Stella Dimoko Spontaneous Friday Post....


Friday, February 02, 2018

Spontaneous Friday Post....

#stillfebruary #fridayyaaaay #endofhustleforsome #schoolday #bobos #boyfriends #gunner #leo #omgomgomgomg #lipssealed #toomuchtoohottooblessed #continuereading #nothingspoil #godbabetoablessedsomething #toomuchjuice #nawah #youwillreadbutyouwillnotunderstand #iknowxirtedpisreadingthisandwonderingwhatiamonabout #lol

Thank God,First Friday in February don land.....Good Morning to you all!!!

I woke up like this #hungry..LOL
This cold na wah..Imagine waking up to snow and then rain....I cant wait for this cold season to be Over.....*tongue click*

Easter this year falls on April fools day...Valentine this year falls on a holy day..what else?I dont mean to spoil business for those making cake and selling condoms or Valentine presents oh but I think Valentine should be postponed this year for all.....Let us use that day to pray for Nigeria and the forces holding her ransom....LOL

For those people asking via email,dont worry the monies i was supposed to give out for business giveaway is still there,I never chop am

I hope those of you who have Instagram handles that are busy will buy that book on how to make money on Instagram?it would be so great to earn money there instead of cussing out all the time,cos it looks like Instagram has become call out

Faces of in house news and others,please send in what you need to send,otherwise its until Monday by God's Grace.

Remember that if you find yourself on the good side of the Boulevard,its not by your might,its not by your power,you didnt make yourself,it is by God's Grace and no weapon formed against you shall prosper....

Have a Beautiful day and I pray the day ends with a Miracle for you.

Please send any genuine Vacancy you know that can benefit someone here or if there is vacancy at your place of work.
This is a special thank you to all those who have been responding to my plea that they send in vacancies.....So many people are getting jobs eeeh ..........

Kisses to everyone!


  1. Those that sow in tears Shall reap in Joy

    TGIF, enjoy your weekend fam

    *Larry was here*

  2. Please where is the general's wife biko?

  3. I want to say thank you to everyone for your maximum love shown on me yesterday during my birthday and for those of you who applied extra efforts in calling and sending sms may God reward you abundantly and continually bring celebration your way. Indeed SDK is a one big happy family and it is good to be here.

    Special thanks goes to you Stella for your undiluted love and support. God will continue to bless and increase you above your equals.

    Maximum appreciation to everyone 🙌🙌🙌. Obrigado!!

    1. Long man with yellow skin,hbd n arrears 😎

    2. Belated happy birthday to you my wahala friend.

    3. Happy birthday Skye white. May God bless your new age.
      I came in to mark register.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Gracias, merci beaucoup, Dan keso, Thank you 🙌🙌

  4. You might have never begged your partner in the ozza room or the bus conductor to collect what you have like that cos its your last card.
    You might even be lucky to have never had the need to beg for support

    But rich or poor, we must recognize that we are all imperfect-that we are beggers before God. Haven't you at one time or another, meekly approached the mercy seat, and pleaded for grace? with all the energy of your soul and on bended knees asking to be forgiven for the mistakes you have made and the sins you have committed?

  5. Somepeople will come to ATM, see others on queue and still be asking "is it paying?" No! We came to sacrifice ourselves for money!
    Good Morning Good People Of This Blog.

    Your comment will be visible after approval

  6. Wait!!!

    All of you that shout inside bus whenever passengers want to ease themselves, what is your problem gangan????

    I was traveling from Lagos to Ilorin(Kwara state)some years ago... Make I nor lie, I ate almost everything they sell at iyana-ipaja and in Ibadan..
    Immediately my stomach began to rumble, I sensed that the spirit had descended on me and alerted the driver I want to urinate..
    Very timely, the bros sitting next to me asked me to empty my ice cream and pee in the bowl, :o mehn, i shock o. I kukuma tell the truth that i wantu shit say make driver stop...
    Apparently, have been maintaining my big girl level until I started getting different shades of lashes from the passengers.. Stupid driver nor even answer me, and a woman was even reminding me how I was eating like a glutton...

