Stella Dimoko Boredom Eliminating Post..


Sunday, April 29, 2018

Boredom Eliminating Post..

I am 100 percent addicted to the good life!
Addicted to chewing ice cubes...


  1. Replies
    1. but u dont have it regularly na, how is it possible ure addicted to it? Addiction is something you take from time to time... mostly harmful to you

    2. Buiscuit.. I can eat a whole carton in a day

    3. And you dey steal mama'a maggie cube too?

    4. Cabin biscuit?

    5. Addicted to Ur blog Stella... Just cant do without it.

    6. Pizza.Nutella,bread and butter. See me see fat.God help me.

  2. Making money moves. And coconut.

  3. Coca-Cola.
    Perfumes (Eau de parfum).

  4. I'm addicted to inserting robb menthol in my nose it's like sniffing coke and anytime I'm stressed I'll just put robb in my nose and inhale deeply nd I'm good. I legit use I bottle of robb each month! I hope it won't have long term effects on me though

    1. My God I tot am the only one, there's this soothing relief I got whenever I put it in my nostrils,whereever you place your hand in my room you will surely see it small and big bottle, please is there any repercussions?

    2. inside pussy nko?
      No soothing relief there?

    3. All these anonygirls, where again una dey insert
      those abokini stuff ooo?
      Where again una dey rob the things?

    4. Them dey insert am for puna na.
      Them go then rush enter water go dey
      dance awillo.
      Nnuku sexy and anonys no be true?

    5. Only a crazy person will put menthol in their puna mine is strictly in my nose and freegells menthol sweet is my best friend also. The menthol life is Bae!

    6. Can't stay 2 days without rob in my nose, the menthol is bae(hope dts not a bad addiction o?). I'm very much addicted to tea. I keep struggling to keep my teeth stain free.

    7. too...when am stressed i use robb like body creme...i just avoid the punani area tho...

  5. Lesbian porn.

    1. Me too . And I am straight . Never had sex with a woman . Never been physically attracted to a woman . But lesbian porn sets me off . I hate the day I learnt how to masturbate . Cos I can't stop . God help me

    2. Wow I miss this blog menh.. Close to a year now...

      Am addicted to pressing of phone

    3. anon 22:50 we are just alike... God will help us somehow

    4. I used to be addicted to porn. I'm female until I gave birth to my first. I suffered complication and was left with a shameful condition that defied medical intervention. I cried out to God for healing. Then I dreamt that I was healed and I started watching porn and masturbating again. Then a man was pointing to me and telling someone in that dream that see the person you healed is back to it again. I woke up and I understood that was the root of the sickness. Then I fasted and cut a covenant with God that I won't do it again. I got healed instantly . I'm still in wonderment. Doubt at your own peril.

    5. matubation is a sin thats why there is guilt after the is giving yourself sexual pleasure cos you fantasise about is an even worse sin....i use to do both but God has helped me to overcome it....stay away from your triggers and they are different for every one

  6. I'm addicted to watching international football. I love soccer!

    I'm addicted to taking care of my loved ones. I dare not hear that any of them is in need, I try to sort things out the best way I can.

    I'm addicted to the good life too o jare.

    I love God too.

    1. Hiss. Kpako forming ajebutter

    2. You are so me. I go through all sort of stress to make sure the younger ones don't lack.

    3. You just described me...i thought i was the only one...but i realise that i always have chronic pelvic pain a day after plus heavy discharge...but tyen again i cant stop keeps me sane mehn

  7. Addicted to smoking weed heavily but I quit smoking now, with strong determination I haven't touched it this year.
    I feel new every morning, no more smoking or drinking. Yeeaah !

    1. Now I know why you can never loose weight!..
      Akpa akpu!...
      Good you have stoped so you won't burst!!...

    2. Glory be to Jesus..I knew it,,u sound more lively,cool,calculative this year than last year.

      The weed was too much last year that u could not even identify the purpose of God for ur existence.

      No mind me cuz na u give me word

      Mc pinky

    3. weed dries you up, not gain weight

    4. 19:11
      No, weed makes them eat too much
      Check it, Marijuana increases appetite.
      Linda is right here.

      Looks like someone else stopped weed "this year?"

    5. Q&B knows this topic very well
      she don dey chop weed tee tee!

    6. Queen were ni e 😂 weed can never make you gain weight.
      You think you know me?
      I was never a fat guy, ask those that know me. I'm a slim guy and loving it.

