Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



Sunday, March 18, 2018

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative... wah!


Good day Stella, I find this appropriate in the chronicles section as I really need suggestions and advice,am angry and bitter. 

Now my mother's father a 74 year old man is about to be sent to his grave anytime soon reason is he has started having a soft spot for one random 21 years old girl that he met through my late elder sister.

Pardon me this is going to be a bit lengthy than I presumed.Let me start with that baba, My Mother is the only child of her parents and she lost her mother many years ago, according to her, baba that's grandpa, refused to get married despite pleas and talks from family and friends,he made sure my mum didn't lack anything and she got the best of education here and abroad.

 God blessed him with wealth, he's a retired clergyman.My mum as well is doing great and fulfils her obligations as a good daughter...taking care of grand dad 's medical bill(he's been diagnosed of prostrate cancer since 8years now) and visiting and doing the needful for him because we stay in the same town...... 

Yes! to this random girl, her name is Titto(not her real name)i've known her for 5years now as a neighbour(i mean we live in the same neighbourhood) beside our house. She's now in her third year in the University and she's the only girl among her siblings. In 2013 titto's parents moved into out neighbourhood. As at that time, I wasn't around,so it was my late sister that was home with my mum but a time I came home I noticed this girl always coming to my house, in fact at times she would leave very late for her house because she has gotten acquitted with my house.

 I asked mum and my late sister about her and they told me so many good things about her. How she run errands for them and she has even taken them as part of her family bla bla...

Initially I had my reservations about her but I later saw her as a harmless naive girl. Those periods, my late sister was also sending her to grandpa. Unknown to us, whenever she visits she always tell him pathetic stories about her family and even got to know baba's mum button(baba likes females who are interested in schooling).My sister passed on two years after and she still visit baba without anyone sending her there, collecting cash and material things. 

All these do not even bother us much until recently that grandpa's driver drew our attention that Titto has been coming to cook for him even when there are domestic staffs around, sleeping over and granddad had even gone to visit her in school. 

On one of our visit to his place. Titto called and grandpa was asking her when she will like to visit the clinic, I and mum asked what the problem is? guess what!!! Titto told baba she's still a virgin and he requested her for a test to confirm it. We were dumbfounded, my mum spoke rudely to him, he kept on defending her,telling us how a good girl she is. We were even made to understand her mum has visited him with one of her siblings. 

Bvs am scared for him because I see this girl simply as a gold digger, she has even started handling financial issues.Mum told me on phone that she has started noticing one kind of drifting away attitude from her mum. Mum loves her father and she's worried for him at his old age. Please advise how should we go about this. Thank you for taking time to read. May God bless us all.

*Jesus you people are trying to control the life of a 74year old man?
Are you by any chance JEALOUS?..You sound so!

Didnt you say this man is ill?leave him alone if he is happy with this Titto please!
Ah ah....what more can she do to harm him?if she gives him time and love and he gives her money,how is that bad?they are both single and I am sure your father is just catching some fun and trying to be happy.

You and your mum should take your noses out of this matter please.....ah ah!!!


  1. Tiito will only collect money from grandpa, nothing more.

    Mind you, let her continue making papa happy

    *Larry was here*

    1. Till the girl makes him to put only her name in his will. I don't support the relationship biko. She is a golddigger

    2. 21 years is an adult, let me face Front

    3. Stela can give vomit inducing advice sometimes. You all saying 21 is an adult, you cussed dabota lawson out who is older and whose husband wasn't that old and oshiomole who isn't that old for marrying a 30 year old woman. Dirty old man, 74 and 21? The girl has mind, he's lost his own mind for letting her handle finances and the girls mother is a mindless, shameless woman. Stella married an older man, so to her this is normal.

  2. Life expectancy in Nigeria is around 43 years, baba has lived to 74 and has found young blood to keep him busy. While she is too young and he is too old for her, I'd ask that you people ask baba what his intentions are for her. He probably just likes her company and nothing else but if he has intentions to marry her or whatever then that is wrong and should be stopped.
    You people should find a mature lady who can keep him company and speak to the young lady's family about this relationship or whatever it is.
    How much is baba worth that baby girl would be digging for gold? I don't support a sexual relationship between them but if baba is lonely then his family should consider that and get him someone older, people do it but a 21 year old is too young for him and that would be child abuse.

    1. shortup,what child abuse?21years? internet have given everyone power to
      talk and advice in what u got no ideals,how old was king devid?,,even present that
      yurubo king that has alots of twins now is how old?

