Stella Dimoko Saturday Spontaneous Post


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Saturday Spontaneous Post

#saturday #shoutout #coldwarmdayahead #awonboyfriendsme #todaynatoday #doyouknowhwatididlastnight #happymode #happymood #positivity #blogboo #thankGodforhisfaithfulness #youwontbelieveitifitoldyou #decoderiyouwontbelieveitifishowyou #sundayriceonmymind #lol #hashtagaddictsreadingandtryingtodecode #Godblessusalltodayandalways 

Good Morning Dearies!

BV Kehinde Ake is getting married today..Congratulations to Kenny and the BV He is Marrying.I pray they send me wedding photos ''for my eyes only''..LOL

I woke up VERY hungry...Does this happen to anyone else?

BV Castle Windsor is selling correct pomo and she only sells it on Saturdays....I am talking about correct pomo in Abuja..She is a single hustling mum.Please support her pomo business by placing an order...Thank you!

This is Spontaneous post and I am spontaneous today....

I love dramatic scenes but please don't bring any into this Spontaneous morning giveaway...

Once again,please note that the free advert on this blog is for those who cannot afford to pay,i feel really used when those with big companies send me advert and be referring to me as ''SKD'' just know someone put them up to it and they don't know this blog

Thank you to the BV who brought paid advert my way a forthnight ago ,na God go bless you baby girl....Kisses from me..I sent you whatsapp and its not delivering.

 ....I will be gifting some small cash out of my hard earned money to a random person because i feel spontaneous and because I love this Saturday feeling.......PA how we go do am?.....

Random person should be picked from the comment section and please avoid those with entitlement mentality,avoid those who lick ass and avoid those who are bitter and hateful despite their being in need.....Avoid comments with negative energy as well..

Kisses from me to you!


  1. I can't explain my current obsession with garri,groundnut and chiiillleedd water. I virtually take it every morning now and when I Don't, I fantasize bout it all day and is usually the first thing I take once I return. Reminds me of the days I craved Fayrouz so badly that I used to shake on days I hadn't taken it before 2pm. Lol.

    God help me during my pregnancy and give me an understanding husband because my cravings are out of this world. Cheap but weird. For examples, once I'm Ill, the only thing that goes down my throat successfully is fermented Kunu without sugar 😭😂😭😂... I cant even believe myself sometimes....

    End of rant..😂😂😂

    Bless day everyone 😘😘😘

    1. Welcome Sister we've been waiting for you😁😂
      The cravings is just something else.

    2. Congrats Kehinde. May your home be beautiful.
      I won't mind pictures for my eyes too oh.

      Bv Castle, how do we reach you when we want to buy fresh Saturday pomo? 😊....

    3. Mine was garri and fried yam. Lol

    4. Hahaha
      Welcome to cravers club
      I am a member 😀😀😀😀

    5. Soaking garri and groundnut is alien to me. No matter how I tried it won't just happen...instead I'll buy groundnut and download it with sachet water.

    6. Same girl you get ISH. But Ayam sure you is lovable 😀

    7. Stella I am also feeling spontaneous this morning so I am sending kisses your way. Mwaaaah😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

    8. I don't understand how I started craving bread, ground nut and cold coke everyday. Like every day. This is néw to me. I don't get it. I wasn't even a bread person before now but now I can't just help it. And it's not slice bread. The good thing is, once I have this for breakfast , I can't eat again that day till I'm the evening where I just take a glass of milk or anything not heavy as I'll still be full. I'm sure that's why it has not shown on the scale

    9. Good morning Bvs. Don't be afraid of a little opposition. Remember that the "kite" of Success generally rises AGAINST the wind of adversity - not with it!

    10. Mrs. Sharon I sent you a mail. Did you get it? Stella only sent me your email address.

    11. Pls guys I just left a store now where they were watching TVC entertainment splash. There is this girl anchoring the programme, she has very big boobs. As in very big they reach her waist. She was on low cut. Pls who can get me her name or social media handles?

    12. I was heard drinking Garru isn't good for Ulcer people but i just can not stop 😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣

  2. Hello Saturday, it's me 😊😊😊.

    Good morning.

