Does it make you less of a woman? Is there any stigma that comes with it? Why do women fear or get agitated when advised to have a Cesarean section?
Oh! I weep for these religious fanatics. I keep saying that science and religion are two very opposite sides. Why would a doctor advise you on something and you decide to have your own way? Don't get me wrong, I strongly believe in prayers and faith but don't you think God could also use men to talk to you? Not everyone is graced to deliver like 'the Hebrew women', let's be real.
A young lady was rushed in during the shift. Her relatives were screaming frantically all over the place. She was heavily pregnant and unresponsive. They claimed she slumped at home about 20 mins before getting to the ER. She had pedal Oedema(swollen legs and feet). Her face was also puffy.
When she was brought in, there was no heartbeat so the doctors commenced CPR and even placed her on oxygen. For about 45mins, the CPR continued, she had shots of adrenaline to restart the heart but there was no response, they even tried the defibrillator(a machine that gives electric shock to the heart).
The doctors decided to stop.. She was already dead before getting to the hospital and even if she survived and became conscious at the hospital, she could have some level of brain damage because the brain had lacked oxygen for too long.
Coincidentally, one of the doctors on call in the ER knew her personally and claimed to have seen her a week before at a salon and asked her if she was preparing for her Cesarean section as advised because she had a consistent high blood pressure during the pregnancy and wouldn't be safe to deliver via privates.
She was carrying twins. She was said to have just smiled and told the doctor she would deliver normally(for reasons best known to her). The doctor was said to have begged her and told her the dangers involved.
Breaking the news to the relatives especially the husband was the hardest part.
Breaking the news to the relatives especially the husband was the hardest part.
They didn't want to believe it. They prayed very loud. They begged the doctors to bring the babies out. They said she wasn't dead but only sleeping. I haven't seen people deny a person's death like these guys did. They tapped her, called her name and begged her to wake up. They poured some oil on her. They made calls to people to pray for her. They were really causing a scene. We didn't want to call the security because we understood it was normal grieving process. It was a sad scene.
The doctor who knew the lady asked the husband why they were just bringing her since their house was a walking distance from the hospital and that she must have been complaining of some signs like headache or blurry vision. The husband claimed she didn't complain and when she slumped, they spent sometime splashing water on her face before bring her(how does water help?).
The doctor who knew the lady asked the husband why they were just bringing her since their house was a walking distance from the hospital and that she must have been complaining of some signs like headache or blurry vision. The husband claimed she didn't complain and when she slumped, they spent sometime splashing water on her face before bring her(how does water help?).
Obviously the young lady had something we call 'hypertension in pregnancy or gestational hypertension'. I keep saying hypertension is a bastard! Its a very slow and silent killer. I doubt the patient was using her bp drugs as required. It has its ways of sniffing life out of people slowly if one isn't observant and careful. high blood pressure during pregnancy can lead to a serious condition called pre-eclampsia, also referred to as toxemia.
Women at risk of the condition are first-time moms(in the case of this patient), women whose sisters and mothers had gestational hypertension, women carrying multiple babies , women younger than age 20 or older than age 40, women who had high blood pressure or kidney disease prior to pregnancy.
If you are hypertensive and pregnant its important you get enough rest, exercise regularly, elevate your feet several times during the day, avoid drinking alcohol, avoid beverages containing caffeine and reduce salt intake and use prescribed meds. Its for your safety and the baby's. Also, if you're told to deliver via Cesarean section for any reason, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I know people generally fear surgery but the doctor must have made such decisions for your safety.
Is there a stigma attached to CS? Feel free to let me know in the comment section....
*There is absolutely nothing wrong with CS and i stand here as a witness!!
Oh Lord! This is sad. May her soul rest in peace.
ReplyDeleteMy mum will say "all I want to hear is she has delivered and mother and child are doing good" she don't care how, be it vrginally, cs or whatsoever, the most important is for mother and child to be alive and well and that is what she call Hebrew woman. A woman that goes into delivery and comes out with baby.