  3. Na wah oh!...
    Poster,you people should leave baba to enjoy his old age!...
    Obasanjo that is eighty something is still dancing kukere with women!,..
    Though that one likes old women!...
    You people are enemies of progress!...
    You all want baba to die young,God forbid!..

    1. Die young kwa? Ikwakwakwakwakwa!

  4. When girls date and marry their great grand fathers and collect cash and gifts they display on SM, they call them "aristo, mugu, ATM etc." but when your grandpa fancies your age mate, she is labelled a "gold digger?"

    Who is "digging gold" here; are you not the one? Leave the old man to enjoy the remaining part of his life. As long as he does not fornicate but marries this girl and the girl is cool with it, no issue. He has neither disobeyed the law of God nor the law of the land.

  5. Tell baba to impregnate her!
    Don't interfere, let him release pressure from his loins.
    Hopefully d girl won't have a small boy somewhere who will harm baba one day!
    Just pray she's genuine, again no young girl marry a grand dad for love...its always for money,inheritance.


  6. We ladies never cease to taya me.
    You go dey school dey collect from very old men but when ya grandpa wan re-marry, the girl been dey dig gold?
    Make you face ya work o!

  7. This poster sef.
    When an old man buys you gift, it is love. When your old man buys another girl gift, it is gold digging?

    Make the girl press that button very well and excavate the gold well, she needs it.

    1. Anonymous 15:17, why commenting many times?
      Could you be titto?

    2. @Lady Stainless
      How you take know na the same anonymous, you be winch?

  8. If this man decides to date or marry a 65 year old lady now, will you not term it gold digging?
    You wan marry ya grandpa?

  9. Shine your eyes oh. Leave her to do love but secure his property

  10. Stella, please what are you saying???? So if they suspect that she's a gold digger, they should be quiet abi? Some you girls are dangerous please. Poster please don't listen to Stella o.

    1. Exactly my take.

    2. Same with me. Poster please make sure your grandpa's will is not changed overnight because immediately it changes that is the end of your grandpa, and be ready for both spiritual and court battle if he marries her.

    3. Stella's advice sometimes I don't understand..
      They should leave her so that papa will hand over all his properties abi. I am sure they will have no problem if papa was dating maybe even the girls mother. Jealous of what exactly. If baba had a gf of 50yrs or late 40s no problem.
      A woman who is wise enough to handle a man of that age and status. Probably a widow or divorcee.
      It's their biz Stella. My grand dad did similar thing. Married a lady far younger. Now he is dead. And the young children he left behind. Guess who is taking care of them my mum and her siblings. The grand dad did leave properties but my grandma who worked hard with him is not really seeing much. His young wife gave birth to 5kids. The house rent is not enough to takecare of their education;you know how expensive schooling and taking care of kids in Lagos is. these kids are living with my mum and her siblings because their mother can't cope.
      So Stella it is their business because this girl is a typical gold digger. However it ends it will affect this poster and her mother.
      Let him look for a mature woman that handle such a marriage. Not evetyone can be ojukwu and Bianca.

    4. I’m with you on this one. The girl is sure a gold digger and is preying on the vulnerability of the old man. Pls don’t mind stella or the bvs telling you to leave the girl alone. What if it was their grandpa?? For the girl and her mum to be going behind you guys is a no no and that spells opportunists. Let your mum visit the girl and her mum and warn them to pls think of their own old age and make the relationship purely platonic. Here in europe, sec school kids volunteer and become friends with old people but money must never be involved. Poverty is bad sha!!

    5. Hmmmmm, anon 16:27, that's true ooh.
      I didn't even think to that side sef.


  11. Since she gives baba Joy, leave them alone na. You can even draw Tito close to you so that u will know if she has any bad motives.

    1. Until baba change his will to favour tito.
      Then tito and her mother plan together and put poison in baba's food .

  12. hahahahahahahA

    poster is your grandpa's life in danger because you think that Titto will finish his money or that your grandpa is about to gbench a virgin?

    Biko no vex say I dey laugh because you are funny jealous granddaughter.

    1. My dear, if the man was a poor village grandpa we won't see this chronicle. Leave the girl jare.... shes grandpa's baby.

      Acting like my niece that would come and find space in between wherever my parents are sitting. She would be playing oh, but once my mum wants to sit beside her husband.... That's when she wants grandpa to feed her anything she can find and rub her back cos it's suddenly hurting. When grandpa pets them too much they become over protective. Lol

    2. Ah ah! Chikito get a bloody life and stop fabricating lies every single day!! What is it? There’s always a sister, a cousin, an aunt. When people complained I didn’t take them seriously but you actually comment on every post with a tale.


