Stella Dimoko Tuesday Spontaneous ...


Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Tuesday Spontaneous ...

#newmonthgoals #underthetableorweather #iseeanewhashtagaddict #hellomamasofine #boyfriendsstillinbed #someonewentghostonme #neveragainneveragainneveragain #rainyday #nawah #crayfishbusinessloading #omgthattimeagain #oneemlasan #abiyournamenoberasakibeforeyoutravelabroad #ihaveanattitudeproblem #removethespeckfromyoureyesfirsteh #ilovetolove #hmmmmm

Good Morning everyone...

Hope you all had a good nights rest?work begins today and this week looks like it will be short and full of activities....

Please send in your in house news stuff....I noticed that we have new blog visitors because of free advert....I dont mind advertising for new Blog visitors but I would rather first advertise for someone who has been here for long and then it gets to the turn of newbees.
its turn by turn and will get to everyone.

Why is crayfish causing so much commotion?I dont get it at all...Common crayfish?Why are people changing ID's cos of crayfish?smelling crayfish?Please you people should stop falling my hand and making this blog look and sound like Mile 12...LMAO.

Blog PA please round up this crayfish business today and take it off the blog..if anyone is not readily available,go back to the list of those who indicated and choose someone else,keep doing that until the list gets to 15 and get their contact info otherwise we cannot get them to the venue of sharing....

You guys should take it easy on my PA please cos the job isnt easy and you dont know whose toes you will step on next because no matter how good you do it,you can never do it right for get?hehehehehehehe..poor PA.

Kisses to everyone


  1. Back to work. Funny thing is, I actually missed coming to work Good morning BVs fruitful week to us all.

    1. The part of work I miss is my ride home with my crush (I really like him but I can say it)I always look forward to close of work each day for this.I guess it's a girl's world to like a man but you can't express it.

    2. Be dere ooo!!! Still someone else takes him

  2. IHN? Stella abeg, u still dey sleep?

  3. Good morning to each and every one of you. May your day be filled with so much love, positivity and MONEY.

    So, I got a lift yesterday, in a 2018 Mercedes Benz E Class!
    It was so amazing I almost gave the guy my number when I got off, ladies I totally understand now. šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒ

    Happy New Month. šŸ˜

    1. Hahahhahaha rowland koro oh! I can imagine yene avudashi? God bless you my brother.

    2. u are in love with the guy now...we understand

    3. Hahahahahaha...... The struggle isn't easy jare

    4. šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…

    5. This is so funnyšŸ˜¹

  4. Good morning everyone here.
    How was the Easter Break.

    Hustle have started again
    God bless all our hustle.

    Congratulations to the winners

    God bless the givers real good.

    Stella your heading(In House News

  5. Let me go anonymous here and ask this question. There was an argument between some guys about women with big breast, one among the guys said a lady with big breast is either a lactating mother or was once pregnant. Ladies here pls help a brother to know, is it true only this two things can enlarge a woman's breast so big? The lady I am crushing on has a very big breast and not that she is even fat self. Could it be what I am thinking? (has a child, or abortion)

    1. Shattap your mouth. Do you think everyone's body is the same. Mumu man abi na boy you be

    2. How old are u?
      That is a fat lie....people have big boobs naturally

    3. Gosh, how old are you? If you are above 18, please pick up a book and educate yourself. You sound too ignorant to be an adult. These are the kind of silly questions boys who have just started puberty and wet dreams ask. Mtsheeew.

    4. Hehehehehe,my dear anonymous u sound really dumb,ur friend sounds dumber, for ur information my wife is very busty, she was busty when I met her and is still very very busty and guess what,I met her a virgin, so go tell ur friend to educate himself properly before talking in public next time

    5. Anonymous I am very busty and I have never had a child in my life or become pregnant before,that ur friend is mad for saying that rubbish and u are even more stupid to have listened, it shows that u are not educated,I won't be surprised if u are one ordinary mechanic village boy,next time ask Google, Google is ur friend