    1. Goodmornng bvs! Congratulations to BV kehinde, may your home be blessed.

  3. Good morning all? Hope we all slept well? Please,I REALLY NEED ENLIGHTENMENT on how to go about the sale of cheap baby things then maybe later,add undies like spag,pants. Also thinking about Ankara business.I love doing business since no job is forth coming.My questions are:
    -how much capital is needed to start the sale of baby things?
    - should I start with d sale of cheap cheap baby/children things like cloths,fine rubber shoes,toys etc?
    -What other things can be added as time goes on?
    -How and where exactly do I get to buy these things from Idumota at a whole price without being cheated?
    Please, someone should help answer me,biko. I don't want to suffer again. I have 100k now in my account,please,I need sound advice.I wish to start towards the end of this year or beginning,God willing as I really need to plan and map it all well so I can be proud of my achievements. I know we have experienced people here who can be of great help. Thanks all and may God Almighty bless you.Thanks

    1. I saw a lady on Facebook who supplies bales of okrika items like shoes, bags, baby clothes, etc at 60k per bale.

    2. Baby business is a good business. I haven't done it before but from my survey last year about this business, I can tell you that selling new born items sells fast. Like selling hospital required list from pregnant women. You can walk onto a hospital and find a way to collect hospital list so you sell those exact things. And then be located in a place where you would be seen and needed. You will sell out fast. As time goes on, you can add money and buy other baby things and grow from there. You should go round idumota Market with the list of things, make enquiries and compare prices. Make sure you tell them you want wholesale price so they don't give you same price they will give someone buying to use seeing that some people go there to buy and use.

    3. Yes anon it sells well if she is not far from a hospital. I repeat, she should not be far from a hospital is she wants to sell those things you mentioned

  4. Good morning all? Hope we all slept well? Please,I REALLY NEED ENLIGHTENMENT on how to go about the sale of cheap baby things then maybe later,add undies like spag,pants. Also thinking about Ankara business.I love doing business since no job is forth coming.My questions are:
    -how much capital is needed to start the sale of baby things?
    - should I start with d sale of cheap cheap baby/children things like cloths,fine rubber shoes,toys etc?
    -What other things can be added as time goes on?
    -How and where exactly do I get to buy these things from Idumota at a whole price without being cheated?
    Please, someone should help answer me,biko. I don't want to suffer again. I have 100k now in my account,please,I need sound advice.I wish to start towards the end of this year or beginning,God willing as I really need to plan and map it all well so I can be proud of my achievements. I know we have experienced people here who can be of great help. Thanks all and may God Almighty bless you.Thanks

    1. Lagos shopper to the rescue
      She can be of help
      I wish I know every nooks and cranny in that idumota.

    2. Chat me on watsapp ma'am,would gladly share what I know through market run and take you round for free if I'm available when u are ready!!!

    3. Thanks Olori and Lagos Shopper. I will contact you now.

    4. Lagos shopper always willing to help. God bless you

  5. Most people don't love you, they just love what you can do for them. Keep that in mind and stay focused!!! #Countdowntomybirthday#April16throcks#

    1. April 19th💃💃💃


    2. Wow! @Beloved, so we are birthday mate, that's nice. I so much love the month I can't just tell.

    3. Haaaa
      Teejay and beloved are april16
      My favorite cousin is your birthday mate oo

    4. Lol. Teejay I'm only #April16 on paper oh.

      I once shared the funny story here before.

    5. Happy birthday in advance to you Teejay, Beloved and all other April born.
      Teejay, I saw your questions on IHN yesterday. Concerning the OCD, check this mama tee post on OCD and read the comments, you will understand. I bookmarked it because it was so interesting

    6. Thanks@Meena for the link.

    7. Hahahahahahaha
      Thanks for the link Meena. I'm just coming from that Mama tee OCD post cos I'm idle at the moment. I laughed with tears in my eyes at the comments as if I'm reading them for the first time. The comments are very hilarious, TEEJAY will have a good laugh.
      I have also saved the page

  6. Ignore that silly voice that keeps nagging you, trying to show you your challenges rather than your victories. Rather, scream, shout and dance 💃💃💃💃 because you're where you are today and tomorrow will be greater than today as you work towards it prayerfully and purposefully. Don't Complain, Give Thanks

    1. Oluwadarasimi showed today as she heard giveaway. Una go dey alright las las

    2. Hello simi been awhile i hope you are good?

    3. Rhoda that's the feel👌
      Hi Bee10. I'm good dear. Thanks

    4. Hi Darasimi. You show today. Long time no see. Hope everything is fine

    5. Hello anonymous 10:28. I'm fine. Thanks

  7. Morning lovelies,loving dis weather like kilode,congrats@Kehinde Make,it is well with ur home, party jollof rice on my mind, do ve a lovely weekend

