Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


Saturday, April 28, 2018

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



Serious Dilemma

Stella, my heart is heavy and I think I'm at the brink of making a huge mistake I may regret for the rest of my life.

I come from a broken home, lived with my dad and numerous women. I'm 26y.o., graduated 
and working. My boyfriend has come to meet my dad for preliminary talks and it went well. The agreement was, the intro and proper wedding will take place before the year ends.

 Currently, my dad is out of the country but before he left, he said some certain things that really hurt me. He reminded me that I've overstayed my welcome in his house so I should just start preparing to leave & that he's tired of me living with him. This isn't the first time he'll say such hurtful words but I usually overlook it since I know I'll marry when its right., but that night's own really made me cry, I cried myself to sleep because I felt so frustrated, I felt useless.

My boyfriend has been pestering me to get preggy too but I've been the one refusing so I decided to have sex with him on the day my ovulation peaked (i'm very good at calculating my monthly cycle). I decided to get pregnant because I know the moment my family knows I am, the process of getting married will be hastened which my boyfriend has been praying for.

The problem I have now is that I'm having issue with my boyfriend. He won't let go of his side chick. I've been spending more time with him since my dad went on vacay and I just took a few hours to get some things done at my house only to walk in to meet this same side chick in the living room. This is someone he has told me he doesn't intend marrying. We've had lots of fights about this same girl, even reported him to my dad and he promised dad he'll break up with her finally. I kept my cool and she left only for him to tell me she was coming from a party and decided to stop by so that they can discuss the reason he's breaking up with her. We fought after she left because I confronted him. He said he has already told her I'm preggy, he's getting married to me and she should move on.

On the other hand, my dad has informed my grandparents, uncles and aunties that I've brought home my bf. I'm not worried about what they'll say tho.. I could tell them I'm just not interested anymore because he wouldn't stop cheating.

Thursday, 19th is the day I'm supposed to start another monthly period but I'm scared I may have conceived already. I don't want to enter into trouble with my two eyes opened. Now I'm considering terminating the pregnancy and breaking up for good. I'm scared of the probability of him continuing to keep side chicks even if I eventually get married to him. I don't want to have regrets in marriage.

As much as I'm tired of living with my parents, I want to marry right and be at peace but how can I marry a man who wouldn't let go of his side chick? I'm too young to have high bp. At this point, I'm tired of the relationship already.

SDK and BVs, I know its wrong on all grounds to terminate a pregnancy but I'm skeptical. I'm afraid of the unknown. Now I'm blaming myself, because it'll be so disheartening that I ran away from Pharaoh only to get drowned in a red sea.
As much as I really desire to be a mother and now that I'm convinced I'm going to be one soon, I don't want to end up regretting it. I don't want to have a child out of wedlock. I can only hope against all hope that my period will flow but if it doesn't and its confirmed that I'm preggy, then I'm screwed!!

What do i do now?? Please just help me with ideas.

Thank you ma'am.

*Not sure whether i posted this before.....
Anyway nothing dey happen,that pikin you must born am whether you marry or not....


  1. What are you sounding confused like Nina. You wanted a pregnancy so as to fast track leaving your father'sbhouse because of his wahala, you got it amd now you want to terminate it. Your fiance in your wrote up has told the girl off finally buy you seem not to be convinced. Well them, please follow your heart.

    1. You saw all the signs, yet ure not only planning marriage with such cheat... youre cementing things between you 2, if he can do this when ure not married, imagine what he'd do when ure officially under him, if u like listen to his apologies & go ahead, he wouldnt change! As u kuku say ure tired of the r/ship, just call it all off, there are good drugs to get rid of the developing egg, it dsnt hurt.

