Stella Dimoko Friday Spontaneous


Friday, April 06, 2018

Friday Spontaneous

#friday #weekend #stillleo #itwasawesome #awonboyfriendsme #officallylastdayoftheholidays newressurrection #newthinshappening #hastagaddict #nobeeverydaydemdeyusetonguecountteethoh #gonnadanceagainwithsomeoneelsewhenican #loveisallthatmatterswhenitmatters #yampottageonmymind #annesummerdildohellolol #littlefinger #ohLordblessusallandourhustle 

Good Morning to you all...Beautiful day i wish you all....

May today be a perfect day for you,may you find love and laughter along the way,may God keep you in his tender care and away from those who cause you hurt and pain...

Please send in your articles for in house news..........
Those of you sending me pleas for help to post,I dont think i want to go that route again on this Blog where people will begin to send in please for help cooking up all kinds of lies....Those times even people with husbands turned themselves into widows.....I dont want to post such mails again..

Please if you sent such a mail and expecting to see it inside in house news today,no show!

Have a fantastic Friday and please stay outta harm's way! *wink*
Kisses to All.


  1. Minister of Enjoyment and Social Jollification5 April 2018 at 12:14

    @Larry. Because. NOBODY. wants. to REMEMBER. 

    It's one of those things one desperately wants to unsee. 
    Disgusting to the power 1 billion.

    Were they trying to suck thick yellow snot from each others throats? 

    Please how does one unsee such horror? 

    It's not 'by force' to form chemistry ehn. There's more chemistry between dead bodies than with these two. 


    Somebody tell these two: Don't ever in your lifetime try that shit again in public. Ever.

    Kissing is an art. A veeeery special art.

    Not the ones Nigerians do that even their nostril hair will be inside each others mouth. 

    And they will be smiling slyly later feeling sexy with strong boogers hanging proudly in between their teeth. 

    *Didn't know I was frowning viciously and hissing as I typed- my colleague just asked if everything's okay. Pats self on the back, Minister is not dat serious na... LMAO!!


    Please who's this guy? His/her comment almost made me faint yesterday, we now have so many real Dramarians here, na where dey import these people from sef?

    Good morning blog fam, enjoy your weekend

    *Larry was here*

  2. So this taxi driver deemed it OK to tell all his passengers how he slept with his wife and bore his son.

    Oga said he and his wife fasted 3days after they married and on the 3rd day, he said; "I lay on my wife, we prayed another prayer, then I sex her. Instantly my wife missed her period" 😂

    I was just "shaming" on his behalf. I wondered how the wife was coping with his loud mouth.

    These taxis I use these days eh, its only God that will help me.

    Good morning BVs.

    1. Kiss and tell husband.
      End time husband

    2. Lol.. Selene what he shared was a testimony oo. If you know you know!

    3. I hate that term 'I sex her/him'. People use that a lot. WTF!

    4. Serious end time husband @Stella

      @SlimqueenTestimony indeed. How are you doing? Enjoy your weekend.

      IKR @Castle

    5. Lols @testimony
      Endtime testimony

    6. cassie, I hate it more..........

  3. Thank God it's Friday.

    Good morning everyone

    1. Good morning everyone. I woke up at 5.30 went downstairs and smoked then I had breakfast and went to bed again. Now I'm going to the school office to get information about my course. I will start the course in September. Yesterday I went to the library and they told me that they have suspended me for two years because I didn't bring back a book. Went home to look for it and it seems I have lost it so now I have to buy the same book and take it to them and maybe they will allow me to take books again and they will reduce the book suspension. I just smoked my last cigarette and I'm trying to stop because not only is bad for the health but is so expensive. I spend more than 100 euros in cigarettes a month. Money I could use to slay. I want to look fresh and stylish so as to attract my future husband. I'm planning to open a blog to keep me occupied but my mbs won't let me be great. I decided to lose my virginity with and old flame and I hope my plan goes well. I'm trying to lure him in my bed but things are going slow. Does anyone knows how to lose belly fat? I want to remain the same weight but lose my belly. From today I will be fasting for two weeks so at least God will answer my prayers and I will also slim down.