    6. Oga anno....i am very busty... Guess what am a virgin with two kids... Lol argue with you village titled men

    7. Teenager, please face your books.

    8. Bia Preteen, go and study for your exams.

  6. Good morning everyone... Dear beloved,I saw ur call out on SP yesterday but I was too busy to comment. Let me drop this here to clear my name... Am not a scammer o and I did not deny my former ID reason y i disclose the ID when you requested for it... I joined this blog since 2016. I used to comment with Google ID before i learnt about blog ID Cute hajia omo mummy which I was using to comment till Feb when I changed to this present ID. My reason for changing my ID was not for dubious reason, a friend used the hashtag #poshbaby on her birthday post. I liked the name and decide to adopt it. My regret was nt informing the house after the change. Concerning the chronicle, u said I recieved 150k, no dear it was 104k which i ll forever be grateful for. As at when my chronicle was posted, i was in a serious mess then. My problem was more than 200k, like I was owing Two session school fees90k, surcharge fee 5k and then my project supervisor and collegues were on my neck, i was delaying the project due to finance. I had given up already but God sent help to me through Stella and Angels on this blog. I did not spend 10 naira for purewater frm dat money. I invested every kobo on my education( If i dey lie make God punish me o) I spent the first 50k for 300l fees nd surcharge. Then I used 65k minus lil lil expenses for my project( heavy metals analysis on sea foods). I could not nt graduate last yr cos the sch portal was closed for payment of my final yr sch fees. So am in final yr nw and ll defend my last yr project by dis yr ending. I travelled home to hustle for my school fees which i paid on the 9th of feb. I never came back to beg for it. The reason y i applied for this giveaway was cos i needed to do something to avoid coming back to beg. If i wanted to scam people, i would have created a new Account long ago and come back to beg again. Its still my old Account just a change of name. So investing in my future is a waste of money abi, i should av dropped and start business or what. U did not even me to defend myself before accusing. ... No be ur fault sha, na conditon make crayfish bend na...

    1. Keep quiet. Are we the ones that brought you to this world. You are just a greedy woman or girl. Dont you have family members to help you with? I am ashamed you still came to talk again. How much is the crayfish business that you cannot have?

      Shame on you woman

    2. After defending yourself, u now spoilt it with your last sentence. Not cool.

    3. So sorry for all this but don't blame her..u have gotten help at all,some people conditions are even worst than ur own...maybe u should save up little sum and start something.

    4. Babe We have heard you.

      Everyone has a story. Wait till you hear before you declare yours worst.

      Like someone said yesterday what if this blog no dey.

      Concentrate on your project, alright.

      We will be fine

    5. The thing this crayfish will cause ehhhh

    6. All these beggars,you people get mind o,see epistle on top crayfish šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž

    7. Gosh what an irritating entitled sense of self. Tueh!!!!

    8. Your last three sentences were so unnecessary.

    9. @poshbaby, leave people to talk. You didn't even beg for money (so they can't come up with the excuse that u want to spend it on urself).

      You begged for crayfish, crayfish to resell and make profits, yet they are talking. Half of those bashing u have their big girl's ID and their begging ID. Do not mind them.

      Why are they not attacking others that have received numerous giveaways and are still receiving or those that have received things from this blog before but still applied for the crayfish business. Simple. Because they are two faced. They look for seemingly easy targets to prey on.

      Ignore them, they don't even deserve this explanation

    10. Humble beginning that would have given you more things but arrogant ending that spoilt the whole writes humble

    11. Na wa ooooo...... Y'all should easy with the bashing, and PoshBaby, it's well....

    12. Why is no one bashing Olawealth like this too?
      Olawealth, its good to take opportunities as it comes but this is totally not necessary.
      Drops microphone

    13. Yori you kuku no well so I'm not surprised at your stupid statement. You attacked people for saying olawealth doesn't deserve the crayfish, despite serging and doing Ankara supported by Stella already. Aren't you being a hypocrite for attacking this girl on same basis? Bipolar hanty, use your meds.

    14. Posh Baby you started your comment well and I was feeling pity for you. But you ended it with arrogance, rudeness and sense of entitlement. It pays to be polite and humble my dear. No one owes you anything here. Or is any of your relative on this blog? We don't have to help you, we only help out of goodwill. This your attitude stink.

    15. This crayfish that you people are killing yourselves on is just one and half custard rubber, that yellow rubber. It's not even as big as the 5liter small paint rubber, it's CUSTARD rubber, not up to 5liters. Maybe 4liters.

    16. Eka joy so u don't see anything wrong with her last paragraph? I don't blame you, you are both in the same beggars club and you too are rude and arrogant so you won't see anything wrong. I pray she doesn't get picked.

