Stella Dimoko Sunday Spontaneous Post


Sunday, April 15, 2018

Sunday Spontaneous Post

#sunday #churchday #beautifuldayahead #jetlagged #shoutouttolondonbvs #shorthahstagjustbecause...#ichooselove #ilovedrama #dramaqueenmodeactivated.

Good Morning all....

Who is going to Church and who is not going?LOL

Please send in your stuff for in House news tomorrow and stay loved up....

TRUE TO PREDICTION:I saw some really dramatic responses to my prediction in the comment section of spontaneous post....Its Sunday,please think about the bitterness you harbour towards me or anyone else and repent....How can Stella 
''come up with a trick anytime she wants to dash one of her favourites money'' your brain working at all?Do you not think i dash my supposed favourites money privately instead of announcing it?#youneedtorepent.

I give out money to people on this Blog every other day and i do not announce it!

I have instructed my PA to pick HER FAVOURITE BV to get the giveaway since mine is a problem.....You need to learn that a giveaway is someone trying to show love to someone else and has nothing to do with being favourite or not....

I choose love...what about you?

Kisses to everyone!


  1. Isaac baba I need englightment on something. I and my colleagues were talking about data we brought from sellers that gets exuasted in 2/3 days and our IT but said the data people sell is like a bucket.

    For example Isaac buys 50gb data from mtn, the data is allocated to him but in like a bucket (figure of speech). Isaac then sells to 50 people. These 50 people at now tapping from that bucket, like all 50 people are using straw to drink from that bucket. That why is everyone data finish in days instead of the 3 months specified.

    Is this correct?

    1. Hmmm, i never thought of it this way but if this is correct then it makes sense. I apparently finished 6gb in 4 days using just whatsapp and browser.

    2. Ha Lord

      On a Sunday morning.

      Let me make it snappy. I buy data from IsaacBaba and also directly from the network providers. And the funnel abi straw they are using to suck the data are the same. That's to say from my own opinion it's not from the sellers. It's general.

      We can start a twitter protest for all the network providers to reduce the straw size. It's not even straw, it's FUNNEL. I'm serious

    3. Anon I don’t understand the straw or bucket lol.....but the data I sell all have a code for checking the available balance as it is been exhausted and also the validity date which is always 90 days or more,so there is no way for the data to get expired or finished without you the user exhausting it.....I vend data which is also like airtime VTU from one sim to another okay and what others do with thier data does not have anything to do with others.....your purchased data and consumption rate is personal if I can put it like that....someone might buy 5gb today and exhaust it all in three days and another person might buy 1gb the same day the 5gb is bought and the 1gb recipient might manage and use it for more than a month or two,so the consumption of the 5gb quickly by the other has nothing to do with the 1gb recipient....hope you grab now? You can still consult customer care for more enlightenment on this Okay.....happy Sunday

    4. Make it snappy indeed, dear beloved, replies like yours make people reluctant to voice their concerns on this blog. I've always bought data from Isaac since he was advertised here and I don't intend to stop cos it is more convenient for me. I introduced some colleagues too.
      Does it drain faster? YES. it's even slower than the other regular package, simply because it a shared bandwidth. Isaac probably knows this, but may be a trade secret for him.(well done for the calm response by the way). Now, it isn't Isaac's fault, but a technique by service providers for more sales since the package wasn't originally intended for re-sale purposes.
      Please, as long as people politely voice their concerns over issues, let's not see it as 'spoiling market' for someone

    5. @ Anno 11*20 kisses to u and yours

      Ur comment is bae 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

    6. 11:02, you couldn't have explained it better. God bless you.
      I did not see Chike here defending Isaacson and calling the complainant hater and bad bele as usual, what happened?

    7. 11:02, loll that's how she usually responds with aggressive over sabi. Ignore.

      That's how she responded to a comment I addressed to only Stella a while back with 'till then'. Of course I put her squarely where she belongs. No time for iranu.

      I use 2.5GB a week.
      Where it goes to, I don't know. I don't stream, download etc. Infact I have no videos on my phone. I'm rarely on whatsapp. I haven't updated my facebook page since 2015.
      Where my data goes to I don't know.
      Etisalat, well done.

