Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


Sunday, March 11, 2018

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



On Thursday 22 Feb 2018, I was on duty, in the night by about 10pm I was less busy so I surfed the net for news and check my facebook. I observed that my wife was online which got me thinking ‘why would she be online by this time? She ought to be sleeping’. Instinctively, I opened her facebook chat history chat and discovered that she was flirting online with another man.

 I was shocked, disappointed and angry all at the same time, why did she do this? I try my best to put food on the table and see to her welfare and the children so why this? For the rest of the night, I couldn’t sleep as my mind was filled with rage and thoughts of what I’d do to her when I come back home. I made a copy of the chat and printed it for evidence in case she denies it during confrontation.

When I got home, I acted normal and even took a nap (during which I observed that she was doing something on her phone). I later borrowed her phone as if I wanted to do something and discovered that she had deleted her chat history with him on whatsapp and facebook. I gave her a copy of the printed chat history and she broke down in tears accepting and pleading for forgiveness. I wanted to send her away but I’ve learnt not to take decisions due to emotion. She pleaded long and hard to the point of contemplating suicide.

I thought in all ramifications and sought the help of an experienced married female top blogger to arrive at the best solution. I forgave her. During the confrontation, she was on emotional overdrive so I left her to cool off. When she became stable I had to know why, so I asked and she told me how lonely she felt, that I don’t care about her, not being romantic and periods of absence due to the nature/ pressure of my job (military).

I have decided to make more time for her and the children and if there’s none, I’ll let her know and seek her understanding. I will also need to be more discerning in knowing her needs/mood. We have started on a fresh slate and I know all will go well.

(I observe that this Chronicle is similar to:  but then I don’t mind. Thank you for giving me a listening ear and advice, I cherish it. God Bless)

*Thank God that it ended in praise.......
I really dont know why men react this way when their wives cheat but women are supposed to be OK and take it as one of those things when men cheat....
Give her more time if that is her excuse....I hope you dont catch her again since you have turned watching her into a day job!


  1. Gallant Officer!
    Thanks for forgiving her..
    As u create more time for her, be prayerful, be attractive so she will lust after you, up ur game in bed, dress well, and all will be well.

    1. LMAO, and he should also watch War room, reduce belly fat and be a better cook.

    2. Good advice,poster take note

    3. Nice to know that there are sane men. I am a man and I am proud of
      the soldierly manner in which you handled this. If you had allowed
      the emotion of anger to dwarf your reasoning, you would have lost perhaps
      your first battle.
      Encourage her to open up to you; communication is the key to any healthy
      relationship. Assure her that you'd always give her a listening ear.
      Make sure that she has your passwords as well. Let this lady know that
      there is no leave no transfer as far as you are concerned, that she can
      be rest assured that you are there for her. And when you are posted out,
      keep the phones buzzing and zip up.

    4. You are a good and reasonable man and your home will not crumble..You guys should try to make it work, go on vacation, dates etc All the best.

    5. I had a female boss she opened another Facebook account with a diff name no pic which she use to communicate with her lover

  2. Oga, thats not an excuse, its very watery 2 flirt with another man when ure no longer feeling the atmospheric romance in ur marriage/union.... it wavers, like the pendulum, no matter how hot or cute u both are, or highly romantic bones in ur body, that romantic feeling in fahrenheit always boils down at some point, then u both consciously pick it up again.... it takes 2 to keep it burning. I implore all married couple to read "7 principles in making marriage work by John Gottman" and also "How to improve ur marriage without talking about it by Steven stosny Ph.d"
    She might be sorry she got caught, in the nick of time b4 it turned physical, thats if it hasnt without ur knowledge sha, lets gv her the benefit of doubt.. women generally enjoy attention alot from other men, if u like make it a duty to flirt with her daily n sing poems, she'd still tune into another side vocals and augment behind ur back, seems its in their nature, and its a slippery slope to emotional cheating, then hidden dates and it gets physical.

  3. I think it's best to treat cheat as cheat rather than blaming the opposite sex of doing it more.

    The #DoubleStanded life remains that women are frown at than men, that is the society that we live in. It is not the basis for anything.

    You're very mature Mr Poster, I like the manner you handled the situation from escalating.