    2. Your guy loves the other girl. Not yet sure why he's with you. Maybe your father is rich...

    3. You are running from one wahala into another one, it works for some but what makes you think it would work for you.
      Don’t get married out of pressure, can’t you get a place for yourself no matter how small, you can’t tell me you don’t have a source of income at 26, and if you don’t that should be your priority.
      Go for a proper check up to be sure you ain’t pregnant, if you are you better keep it

  2. You knew he had someone else he was dating yet you started marriage arrangements, basically moved in with him and threw away all the condoms? You really should have saved some.

    1. My dear help me ask the poster. So you know he was dating someone else and you put ur head inside the relationship. Okay you thought he will break up with the other girl. You are very funny

  3. Heavenly Father, please give the poster's foetus supernatural powers to resist every form of abortion, let the baby stay, eat, sleep, poo and pee comfortably in the poster's body and make the pregnancy process a smooth one for the mother too (amen).
    I love babies so much so I don't care what you want to do but that foetus ain't going nowhere ma'am.

    1. God Bless You.

    2. Amen! 😂😂😂 oh you're a case @yoo hwa

      Poster those things you said your dad says to hurt you are everyday jokes in my house that my dad throws at me. He will even be telling my mum that her wedding plates and adogon and coolers are gathering moulds that, she should air them out since I have decided not to leave his house. And me i will just be laughing and telling him that he has drank too much cheap wine (apart from my sisters, all my aunt's from mum and dad's side, na him marry them out. Plus church members adopted children by force that will come and give him introduction wine to drink, plus all those 'daddy you're my daddy in lagos' people), that me I'm bringing expensive champagne and he needs to patient for that. That my own no dey give sure throat. We will now laugh....
      My point is you're being unnecessarily sensitive about your dad's statement that you're now being pushed to make wrong decisions upandan. Carry belle for guy wey no even dey loyal. The problem is your sensitivity on the whole marriage issue. I'm not saying you shouldn't date prospective bachelors oh! I'm saying you should not be pushed by what your dad might be saying out of sheer fatherly concern and Nigerian parent syndrome.

      P.S: Broken home doesnt apply to this your story oh. We're you trying to make us pity you small? E come be like soup wey get too much salt 🙄🙄

    3. And can you at least wait till you confirm pregnancy before you even start thinking of an abortion? Like you may not even be preggers. Babe, you need to calm down oh! As in real CHILL PILL.

    4. Yes ooo. Poster calm down first, so you can think rationally. You haven't even done a pregnancy test.

  4. Whatever u decide to do, Dont touch that baby. The child didn't beg or force it's way to your womb, do u have no right to kill the child and the child has every right to live. (I.e if u r pregnant)

    You can't manage a man/marriage ooo. It's suicidal and deadly. Thank God he has shown u his true color now. Run for your dear life and Dont look back. With or without pregnancy. You won't be d first baby mama or d last.

    Leave your father's house. Even if it's a face me I face u u can get, go get your place and pursue your dreams. Make your life meaningful and marry when you are absolutely sure you are completely ready for it.

    Take your time and get the kind of man u want. Hw exists.

    Lastly, let no one pressurise u into marriage. If u rush in, u will rush out.


    1. There are women in the world who not married and not bothered about it yet some women will put themself in misery and unhappiness just because of the title MRS well as for me one of the important things in life is PEACE OF MIND. If you want to leave your fathers house leave save up get an apartment don't jump into marriage you didn't say much about your relationship but is like something is wrong there if you turn out pregnant keep it and don't make hasty decisions choose your options WISELY, don't be frustrated and give yourself a peace of mind

  5. Why are women this foolish?
    You want to marry and have peace but you
    did not start the journey with peace; did you?
    How is getting pregnant before he pays your dowry peace?
    Who is regretting, sulking and wanting to commit murder of
    an innocent baby?
    They that go by the sword ends by the sword; who may die in
    the process of committing this murder?
    Isn't the boy "pestering you to get pregnant" so much at ease and
    already pounding the side chick while you have his baby?
    Oh, you think he has not ballooned the side chick's tummy already?
    Even if he has not, what does it take?
    The girl just visits and gets naked and boom, the brat is inside the
    hole during her ovulation and that's all!
    You came from a broken home but pitiably, you have started a broken
    Women, women, we have the shorter end of the relationship stick and the earlier
    we acknowledge that the better and the wiser we'd be.
    Naturally, if a woman offers a man sex he will grab it and is cool with it.
    once he ejaculates, he is okay but the woman's problem starts after the sex.