    3. Leave Chikito alone. You don’t have to read her so called “lies” l love her stories. Please skip to the next comment. Chikito be yourself. You don’t need to change nothing.

  13. Try to acknowledge that tito make baba happy. She adds something to his life that will keep him young and healthy for a longer time.
    If you cannot develop your own independent love for his girlfriend, focus on the happiness she gives to your grandfather.
    And, if you are upset that she is taking him away from you, or at the very least cutting into the attention he used to exclusively give you, I recommend talking to him about it so you can both powerfully deal with it.

    1. The main reason why I don't support this is because baba is at the age where he is supposed to be giving his life to Christ, yet he will be having sexual thoughts which is also a sin and could develop hbp from thinking of her virginity. Secondly I don't trust the fact that the titto girl has involved her mother and siblings in the chopping of the money hereby turning baba to a big fool where they can deep their fingers into. Cus the day they are done with him he will be more heart broken than they met him. Stella it is wrong

    2. God bless you. My thots exactly. They just want to prey on the old man, knowing that old people can even behave like children. I don’t support this girl and her family getting too close to the man and making him vulnerable. Old people are loaded cod all the money you give them, they don’t spend so they either keep it or give it out.

  14. You people should free baba Jor maybe it was when your mum and sis was sending sending her to grandpa baba fell for her. It is his money they are after if baba wants someone then he should get someone much older.
    But some girls have mind o 74 years old and she is just 21 and she took her mum to your grandpa's place hmm

  15. What if Tito is trying to inherit all of Grandpa's property.

  16. long time ago I read that lack of sex leads to prostrate cancer. This could be why grandpa wants to marry now. His choice probably is because he trusts her.
    If you people didn't trust her why send her in the first place to grandpa's for anything? Pray over it and also talk to her about what she is involved...sexual compatibility wise, age related illness.

  17. I pray she doesnt have evil intentions. If she makes baba happy then allow them but just have a spy around that will inform you on happenings that way you'll be a step ahead

  18. Is grandpa f*cking this girl yet -no!
    Is grandpa f*cking a married woman -no!
    Is grandpa entitled to a new wife -yes!
    (it is not good for man to be alone)
    Is this girl, Titto a woman old enough to make her own decisions -Yes!
    So two consenting adults in a relationship -yes!

    so where is the crime/sin?
    Are you interested in your grandpa's wealth -yes from all indications.
    So who is the criminal/gold digger?

    1. So a child so not protect her family property from outsiders whose plan is to siphon the man's money. It surprising to see people encouraging emotions bought through wealth. That girl has no sincere feelings for baba than his money. It will be a terrible thing for baba to die of heart break at such age.

  19. Poster, I understand how you feel. I suggest you leave Titto and grandpa alone.

    What you and your mum should do is to secure grandpa's will. Make sure he doesn't change anything there.

    Just allow her to be collecting the little she's collecting and in return make papa happy.

  20. So which of you will cater to the Old man and cook for and pamper him when tito leaves? I really don't get it. She's not underaged. I think you guys are being too protective cos he has a little cash. If hugh hefner could marry in his old age, then there's no one who can't.

    1. He can remarry but to a woman of mature age that fits his status.
      A woman that is okay financially and just looking for companionship.
      Not a young girl that is obviously a gold digger. If they marry she will still want kids. My sister in-laws widower father is about 75 and he has a fellow widow that is 65 as girlfriend. Intact my sister inlaw is so happy even wishing they marry because the woman takes good care of him.

    2. Anon 19:12 Agreed..But if baba prefers younger girls would they force an older lady on him? This is a man who never re-married after his wife died. There is definitely a soft spot for the girl. What I would do is ensure baba doesn't adjust his will until she births a legitimate child for him - confirmed through DNA. Cos this child would be my sibling (in her mother's case) or uncle (in the posters case). And whether anyone likes it or not, that child would be family. Also, if the man was poor she would be laughing somewhere not sending chronicles. It's just cos they're scared of wealth transfer. Shikena.

