Stella Dimoko Stella Damasus Celebrates Stepson David As He Turns 10 Years


Thursday, April 05, 2018

Stella Damasus Celebrates Stepson David As He Turns 10 Years

David ,Son of Daniel Ademinokan and Actress Doris Simeon was a year older yesterday April 4th and his step mum Actress Stella Damasus wished him a happy birthday with sweet words....

Happy Birthday David.


  1. STELLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA return the boy to him mama. what you did is not good o. can you allow ur kids stay away from you?

    1. Happy Birthday to the young handsome man.

      Your comment will be visible after approval

    2. You so much love the boy yet you could not wish him happy birthday first before

    3. If you are among those encouraging Bamteddy and abusing Stella Damascus, you are TWO FACED and a bloody HYPOCRITE

      #bamike leave teddy for his woman, go and find your own man elsewhere. You are a selfish silly girl

    4. Is or was Teddy A married? I don't care about Stella's situation by the way. They will all be alright eventually.

    5. See as the boy resemble Doris, 10 years gone already. Stella Damasus, you will know no peace because you deprived a mum 10 years of her child's development that can never be gotten back.
      Asawo, jumping from one man to another, why turn off your comments now? We for finish you today and drive you into depression.
      With all Aboderin did for you, you couldn't honour his legacy. Shame on you 🙄 😒 😏

    6. Why do you people always cry more than the bereaved?? Has Doris complained to any of you that she wants her child back.
      I believe, him staying in the USA will give him a better opportunity in life; and when the time comes, he would look for the biological mom. There might be an agreement between Doris and his ex.
      You guys are getting headache steadily over this issue. Hian
      Abike Amoke

    7. Exactly my thoughts @Amoke. Even if that's not the case, the boy will look for his mother later in life.

    8. Shut up kiks onye oshi amu

      That's how you people steal men and trap them with jazz, when his eyes clear you will come here and be forming chronicles

      Love is love. It has absolutely zero connection with signing a paper called marriage

      Stop STEALING what is not yours so you will have peace in your life

  2. Why did she turn off her comment section,she dey fear nija pple

  3. oshi amu, Oshi nwa,Oriegwu.May your enemy never steal what is yours.Happy Birthday cutie.

  4. Happy birthday son may u continue to be a blessing to your family and generation amen

  5. May God never allow someone else train our child/ren when we are alive in Jesus name Amen.

  6. #sideeyes....Happy birthday love,more filled and abundant years

  7. Happy birthday David.

    Aunty Stella why you turn off comments Na. Lol

  8. Awwwww. This boy is his mother's photocopy. God bless you as you turn ten years.

  9. Happy birthday David. God bless you real good.

    This woman, na wa for you. Turn off comments if you like, na you sabi. Them go follow you enter the next post. Oga!

  10. And the boy looks like his mum a lot... Stella wehdone ma.. She dey fear children of wobe, they would have vandalized her today

    1. I think say Stella no care about what people are saying. These things really get to them. People make una take am easy on these actresses, some of them cry themselves to sleep because of what you people do them with your mouths haba!

  11. Happy birthday fine boy David,mummmy's look alike,na waoh,madam Stella you no try ooh.

  12. This woman can look for trouble sha. Why not wish him a happy birthday privately? Sebi you live with him there? Why this letter to the world? To spite Doris abi?

  13. Stella, you may pretend but sha know say, there is no peace to the wicked

  14. Does it make sense?? The answer is No! So if you wish him hbd privately your name will change from stella to ella abi

  15. Happy birthday David...

  16. Wobe children have been trying to comment😁😁😁😁😁 happy birthday david

    1. Are you Queen Lizzy too? 👆. Cussing out id and holy nwaeje id don dey clash tey tey tey.

    2. Me think well no time I dont go anon trust me! Its either keypad warriors or wobe shildren! I don't do that shit

  17. All of you commenting rubbish here against stella damasus have never wondered in your empty brains why the mother of this child is silent about everything, she has never come on social media platform to express her anger or frustration over the split with her former husband, which confirms that she might have a secret that she doesn't want to let out, who knows if the man caught her doing the unimaginable, folks stop killing yourself or drinking panadol over another person's issue when you do not know the true picture....No woman will sit quietly and watch another snatch her so called husband.