    2. Good dreams you have got here, wish you the best but remember how one dresses his/her bed is the same way they will sleep on it.

    3. fasting indeed, then go back to fornication and smoking....God is not a babalawo

  4. Good morning...

    Hello sp. Friday, pls be nice.

  5. Amen to your prayers Stella.


  6. Good morning everyone....Wishing you a fabulous Friday


    Xp mama Ehnnn so you don't know beloved. Wow I am surprised oh. Beloved wey be blog roamer then. Lol
    I suppose add jagaban to my

    All join, why is Tinubu referred to as Jagaban? Banker!!!

    Plumpy are you today. Have a fantastic day today.

    1. Jagaban is a Chieftaincy title conferred on Tinubu in a town called Bogu in Niger State

      *Larry was here*

    2. Beloved am fine ooo but I don run abeg before somebody runs mad on top say i comment for another blog ..

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Hahahaha Abeg no too run. Last last they will say I am PlumpyJ join.

      Na today yansh begin dey back? LMAO

    5. Beloved so you and plumpy j are blog buddies on lailas blog. Hehehehehe. I tried commenting there one time like that but couldn't. It was telling me to put my email address and all that, I just waka pass.

  7. Sometimes when supposed friends becomes enemies; don't imagine they turned against you. They simply stopped pretending.

  8. Good morning do I get my id back? Please,martins doesn't appear on the comment box .And I have tried blog yet no solution..

    Official prestige

    1. Hello @Official Prestige..

      first you have to be sure of the correct email and password you used to create your ID..

      Secondly,go to BLOGGER.COM and log in with that email and password..
      If successful,open another Tab then visit the blog again so as to comment..

      On the other hand If you cant log into blogger;then click on the "Forgot Password" at the bottom of the blogger website so you can reset your password..After that,go back to again and log in...

      Hope this helps..


    2. Thank you Martin. Let me try it now..

      Official prestige

  9. Stronger than your Enemies 4 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃

  10. Yea yea my holiday is coming to an end in portharcourt but it was fun mehn! Meanwhile I watched one movie new money yesterday interesting story which one is watch out for new money 2? I was so pissed like the way It ended its ok what are we expecting again?

    1. Did you see anything like sexy dadaddy. Pastor Sd

    2. I pray oh anon even if i see him why do you want to know?

    3. I didnt even like the way it ended.
      Like after all the plans, she gave up being Ceo...mtschwww

    4. When I saw that part 2 thing I vex ehn. After wedding party 2, nobody fit fool me to watch part 2 of any interesting movie again.

      Mz Lyn, she had to follow her passion.

  11. I forgot to add...Thanks to the creator of the in-house meme. You made me laugh so much yesterday.

    Kisses 😂😂😂

    1. How are you beloved pa to sure?

    2. Beloved I saw ur pix were u dey share crayfish😁u try..kpele,u most be tired

    3. Mummy twins, I'm good. Have a nice day

    4. Sharon boo my jeans 👖 is now smelling crayfish.

      Skywhite cleaners to the rescue!!!

    5. Yes Beloved! We are always ready to deal with dirts. It's our calling!

    6. I laughed so much at that in house memes

  12. Become Friends with people who aren't your age.....

    Hang out with people whose first language isn't the same as yours...

    Get to know someone who doesn't come from your social class..

    This is how to see and grow the world

    Good morning Good people of Sdk blog,wishing us all a great weekend.😘😘😘😘😘

    1. Mummy twin Good morning
      Shey you won't come to Lagos

    2. I have done all that 😂. Have a nice day momma

  13. Good morning everyone. Be persistent in any GOOD thing you are doing. Be it business oo, work oo or BEGGING. One day your hustle must pay.

