Stella Dimoko Iya Ibeji's Series - Kids Are Awesome With Words..


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Iya Ibeji's Series - Kids Are Awesome With Words..

Kids say the darnest things that we know.
I have had my kids say so many funny things to me. Like ''mummy why is your bumbum so big?'' ''Mummy why can't I fly like super man?''.

If you live in naija you will know how hot the weather has been. So sometime last week I was feeling very hot I removed my top, My son kept starring at my stomach. 

The impact of carrying twins is very evident on my tummy, if you have seen a bull dog before and you know how the mouth to the jaw is shaped, that's how my tummy is right now.

So when my son couldn't understand why a human being tummy looked like that he asked "mummy why is your tummy like this? 

I answered " its because I carried you and your sister so it stretched and when you came out it became flabby, do you understand? "
He didn't respond but kept starring at my stomach, I became curious and wanted to know what he was thinking so I asked " don't you like my tummy? "

Honestly I expected a simple yes or no but my son surprised me he said "mummy its beautiful". I was so shocked and pleased at the same time I almost cried;i hugged him long and hard. 

This is one of the nicest things my son has ever said to me, and it meant so much to me. 

I used to have issues with my tummy that I even used to hide it from DH but know I no send again.

If it were my daughter that told me that I wouldn't have been emotional because she is a sweet girl that says nice things all the time.

"Mummy its beautiful" each time I remember his words I smiled.
Has a child ever said something so sweet to you that just pleased your heart so much?
Please share.

*My Boys tell me I am the best Mama in the whole world all the time...They tell me when i am wrong and when i wanna protest,they ask me '*'Are Mama's above correction''?...Kids are awesome and if you wanna hear 80percent truth,go to them...they are also very sensitive and study moods,they know when not to hurt you and when to lift you up.


  1. Me I even shed tears while reading this. Its too emotional and lovely at the same time.

    1. Are you always this sensitive to everything, only you cried in Emergency room and now you have started again πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†
      I hope you earn money with all this free tears you keep shedding on sdk


    2. Kwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa. Savage!

    3. Are you pregnant? Go and check o.

  2. sweet!!! Kids are everything. They make you forget the difficulties you are going through and give you assurances of better days. Apart from God and my parent...for me, kids are next. Iya Ibeji..
    Olorun aa wooo won poo o.

  3. Awwwwwwm😍😍

  4. Awww,so sweet,i love kids so much.aunty stella biko reply my mail,love you.Enter your comment...

  5. My Son told me he doesn't miss the absence of a Dad because I feel the gap in all things, l literally cried that all my hustling has not been in vain.

  6. Patiently waiting...She's just 3 months but babbles a lot.

  7. Wow! My daughter once told me that 'mummy even if you are fat, you are still beautiful'

  8. I boiled white yam for my sis who came to visit, in d course of peeling d yam changed color to reddish, her kid saw it, ran to tell his mom that I'm cooking dirty yam.

    1. Hahahahahahahahah I can only imagine.

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. Loooool. You mustnt do something bad in his presence, he'll report you AsapπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  9. If she sees u washing bra, she'll ask, are u washing ur breast? She calls bra breast. She's 3.

    1. So my sister's daughter (who's 3) saw her applying makeup the other day and she asked "mummy why are u rubbing this thing on your face?, are u a monster??

      I died🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

  10. My 2 year old decided to interview me one Monday morning while preparing them for school/daycare since I work mornings. she asked for the names of everything in the bathroom ranging from hand lotion,face lotion,hair cream,body cream etc I got exhausted and told her I was tired.the next thing I heard was "Mummy you're tired" I replied "yes" then she said "go to the doctor" me "doctor?" she repeated "go to the doctor in the hospital " I replied okay but that didn't stop the questioning section . That was how my 4 yr old told my husband,"daddy you sleep too much" just because he woke up my his dad.

  11. A child has walk up to me and said..iyawo don't worry God will give u twins and I will be backing them for u...I have to turn my face caused I was already in tears

    1. Awww. Soon okay. I'm in Gods waiting room too

    2. I home you said amen cos God speaks through kids.

    3. Amen! God will do it for you is well

  12. Awwww
    So Emotional
    Can't wait to experience all the sweet moments.

  13. In my former apartment I once separated two of my neighbors 4 year old kids from fighting.

    when I asked them why they were screaming and biting each other, it turned out that they had found an unused always pad in the compound and both of them claimed that their mothers own it.

    So I matched them to where their mothers where washing clothes and told them to repeat themselves, Kai you need to see as both women busted into laughter.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Both kids claim the pad was based on the fact that they always saw their moms with pad, boys oo not even girls


  14. I can relate....,my twin boys do play with my tummy anytime they are opportuned, cos I told them that they are the reason why my tummy is like that.

  15. So many sweet words, God bless our children

  16. My 6yrs old son burst into tears yesterday when he saw my pic I posted on facebook. He said that I didn't tell him that I am so beautiful. For close to 10 minutes he was kissing me. It was so emotional.

  17. Poured stain remover inside my toilet and was waiting for some minutes in order to scrub it. My daughter asked me while my toilet is smelling and went outside telling my neighbours that her mummy's toilet is smelling. I was soo embarassed

  18. Every time I remove my undies my son goes, mommy mommy poo poo and he'll quickly bring wet wipes and try to get his pampersπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  19. #Few people can resist a gift, even from the most hardened enemy, which is why it is often the perfect way to disarm people*

  20. One day after dressing up,my 3years old daughter told me...mum you look sweetπŸ˜€πŸ˜€

  21. Kids are so sweet
    I have a six year old daughter, very sweet girl who makes me forget my troubles. She is my everything. If she tells me I will have money, money will come from unexpected sources. If she tells me not to go out, I won't. While out in town, if she tells me to take a particular route, I obey. She is extra ordinary.
    I teach her everything. Very intelligent and smart, also very beautiful. I wish I can have another child, she deserves a younger one. I will try.

  22. I love how my son looks at me after I'm done dressing. And then when he's tired, he will say, daddy, mummy is the most beautiful.. The other day in church, my son and some kids were talking and I overhead one saying your mom is so beautiful. He rushed and said mom, my friend said you are so beautiful but I told him I told you that before we came here. That my son can compliment me ehh. When my husband forgets and he starts, my husband will be ashamed ����

  23. My son asked "Mum why do you pour your drink in my cup to sip, you don't want Daddy to know you taking alcohol?".
    I nearly faint. Chai.

    Some questions come with hands akimbo, like "don't even dare deny it" mode. Ohoo.

    Iya Ibeji maybe you scratched your tummy on numerous occasions,if not you are supposed to have fine lines, not as you described it above. Sorry about that though, seek measures to strengthen it abrassively. It works.

  24. Lovely kids everywhere. My mini me tells me sowi when im sad or angry loool. God bless all the children

  25. I take this 6 years old boy home lesson. One day after class, I told him to extend my regards to his teachers in school the following day. He said "but my teachers don't know you, how do you expect me to greet them for you?"
    One day, he was reading Bible Knowledge and we talked about heaven. Then, I said we are all going to heaven. He took the search light and pointed it at my nails, he said "how will you make heaven when you haven't cleaned your nails?. Have you read the bible passage I said you should read?" The funny thing is that the passage he cited for me was Exodus where the lineages of great biblical men were discussed.

  26. I have two daughters, both 8 and 6 years. They are the best in the whole wide world. They tell me Mummy dont be sad God will provide. They tell me I LOVE YOU at the end of every conversation with them. The 6 years old hugs me when she notices that am sad i dont know how she figures it out but she does. The compliments i get from them makes me blush. I thank God every day for them.


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