Stella Dimoko Gov Dankwambo Says BBNaija Is Distracting The Youth From Focusing On Nigeria


Monday, April 02, 2018

Gov Dankwambo Says BBNaija Is Distracting The Youth From Focusing On Nigeria

''.......I know some politicians will want Big Brother to be a daily thing all year round so our youths can remain distracted....''

Governor of Gombe State, Ibrahim Hassan Dankwambo has said he wants the on-going Brother Naija 2018 reality Television show to come to an end.

The governor, who expressed his view via his Twitter handle over the weekend, wrote: “I am praying for Big Brother Nigeria to come to an end so our young people begin to focus on important things like rescuing their country. I know some politicians will want Big Brother to be a daily thing all year round so our youths can remain distracted.

“Millions of our youth vote with their money in Big Brother Nigeria then invest so much passion but show no interest in the electoral process then turn around to complain that the country is not working. Like I always say, I have nothing against the show. I just want our youths to show same kind of passion they use for Big Brother to effect the needed change in our country. I want young people to run for office and also vote competent leaders. #NotTooYoungToRun.

“Big Brother Nigeria is not the future. Nigeria needs your help, save her from going down. Don’t give up. Stop saying votes don’t count. They do count. If they don’t count, why do bad politicians buy votes on Election Day? And even if you must show extreme passion in Big Brother Nigeria, please multi-task and also show same passion in rescuing Nigeria. Please don’t give up. Go and get your #PVC.”


  1. Another stupid and unreasonable comment from those who ought to have made this nation worth living. What is it to focus about in Nigeria?

    1. Can anybody explain why d house mates hair weren't made yesterday? And Wat excuse did biggie give them.
      Also did d three nominated housemates pack their bags to d store room before d eviction show began?

    2. Teejay I think he made a valid point...Nigeria will continue on it's present track if nothing is done about it. And I believe the youths are the only people who can change the route.

    3. Bianca I think biggie wanted to surprise them with another eviction and no their bags weren't packed,just like they packed bambam's bag is same way they packed teddy's bag

    4. Valid points he made to you because election is fast approaching, let him win and see if he will talk about anything youth. If our leaders had made this nation a working and comfortable place for the citizens I bet you bbn would have just been a thing of leisure as to past time but since everything is in a mess in this nation that is why people resorted to anything to make them happy. Besides our votes doesn't count so what's the point.

    5. Bianca Bruno do you braid your hair every week or you fix your hair weekly. The privileges big brother gives them weekly sef is too much.

    6. I wonder the reason our liar Mohammed hasn't said anything about BBA this year.
      Last year BBA the housemates didn't do 10per of this year's own.
      Yet lie lie Mohammed is quiet.
      I guess they have better things to think about since 2019 is coming and they need ways to ensure they rob Nigerians blind again for the next 4 years.

    7. Tee jay did you actually type this????? Giving an excuse for being stupid?
      When you don't have anything to say,say nothing,that way your level of reasoning won't be too obvious

  2. Hahahaha our youth no get problem. They should continue watching. Nothing concern me

  3. I will take the message...

  4. The truth is that I have never believed that Nigeria has Youths who are really interested in their nation,all they are good for is ranting and making noise but when it comes to real issues they are no where to be found.

  5. 'even if you must show passion in BBN,please multi task..."
    Get your PVC.
    Well said sir.

  6. movement for a new country2 April 2018 at 15:16

    The governor was quite right at that!unfortunately,BBN is not our only distractions,things like Manchester united,Chelsea,real Madrid,Barcelona etc,are also form parts of our distractions.So the bottom line is that Nigerian youth wants to remain perpetually distracted from the real issues while they tend to look for someone else to push their problems to,too bad!!!

  7. Blacks by nature are very short sighted. The average black only thinks of the moment, consumption and luxury. This isn't a Nigerian thing. Check out every society with blacks. It's a shame. I'm Nigerian by the way.

  8. Great talk sir. My heart bleeds for the future of this nation. Any reasonable post will never get much views or comments but irrelevances like Big brother show etc. I have nothing against it as I watch once in a while but the youths have nothing tangible to offer. It's pathetic! #nottooyoungtorun my foot....

  9. So what are you guys doing to keep the Youth in focus? Flying private jet upandan,.looting, and blame game. You are to blame. Even at home, if you dont keep your children focused, they entertain themselves. Charity begins at home


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