  7. Good morning everyone. It is very clear to me now that my village people will never allow me get any giveaway on this Blog not even a PAINT OF CRAFISH with this my WHATEVER Blog ID, So BV Martin please come to my rescue by telling me how to change my blog ID. Please do this as soon as possible. To even think that I got this ID solely for Giveaway and I have not gotten any up till now is more FRUSTRATING. My ernest prayer is that this my New ID will get me more GIVEAWAYS that will change my life for Good. Thanks everyone. Blog PA I sight you. Stella I sight your IHN by 7am. It is all good.

    1. You this whatever i dont know what to say to you. You just continue to make me laugh. Abeg i dont want to laugh again.

      I pray you get what you want. It is well with una. No difference between civil servants and una

    2. Ma please forget about the crayfish. Right now I need business women and men. You created this ID solely for giveaways. Inukwa

    3. Shut up,you this compulsory natural beggar šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž

    4. Ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa Ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa

    5. Lady bug, take am easy, don't tell me you didn't see the humour in that comment, Lmaooooo

    6. Chei!
      Wetin this crayfish go cause, even Stella sef no go fit settle am

    7. President D'Royalty...I saw what you did yesterday. See eh no bother looking for drama because there's too many vacant flats IN THE YARD. Who you wan do drama with? Runaway bvs? Many have packed out na, abi you blind ni?

      Imagine you live in a 50storey high rise building with many occupants, with about 12 of them in a gang up with a mutual hatred chanting your name and cursing you XP this XP that,out of envy o, you fight back then you fall sick sometime in September and travel out and return in November 2017, to see that many flats are now empty. Shiooor!
      Where's everybody na? SILENCE! House owner where are tenants na? SILENCE!

      Then you ask the Security officer, Mallam where's everybody and he says "Madam, bad water run full the reservoir o, nobody know who open tap (leaking mouth amebo) to let bad water in. Dem no fit use the water. So dem don run comot finish.
      Oh chim ooo!

      Hmmmm. Drama on this blog? And some said there's nothing like KARMA? If I hear?
      If you want a refreshing time go read spontaneous posts of August 1 to 5th August 2017 plus In house news and have a good laugh. Make sure you read above 200+ comment. Hmmm. The Egyptians we see today.....

      Same people that are doing video calls and chatting and mailing Charismatic Busu are now crying in comment section and looking for her or anyone with her contact? What do you think? Her Germany address is missing or what? Hahahahaha.
      They called Nmasinachi all sorts of names for trying to defend me, dragged King XOXO Mystery by her throat for supporting me. Same with many others. Now what do we see?
      I keep saying it, I am a woman who knows the power between my knee and the floor. I USE IT. That is why I maintain my lane all year long. The Grace of God is upon my life.

      As per decoding you? Kikiki. You know na. You know what you did. Most people are here cursing,cussing and fighting meanwhile they are stark naked on Apple WebKit, their pubic hair is showing on Hangout and the hairs in their nostrils is bare on KHTML and OPT Safari but because they locked their profiles they think they are smart while they bug and troll. If you have access to Base64 WebKit, I swearugawd you will faint.
      I laugh in Spanish jajajajajaja.

      One is a new recruit busu chanting my name, I dey look am dey laugh, chic wey I don enter her Popsie house (an orange and yellow edifice with black gate), she follow my small cousin read Mass Comm sef,I no fit kill person wey I go follow bury biko. Na me dem go blame if I meskebe her nyash here. The next bv could be your neighbour or relation, look well before you fight back.

      Just do like you no know anything o. Make we continue to dey "cash" fun here. There is a reward in lying low and being humble even though some will still come and drag down this thread and scream BRAGGART. "Moi moi seller like you, shut up". Who dash you travelling, who give you visa,do you have international passport? Meanwhile my 1st pali screams Br.Citizen o. Hahahaha. I don die. Thank God for stamp on arrival, Our parents tear eye weyyyy back pass dem own ni.Hahahaha.
      I looove this blog.
      High blog pressure is faaaaaarr from me.
      Thanks to Stella Kork and her blog shildren.

      Xhlrted P
      Reporting from PLANET JUPITER

    8. This crayfish is small paint rubber and half. It's even custard rubber that they use

    9. Xp is it on blog where there are many faceless anonymous peeps, that you are vomiting all these biles?
      Babe you must be mean ooh in life.
      Who knows if you were not the one that rekindled the fight btwn chiki and eka in sp yesterday.
      I say again, madam thou art mean phuuuuleeeĆØessss. Anumpama

  8. It's a new day.
    Soft Touch

  9. Good morning everyone, holiday has ended so na work get us this morning. Hope nobody find it hard to stand up from bed this morning?
    Beloved please I am interested in the crayfish giveaway. Although I rarely comment but you can ask Stella about me because I send her mail virtually every week. I stay in Lagos and I would appreciate if you can pick me. Thank you.

