helpless married men in Enugu and all the married men in Anambra. Then we scare the other singles into keeping their legs closed. Oh lets also forget that married men lie so much (I am a married man, I have married colleagues and acquaintances who lie like no man's business) and these girls you are preaching to have no clue. Oh, there are the bad eggs but the married men have more stake in this than the single girl with no scruples. But usually the punishment only goes to the girls. The useless married man will live on and have a happy life and the single girls will have dreadful marriages. AND YOU WONDER WHY STORIES LIKE THIS WILL NEVER END. I give up abeg.

  44. The main issue is this: you aren't productively engaged and you're reliant on others to make your financial provisions.

    If you can get something to do and become financially independent, you'll find it easier to divert your focus from your husband to yourself. It is a man's nature to seek the attention, adulation, and dependence of their spouse. So, if your husband finds that you're no longer bothered about him, I believe he'll want to find out why, thereby, prompting him to redirect his focus to you.

    Notwithstanding, I suggest you sincerely pray for him and forgive him for all he's done. I know it's ridiculous to suggest that, but there's a secret about forgiveness: it liberates the 'forgiver' and opens the door for God to come in and restore the relationship.

    You may not believe it, but the truth is your husband is under an influence he can't control- the spirit of wantonness. So, I advise you to pray that God delivers him. But your prayer will not be effective if you've not sincerely forgiven him for hurting you.

    Furthermore, it is important to know that your happiness is not tied to anything. You decide to be happy or not, and not your situations. Situations may change but you will remain, except you're no more. Happiness is a function of choice, not consequence.


    1. Brother, let us treat these women like we would our sisters and daughters. You would NEVER advice your daughter to do any of what you just said. Yes she should forgive but this woman needs to focus her prayers on her productivity. If trumpet sounds today, that man will stand on his own. Let her children not suffer because she is focused on a useless man. Let us be honest with these women please. Let us say to them what we would to our daughters. Ladies as you can see, men are selfish as hell.

    2. @Anonymous, I gave the best advice I could under the circumstance. Truth is: If I had a daughter, I don't think she'll be in such a situation. Even if she happens to be in such a situation, I believe my counsel will remain fundamentally same, so long as the facts are also invariable.

      Furthermore, I suggested she becomes productively engaged to meet her and her children's needs. She should take up the responsibility for her children since the supposed husband has shirked it.

      Also, if you actually read the last paragraph, I explicitly encouraged her to be happy irrespective of the direction of her marriage right now.

      The suggestion for her to save her marriage isn't for her to become 'fulfilled', far from that, but in obedience to the 'word', that is assuming she is a Christian. Though She is obligated to try to save her marriage, it shouldn't determine her happiness or fulfilment.

      I understand your concerns, I really do. But the truth is: a person with character does not lose 'his' scruples because the tide is raging strongly against 'him'. One must stand for what they believe in even in the face of death.


    3. I hear you my brother and amen your daughter will not walk this path. I feel for our sisters who keep suffering. I wonder sometimes what I can do as a man. It is too much. She is not obligated to save the marriage however, she is obligated to save her children from impending harm that will come upon them if she does not wise up.

      She will lose her mind trying to save this sinking ship. I do not advice her to leave because to be honest she will not. They never do but it is damaging to keep encouraging based on the "word" that any woman should put effort in the face of this level of evil. She should forgive, 100% but she should do as we as men would do. She should get her act together, make up her mind that the man is on his own and fix up for the sake of her children. She can not save a man who does not want to be saved. He has to save himself. Our women are not Jesus Christ.

    4. @monsieur... I hope you will forgive ur wife 100% and pray for her when you finally catch her cheating on you. Very foolish advice..just keep shut! Is it not the man's duty to take care of his kids, irrespective of the wife's income? Irresponsible fellow like u



    6. Brother will you give this same advice if the situation was turned the other way round; the wife being the culprit???? Make una dey fear God o. Things you won't take from a woman you call your wife.