    The only way forward is like Stella has told you; DON'T KILL THAT BABY!
    Whether you decide to marry him or not.

  6. I'm confused! Are you pregnant or not??? Your period is supposee to be on the 19th and you're scared because you're not sure, yet you're talking about termination and you being sure you're pregnant.

  7. "I don't want to have a baby outside wedlock"
    But you had sex outside wedlock and you calculated
    your ovulation very well and opened leg for him to
    empty inside; what were you expecting?
    A BMW for your wedding?

    1. Laptop.
      Plot of land at Mowe Ibafo.
      Hermes bag.
      But pikin? How can?

  8. Everybody's life can't be straight. We all make mistakes, however, we shouldn't have to pay for it for the rest of our lives.

    Instead of waiting for the monthly flow, go and take Plan B or go to the clinic to flush it.

    We all need to start taking responsibility for our actions. Stop blaming others. Get a job (or start a business) and move out of your parents' house. Also, you need to breakup with that bf....that's even if you will listen.

    Recap: 1)Find out about plan B, or go to the clinic ASAP. 2)Get a stable source of income and move out of your parents' house. You are an adult. 3)Break up with that bf and reevaluate your life. You have to understand yourself. Know what you want and don't compromise. The only way you won't compromise is if you're not desperate.

    Stay blessed.

    1. @Sine
      Sorry, let's re-write or rather write correctly your "plan B";
      You wrote: "go to the clinic to flush it"
      The correct sentence: "go to the clinic to kill him"

      Your mom didn't "flush it" and the mistake was birthing you;
      "a you" that has a sword and gun in your hands on a killing
      rampage! Your mom birthed a serial killer!

  9. Everybody's life can't be straight. We all make mistakes, however, we shouldn't have to pay for it for the rest of our lives.

    Instead of waiting for the monthly flow, go and take Plan B or go to the clinic to flush it.

    We all need to start taking responsibility for our actions. Stop blaming others. Get a job (or start a business) and move out of your parents' house. Also, you need to breakup with that bf....that's even if you will listen.

    Recap: 1)Find out about plan B, or go to the clinic ASAP. 2)Get a stable source of income and move out of your parents' house. You are an adult. 3)Break up with that bf and reevaluate your life. You have to understand yourself. Know what you want and don't compromise. The only way you won't compromise is if you're not desperate.

    Stay blessed.

    1. @Sine
      Sorry, let's re-write or rather write correctly your "plan B";
      You wrote: "go to the clinic to flush it"
      The correct sentence: "go to the clinic to kill him"

      Your mom didn't "flush it" and the mistake was birthing you;
      "a you" that has a sword and gun in your hands on a killing
      rampage! Your mom birthed a serial killer!

    2. Old girl, write that ya name well na
      You misspelt it. The correct spelling is "SIN"

  10. Just know that if you kill this baby, the hurt of the side chick won't go away, only that another hurt will be added to that; the hurt of guilt, innocent blood guilt. That one can drive one crazy; i.e. insane.

  11. Close your legs, you won't listen. Don't terminate the pregnancy. I know say you be terminator.

  12. Yadayadayada! Blablabla! I want baby, he told me to get pregnant, side chick, deciding to sleep with him on your ovulation, now suspecting uou are pregnant before your next period, he won't leave side chick, bla bla bla! R u mad. Can't you see all the stupid decisions you are making. Red sea will soon swallow u.