DeleteLack of funds and poverty, makes people hide behind their faith most times, when a case calls for C.S. Please once you realise you are pregnant start making funds available incase your situation calls for cs you willbe able to afford it to avoid stories that touch.
DeleteIn this era of elective CS, that you can just work into the hospital when you are due and ask for CS. Nothing is wrong with CS bikoo!!! Nothing apart from the fact that you start feeling the pain when whatever sleeping injection given to you starts wearing off. It's headache and cold that will greet you congratulations first. Both vaginal delivery and CS are such awesome experiences. When one is opportune to experience one or both without difficulties or complications, a whole lot of thanks should go to God.
DeleteThe problem.
DeleteIt's very risky here in Nigeria as many people cannot afford good hospitals with good hands.
So some women die during CS delivery or lose the child. This makes others to be scared of doing it. In fact. Surgery generally in Nigeria is risky because people patronise low hospitals.
Also, our primitive thinking makes some people to look down on women who have CS. They are regarded as less than a woman for not giving birth 'normamlly'. You see them pitying her and sympathising with her after CS delivery instead of congratulations. They will look at her scornfully and some will start insulting her with it.
I read somewhere that in the past in Rome or Greece, Princes delivered through CS were not entitled to the throne, they didn't have rights like the ones birthed through the vagina.
DeleteYour doctor is in the best position to answer this questions because each woman's body system is different.
DeleteYou asked this question on in house news the other day, they answered you, you asked down there and now this one again. What are you looking for by the way that you are endangering your life? You want to sell the kids? 2kids or 3 kids at most is enough nowadays
My gynea said maximum is 5 times...but the Woman is advised to tie her tubes after the 4th cs.
DeleteThe cut is horizontal (bikini cut)....It is the very first cut that is still used in all subsequent cs...At the end of the day you will still have just one scar after many cs.
Ondo town women now brith forth through CS like kilode because its free. I think its the financial responsibility that is making people run away from it.
DeleteI don't see anything wrong in having CS. Life matters. Maybe the Nigerian federal government should sponsor and make CS free in every hospital so as to entice the staunch "Hebrews"
ReplyDeleteASIDES from the after surgery pain, it's even my best option when time comes. I cannot come and kill myself.
This just reminded me of a friend of mine that died on 9th Feb. after giving birth to a baby girl through CS.
DeleteThis lie sf. SMH!!!
May her soul rip,its just a pity. No,CS isnt bad if its to save mother and child
ReplyDeleteThis is just so sad. Pls,those that have undergone CS 3 times,where is the third CS carried out? I mean is it d same horizontal(bikini) side or classical incision for the 3rd time. I want to try again after 2 and half yrs having done CS two times? Doctor said 3 times is oj for cs,how true?
ReplyDeleteMy sis had her 3kids from CS and the 3rd child was removed from the first scar. Basically, she has just two scars
DeleteThe same spot (horizontal). The Lord is your strength.
DeleteMy friend has 5 children all cs. Her 3rd where twins. She had all girls then wanted a boy so she went for the 5th one which turned out to be a girl also. The most painfully aspect is she lost her husband be4 the 5th child turned 1. He was murdered because of land.
DeleteHad 3 c- sections and all three were removed from d same place. So I have only one scar.
DeleteThis is just so sad. Pls,those that have undergone CS 3 times,where is the third CS carried out? I mean is it d same horizontal(bikini) side or classical incision for the 3rd time. I want to try again after 2 and half yrs having done CS two times? Doctor said 3 times is oj for cs,how true?
ReplyDeleteThis is just so sad. Pls,those that have undergone CS 3 times,where is the third CS carried out? I mean is it d same horizontal(bikini) side or classical incision for the 3rd time. I want to try again after 2 and half yrs having done CS two times? Doctor said 3 times is oj for cs,how true?