    1. Good morning everyone. I slept well today maybe because I let gospel music play in the background while I was sleeping. Woke up at 3 am and felt the urge to pray so I did so and went back to sleep and woke up at 6 am. Yesterday I felt in my spirit to read Psalm 25 and it was all I needed. This morning as soon as I woke up I read from Psalm 50 to Psalm 55 and it inspired me to always read the Word of God and follow his commandments, to love Him and fear Him because nowadays I was taking His mercy for granted. I love how my spiritual life is evolving and how I feel more at peace, energized, hopeful, filled with faith and ready to work towards my goals but mostly I'm happy of how miraculously doors are opening for me, indeed with God nothing is impossible and He makes a way where there is no way. I love the verse where it says that He has good plans for us and plans to bless us abundantly above all we could ask for or think of. Just had breakfast with my coffee and milk and an apple. This afternoon I will eat some vegetables with fish or meat and a fruit. I'm loving this diet I'm on, I already lost weight and can't wait to go back to my former figure🙏 Today is not raining but it's not sunny either but is better than constant rain. In 30 minutes I'm going to take the bus and go to the market to buy some items, I would rather stay home and read or relax watching a movie but my cream is almost finished😣 I decided to enroll in a cooking class to learn how to cook so that when I go back to Ghana for the holidays i can showcase my delicious dishes to my sisters that thinks I will never be able to cook😅 as for African foods I'l follow YouTube videos. It's time for me to get ready for my outing. Hope we all have a blessed and productive day. God bless us all.

    2. Rebel fleur by Rihanna, i love that perfume.

    3. Nothing like reading the bible,I try to read at least 6chapters per day!!!

    4. God,pls,help me move closer to you than ever before.

  8. Congrats to Kehinde Ake as you start ur marital journey today. More weddings fall on bvs from SDK blog

  9. Good morning everyone
    May today be favoured and fun filled for us... Amen

  10. Good morning everyone.. Thank you Mrs korkus and bv'sssss for the congratulatory msgs, May God almighty continue to guide, bless and enrich us in all ways (Ameen)!! Eshey pupo o.

    Happy weekend to you all

  11. Lovely Saturday morning to everyone...😘😘😘😘😘
    Woke up feeling refreshed and energized..

    Going for Lumos training this morning.. 😍😍😍
    At all at all..✌✌✌

    #morningVibes ✌✌✌✌✌

    Thanks to all my loved ones
    Spread love.....


    Skywhite 😒😒😒 iffa catch u ehn.

    1. Lols...Olaprapra! Wetin I do you nah? Spread love ejoor!

  12. Congratulations Kehinde, may your day be a success.

    Back to bed, this weather cannot waste.

  13. Good morning Beautiful people. I love me some spontaneous Saturday.

    I have a mild feeling D'banj's is pregnant.

    It's spontaneous giveaway time 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃

    How we go do am 🙈

    Of course it's gonna be a random person to be picked from the comment section #HolyGhostDirection

    Of course I will jump over those with entitlement mentality. Lol

    Hahahaha I will also avoid those who lick ass.

    Gbam I will avoid those who are bitter and hateful despite their being in need.

    And I Will pass over comments with negative energy as well.

    #kisses everyone

    1. You mean those who lick ass like you?

    2. At the mention of giveaway, Beloved you are serious soup today. Today PA go give you stress wella

    3. Na only Puffin I see.
      *shines teeth*

      Enjoy the Speedo.

    4. hello blogfam, happy weekend to you all, and remember to always stay positive, do not let negativity ruin your outlook towards life.
      As for me I leave all to God, to think a friend backstabbed me, with made me loose a source of getting money to start my business. All is still well, but I had to give her a piece of my mind, how can she do that. But when humans say it is over, God is just starting, I pray the Lord will open new doors for me so I can start my business.
      My lord has said it, I believe it, and that settles it.
      Have a fun-filled weekend blogfam.

  14. Beautiful morning here from my side. The weather here is dying go back to bed.

    I thank God for life.


  15. Goodmornin house, av been having a running stomach since last night could not sleep...drank garri but not going abeg make una help mi...God bless u Stella for this May ur pocket nvr run dry ijn...abeg@ beloved look myside today I use God name beg mi dey this help bad...God please pick my call today because av bn calling u since but no answer..wish u all a nice day ahead

    1. Take flagil. Does garri stop running stomach?

    2. This one is begging for it already. Don't go and hustle

  16. Goodmorning blog family,wishing us all a blessed day.pls bv Triumphant Zion i really need ur contact,i want to know u more,i want us to be friends(godly friends).i read ur write-ups nd am impressed,also i love ur personality on dis blog.pls if u c dis nd wouldn't mind,reply me by telling me how to get to u.thanks.

    1. Hello oluchi,google Truimphant Zion on sdk,get my contact from my profile. Would love to chat with you too. Or ask sdk.

  17. Today is a beatiful day, the devil has no say in my life. He can choose to sit n watch God set a table for me or flee. Bv who dreams and it comes to pass. I saw you comment yesterday. Amen n amen.