    1. That's a list of mistakes
      Something is whispering to me that this list might be a little longer. It seems like you have made a lot of poor life choices and now you are frustrated

    2. She's suffering from some mid-20s anxiety. Where you want everything so fast cos you had planned it will happen at this stage/age. She's not letting Jesus take the wheel at all. She wants to micromanage her situation without micromanaging herself.

  13. You better keep that pregnancy.

  14. Since my friend when I was in the University died on the abortion table, if I see a girl that say she want to commit abortion, na so I go dey look am like ghost.
    That girl was full of life. We all tried to discourage her from going for it but she did not hear. Even refused to tell the guy she was pregnant saying she did not want to marry him and she did not want to be a single mom. Okay, where is marriage and single motherhood now? She finished (so she thought) and came back to the hostel and died late at night, right before our eyes. *weeping*

    1. Sorry dear,I am always surprised at how people who love to abort and call it mere blood as if life isn't blood,these same people will be cursing someone who hurt a child or an adult.Sin really deaden conscience.

  15. You're a confused little girl. Tomorrow, u will want another pregnancy to keep the mumu man again and the cycle continues until he finally leaves ur sorry ass.
    Sit up and take charge of ur life,get a job,get an education, get a life maybe a serious man will come.

    1. Ode, are you sure you read this post? Poster said she has a job and she's a graduate .

  16. if you don't want to be unfortunate in your life, Just look for something to flush that blood in your tummy away before it's too late. That your guy is not gonna change and be ready for more wahala ahead.
    That girl is not going to leave the scene, Just believe that now. Your boyfriend is an asshole and will only mess up your life with indecision.

    *in Lasisi voice*

  18. When these boys tell you girls to;
    "get pregnant"
    "move in with me . . . we'd do the wedding later bla bla bla"
    This is the result; the beginning of the results.
    Hope the yesterday chronicle poster is also reading?

  19. Get pregnant, we'd do the wedding later on
    Of course the wedding will be done later on
    oops -except that he will be wedding the main chick and not you
    the baby machine.

    You no be even side chick sef, na baby machine!

  20. You're a graduate & working. Can't you afford to pay for an apartment? Must you live with your dad?...

    It's like your brain was dancing one corner in your head, when you made that decision to get 'Preeknant'. Even when you're in the know of his Standby Generator side chick?...

    See eh, that born wey you wan born, you must born am or E go burn you...

    You'll need to face the consequences of your actions, however that pans out...

    Goodluck & Happy Borning...

  21. Activate plan B....nobody on this blog will follow u n beg ur father... Unless u wanna damn d consequences n marry d guy who is openly Cumming inside another girl.

  22. Selfish sounding cow...go and commit murder,you think God sleeps?You knew about his side remained in the relationship,that made you the "other woman"for your information.And youths of nowadays,pls spell things in full...what is intro,preggy?stupid

  23. Selfish sounding cow...go and commit murder,you think God sleeps?You knew about his side remained in the relationship,that made you the "other woman"for your information.And youths of nowadays,pls spell things in full...what is intro,preggy?stupid

  24. Dear Poster, I think you should learn to believe what your man tells you. If he said he wants to be with you, believe him. He has even taken concrete steps by meeting your dad and accepting to give you his seed. You are the woman he wants, get that into your head. In life, there will always be distractions...There is no guarantee that if you leave him and marry someone without a side chick now, that the person will never have a side piece in the course of the marriage...but you have to tell him how strongly you hate cheating and let him know that cheating is a deal breaker for you. Remember that a bird in the hand is worth 10 in the bush...hold on to your man!

    As for your dad, I must say he is only trying to make you do the needful fast, so don't harbour hard feelings towards him. Love is tough o! If you don't play tough, you can't raise a child cos even spanking requires toughness.

    Touching the baby is a no go area. Born your pikin the way your mama born u. If your mother had aborted you, will you be sending Chronicle?

    Last last you go dey alright!

    1. Well said @ anonymous 16:10. Trust no man! 80% of married men cheat! Even the broke ass one that are being feed, clothed and housed by their wives!