  2. Good morning all. Happy Sunday to everyone.

    God Bless Everyone

    1. Good morning everyone. Hope you all slept well. I'm late for SP. Yesterday I slept at 9pm and woke up at 12.30 so I took the time to pray because I believe God woke me up for a reason, then I slept until 6.30, had my bath and my usual breakfast, did some cleaning but I wasn't able to go to church because where I live there are no buses on sunday. I miss church but I read psalm 25 again and I feel God wants to send me a message through that chapter of the bible. I will try to wake up a bit earlier to have a quiet time with God. I need to strengthen my relationship with God. On another note since I started my diet I don't feel hungry as much as before and I'm slowly getting back to my shape. This afternoon I will eat fried egg and spinach with a slice of brown bread and a fruit. Don't know what I will eat for dinner but it will be something light. This afternoon I hope I get a lift to go to the cinema , it's been a while I went to watch a movie. Anyways I'm bored. At least during the week I can go out because the buses are working. Until I receive the list of the subjects to study for my exams I can't even occupy myself with study even though I dread that moment but I will excell in my exams in Jesus name. I can't wait to complete all my exams and start nursing school. This morning I watched BeyoncΓ© live at Coachella but I was not impressed. Wanted to go to her concert in Milan but I'll wait until she does a solo concert because I'm not a fan of Jayz and if I have to spend 300 to see her I want to see her alone. But if she releases a new album I'll buy, I need new music from her. I also need new gospel music to listen to, something interesting and audios of preaching. I will search on YouTube and download. Today I did may manicure and pedicure and my eyebrows and I feel flyπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Sometimes you need to pamper yourself. Sorry for the long epistle maybe I should really start a journal or a personal blogπŸ˜…. I love writing down my thoughts and what I did during the day. It makes me grateful for the blessings I have and inspire me to be better in every aspect of my life. Hope you all are having a relaxing Sunday. May God bless us all.

    2. Stella where is my comment where I said this poster should start her own blog and be writing her thoughts so bvs will not bash her again? Are you scared that she will be competing with you? Like she will be dragging bvs with you? Maybe you don't want to lose her? If you refused to post the comment because of any of the above, then its for selfish reasons. Nonetheless she will still start her blog when the time comes and we will see what will happen to you then. Mstcheeew

  3. I'm in church already...Goodmorning and Happy Sunday!! I choose love o.

  4. So the ruling party twitter handle was hacked yesterday,they can't effectively and efficiently manage an handle yet they want to rule Nigeria. Okay ooo

    Good morning lovelies and happy Sunday
    It doesn't matter how over-saturated the market is. If God called you to it, there's room for you. πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

    1. Morning ma'am,abeg update us small for BBN as we no see Chioma A,i don miss out small

    2. Lol. It was funny when I saw it too...Aphyccc lol

    3. Teddy really funny

      Iya ibeji, morning ma
      I miss chioma too, will try a little on the bbnaija post.This week I am all out for Tobi.
      We won't die there, we will win here.
      #teamTobi 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

  5. Are we all awake? Morning all....

    chim-oma aka Miss Kapusu

  6. Its raining here....I'm so lazy to get off the bed and get ready for church...the wheather is just perfect.... Good morning yard people lol.

  7. Morning lovelies, living d weather big time,d Lord is our strength, do have a blessed sunday

  8. Good morning everyone
    Thank GOD for life and good health
    Preparing for church, see you all when I get back

  9. Is been raining since last night . I am the kind of person that never has an umbrella. I really need to go to church.#singing# Rain rain go away , come again another day .......

  10. I choose loveπŸ’žπŸ’•πŸ’“πŸ’–πŸ’❤πŸ˜πŸ’™
    Up BarcelonaπŸ˜πŸ‘

  11. In life you are not always perfect, you have difficulties and problems and you have to be strong. I don't think people go from zero to hero in one day and stay there for a long time, that's not real, one day they will have a difficult experience and if you have good and bad experience on the way then you are more prepared to handle real life issues.

  12. Good morning Everyone
    Happy Sunday all.

    On my way to Church.

  13. I'll go to church immediately I'm done with cooking.It's raining here but it can't stop me.Stella, please don't mind haters, they'll be fine at last. Beloved P.A,abeg remember those of us that are silent.Nice day to everyone.

    God Bless Everyone.

  14. Drank a bottle of McDowells days before my period and now it won't stop coming out 5 days after and I really need to fuck.


    1. A bottle of what? Drunkard alert o

    2. Even on a Sunday morning you wake up to put up this obnoxious word here, too bad if you ask me and come to think that children also read this blog.

    3. Teejay shut up plzzzx
      You are beginning to irritate me here.
      Just shut up.

    4. Teejay which children?what are they doing here? She can't post obnoxious words on Sunday morning but it's fine on other days?

    5. sound hypocritical saying on Sunday morning. Wow
      You choose days to be wild and holy.God has no special register for days of the week fact,everyday is same before God...

