Stella Dimoko Monday In House News...


Monday, February 19, 2018

Monday In House News...

Good day All.........
Nice day huh?We have lots of faces for the face of Monday In house news competition...The finest,clearest photo wins!..In other words photo wey make sense 'die'!


Good day everyone , my name is Efe trying my luck to see if I qualify for face of IHN kisses to Stella and other blog members.

 Kisses.
Efe my sister,It is called BLOG VISITORS here please note.



Good day beeveeleons.
Happy Val in arrears.
Love you all.
Much love to you stellz, thanks for the help thus far, May God continue to grant all your heart desires.
#missMyBoo Queen and Boss.
#Vote And Be Voted for.



Hello Stella,

I'm Amarachi and am a silent Bv..... I decided to grace IHN today, i love this blog so much.Kisses to fellow BVs there's never a dull moment. Stella keep up the good work ma'am you are a huge inspiration to me.#Kisses

 Kisses...your eyes are everything,it can tear open a mans heart and



Hi Stella,my name is Oluchi and i am so much so much in love with this blog cos I've learnt so much from it especially in relationship and marriage wise,a day without visiting this blog makes me feel like I've lost a lot that day,and I so much admire your boldness and sincerity in your red pen sections ,they speak more of your person,so I will like to cover IHN today,kisses from here ma'am you are the WOMAN many wish to be.keep it up,hope to win the price for today*winks*



Hello Stellz and beautiful blog readers, I decided to send in my picture for todays FOIHN as a regular visitor that I am here. Keep up the good work Stella, the sky is your starting point.

Shout out to Queen and boss...your pigeon stories cracks me up all the time.

 Kisses



Hello Madam Stellz,
So I was strolling past the Sunday Spontaneous Post yesterday and my eyes caught something like Face of IHN Monday and the price give away.... Lol..

So I decided to try my luck. .... pls here is my pic for the viewing pleasure of the BVees and their votes. Pls BVees kindly vote for your baby girl and you wouldn't ever regret it. If I win, I have 7 point agenda for this blog this year.... Abeg na my small campaign line!
Thank you all
Joycilicioux 😘

 Kisses



Stella nwanyi mara mma,thanks for ur good work on this blog and to my fellow bv's.I have been an ardent reader,how funny some of us are keeps my heart healthy.Biko,use my face as ihn today bc i know am qualified.Consult me for your genuine samsung phones for those of us who resides in uyo.

God bless u sweet stella.


 Kisses



She had birthday on Friday...

Hello Mrs Korkus.. I am trying to keep calm but I can't! Yo!   It's my birthday.. All I can say is "ALHAMDULILAHI" I am grateful and happy.. I know I am going places by his Grace    Sharawt to my birthday mates Temmytosin, yori yori princess and one anonymous like that.. I don't know you but God knows your Location, blessings upon blessings fall on you today and forever


 Kisses and happy belated birthday baby girl.



Yo cousin Stellz!
I must win this money! Ko easy


 Kisses

hahahahahahahahahahaahha Stellas cousin hustling ....



Happy New Week Everyone!
It's Sylvia. I hope my smile brightens and beautify your day, I'm rooting to win the face of Monday in house news. I really hope I win. God bless you and yours this week in Jesus name, amen! I love you Stella

 Kisses and thanks for the love.
This ya 'west' na wah oh....



I must appreciate your work in the blog, honestly you are doing well. I have found a new home here, each day I do take time to read comment of various post as an assignment I gave myself and believe me I feel good about it, some comments here are inspiring, educative and challenging. This few days I think my mind is been renew, I love the chronicle section so much for it educates and also the in house gist, in house news and Saturday/Sunday laugh. 

In fact everything about the blog is cool, so many beautiful people here, some crack me up with their comment and I love that.  keep it up dear and more strength to you.

 Kisses



 I have bale of clothes I want to sell from. Anyone interested in buying in large numbers ( wholesales)  should contact me. will give good prices.  Location is Abeokuta. My fellow Abeokuta Bv's,  let do business together.

 Contacts: 08028430625
Shoki coming soon. 

Shoki coming soon indeed..we hear that all the time here..they never come back oh..unless your own is



I need the advise of BVs on this matter. My ward is about to take a wife. The lady says she would prefer to rent wedding dress as it would not be useful to her after the ceremony.