  14. Yaaaaahhh first to comment

  15. Ubi lie give Lilian say he no get pikin for outside,last last she cor find out,as if that's not enough, he still get another baby again and he still dy see d baby mama codelly .making it two baby mama and e wife own,later na dem go dy say tuface bad not knowing say dey demselves bad

    1. Bring more pls. Then bring more of that aunty of that other Blog that you told us yesterday or Wednesday

  16. Good morning One Big and Happy Family, hope we all had a good night rest? the cold for Owerri no get part2,we never see light for 2days now, and the funny part is this my area we have 2 type of line, Federal and State line which I don't understand the meaning but people using the Federal line can have Light for 2days no shaking, but we using the State light to see light na problem, they use to share the State one day on and one day off, but the days we are meant to have light to see the light na problem, me just tire for this country, and house rent for federal light is expensive..have a nice day guys, one love

  17. Good morning bvs. I was on my way from night vigil this morning with my sister and i saw my boyfriend coming out of hotel. I ignored him as if I did not see him. I don't even know what to say. This nigga paid for my visa last month, and he is paying for my ticket on Monday. Should I just pretend as if nothing happened so that I will dump his ass after I left the country or confront him?

    1. Better pretend and collect your ticket on monday then you can do whatever you feel like doing later.

    2. Please please please PRETEND as if nothing happened and get your ticket money. If he is rich keep Pretending and keep collecting his money. If cunny man die na cunny man go bury am. The country is too hard abeg to run after 'DK' and leave money. WHO 'DK' EPP.


    4. Before nko.
      You better pretend and collect the ticket and pick🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏇🏇🏇

    5. Hope he didn't see u? Because as far as am concern,u didn't see him😁😀😁😀😁

    6. Vigil kor Vigil ni
      You were coming back from your runzz. If I were You, I'd confront him, so it becomes balanced equation

    7. As you are pretending, make sure you go for HIV and other tests. After you travel, dump him.

      Don't keep collecting money from him o. If possible, return the visa and ticket money when you have it. This is because he can kill you for using him when he sees you.
      I have seen cases like that. Sometimes, the man will jazz the girl and give her something that will make her and her people sad for the rest of their lives.

    8. Anonymous donor6 April 2018 at 09:43

      Tell him you saw him crying oo, allow him to feed you with a cock and bull story. Buy the story, beg him to wait for you. Then, watch the god of women work wonders.anything you ask, you shall receive. That is if your bf is mentally normal and all things being equal and you've never been caught too. Good luck

  18. Amen to your prayers Stellicious

  19. Good morning all
    Thank God its Friday!
    Jumaat Mubarak folks...

  20. Good morning bvs. Ehya bad market for them beggars. There are so many scammers these days that you wouldn't know who to believe anymore. The hustle is real. God bless our hustle o

  21. I'm so so sad today,I lost my friend last week Wednesday, she slept in the afternoon and didnt wake up,hmmm my friend that was full of life and loved her son more than anything,so today the autopsy report came out and it was confirmed that she committed suicide by overdosing on drugs but I don't believe it even her sisters don't believe it I suspect that her husband I know he had a hand in her death I know.Rest in peace my dear.i know you didn't kill urself.

    1. Sorry for your loss. May your friend rest on. Hopefully he didn’t have anything to do with her death. If he did, he will know no peace. I pray God comforts her Son and family.

    2. She had gone and is resting in the sleep of peace. I pray for her soul to find rest in God.

    3. May she RIP
      Her husband may not hav given her overdose but he may be involved indirectly. For instance, he May be abusing her physically or emotionally without you people knowing it. You know how some people can pretend and slay for the social media.

  22. @Martin Aboy Please come and tell me how to change my Blog ID so that I can change it as soon as possible before NEXT GIVEAWAY will come. Thanks in advance

    1. Click on your blog name to view your profile.

      Then go to settings, you will see where you can edit your blog name

      *Larry was here*

    2. Jesus Christ 🙆🙆🙆🙆🙆🙆😂

    3. 1) Visit BLOGGER.COM and sign in with your ID successfully

      2) At the top of the page;by your right hand side,you would see your profile.Click on it and wait for the page that pops out;then click on "Google plus profile"

      3) The page that opens now has the "Edit profile" option;click on that circle which has an "i" inside of it,just below the circle that has the icon of a camera..
      You would be taken to the "About me" page..

      4) On this page,click the icon that has a pencil just beside your Blog ID which you would want to change and edit to your choice..

