Stella Dimoko A Memo To Encourage Every Woman Out There!


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Saturday, March 24, 2018

A Memo To Encourage Every Woman Out There!

This memo should interest you enough to want to pass it on....even if you are a man!

To my Dearest Daughter,

Hey honey,

You know whatever I am going to be saying to you, I could have said it to you face to face, but I choose to write it to you. Why? Because now its time you know who your mom is.

I have a perfect life. I have a great career, a loving, stable family and like a good juggle master, I am managing all spheres of my life pretty well. I am all put together. 

I know you think this. I know you wonder how I do this. I know you think these things come easy to me and I don't know what heartbreak, betrayal means. I know this because when I was your age, I used to think the same about your grandmother. So now truth time.

Yeah, I seem to have quite a good hold on most things but you don't know how fast I lose my shit. I am the most impatient person ever. Yes, and I curse alot. ALOT. When y'all are sleep or not at home, I curse like a sailor, even more than your father, and you know that's saying something. When I was young I was soo damn sacred. Yes, I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life, I could barely keep myself awake during noon, the lazy ass that I am, you can forget about working a full time job. And boys. 

Those damn boys. You know, don't tell your father I told you this but he wasn't my first love. No, even when we met, I was nursing a broken heart and there wasn't any universe where I could see myself with him. And your dad, who barely looks at any other woman, and rarely a day passes when he doesn't tell me how madly in love he is with me(his PDA!! ) , was a player. The idiot kept denying it to himself long after he started having feelings for me. It took him a whole year after we started talking to man up and ask me out properly . You know there was even a brief period where we stopped all communications. Your mighty daddy bloody ghosted on me.Yes, your 'the most romantic and perfect husband in the world' (now) dad went awol for a month. 

 Why? Same old guy shit, scared of feelings and what not. And my best friend,your chiku auntie, well lets just say there were times when we had issues and almost drifted apart.

So , trust me when I say I know self doubt, I know "guy problems" and "best friend problems " because I was a young girl too once. And I know hurt, I know betrayal and I know how a broken heart feels. Yes baby, I know yesterday you cried your eyes out for that boy. I know you are scared out of our mind about what you want to do with your life. And I know sometimes, when nothing is wrong, you feel blue. You don't know the reason, you don't know the remedy, but you are not okay. At times like these, when your mind is playing tricks on you, remember you got this because whatever might happen, you got me, just like I got you granny.

Remember all that I told you that I am not perfect, I am too still learning, this parenting thing, it's scary baby. But I still try and deal with whatever comes my way the best way that I can, everyday, every time and look my life turned out pretty well. I am doing what I love, I have a husband who loves me to death and whom I adore beyond words and I have you and our little trouble maker, your brother. You too will have everything that your heart desires and I mean it. You will. Just be patient. Everything that is meant for you will come to you when you will need it the most, trust me. 

You just keep living your life to the fullest and I promise someday you will be telling your daughter about a time you didn't have it all together and hopefully you will be telling her this face to face because unlike me you won't shy away from confrontations. Yes, another thing about your mom, and the reason for this letter. 

I wonder if you already know this about me, because if you've noticed, it's always your father who does my bidding.

With love

Words by Shivani Sharma



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