    That's why it's good for one to have fear of God and live by the tenets of one's Faith. It's becoming more easier to cheat due to social media's influence on couples life and as time goes by, it can may be get worse.

    1. What else can one expect from you,it's in your id already AFRICAN with stupid,selfish mentality,as if men have 3 heads radarada.

  4. Just the same way your bvs will come at him for snooping but if it was the wife they will say "team snoop till i die"

  5. Stella your last statement about watching her as his day's job is so wrong,he has a right to watch his wife, and Men are superior to women, even the Bible said that the woman was made for the man and nature even imposes menopause on women which men don't experience, a lot of women also don't mind sharing their men as seen in polygamous marriages so tell me why men will not feel superior, even almighty USA has never had a female president,and even where you see a female president,there are so many men making her decisions behind the scene, so it's nature let's accept and play our roles well and let men treat women well,Lion Pass Goat,it's the fault of nature.

    1. You’re nothing but an empty headed fool!! Keep deceiving yourself when lots of women out there are far superior to you.

    2. as in im tired. what a fool. women dont mind sharing thier husband my ass. have u ever seen a man with two wives that has peace at home? bitch pls

  6. Look at your mouth; "I wanted to send her away". Military men are promiscuous and you can't deny fact that you weren't a randy man when you were away from home. How did you even have access to her chat? Have you ever broken down to the point of suicide at one point of your cheating escapades? You even printed her chat history. You have taught her how to be smart with the ways. Don't worry, you won't even smell anything again. Nonsense chronicles!

    1. see this cheat, anon 15:38...
      continue talking rubbish, single mumu

  7. You want to send her away because of ordinary chat... My partner once saw my dirty chat with numerous men but if he send me away who will take care if the children.. I Don’t think he can afford the after school club, im bored of this sham, cant wait for the kids to be independent..

    1. you'all think chat is "Ordinary"? You clearly underestimate the gravity and emotionally depth it reaches... its an emotionally affair online, its creates just much psychological damage as physical cheating, ask any certified therapist/shrink.

  8. You're a good man. Thanks for not allowing the devil to take over your home😘

  9. Oga soldier, have u or have u not eva cheated on her???I wish more women will even start cheatin. Wat is good for the goose is also good for the gander

    1. na ur type no de last for marriage, 2 wrongs cant make a right.... its not a competition! im not sayin its ok for the man to cheat but trying to equate things are so wrong and will jst create destruction.... do you know what the bible referred to as "Head of the House"?? and the woman the peacemaker?? Im NOT saying its right for the man to cheat oh. Getting even has never favoured the woman, stop pretending not to know, even ur mother will not suppport u if ure caught

  10. Oga soja, what were you also doing online at 10pm since your wife also can't. You sound so much like a choleric man filled with ego. Your second and third paragraph is annoying. You even sound like a woman beater and a man that commands his wife.
    You people know how to sleep with other people's wives, daughters, sisters, sister-in-law, mother-in-law, aunts, nieces, cousins but you will tear eyes if men are hanging around your own wives, daughters, sisters etc.

  11. Wow...tanks sir
    For the 1st time am seeing a military man who is not behaving like a mad man..God bless u Sir.
    Pls make out time for her.

    1. Military man no mean say all se carry gun oh, some de work for military hospital or even the cook na military man... must be a field personal

    2. Erased ink tat is so silly. So because he did not beat her to stupor and throw her things slut means he is not core military? Wow!!! So all.core military men are beasts and that thos one acts good means he is not core military...sigh...such a deficient reasoning

  12. I really don't know why some matured women refuse to grow up and face reality or be a better role model, instead they are busy comparing men and women!?
    Ohk I garit; it's all manipulation to get more sympathy and control. Just goes to prove moreso that if you give women a step, they will take a mile.

  13. Hahahaha the comments tho.From Stella''s to BV''s

  14. No real man forgives or condones a cheating partner, talkless of wife.
    No real man writes chronicles to a blog that's infested with 90% bitter hungry female children without substance.
    Rubbish talk everywhere everyday already about how cheating shouldn't be one sided - abeg any other people who thinks so should bring toto come make I chop.

