Stella Dimoko Saturday In House Gists -Truth Or Dare


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Saturday In House Gists -Truth Or Dare

Have you ever played a game of truth or dare before?its always very interesting...depending on how real and honest you wanna be!

If Yes or No,lets play one now!

Okay,let me start.

I am in London right now -TRUTH


  1. To your question, yes.
    Someone should please ask if I've ever had sex let me answer now. I hate that game

    1. She has never had sex; never -she be Virginia

      But she don do threesome and she be specialist for
      cucumber chopping.

    2. Beloved trust me now, I have.
      Anonymous, you may die of hypertension because of someone's business. You think I'm like you and your family who ate hypocrites yet still stagnant in life without any success? You don't feed or cloth me so I won't lie stupid.

  2. My body count is below 5, although ive kissed more than 10 girls - Truth.

    1. Gerrarahere

      ghosts no dey do the do

    2. I have never climaxed during Virginia penetration only when I use a vibrator or I'm sucked. I have 3 body count with hubby inclusive. I almost cheated one cos the guy said he can make me cum but my nerves failed me at the last minute.

    3. @17:46
      "Virginia penetration?" sic "cheated one?" sic
      How about Philadelphia penetrations
      Looks like your brain has been penetrated and wiped
      See as you carry ya hand dey scatter ya marriage?
      Abegi give ya husband chance to do the VAGINAL penetration
      and make you sing in tongues and stop having sexual chats with
      strange and stray guys.
      We no wan read "marriage is scattering chronicles"

    4. Most women do not climax in vaginal penetration except they are also stimulated at the same time....your hubby has to learn to touch u simultaneously...most times hubby makes me come before or after he penetrates during sex....last last we are always both happy after we make love...tell your hubby what you want...i hope he is not a selfish lover though

  3. After staying off soda for one month, I'm presently drinking another bottle of PEPSI after taking one yesterday...

    I will probably take another one tomorrow...TRUTH 🙈

    1. Loooll, I don't even know how to play the game 🙈🙈🙈🙈

    2. How? Please what method did you apply?

    3. Lagos shopper 😀

      I don't know how I survived sha, but I know within that period, I found out that I drank more water. I always keep my water bottle handy.

      I also kept my eyes off soda section whenever I go shopping.

    4. @Beloved Truth or dare: Will you choose me for Today's Spontenous GIVEAWAY?

    5. @whatever 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    6. Lagos shopper, you can actually do it. Invest time in making smoothies or fresh juice.

    7. I always have water handy too.

  4. I'm currently in London, in preparation for Meghan Markle' s wedding. I' m the make- up artist for the big day.I am excited, I can't wait!!

    1. Biggest lie ever!!

    2. 😙😙😙😙😚😚😚😚🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈 Osheyyyyy let me come and be your PA

  5. I love my hectic bank job- truth

  6. Truth. As any question, I promise to say d truth. 😂😂😂

    1. ARe you really a Single mother?

    2. Have you entered the other room how many times this year? TRUTH OR DARE

  7. I can now comfortably bake a rich wedding fruit cake. Truth.
    The training is worth it, one more week to go. Am excited.

    1. Hubby buys all sort of sex toys for my sexual pleasure he says. I sometimes wonder if it is normal. Truth

    2. Be drilling toys while hubby drill real holes of hoes!

  8. Lived for three decades and six years.
    Had sex with only one person.
    My Hubby.


    What do you want it to be?

    truth sha!

  9. @ Stella, buy me London bread when you are coming bk.😁😁

  10. @ Stella, buy me London bread when you are coming bk.😁😁

  11. It is either this post go get too many anonyghosts
    or them go just seal lips.

    This is Sataday and all these girls don lie as to where
    them dey. Them fit don tell Boo-1 say them dey go see
    them mama or "friend". Friend fit bee Boo-ATM, boo-2,
    Aristo, or them friend's boo etc. anyone wey fit say
    "will you ma . . ." first.

    These waka waka girls sef!

  12. I just ate vegetable yam...Truth

  13. I have never had sex before in my life = truth

    1. But you be head mistress tee tee
      cucumber chopper extraordinary
      And cucumber diving specialist
      Drilling machine operator
      pussycat chopper

      The lists goes.

  14. I love my boyfriend but I want a break. I just want to be alone without the responsibility of someone else's feelings for me.