She is a very good girl and I want the best for them. Is there a spiritual implication to this?

Where can we get good quality and uniquely styled wedding dresses to rent?

Any BVs in the trade? 

This is kinda scary to even imagine there might be some kinda implications of renting a wedding gown.



Dear Stella,

MDCN checked the records of all registered Drs in Nigeria and guess what? Dr Ola Solomon has absolutely no record there. The guy is a quack!

People need to be careful especially with some of these private practitioners. Some of them where hospital attendants, failed out of medical school or read related courses and pretend to be Drs till exposed.

May God keep us all from these quacks. The harm they cause everyday is unquantifiable.

Love you plenty,


Na wah...It is a pity sha...
And let me address one thing here now...The person or people who cussed me out for posting the link to the accused Docs birthday post last time must have malaria or must know him....
So i am supposed to turn the other eye to the link because they are blog visitors?But it is OK to bring other news here?



Dear Stella, 

I have been a blog visitor  of your blog since 2014 when i was introduced to you by a friend and ever since it's been my personal prescription (three times daily). you have done amazing things with your blog and may God almighty continue to make you and your blog grow from strength to strength, Amen.

I am a young medical Doctor, who lived and worked in Nigeria some years ago ( had a private clinic then) before i relocated to Atlanta Georgia, in the United States of America, where i now live and work but presently i am in Nigeria, visiting and decided to sell the medical equipment's i was using then. And they are:

2 Surgical Operating tables
Big medical autoclave 
Complete Operating Forceps 
Seward Electro Cardiograph and other hospital equipment's 

Among other things. i will be selling these equipment's at a reduced price and will be giving away a poisons cupboard "free of charge" to the lucky buyer besides that i will also be giving away a Diabetes management technology, Blood Glucose monitoring system for self testing to a blog visitor who has a loved one who needs to monitor his/her blood sugar. 

Please Stella, suggest how and who needs it and help me post this on your blog. 

The buyer can reach me on 

Thanks and best Regards  

Dokinta,no need for long
please give that  diabetes equipment to the first caller who might need it..The first caller.
Thank you and safe Journey back to Base.....
Wetin you go do for Naija?LOL



Has anyone ever been in a situation where you felt you could have given some one advice but your circumstances has prevented you from speaking out, ,thats where I find myself today

I have a cousin who has been cohabiting with a man, this lady is in her early thirties but already has two kids for him without him paying a single penny on her head, , Just this morning I heard her younger sister who is supposed to be in year three at the university has gotten pregnant, abandoned her studies and is living with a man. 

This are my younger cousin and this decision they have made worries me but alas I can't call to advice them cos am 42 still single and live with my parents. Won't they misinterpret my concerns, and tell me to mind my business or do I ignore my fears call them and talk some sense into their heads

Please Madam face your front before they use tongue and do biography for you with cusses included.



Hi Stella, love you plenty as usual.

Mine is not really a chronicle per se, but not sure where else it fits in.

I'm a working class lady earning about 150k monthly, and I endeavor to save 100k each month. I also try to save about 100% of my passive income (gifts, etc).

I was recently gifted a lump sum of money and was only able to save 50% of it as I had a lot of people depending on me for money. This broke my heart a little as I felt the money went into thin air.

My boyfriend recently accused me of "oversaving" saying I didn't need to be so stressed out over money, instead I should put a little away and actually do stuff that'll make me happy with the rest of it. (He actually always supplements my income and I save almost all of what he gives me each month). 

Accountants in the house, is there such a thing as over saving? How much of one's income (both active and passive) should be put aside each month, especially when not saving towards any goal in particular?

Thanks in anticipation!



There's a teaching vacancy in the school where I work .
It's a primary school the vacancy is in Grade 5 and 6.
Applicant must be very good in Math ,English and Science. 
Must be willing to work on Saturdays. 
Location  :Woji Port Harcourt. 



Dear Stella, 

Please can the lady who talked about her brother that had mental issues and as a result of that spent many years in hospitals and Churches and now wishes to go back to school please contact me on so I would I can  do for him. Her email should be the same one she used to send her mail to Stella.