    1. Comments here will reach 200+ today because of this giveaway that Stella mentioned

  18. Pls Triumphant Zion if u c dis nd wouldn't mind,i will like us to be godly friends.Reply dis by telling me how to get in touch with u.thanks

  19. I am up and thankful.. make this rain stop quick so I go fit get out of bed and dress for school
    Thank lord

  20. The sooner you stop believing dat u are where u are bcos d fates has destined u to b there at that particular time th better for you. my dear,know this,fate does not make a man, a man makes a man. A man's success at a particular point in time is a measure of how hard he had worked, the level of his FAITH not FATE and a healthy dose of good luck thrown in. Fate, karma, kismet and all that has nothing to do with it. I believe in a man who makes his own way and not a man who believes that his way has been paved for him already and whatever he meets on that way is his lot in life, because that kind of man will be relaxed and comfortable in poverty going by his beliefs.

  21. And that was how PHEDC decided to take the light just as I was about to plug in my phone to charge now my battery is low.
    Lady bug where are you oo?
    Guys I really want to learn how to speak Igbo, I understand it but can't speak and I love it so much!
    Any idea on how to go about it?
    Have a great day guys!

    1. Get an Igbo friend who speaks fluent and tell him or her your intention and if the person has the time, then you are good to go.

    2. Thanks teejay. My Igbo friends are doing Shakara oo.

  22. I just want to bless the name of the Lord, I did not know that unforgiveness is this bad,i felt bad,when my close friend that I loved as a sister started acting up after her marriage last year, talking to me badly like there is no hope for me,but as a child of God I took it personally and was carring this grudge not knowing Satan was using it against me,but am so so happy now,i called her yesterday and told her she offended me,and I have forgiven her,and sincerely I have,and I have peace,devil is just a bastard, I have learnt my lesson never to put anything in my heart because Jesus ask us to forgive, and I am no saint,i do sin against him and he forgave me.

  23. I was arguing with a friend yesterday morning, in fact right now, I don't consider him a friend anymore cos of how narrow minded he is.

    Dude said a colleague of his gave birth to twins and that automatically means she might not be returning to her job. I asked him why? He then says, "how can a woman with twins go back to work? Which useless work she wan do when she get family to take care of?"

    To say I was shocked is an understatement. I told him point blank that giving birth to a child or children shouldn't stop a woman from pursuing her career and that every woman has the ability to multi-task.

    He cut me short immediately and said; " that's rubbish! Why does she want to work when she has a husband who will take care of her? That's how you women lose your homes over stupid careers. Family is ultimate. Better don't mortgage your family for your job when ever you decide to marry"

    I was so pissed that I kept mute cos I was very sure the next thing that would have come out from my mouth was me calling him a chauvinistic pig!

    This same man is someone who complains that his wife doesn't do anything and always acts like a baby leaving all the responsibilities to him. I pity the wife sha.

    Stuff like this gets me scared. I don't want to end up with a man who thinks my sole duty on earth is just to raise children.

    Good morning BVs

    1. I don't want to end up with a man who thinks my sole duty on earth is just to raise children.

      That's d spirit bae. That guy is an idiot. Mumu.

    2. The wife is in trouble! Men like this deserves to have a wicked female boss who will only derive pleasure in making him toe the line all the time

    3. You don't know how to argue. You should have reminded him about how he complains about his wife that does nothing and tell him how you are sure he is mentally abusing her because he will be reminiding her she's doing nothing and what he just did/said shows how chauvinistic he is and you pray you don't end up with someone like him who thinks the sole aim of a woman is to care for kids and then turn around to complain about a wife who he has made not to work

    4. Lols....tankGod u didn't called him that...funny enough thats how must men tink

    5. I'm telling you @Ralu M

      @Anon 10:37 I was too angry to argue

      @Rhoda big one o

      @Sharon Among its a pity then of what you say is true.

      I won't @Lucile

    6. Staying at home until your kids are old enough to start school is not a bad idea. However, it shouldn't be imposed on the woman and having a side hustle while at it is good.

  24. Good morning Stella! Good morning dear BVs! I have not been praying since this year I don't know if it is laziness or what? Anyone feeling this way? I need to start praying again seems to have lost my way. Oh lord help me!

    1. I have been battling with this. Try to find out the root cause, and yes, pray about it

    2. Huh?

      Go get some cool worship songs o.
      Play any once you wake up and let your knees hit the floor bef8ore stepping out of your room.

      Thought you said you have a family, what happened to Family Morning Devotion?

      Wake up from the dampened spirit and overwhelm enemy forces.

