Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....


Thursday, April 05, 2018

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....

Hmmmm......This is really bad!


Good day Stella, hope this mail meets you well. Thank you for giving us platform to express ourselves.

Now to my chronicle. I gave birth within very short space... Which both kids are very young, so I needed a help and my parents brought Nneka.

OMG Nneka just got to my house and I fell in love with her. The next day I went shopping and bought new clothes and shoes for her. Threw everything she came with including pants.. Bought rollon and body cream with sprays.

Nneka is just 13years and her job is to help me watch d older baby while am busy with little one..

One day Nneka told me.. Mummy please don't take me back to the village. I was so surprised and asked why.
She then narrated how she was abused by her father and people around just because she doesn't have a mum.
Nneka is a big girl for her age so you won't believe she is 13.

I kept my promise until this easter we traveled to the village.. Someone informed nneka's father that she came around but have not come to see him.
I planned taking her to their house., but I wanted to go with her .

That was how her father stormed my husband's compound demanding for his daughter. And Nneka refuse leaving, she kept hiding inside the room and was shouting that she can't go back to the village. She wants a brighter future.

Nneka is very bright, I saw the potential that was why I enrolled her in a private school... On her first resumption in school in Lagos she was so outstanding. After taking her on some lessons her results became even better just this last term she came back with 87percent mark.

Her father brought in villagers and took her by force. I have never been myself ever since. Please is there anyway I can get her back. I promise to train her to become a doctor. That's her chosen profession and she is in jss2.
Please her father abuses her s§xually.

She was able to call me that her dad kept telling her she looks more beautiful and fair now. And how fat she is on her ass.
Am very scared for her. But can I fight a man to take his child.
Please how can I save my daughter Nneka and her future.

*Oh Dear......why dont you go back and buy the man gifts and promise him she will visit every holiday?I think that s the only way to get her away from him....If possible give him money just to remove that beautiful little girl from him....I saw her photo you included and had goose bumps...

Nneka is such a beautiful girl and i see why you fell in love with her......

Please dont waste anytime at all.....
You cannot prove that he is assaulting her,so best be cunning to remove her from that environment.


  1. Na wa. So the man still dey kpansh the daughter. This compliment from him dikwa risky ooo.

    Please involve the elders in the man's village and also if there is anyone that he respects, please involve them and promise them that they can come and check anytime they are in Lagos to know if Nneka is good or not.

    Foolish papa that dont want good things for his daughter. Yeye papa

    1. They all know she is doing well... She makes her hair, wears sneakers and all star and have glowing skin. With good English. Even a blind person should be happy for this.

    2. Haaaaaaaaaa ! Pls follow Stella's advice. Haaaaaa am speechless.

    3. Mouth hanged open......
      Otoro m onu.....

      chim-oma aka Miss Kapusu

    4. Wonders would never cease in this world. Can't imagine what a father would see in his daughter that would make him attracted to her, even to the extent of molesting her.
      Poster please use wisdom in this matter, so as to save the poor girl from everlasting torment, you can make arrangement with people the man respect and plead for him to give you back . Don't know her but feel sorry for her.

  2. How can a normal man have a boner for his own daughter? Tufiaa..

    1. My sister I tire oh!
      Whenever I read this type of stories,this question comes to my mind. Tufiakwa!!! Aru !!

    2. Of course the man is abnormal. Back to the story, I think the man can loss custody of the daughter on the grounds of sexual abuse. You even have something to use against him legally or otherwise.
      Please don't keep calm, fight for her.

    3. Same question I always ask whenever I hear such stories. Some men are just beast.

    4. Poster Hmmm, I hope the man doesn't use jazz to kill you. You are a good woman and I know God will make a way out. I think you should follow Stella advice

  3. You can't force it. I think the what is started up there is OK. Make the man your friend, buy him gifts and promise to take care of the daughter.

    1. I don’t even know what to say, I will put nneka in my prayer. What would make a father do this, some men are truly sick. He isn’t even thinking of a brighter future for his daughter who would take care of him in old age. This is how he will make her hate men at the end of the day. Call nneka and ask her to get an evidence, she can record him on her phone, or keep the condom he uses to sleep with her, or the drugs he gives her after wards (he must be giving her something for her not to be pregnant by now).
      If he doesn’t use anything, she should sit on leather afterwards and get (sperm) evidence and cry it the elders with is, but she should inform you before that so you will be in the village by that time.
      You need evidence for this to stick

  4. Stella my mum and I did exactly what you said. I even promised to send him 10k every month..he refused.
    He sells ogogoro and told us since she came back business has been booming... I almost cried cos I know those customers are out to prey on my baby girl... I feel like kidnap

    1. Yes kidnap her. U guys should plan it.prepare when u will b leaving and ask her to come n meet u somewhere. After all she is not on house arrest. She goes to his ogogoro spot so she should sneak out from there.