    1. As professional Akwunakwu -kwu-kwuuuuuuu
      Ok make I say the other one
      as professional ashashshshaaaaaaaaa wo

      wey you be na.

      This stammering sef.

    2. I'm a virgin and I'm tired of waiting but I made a covenant with God that I'll wait until marriage but if he is impotent, last few minutes or as a small thing or cannot please me in bed I will divorce him the next day _Truth

  15. Just masturbated with my 9inches king cock dildo with balls. So sweet and to think I fucked my neighbor last night as well but I’m still horny- True story

    1. Chai! 9"King Kong dildo?
      Where did you buy it pls?
      I no wan use am o, I wan begin sell am.

  16. TRUTH - I'm tired of being single.

    Another truth- I'm writing lesson notes right nkw

    1. @Eka Truth Or Dare: Are you really SINGLE?

    2. Don't worry, you will soon leave the "Singles" club.

    3. @whatever, I'm not married so yea, I'm single

  17. Truth- I am naked right now

  18. I have had sex thrice this year...

    Truth .... And i am watching cnn naked, smiling as news casters are watcing me without seeing me.

  19. Can't go a week without a glass of chilled alcoholic drink.

    Biko don't abuse me oh. I inherited it from my Grandma and DH loves it.
    "Mmanya gbube nwanyi, o dabalu di ya"
    (No interpretation please).

    1. Daburu ya ma lagbua ya....😅😅😅
      Oya Chioma 🏃🏃🏃🏃

      chim-oma aka Miss Kapusu

    2. 😂😂😂😂😂

    3. My friend, you don become an alcoholic be dat.
      Enjoy though.
      On another note, l admire you, Eka Joy, Queen and Boss and Chikito. You all babe this blog rock.
      Sdk rocks!!

    4. be member na. I see you clear like water. Hahahahaha.

      ED...ife imasikwa.

  20. Have slept with 60 and counting

    1. Come take award for this blog cos e no easy

    2. I'm just a learner o

    3. Thank God my better pass your own over 40 men that I remember

    4. Mine is almost 100 and hubby does not know. He thinks it's just 4 including him, that is what I told him. My P is tighter than that of a person with one body count and yes I have a beautiful baby

    5. Oniro! Ahn ahn hanty! Don't you've the fear of God? Why is you lying?

  21. I was sexually abused by 5 different boys when I was young. These boys were neighbours and cousin. Apart from these 5, I have had mutual sexual relationship with 8 guys in our "boyfriend/girlfriend" relationship. I was raped by one gynecologist. In short, my body count is 14. Today was the first day I sat down to count. I got pregnant just once and I was happy I was pregnant because I thought I had no womb all through these years. It's sad I had to abort the baby. I promised God that it won't happen again.
    But as God would have it, I am now engaged to the guy I disvirgined. This guy had no knowlege about sex when he met me. I was his first and only girlfriend and he loved me so much. The first time he asked of my body count, I told him 2( he and my ex). God also blessed me with tight tohtoh. Men always think they are the first or second guy to sleep with me. I have now reached my bus stop.