    3. My Sister the same with meooooo. Even the ODM that I bought I don't even follow it religiously the way I use do before now. It seems my village people are at it againooo.

  25. And thanks to the following BVs for their best wishes to me yesterday:
    Tade Adeola, Chikito, Dada Toyosi, Sharon Aminu, Olori Orente, Selene, Bee 10, Na Godwin, Yori Yori, Lagos Shopper and dearly Beloved.
    May the Good Lord bless you immensely. Love you all.

  26. Mama tee write up yesterday was nostalgic.
    I remembered my favorite musician then,Brenda fassi from SA..I had to visit YouTube to watch midodo do video song.How it was a sweet song back then.Even her wedding day song.
    Life was sweet ..pure innocence. Eager to help out with grocery shopping at the local market. I played child's play with neighborhood friends
    I attended block Rosary with all the drama and dancing group..

    My dad would force us to watch NTA news..🙇🙇🙇🙇

    Official prestige

    1. Hahahaha.
      Na only Block Rosary I see.

      Make I go read the post.

  27. issa weekend vibe
    Congratulations bv kehinde Ake
    May God bless your union.

    Chioma any updates ?
    Blessings fall on us all yakata
    Wishing us a great weekend

  28. Good morning people remember every one on this earth each have their own destiny. Continue to stay blessed and have a lovely weekend

  29. So happy I came here at the right time..SP don change time ni?

    I feel the same way u feeling now Stella seriously I will finish four cups of rice all alone..

    I pray God will establish us all,set us free from any captivity,give us the grace to finish the race in peace d not in pieces. I pray for those in need,as far as the Lord liveth,you will never lack good things and for those in the hospital,the Lord will heal them permanently.

    I won't forget those looking up to God for fruit of the womb,with the joint annointing,I pray you receive it this month ijn.amen

    Lets just be in mood of thanks giving and not trying to ask God why we are facing challenges cuz praise and worship might be what we need to over come our problems.

    Love u all

    Mc pinky

  30. Congratulations Kehinde Ake.
    Wishing you a blissful marriage.

  31. It is a lovely Saturday morning. Stella, what happened last night?

  32. Good morning everyone, congrats to Kehinde. I Pray for Gods protection and guidance

  33. Good morning sdk and blogfam, happy married life to kehinde Ake and his bride, may God bless your chores on my mind.

  34. Hello from the other side...

    Congratulations Kehinde Ake,your marriage shall be a blessing..your children will surround your table,you shall see your children's children IJN.

  35. Congratulations Kehinde Ake, bv beloved why not tell ur boss to gift the money to Kehinde Ake ? Just a suggestion ooo cos everyone of us need am

    1. Nooo Olabisi Evelyn. Stella should include Kehinde's bride in the ongoing SDK bride giveaway. That giveaway is still on, even me I will apply soon when my IV is out.

  36. #Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don't control what you think, then you can't control what you do*

  37. Good morning beautiful people of SDK.
    Hope our night was cool? Mine was great ooo as we had power all through.

    On another note, Mothers should be careful these days. On Thurs around 11:00 am here in Umuahia, a woman carrying her 3 yr old son boarded a keke, in the keke were 2 other guys already seated and the keke guy making it 3 guys. This woman joined them( this was happening around express tower, for those that has been to Aba or Umuahia should know this place). In a twinkle of an eye, these guys pushed the woman off this fast moving keke and drove off with the child. The woman was hurt badly. As God would have it, they drove straight (along that Amachara road, probably they want to leave Umuahia as there's a boundary btw Abia and IMO after the river.) People raised alarm but the keke has already drove off. As God would have it, the soldiers that stays before that boundary stopped the traffic coming from Umuahia so those from IMO could pass, that was how they got delayed a bit, unknown to them one bike man that was on their tail, rushed to the soldiers and told them what happened, the soldiers immediately passed the traffic, as soon as the guys reached the checkpoint they were stopped, they wanted to run and the soldiers shot one on the leg and the other on his hand while the third was beaten to a pulp with their guns. A huge traffic gridlock was experienced, everybody wanted a feel of the When eventually the mother was brought to the checkpoint, the woman fell on her knees and was praising her God, she has bruises all over her hands and legs.

    So, parents should be careful and also everybody should be prayerful. I believe that woman's prayers was what saved her and her son. A lot of people have been kidnapped this way never to be seen again.

    We should also be careful with the kind of keke and taxis that we board.

    Lastly, when u are in any of these public transport, remember to be praying in your heart. Elections are coming, things are happening.

    I would have shared this yesterday but I wasn't online.