    1. No real real man. You sound soooo empty. It is well my brother. It's only a man or woman with a sound mind that can offer forgiveness and then go ahead to seek ways to improve his or her life.
      Continue with your egotistical macho mindedness and see where that will lead you. You will end up a lonely man

    2. Hey bitter beast .
      I've been reading your comments on this blog for a while now and you seem to have this insane bitterness against women. Are you gay?
      Don't try to deny being gay by claiming to be married. Your hatred for
      the female folks depicts you as a silly gay and not a responsible marriedman.I expect you to reply as the madman you are. silly pussy.

    3. Miyake or whatever must you always think with your balls, I pity the poor woman that agree to marry a fool like you.why not put your energy Into something that will put food in your empty tummy, cos a hungry man is an angry man.

  15. At this point, I really pity any man that marries. You will very likely end up realising that you're responsible for maintaining the neighbourhood bicycle. Marriage, as we know it, is an obsolete institution. Get a baby mama and take care of your children while being involved in their lives as much as possible.

    Marriage is just prison for women, and men. Let them be free. Mr. Soldier, I'm sorry to inform you that your wife will still flirt, or even cheat she'll only be smarter about it.

    1. @Rambo
      I totally understand that you are writing from the nasty experience you had
      That does not mean that every man should or is having your experience
      You can also take a cue from this soldier instead of dragging him to descend
      your low. I pray you will overcome the pain that experience left in your heart
      and find peace in Christ which some of us have imbibed and are joyfully married.

    2. If you do not forgive that lady that cheated on you, you will keep going on a merry go round in life. Your baby mama principle will leave you with stis and all worth not and you have pain in eternity.

    3. Lol, ladies, what's low about the baby mama route? Divorce is increasing daily, in case you're not aware, there are two-month marriages in Nigeria. Nobody plans to marry for barely two months, and most of these people were "in love" when they tied the knot.

      I speak from experience and observation, wives cheat just as prolifically as husbands in Nigeria. We should fooling orselves, this marriage thing has a very high rate of failure.

      Social media is rife with discontented housewives having affairs. I understand that my views may be uncomfortable and unpalatable but I speak based on pragmatism. Men are running from marriage, I don't know if y'all have noticed but this is becoming a thing. Very soon it will become mainstream. Many of the guys who marry just do it stave off pressure from family.

      Yes, I had a bad experience but I'm no longer bitter about it, I'm just realistic. I also understand you're the gender that desires so your protestations aren't surprising.

      Btw, my ex is forgiven and I am a very happy man. I'm healthy, I have a very good source of income. I enjoy the good things of life, and I can't really complain.

    4. Pardon Rambo
      I wrote that thing up there and I am a man.

    5. Rbo,na your type de fall yakata...

    6. I guess your sisters, aunties, female cousins, nieces, all of them are ashawos who do not deserve to be wifed? But only to be babymamas

      Issokay for them

  16. Nice to know that there are sane men. I am a man and I am proud of
    the soldierly manner in which you handled this. If you had allowed
    the emotion of anger to dwarf your reasoning, you would have lost perhaps
    your first battle.
    Encourage her to open up to you; communication is the key to any healthy
    relationship. Assure her that you'd always give her a listening ear.
    Make sure that she has your passwords as well. Let this lady know that
    there is no leave no transfer as far as you are concerned, that she can
    be rest assured that you are there for her. And when you are posted out,
    keep the phones buzzing and zip up.

  17. Thank you oga soja, you did the right thing by not sending her away... Just create that time for her

  18. This is the reason why I love open marriage!! So convience

    1. "so convience?"sic
      You see how open your skull is?
      It is CONVENIENT for you to type nonsense,
      But not convenient for you to be faithful in marriage
      You want open marriage, the he goat type?
      I tremble for you!

  19. Thank you Oga poster for using your Solomon's wisdom to handle the issue at home.

  20. Well. At least men are now coming to terms with the fact that other men also find their wives attractive. And if you dont protect whats yours, it's gone. Marriage is more than putting food on the table. Whatever happened to friendship and companionship?

  21. Social media has made if so easy to meet ppl and cheat. Don't get me wrong, I know how useful it is, but like everything else on earth there is a dark side to it.


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