    2. Pls arrange for her to escape. Don't let her waste. God bless you.

    3. Then wait small, like after a month or two, plan with her and kidnap her. He will come looking for her but, of cos u don't know her whereabout. So the story will be she ran away from his house, probably followed one customer. Please help that girl.

  5. Useless Father that should be happy for his daughter.
    If CARE is not taken he will be shamed and disgrace by the villagers.

  6. If you have a way of contacting nneka , tell her to say to her father whenever he tries anything stupid with her again she will tell the whole village what he has been doing to her. Such a waste of space of a man

  7. Kindly do what Stella said. also. It seems you still speak with the girl from your post. Locate any of the transport companies closest to your village. Pay them transport fare. Tell Nneka to go meet them one early morning as you have already paid her transport to return back to Lagos. Warn her not to tell anybody.If she wishes to come back, she will come back.

    When she comes, call her father to inform him she came back to Lagos without you knowing. Plead with her father to allow her stay. While with you, talk with her on the reasons she should not give to pressure of returning back to her father for now.

    Things we watch on dream land now happen in real life... See me crying for that small girl.

    1. Hmmmmm I think this should work. She is very intelligent and can do this.
      She called me with her dad phone when is drunk and sleeping.. Last night she said he chased her out with a cutlass at midnight because she was crying to come back.

    2. This is a good suggestion. Poster don’t go back, pay the fare and plan with her to leave.
      I will advice you to deny that She is with you when you are asked. If you really want her safety and not just the help, send her to boarding school for a while. So she won’t be seen around you. When you are asked, cry that you don’t know where she is ooooh. That if anything happens to your baby Nneka that you won’t forgive the person. Do that for at least one year until the man purges her out of his system.
      And when she is out, please let her confess to the elders what her father has been doing to her. There is no shame! You can imagine how many people’s children he is abusing if he can do that to his own. Let them be the ones to ask you never to return her again so he won’t try it next time you visit the village.

    3. Yes my dear, this should work and if it doesn't, do it the hard way. Report to the nearest police station. Go with the police to the house and take the girl out of that shithole. And as for you ma'am, God will continue to bless and up,lift you in all sphere of life.You are blessed.

    4. If the father gets a good lawyer, he can sue you for kidnapping and conspiracy of some sorts. You should not take this advice. Take your time to follow due process and don't allow sentiments complicate things further.

    5. @Ajebo when he is sexually abusing the girl??? He can’t!

    6. Don't follow this advice Biko, no matter what, this is kidnapping, before you put yourself in trouble. Na serious crime ooo.

    7. Don’t even try this one, it’s a crime for a parent to kidnap his child from the parent who has custody let alone an outsider, better don’t try this

    8. Ajebo is right. You have to do things the right way. Some NGOs help in this regard.

  8. Hmmmmmmmmm!!! all i have to say is that this life can be unfair to some people. I believe in Nigeria but i would like us to copy somethings from the western countries such as social service department. If we have something like that the woman in question can legally adopt her and the father will never near her. That been said, i wish the woman will still try do something as soon as possible. I commend your love for the girl, God bless you madam

    1. What does an illiterate man know about social services... School will resume Next Week. My home is just calm nobody to ask me funny kids are still too young and they miss aty nne

    2. God bless you madam cos this one pass me o.

  9. Get the village head and women community leaders involved. Threaten the man with police as you have Nneka confess to the police about it. If possible give her a phone to record his advances and keep it as proof. I don't think the man is bigger than the law. Why do you have to friend an abuser to save a child from his advances. I find it distasteful. Report him to the local vigilante group. Do something and act fast please

    1. This is the best advice 🖕🖕🖕

  10. since you speak with her on phone, why not inform her on the day you will be leaving the village so that she will wait for you a place where you will pick her. please don't leave that gul in the village.

    1. She may have to report her dad to be free of him.

  11. Replies
    1. Pure love keh? I'm suspecting the poster might also be having some sexual acts with Nneka. This poster swings both ways and she is missing her act with Nneka. Take this word to the bank.