    After I had pleaded and got a million lashing from passengers and dem nor gree to stop for me... Mehn, i just undid my zip about pulling down my jean, with my eyes widely opened then i stoop... Almost all the passengers jointly opened the bus door say make i come down... I just look dem with one bad eyes and said 'the bus still dey move nah'
    Before they could say jack to the driver,and the thing go skrrriiiiii :o Fortunately for them, nah the last mess... I came down and
    did the real praprapa... But the mess wey i leave for them inside motor ehn, i still meet the heat ....
    Good morning lovelies 😘😘😘

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. you just made my day.

    2. Are you sure this happened to you or you are just narrating an event you witnessed 😎

    3. 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

    4. Lols..that thing na witch.

    5. Hahaha. Now this is very funny.

    6. Hahahaha... See as I just de imagine the scenario join.

      Good morning Olori Orente.

    7. Lacey love,remain blessed 😘😘😘
      My Sharon, gudmorning ❤❤❤
      Madam 😘😘😘😘
      Lady bug,your case is different 😂😂😂
      Cynthia our wife😘😘😘
      Sky,belated happy birthday 😘😘😘
      Selene dearie❤❤
      Spicy Dobis 😘😘😘
      Aurora,good morning dear😘😘😘

      Wishing us all a great weekend ❤❤❤❤

    8. Very funny....when shit hold someone will forget shyness

    9. I can't stop laughing. Almost d same thing happened to me 2 years ago. I sat by d window but I was sweating profusely like a Christmas goat wet dey fear knife for neck. At a point I dropped big, tell conductor make e wait for me in front say I wan ease myself. Yeye guy, e com ask if na ease I wan ease or shit. Mtchew. I think he also saw d sweat, hence the question. I sah thank God but I was embarrassed sah

  7. I had a squabble with my mum this morning, she accused me of something I didn't do. I got angry and dropped the food she prepared for me to take to work. She instantly knew that she wasn't right on this one(cos anything that makes me turn my back on food, that thing is a serious something).

    Instead of her to say sorry(cos that's all I wanted to hear) she started shouting that I shouldn't do this, this morning and l should in fact, leave her alone.

    I just knew I couldn't leave the house that way(me being angry and her also). I would be useless for the rest of the day if I did. So I asked her why it was so difficult to say sorry and why most African parents think its a crime to apologize to their children?

    She just blurted out one hard sorry like that and I collected it immediately and left the house😁.

    I sent her a sweet message on my way to work and asked her if she was smiling now. She replied laughing and apologized properly. She said if I had forgiven her, I should buy her something when I'm coming home(yes we're so cheesy like that😁 ).

    But really, why do parents find it so hard to apologize to their children even when its very obvious they're the ones at fault?


    Good morning BVs

    1. Awwww
      Keep the chronicles coming
      I love the way you love momma❤❤❤

    2. Lols
      My father can never say sorry..he will just buy u something😂

    3. I think it's because they carried us for 9 months and we made them loose their sleep and shape and we never said thank you tankless of the school fees, feeding and all other care including the unconditional love. Men, we owe them so much so not saying sorry is their way of getting back at us. #sweetmothersrockandfatherstoo#

    4. Awwww! Sometimes I find that I scolded my 4 year old wrongly and can't get myself to apologise. Usually the feeling is one of vulnerability and deflated pride. Funny cause I still hate it when my mom does same to me. Kai, this behaviour has to stay back in 2017. Lol!

    5. Nice one 👍,apply for a stand alone post on the blog 😎

    6. I apologize to my children.
      BTW,I love how you relate with your mum..I'm building same relationship with my kids.kudos

    7. Lol @Sharon Aminu my mum will just ask me if I've eaten most of the time.

      Thanks @Bee10. Good morning to you too and have a great day.

      @Anonymous 8:17 that's a strong case you put out there 😁. Still I feel its something they should learn.

      @Jostified Doc hehehe it must o. Try and inculcate the habit. Its important. My love to your boy.

      @Lady Bug I'll think about that. Thank you for making me laugh a lot on here. Blessed day to you😘

      @Official Prestige you're the real MVP. Please build a close bond with your children, it will come in very handy when peer pressure starts creeping in. I tell my mum almost everything. Thank you BTW. Have a beautiful day!

      Thanks @SkyWhite

    8. Awww... I love your stories.

      My mum doesn't find it hard to apologise if she is wrong but my dad, whosai!