      Official prestige

    6. @Teejay you are fast becoming a problem on thus blog. Could you please fuck off? This is no blog for kids like you. Gay retard.

    7. Anonymous 9:12 I believe you are the same person as the poster, I don't need you to like or love me here cos we don't have the same level of moral values or reasoning. If my been here is irritating you, I am afraid you may have to be so for a long time cos I am not leaving here anytime soon.

    8. TeeJay shut up!

      I ain't a Christain, so i don't get what's special about Sundays.

      And Sunday isn't even the Sabbath your Jesus kept, he kept Saturdays.
      You people will be claiming you are "protesting"(protestant) against the Catholic Church yet you are worshipping on a day one of their popes changed to long time back.

      Christians are a bunch of confused people.

    9. For real @10:02, we Christians are truly confused. You mean it's a Catholic Pope that set aside Sunday for worship?
      Chai! It is best to just worship God as your heart leads you.

  15. Apparently my birthday never ends, i got an expensive wristwatch as birthday gift on Friday, that wristwatch is almost my salary...

    Na wear with care I dey do now. I no fit shout.

  16. Someone brought a form for us to fill,Cooperative Empowerment society and he's giving out the form at 1k,he said an NGO donated money to help Africans .Please my people,how authentic is it?

    God Bless Everyone.

    1. If they are helping them why sell the form in the first place.

    2. 1st off, him selling the form is a clear sign that you are about entering one chance...

    3. Scam Scam Scam
      Run Run Run Away from him

    4. 1k x 100 people = 100k. The scam no get part two. Hope you have not paid?

    5. Don't pay it's a scam. Tell others too

  17. No church for me today.

    Too tired. I need a massage πŸ˜‹πŸ˜ƒ


    1. Better stand up and go to church sugar

    2. Me too, had it in mind to go to church but after consuming breakfast, I changed my mind and decided to put my big belly on my bed to sleep

  18. How does lady bug do this every day on every post and not get tired. 13 replies and I'm already tired and bored. Una bye

    1. Ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa
      Teddy, it's not only on one single post that she was trolling bvs o, she used to troll on several posts.

      @ Ladybug, was jobless then. She has started work that is why she doesn't troll anymore. We get to see her once in a while now. Joblessness is very bad.
      May God provide jobs for all who are jobless on this blog, amen.

    2. Hahahahha Droyalty she is coming for you. I know you are not afraid of her sha

    3. Hahahahah please tell the 18 year old boys here to find work o. No be to tie wrapper for waist dey for afternoon dey exchange saliva for blog, sun up, sun down. Tueh!

  19. Happy Sunday all. I’m just being lazy. I have cfabric that I need to cut and sew today, but I just feel so week. I have to also cook and clean my house before work starts tomorrow. Chai.

    1. I can relate to this lazy feeling to cut fabric πŸ˜†

    2. As in eh. Juggling a bank job, and my side hustle has not been easy at all. May God give me strength sha. These days I’m so tired all the time.

  20. I have not been to church for almost 1month now.
    church matter don tire me. maybe it's because I look at every pastor with side eyes.

    thats how pastor finished preaching about tithe and started preaching about 1st fruit. he said that your 1st salary in the year belongs to God (as in offering). in my mind I was like *let daddy freeze catch you*
    I don't know why pastors no longer preach about salvation. all their preaching these days is sow seed.
    anyway, na dem say *uka Di na obi* so even if I don't go to church again *uka pasa m na obi*

    1. Don't mind some of this pastors that want to own private jets instead of preaching Salvation.

    2. If church is not important for a Christian,it won't be in the bible to not neglect the gathering of the brethren!!!if you are not liking the vibe of where u are ask the holy spirit for directions to a new one,may God help us all!!!

    3. Lagos shopper thank you dear.
      Chike you're doing yourself and nobody else if you choose to be lukewarm with God. Look for a bible believing church and worship with them and mind you if you start keeping tabs of they say pay your tithe and pay offering you will miss it; moreover I'm sure that is not the only message that pastor has ever preached. The word of God is not beans, stop nitpicking the ones that you feel suits your state of mind and if you don't want to pay a dime in the church, keep it nobody will dip hand into your pockets to take #1.
      Try and go to church next sunday inugo?

  21. morning house beautiful Sunday...mi dey go church o@ Stella av missed 2sundays because my baby was strong but God my baby is Okk now...@anon cussing mi out yesterday SP that I should go n hustle, am a hustler if u don't kw..I help people with nanny n some other stuffs if u don't a struggling single mom who has bn through a lot in I said v developed a thick skin..n na Stella n beloved fit say mk I no apply for any giveaway here Okk?? so leave mi alone because I need help lemme let people kw say I need it..wish u all a nice Sunday

    1. Whiteberry format!!!!
      Na today??
      So you don't have any relative to assist you financially?
      I put it to you that you are a scammer. Argue with your ancestors.