    1. Thank God she saw her child
      Mothers shaaaa, she didn't care about the bruises she sustained again all she was thanking God for is her
      father let no evil man or woman that refuses to repent go unpunished

    2. Na wah oh! Thank GOD the boy was rescued

    3. thank God for the life of the woman and her child. God will not let any mother mourn over her children. May God continue to guide and protect us over all these bedtime evils.

    4. Oh thank You Jesus!!! What an awesome God.

      Congratulations Kenny boo and darlg bv wife. May God bless yor Union .

  38. See why personal hygiene is important. We don't stop emphasizing it, but some won't just listen. A girl got employed and was sent over for training, normally her training was to last for three days, but the moment she walked in, I just knew there was no way I'll survive three days with her. She had this strong BO that it felt like I was going to die. I had to take short breath at interval, and at some point i went outside for a while. I packaged a three days training in less than two hours, gave her every material I could lay my hands, on added my contact, and told her to call me if she runs into difficulties. Lucky me she was smart and intelligent, and a fast learner.
    That was last week, on wed, her employer called and said they can't work with her, in the man's words, "the thing was zooming from her office to every other corner" I laughed but it wasn't funny, I mean how do you make a case for someone for something like that. Well the next person on the list was invited as her replacement.
    I bet if someone had told her that her poor hygiene was going to be her greatest undoing in getting a job, she would never had believed it.
    Personal hygiene is very important my people, you don't need to break a bank to smell decent, exotic, maybe but nice nope, we have cheap body products that can help you achieve all of that, find a body routine that works for you, and save yourself some embarrassment.
    My only worry is that I have to repeat myself come next week
    except in a case where its a medical condition, no one has the right to stink like that.
    We just won the silver medal in the women's relay kudos girls

    1. Lols...bros you for buy Roll-on for her the first day.

    2. For some it's not hygiene, so you can't really say what caused hers.

    3. Since you knew her problem you could have told her and removed your face.
      And she'll be experiencing this same issue elsewhere ooo

    4. Hahaha 🤣,her body odour must be follow come. I hope she's OK sha, this one the odour is oozing everywhere

    5. Lols
      Skywhite Abamade is female

    6. Chai, her village pipo are at wrk o

    7. But you would have help her out in talking to her as if she is your younger sister, at least she will now understand the importance of it. I bet you shame would have made her find a solution to it.Some people may not necessary perceive their own smell some times. If I were you, I would have politely teach her that.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. most times for some it's a spiritual something, and when it has to do with the spiritual, such people don't know they stink, and for her employer to have said she smells to every corner, I doubt it is ordinary, I guess her village people are at work. May God help her wherever she may be. If it is spiritual I pray God heals her.

    10. It did cross my mind to talk to her, but I didn't know how she was going to react, even if I did, I don't think that short time would've done any difference. It was bad, like 10 out of 10 bad she need to go fix it. I'm sure she will find something else, she is good. Maybe I should call her and talk to her

    11. Please if possible,call her and tell her. You will be doing her a lot of good so she can tackle it. It's obvious she isn't even aware she has an offensive smell and it might even be spiritual.

  39. Congrats Kehinde, may God bless your union.

    I have a feeling today is going to be a great day. I'm starting something new today and only positive vibes.

  40. Good morning stella and all the lovely SDK family..

    My Rant goes..I recently met a man 2 months ago and we have been swelling in love, but there was something in me that didn't just blend with him, first he claims to be a very quiet one and then not a fan of social media,This didn't go well with because his looks are that of a Abuja big guys so i started my investigation and guess what i found...he is MARRIED and a newlywed at that cos his wedding was this January 2018 and to a VERY beautiful lady ooo.

    My God why are Men so EVIL.
    Now am thinking of how to present my findings to him and humiliate him as well so he learn a lesson.

    Abuja guys/men are something else one needs to be very vigilant.

    1. my dear, don't you thank your stars,dump his stupid ass fast, thank God you are wise and you got to know on time, a lady is in a mess now, after how many years she just found out he is married with kids, this lady is shattered. I pratvshe finds love again.

  41. HML Mr Kehinde,may your home be blessed!!!
    HML to my client Cynthia too(not sure u are here but your friend you for the trust!!!

  42. Good morning house
    Pls there is this issue that is raging.
    My very good neighbour was doing a one year birthday party for her son yesterday evening and she really expected me to be there because I was part of the planning. I could not attend because my sister's son was sick and she needed me to relieve her in the hospital where she was keeping watch over him so she can go home and cook that evening. I explained everything to my neighbour before leaving that evening and she said no problem. I came back late in the night, they were already asleep. Now, this morning, I went and knocked on her door, she came out dressed like she was going out, I greeted her, she did not answer. I started apologising to her. She just passed me and started going out.
    I was just standing there looking at her back. Between anger and embarrassment I don't even know which one I felt more. I'm out of the house now, when I get back in the evening I need suggestions on how to handle her cos I don't know how to keep malice.