  45. Madam first of all, pls dat fone, dnt give it bck. Act as if u kno nth abt it, m sure he was charging it wen u snooped, hide dat fone in a far away place, if he asks u form u dnt kno, form it was stolen, if he insinuates u took it, let heaven and earth drop that day. Den afterwards u can use it to confront both of them. Tactically organise a meeting in ur house whr both of them will be present and atleast one family member each from ur side and his side. U can pretend like u are inviting them for lunch, preferrably on a saturday, so dat ur man wud be at home. When they all gather, bring out the fone and mk sure everybody in the gathering reads the msg, and den explain to them that that is supposed to be ur best frnd. Point at her wth tears in ur eyes. If u feel the hot tears gushing down, let them roll, it’s ok to cry. Then look both of them in the eye and tell them u have left them for God to judge. Tell them that if u were living wth both of them wth a pure mind and they did this to u, the God that u serve, will come for them. Drop the fone and leave the place. Say no more. I prms u, that ur frnd will not see energy to stand up n leave the house. And ur husband will not be able to stay in d house that day. Then start midnight prayer n tell God u hav been wronged, there has bn injustice against u, u dnt have strength, He is ur strength, and He shud fight for u. Let ur hubby see u waking up @ midnight to pray. Its ok to cry. And den unlook ur hubby, dnt fight or insult him. Be patient, dnt leave ur home, dnt fight. Since uv given it to God, den step aside n let Him fight. And DNT CHEAT, no matter what. Gudluck

    1. What is this drivel. Madam, confront if you want but do it AFTER you have started earning some money. I am tired of all this pie in the sky advice.

    2. Wow!!🙆🙆🙆🙆
      Best comment so far.

    3. U watch too much Nollywood.

    4. "God she worships?"
      She tell you say she dey worship God?
      I see too much emotions here.

    5. Anon 19:16, you know women and emotions. Somebody that can cheat on her blatantly will roll his eyes and hiss when she utters such. She needs to find some way to earn money and leave all the drama for nollywood.

  46. Poster!! Send a message as you from their chat that you are aware what is happening . No pretence abeg!! Whether you snatched hubby from your besty or nah . He's your husband and she's a demon. She can even kill you . Before she kills you. Kill her . We die here !!!!

  47. Aiye le oo...ibosi oo...aiye sooo short of words right now,like seriously.....

  48. I would advise u gather enough money from your husband through your friend to set up something for yourself after which you let them know what you know, I know it will be so difficult but please endure in order to empower yourself financially.......,,because left to me i wouldn't advise you stay in such a marriage but try to gather enough resources you can even sell some of the heartless man's property that is if You can pull it through but I repeat gather enough money put some plans in place for u and ur children.the lord uphold u

  49. Don't kill anybody, I know it will be hard but try to gather enough evidence and when you do you can deal with them. Make sure you start saving or doing something and I hope you won't have feelings for him because marriage don finish for there unless God says otherwise. Just live for your kids cos they are the most important thing in the world to you. The Lord is your strength my dear, God knows best.

  50. Poster, did this happen or its a figment of your imagination and u want to see how people will react? Cos you told us to imagine it, u didnt tel us its a true life story. Mbok, I have work to do.

  51. OMG don't even know what to say to this poster,Human beings are Evil Kai

    Kindly report him to your family and his family,also make sure that the treat that your friends fcuk up in a way she would never recover from.



  52. First, dont kill yourself and dont kill anyone. Cry if you can, shed tears if it is possible, inform some people eg Pastor, family heads, his parents or friends, who are mature and can help you.

    Stolen water is always sweet. They have gone too far. But not too late to stop

  53. There is no best friend greater than that baby in your womb that you shoot out; is there?
    So what if your "best friend" shoots you out like in this case?

    1. Aunty abortion, you are crazy but you haven't been diagnosed yet.

    2. @17:53
      She hasn't been diagnosed and you call her "crazy?"
      Are you not contradicting yourself?

    3. ????

      This is why Federal Government has banned codeine.

    4. 18:57 I am not contradicting myself. She has not been diagnosed by a psychiatrist but I am telling her for free, I am certain that a psychiatrist will give the exact same diagnosis maybe in different words. Better now? *rolls eyes*

    5. How can.somebody be this obsessed. It is not normal. There's really something wrong.

  54. If you are looking for smile office in Abuja, its near Eden garden at Jabi at that blades plaza by the traffic light.

  55. Hmmm....i will give both of them mark

  56. Make sure you control your anger,calm down afterall continue milking your friend and husband. Get a huge some from her if she is rich,get something doing no matter how small try and pour out your mind to your mother(cos you need a shoulder to lean on)cry if you needs to after gaining your independent you can now expose them and you can also reconnect with any of your ex that can give you a listening hear anytime you needs to rant (not necessarily for dating. This is exactly how I did my own and I won the battle for good.