  22. Isi ego by phyno on repeat.
    inara afu dimkpa inu isi ego.
    nwanne okwa ife wetelu ego bu olu
    oburu na ijiro olu iburu olu
    nwanne Okwa ife wetelu ego bu olu
    erie gi na iru olu iburu olu...
    ..daddi you are many many good
    daddi you are many many good
    daddi you are many many good... ��

    1. Loud it πŸ”Š! Increase the volume bro!!

    2. Gwa the guy mechie onu ka onu using ego, Umu nwanyi GA aku isi MA ha nu isi ego... Haha πŸ˜‚. Phyno be killing me with beats. I love this song mean. Off to church

    3. Gbanite egwu ha Nwannem 🎢🎢🎢🎀🎀

  23. Happy Sunday Peeps!! Beloved PA, please kindly remember whateverisinsdkblog I f l remember her id correctly. Please and thank you!!
    Stella please ignore them. I choose love. I hate hate itself.
    Enjoy your day. I don go sleep. Just got back from work.

    1. 8:46 aka bv @Whatever
      You don land?
      Welucum ooh

    2. I put it to you that you are whateverinsdkblog. Hahahaha but why go anon to become your own supporter. Na wa o

    3. Why you come under anon to say they should rem you. I raise beyonce hand for u

  24. Thank you Jesus for the blessings of sleeping and waking up,am grateful lord. Good morning sdk and blogfam,its Sunday morning,church on my mind, chai holiday is over, work starts tomorrow.#teacher#crayfishseller.

  25. #People pray for Cake. Then when God gives them batter, eggs, oil, icing, a pan and an oven, they get frustrated and leave the kitchen*

  26. Good morning good people of sdkville.hope we slept well. Had my most embarrassing moment yesterday evening*sobs*

    Stella God will bless you for that sign out meme about toxic people last week,I am so going to use it on that foolish boy*sobs*

    1. Choi. Ife otu na a cause ebukakwa ri nne.
      Stop sobbing, okay.
      A better person gon come

  27. Too tired!!!!! Happy Sunday People. .....

    Nigerians are Angry and always in a hurry.....kai!!!! I really wanted to go to church but I got an early morning class fixed, I wonder why these people think we don't have a life apart from work and class.... So angry right now!!!!

  28. Good morning house and a happy Sunday to us all

  29. Good morning and happy Sunday
    everyone, i just came back for church. Have a nice day

    1. Good morning and a Happy Sunday lovelies! Thank God for the gift of life and good health.

  30. Happy Sunday to us all. I slept and woke up hale and hearty...Glory be to God in the highest.

    It has been drizzling here ooo so I'm going to attend evening mass. I don't want to this rain to touch me. I will also use the opportunity to attend benediction cos I have missed it a lot.

    The haters of Stella in this blog, how dovu guys do it? Her blog, her money so wtf? Today is Sunday, so make I no rant.

    Do have a wonderful Sunday.

  31. anon 9:19 for cussing mi here u will go through wat I am going through so u wld kw I am notable scammer..u Tink I am happy begging here?? wat of if my family r not rich? u nvr tot of that but u just happy cussing mi out..may u go through wat av bn through n wat am going through ijn..because God sees my heart that I am nt a scammer or lying about bn q single a strong person but once in a while I need someone to hug mi n tell mi everything will b Okk

    1. Shut up there my friend!!!!!!! If you are suffering,look up to God and not man. Suffering indeed mtsesssssh.
      Go to idp homes and villages and see people really suffering.
      Goat head. Rubbish.

    2. I wonder what woulda happened to all these beggars if there was no SDK blog.
      So na 'we' send you to be single mom abi? Mtcheww

    3. Hahahahahaha goat head. You people vex too much here

    4. I send the curse back to you in hundred fold. Ewu Gambia.
      You are not disabled, go and work. Using emotional blackmail on people to get what you want is an act of laziness. You are too lazy you dumb fool.
      Go and apply as a cleaner, as you no get sense nah, go can as well go and die.

    5. Ho about looking up to God for all your needs lady?its the only way you can have more than enough+its only God that can lay it on peoples mind to help u!!

  32. The tot of sexxy daddy woke me up this morning.

    Happy Sunday bvs.

    1. Hahahahaha. How is sexy daddy now. All his people, are you guys still hearing from him? What is the latest? Has he ported to another blog?