    2. Poster, don't listen to this person, its only an unwise woman that takes everything a man tells her, hook, line and sinker. Its you that will live with him and his excesses,ask your self honestly if you can handle it and if you can't, find your level.

      I think you should try to move out of your dad's house as pressure from him made you make a foolish decision, as for the baby, decide what you want, last last, every decision and repercussion is on you not anybody else.

    3. And you sure say he never tell the "side chick' papa say im go marry her?
      You see how shallow ya brain dey, why it is so easy to deceive women?

  25. Chronicles here have totally made me believe a lot of people lack empathy. Only a few people advise with love. You see someone down but u still insist on kicking the person forgetting 'nobody holy pass'.

    Poster, as for me your dad is to be blamed for all these. His words pushed u to desperation. Thank God for the kind of parents I have.

    If u have taken in, pls leave it, u sound like someone advanced already. I can't tell u whether to leave or remain in that relationship.

    I have always maintained cheating isn't enough reason to leave a relationship but in the case the man has d guts to invite the side chick to his house without fear of what it would do to ur relationship then the decision on what to do totally lies in ur hands.

    Don't marry out of desperation, people that did that are regretting.

    1. Eka Joy, who is down, this one?
      Read through her narrative her lies are so obvious. Madam, from your narrative it is glaring you met this woman with your now baby daddy/fiance. You stayed put till he broke up with her. I can tell you with all confidence that you knowingly got pregnant so he could marry you before her. You know what you did my dear, and believe you me, karma would pay you back.

    2. Yes. Anon 17:49, poster is the side chick who is trying to snatch the man...

  26. Nothing as pathetic as a desperate lady.... Pele

    #if money was so important God would have created it first.

  27. Poster are you stupid to allow your father drive you into the hands of a cheating guy, he will never stop cheating, be it pregnant or not he will still keep side want to end up like us that married after one year we are out of the marriage, is better to stay and be with your dad that insult you than to marry that your cheat of a bf and die out of thinking.if you are fed up with your dad just look for a house and rent give your dad some space, only visit him once in a while there will be respect. Just forget about that your bf for now, if you can flush the belle is best you do so, a man that love you and want you to get pregnant for him, he will not have the heart to cheat on you. Be smart guys are never to be trusted.

  28. Look that your man will cheat and cheat again if you marry him,so just know that you are marrying a cheat

    As for the pregnancy remember your body is yours, if you want it keep it and if you don't want to and feel it would be a case of frypan to fire then don't keep it...Remember nobody on this blog will walk through your problems for you,so protection to yourself and do what is best for you at all times.


    1. So no be only pussy you dey chop
      You dey chop pikin join?

      I tremble.

  29. Two wrongs can never make a right. You have to stop it at one wrong before you can get any rights. Do you understand me? -1+2=1. But -1-1= -2.If you find you are preg leave the baby. Follow your heart. If it doesn't feel right to marry the boy, then it probably isn't right.Just stop it at one mistake. Dont make another. What if that is the only child you will ever have?

  30. Hmm.... I had a missed abortion some weeks back after hearing that my boyfriend of over one year is married. Doctor advised evacuation asap. I had the evacuation on Monday, they even had to do it twice and I need to tell you that it's terribly painful. I've been in terrible pains plus I'm bleeding. I only managed to type this to tell you not to consider abortion. I find it difficult to sleep because of the pain. It's not a pleasant experience. Try to be emotionally stable for your baby's sake, I wasn't and I lost the baby due to tension. It is well.

    1. so you wish to keep that baby? for another womans husband? Its better u bare the pain now and move on...
      How this fuck de take sweet una sef? condom no de market again? or a pack is now 20k?

    2. Pity for your loss lady.
      But why, why did you open legs for him; money, marriage?
      Now you can see that it is not worth it.
      Move on with the correct lesson learnt.

