Stella Dimoko End Time Accusation And Enugu Tradition As Concerns Marriage


Thursday, April 05, 2018

End Time Accusation And Enugu Tradition As Concerns Marriage

 This is serious!!!

There was a serious fight between a woman and her husband simply identified as Okwy (surname withheld) as he bought a s§x vibrator for his wife, Nonye while he was traveling abroad for greener pastures.

The incident happened at Idimu area of Lagos where they resided before the husband, Okwy travelled abroad and left her with their three children. Okwy ended up spending five years abroad and when he returned he met the vibrator still intact in the pack just the way he bought it as his wife refused to use it for those years. He became angry and accused the wife of having committed adultery while he was away.

It was scooped that the wife explained to him that she did not use the vibrator to satisfy her s§xual urge because she was afraid to use it and so she decided to abstain until he came back. However, the husband did not believe her and has threatened to sack her saying that she must have slept with other men when he was not around. It was also gathered that the man stopped eating her food, sleeping with her and insisted that he will not have anything to do with her until she confessed what she had purportedly done and certain rituals performed.

The matter became open when the wife could not bear her husband’s attitude. She decided to confide in his close friends in order to intervene and resolve the matter but to no avail. It was gathered that when the wife tabled the matter before his close friends, the man still refused insisting that he will not have any conjugal relationship with her until she confessed and certain rituals were performed in line with their culture and tradition in Enugu State.

It was gathered that it was the general belief in their community that when a man marries a wife and she slept with another man, that it was a sure way for a woman to kill her husband. That was what the man was said to be avoiding but the wife insisted that she did not sleep with any man throughout the years the husband was away but the husband refused to believe her. It appeared that the matter will not be resolved so soon as the man had insisted on confession and sacrifice but the woman maintained that there was no need for that because she did not sleep with any man when her husband travelled abroad.

From pm expreSs

*If she had used it,I wonder what his excuse would be.....Not everyone likes to use such because of their Faith....


  1. Oga where is ur own vibrator ..abi u didn't buy for urself... Nawa ooo Chai. She said she didn't sleep with anyone, the least u could do is believe her na.. Maybe because u slept with everything when u travelled

    1. Useless man thinks everyone is like him. I'm sure he was on a cheating spree in the abroad, reason why he's finding it hard to believe she did nothing. Na the man go taya. Mtscheeew

    2. Please I have a question - why is it that in Nigerian marriages when the man is angry with the wife he will stop eating her food meanwhile the wife will still be cooking?
      Do your men not cook abi takeaway no dey?

    3. My husband tried the anger n rejection of food with me. Hehehhe lazy me was so relax, see opportunity not to go to the kitchen after work. I didn't cook for days n he had to beg me to Cook after he got tired of the situation. Women encourage their husband with the hunger strike thing by begging them. If you keep begging him . He will keep doing it. Since then no amount of anger makes him reject my food.

    4. in your mind na you have won. trust me somebody will cook something sweeter and he will even encourage you not to cook, then your eye go clear

    5. @Bubul you see where you lack wisdom?
      Rejection of food is a way men pour out frustration, so don't think you're winning
      As a matter of fact since he cant reject food, the next thing is assault.
      Please check it

    6. the man is a stupid idiot. he thinks women are dogs like some men....i did not have sex for 4 years cos i was estranged from my hubby.....yes i knew he was sleeping with other women but i couldnt have an affair cos i didnt want to, moreso i was only meeting fuck boys who just wanted sex.i had toddlers so didnt even have time to date sef..i knew his leaving the marriage was flimsy and i wanted God to vindicate me....i told myself i will give him 5 years then move on..i wanted a situation whereby when i start my own nobody would fault me....we have reconsiled cos he came begging.....long story.....if am the woman i will never go and take any oat....he was not faithful and he wants to use an opportunity to deny her so he can probably go back abroad to meet another man is indispensable oh...she should maintain her stand and if he wants divorce then so be it....

  2. Guilty man. He wants his wife to agree to adultery. Stupid man.

    Not everyone use this thing. They should question the man well too if he no chooku chooku for overseas. I am sure it is not better abroadian he go lol

    1. The man isnt to be blamed here cos he no wan die throway like that na. The tradition has been there.
      Is it that, that part of Enugu state can never do away with such tradition sef or what???
      Well, I blame d babes that even agree to go ahead with such marriages in d first place.