    2. Hahahahaha. What a nightmare. πŸ™Œ

    3. Bv whatever is sexy daddy. He is here now as a woman.

    4. I don't think Whatever is sexy daddy. Sexy daddy's English was causing headache here. Whatever writes better English

    5. Hahahahah Meena his Hengrish na real cut and sew.
      And when they correct/yab am, he will start picking his nose and crying like a toddler.
      Then carry his snot filled nose, tobacco stained teeth and elevator head and go and report to his mommy.
      mommy will come and start warning ghosts and goblins, yadi yaga yagu.
      Fido Dido will then go to a corner, thumb in mouth, scratching his bumbum, looking for who to pity him and give him breast to suck.
      Before he will start his nauseating nonsensical rubbish again. Mtsheeeeeeeeeeeeeeew. #ifyouknowyouknow

    6. Teejay is sexy daddy. Take it to the bank and cash it.
      Sexy spermy oha soup

  33. Dunno why I love to do it every morning
    Though it's medically good to do it every day but mine is becoming too much😩😩😩

    I poo too much😷😷

    Corrupt minds thinking it was something else,go to church today oooπŸ˜›πŸ˜œπŸ˜

  34. Good morning. I am not going to Church today. There is this guy I met, I really like him, he is exactly my type of guy, I don't know his character yet o but he seems cool but he is not interested in me at all. We are just whatsapp friends . We hardly talk. My issue is those I like don't like me . What should I do. I don't even know if he has a gf. And I don't want to force myself on someone. I want him to like me naturally. What should I do.

  35. Good morning happy sunday mass is almost over choose to love over hate.

    Tobibakre to sure!

  36. Happy Sunday all
    Thanks bvs for your advice on how to handle my neighbour who was giving me attitude yesterday.
    In the night, I targeted when her husband had gone out and went with another neighbour to see her, cos I did not want to involve the poor man in a minor woman matter. This morning we greeted and everything seemed fine.
    Life is too short to harbour bitterness and hate. I choose love.

    1. It's good to make peace always. But don't let anyone ride you just because you love peace. Know where to draw the line always. That her behaviour was uncalled for.

  37. So I'm home cleaning. I just finished doing the laundry, school resumes tomorrow. Oh Lord!

    I don't know if I'm the only one that hates cleaning window blinds, mctheeeew, they are so annoying to clean especially the kitchen ones. I would have removed them from my kitchen since but I love what I see when I view my kitchen window from outside at night.

    How do OCD people do it? I learnt some of them clean for hours everyday, how? Don't they get weak? Don't they work? I'm wondering how they go to work and still have the time to clean their homes for hours everyday. It is well with all of them.

    1. Most of them don't work. Their family members take care of them while they clean and wash lols

    2. You did your laundry yourself when I'm one call away? Na wa for you DRoyalty. You no wan make I chop??

  38. Please is there any ovulation kit in Nigeria? And how much can it cost?

  39. Morning people and have a wonderful Sunday. Teejay I like you very much but that comment of yours up there is total rubbish and learn to mind your business. Who made you a judge over someone else's life and business?

    1. Lols. Teejay be getting on people's nerves these days

  40. I read yesterday in house gist, very funny comments. Bvs are very hilarious. Coman see 'advises'. Lmao

  41. Thanks Yoo Hwa but I never judge, all I meant was that it was improper using works like that raw, It was vulgar. What happened to use abbreviation with the ** button? Or better still use less words like gbenshing as Stella would always said. Pls poster I never meant to attack you if you feel that way.

    1. Holier than thou! There's absolutely nothing wrong with the words used up πŸ‘† there. Nothing!!

    2. Shut up! Shut up!!!!! Shut the fuck up!!!!!! Go and submit your tripe to your Deeper Life department church to publish.
      Is this the first time you are seeing this word on the blog?????? Iranku!
      Gosh, you grate on my nerves like a dozen chairs being dragged on the floor.

    3. Teejay the holy onye nso. Don't worry, you go soon cast here.
      That's how sexy daddy started. My πŸ‘€ are on you.
      Holy nweje

    4. I understand you Teejay but you should have allowed Stella the blog owner to address that, still love you though.

  42. Happy sunday to all of us and MayGod's blessing fall on us

  43. I'm loving this Sunday weather. So cool and fresh. In everything, let us all be thankful for life, for when there is life, there is hope.
    Happy new week to everyone of us.

  44. How do people cope with heart break?? cause it's not easy for me,looking strong but deep down m hurting😭😭😭😭😭

    1. You will be fine if you want to be and please stop crying because you just dodged a bullet.


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