Let her forward you the old mail she sent me and my response as well.



Dear Stella,

Good day BVs, Today is my nephew’s first birthday. His mother introduced me to this blog 2 years ago. A very active boy. He likes adult food more than his own.*smiles*

I pray for God’s wisdom and favour all the days of your life. Aunty loves you so much.
Aunty Ada.

Happy Birthday Little one


My company is in need of a Production Phamacist. I'll appreciate if you can post to help other BVs on IHN.

A new Pharmaceutical Company within Alimosho axis, Lagos is in urgent need of a Production Pharmacist. Qualification: B.pharm, Experience: minimum of 2 years in Manufacturing Industry. 

Applications should be sent to



There Is an urgent vacancy for the position of a Fine Arts Teacher In A Reputable School In Lagos. He/ She must be residing close to Alimosho LGA in Lagos. Send Your CV to before 12pm on the 20th of February. Thank You.



Hello Stella. Kudos for using your blog for the benefit of mankind. Pls indulge me a space to warn my fellow bvs against this phone call scam.

This particular phone number +6745578209 beebs/flashes you, when you try to call back, they wipe all the credit on your phone as you are dialing.

It happened to me this afternoon. When I saw that I missed the call, I thought it was a friend outside the country trying to reach me and I called back, no response but my credit had been wiped out.

I later checked out the phone number on Google and saw some reviews on it claiming the same thing. Pls it is a SCAM number, delete and block if you come across it. Thanks.

Bv Meena.



  1. Replies
    1. Stella my vote goes to Ego...over beautiful dey worry her.

    2. And happy birthday to that little cute! God will grant him wisdom and retentive memory!

    3. I have not slept since early hours of yesterday when my son was rushed to hospital. He is just opening his eyes this afternoon. Pls pray for us. Sickness is not our portion.

    4. Happy birthday to the little one, he has my vote.

    5. Let the best face win....I am confused sef... "Between she and her" 😂😍😍😍

    6. Your son is healed by his stripes @ Mrs Gee

  2. Don't give up. The thing that you've been wrestling with is about to surrender your blessing this week. Breakthrough comes by pressing on and finishing the fight. Be like Jacob and don't let go until your opposition blesses you. In that blessing your identity will be changed forever. What you've been battling is not only going to bless you now but change your entire bloodline for generations to come thus says the Lord.

  3. 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

    JustVote. And Shoki will rain tomorrow afternoon


  4. Stella Maris baby19 February 2018 at 14:02

    Beautiful faces👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆

    1. I thank God for you Tony..

      Kisses to you too Mrs korkus 😘😘

    2. Adeola rest already. Local champion. Not even a single vote for you. with the way your showing yourself you will soon learn

  5. Good day all. Someone mistakenly sent #4000 recharge card on my phone through a text this morning. the person now called me and started begging me not to load it,i told him not to worry that am not that kind of person. He said he will call me back if the person he sent the card to has loaded. He called me back and was so happy that people like me are few. He told his old baba who inturn prayed for me. It pays to be good. Even though i no get money for data cos i dey use 2GB for like 2months,i wonder when people here load 3500 and finish it with a week,i raise Beyonce hands for u ooo.

    1. I use 2.5GB every week. Comman beat me.

    2. it's a scam oo. Check the card well, maybe no network mentioned. The baba will pray for you and ask if you can come to Ifa festival at ife. Once you start giving audience then they scam you. Just ignore their calls from henceforth.

    3. Bros it depends on what you do with your phone,i guess you don't watch videos online nor do you download or read books online.i bet you dey On/Off data anytime you wan browse. love how you blow your horn.Good boy,oya clap for yourself.😀👏👏

    4. @anonymous,am coming,let me get my cain ready. @honey,hian,they didnt tell me that oooo. But thanks for d information sha.....

    5. O.Y.O
      It's a scam. They will all you again, pls ignore them. In fact block their phone lines

    6. Okay we hear you 😎😎😎

    7. Shine your eye.Na scam ooo.Another tactics for defrauding naive people..

      Come back to update on the next call from him..