  57. That is why i don't have female friend expert mâle friend

    1. Male friend can still fuck you up. All na fuck.

  58. Go knack pigeon on your husband's and her head. You're even still calling that witch your bestie

  59. go to MFM for deliverance

  60. Poster please fine a way to get some money, pick all the valuable things that will be of needs to you and your children and leave that house for now.
    Then report him higher authority like pastor, families and leave the rest to God

  61. Hmmmmmmm

    You are using African Magic eye to look at this situation.

    E never clear for your eye.

    Somebody who can starve you of money and doesn't mind seeing you hungry and lack just so he can pamper his girlfriend, can kill you. After all, one hole is as good as another.

    Bestie that knows you are languishing in your home and is playing poker with your life,(imagine telling your own husband to give you 10k) will kill you.

    You are of no value to her. It is your husband she wants.
    Those 2 are children of Satan.

    Better take yourself out and faaaaaaaaaar if you plan to address the adultery. Because once you let them know you know what's up, na the end of you be that.

    Quote me anyday anytime.

    PS: You have no business with the bestie. Do you think that's the only women he's banging?? You are so naive. Don't allow him touch you before he dashes you gonorrhoea and HIV. You kuku don't have money to eat much less buy drugs. Kpele. Na the new generation of Nigerian men be that availble to you ladies. Absolute scum.

  62. I will suggest u look for something doing, expose dem and then move out of d house cos u ll never be able to forgive ur hubby and friend after doing this unthinkable thing to u

  63. Use the information you have to blackmail them. That will give u some relief. Gather enough before confronting them.

  64. So a husband deprives his household to setup a shop for his mistress, attends to her financial needs while his own children's school fees goes unpaid, and the mistress just so happens to be the best friend of the wife, maybe was even the maid of honour at the wedding. Interesting.

    Well, before you do anything have a good cry and let it all out. Just let it out. Pray to God for strength and wisdom in how you handle things. Then, when you are fully composed have a talk with your husband, let him know you are fully aware of his affair. Let him know how you truly feel, that you never saw him as a man who would impoverish his family, have his wife begging because he spent his money enriching another woman. I do not know if you desire to remain married, but if you do then you will both have to work through this with a counsellor or pastor. Tell your parents and close siblings. I do not believe in keeping these things secret because if anything happens to you there is someone else who knows the history. You are justified in walking away from the marriage if you so choose, but do not make life changing decision in anger. This issue is between you and your husband, do not speak to that woman ever again, just wipe her completely out of your life and move on. If you feel you must confront her, because I know everyone is different and some ppl need closure, then meet with her and let her know you are aware of the deception and end the friendship there. Tell her not to call or visit your home, or even speak to you if she sees you in public. Just make it clear your family and home is off limits to her going forward.

    If you choose to remain married just know that your marriage will never be the same again, the wound will heal but the scar will always be there. You may still love your husband, but it will not be in the innocent and happy-go-lucky kind of love you had before, it will be a very different kind of love, darker and more cautious. Going forward, please be of the mind to have a nest egg of your own. Seek financial freedom so that if this comes up again you will have the means to walk and don't look back.

    1. Thank you for breaking it down to this woman. Her marriage will not be the same again.

  65. This is the height of betrayal. If you survive this turbulence in your life, God loves you. In anything you do don't shed anybody's blood, not even yours. Its going to be hard for you to move on o. But keep encouraging yourself in the Lord.
    It is very hard for you not to hurt anybody with a wickedness such as this but I tell you it is possible and God will help you. I will keep you in prayer and the holy spirit will definitely fund you

  66. Aaaaaaah!!!!!. This is the most hurtful thing I have read in a long while. This betrayal is unbearable. Please involve family members to be on a safer side. Let them know you know what's up and then leave if you can't deal. Like,who can sef? 😬😬

  67. The reason I don't make friend with women,they are jealous and evil,my husband bought our house with my name,my ex girlfriend was happy I thought,one day we were eating suddenly she started telling my son,don't take your father stupidity,this one he bought house with your mother's name instead of his own.I didn't answer her,but for 5years I have not been answering her calls and she don't know why I caught of our friendship.Since then I don't allow any woman,and any Nigerians into my life..I have gotten more than that from my husband without anyone calling my husband mumu..

    1. There will always be trifling people. Your "friend" needed to be cut off. However, not all women are like that. In the posters case, her husband is a dog PERIOD.

    2. Assurance fall on you

    3. Assurance fall on you

    4. Assurance fall on you

  68. i think you deal with your husband,hire thugs to beat him,serious beating that he will never forget,and then tell them to tell him is her boyfriend that sent them to deal with him and that the next time he sees him close to her,he will be a dead man.


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