    1. See your mouth like interested in crayfish,to cook soup abišŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž

    2. The crayfish is for selling ie for empowerment not for cooking soup at home oh

    3. I don't intend using it to cook soup Beloved.. Instead I wish to sell it and I would appreciate if you can include my name. Thanks.

    4. Kwakwakwa..Lady bug you be case study . I have said it here b4 . N i will say it again. If you apply for the crefish business give away with no interest in doing business with it. May God humble you. Same as the cat fish business. Don't be greedy. If you apply to use it to make afang, uha, egusi soup n co, make your Tommy swell as you eat it. Iseeeeeeeee

  10. Lol @mile 12. I just wish to tell we the mothes here that we should endeavour to be good future mother in laws. When I read the chronicle of the lady with bad mother in law who wanted to take her two female grand children, I wasn't happy. I don't know why mostly females/women are full of wahala and drama. Some women are just she devils. Well,it is well. Do all have a happy Tuesday. Bye

  11. Good morning everyone.

    We need to complete this crayfish ish today abeg oh

    6.Madam B--Lagos
    7.Castle Windsor--Abuja

    I have removed BVs that their location is Uyo. Reason, the Bv selling is buying from Uyo. It's way cheaper there. So those in Uyo should buy from there. Let's not waste the resources.

    Bv Olawealth if you still insist on collection of the crayfish, You have to send the money for the waybill first. According to reports, the money for waybill can buy three paints of the crayfish.

    Right now, I need about 8 names to make the list 15. Please you must be in Lagos to make it easier for everyone.

    So please while applying state your location.

    I also need your contacts ASAP. I have Olawealth's and Cutiebee's...Others please send yours to me. Thank you

    We need to end this transaction Today oh.


    Bv Mama Nnuku please contact my boss ASAP. You haven't replied the message she sent you.

    CRAYFISH SELLER, Please contact my boss As Soon as you see this. Thank you

    IsaacBaba, Please contact me As soon as you see this. Thank you

    Thanks to everyone who reads and drops their opinion. Keep it up. Love you all šŸ˜

    1. So bvs that are not in Lagos should not benefit abi???

    2. Good morning beloved. Thanks for picking me, I truly appreciate buy God just answered a prayer I have been praying for long, I have this passion for baking and been praying for help to go into it fully and learn more, someone just blessed me with my training fee and some amount to buy the things I need, I will be starting next week Monday so I won't be needing the crayfish giveaway anymore, I really do appreciate for picking me in first place cos my plan was to go into the business for some time and raise money for my training. Please kindly pick someone else for the giveaway. Thanks SDk, God bless you richly. Good morning bvs.

    3. I think this just spoilt my morning. Beloved I respect your decision sha but truth be told do you think if I had money to buy here to start on my own that I wouldn't have done since? There is no need of mailing Stella to beg her because i am not the only one with issues but trust me if u knew half of the story,you would have seen how badly I needed this start-up. Its all good sha,life continues.
      Very wet morning it is here in Uyo

    4. make this job easier for you. Get a blog DIARY. Fix phone numbers and email ads to the names. If possible attach a photograph to each.

      Had it been you had that, bv CuteHajia wouldn't adopt the new name Posh Baby. Once you type it in the diary the original owner's name will crop up.
      I recall Posh Baby said she lives in Lagos around Okota Area of Lagos, she has her pictures attached to her name on different occasions.

      Sorry for the stress she put you through. She wouldn't have cheated deliberately with such a known ID.
      Consider her.

    5. Pls add posh baby if u can

    6. Beloved pls consider cute hajia aka Posh Baby. I feel for her reading her story. It is well with everyone.

    7. Marvel pls shift to one side abeg
      Use that 1k or so that you wanted to use to pay for delivery and buy crayfish in that Akwa-ibom where you live. Crayfish of 1k there will be plenty, that place is the headquarters of fish and crayfish. Use it to start your crayfish business. Mstcheeeeew

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. The crayfish is that small paint rubber and half. It's even custard rubber that they use. So think well before crying over it

    10. Beloved pick new set of people and add to the list. Aya Williams, Olabisi Evelyn, Olive o, SDK's Beloved daughter, etc. Don't pick cute hajia that went and stole someone's blog id posh baby. And she is even making mouth up there asking us if we wanted her to drop out of school bla bla bla. Bv whatever is better than her. Eka joy, the crayfish is just 3200 per paint rubber, buy it for your posh Baby, you can afford it.