    9. Thanks @Olori Orente. I'll do my best. Being with my mum is like movie, you'll laugh plenty and get angry too and even cry sometimes.

      Thank you @Spicy Dobis.

      Thank you @Aurora. Hehehe your mum is parenting using a different manual from the typical Nigerian parent. Pardon Papa I'm sure he loves you regardless. Have a beautiful day.

    10. This is what my Mom does.. Especially when she comes over.
      She was kinda agreeable and very errrrmmmm ‘correctable’ before ooh
      Lol, now she no dey gree.
      I love her😍😍😍
      Hello Selene.

    11. Hahaha Momma has toughened up @Iphie dearie. Hope you're doing great? Enjoy your day.

  8. Day 4, Big Brother
    Yesterday was a very long day for me and my night wasn't so good.
    So they lost their wager and Biggie has promised them their deserving gift which I believe is hunger or a bucket of worms.
    Khloe better not win HOH next week else they'd all be in trouble.
    Biggie, has started waking up and he was quite mean to the housemates which I really like.
    Khloe was cautioned for speaking Yoruba in the house while English and pidgin are the only approved languages. He told her to 'hush' when she tried to speak back. Then KBrule, was trying to be romantic with Khloe at night but she kept dodging his kiss. It's Leo she likes I don't know why the obobo is deceiving himself. Cee C, almost fainted watching BamBam and Tobi chat. She just sat down and kept eyeing them as they talked.
    BamBam, has to quit with the pastoral talk. She mentioned she sees visions and was ordained a prophetess by her mother at age 8. I'm wondering why she didn't tow that line instead of chasing reality shows up and down. She likes Teddy but she is busy forming holy Maria.
    The housemates are dirty, they need to be reduced and they gossip too much. Princess kept talking about Khloe and I don't know why they can't talk to her face.
    Anyway, I done go. Have a great day All.

    1. Thanks for the update doppel

    2. Tnx for the update. I am watching through your narrative. I don't have time for it now.

    3. Thanks Doppel, you nailed it on BamBam. She complained about choosing Teddy, as if she was forced to.

    4. Thank you for the update Doppel

    5. BamBam is a ‘church girl’
      I think she was raised by strict parents. There is a cool girl beneath the whole calmness though.
      I see her falling for Teddy the bad boy. Maybe shes running away from a heartbreak.

      I like that Biggie clamped down on them.
      The excesses was just too much.
      The outright disregard of rules an regulations.
      Walking into he diary room takes them like forever.
      I haven't been keepig up jare. Thanks.

  9. Good morning everyone 😊
    How was your night? 😎
    Stella where's Adokiye? LMAO 😁
    Yes oh!, valentine day should be spent praying for naija 😁

  10. Happy New Year blog family

    Happy Valentine's day in advance

    Let's get the giveaway coming...

    Missed everyone

    1. Yinmu 😎,like you've not been reading 😎

    2. Freshest of all. Lafresh of them all. How's you Bae?

      Bug you can swerve

    3. Welcome Blogbrity. Your thought crossed my mind yesterday.

  11. TGIF.... Good morning everyone, wishing you all a fantabulous weekend.. drink responsibly!!!

  12. Toast and tea i am at work good morning y'all

  13. Great morning and lets have a great day.

    God overdo no need complaining.

    1. Goodmorning Ma'am have a beautiful day!

  14. Alex Ekwueme died and in 1week Oko in ANAMBRA STATE has street lights everywhere, In 1week d bad road from to Ekwulobia to Oko has been reconstructed, in 1week the walls of Saint Peters Catholic Church (ie the church next to ekwueme's house) has been rebuilt, in 1week a field filled with air conditioned tents has been mounted just in one week!!! IF THE DEATH OF PROMINENT MEN ESPECIALLY THOSE IN THE GOVERNMENT WILL SAVE THIS COUNTRY , THEN LET MORE ....

    Lemme come and be going😜😜😜🏃🏾🏃🏾🏃🏾🏃🏾


  15. I also woke up hungry and I'm eating already.

    This week has been hectic and sad. Young people dying like roaches.

    Lord help us.