    1. Gerraofhere. Na today husband snatching starts?
      We are talking about child snatching. So because she sin, son should be taken from her. I don't even know their story so I am not supporting anyone of them. Make I no go put myself for trouble with God

    2. Are you even reading and swallowing these comments, comments from spineless people who will not be able to say such to Stella Damasus's face?.
      All these social media comments are just rubbish, best to ignore.

    3. So why turn off comments on your ig. Are you scared?

    4. You all saying Doris didn’t protest spoke out of ignorance. She did and I read at that point. Daniel will pay for what he did to that boy. As for Stella, she aided and abetted so she will get sentenced too.

    5. Maybe Doris like as her son de America nah. Maybe she feels she couldn’t have given him that and feels she’s doing what’s best for the child by letting the father take him and give him the best he can.

      Or .. and this is very probable, there’s something they have over her head and are blackmailing her with. That’s why she can’t talk!!!

      Finally, as per Yoruba wey dem be, I’m almost certain Doris’ family would be pleased with her not to fight for the boy at really na I’m papa take am...

      What my eyes have seen in this lawyer work eh?

  18. Happy birthday David, may Gid bless you. I pray you'll be reunited with your mom soon

  19. thing is she cant genuinely love the boy like her daughters.

    1. That is an unfair one knows the whole story that happened and she can love him like hers because she loves her husband and so she can love the boy just like her own...You don't know how strong the human mind is when it sets out to do something,if she sets out to live him like hers,it would be possible


    2. So all these women wey dey maltreat step sons and step daughters no love their husbands? Your thoughts though..

    3. And the step parents that raise and loved their spouse children nko ?

      I was raised by my step dad.he married my mom when I was barely 5 month inside my mother him ,I was his first seed and the best thing that has ever happened to him .
      By the way I’m 29 now.

  20. Cute boy, I don't knw why Doris isn't allowed to have her kid, how will he grow to knw her

    1. Since you don't know,how about you ask Doris and stop blaming stella...what if the 3 adults involved have an agreement that works for them in raising of this child...pls stop judging when you don't know the whole story.


    2. U are very stupid. Agreement to take her child away from her? There was no such. Daniel grabbed that boy and ran. Doris has been to d US a number of times to see d child tho but that does not change 10 years of 0 motherhood cos d last time I checked, Stella Damasus is not a mother.

  21. Madam Stella what about Doris birthday message to her son, you only posting Stella Damascus birthday message. don't be bais

  22. That boy will grow up to spank ur ass trust me...u cannot take a boy away from his mama....write it down...he will show u pepper

  23. I am still amazed by the way everyone bashes Stella. You guys don't know if there is an agreement between the mom and dad for the boy to stay with the dad overseas. Did Doris in anyway complain that Stella took her son away from her or she doesn't communicate with her son because Stella wouldn't allow her! Why are we like this; why are we judging what we don't know. Over 7yrs now or thereabout the mother isn't saying anything and when people come out to bash Stella she says nothing still. Now who is the heartless one here. We should stop judging what we don't know. It's so unfair.

    1. Anon 15.56, yes Doris complained and even shouted years ago when they took the boy to America where she wouldn’t be able to reach him. Then they started peddling different stories about Doris. Google is your friend abeg. Research it

    2. Anony 15:56... please she did cry out. Doris that I watched korokoro on a late edition of TVC Your View narrating her ordeal.

      The whole drama was depressing to her but one thing is clear, Doris is guilty of SOMETHING that Daniel is keeping away from public eye. He said he will talk at the right time.

      Let him be alive to talk that thing o. Me don't trust this Stella Damasus kobo.

      Happy 10th birthday young man.
      God guide and protect you

  24. Is it Stella that took the boy away from his mother? or the father of the boy that won the custody of the Son. People

    1. Won custody in the stupid court inside ur dumb skull? Stella was not supposed to let Daniel take away that child since she knows how scary even the thought is. She almost had her daughters taken. She has been there and she fought like a witch to stop that

  25. Thanks d father won d custody all comments contrary to this re bullish well done stella god bless ur kids

  26. This same birthday wish that caused brouhaha last year. Na wa.

  27. Mummy's boo boo happy birthday.


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