    11. Beloved Why did you say you don't want any outside Lagos after picking two people?

  12. Good morning people,Please how do I send my contacts concerning the crayfish business.God bless you sdk.

    1. Na crayfish dey reign now šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž

    2. Your name no dey for up there, why?

    3. Beloved what a question! I know your task isn't easy, nut you need to stop it! Is olawealth in Lagos?? Or the Abuja name on the list?!?? Baby try to be dispassionate, please. Remove Ola and Abuja name, and pit only Lagos people who meet other criteria.

    4. Beloved you and your boss are bias. If you want only Lagos peeps why is Ola and castle on the list? I'm not interested but I m observing everything to is the on here. Let be transparent in our actions here.

    5. Am in Lagos ooh and I replied you yesterday,i don't know why my name is not there deroyalty it was included yesterday.

  13. Beautiful morning. I welcome you all.

    Crayfish business hmmmmmmmm is it the wet one or the dry one that is causing wahala for this blog. You all can see that the APC government has caused lots of problem so tey the problem enter crayfish business.

    Anyway goodluck to winners. Dont use it to cook Ukazi soup ooo if not I will come to your house and eat the Ukazi soup. Hope you will invite me for it.

    Thank God for today. It is bright and fair, today is joy.

    See you all

  14. Stella why re you stressing me this morning, I had to close one eye to be able to read your hashtags. My mind was telling me to stop but my aproko/amebo instincts told me to continue.

    Sandy Neky
    Chief and Boss of this blog @Linda, your comments re rare these days o
    Where re you peeps nah? I'm missing
    y'all ošŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

    The rest BVN una goodmorning o
    I like this new timešŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†

    1. Gudmorn
      Miss priya
      Miss kenefo
      Fan mum
      Same gal
      Esako gal
      Esako pearl

    2. These bvs you both mentioned are still here under new names or anonymous. They read the blog everyday but just choose to mute their former ids.

  15. Good morning Everyone...

    God is Able to do just what HE says HE will DO...

    HE'S gonna Fulfill every PROMISE to YOU...

    don't give up on God...

    Cos, HE won't give up on you...

    HE'S ABLE...

  16. I didn't change my I'd because of the Cray fish business oo..av changed it even before Stella announced d giveaway

    1. Read your comment on SP yesterday on why you changed your name.
      You should have told me you wanted to be popular or to be noticed, I would have taught you how to go about it without changing your Id. You would have become more popular than me sef.


      See now, you changed your Id and missed the giveaway. You can still revert back to your former Id 'BIZ' and reapply.

  17. goodmorning guys...@beloved I answered wat u asked us o...go n check yesterday sp

    1. I checked. You said you changed from your biz ID abi. But you didn't say which. Unless I didn't understand what you said. šŸ¤¦šŸ¾

  18. It's a beautiful Tuesday morning... Ekaro o

  19. and I didn't change my I'd because of the Cray fish business...av changed it even before Stella announced d giveaway

    1. Make all of Una go rest, crayfish yen yen yen šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž

    2. You explained you were using a business id before changing to this, right? We are asking "what is the name of your former id?". Is it difficult to answer?

  20. Gudmorn Stella
    Kisses to ur bfsšŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ’‹šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ’‹
    Gudmorn everyonešŸ’‹šŸ˜˜šŸ’žšŸ’•ā¤šŸ’—šŸ’–šŸ’ā¤

  21. Good morning everyone ... on my way out already. Thank God for a wonderful holiday twas really worth it.

    Here's wishing you all a splendid day

  22. Back to work. I miss work jare.

    Stella you call crayfish smelling? If I hearšŸ˜.

    Congrats to those picked for the cray Biz.

    Have a great day people.

  23. My own is that anyone that doesn't reside in Lagos should be removed from the crayfish list. How can you be living in PH, Calabar, Kano and want to buy crayfish from Lagos?

    Stella take note because the whole essence of the business will be forfeited.

    Afang soup go take over.

    1. But people buy things from Lagos and waybill them to other state,it is not only Lagos bvs that are here naw other people that really need help should get it too..except there is other reasons,distance is not a genuine reason..