ReplyDeleteDon't mind them, I gave my first baby through CS , and I made sure I lambasted anyone who asked me" hope did you deliver" idiots #not sorry
ReplyDeleteThey asked 'how did you deliver?'
DeleteIt's good you lambasted them.
I wish I was wise enough to do so too. They asked me too and when I to them, they shout Jesus! And ask me what happened that I did operation? I will stupidly explain to them and they will tell me sorry and be pitying for me.
It was when I saw how one lady strong face for anyone that asked stupid questions that I started regretting how I gave them audience. Useless people
Had* how*
ReplyDeletethere is nothing wrong with CS mbok. after i laboured for 48 hours here in uk, doctors decided that was it and made me sign CS papers immediately because my baby is stressed up, even tho i would have loved to experience vaginal birth. when i was pregnant with my second, i opted for CS straight ni o, haa i cannot come and die. the CS was planned and smooth, i walked majestically to the theartre roomand in 20mins i heard my sweets cry. nigerians are so gullible with mixing religion and health
ReplyDeleteIf am talking about CD,u will hear people saying I reject it for u..I will be like nothing is wrong with it..but Nigerians we are killing ourselves using religion as excuse.
DeleteBefore nko, Laboured for 48 hours? I can't o. You tried sef.Ejiro afufu anya isi.
DeleteI laboured since 2pm on a Thursday till 1am on Saturday morning,got to 9cm but I'd screamed so much that I had no strength to push anymore,hubby signed papers begging them to 'do it quickly'(lol).
DeleteMy second child,I drove myself to the hospital around 9am they said its 2cm,3pm 5cm,5pm 6cm,I was shouting I wanted CS that i can't waste pain like I did the first time o,hubby couldn't get off work quickly and kept begging me to wait for him,they had prep the theater but shift changed,a new nurse checked me and said madam why are u going for CS when uv dilated to 8cm?that was shortly after 6pm,she said can I be patient for 40mins?that she's promising by 7pm at most I'd be pushing,in short o,oga came in at exactly 7pm just as I heard oya push...till date I still say its his 'wait for me' talk that was slowing down cervix opening (lol)
Please don't endanger you and your baby's life!!!
You tried no be small. I was in active labour for 24 hours before I decided to do the CS. My mother in-law had called all her children to beg my husband that he should tell the doctor to just cut. Lol. In less than 5mins baby was out and I was out in less than 30 mins. I pushed myself and healed nicely.
DeleteI dont see anything wrong with it except maybe people are scared of the huge cost when compared to vaginal delivery. ..left to me, im even more scared of labour pain and pushing and episiotomy and cervical tear that they will stitch without any anaesthetic. .abeg CS all day everyday day.
ReplyDeleteLiving proof.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely nothing
Just a means to make Mother and Child alive, via safe delivery.
Rip to the woman. Her faith couldn't save her but it's well. Nigerians need to be educated on this. Hebrew woman everyday as if the Hebrew women of those days insisted on delivering through normal process and quick. It was God who choose to favour them with safe delivery because Pharoah was killing their sons. So if God favours you with normal delivery, thank him but if not still thank him but don't go about forcing it on yourself and dying after or loosing the child.
ReplyDeletePoster I like the way you write. I always ensure I read all your posts. Your attention to detail is amazing.
ReplyDeleteCan u please explain why a pregnant woman who dies is never buried like that? They always remove the baby and bury separately. Thats what I heard though and no good reason has been given that I have come across.
That is a practic to honor them as individuals. In some places, the baby is cradled in its mother's arms then buried along with her. Except when the pregnancy is still at an early stage like 1st trimester or early 2nd trimester. But onece a baby is well formed, they are usually removed and honored as well.
Sad story, I'm Yoruba and we usually bury them like that, don't know about the poster tribe o
DeleteOMG!!!! Why are people in this part of the world too religious.. .I For Christ sake people stop being myopic.... There's nothing wrong with CS.. Maka y will it be wrong ? ? Gosh!! This story sent chills through my veins....wawu!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG!!!! Why are people in this part of the world too religious.. .I For Christ sake people stop being myopic.... There's nothing wrong with CS.. Maka y will it be wrong ? ? Gosh!! This story sent chills through my veins....wawu!!!