    1. Go back in the night when you're sure the husband will be home and state the reasons why you didn't meet up with the initial arrangement as agreed (for the benefit of the man) & apologize again and tell her you didn't like her attitude towards your greetings in the morning because it was uncalled for. Then dust your bombom and go home. Friendship is not by force.

    2. That your neighbor is very stupid,so she's angry because you didn't attend the birthday you helped in planning?

    3. Her owambe and your Nephew's health which one is more Important? Abeg make she pack well

    4. Do as Ralu said but if she doesn't live with her husband. Apologise to her in the presence of another neighbour. You can call another neighbour and explain to her, then you to her place together. After that, if she is still giving you the silent treatment, ignore her too. Learn to keep malice too. In some cases like this, it is necessary. If not, they will take you for granted knowing you will come begging and looking for their friendship again. Some people derive joy in seeing other people beg and crawl under their feet

    5. Uhmmn, some people sha, they have this mentality like you owe them, so you should leave the fire on your roof and quench her own. that's why I don't associate so much bcoz someone people when you are too close to them, they start to develop this entitlement mentality. But has RaluM has said follow the advice and bullshit her later on.

  43. Happy married life to Kehinde Ake the one and only SDK sexologist and all other people marrying today.

  44. Happy Saturday I hate Saturday work but do we do? Atleast I will have cake and ice cream at the end of the day!
    Congrats to you kehinde Ake
    Mmmmmmmm the comments toda are from saints 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 sdk you too much God bless you!

  45. Good morning guys. Please I need your help with reporting a matter to the appropriate authority. A friend of mine has a neighbour, single mom of 7 she brings in different men and they do whatever they want in front of the children. The worst of it all is that one of her men beats up her 7 year old son and even put pepper on his penis. My friend is afraid to report because he fears for his safety seeing as he lives in the same compound with them and the man in question is rough. please suggest other ways we can help.

    1. If you're in lagos, go and make a report at alausa. They will handle the issue perfectly well and keep you anonymous at the same time.

    2. OmG..pls report them to the police first

    3. Hian!!! That woman na end time mother

    4. Sharon did you say police? Nigerian police abi abroad own?
      Poster do not go to the police first! I repeat do not go to the police first. It might not end well and they can end up telling them that you are the one who made the report. I'm talking from experience oh so don't try it.
      If you're in lagos go to Block 18, 2nd floor, Lagos State Secretariat, Alausa, Ikeja or call 08085754226, 08102678443. If outside lagos, go to the state ministry of women affairs office. They will surely involve the police but the difference will be clear in the way the matter will be handled.

    5. Don't go to the police pls. Go to the ministry of women affairs or welfare in any state you live in. Tell them the problem and ask for where you can report it. If you are in Lagos, go to the ministry of women affairs in Alausa and make a report.

    6. Thanks guys. It's in Osun but I will take your advice and go to ministry of women affairs.

  46. Congrats know who call you by this name now, congrats, I'm so happy for you... Creamy ooooo

  47. Good morning BVS. Congratulations Kehinde. I would have love to grace that occasion but not in my location. Wishing them all the best.

  48. So my service year is coming to an end (bittersweet experience I must say).

    Coming to Lagos n all, 'twas real ass bitter. Lagos wasn't exactly what I thought, so different from "calm ph".

    I'm getting the hang of it tho, getting to learn what I really love (coding and programming)

    Disregard all


  49. Goodmorning lovelies.
    Cool Saturday morning and I'm typing from the floor after online kitchen do me shege yesterday. I was told to forgive. Ok ok.

    Windsor castle...belated happy birthday to you and everyone that celebrated this week. God bless you all.

    Kehinde...wishing you a happy married life. Pictures for SDK only? Asikwa! Mr Kevwe ke? let me go and book pishures from a certain source first.
    *shines teeth*

    Stella Kork...what did you do? Hmmmm. I read your hashtags and for the very first time I say "congra" as only one Gbagaun was spottted. Hahaha. You are improving. Weldone.
    Two things make SOME women HAPPY.
    1.Get drunk at a party and dance on a table.
    2.Shower head things. Kikiki. Shey you don spoil ni abi kilo worry e?
    Na question I ask o.
    Per adventure I'm wrong please forward photo make I follow look.