      5) Click on "Save" after you are done;then visit the blog again to see your new ID..

      Hope this helps..


    4. ..... and Martims replied 😭😭😭😭

    5. martins you are such a nice guy. have a nice day

    6. Martins always efficient in his duties as blog computer village

  23. Good morning everyone

  24. Thank God for life and Friday.

  25. Good morning everyone!
    May today be fun filled for us... Amen

  26. Good morning sdk and blog people,stella all this your ashtag person no even understand,the weather is doing somehow this morning ooh.God bless me and everything I lay my hands on.

    1. Hi good morning blog visitors beloved blog PA i didn't went MIA have exhausted my megabytes that why i just have a blog I'd have been a silent bv becos i didn't know how to get a blog I'd so that's why

    2. Yesterday in house mem i laughed tire thank you to the person that did it, i really love it

  27. So let me tell you guys what happened yesterday that is still making me shiver. I went for Thursday prophetic service and the pastor called out one young man that is probably in his late 30's. Told him that he had an accident last week which was Easter and he said yes and even showed the church the wounds on his legs. That was how the pastor started telling him things. That he resides in Germany and he sent someone $20000 to buy a land and start building for him and he has been sending money since in millions. When he was coming down he told him that he is coming and the person said no problem that the house is ready just left for gate

    1. Familiarity spirit is working. Do not be deceived

    2. Anonymous donor6 April 2018 at 09:39

      Leave prophecies and make your own fate. Go for praise and worship, leave prophecies.

  28. I say Amen to your prayers Stella.

    Morning to y'all.

    Thank God it's Friday.

  29. Now that he( the pastor) is telling him that not even a grain of sand was bought let alone land.secondly as if that was not enough,from when he left Germany with his wife and two children to when his flight landed,he was calling this person and the man was saying yes to everything he said. At this point the pastor told him that he just bury his two kids and the wife's body is still in the morgue and he said yes. That was when he told him that his brother who he trusted,sent money to build for him etc was the one who caused his accident, the man was shocked. The pastor also told him that he us currently receiving treatment with a doctor at a very popular hospital and that he shouldn't go back there again that his brother has gone behind and paid the doctor #2m to kill him. At this point the man just fainted in church and he was supposed to go there today again. All these so he can cover up all he did.
    The story plenty but I don tire to type

    1. Wow,u guys know d man or its just drama as usual to hook members....just saying.😏

    2. Like I said familiarity spirit is working.

      So all these prophesy still the man of men didn't give any meaningful solution.

    3. Anonymous donor6 April 2018 at 09:38

      Marvel. I know you desperately need some answers and a reason to believe again, but, please, this pastor/church is not it. Kneel down and give thanks to God. Nobody is doing you anything. Nobody is responsible for any misfortunes you might have passed through. There is recession, business is bad in the country for everyone. Keep your hands Clean and pursue success SMaRTLY, success will come to you. Atheists are there moving forward in life, Jews, Muslims are all there moving forward. Don't let Christianity stiffle you or pull u down. Please, find a church where they uplift their members. I think winners, coza are all about positivity. Never been there. All the best.

    4. All these are often stage manage and sometimes there are always an insider. I think I will doing a post on that one of this day. I have so lot of discoveries that will shock you when you read it. This are gods of men as I called them.

    5. Gbamest@ Blackberry, na the work way dem dey do.
      Sorry for/to gulible people!

  30. Good morning lovelies. Hope you all have a wonderful day today.

  31. So sometime last month, I and a church member got talking after church and she was telling me to come join their group where they give favourable loans to small business owners. The name of the group is SEAP.
    She said the smallest amount I can collect is 50k and if it is 50k I will be returning 2500 every week till I finish and it's 7k interest I will pay. She told me they meet every Thursday morning. I was just giving her side eyes in my mind while she was explaining as I have never heard of this SEAP before.

    I have heard people say the owner of these groups hands no pure, I hear say dem dey do Juju, if dem give you money, that money go draw all the other money wey you suppose get, the juju go carry go give them. Your condition go come worse. Chai!