    2. You are mean ooh,Haba!.Lagos bvs has been the only ones benefiting from every giveaways on this blog including job opportunities.You guys should also remember that this blog have visitors also from north,south,east.
      I had interest on that crayfish business from the first day it was announced,but i never showed interest since its never going get to us (Northern Bvs)
      Stella dear,pls consider some loyal bvs who dont stay in lagos biko!.

    3. People buy things in BULK madam Sharon. How will you pay for paint of crayfish? How much do you then want to sell it???? Use sense please.

    4. Sharon, people do but they don't waybill one bucket of crayfish to far north to sell. If it's bags of it then it makes sense not one bucket.

      Those that live far that applied are just greedy because it's free. Ask them if they will use their money to buy one bucket of crayfish and send to that far place?

    5. You're right swaggie, the cost of paying for the waybill wouldn't it be enough to buy the said crayfish?
      I said it yesterday, it should be for Lagos bvs only, they come, share it amongst themselves and resell. Make una no roast me oh, I don't live in Lagos

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Lmaooooooo, Swaggie! !!!!!

      What quantity is this crayfish sef?? It will be too much for soup Nah

    8. its a custard bucket, taught its that big paint bucket soup dem go take am make.

    9. I don't think so,people read this blog from allover Nigeria and should be allowed to participate.

    10. Sharon it's custard bucket o not the big paint bucket

  24. Good morning fam
    Is another beautiful morning and God is merciful.
    May our day be filled with blessings.


  25. Good morning people I am so happy to be here today cos its my hubs birthday yay boo is +1 make una wish am well for me. Yesterday I had fun with friends I finally ate fresh fish soup by kalabari people ewooo I need the receipe. Today suppose be bole and fish head choi

    1. happy birthday to your husband. May God bless him more Amen.

      so you dey enjoy yenogoa, you no talk about our telemundo again? I will give you 24 strokes of cane when you come back

    2. Fisherman soup you mean?šŸ’ƒšŸ’ƒ
      Happy birthday to him

    3. What is inside fish head that you are eating? Empty cranium with two strong eyes? And you will even pay for it? Hian!

    4. Happy Birthday to your husband. Oshiomoshi wa moguvo Yo. Ove ri ezi ozian. Ukata Oshiomoshi.

    5. Happy birthday to our brother.

    6. Anon, u say? Head of fish na d koko.

    7. Mumu anon is it ya money? If you don't have anything to say just gtho of ma comment space!

    8. Happy Birthday to your Man

    9. Happy birthday to ur hubby. Enjoy urself. I like that Ph bole and fish sauce.

    10. Thank you all I really appreciate your messages.

    11. Happy birthday to the man behind ur smilešŸ®šŸ®šŸ®

    12. Happy birthday to your hubby. Long life and prosperity to him.

    13. Happy birthday to your boo of life.

    14. Happy birthday to your bobo. I love that fish head ehn. Everyone knows at home.

  26. Good morning everyone a fruitful day to everyone . Live right, think right,speak right and you will see it turn out right. There is much hunger in the land that many are ready to do anything to survive and that includes use of multiple ids. It is wrong but many will shove it up as hustling. When we are not honest in little things how do we expect to be with greater things. It is a matter of personal integrity which we as a people will have to deploy in our daily transactions if we actually want to see a change in our nation. All the best to those who applied I pray those who actually need it and will make the most out of it get it.

    1. All this one you talk na story. Some of them will still change ID after this giveaway. So they can catch another give away. You know it's very easy to scam on this blog. Create new ID, get a friend's account number to receive the money. Or ask a friend to do the pick up. Finish. Forget all that karma rubbish.

  27. Blessed morning to us all. Please how good is Ghana black soap for a fair person before I enter one chance please.

  28. Goodmorning people,it's as if the holidays shouldn't end,I can't wait for Friday abeg.

    Today is another day to make existing count,so let's all put in the work anf i ptay out hustle pays


  29. You have 5000 friends and you keep wondering why you don't get up to 4000 likes when you post a picture or make a post.My dear friend., its not everyone who want your progress.If you want to catch them haters make a short video of yourself crying,don't say anything while making the video log out and come back in the next 1 hour you will see 2 likes, 5 comments and 3,690 views.They are monitoring spirits not your friends ,they only like your posts when you are mourning.May God take them..wicked people.

  30. Good morning dear Stella! Common smelling crayfish make I borrow D'royalty laugh Ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwa Ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwa šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Beloved I admire your way of selecting but comot olawealth name for that your list ooo! Abeg why spend so much to waybill common smelling crayfish by air. Beloved shine your eye and select well. A lovely week to everyone šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜

    1. Nkiru leave Ola wealth o. Let him hustle.
      I am still laughing at the comment by an anon yesterday that if Ola see pant and bra giveaway, he will apply on behalf of his girlfriend.


