Stella Dimoko Reality Star CeeC Refuses To Respond When Asked About How She Met Ebuka +Reveals Plans.


Sunday, April 29, 2018

Reality Star CeeC Refuses To Respond When Asked About How She Met Ebuka +Reveals Plans.

First runner-up in the just concluded Big Brother Naija, Cynthia Nwadiora,bares it all in an interview with Punch....

When did you decide to participate in Big Brother Naija?

A few weeks after I saw the advert on Instagram, I decided to attend the audition and I was successful.

Did you share your plans to participate in the reality show with your family?

No, I did not tell anybody.

How did they react when they found out you were going to be a housemate?

They know I have always wanted to be on TV, so they were not surprised about my decision. The fact that I made it into the house despite the large number of people that auditioned also impressed them.

What are some of the most important lessons you took away from the Big Brother House?

I learnt to live and let live. Also, adversities are opportunities for you to shine, so make the best of it.

If you were to go back into the house, what would you do differently?

I think I would be an older version of myself; this means I would be more mature.

Was your attitude part of your strategy to win the game?

I am always myself. Everything you saw in the house was real.

What do you regret doing while in the house?

I don’t have any regrets.

What’s the next stage for you?

This is a new environment, so I am trying to get used to it. I’m looking at the opportunities I have to know the ones to go for and make money. I hope to act and I’m also a music artiste.

Were you in a relationship before the competition?

No, I wasn’t and I never thought of finding love while in the house. I was there to play a game and I planned to do whatever it took to win.

If you could date one person in the house, who would it be?

Nobody. I wasn’t attracted to anybody in the house. As regards the kind of man I like, the God factor is very important. It also has to be someone who understands and loves me deeply.

You were reportedly mobbed at the airport when you got back to Nigeria. How was the experience?

We had just come out of the house and I didn’t know what to expect. We were just in the house doing our thing; we didn’t even know if people really watched us. However, the reception was overwhelming and I felt loved. It felt good seeing so many people rushing to say hi. As for the attack on me, when you have a large crowd, such a thing is inevitable; I think it was a mistake.

People are insisting that you knew Ebuka before the competition. What is your reaction to that?

I would rather not talk about that please.

What’s the greatest misconception that people have about you?

People think I’m a bitter person and I don’t even know what that means. I am not a bitter person in any way.

If you had won the competition, what were you planning to do with the prize money?

I would have used it to finance my MBA and film school education; I still plan to do that anyway.

How would you describe your personality?

I think I am a very strong person.

What’s the reaction of your family to your behaviour in the house?

They were happy to see me. They have not told me that they were not happy with anything I did in the house.

You shared a kiss with Tobi in the house. How did it feel?

I don’t want to answer this question too.

*I dont know but the way both CeeC and Ebuka went about this just gives one the feeling that they knew each other before Big brother,which is not a bad thing but I guess CeeC made a mistake talking about it in the house and they are trying to manage it....This does not mean they dated though...

And oh...I like her,she is so pretty and smart.


  1. Even if he came in her in d past, it is not a crime, ebuka is not an impotent man.

    1. Enough of dis rubbish talk...nt funny at all.

    2. SDK me o lime this babeeeeeeeeeee
      I liked her because the hate on ber was too much jexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

      Cee C nwa make use of this opportunity i like the fact that you are acting opposite to what people expect, you are proving them wrong about the perception have about u

  2. This is how to answer questions. When you don't have a perfect answer, say you don't want to answer it. Someone teach Nina please. That girl is all manner of dumb. I liked her when she was in the house, I knew she was dull and dumb but I didn't know it was this bad.

  3. I feel like ceec never met ebuka aside that time he hosted a pageant. But ceec was talking big in the house to look like she wasn't their level. Dropping names of celeb here and there. I feel at some point she exaggerated much and also lied much to look like shes all that

  4. I don't think they went about "it" in anyway. There is nothing There!!!!

    I think it's the media that's trying to turn this into something. For example, your headline.!!!!

    She has addressed it already in her own words, on her own page. If she says anything now, it will be twisted. Move on abeg

  5. I am sorry but CeeC is not smart. She is quite immature but it is expected of a girl her age. She was abusive in the house. If a man spoke to any of the girls the way she spoke to Tobi we would all call for an end to verbal abuse. CeeC does act like the typical Nigerian girl her age and it is not cute in anyway. It does not speak well of a person to be that way. She will make it because people like drama but the minute she displays those traits among a more mature crowd, she will become ostracized from a certain crowd and this will stomp her growth. A strong woman is not in any way a rude and uncouth woman.