  8. I'm addicted to Tim Hortons ☕️ Coffee,Black!

  9. I'm addicted to money!...
    But my recent addict is hair!...
    Who did this to me?...
    I buy wigs or bundle of hair every week!...
    I follows all the genuine hair sellers and stores looking for new hair to buy!...
    This one na madness!...

    1. Am addicted to serving God and making money. Also addicted to cold water. I drink cold water alot.
      Queen dash me one hair na

    2. Iv spent close to 1m on hair. Last year alone spent 300k. 150k each from one shop in lekki. Lemme not mention names b4 Stella won't post.
      I lie of the price to my husband. If he asks the price I say 60k because I always claim not to have money.
      Even when I buy clothes I throw the nylon away and keep in my bag.
      I have promised myself no more hair or clothes this year,even for the kids. Till we travel summer.
      I really have a problem with shopping,only way I can curb it is to shop just once a year. This year so far I havnt bought aso-ebi also.
      No hair to.

    3. Come and patronize startups like me😭😭😭

    4. Hope you ladies know the sources of those hairs; real hairs?
      They are from dead women. Some are from Indian temples where
      women donate their hairs as part of rituals; check Youtube and you'd
      see them shaving their hair at the temples and packaging them too.

    5. Queen and boss, please dash me one nah

    6. Anonymous, is it your head they are going to fix the hair? How many dead bodies have come out to say it's their hair people are buying? Hian for you.

  10. I am addicted to weed,drink and imaginary sex,nothing sweet me reach my habits, I go form busy just to be alone, I am a lady. .love guys but not too keen,I no send marriage,I have 5 kids from 3 babay daddy,I do both bi,lesbian and straight

    1. Nothing do you, enjoy ur life

    2. May the Lord Jesus be merciful to save you.

  11. I am addicted to. “Monkey nut” and Airwave gum.

    1. Imagine oyibo man serving you nuts and calls it monkey nuts😁😁😁

  12. I want to be addicted to the good life too.

  13. Replies
    1. e go vex me when that book no bring you money

    2. Anony, has addiction got anything to do with making money? and moreover, it takes money from you.(Kinda drains money from you)

    3. Chai, see as shame catch me!
      What sort of books have u been reading sef? Mills & Booms? Abi Hardley Chase..... Ofcourse addiction can be channeled properly to generate income, if youre addicted to making crafts or lets say painting, dancing etc..sure u can bank on it somehow, not all addiction drains ur account my dear, how much can be drained from chewing ur nails or masturbating?
      Greatlady, u need to start reading educational books, cus ur questions de tire me.

  14. I am addicted to SDK blog i read virtually all posts and all comments lolz. I comment as an anonymous once in a while cos I don't have an ID and don't know how to go about it. The only thing i don't read on IHN is Teejay's write up, i have never read it lolz. Teejay sorry everybody cannot like you, you are not jollof rice.

    1. Too much truth, i like you.
      Teejay write up dsnt make sense to me, i always skip... seems he just wants to be noticed.

    2. Actually my mom hate jollof rice so u see not everybody love's jollof rice

  15. porn. I actually just watched porn. To think that I'm a Christian. I know this is wrong on all levels.This post is definitely for me. I need HELP. I don't know how to stop. Everytime I stop I always go back. I sing in the choir and I'm a worship leader. It's so sad. I always feel so dirty. How do I stop? Please help me. To think I am a virgin.This is really bad but I don't know how to stop. Everytime I talk to God about it, I always feel dirty. I ask God to help me, I notice that I stay away for about a month and then I go back. Now, I feel like everytime I ask God for help he 'yimu's' at me like, shebi you'll still go back. Please if you ever overcame watching porn or masturbation tell me how you did it.I can't tell anyone about this. Not even my fiance. I'll be getting married in two months.

    1. Pray about determined to stop..ask God for a favour...knowing that ur vow to stop determines your reward.

    2. Best thing is to start having sex.
      Do you know watching porn and masturbation is also sin.
      Virgin that is masturbating its still sin.
      When you start doing the do you will see you won't need to masturbate or watch porn.
      How I hate porn.

    3. Nothing wrong with pleasuring urself na, why the guilt?
      When u start fucking proper proper you'd most likely quit.

    4. is well with ur soul

      Letting go of something needs determination,readiness and inner drive which must be accompany with an external motivator...