  16. Top of the morning Beautiful people. Yesterday was so fun filled.

    Stella the instagram book, according to someone, no follow oh. It's full of hype. She is asking for her 5k refund. That she wouldn't have paid much just to see pictures of her compiled inside a book. That she didn't even put the secret to start with. And many other things. That the most quarter of the book was talking about her love life, family, marriage et al.

    I still want to have the book sha o. For having purposes.

    Alright everyone, Have a fantastic day today and Happy birthday to all February celebrants. 😍

    Kisses, see you all in the next post


    1. Beloved that's so true that book wasn't just worth all the hype...Talking about herself like we don't already know plus her sister Linda nd husband....she didn't do any justice to the "how to make money on IG" at all....wasted 5k

    2. You see your life?? The book is 3200 stop lying, which one be 5k? And you say full of pictures??? Only 50pictures are there.. Una like to dey run down person hustle.. How God wan take bless your own?? Smh

    3. 😂😂😂😂😂

      Some books are better imagined than bought, same as some e-books and video tutorials.

      Good morning bae, Happy Birthday in advance. Keep shining!

    4. Madam Estate owner, they said it was 5k on payporte on the day of its release. Don't know about right now. Lol

      "The 150 page book spends more time being a memoir slash autobiography than it does being a self help book. If you do decide to read it, it won’t be to learn anything new about Instagram or making money off the platform. According to the source, She failed to mention how maybe, just maybe, her sister being a millionaire that built a blogspot website into a media empire might have something to do with her Instagram popularity.

      Or that her also having a husband that is of interest to the public could be another reason for her boost in followers.
      Because really, how do you teach people to make money on Instagram without telling them to marry famous husbands? Or being born with a rich big sister.

      ....All join, Me personally I would like to still have the book. Like I said for having purposes....Lol

      Good morning Aurora sweet. Have a nice day.

    5. Sorry *Madam Eziokwu bu ndu.
      Please pardon me, I was on call when I typed that. Slip of fingers

  17. OMG..stella😘
    Gudmorn everyone

  18. The weekend is here. Thank God.

    Stella the weather here is becoming hot.

    Good morning to all my lovely bvs, may our day be pleasant.

  19. February for you and yours signifies;
    F - Festival of Joy
    E - Endless Testimony
    B - Bountiful Advancement
    R - Restoration Completely
    U - Unending Peace
    A - All-round Victory
    R - Rest from every battle with
    Y - Your Songs of Victory aloud.
    Happy new month to you and all that are yours!
    Welcome to February 2018.

    You will be stronger than your enemies in Jesus mighty name.

    1. Amen to your prayers. Happy birthday to all Aquarians including me. strong and patient ppl.

  20. I am putting this down maybe to reduce the ache in my heart. Because right now I don't know what I want again. My 23 year old boyfriend and I quarreled over a girl he calls a good friend. But they haven't met, because of distance I guess. They chat almost everyday and he saved her number with Bae*input her name*. I complained last year about the prefix Bae. He removed it, but three days ago I was reading something on his phone and saw chat notifications alert from bae*input her name *. He noticed I have seen something I shouldn't have seen..and collected his phone. I wasn't really angry till I remembered we have changed that name before.
    I confronted him and he said that was her fb name, and he saved it like that as not to get confused. Later he said it's because he copied contacts from his old phone to his new phone.

  21. May his name alone be praise, he his a marvelous God. Thank God is Friday. May we all have a great day. Good morning L & G. My yoriryori am coming for Two cups of tea

  22. Happy Friday Beautiful People
    I took out my weave yesterday and half of my hair followed suit 😂😂😂😂
    Please what do I do to prevent breakage
    I'm looking forward to when I'll comb my hair and a strand won't fall off
    Relaxed hair specialists, Iphie Dearie and Amanda Favour......
    Please help a sister out
    I'm almost in tears Biko

    1. Wash your hair with rice water.parboiled rice water oo.I have tried it and I experienced no breakage afterwards.

    2. Also learn to steam your hair at least once in 3 month. I use to have hair breakage but not anymore. I relax once in 4 months. Steam once in 3 months. Wash hair every month.