    2. You ate a dark evil soul Anon.

  12. With all due respect Stella, your advice up there is not the way out. sexual abuse is way deeper than this. Poster,Forget about 'pampering' this abuser. Involve the law please. We are talking about a crime against a minor,a crime that can hurt this little promising girl for life. This man is sexually attracted to his daughter and we think by buying him gift we would be able to stop him from the evil act. please Madam,I know it might not be easy but do everything to save the girl. Would you leave your daughter in the hands of her abuser? There is something truly wrong in our nation. How can we sit and fold our hands when a little girls life is about to be ruined by her father?

    1. And you think the law will give the lady custody of the girl. Odiegwu

    2. My dear, this is nigeria for you. It will be hard for the law to give the woman custody of the girl. I pray the useless father doesn't hurt this woman spirtually. Anyways God will always protect his children

  13. Hmmmmmm. So na the daughter kpekus sweet pass now abi. How can someone be this wicked. At 13 some kids haven't even started menstruating. Please go with the advice of Stella. Do whatever you can to free this girl.

  14. That man is sick, tufiaka!

  15. Nneka needs to tell her Father that if he does not allow her return to Lagos, she will equally let the whole village know what he has been doing to her. She should tell the elders about his recent comments. I wish you the very best and will say a prayer for Nneka.
    Please let us know when she comes back.

  16. Madam, God bless you very much for the love you have shown this little girl.Please, kindly protect that girl from that man by making arrangement with someone to whisk out of that village. please, i plead with you to give it all you have in order to save and help this girl's future. If spilling the beans is the last card you have to play to ensure her safety ,please do.

  17. Alternatively...: get the police involved! Storm his house and let her say it out in front of them that this is what she has been going through. They will arrest him, and she will go to the station and write her statement. Village chief would get involved etc. it may mean you staying away for a while and her not being able to marry anyone from that village, but her dreams should be bigger than that by the time she’s a medical doctor.
    See, there’s a reason why God makes such people come close to you. He needs you to take action and rescue them because you can. Don’t stay there and sound helpless, fight for that girl like she is your child. Because the one who is supposed to protect her is destroying her. This is sexual abuse here!! Not even domestic abuse or verbal. Sexual!! Hian....

    Stella as you called for chronicles this time they really came out!! Since yesterday Na so so rubbish we dey read. Terrible world!!

    1. Very terrible world! Still shocked frkom yesterday's chronicle then i see this. Poster follow the advice about paying the transport company. Thank u for loving this girl like your daughter. God is using you in her life

    2. Still stupefied from yesterday's chronicle...

  18. How can a girl of 13 be subjected to such pain & trauma. Sex that some ladies in their 30s are still scared to have. Kai! Worst still, from her father!

    Madam, please do all you can to get this girl back. She seem to be ambitious. You won't have issues with her at all unlike some who don't like schooling. God bless you.

    I'm just speechless.

  19. Eyaah poster u jst reminded me of my househelp cum sister chisom who they forcefully took away from me 3yrs ago.
    Chisom came to stay with me in KD after her dad died.her mum abandoned her wen she was a baby cos her dad was poor.I took chisom as my Lil sis I never had.enrolled her in a private hubby never laid his hands on her.he bought clothings for her.always telling her how he will be d 1st to drink wine on her head wen suitors come.she was happy with kids loved baby doesn't go to bed except with her.
    One day d mum who abandoned her came from no where and start making police case with my mum.DAT her daughter is old enough to get married.chisom left wen she was in ss2.

  20. I can relate. I have a girl like her. I love her so much. Pls dont give up. Find a way give her a phone let her record his comments n d act. This is a sick man n shouldnt b left roaming. Pet him ke so he will continue indulging in ds disgusting act with other children. Paedophiliac Sicko

  21. Hi!
    The said lady is a minor, and is alert enough to prove it anywhere that she's been assaulted by her father.
    Her father using her to boost sales is also wrong.
    I don't know where you stay, but you need to play this game well.
    If you indeed want to help her, you have to do it right.
    Go to the ministry of women affairs and child department, report the case to them, also tell them you want to take responsibility for her.
    Her father would be called in, she would be called in, medical checks will be done, and necessary steps will follow.
    Don't kidnap her just like that, the law can be used against you.
    I hope you have the strength to pull through.
    Minors need to be protected, on Canada, you report straight to police and family services, a 13 year old is smart enough to give evidence.