ReplyDeleteThis story caught my attention instantly because an employee lost her life and the baby because she refused caesarian as advised by her doctor. Apparently, a few weeks to her expected delivery she had gone to register in a different hospital in a bid to avoid CS. The information was that she had to be induced in that hospital because her pregnancy had gone past her expected delivery date, sadly, she died in the process. Could it have been to avoid the cost of the CS? Was it a religious conviction? So many question! Such a dedicated, hardworking and lively lady! She hasn't been buried yet. What a painful loss. May her soul rest in peace.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile the term 'hebrew women' is a white lie.
ReplyDeleteI have a family friend whose husband refused CS, last last, they lost d baby due to prolonged labour n fetal distress, d CS he was avoiding was later conducted to bring out d baby who didn't survive, I pitied d baby but felt no pity for parents, told my mom to call d husband a bastard for me.
OMG this is so sad, so the man lost not only his wife but also his two children . I still don't understand why Nigerians view CS as a sin and even pray against it. The wisdom to carry out a successful CS was given to the doctors by God and it's cos he knows not everybody's body is wired for vagina birth or circumstances may arise that a CS will be the only option.
ReplyDeleteWhy do people keep putting themselves in harms way all in the name of faith. Faith doesn't mean stupidity to dare death, faith works hand in hand with wisdom, why not look at faith from the angle of "I have faith in God to go in for this CS and come out without complications" this always more than one way to approach an issue.
DeleteReading this just made me cry...
ReplyDeleteWow..seeing women in labour, the crying,the fear, no woman should die in that pain..there is nothing wrong with cs oooo
RIP to her. People ought to separate medical condition from religious beliefs. Absolutely nothing wrong in cs, as some western women prefer cs (painless process) to normal child birth.
ReplyDeleteWestern women ke? Nne say what you know.
DeleteThere is something called epidural okay!
CS becomes painful 'after' while Vaginal with epidural comes with less pain 'after'.
Any small thing western work, western world. Western women use epidural to take care of the pain and not that they prefer CS, stop misyarning.
DeleteNigerians keep saying God forbid to everything even when it is for their own good. My mother in law was upset i had a csection. She wanted me to give birth like the hebrew woman and as for me giving birth like the hebrew woman woman is when mother and baby are doing well.
ReplyDeleteThis hebrew woman ish has sent a lot of women to their untimely grave.
I had a myomectomy 3 months before i got pregnant so my consultant was clear that i was having csection.So i already knew from day 1. When she kept saying i should have tried, I should have pushed , I eyed her, wicked woman wants me to die like a chicken when her own daughter had all her kids via csection.
Lol wicked mother in law
DeleteI think many people are becoming more aware of CS. I was doing my antenatal in a private hospital where they always checked my urine and bp but never discovered I had high Bp associated with pregnancy. Something happened and I had to change to a govt hospital and after registration, I was leaving when someone suggested they check my bp.. Lo and behold, it was dangerously high. I was 8 months gone. Several tests were carried out and confirmed, I was given drugs to take to lower my bp. This was on a Tuesday note that I'd always complained of swollen feet and my face too was puffy but my doctor dismissed it as water retention.
ReplyDeleteOn Fri night, my water broke just as I was preparing for bed. Long and short, I gave birth to my baby boy via CS. Do I have regrets? Absolutely not.
Infact there were so many women there for CS and this was a govt hospital. Going for dressing, you would discover that women are no longer as ignorant as they used go be. Any woman that allows her husband to use her for practicals all in the name of defying the doctor's advice is a fool... Simple
hi. in the first hospitals defence maybe the high blood pressure came in the later stages. mine was diagnosed at 8 months. it is worth it to have your own blood pressure monitor at home though so if it comes at all in between visits you can notify your doctor. I also had preecclamsia and lost my baby all under the noses of oyimbo doctors here in the abroad.