  23. Good morning lovely SDK family.madam Stella weldone o.God bless u plenty.
    Pls my people is there an app I can download for sharp& beautiful camera pictures cos dis my fone doesn't take beautiful pics instead of making me look fine its even reducing my beauty.I feel sad cos I stop taking pics with my fine & when I see ugly gals posting beautiful pics im jst sad.pls recommend any app for me plsss

  24. God is more interested in your character than your comfort. He’s not going to give you things if you haven’t learned the principle of contentment. Contentment is not a lack of ambition or lack of goals. Contentment means your happiness doesn’t depend on your circumstances.

    Good morning everyone and happy weekend

  25. Wow long hashtags today.Good morning d queen of hashtag Stella.
    My yard pple Una good morning.
    Stella pls where is Bv Tatriana hope she's good.I miss her here.
    I'm starting to agree that ladybug is ideato.But I love her ideato persona o not this ladybugging bug.

    1. Go and sign the agreement form now, mtsheeeeew 😎

  26. Good morning bvs , good morning Stella, TGIF, may God bless us all

  27. The longest way must have its close - the gloomiest night will wear onto a morning .....traffic last night was just unreal.

  28. Nigeria's women's bobsleigh team will make history in Pyeongchang this month as they become the first Nigerians, and the first African sled to compete at a Winter Olympics.

    Seun Adigun, Ngozi Onwumere, and Akuoma Omeoga qualify to represent Nigeria through their parents.

    My adorables are rooting for the team and cheering them on. We are applauding this girls over here....GO GIRLS!!!!!💪💪💪😘👍

    1. Im rooting for those girls.
      They make me so happy.

  29. Good morning house..
    Jumaat Mubarak...
    Thank God its Friday!

  30. Nigeria's women's bobsleigh team will make history in Pyeongchang this month as they become the first Nigerians, and the first African sled to compete at a Winter Olympics.

    Seun Adigun, Ngozi Onwumere, and Akuoma Omeoga qualify to represent Nigeria through their parents.

    My adorables are rooting for the team and cheering them on. We are applauding this girls over here....GO GIRLS!!!!!💪💪💪😘👍

    1. Those girls are example of: Think of what you can do for your country not what your country can do for you 😎

  31. good morning children of God. enjoy.

  32. Today will probably get to work late. The gist about the lady who kiss a guy n notice blisters in her mouth got me wanting to vomit. Especially when she discovered that the guy is a scammer n has been eating poo to succeed. Isssssh.

    1. Ewwwwwwww,why repeat it here again,been trying to forget I read it😎

  33. Good morning everyone.May our day and weekend be blessed and fruitful in Jesus name,Amen.

  34. My mum never say sorry ooo. To me they think it is an insult to say sorry to their children. Instead she will just look for ways to appease you than say sorry.

    Make i dey watch her now if can say that but truly mama na mama

    1. Hehehe really I don't know why. Still we can't love them any less.

  35. I agree with you, Stella. Everyday affords us the opportunity to be grateful to God for another new day of better blessings... If you can make it through the night, there's a brighter day, as 2pac says in "Dear Mama "

  36. As the drama queen I am, I told him to choose her or me. Finally he said he deleted her and blocked her on watsaap. The next day he was still stewing over because I asked him to delete a good friend. He said he was there for him when we haven't started dating. I told him that I can't watch her turn from friend to good friend and to who God knows. He said he doesn't double date. I told him chatting with her alone is cheating.

    Meanwhile this same guy, earlier last month told his cousin that after all, he won't marry me. Because I wouldn't let him squat in my house for God knows how long...He packed out of his Aunt's house. (Anyways he later went back there after two weeks of squatting with a male friend. I preferred him staying with his aunt though) But I can't never cohabit with a guy when I am the one paying house rent. Accidentally I saw the chats. He explained it was out of anger he wrote everything. I was still trying to get over that, till this quarrel we had yesterday.

  37. Goodmorning everyone... long time no see.

    Hope all is well with you.

    Enjoy the rest of your day.