    2. Don’t blame the man, don’t blame the tradition, blame the woman. My friend, there’s no place for you in the future.

  3. Lol,different weird issues everyday. I don't like vibrator of a thing for any reason. How do ladies stick that into their vj? imagining it gives me goose pimples. I like when a real man does the job

    1. This is what igala and idoma people call oleku, they claim the hubby would die if the woman does something so the men are very controlling of their wives, some part of edo also perform it

  4. Lol,different weird issues everyday. I don't like vibrator of a thing for any reason. How do ladies stick that into their vj? imagining it gives me goose pimples. I like when a real man does the job

  5. Enugu-Ezike with their tradition, but the man is entitled to have a relationship with another woman.Nonsense.

    1. Enugu-Ezike is the that will run Mad.
      Nothing happens to the man or her husband

    2. Very nonsense tradition. I learnt a lot about them during my UNN days. They are very fetish too

  6. I hate these kind of men, so stupid in their thinking. The woman should leave him

    1. He is simply scared! He did not make the tradition. Are you people daft? All he can do is to look for a way to find out the truth sinple.

  7. The man way no pure at all,he too must confess how many Oyibo's he slept with.
    Nonsense man

  8. I need the vibrator and another one for my clit too

  9. I am suspecting that vibrator.... Why forcing someone to confess what she did not do.

  10. I think Edo and Some part of Delta have same culture.

    1. Yes they husband's village have the tradition and nobody deemed it fit to tell me till after the wedding...I just want to know who will take the blame when the woman gets raped. They'll hear from me soon. The man will be busy frolicking not held bound by anything. I don dey pack my bag small small

  11. Ndi Nsukka...Una matter don reach SDK.

  12. This tradition has been in existence for ages in some areas of Enugu state na. Not new at all..
    So, If she knows she truly didnt do any chuku chuku while d man was away, she should go ahead and do what is asked of her. As simple as abc. Haba!
    Besides, had it been she used d vibrator, does it even guarantee that she didnt do normal chuku chuku join?😕 Funny peeps.

    1. She should do what exactly? Go confess to a shrine priest and claim she did what she didn't do??? You sure say you digest the story well?

    2. @ sandy yo a born again christain will never go to the shrine an carry out any stupid sacrifice. The man is a cheat that is why think his wife was sleeping around when he travelled. I can never put a vibrator or anything apart from dick in my pussy and I can stay 8years without the dick.

    3. you must be is women like you who enable foolish and senseless traditions....she said she did nothing why not believe her? as for me i can never swear to any shrine....if marriage end so be it

  13. The man must be from Enugu Ezike. That man is very stupid.

    1. If the man is from Enugu-Ezine,he don't need to be afraid because if the wife sleeps around it will affect the wife only
      She will run Mad.

  14. Am surprise 😲 to know that Some igbo part have that tradition!

  15. I believe the Woman if she said she didn’t do nothing. She already had three kids so it’s possible she just concentrated on raising her kids. There is no way the Man didn’t have sex for five years. Men are not wired like that. She needs to tell him to perform the ritual also.
    There was this guy l know that travelled for twenty years to Atlanta, leaving his wife and three kids in Port Harcourt. He finally went back home for his Father’s funeral but didn’t return to the states because he was illegal. His family was happy to see him. I wonder if his wife didn’t do anything for the twenty years dude was gone. Dude on the other hand had affairs oo!! He was living off rich babes but couldn’t marry one to get his kpali. Several people around the beginning of Victoria Street in town knew. He returned home like less than ten years ago.

    1. 20yrs no Kpali? How is dat possible? Couldn't he have married an Akata? Pls somebody explain dis

    2. I don’t know why he never married an akata. He was good looking and dated some rich girls. Off his Father didn’t pass away, I guess he would have still been here. His wife and kids tried oo!!

  16. This yeye tradition should be for the Man also. Should be both ways. Women have been treated as the underdog since time immemorial. Why buy a vibrator for your wife when traveling?? Maybe he knows his wife has a high libido and is sure she cannot stay without sex.

  17. This tradition has Enugu Ezike writen all over it.
    This man has no case if he is accusing the wife based on unused sex you he got for her.