    1. Ozuolanu...we haff hear

    2. Anon u are so bitter and wicked for still dwelling on dat BBN episodes. We all have moved on..Pls move on too..Stop venting ur frustration on her..As u can see,she has moved on and doing perfectly well..Move on too a d stop being stupid.

    3. Annon 16.43 and who are you again. ..just a faceless blog attendant

    4. Na wa o!

      One cannot say the truth again without attracting insults.

      CeeCe was actually uncouth in the BBA and that's a tag on her even out here.

  6. Agu Nwanyi!!
    She answers her questions smartly
    Someone should teach Nina how to do that too

    1. Go and teach her..Shebi u are one of those that voted for her? Now u are looking for who to teach her.

      Stop praising CeeC.. U were calling her all sorts of bad names as if u know her personally..Now u are licking ass..Yimmu! Chameleon..
      Stick to Nina,Tobi,Miracle and Alex and leave CeeC alone.. Okpo!

    2. Who's this fool?
      I never had any favorite housemate neither did i vote for any
      Cee-c has a nasty behavior and everyone knows that
      But you can't deny the fact she has a strong personality...Yeah she's Agu Nwanyi
      Don't come near me with your frustration biko...take it elsewhere

    3. Anon Choi!!!!! Calm down. Ammie is entitled to her own opinion

  7. Errrm! Kissing is deeper than Sex, u kno right? And to have something deep, u have to be 'attracted' to that person, u also know right? Admit it, e pain u say Tobi blank Ur side! πŸ˜’πŸ˜†πŸ˜š

    Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

    1. Yeah Ofcux kissing is stronger than sex. I gat a question though: what if ceec and miracle had a thing in the house and it was tobi and nina with the fling! Will the winner still be miracle?

    2. Really? You never jam 10”, you go know say kiss na play.

  8. Of course they fucked

    Ceecee and Ebuka fucked themselves


    She is related to Ebuka's wife


    1. How is she related to Ebuka's wife? Xoxo u always sound dumb...CeeC is not from Neni where ebuka's wife is from..Are u their hanty? Stop saying what u don't know.
      They fucked huh? U held torchlight for them? Can u prove that? Pls stop sounding stupid.. its annoying.

  9. Smart girl. Nina come and see how to answer questions not opening ur mouth and saying everything dat comes to ur head!

  10. You like Everyone!!!
    Stella you are 'oche barber"

  11. Stella pls, they didn't know each other. Cecee is just a famzer. I have also met Ebuka at more than one occasion,greeted and chatted but i won't say we know each other. Not wanting to talk about it is because theres nothing to say.
    The girl talks too much, and she's not even coded. she talked about how her landlord(an older man) wanted to throw her out cos she refused to date him,but she would hang out and chop his money though the man later received sense.Come on, who says that on national TV, while still living in same apartment. While in the house ,she mentioned she wouldn't movie roles less than a million naira..says an amateur actress or a wannabe actress. I wish her well though

  12. The only thing I like here is she isn't badmouthing anyone in her interviews.
    Tobi that a thing or two from this. You don't have to diminish anyone to shine.
    It didn't work out btw Tobi and CeeCee. No sex either. Why are people so hell bent on this situationship.

  13. Stella likes CeeCee? Interesting.

  14. She addressed this on her page already,eighter way I like her and hope she gets the help she needs in therapy!!

  15. Smart? In answering media questions or what?
    Cos the person I saw in the house during tasks was not smart at all. At some point i thought Alex was intellectually better. Zero communication skills,barely eloquent and couldnt even complete tasks except her grp members did everythn.

  16. Please why are Nigerian interviews always soooooo boring? Always such boring and predictable questions? Gosh! It's mega mega irritating. Like such laaaaaazy journalists yo!

    And please, it's not by force to interview Nina. Please. Please. I use my forefathers to say please.

    Abi did they all sign contract that they must do interview? Ok let it be a written interview like this and let her nanny or chaperone or PR person be with her while responding with answers. Please.

    That girl is absolutely gorgeous and will excel in anything that does not require her to think, reason or speak.

    I said please.

  17. CeeC da bomb! Love u die. Happy my votes were not wasted. Gr8t feat to come second among all d "well behaved". D sky is ur starting point baby gurl.

  18. All these questions are repetition of what she answered in previous interviews with tools and one other lady. It was on twitter

  19. Cee c pls don't go into music it's not for everyone you will do better in other aspects,that's how miracle said he will soon drop his song like really man!we are yet to recover from Efe's warriπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

  20. #Words mean nothing, if actions show the complete opposite*

  21. Cee c music artist? LMAO plis dear don't. The other time, she said she wanna use the opportunity to be an entertainment lawyer. Now music artiste and actor? Aunty pick a struggle plis. Love and light <3 <3


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