    3. Virginity really helps,the All Knowing God said keep yourself until marriage and you all think you are wiser. If good girls know half of what these bad girls go through,they would be so glad to keep their body,remember virginity isn't about the hymen,it shows you are disciplined,sensible,a God lover,smart,Intelligent,wise etc.






    Biko my friend aborted 5 times bcos bf then like skin to skin and loves women as a yoruba man infact till today he still loves women, she is now married with get 3 healthy pikins both genders.

    she is in charge of her life so are you

  32. Better go and flush your system clean. If you wait till you get pregnant you’ll start rationalizing things and will end up with a man who will have an off and on relationship with his ex. At 26 you should also be finding ways to be independent from your parents. A small self contain will do if you can spare the cash for that. Once you’re on your own you’ll definitely start exploring ways to take care of yourself.

    That man you’re dating ehn, no words. I’m just happy you’re sensing what is likely to bring you sadness in the future.

  33. Aunty you are funny o! You are working and when you saw the situation of things at home why didn't you start saving and collecting small money from bobo to get an apartment of your own even if it was just a self contain. Your boyfriend is openly cheating on you and you still stayed with him to the extent of falling for his pressure to get pregnant don't you know that's what he wants,to tie you from leaving cause he knows you don't want to be a single mom if he can cheat on you openly just know that when you guys get married he would also invite his side chicks over it just goes to show he doesn't respect you like yo!why didn't he go meet the girl outside and break up with her..better go and get a pregnancy kit and know your fate cause that's the first step den you can start looking for an accommodation.i know people say all men cheat but it's better to be with one that doesn't rub it to your face

  34. Sister, I hope you see this. You are the one in control of your life. Deep down you can tell that this man is BAD NEWS for you. I can not tell you how to manage your life as I will not pay your bills for you. However, I ask that you please consider never accepting that man's proposal. A man who you had to fight to leave another woman is not worth it. Not all men cheat, not all men are dirty. Do not let these women who have to deal with dirt pull you into the pig sty. There are men who are clean. Faithfulness is not just for women. I applaud you for wanting better for yourself. I am a married man,I do not cheat. I respect my body, I respect my God and I respect my wife. Temptation comes when you have a ring and small change and your man has shown that he can not withstand it. It is an insult for him to tell you he is trying to break up with another woman. Why should he date two women at once seriously?

    As for this baby, sit with yourself and know what you can afford and what you will have peace doing. Whichever route you take, you will be just fine. The world will give you our opinions but we will not be there to either give you financial support if you have the baby or emotional support if you abort. You are smart and wise, if you have the baby do not make the mistake of marrying this man. I can tell you for a fact, he did not break up with that lady. He is not a sensible man and it is very risky to marry a man who lacks discipline. You will end up wrecking havoc on your future and that of your children. You deserve better!

  35. Dear Poster, you are old enough to rent a house of your own.I started renting houses at a very tender age with my friends when i felt my peace of mind was being threatened. I cannot stand anybody telling me things that would make me cry every time or being sorry for myself.Even before they finish speaking the acidic words , am already out of their sight. Not to talk of when i am working and earning salary, my mother has two houses in this Lagos but i am still renting .If you can leave with your father that always abuses and pressurizes you to leave his house, why can't you also tolerate your boyfriend and his wayward ways? You knew he has a side chick all along yet you decided to get pregnant to hasten the marriage. My sister if i were you , i will quietly take care of my baby and move on.I don't want to have a child out of wedlock, i don't want to have a child out of wedlock na im many ladies take enter 45 years yet no husband , no children.

  36. If you marry this man. Prepare for a lifetime of sorrow.
    At 26, you should be able to rent a place of your own no matter how small. If you are still under your parents thumb and footprint and they disallow. Then consider looking for jobs outside your state.
    Many have been chased by the desperation to leave their family home and ended up in tears and sorrow.
    I wouldn't wish our female family dog, Jojo, a partner like your boy friend.

  37. Poster marry him, nack pigeon on his head Hian


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