    1. Bless you. But how were you able to determine that he was a virgin?

  22. I want to go back to hustling - Truth

  23. Truth: Having money in my bank account boosts my confidence. I love money!

  24. I don't like sex. I only have it once a day...truth
    I can stay without my phone for a minute... Truth

    1. Quick question...
      How many times would you have s*x if you enjoy it?

  25. Truth!

    I am a 26year old lady. An entrepreneur, doing well for myself. I help my siblings with whatever they need. People see me and conclude I don't have any problem. Well I have!! When it comes to physical attributes, i have just few. The worst is having a flat chest. I am not happy about that. Being a flat chest lady makes me very insecure. I normally stuff my bra with cotton wool, handkerchief or foam just to fit in a dress. For this reason, I refuse to hug people. I started dating late, precisely at 22. The first guy I dated met me on a saturday. He met me when my breasts were free from stuffings, just bra. We got along well, he was nice, loving and charming and I kept wondering what exactly is he attracted to. The first time we were making out, I was nervous. Whenever he puts his hand on my chest, I freak out. I then told him my breasts were small. He assured me he is okay with it. That made me calm and gave in to his touches. Well, that day was the last time he touched me the way he did. Making out was kiss, penetrate and repeat.. It was obvious he doesn't care about me. He finally broke up with me after. I was sad and heartbroken. My insecurities tripled after he left. I feel no man would wanna date a lady with a flat chest, and for that I accepted my fate. Jan15 2018, I met a man. A good man. We get along well, we talk about almost everything. Still I am not happy. I panic anytime he touches me. When we kiss, I'm always ready to take his hand off my chest. This has been going on for weeks now and he is getting pretty pissed at the situation. I really do like this guy but I'm too weak to see same reaction from my first. On monday is his birthday, he asked me to come to his place. God! The thought of getting naked for him scares me so bad.. What scares me more is his ex. I have seen her picture, and she is busty. I'm really panicking here and on the verge of sending him an "I am sorry I can't make it" sms. Which I know will end whatever it is we share together.. *Tears*

    1. Take your mind off your chest. Enjoy life and live.
      What if the woman with plastic boobs after surgery.
      Okay, go look for Tontos Doctor in Lagos abd tell him to take fat from your thighs in pour in your chest.

    2. My dear you are not alone.Stop feeling sorry for yourself, alot of girls wear padded bras, just to fill out their cloths. What cannot be helped must be endured, if he does not accept you for who you are, then he is not the one!!! Be confident, confident ladies are the most sexy, we all have our insecurities, so chin up!

    3. My dear, you are not alone, stop feeling sorry for yourself!!! Most ladies wear padded bras to fill out their cloths. You cannot have it all, even the most beautiful women have their insecurities. If he cannot love you for who you are, he is not the one! Don't let society make you feel that you are not beautiful, because you are not busty. Be confident, real men love confident women. So chin up!

    4. Babe, you are not alone. I also had tiny breasts and wore big padded bras all through my single days. I used to feel insecure too while with a man. But I had other good qualities that covered my flaws. Nice clean legs, soft and flawless skin, smooth face and long natural hair. Most importantly, I had a good character, a good home keeper, highly intelligent, friendly and hardworking. So I used to get men flocking around me but when I met my husband, he didn't care about my breasts. After marriage, I got pregnant added weight and my breasts became big. When I delivered and was breastfeeding, they were so big. I loved my body so much and really wanted them to stay that way but they reduced to almost the former size after breastfeeding and baby weight gone, I now intentionally added weight and they became bigger. Like double the former size. So you can add weight if other parts of your body are not big. That is, if you are generally slim. When you increase in weight, all parts of your body will increase including your breasts. Then you can now use exercises to burn tummy fats and thighs or any other part. If you can't add weight then leave them like that.
      On Monday, visit your man, don't stuff your bra, free yourself and see how it goes. All the best.

    5. Don't worry yourself, some men don't really care about breasts. I have round gigantic ones with big nipples and my husband does not really use them. Na outsiders and fellow women dey look with much appetite.

    6. What is the relevant of big breasts without a good character? I won't make physical attributes my priority in choosing a life partner. Never!

    7. 21:47 laugh wan finish me here am busty and thank God oga like them big...

  26. I really want to stop begging. #TRUTH#

  27. Fucked a girl for thè first time, in a long time. amazing! Came like crazy. Never knew it was this sweet though. God please forgive me, I wont do I again #bucketlist

    1. I put it to you that you will do it again tomorrow.
      Make sure you wear a condom next time.

  28. I feel so ashamed of myself I've slept with over 30 men and I'm just 37, God pls help me.

    1. Body count is 58 and she is just 30years old. Don't beat yourself too hard pls.

    2. Slow dow befoRe u clock 40..

    3. @Blackberry
      "slow dow?" sic
      Looks like the ghosts are talking
      On another post, all of them go begin
      dey pontificate. All these girls
      The easiest thing to part these days
      are girls' thighs!

    4. Don't feel too bad. I was 27 when I married and as at then, I had slept with over 50 men. If I had remained single till now that I'm almost 40, I would have hit 100. Hahahahaha. The best part of it is that I'm very good in bed and I satisfy my man wella with my soft fingers, mouth and tight pussy.
      Don't disclose your body count to anyone o, your sister, friend, cousin, mother, Reverend Father, ex, boyfriend, fiancee, etc. Never try it. Let it be between you and God. Any one of them can use it against you. Your body count is two or three, you hear me? And don't ever swear with anything because of the man. Any man that says you should swear is not someone you should be with. My husband never case done to swear. We were watching movie that had to do with body count and he tok me his own, then asked me and I told him three. Shikena. Although I had been telling him about the three of them before. Hahah

  29. Am presently in sambisa forest in search of my future partner

    Mc pinky

  30. Truth - hate having sex with my hubby.not dat am cheating o but jst discovered I hate sex and it wasn't like dis b4 I fake orgasm.