Kai! Women de suffer o! RIP to the dead. Abeg, forget about the cost of CS and born the pikin first. Even if na to turn cleaner for hospital to pay your medical bills, at you will be alive for a helper to locate you. All this "deliver like a Hebrew woman" hullabaloo is disastrous. ..
ReplyDeleteCS saved my second baby's life and mine....Story for another day.....
ReplyDeleteSo I see nothing wrong with it.
chim-oma a.k.a Miss Kapusu
I believe the problem with cs in Nigeria has to do with the huge amount of money involved. The average Nigerian cannot afford it and will always pray for a vaginal delvery with less cost.
ReplyDeleteAlso we've had cases of unprofessional doctors who falsely prescribe cs, just to make money.
Some people will tell you that cs is not in the Bible, so it's not an option for them, but they drive cars that are not in the Bible.
Cs has been known to save lives, and some people have also lost their lives through cs.
Let's make informed decisions, always trusting God to do what is best for us.
I was always against cs because i didnt want to have to be healing up to 3 months after having my baby. i worried about coping with healing while washing babies clothes, breastfeeding and being deprived of sleep. when i was in labour and severe pain i was now the one screaming cs! cs!! lol even my husband was also saying cs. I never knew of this hebrew women shit till last year. im just tired of Nigerians.some are dying for hebrew women others are dying for jehovahs witness. any how sha the country is over populated, some have to die to give room for others. law of nature.the only downside of cs for me was not being able to work out my abs till about 6 months when the pain had finally gone.
Delete#Don't underestimate the magic of a fresh start*
ReplyDeleteWhat about the babies? This is so sad. Please.... O cs all the way.
ReplyDeleteMotherinlaw was was disappointed i had my baby thru CS.. i remember someone telling me on my recovering bed, how a woman delivered thru CS and the baby refused to suck her mother's breast because the baby was angry, and how it was partly my fault i had CS... this is coming out from the mouth of a fellow woman, people of God i cried my eyes out.... according to X-ray, i have a borderline pelvic, Doc says i can only try normal delivery if the baby is 2.5kg or less... thank God for my hubby who really supported me...
DeleteShe told you that while you were still on the recovery bed? We still have a long way to go in this country.
very long way. people are so behind.
DeleteHmmmm!! Poster, there is stigma ooo especially in Nigeria. I remember in 2012 when I had my baby, one of colleagues then who happened to be lawyer(still wonders the kind of law school she went to.. yimu), told another of our colleague that I am less a woman because I could not have my daughter through virginal birth like every capable woman. (yes Mariam Ada Okoye wife of Chima okoye, I am calling you out today because your stinking opinion about me and my daughter's delivery would have put some other woman in pregnancy related deaths). The opinions you have of other women that birth their children through CS does not destroy these women;instead it destories the ones that listen to your nonsensical opinions there by refuse to listen their doctors and opt for a procedure that is fatal to their condition. Nigerians should stop with the religious cruxfiction when it comes to CS. I believe that delivering like the Hebrew women is when you and your baby comes out alive. The children of the Hebrew women especially the boys were to be killed according to the instruction of the king of the land but God in his infinite mercy spared the lives of both mothers and babies so if you come out alive with your child irrespective of the process used in birthing the child, you have delivered like the Hebrew women .Me till tomorrow will always opt for CS.
ReplyDeleteSo why don't you use your real name so she can know who is calling her out? Are you afraid of her, why didn't you sort it with her there and then instead of carrying anger around?
DeleteAre you Hebrew, why even try to explain how your childbirth was similar to theirs???
There is nothing like delivering like the Hebrew women. Hebrew women delivered normally but they lied to keep the babies alive. Read your Bible.
DeleteAnon aka Ada, you lack of comprehension is sickening. Keep wanking all over my comment instead of changing your stinking attitude...