    All the cowardly quims smoking my comments like weed (igbo)should get a grip of themselves please.What's that?
    Deloitte and Touche South Africa is the firm handling the collation for the BBNAIJA Show.They are Certified IT Auditors.They train IT personnel and dominate the Risk Management Sector in their zone.Ever heard of divisions within a Conglomerate?Nekwanum anya o.
    Deloitte Nigeria,the ship has sailed since after the merger but many of you don't know,they have training academy for IT personnels,once you hear D,you assume it is all about Tax and Accounting.
    #Olodo rabatas.
    Not like some have been to South Africa o or ever had any dealing with D.Una dey insult una Aunty.Take your time o.
    Please you can see debris and floating objects in a bottle of corked Coca cola drink but YOU CAN NEVER GET THE CODE TO THE MIX FOR PRODUCTION.
    The results of collated results for BBNAIJA does not leak,stop lying about and trying to mend the mess by saying the final result was close to the leaked result.D handles billion Naira projects larger than this and you think they wanna mess with their standardization because of BB brand?
    Wake up from your dream,accept that social media trolls can imagine and configure results.Nearly is not it.

    Eka Joy & friend...thanks. Thought it was smallest time that takes the price, Miracle for the cash then.

    In an idle mode,it's a lazy day for me but some will still make me to shout no matter what. Aarrgghhh!

    1. Thanks for this, sometimes the level of daftness or naivety expressed on d comments section is mind boggling. D's intergrity cannnot be questioned...atleast not now.

    2. XP mama thanks for that illustration because sometimes I wonder how people just assume they know everything without thinking.

    3. @Xp are working with Deloitte? If no why the HYPE?

    4. Deloitte is one of the big four, they can't risk their integrity for a company like payporte. I never believed it

    5. BlackBerry, Bee10, Abamade...thanks jare. They won't post comment na to siddon for anonymous dey abuse bvs.
      D has a name to protect, leaked resulr bawo?

      Whateverinsdk...hmmm. I've been trained twice by them so I know. There's no hype there. Good is good.
      Abi you don see Nestle Foods being hyped to sell their Milo since 40years+?
      Leave me alone o. Where dem for abuse me I no see you there.

  50. Good morning all
    Bv Chioma A good morning
    We the silent Big brother readers are missing your report
    biko help!!!!😭

  51. Good morning everyone happy married life to kehinde and wify, heavenly blessings pour on your Union. Beloved remember me on the giveaway

  52. good morning. Beloved I am here again. How market?

    1. You ehnnnnn
      I'm sure you already have pomo skin

    2. Beloved PA I nominate whatever bv for the random giveaway. The proof of her desire is in her pursuit. Thanks

    3. @XP pls come and screen this two IDs. Whatever and The Entrepreneur.
      I believe they are one and the same. Cos I don't see how any reasonable bv wil recommend whatever for giveaway when he/she made it clear from day one that his/her sole purpose for been on this blog is because of giveaway

    4. Hahahaha.
      BELOVED I don't envy you right now aswear.

      She's not the only one here for giveaway some have 4 different IDs.
      After collecting they hide and resort to cussing Stella Kork.

  53. congrats to the Kehindes. Please can I gate crash?

  54. good morning house, enjoy your weekend

  55. Good morning wonderful bvs. Happy weekend to us all. One of my friends is getting married in Asaba today. Happy married life to her and Mr Kehinde and his wife. Mine is coming soon too.

  56. @TJ dts so my brother if his name appear on ur phone screen definiately he need u to do something for him,Happy birthday inadvance,congratulation kenny and his wife and everyone celebrating today.

    by monday we will know kenny's wife d pictures will be for our eyes only

  57. Very hungry too, moi moi and jellof on my mind.

    Good morning all

  58. Stella, please when is singles and mingles coming up?

  59. This Saturday looks somehow.
    I wish there is any owambe in town that I can gatecrash. I'm done cleaning and just bored. Let me just read the blog for now.

  60. Congratulations Ake Kehinde on your wedding. Beloved PA please pick your girl, I'm broke this moment.

  61. Beloved please choose me, I'm down this moment.

    1. Crayfish kwa, no more Access Bank. Bvs 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😀

    2. Kwakwakwa
      Even you too?
      Don't disturb yourself. It's Teejay that will win the giveaway.
      When Stella wants to dash one of her friends money, this is the trick she comes up with


    1. See them. My friend go and look for something doing. Cleaning jobs, bar man, waitress, sales reps, etc everywhere. Lazy lots everywhere

  63. Congrats Kehinde Ake...may God bless your home

  64. Happy married life bv Kehinde. God bless your new home. This Saturday is just boring. No money to even eat what you want. Well thank God for alive. That's the greatest miracle of all. Lovely weekend to everyone.


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