    2. Bia D'royalty abeg free me make I talk my mind ooo! Na only Olawealth dey for this blog??? Which hustle? *Side eyes* Let him concentrate on his Ankara business and become a giver as well.

    3. Omg, someone said that about Ola? Savage, hahahaha.

  31. Replies
    1. Bia nne biko stop this your disappearing act..... Howdy lipsticalley. ā¤ļø

    2. Rolly Baiby, I am good.

      I'll try to be active, na work no gree me ohh

  32. In house news keh?chei chei chei......anyways gbangaun is allowed abeg.....

    if you are in algos and need this crayfish bizness please indicate and then contact the blog PA by clicking on her profile...we need to seal this biz up so so crayfish dream i dey dream now...hahahahhahahahahahaha

    1. hahahahahaha so you have joined the dreamers?

    2. Hahahaha Hahahaha dreams of crayfish chaiii

      Bvs please let us seal this today so that my boss will stop dreaming of "smelling crayfish"


    3. I dreamt too about the crayfish but I saw that this crayfish business was used by the giver to test bvs' humility, they were now given more "things" and they got wowed and all jumped and down the comment section praising God's name and jubilating. I woke up smiling.
      God bless The giver.

      6.Madam B--Lagos
      7.Castle Windsor--Abuja
      And more to follow? Work it, do it, push it and grow it. Please don't cook or play with the items.
      God is watching.

    4. Ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa
      Stella you dey dream crayfish dream? How you take dream the dream? Crayfish dey talk for the dream or the thing change to one bv?

    5. lols!! the thing dikwa very funny is well.

    6. Stella, Crayfish is serious biz o. It is not smelling biko. Thanks for choosing me.

      Beloved, how do I send my contact to u? Can't see ur email address in ur profile.

  33. Please I need to know if there is anyone who has a spouse that makes grammatical blunders, abeg how do you cope. I'm 25 and have just finished my masters and I met this really cool dude who's doing great career-wise and has good morals and he also has a masters degree, but his English is terrible. Just yesterday, he asked me 'where did you went to?'. My fellow BV's abeg is love greater than English? How do I cope with this?

    1. hahahhahahaha, when he ask next time, tell him you wented to Lagos. hahahahaha.

      If you cant cope, please move and let others who can cope take over

    2. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

      It will get better jare..... If he's doing well career wise, he might not be that bad since na English him dey speak for work

      There was this guy that I've been crushing on for a really long time when I was young, we were friends and boy, was he cute!!! After years passed and crush vanished we were gisting one day and he said YUBER instead of UBER, the way I burst out laughing ehnnnnnnnnn, don't know if it was a mistake or not but Mehnnnnnnn, it was damn funny!!!!! Just overlook the grammar, correct him in love and be happy


    3. Poster I hope you responded with 'I goned somewhere.'

      If your love can bear his atrocious gbagauns in public and private then by all means fire on.
      Love is blind and deaf.

      The good thing is when you're arguing with each other and he's shelling like a melon seller,that alone will make you laugh. Voila! Anger diffused.

      To boost your love, you can also throw in your own gbagauns. It will make your conversations hella interesting. Does he have a thick Igbotic accent as if he packed hot saliva in his throat. Or does he have that Yoruba sing song hyena accent? Just make sure you don't sound too Oyibo Britanicca when talking to le boo otherwise you will start to irritate/intimidate him. And you know the Nigerian man's ego is made of egg shells.

      Me that can laugh for Africa would have loved to be there during any of your erm 'dialogues' *already wipes tears of mirth but you can always send your stories to the Chronicles folder.

      Just curious though,if this was a Lebanese or Indian would it matter?

    4. Do not leave that good man because of his blunders. You can just be correcting him with love. Yes,love is greater than English.

    5. Anon. 9:43, lemme tell you this. I understand because I have been in your shoes once. There was this guy that was asking me out, I liked him but he makes mistakes with "Have & Has", and tenses generally. I was never able to correct. I never got to date him, but we are still friends and I still haven't got the courage to correct him.