    Earlier this week, I got introduced to one business. From my findings, it's a good business which can yield that their 7k interest as profit in a day. I needed money so I called her and she told me to meet her somewhere on Thursday morning(yesterday) and we will go to the meeting together, Thursday came but my liver failed me.


    I have checked them on google, they were called a microfinance bank but this woman was telling me it's a group o. So I said let me bring it here whether I will hear the truth about them because I still need a quick loan.

    1. Anonymous donor6 April 2018 at 10:08

      Las las it's people's stupidity that will make the 50k disappear and not juju anything. Business to make 57k in a day? Better thread softly. Not that it doesn't exist, it does, but learn to be careful and ask the right questions.

    2. Anon, I won't make 57k in a day o. The capital will be there as a running capital. The business is not buying and selling business, I will be rendering services to people right there in my place of business and charge them, the money I will be charging them is the 7k profit I'm talking about.

    3. It a microfinance bank and its good,but I think before they give u..u need 2 guarantor and a business to show or so,the lady don't just know how to explain it to u,but they have bn around for sometimes and in almost all states

    4. I hav heard of them from one of my aunty. They gave her loan up to 200k she used to pay her son's school fees. They is one again called Grooming center, this one's, I saw them removing freezer and generator from one hair dresser who defaulted on paying back their loan.
      Wait, which type of business is that Droyalty? Pls share with us na

  32. Interesting set of hashtags by the way...Ann Summers dildo, little finger . Ok ooo... Observing Ma Stella in 3D mode 🕵🏾

  33. Lovely morning to everyone

  34. Goddmorning everyone...It's friday. Atleast I will try to get the rest I so desire.

    Have a nice day guys.

  35. Aaaa if you see the battles Jehovah has won for us you will marvel at his goodness

  36. Glory to u oh lord..i am preggo....

    1. Congrats Mami!..May God keep you safe throughout your pregnancy..Na so i go announce my own here one day.
      A Fruitful day to each an everyone of us.

  37. Thank God its Friday. Doctors are threatening not to treat patients with Lasser fever due to inadequate facilities in the hospital.. Someone imagine if Ebola happened in this APC regime.

    1. They shouldn't and I support them. Their lives are also important. If ebola happened in this regime, na mass burial be that.

      Foolish and clueless government.

  38. TGIF, I'm still laughing at yesterday in house memes. Ola wealth what happened to your ankara business? You have removed it from your name.
    A community leader died recently and today is his burial ceremony. Some people are saying thank God he died Because he almost sent some young guys to jail recently when armed robbers came to our area. He was claiming he does not know what they do as work that police should arrest them. It's good to be good sha

  39. Good morning everyone have great weekend

  40. I met SP post today so I want to say hello to all of you. I missed you all.

    Recap of some of the post.
    So Klint D Drunk's babymama failed to invite us when she was shamelessly sleeping with a married man because she didn't make the vow with him...but now the money stopped coming , she wants to invite us in their drama. Dear all, don't we have contraceptives in the market and simple morals taught by parents/guardians? When they are sleeping with married men, they go about running their mouth aimlessly... I didn't say the vow , when he abandons them, they will shamelessly open their mouth to talk. She should be prepared to take care of that child all by herself

    Some of you advising Lilian to leave so one of you desperado will still marry the same DOG, I am sure Lilian won't. Good luck to the babymama , she will need financial and emotional strength to raise the baby.

    I applaud Peter of Psquare for standing by his wife. Some people can be so controlling, when Peter was a nobody, the families didn't remember to help now he is somebody, they want him to leave his wife because the ghost of his mother said what??? That's how Muna Abii was claiming Peter because she felt there is no way Peter will leave sweet sixteen like her and marry Lola but look at her, years after, she is dating little boy Thomas the musician that is way younger than her....Life!

    I hope Nigerian Police will arrest that degenerated white man that killed his wife and child, lock him up in prison and throw the keys away.


  41. So the CDC worker that was missing was found drowned in the river, they don't suspect foul play...really.

    The way these people kill people. Some one who was speaking against the flu vaccine, found dead and they are trying to claim it as suicide.




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