    8. Wow....really Nigerians are too much oh, if this is scam

    9. It's 419 guys ooh.dey will call u again.

    10. I've seen scam like this before. Baba will start calling you and raining prayers for you. Next is to invite you to an ifa or whatever festival to test where your spirituality lies. Next is to start seeing visions and dreams concerning your life.
      On the other hand, it might not be scam but be careful anyway, so take note and don't fall victim.

  6. Oshey baddest
    Ola wealth and bae looking so cute
    You guys have my vote
    Blogger be doing me strong thing
    Hope my comment pull through

  7. Who knew snooker, bowling and dart throwing could be so much fun. I had a really swell weekend.

    BTW, if u haven't seen black panther, what are u waiting for abeg. I loved loved it.

    Stella, i started looking for all the Nigerians u mentioned were cast in the movie, I no see any oh. Even on the cast list sef, nothing. Abi na my eyes?

    1. I love bowling and dart throwing. I've not played snooker before.

      I suppose see black panther yesterday but bbnaija no let me. The hype in naija is on another level

    2. Sope Aluko, Tunde Laleye,Amechi Okocha, David Opeyemi and Tari Omoro Jnr.

    3. I have seen the advert..I know the movie will be lit..

    4. Bowling is bae, that's 'mine' game😎😎😎😎

    5. Maybe it is waka pass role that they got

  8. What a hot afternoon,God pls send down d rain

  9. Good day everyone... IHN Sannu de zuwa.

  10. Your husband be having an affair outside and instead of you to tame randy horseband, you keep o calling the side chik. The ya time o. the side Chick was on her own when your horseband came to meet her and not the other way round. After all you were strafing other pple's husband then so why not let other young enjoy yours too? you know yaself

  11. My vote goes to Amarachi bebe. Happy Birthday Lil cutie

  12. Fine cute boy,happy birthday. I vote for bv Olawealth and boo.

    1. Washee that recharge card na scam don't mind them the baba pray for you next thing they will call you again that they saw one vision or ask you to call. The same thing happened and according to the son baba wants to pray for cos he mistakenly sent card of 9k mtcheeeewwww don't mind them!

    2. Hope you win at olawealth. Ok,mummy twins,i do hope its not a scam cos they r yet to tell me such,thanks

  13. Pls I sight ya!Kelvin is also looking good but Pls got my vote! The rest una fine too God bless everyone

  14. Choi!..
    See my life oh!...
    My Ola has used and dumped me!..
    I'm dead!!...
    My heart is broken!...

  15. Haha,see fine faces. Bia stella my comments too plenty for your pot.
    Let me not look for this comment Pls.

  16. Oh my goodness! these ladies are too beautiful. Ila you're handsome

  17. Kelvin, you wear waist trainer? Abeg release yourself and breathe fine.

    1. KwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwaKwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa. Evil! You've a fan.

    2. Lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    3. KwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwaKwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa. Evil!

    4. Lols...
      Kevin see ur life...u look good sha..😘

    5. Kwakwakwakwa....lafresh o. But that's how Kevin is now. This pic is even old sef. I think he posted same pic and some others like 2yrs ago or so.

    6. Hahahahahahahah. When I see him I remember the bv who called him Pingu
      Pot belly would not allow kelvin to be great. Young guy with pot belly, what would he look like when he turns 40 or 50?

    7. 😂😂😂😂😂😂why now?😎😎😎

    8. Hehehehe true @choice this is old pics. I think he is fatter than this now

    9. Hahahahaha he dey come for you soon..

    10. Lol una no dey try aswear, I was going to say he looks trimmer sef.
      Efe got my vote if we are voting, ola is looking fresher and his bar look a lot like mama nnuku

    11. Kwakwakwakwakwakwakwa! Swaggie, butu why?! My vote goes to Ola wealth and his bebe.

    12. Hahahhahaha.... You are mouthed.. Hahhahhahaa

  18. Ihn is here, good afternoon bvs

  19. To make choice on the faces of IHN come hard ooo...Ego oyibo hehehehe well! Lemme just go for Ego

    Madam, mind your business and leave your cousins alone oo their lives their rules. If they want to finish all their seed on a man without been properly married, it is none of your business.

    Cute birthday boy, enjoy your cake.

    Madam saver, while you are saving, try and have a goal, something to invest the money on. You can't be saving for saving sake na abi, at least let the money be bringing you more money than keeping it in the bank there.