DeleteThe way I craved for CS right from the beginning of my pregnancy; I kept telling my husband and family that that is where my faith is strong; but I was also open to natural delivery if God felt that was best for me. I went into labour less than 24 hours before my scheduled CS; got to the hospital and the doctor on duty convinced me to go natural; oyiwa no problem lets do it cos I was handling the contractions well; 6cm dilated and my baby's heartbeat was dropping; I was rushed for emergency CS and thankfully baby and I were fine; the doctor was so scared eh cos it would have been all his fault; my baby had the umbilical cord wrapped twice around his neck - the devil is a liar; lol the doctor was like ma'am next time just go straight for a CS; hahaha he dey fear. In a weeks time I was already up and about chilling with husby and my siblings doing smal night chillops. Nothing to fear with CS--- either way God wants you to go just hold his hand and follow---- he works his miracles through man; even some of those Hebrew women would have opted for CS if it existed in their time hahaha
ReplyDeleteI really wanted to deliver naturally.but when the labour pain become unbearable I screamed for cs. My MIl said I should have endured the pain, not considering that I laboured for almost a week.
ReplyDeleteIf Rachael the wife of Jacob in the Bible had the option of cs do you think Jacob would have allowed her die while delivering benjamin? The Bible says wisdom is profitable to direct.
ReplyDeletePoster I love you and this section!!
ReplyDeleteI think most Nigerians are still hiding under "deliver like Hebrew women" and "church"! See d pain the woman cost the family, but guess what? The man LL remarry and have kids , while she is 6feet under!!!
I had my Minnie Tru emergency C-section and she is my heartheat and i am proud of it. Women be wise!!!!!!!
I don't see anything wrong in cs, it is good because at the end of it, is for safe delivery of the mother and baby
ReplyDeleteThat's the Gospel truth but Nigerians lack exposure and civilization is somewhat far from here.
Many learned expectant mothers are opting for CS if you know the odds, you will understand the flow of Professional Medical Advice "In your best intrtest".
Me I prefer CS anyday,anytime though both has gone down due to heart related issues.
*best interest
DeleteWhen I gave birth to my daughter the following morning a pregnant woman in labour was brought into my ward they advised her for CS she refused saying she will give birth normally ( they said the baby was 4.8kg ) that same day another woman in Labour joined both of them started gisting later they advised the second one for CS too, she also refused because she was influenced by the first woman. Do you know that these women were in Labour for 2 days before they finally agreed because their pains became unbearable. But alas it was too late after paying N300k the 2 babies died! It was so sad ehn. Me that I was crying because my baby had jaundice my tears doubled for them. I wish people will learn and stop this nonsense.
ReplyDeleteoh my fucking days!!!!! that secodn woman will be blaming the first woman now for influencing her. My God foolish things.
DeleteI had my daughter through Cs and I will gladly do it again and again. Met a lady who the doctor told will give birth through Cs because the child was position on his bum,she said she won't that she has been directed to a woman who massages women and will turn the child to the head position.when i finish talking to her she had a change of heart.i had a girl she had a boy today we are best of is high yime we begin to enlighten or people No woman deserves to die in the process of bringing in another life.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI think it's because some doctors 'create' CS for a patient in order to make money. That is why they seek a second opinion.
ReplyDeleteI delivered through emergency CS in a private hospital. I had laboured for hours and the doctor gave me drip, meanwhile my husband had said a nurse said I should not allow them to give me drip but he left me alone in the ward and i was in pains. After the drip, the pains increased and labour did not progress, it was just 3cm. Hours later, I was still in pains, no improvement. At a point I was screaming as the pains intensified. The doctor said I should do CS to save the child. My husband called my mother, she rejected it and warned him not to allow it. he called his own parents and they said he should sign. He signed and they did it. I almost died of pains, big hospital for that matter. Thank God I carried my baby out alive. People will come and be looking at me with pity. Hmmm
Later the nurse was now saying that it was the drip that made my labour to stop progressing so that I do CS. That the doctor always do it.