      I have a boyfriend who speaks impeccable English, but who pronounces some words wrongly (mother tongue interference). I correct him almost always, his wrong pronunciation is mild, so it isn't at the level that causes embarrassment. The beautiful part is that he is never embarrassed when I correct him, he laughs and says 'leave me jare', but he takes the correction. I even tell him the rules to follow in order to pronounce properly.
      It has never been an issue.
      If your guy is teachable, willing to listen and humble, then attempt correcting him and watch his reaction, that should guide you.

  34. Let me not lie, this Teddy A eviction sweet me ehhhhhn.
    I don't care if they use helicopter to welcome him when he comes.
    Imagine him saying that that does it mean viewers prefer Nina or even CeeC to BamBam??? That they are all blind šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ not knowing that they even prefer them to him!!! Kikikikikikikikikikikikikikikikiikikikik
    I love it when proud people are humbled with their nose mashing the ground hard. Ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa

    1. Bia anon, who gave you the permission to be laughing this laugh anyhow? Take ya time o

    2. D'Royalty, maybe you should trademark this your laughter ohhh!!

      Cos every time someone uses it, your ID pops up in my mind. Loooooooooooool

  35. Good morning everyone Holliday is over wish everyone fruitful week

  36. God i use this crayfish saga on SDK as a prayer point that every sprit of poverty in my life be sent away far from me this year and forever. on top crayfish na him some people wan craze so

  37. Good morning and greetings from PLANET JUPITER.*shines teeth*
    Still on Easter holiday,entitled to a few days off duty because of something something but not using my phone because it's on top of first aid box or in DH's pocket before the little ones will "bathe" my phone. Got many things to attend to.

    Stella you I find come this morning. Shey u dey swallow comments when bvs reply under a comment bearing my name, ko? One said me and Chikito are living in one kind PLANET, you post am and froze comments, why? I have 3 comments you didn't enable, they posted it to my inbox. Continue. Just know that I don't need a soothsayer to know where that came from, I only need to read it 3 times. My brain is that Smart and "control sort" on a black interface can link words easily. The way one writes doesn't change, once it comes from "someone" it does except on few occasion. Shikena.
    Chuckles indeed. Mtscheeew. Some people will just be boiling on top nothing. Iwa e o da ladugbo! Wobbish!

    And to Anony still chewing my comments, there are 2 places in Lagos only: Lagos Island and Lagos Mainland and that mainland is Mushin, Surulere, Ikeja and Gbagada. If you are not living in any of those please make friends with them so you can 'tear eye' small. Some cool exposure awaits you. Na advise I give Chikito o make some people face front. Not like we are friends or agemates but blog hi friends, if I feel the need to correct her or caution her on some things I do it straight up. That is my trademark, not scared one bit and it gives me joy especially on Sundays when some parents walk up to me to say "I was calling my kids to shower at night and they were hiding, the minute I screamed that I will tell you, they all creeped out of hiding and started begging me not to tell Tanti Yada". Hahahaha. I looove those moments. Yhey will bayhe sharperly because they cant stand my "brain reset corner" during sunday school. I cannot come and change because of ANYBODY. As it is with adults so it is with kids.

    I'm still in TLC mode jare let me save my anger strength for some bumping and grinding sessions. Kikiki.

    Ngwanu Bye
    Playing on low tune, Gregory's SHAKE YOU DOWN.
    *wide grin*

    1. Hmmmm, hanty u go anonymous to reply comment carrying ur name and stella refuse to post and you come here to complain and say someone send the comments that she refuse to post to ur inbox. When will u grow up hanty?

  38. Good morning house hope we are good.

  39. Madam,aunty,iya are you not a little bit too mature for this excessively puerile behaviour? The 'shadows' you are always fighting and responding to here, yes because if someone can't address me directly that person is a SHADOW,who are they? What are their names? Address them once and be done with it.
    Not carrying something that happened in 1902 like an albatross around your neck. If your so called blog friends cannot advise you then they are FOOLS.
    Every little thing is someone subbing you stylishly or this or that. Yada,yaga,yagu. Don't you get head ache wit these treatises? Please I'm not one of your shadows, not a friend, do not have ID and never intend to get one. This is where I come to laugh with and AT people. Does not exist once I shut the fricking page.

    The people who have class don't talk ad nauseum about it, they SHOW IT.

  40. Congrats to the crayfish beneficiaries. May God multiply it for you all.
    Thanks all for your wishes yesterday.

  41. Good morning everyone! I'm very interested in selling crayfish! Pls Beloved include me, I reside in Lagos. Wishing us all a wonderful day

  42. I just pray some people don't use it for personal consumption it will be unfair to those that really needs it for business


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