  20. Greedy Eka joy, you had to send in your face for 10k competition. That your abroad guy must be a serious broke ass. You are dying to get a proposal ring from resident papers and not from the guy himself. Anything to live in abroad.

    1. But Eka no dey here na? These ones are fine. Ikwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa na play I dey play o

    2. U are so addicted to eka that its now affecting ur eyes

    3. Me i'm now confused oh. Which of the faces up there am i??? This abroad boyfriend i have must be seriously paining you oh. Broke ass nigga that can afford his girlfriend two trips abroad in the space of 10 months. You better pray for this kain broke ass nigga oh.

      This is why success will always always be far from people like you. I'm enjoying my broke ass nigga men. Get yourself a broke ass nigga too

    4. That Joy is Eka. Go and check that Lagos party pix

    5. Na wa o. Eka joy is not there ..

  21. Stella Maris baby19 February 2018 at 14:14

    Happy birthday little one.
    God bless you little cutie.

    I vote Efe.

    My vote goes to Efe.

  22. Olawealth is a fine guy ooh, Amarachi my name is also sweet like me.
    please vote Ola or Amy....thanks

    1. Who are you to tell us who to vote? Gerrarrahia menhn!

  23. Good afternoon lovelies. I came to see bv Ola and his girlfriend. Amebo na work. Kwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa. Amarachi, you're beauty is like ogbono! It keeps drawing me. You've my vote darling.
    Bv with "wonderful" cousins, mind your business, increase your vocabulary and drink plenty water. Kwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa. #najoke.
    Bv Meena, please I need clarification. Just like that? How does it happen?
    What else did I read again? Lemme check again. I'll be back.

    1. My dear, they wil flash you and you will call back, dial their no. You won't even hear it ring but your credit will disappear. I wonder the type of software that these guys use for all these scam

    2. You can Google the number, you will see other complaints about it

  24. Sylvia why you con open laps for us, oginni

  25. Amarachi who did your brows? You?
    Why give yourself two different styles of eye brows?

  26. Beautiful Amarachi. I vote you

  27. Today is loaded. Olawealth so you leave my queen and follow another omoge. Hahahaha kelvin na wa for you, so your otele lashing is not paying okwaya? I wont vote for you at all. You too dey abuse person and call person pankere hahahahaha if you win, just shokis me you hear.

    Beautiful faces of IHN, dont even know who to choose self. They are just beautiful and handsome. Will come back for this.

    Happy birthday baby nephew. You are handsome and please dont disturb mummy too much ooo because i know boys know how to disturb.

    The lady that the sister wants to give out wedding clothes as rental. There is nothing wrong in it. It is business she wants to do but if you are in doubt, let her pray over it and God will take control.

    Madam that wants to advice the sisters, if you are bold please do. They cant use your single status to attack you afterall you are better than them. But if you cannot, abeg face your front and leave them. Just a pity that youth dont wants to follow the right way.

    The accountant that is tight fisted. Dont kill yourself that you want to save N100k out of N50k... You can save N50k and use the N100k and help your dependant and help yourself too. You think it is easy saving N100k. Though that is what I am doing but it is not easy because you will be tempted to touch it because of plenty bills you want to settle. It is well. Do what makes you happy. Use your money well and look good.

    Who remain again, i dey come. Na wa for this country


    There seems to be a problem with the ladies in the house and getting married.
    begin a daily fast with any willing soul in your entire extended family until
    this trend is broken. Speaking from experiences and more . . .

    1. Seems as if those girls are running into men's houses to evade
      what has been befalling the rest of the ladies in their family
      including the lady that asked this question. But they are going about
      it the wrong way for that is not the solution to the problem.

      I want to add that like Jesus taught (Matt. 19:12) marriage is not for everyone.

  29. But why are some Men disdays so mean. How can you claim your wife is dead and went as far as faking his death certificate just to get an old woman as a side chick. Na wao, Madam hope you have reported him to US Embassey. Na for dream he go travel to that US. Ozu nwuru anwu.
    Hello people, I dey vex jare.