      As a Christian,it becomes so hard to let go of some things which seemeth right but which end is destruction. In order to get over this u need work on ursef

      *never make ur mind iddle,,engage ur heart in things that will help u when u are less busy

      *talk to God,tell him to rebuild u.this is where we Christians make mistakes,we always pray for forgiveness and at d end go back to our sin,,tell God to rebuild u and give u mercy and grace to finish up ur determination in peace.

      *read ur bible often,keep ur heart and mind busy with the word of God

      *don't sit alone when u know it will only lead u to watching porn,,move closer to peeople that can help u grow spiritually.

      Mc pinky

    5. What helped me:
      Fastings; fruit, with water and break in the evenings, total -did it gradually.
      Reading the word during the fasts: even listening to scriptures on my phone from the web
      especially the sermon on the mount -1 hr. midnights also
      Reading: that is shifting addiction to another one; good novels, this blog, newspapers etc.
      Above all, depend on God; for the laborers labor in vain except the Lord builds . . .


    6. Since you are a Christian, I will advice you like a Christian. The Holy Spirit will help you a lot. He is a person and can help you win over this. This battle cannot be won by you alone.
      Why you are always going back to it is because, the flesh is taking the lead over your life that it becomes so hard to deny it whatever you want.
      So first of all, do not be in a hurry to overcome this. Being in a hurry will amount your head to pressure and worry. Then discover the Holy Spirit. Discover the person of the Holy Spirit and how he can help you. I would recommend *Joshua Selman message on the Holy Spirit(Part 1-4)* You can google it and know where you can download it.
      Secondly, you can't undermine the place of fasting. What does fasting help?
      1. It kills the flesh
      2. It gives inner strength
      3. Makes you sensitive.
      Here, I don't mean a fasting where you deprive yourself of food and do everything else you do. You should also deprive yourself of social media(you can choose to switch off your phone entirely so as to seek the face of God concerning this)
      NB: You can go online and search for messages on the attitude of fasting so your fast doesn't go in vain.

      Thirdly, atmosphere plays a major role in aiding addiction. I bet that most times you watch them, you are always alone.
      So avoid being alone.
      Always occupy your mind with activities
      Gospel music will help you a lot too. Ensure you are always listening to gospel music. They help saturate your mind.

      Fourthly, you must be determined. A bad thing with these addiction is that, the more you fight them, they stronger they become and fight you back. These steps as I have listed above will take them. Some days you may fast and the next hour, you are watching porn. Don't feel bad those times, tell the devil he isn't going to win.
      But the good news is, the more you practice these things and the things you listened to on the messages, LITTE BY LITTLE, you will win.

      I hope this helps a great deal. You don't need to continue beating yourself over it.

      NB: I am advising you as a Christian that you are and I am

    7. Thank you for the comments @19:09,adeniji Bisi and 20.02

    8. My dear, how do u watch it? If phone, then give it out & buy non android phone. Dat way, u can't log on to d site.
      If u buy CDs, give away ur DVD. DAT way u won't have a means to play it.
      Whichever means u watch it through, discard.
      Then, occupy yourself w something else. Keep yourself busy intentionally.
      Engage in fasting often. Pray and study d bible always. Avoid being alone too often.
      Dont let that habit destroy you or your intended home.

      If u have someone I trust, (maybe ur Pastor's wife l.e if u trust her and her keeping secrets) u can confide in d person. So, s/he can keep a tab on u.

      Don't run from God. He is not "yimuing" at u but saying "you can do all things through me. With men it may seem impossible, but with me all things are possible. No matter how many times u fail or fall, I will always catch you and will never love u less"

    9. @greatlady, @highly favoured thank you!!

    10. Whenever you have the urge, call on God to distract you. During the period of your ovulation you might get that feeling a lot but just occupy yourself with things of God. It's not easy but I'm sure you can overcome.

  16. Am addicted to money
    Korea movie
    My phone
    Washing clothes and tidy up everywhere

  17. I am addicted to browsing. Menh I can go sick without my phone for a day, I can't help it. Money I spent on subscribing weekly is enough to lay a foundation.

  18. Sorry for digressing

    Just read a portion in the bible which says,,in everything give thanks: this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

    Pls,,I need someone to explain better using a real life experience as an example.dia is a point am driving at

    Mc pinky

  19. Am addicted to music, I love 😍 listening and singing good music

  20. I'm addicted to soft drink. I have just one a day with my lunch. And normally take 7up free and coke zero.
    I can never stop it. Water doesn't just go well with my lunch.
    Luckily I'm not fat. I do go to the gym and eat healthy just to balance it.
    My husband has tried me breaking the habit. Only juice I can even manage.
    My hubby drinks only water. Only thing is i don't want my baby to pick up the habit. Only give her water and juice for now.

