Stella Dimoko Lady Shares Shocking End Time Story...


Friday, February 02, 2018

Lady Shares Shocking End Time Story...

A Nigerian lady shocked her online audience after she shared a shocking story on how she found out her boyfriend was undergoing a ritual procedure and into yahoo plus. as a source of livelihood...

She made a statement about the first day they kissed and how she immediately developed mysterious sore all over her gums.......

Read her statement below:

I posted a story sometime ago, about kissing someone I just started dating and when I got home, I had sores all over my gum, I didn’t think it was something serious since the first sore went away after 2days.

Well, reading comments here made me really scared, some people suggested I had herpes, so I had to rush to the hospital the next day…. Doctor ran a check on me, and thankfully, it wasn’t herpes but oral thrush.

Now, here’s the main gist…

I visited le boo (now ex), with the intention of discussing what I noticed with him, and to know what he actually eats that causes me to have those sores.
On my way to his house, I perceived a very awful smell at just outside the gate, I felt it’s normal refuge smell, so I didn’t take it to mean anything.

Few minutes after I visited, his friend also came visiting, and we were all just in the parlor gisting, before NEPA took the light…. Lee boo went to turn on the gen and his friend went with him, I also decided to go to the kitchen to find something to drink, that was when I heard their discussion.

My people, it turned out lee boo was telling his friend that the last excreta (poo) they brought was smelling very terribly, he said he just managed to use little amount to eat bread and then threw away the remaining in the neighbors trash, his friend was laughing and then told him to just tell the guys that bring it not to bring the one that smells too much.

I fainted and woke up, I couldn’t believe my ears, what?

He was into yahoo plus? I don’t understand, I know where he works and besides, I wasn’t even dating him for money, I was devastated, it didn’t make sense, why would he involve in such??Anyway, I quickly ran back to the parlor, sat down and pretended not to hear anything.

As soon as he came out, I just told him I needed to go, he was surprised because I only just got there, but I gave one excuse and he let me go, with promise I was to see him the next day, he saw me off to the car and I drove off, that’s the last time I’d ever see him again, thank God he doesn’t know my house. God forbid bad thing.

I’m still petrified, may God save us ladies from evil ooo, there’s a lot out there, one can’t be too sure again…

But u see ehh? Before I date anybody again; he has to do HIV test, mouth swab, mental check and spiritual check…… I’m done with relationships for now.

*Forget the OMG face,there are too many holes in this story....


  1. Bread ad butter Faeces. Let me just put it like that soon won't throw up

    1. Its not new...This is even like the minute of them all!!


    2. Stella is saying this coz u don't know what's happening in O-town. Virtually all d chick's r sold out to jazz. Once u sleep with them, u've been sold out oh. So bad a guy wud go with d white hanky of vaginal wipe and the jazz man wud say 'ahh bring another personn, dis 1 has been used.' it is well oh. Babes just close ya legs

  2. Things people do to make money. Smh.

  3. Has it gotten to that because of money? The shit the guy chop na broke man shit (agbonno with egusi mixed together and without) not ajebutter shit. Ajebutter shit dey smell fine hohohohoho. I dont know what to say

    I know a lot of people are doing things just to get money. Money should worship us not we worshipping money.

    Stella i no see holes there oooo. That is what is going on. If our girls can go to dubai and chop arab shit, why wont these guys chop too?

    1. See the way you almost made me trow up,disgusting.

  4. For money oh. Umu ekwensu plenty everywhere.

  5. OMG, what did I just read, hmmmm, may God keep protecting us. This yahoo guys have really gone awire ohhhh

  6. No holes Stella.. WHAT!!!!!!!!EATING SHIT .THAT'S THE HEIGHT OF IT

  7. Jesu oooo,things are happening ooo.Eating feaces all for money Goshhhhhhhhhh...

  8. Well police should pick up the girl for questioning so they can arrest the guys. Let's see if she will change mouth or not

    1. Arrest him for what!
      Is your poooo missing.

  9. Sh*t just got real!

    So the poo is butter na. Ewwwwww
    My body is doing me somehow o

  10. Malaysian burger 😂😂😂

  11. Still better than skull mining and organ harvesting sha. At least you’re doing yourself in this one.

  12. I have heard of similar stories.It is well. Things people do today for money is so terrible, money that you won't take with you ,when you die.