    1. AdaAda how far?
      Otego kwa
      Ama m Na Udo di?

    2. Nwa udo di...ife kalili mmadu aru. Kedu make nwa anyi? Nwunye G ebidogo biaba blog?

  30. Fine fine people everywhere.

    Good day people!

    Same girl, hope you are doing fine dear!😘

    I am not a bug!

    1. How does this comment even relate to me? 😎😎😎😎😎

  31. Igbo ora in Oyo state has the highest rate of Twins in Nigeria.So if you want twins go marry from Oyo state.

  32. Bv, your nephew is so cute. God bless him and happy birthday to him....

  33. Everybody is fine oo. ayam confused
    Oya everybody should win na . lol

    That number i saw it on my phone last week o.. it was a beep . Thank God i don't even have credit to call them back that time .. chineke mme ooo

  34. All i see is the cute baby boy. Wow!!!! Abeg i tap anointing. Happy birthday to him jare

  35. Beautiful in house news faces. You guys are uniquely unique.
    I vote Joy Joy Joy since we can only vote for one person.
    Beautiful sign out post.
    Big thanks to the givers.
    God bless you more.

  36. Maureen, joy, Adeola, Sylvia and kelvin are the ones without filter, original colour . Others used filter to finish their pix. Even Ola wealth that is a blacky had to use filter too to darken the pix more. Na wa

  37. So many face of ihn. Well I vote for Efe my delta sister.

    Happy birthday to that cute boy.

    Bv Tony, thank God for life. Pls look on the bright side of life.

    Bv that is asking whether to advise her cousin, Abeg face ur biz. Before that will give u the insult of ur life.

    My people una doh.

  38. *OVER SAVER*
    One can never have enough savings as you cannot estimate what unforeseen circumstances would cost you.
    Never the less, I would advise you don't put all your money in savings.
    I suggest you invest. You can buy insurance or bonds. There are some kind of investments in some financial institutions that you start with #50k and be putting away as low as #10k every month.

    I vote for Maureen


  39. Ola wealth you and your babe get my vote. Make sure you give her a treat after winning oh.
    Good afternoon everyone

  40. Ola my guy, you have my vote! You both look good together.

  41. Ola..ur gal is beautiful..😘.
    Happy birthday cute baby💋
    Beautiful faces💋😘💞
    I vote for joy...u have a beautiful skin dear...
    Tony dear..tankGod for u..

  42. i vote for Amarachi

  43. For the winner of face of in house news, T&C apply!

    Just Krix!

  44. Pretty FOIHN.

    My vote goes to Sylvia. are fresh like a diamond.

    HBD little boy

  45. I vote for Sylvia.

    Good afternoon Bvs, I hope your day is going well.

    BV Tony keep staying strong, God has your covered and will surely manifest His power in your life in Jesus mighty name... Amen

    Happy Birthday nephew, God's glory upon you always.

  46. Beautiful faces everywhere

    My vote goes to ola wealth

  47. Amarachi it is..babe got my vote

  48. fine faces of in-house news,congrats to the winner, don't know who to choose cos you all are looking good.

    1. Ol wealth and his babe got my vote.
      Send my own recharge card privately when you win.
      Just joking lol

  49. I vote for Ola and his babe. Y'all look cute 😍

    As for our special adviser who is 42 and single, madam face your front oh. That's how my elder sister tried advising her fellow choir member who was doing the same and confided in her (as church didn't know they had not wedded). The woman went home and brought it up with the man who got offended at my sister being 'nosy'. He confronted her after church and loudly called her names (my sis was 25 and single). Cos of his actions, his behaviour was called to be addressed by church council, matter open, both man and wife were stripped off church duties. This woman now hated my sister so much that she transferred the anger to my mum in women's fellowship.

    My sister got married the next year and changed church. The woman died during childbirth couple years later, and the man had to pay bride price for corpse first, before burial. You can imagine the whole mess!

  50. I vote for Ola Wealth not because his picture is the cutest amongst the contestant but we have ideal of what he will do with the 10k which is to add to his growing fabric business.

    God bless your hustle brother.

  51. I vote for Amarachi

  52. Infact, my vote goes to joy. Let the money kuku come to me abi

  53. Beautiful faces of ihn happy birthday 🎂 cute little master

  54. Beautiful faces but I vote for Oluchi. She's cute.


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