  22. I don't know if there's an agency you can report this to maybe NAPTIP or something. What Stella said isn't bad but i doubt it would work also you could get a good lawyer if you really want to help and brief he\/she on whats happening and you will be advised on what steps to take. Or have a matured person travel and pick her up (she could meet the person at the park or something) without the knowledge of the father. She can be informed about this plan once you are able to contact her, you find out if she can sneak out and go to any of your relation or family's house and leave that place immediately. There are lots of ways to get her out, Legal or Illegal its all up to you.

  23. My people, my people. This is Nigeria. Report to the police, involve women leaders etc. This man sells ogogoro o..

    Madam Poster, God Almighty will bless you for speaking out. But please if you feel you can't go further than this.

    This girl is Igbo from her name. kindly release this girls exact address. BVs in the East will locate her and find a way of convincing her to come back to you or take her away from that mad man.

  24. This is Nigeria. If she reports the case to the police and the girl is forcefully taken from the father, the man can go fetish and destroy the lady and her home. Best is for Nneka to run away and come to you. Please, put her in a boarding school for a while. If you are asked of her whereabouts, deny her physically, deny her spiritually, even in the dreamland, deny her. Her father has failed her! The villagers have failed her!! Please, don't fail her. God will reward your effort.

  25. Madam involve human rights people, go back to the village and take the girl back pls. in the first place why take her home? una too like village things. no girl can tell me such things and she will go to the village Never. you did wrong madam

    1. So she should not visit her relatives in the village again

  26. This is dicey. You can't involve the village "elders". Weren't they the same people who followed him to collect the girl? Also, even if you win a court case, don't automatically assume that the girl will be handed over to you. You didn't mention if you are actually related to her. The girl will have uncles, aunties or other distant relatives that I believe will be given primary caregiver priority over you. Even if not, they will fight you over this girl. Or the court will take the child from him and make her a child of the state of some sorts, then make her available to you for adoption. It will not be an easy nor quick process. You should consult all kinds of lawyers for this. Sexual abuse and welfare specialists, adoption specialists, etc. Let us include the naija factor sef. Are you fortified and ready for village Jazz? Everyone telling you to storm her father's house with police are talking out of emotional attachments and sentiments. I will advise you to take due process and diligence with this. Success is likely but it's a long shot. Try all you can but detach yourself from the outcome. You may need to fall out of love with this girl first so that your actions won't complicate matters. You can create a sting operation that will strengthen your case. If they can get DNA evidence (e.g. daddy's spe*rm) from her, the better. Or audio visual evidence, a recording, whatever. Get social media "influencers" and "activists" involved. It's not going to be an easy task, you can't just yank her from her father's hands. Stella's advice is what most people will go for even though it's not a lasting solution. Best of luck.

    1. If you can't follow Stella's advice, this is what you do.

  27. Poster, what state is she from ? If you can drop details with Stella someone is ready to take legal steps on behalf of the girl . She needs to be out from the fsrher’s Sight ASAP

  28. madam i understand how u feel,d desperation and all that but u hav to be careful too for ur sake and hers.u have to consider this if she threatens her father knowing he is a drunk he cld harm her probably kill she said he chased her with cutlass some night.if u plan to make her run he cld use it against u.dont cajole the man he needs to answer for his wickedness towards the right tin report him to welfare just as someone suggested or browse any org that does not support this wicked act.whatever decision you are taking please be careful and also pray for her.God will fight for her.use ur discretion and b wise.

  29. What you need is evidence. Send a phone to the girl to record him admitting his crime and then you get an NGO involved. Even his people will reject him

  30. Just report to national human rights commission, let them investigate and involve other appropriate authorities. Do not take her on your own, I repeat, do not take her!! The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

  31. POSTER,,

  32. Hmmm Jesus Christ save his people

  33. This is really a bad thing. Inputy the poor girl. I believe that man is possessed because if not he would not be molesting his own flesh and blood. I think u can get the man arrested but that is if nneka will be willing to testify against her father in court. I don't know how valid my point is but I still suggest u consult any legal adviser for better solution.

  34. This is really bad. I believe the man is possessed because if not he would not be molesting his own flesh and blood

  35. Just seeing this,in as much as you need to save a life you should be on the right side of the law to avoid unwarranted consequences.
    Get a human right org to visit the father, threaten him with exposure and jail term and as a compromise release her to you for guardianship. Nobody wants to go to jail nor desire public exposure. It should be easy to achieve if really the man is sexually abusing her


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