    1. Me too, fake it every freaking time, has a big dick he can not use properly comes too fast

    2. Me too. Been married for 12 years and honestly its been fake most of the time. To think we dated for a long time and the sex was very good back then.... I hate sex so much I pretend to have headache or be on my period to escape it...

  31. Slept with 3 diff men same day..Kai my ponyor hear am that day.First was my sch bf wen we came back frm classes,later entered town to see my real G so he collected his own.I came to d hostel and my paymaster visited in d night and carry me wholesale.Kai life of a struggling gal trying to better her life.

    1. I hope they used protection? Three men in one day.
      You try oo!! Take it easy please except that’s your trade.

    2. Only three men? Those ashawos living in the hotels sleep with more than 15 men in a day at times. You dey learn work na. Even though those ones don't allow their customers to hammer their ponyor the way your boyfriends did to yours

  32. Anon.15:54, you can decide to stop today. If u are not married, just tie your legs. At least, u have seem that the sex doesn't keep them.

    I know it won't be easy, but try eeh

  33. Truth- slept with more than 20men before I got married.not that I'm proud of it but I gat to do what I gat to do.I'm grateful to God cos he didn't allow me get infected with d virus and he blessed me with kids after doing more than 7 abortions.I've given my life to Christ so nobody shld judge me cos He has washed my sins away.Throw a stone if u are without sin

    1. Thank God for your life if you have truly repented

    2. *throws a large rock* 😀

  34. Truth!

    I am a 26year old lady. An entrepreneur, doing well for myself. I help my siblings with whatever they need. People see me and conclude I don't have any problem. Well I have!! When it comes to physical attributes, i have just few. The worst is having a flat chest. I am not happy about that. Being a flat chest lady makes me very insecure. I normally stuff my bra with cotton wool, handkerchief or foam just to fit in a dress. For this reason, I refuse to hug people. I started dating late, precisely at 22. The first guy I dated met me on a saturday. He met me when my breasts were free from stuffings, just bra. We got along well, he was nice, loving and charming and I kept wondering what exactly is he attracted to. The first time we were making out, I was nervous. Whenever he puts his hand on my chest, I freak out. I then told him my breasts were small. He assured me he is okay with it. That made me calm and gave in to his touches. Well, that day was the last time he touched me the way he did. Making out was kiss, penetrate and repeat.. It was obvious he doesn't care about me. He finally broke up with me after. I was sad and heartbroken. My insecurities tripled after he left. I feel no man would wanna date a lady with a flat chest, and for that I accepted my fate. Jan15 2018, I met a man. A good man. We get along well, we talk about almost everything. Still I am not happy. I panic anytime he touches me. When we kiss, I'm always ready to take his hand off my chest. This has been going on for weeks now and he is getting pretty pissed at the situation. I really do like this guy but I'm too weak to see same reaction from my first. On monday is his birthday, he asked me to come to his place. God! The thought of getting naked for him scares me so bad.. What scares me more is his ex. I have seen her picture, and she is busty. I'm really panicking here and on the verge of sending him an "I am sorry I can't make it" sms. Which I know will end whatever it is we share together.. *Tears*

    1. Anonymous donor14 April 2018 at 18:30

      Read your comment and advice yourself. I was like you before, had a body part that an ex was always telling me he didn't like. Well I dumped him cos he was messing with my head. Had me thinking I wasn't good enough. guess what, I'm with someone who loves that body part and was always praying our kids inherit it from me. Gofigure

  35. I have a lovely figure and hot legs_ Truth

  36. Cant do without drinking gin in a day-truth.

    1. Ogogoro master or mistress

    2. Ola is that you? Ikwakwakwakwakwa!

  37. I am so Happy right now-TRUTH

    1. Me too. TRUTH

    2. Aristo don drill don pay?
      Be so happy when period no show o

  38. Having issues with Bobo, he is so caught up with business
    lost my job abi i resigned cos it was draining me
    feeling lonely and down
    I feel like ranting

    1. Then why didn't you apply for crayfish? I saw you begging, on SP this morning

  39. Truth- I can't fall in love. Not that I don't want to but I just can't. I think I am incapable of falling in love.

    Truth- I miss my mom

    Truth- i hate Saturdays and Sundays too.