    1. Which long time?😎,unless you just subscribed after a long while,if not,you've been reading 😎

  38. He has been trying to copulate in my house for so long, which I have avoided. He is not the first. I don't allow male friends visiting because of the kids in the house. I have explained severally but he won't hear. So yesterday evening he accompanied me home without my permission. I left him at the gate and went inside. He stood there for about 10 mins, till I called him to leave from there, or else. He later left. I sent him a message on watsaap, asking him what kind of stunt he was trying to play with all those kids (10-15) in the compound with their dirty mind and thinking.
    I was still angry with him. So I said a lot of bad things to him. He asked me to apologize or else I should forget about him. I ignored him. And he also said alot of bad things. And said I should eat my house and delete his number because he will be doing same.

    I told him finally he has made his choice. Because he seems to be choosing the Bae whatever over me. That no problem I will also delete his number.
    He said yes that I should suck up with that. Sent me the girls pictures and snap chat video. Said she's cute. That was the one that finally broke me. I blocked him immediately.

  39. It's a new day, Dear Friday pls favour us. See you all in IHN

  40. Honestly I know he isn't the right choice for me, he is still a jambite, while I am done with school, and 2years older than him...but he is the most caring guy I have ever dated that really paid attention to my needs. From toiletries, cosmetics to getting me sanitary pads, breakfast or lunch or dinner whichever one, outings once in a while, all from his little salary. He has his annoying sides. But his good sides surpasses his bad side. I even promised myself, when I start working, to support in his education because he doesn't have anyone. The person he was hoping on pulled out last year. So we made resolutions for him to start saving 50% of his salary, in case if he gets admission this year.

    Right now I feel like I should call him and apologize. What will I even be apologizing for? How will I even forget all that he did to hurt me. How will I even forget all he said. One minute I miss him, the next minute I am telling God to punish him for saying all that to me, barely 30 mins after he told me he can't live without me. For sending me those girl's pictures knowing I will be hurt, after promising he won't hurt me again in less than 48 hours. I am really hurt. His friends told us one time we are meant for each other. We were really cute together. That he should do and wife me. How can something so beautiful turn ugly in a twinkle of an eye. What if in the next five years I couldn't see a man that treats me like he does. What if we were married and this kind of thing happened. God I am so weak. I don't want to dwell on this today.

    1. This is a dead-end dear, there is no headway in this line you're about towing. Your fears are your chains. You deserve better. Pull yourself together and have some self worth. God just delivered you from ruining your life

    2. He will be back, but dont hold your breath. Face front and give other guys a chance you are still young. I know it is hard and heartbreaking but you have to stay strong. He just needs to fvck that babe then his eyes go clear.

    3. Princess Scheherazade2 February 2018 at 10:59

      Thank God you already know you will be fine. You just need time to get over the heartbreak. Just give yourself 6months without him... please do NOT go back to him no matter what he says when he comes to beg because he will definitely be back.
      Meanwhile, spend that time developing yourself, acquire a skill, get a job, do some humanitarian work etc
      Just ensure that you're busy because if you're idle at this time, you will be too weak to resist him when he comes back.

      He hasn't even started school plus he hasn't any respect for you. He has a long way to go before he will be mature enough to love a woman fully so remove your mind from there please. You're young and have your whole life ahead of you.
      Fish plenty for ocean abeg, go and cast your nets ehn.
      Truly, you will be fine.

    4. He won’t marry you, he can’t marry you, he will never marry you. Move on. He’s only using you for now. He will never forgive that you did not give him shelter. Also, he will use you for his financial needs and later tell you he can’t marry an older lady. When he’s done with school he will be 27 while you are 29. Even then he will not be ready for marriage. Find a guy that is over 30. Also allow your male friends to visit you, especially since it’s your own house. Don’t because of any little kids turn your man away. Everyman will get fed up that they can’t visit their girlfriend. As long as you don’t have sex with him at home, then your boyfriend visiting should be no issue.

  41. Good morning stella and bvs. Blessed day for us

  42. Good morning house. Happy New month to us. It's my birth month and i rep this year's ash Wednesday.

  43. It is impossible to read comments here and not laugh.
    23yr old boy???

    I am glad I'm alone because I laughed so hard,like a hyena.I absolutely had no control over my organs.

  44. Them get E-book, make una send to me. I cant pay N5k to learn how to make money on instagram. I need the book free.

    Beloved how far, let me know if you get e-copy

    1. Hahahaha I will. Let the fever go down first...then I buy my own copy.

  45. Great God,my way maker....
    May today be a testimony to us all Amen

    #God is great


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