  13. But it is these kinds of "Yahoo boys" that most girls will fall for.
    "I wasn't even dating him for money"
    Really? You were dating him for the poo?

  14. Stella there are no holes in the story, you will be shocked to your bones if you know what some of this Yahoo plus boys do for money.

    I remember one that happened in lekki like 3 years ago,where a guy came down from his jeep at a traffic light undressed till he was naked and went back into his car and zoomed off living all his clothes.

    This happened at 12 noon and I heard the story from my mechanic who witnessed it on his way out for a job.

    He said he was in a public bus just behind the guys jeep and immediately the guy undressed naked and drove off everybody in the public bus came down and took to their heels...Guess no one wanted to be part of his daylight ritual.

    Abeg things are happening in this country stella and to imagine that one girl will be calling that one her boyfriend...chai Godforbid


  15. I read her previous post a while ago. There are no holes in this story. Her previous post validates this one. She kissed the guy on their first date.

  16. This is so true, go to Alaba international,you will hear stories like this very well.
    They eat faeces with champagne or chilled Coke.

    I remember one that happened recently,it was his sales girl that caught him, the boss sent her on an errand,when she came back to the shop(a big warehouse ),everywhere was quiet and she could perceive this disgusting smell. Because her boss said he will be going out before she comes back,she felt maybe it was one of the Aboki they hire to help with loading goods that was defecating inside. She rushed to her Oga's office hoping to catch Aboki red handed,behold it was her Oga eating this well formed from big anus hole faeces. She said,she almost fainted. Her Oga started pleading with her but then she knew that staying might cost her life,she promised not to tell anybody.
    After that day she never came back to that office,but it was also a matter of time before she told her boyfriend who told his friends and the man was exposed.

    He later confessed that he must surely kiss a girl after that faeces eating to be successful.

    Side chicks and sugar daughters are always their target,as some of them does not play with wife and children.

    So ladies,beware of who are sleeping with or kissing.

    1. OMG! Then this poster needs deliverance ASAP cause he kissed her on first date! Wasn't about love/ lust, it was plain jazz! Chai there is God o!!!

  17. Stella it is just a pity that a whole lot of very decent and beautiful ladies are currently dating these yahoo boys.
    Many of these ladies even know but choose to live in denial. Mostly in Delta and Edo state (Pleasee this isnt a let-down o as I am even from Delta)
    Let me tell you.. Many of you dating these yahoo boys are being used one way or the other. Some of you seat in their cars, couch, bed without knowing whats happening spiritually.. I pity una.
    You better look for a young man earning a decent living to date. There are many guys with plenty money who make it genuinely. Find one

  18. Omg!!! Why did I open this post. Gosh I think am gonna puke. I am feeling sick already.

  19. Things are happening. I read one like that. She entered the guy's(an old friend) car and afterwards she started bleeding non stop.

    The guys have calabash under the passenger seat of their car and any girl that sits on that seat becomes their money source. As the bleeding continues, their money will be increasing till the girl dies.

    Unfortunately, na guys wey dey spend anyhow most girls dey find. They don't even bother to know their source of income or weigh their spending with the kind of job they claim they do.

    God guard my nieces.

  20. And some ladies that travels to arabs countries to eat poo are called ?Just asking anyways.

  21. Ehen so'Rant HQ ' group gists has been brought here? That's the best facebook group ever btw its a normal thing in Alaba international. Some of those wealthy men there eat shit

  22. Stella there is no holes in this message trust me.
    This act is very common in Benin city in Edo state where guys buy bread by the road side, drive to under bridge at sapele road in search for shit to eat with bread.
    Guys go park car alone road begin look for shit for bush to eat with their bread right there and then. You can conform this from anybody in Benin. The one that likes you will open up and tell you the truth.

    Infact this is old skool gist for Benin.

    May God help us.

  23. Why don't they eat their own shit?


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