    Truth- I love alcohol and my nudity alot. lol

    Truth- the only thing that gives me wild orgasm is bank alert.

    1. Steffy... Don’t be like me oo!! That what l used to say. I was very careless with love. I regret that now. Please, open your heart to love. It’s a beautiful thing. Just love with your head and not your heart. You will be fine.

    2. Steffy... Don’t be like me oo!! That what l used to say. I was very careless with love. I regret that now. Please, open your heart to love. It’s a beautiful thing. Just love with your head and not your heart. You will be fine.

    3. I really try anon, I might just be so crazy in love today and tomorrow am bored with the relationship. At this point I doubt if love is for me.

    4. You are my missing twin

  40. Don't ever lend your loved one money especially mom for business, they don't care if it's your last card
    This people want to finish me
    Truth or dare

  41. All those "sexyprettybabes" on IG are opposite of their names in real,they only use those ID to console Bv broomstick whereas she's orobo.Truth.

    1. XP well done. you hear ?

    2. Anony 19:52...hahahaha. This your comment made me laugh.
      Which XP?
      I don't have any links with Broomstick biko.

      She knows her friends and her friends know her.

    3. Hahahahah
      XP are you not a decoder again? You don't need to have links with a bv before you decode.
      Btw, anon, Broomstick have said it several times here that she is Fat. I'm not the anon up there that mentioned her name though.

  42. I kissed a girl once. I've lost contact with her though.i wish I could see her one more time.

    1. Why do you wish to see her one more time?? To finish the thoughts in your head. Isn’t it?? Lesbianism alert!! I repeat lesbianism alert!! You don’t have to wait for her. Look around you. Start being super nice to any cute babe around you. She will fall yakata. Make sure you cut your fingernails too. You will thank me later. Enjoy your kissing sessions.

  43. I don’t know why i can’t get election with a white lady? At the site of their nakedness I feel irritated like they’re deformed “albino skin”.
    This is a year and 3 months now and I haven’t chopped any ponyor. Truth!
    Can’t wait to be home oh jareh, sweet black ponyor no get rival abeg. Truth!

    1. Heheheheheheheh OGA I salute u. U are the real MVP.

    2. Chukwudi, your 'pilick' don get 'ploblem' be that o.
      You should get 'election' whether white or black skin if it is normal.

    3. Anon 17:51, you're a clown! Lmao @ election. Inukwa "site of their nakedness". I had a good laugh.

    4. Same way black skin irritates some whites, reminds them of gorillas.
      To each his own I guess.

  44. Truth I haven't had sex this year and I had it thrice last year
    Am 39 and too confused to be in a relationship=truth
    my hips are too wide and I don't like it =truth
    despite all,i still look attractive and all I need now is a job.i believe God will meet me at the point of my needs this year. It's never too late for God

    1. Dem say truth or dare, some of una dey sell market. Even inside obituary post una go still sell market.

    2. Those hips should be your selling point my dear. Photocopy your CV, look for companies around you and start going there to submit your cv. While going, wear tight pant trousers or office skirts and shirts. With good but not too high heeled shoes. Make a good hair and pack it well. Moderate make up and small ear rings. Go from Tuesdays to Fridays. Mondays, those staff and ogas will be too busy to look outside the window. Go there in the afternoon, don't flirt with the gate man or security o. Just be friendly. If they attend to you at the gate and did not allow you to enter Before leaving, tell him you want to 'piss' and ask for their toilet. Go inside and wriggle that waist. Best of luck.

    3. @21:16
      Prostitu-tricks 101
      Na work she dey look for abi na prick?

    4. 26:16
      This one will make them to give her automatic employment. If she plays her cards well she don't need to sleep with anyone

  45. Right now....I just want to have passionate love making session with a clean beautiful lady,a total strings attached.. just 2adults fvcking passionately......#truth

    1. Same here, some girls bring deals when it's a relationship.


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