    1. Madam, diabetes is real. Try to stay away. You never can tell.

  21. Am addicted to making stew with red oil as in frying the oil that's the only way I enjoy my stew, then am addicted to my phone can't do without pressing it.

  22. Am addicted to the Internet, making money,putting rub in my nose,drinking pepsi and rubbing my fingertips over my pussy and smelling it. I so love the natural pussy smell ehnnn. Hey am not a lesbian and am married.

  23. I'm addicted to porn,masturbation and tramadol. I think I need help. I'm just a 23 yrs old lady

    1. Pls try and stop the Tramadol
      Irs killing u gradually

  24. Am addicted to something called ULO and NZU,it's like soft stone known to some ethnic group in Nigeria but the name family has tried everything to stop me eating it telling me that it causes fibroid,i really want to stop it but i just can't ,any day i don't eat it i feel like am seeing my grave already ....seriously it's not funny

    1. I am addicted in drinking soft drinks

      Going to Church activities

      Opening SDK Blog and be reading old post at night.

      Addicted to my family.

  25. Chewing my nails God help me, esp when I'm worried I can chew off my nails,even when I'm very happy self. I'm trying to stop sha can't even fix my nails

    1. Same here o. I am trying to stop it though.

  26. It seems I'm now addicted to sex. To think I was celebate throughout last year.
    Started dating someone end of last year then started having sex in December.
    However we havnt had sex since Feb and I'm going crazy. Given he had a small surgery in Feb but after that he is always busy with work,travelling etc. Hardly seen this month.
    I'm as horny as fuck.
    Could this guy be cheating on me. How can we not have sex since Feb.

    1. Another chronicle dey come o
      Make I summarize am:
      I seduced him during my ovulation, I am good at calculating my heat
      I held him as he emptied everything
      My period is supposed to come 10th of last month, am I pregnant? *Weeps*
      If I am pregnant, I want to shoot out the baby sharp sharp, I don't
      want to end up a babymama.
      I feel depressed and suicidal sometimes and there is this thick, smelly
      greenish stuff oozing out of my vj . . .

      Abegi, when you go send the chronicle na? I am addicted to sdk's chronicles

    2. Anon 20:13 you dey mind them.

  27. Im addicted to eating dry garri. The crispy feel is out of this world. I'm working on stopping through cos its beginning to affect me. Funny part is I Dont drink garri at all

  28. Wey all these girls addicted to cucumbers
    Stella don call roll call o
    Only one hide for ghost mode spill.

    Looks like Sdk does coded anonynightposts these days?

  29. @Stella
    If you don't stop those "ice cubes" they will soon pluck out all your teeth -especially as you get older.
    Those things compromise blood supply to the gums/teeth.
    Ask you dentist.

  30. Online shopping!
    I just buy to get high sometimes and then return the Item(s).

  31. I am addicted to Nzu! There I said it. *drops mic*

  32. I'm addicted to my phone and social media


  34. #Running away from your problems, is a race you'll never win*

  35. I am addicted to clay (nzu) I eat not less than 10 a day.. I am tired!! Been trying to stop the habit, but I just can't

    1. You may be deficient in one or 2 vitamins or minerals.

  36. I am addicted to eating white powder I just can't stop.I feel real good when I swallow it

  37. my love for fashion especially handbags is on another level.

  38. I am addicted to Sdkblog. I am also addicted to my phone.

    I am also addicted to drinking garri with groundnut.

  39. I am addicted to drinking Coca Cola. I don't know how to stop it. Now my Tummy is so big

  40. I am addicted to SDK blog o...imagine having to borrow data from MTN this night to be able to read today's gist on SDK...God help me o.

  41. No time for ass licking.30 April 2018 at 02:17

    Wrestling, music, white rice and stew.

  42. am addicted to Sdk blog, Buiscuit and pet rescue saga

  43. i am addicted to gari, and groundnut with ice water, cornflakes with bournvita and plenty milk

  44. My husband is addicted to watching anal sex porn, I didn’t think much of it until I saw a folder in his phone, it was different videos of him having anal sex with different girls I haven’t been able to get over it.

  45. So addicted to ice block!!!!!
    Anything with block in the markets,I can try to carry eye for a few hours but after sweating so much I give up,I feel so relaxed after,might be blocked water/flavoured water or those other naughty ones I'm trying to avoid(lol)


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