My husband was always blaming me for the CS I had. He would say 'there is nothing better than someone's wife delivering normally'. He would tell me that I have low pain tolerance that is why I had the emergency CS. I made us spend money meant for a project and didn't even have enough left for a proper naming ceremony. He had been lamenting my CS for years now especially when someone delivers until I shut him up last year. I flared up and gave it to him hot. Since then, he stopped mentioning it.
So pls nurses and doctors here, if they give a woman in labour drip, will it result in CS if she does not deliver within a certain time?
I'm not aware of any med that causes unprogressive labour. That's really odd.
DeleteI'm not aware of any med that causes unprogressive labor. That's really odd
DeleteChaiii so painful. hubby has already decided long ago,when d time for delivery comes is cs straight, no time for normal delivery,provided mother and child are OK.
My friend & I became pregnant almost at d same time,being first timers we would gist about labour and all, see me that always had haemorhage before I got married would always tell her dat I wont hesitate to go for CS if d doctor feels dat way or even if I feel I cant bear pain, she would say God forbid, no 1 has done CS in their house. ok now on D Day doctor adviced cs she refused cos no 1 had done it in their house, she laboured for long until she couldn't bear d pain and still had to go for cs, do u know dat after we both had put to bed she complained of vaginal pain just like one dat had vaginal birth. shes learnt her lessons now.
ReplyDeleteHow did you know that the pain in her vagina was the same with those that had vaginal birth? Were you inside her vagina? Mtsheeew
DeleteOMG!!!! Why are people in this part of the world too religious.. .I For Christ sake people stop being myopic.... There's nothing wrong with CS.. Maka y will it be wrong ? ? Gosh!! This story sent chills through my veins....wawu!!!
ReplyDeleteSame problem they have with cs is the same problem they have with cremation, same problem they have with women not giving birth to a male child, same problem they have with divorce, same problem they have with not being a Virgin, same problem they have if you are not married by 30. The culture has imposed all kinds of belief systems into the ppl and they are so busy trying to adhere to the cultural norms that they forget that it's all foolishness at the end of the day, as every case and life experience has to addressed individually. Now add to the demands of the culture the overbearing nature of religion as practised in some places and you have the perfect storm. Too bad three lives had to be lost because none among that crowd chose to use common sense.
ReplyDeleteI have 2 girls and I am pretty much done unless God days otherwise. I will put all my love and energy into them. They are 7 now and soon I will have more time to myself. Imagine now having another baby and starting Wahala again. NOPE
DeleteVery well spoken Anon 15.43.
DeleteYou know they would be twins? Niceeee
ReplyDeleteI had my first baby via cs and others normal d. So nothing wrong with CS.
ReplyDeleteThe Nigerian women should actually stop saying they want yo deliver like the Hebrew women. This is because the Nigerian woman doesn't do half the work the Hebrew women did. They were in bondage and worked so hard for the Egyptians. So there is no reason for comparison except if you do their kind of work.
ReplyDeleteHowever, some people have opted for natural delivery on religious grounds. And there is no need to insist against medical advice.
I remember one midwife who died many years ago. She worked with my mum as a nurse. Very good midwife. Probably the best on her team but a Jehovah's witness. Her husband refused to sign. She was short and Petit. Maybe a little below 5ft. Of course she died. They couldn't help her cos the husband said no. What do you do?
It is well.
There is a stigma attached to cs in nigeria o. I had my babies via cs & after 1st emergency cs during recovery, a woman who had 4kids via cs had the guts to ask me why couldn't push out the baby because he was so tiny. So called aunties. Some people are just to damn wicked.
ReplyDeleteIf i send in my story, you will thank God for my life. Every woman needs to be enlightened to make informed decisions. At the long run its your life that is at stake. Mine ended in praise and im very grateful to God. I had all the complications of both pre clampsia and post clampsia, even my kidneys too. My baby was brought out pretermed. At last it ended praise