      And for wealth transfer scare: I don't know how you people carry family money on your head. You see me? My brothers money, my father's money, my mother's money is NOT my money. I pity my brothers wives cos they would be wondering if they have a sister in law or not. I won't even visit except you give birth and i will come to yours strictly for aunty duty. Not putting my mouth in your issues. Some people say I'm too oyibo in the way I handle such matters but my stance is: I don't meddle in the business of a sound-thinking person, especially when it coems to penis and vagina. Abeg i have my own hustle to chase. Even if baba wills it all to the girl it wont make her life perfect. It doesn't mean she would be richer than you, it doesnt mean she will live a better life than you. Right now baba needs company, the babe is ready to give it and she is entitled to perks for time invested in taking care of a man that would most likely die before her and leave her hanging for a while. No need to over think 'gold digger this and That'.
      If I were you (or your mum) I will just have a sit down with the girl and try to decipher her intentions, give her a strict warning not to try bullshit cos eyes are on her. And let it be. She has made her choice and if it doesn't favour her tommorow she won't say she wasn't told. At 21, i sure was a smart-ass chic. The girl is a freaking adult.

  21. I understand your concerns. Your mom should just hide all his important documents. I don’t believe this is love, there’s an ulterior motive there.

  22. She probably could be a gold digger and ur grandpa will never know.
    At 76, u must thread w caution. Asking him to cut off or telling d girl same will upset ur grandpa. I am sure u Dont want him to have a heart attack.
    So, if he has properties, assets, even cars, your mum should find a way (with wisdom) to be in possession of them. Or it should be saved up in d bank. Cos he might will them to her or change ownership
    Also, anyone of you around and free should deliberately get closer to him and visit at least every other day.
    The person shouldn't go controlling him or telling him what and what not to do. But a gist buddy. So, he can trust and start telling the person about this girl. That way,u all will know what's happening and how to control it.
    Force will never stop it.
    As for d girl, if u hurt her, ur grandpa will react. Your mom should call her and ask her whatsup w both of them. If she says she loves him, encourage them to marry if otherwise, thank her for her care and keep a close watch.
    She has found her "scholarship" and she won't look let go. Her family too is obviously under it. be watchful

  23. In all this, it is that small girl I am pitying.

    She will be collecting old and sick blood and be looking older than her age.
    While baba will be collecting fresh blood and be getting younger.

    If she were to be my sis, I would have advised her not to have any sexual intercourse with him.

    With the way Nigeria is now, I won't blame her cos a man's got to survive.
    She should use CD dazzall.

  24. Stella please don't comment immediately, after you have uploaded all comments, you can then post yours. See how everybody is just following your view. the girl is 21yrs and too small for the grandpa, if it's your dad sef, I bet you wouldn't want it. My dad can't marry my mate, let alone my grandpa marrying someone I'm older than. Poster, tell your mum to ask her dad what his intentions are, from his response she will know what to ask/discuss with the girl and her mum. But she shouldn't force it cos they are both adults.

    1. No, they said a 21 year old is an adult so she can marry a 74 year old grandpa. Imagine how people think, let's reverse the roles would you people say the same if a 74 year old woman wants to marry a 21 year old boy? Or isn't he an adult too.
      Abeggy *inserts Lasisi Elenu's meme.

    2. Yes the day Stella went easy on a chronice poster, everyone did same. Better for her to wait before saying her view . Many people just repeat what she said

  25. I'm not against an old man seeking happiness but the truth remains this girl is way too young for him and can only be after what she'll get. People are free to do what they want but if your actions will create issues for me, then I have a right to be involved in what you're doing. Our choices affect others. Pls talk to your Baba and advice him well. Seek to know what that girl's intentions are and keep a close watch on her. Anyway, time reveals all things.

  26. Poster Pls dont mind Stella & her advise, that girl came for a mission, how are you sure papa is not her father? Your mother should hide every documents including bank acct, make sure you know what the will contain & make sure is not change, watch on papa & the girl closely , don't allow the girl cook for him again quietly sideline the girl before she take over, there's no small woman anywhere esp in Africa.
    THERE IS FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN before water pass garri I repeat again monitor BABA closely now cos he is in andropuse age they make irrational decision that change the future & peace of their families @ that age, I have seen it happen severally while a total stranger takes all that belongs to the children of a man in the name of wife & left & remarry with it, she is 32 while the man is 84 yrs when he died, the man left his kids with nothing claiming that he has trained them while he will ALL HIS ASSEST to the young wife who remarry after 6months or the man demise & the son she claims she had for the man actually belongs to her present husband so she came play everyone & take their inheritance & zoom off.You& your mother should shine their 👀

  27. Poster you are very much in order to be concerned. Titto is a gold digger. It's a pity she got introduced to the family. Now shes sidelined you all and is playing the smart game. You need to stop her. Whatever shes doing with your grandfather is going to affect your mum and yourself in future. So yes. You need to make it your business.Tell the staff to let you know when next she is in babas house. Plan to be there yourself. Or invite baba to your house for a holiday.You have every right to protect your grandfather. The girl is up to no good.


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