    If the man is encountering or has encountered some mishaps usually associated with one whose wife is sleeping with other men then...(abeg make no one ask me to list what the mishaps are ooo.)
    According to this absurd and dark tradition, if the woman in question is sleeping with men outside, then the man can choose not eat any food prepared by her, f...k with her, share the same bathroom with her or even share the same bed with her;that way he will preserve his own life.
    Then for the woman, if she is as guilty as accused then she is most likely to run mad or die.

    Now do I believe in this absurd and dark tradition- NO
    Have seen a woman die because she lied when after been confronted with arusi (juju) - YES.

    What this man will have to do if he is so sure of what he is accusing the wife of is to separate from his wife, but in this case the man has no case against the wife.

    Oga the fact that most of you Enugu Ezike men cheat like your lives depends on it does not mean that madam has not kept herself.
    Biko jie nolu ana if you are not encountering what you tradition states you will encounter if your wife is cheating.
    As Enugu-Ezike babe, this is absurd and dark tradition cos it favour the male folk.

    This tradition can be voided sha..

    1. My friend removed dis curse by visiting one dibia who used big goat for perform a ritual for her. Now she fucks anyhow she wants & her husband is alive & healthy as the proverbial horse. Everyone's happy. Ndi enugu ezike..tufia

    2. Anon 17:48 I just got someone that will do it for me as well.its a very biased leave me for this country since and they 'll be expecting me to be looking like crayfish head.

  18. What if the woman has been satisfying her sexual urge with just her fingers? Not every woman requires a Dildo to 'get there' you know.....Some of us are just fine with caressing our beautiful clits to release the urge when the Mr is not available.

    1. Your head dey there! my fingers send me to cloud 9. If I want it intense, massage is available with cute 'happy ending'. Some women are soooo experienced with the massage thing.

  19. That is stupid culture, what of the man didn't he sleep with another woman, he does not have fear of God,he wants the woman to use vibrator,arrant nonsense.

  20. Hmmmmmm..culture is a complex whole that can't be combined with religion.

    anyway, this one tire me, it was difficult for the man to believe his wife because he himself is not cannot be justified

    Mc pinky

  21. stupid Enugu man making excuse for himself

  22. i will never swear or go against my bible believe to prove any point. if you no wan marry me again, kuku divorce

  23. Hope he bought a sex doll for himself

  24. The big problems here is that alots of girls will still knows about
    this dangerious tradition and still go ahead to marry a man from such
    village,,and after marriage her eyes go open wide,,,
    i think in this case the man lack trust his wife and he is also afraid of
    his life after sleeping with his wife,,
    woman should stop rushing into marriage without asking questions about the tribe,

  25. Not just enugu ezike has this wicked tradition, Nenwe in aninri lga of ENUGU state has it too & their men treat their wives bad cos they know she can't cheat, only a village in Nenwe call umuagam in emudo Nenwe abolished this culture though the chief priests that perform the sacrifice of abolishing this tradition died the next morning but women in umuagam emudo Nenwe are free from that tradition forever. Some town in udi has this tradition too, that's why I refuse to marry from Nenwe cos their men can cheat for Africa even in front of their wife ooo & you don't have mouth to say. Though they treat women they married from outside Nenwe better than when they marry from within.

  26. That’s the bane of patriarchy!!!!
    One sided laws that adversely affect the women only, established mainly for the sake of power and control!!!

    Fortunately, people have found a way around it... and will continue to do so... until the communities do the needful!!

  27. Yes, you can spend 50 years without papers. Once you become iLLEGAL, no marriage can change your case. The way to know them is that some have never been back to visit since they left. You will remain in the shadows, in the American underground economy, borrowing Ori o Lori to do lowly jobs and you dare not cross the border even to Niagara Canada which is 5 minutes from Niagara New York. It's not a good life. Map your strategy before you leave Nigeria. A lot of people cannot come back unless they don't want to step foot on American soil again. Once illegal cannot become legal no matter who you marry unless you marry the person before becoming illegal, even a day before becoming illegal. There are many Nigerian doctors and other professionals working as security guards, braids makers (not licensed hairdressers), gbeyagbeya" and Parking attendants because they became illegal. The only thing used to be that nobody threatened your stay in the US unless of course you are mean to your daughter in law who decides to report you or something like that.

    However it's different under a Trump. I have a Kokoye staff whose dad was put in deportation after a recent traffic stop. He had been in America for 30 years and never committed a crime. Trump is mean to non criminal illegal immigrants. Be careful in deciding to relocate now. Not all that glitters is gold.


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