Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



 Stella, I write this mail to you in tears because I am at crossroads. I am in between doing what is right and joining the crowd.

I got a job last three months after youth Service and it's being one problem to another. First, is the issue of finance as my monthly pay is barely enough to transport me to work and still take care of me but not withstanding, I have been honest in every dealings at the office and not collecting that which is not mine or inflating prices for personal gain(my job sometimes entails finding out the prices of products or materials bought by workers to work, after which my boss pays them according to the price I discovered after my survey, it is very risky as I stand a chance of making enemies in the course of this job who may start to seek my life if I fail to work with them. You know the saying "if you can't beat them join them and if they don't want to join, arrange for them to be beaten)

My friends and family have been great to me as they have been the ones financing my transport and all.

I cried to God one night before I slept and in the morning, there was this flooding of ideas that took over me concerning fashion designing, the ideas just kept coming and I was sketching them down. I called a friend and told her about it and she told me it is good, knowing that I can learn fast and creative too... So I continued to pray about it and till now, the ideas keep coming.

I decided to quit the job and face fashion designing, go for training and start up a brand but now am torn as am thinking of how I will cope when I leave the job(buying materials to enable me learn and also not have to bother my parents with my needs as they still have my siblings to train) or thinking if it should keep the job, join the crowd in their extortion and save up money for my business. In church today it was like the Preacher(Pastor David Ibiyomie) was talking to me especially about Integrity (5 Nights Of Glory)

Stella am so confused, I don't know what to do. 


  1. Weigh the two options and decide what's best for u,it's not easy quitting jobs nowadays oooo,God will direct and guide u

    1. You told us exactly what you should do; follow God's idea of startup; the fashion!
      You may be the next Gucci or Channel or Victoria secret; who knows?
      No be human beings them be; no be like that them start?
      Please, listen to the voice of God and follow this passion and talent.
      Do not allow your vision to die for God will require from you an account of
      the talent he gave to you.
      Read the life of Joseph from his dreams to evading Potipher's wife to imprisonment
      and then becoming a king in Egypt.

    2. Please listen to the voice of God, please I beg you, it may be difficult now but trust me, His love for us is too much to watch us fail

  2. Poster.... God gave you the idea to start the fashion business and you are still asking if you want to join the badwagon. I read where you said you have resigned or I no sabi read again.

    You think when God shows you somethings you think the road will be easy. It is not easy because nothing easy comes cheap. You have to work towards it and then you will wear the crown.

    Gather some monies first but dont let your love for fashion die. There is no free lunch in Free Town. You have to stand firm and take up the battle before you.

    Take care

    1. I weak oh @yori. When you have such revelation (as you have put it) your faith in God should be strengthened to even push amidst uncertainty. So because God showed it to you it should come on a platter? You won't have to struggle or think of a way out or be broke just pursue the dream right? Go and ask Joseph in the bible what he went through between when he saw the dream and when he got to the palace. If you're seeking help for your fashion business just say so let's know at once.

  3. I cried to God one night before I slept and in the morning, there was this flooding of ideas that took over me concerning fashion designing, the ideas just kept coming and I was sketching them down. I called a friend and told her about it and she told me it is good, knowing that I can learn fast and creative too... So I continued to pray about it and till now, the ideas keep coming.

    So all that is not enough sign for you to stay out of trouble.. oya, go and join them.
    Do you think all thieves have same luck?
    Join them and watch all you have struggled for all through the years come tumbling down.
    Mscheew, some chronicles though! Even the one that is not rocket science will be sent in for advice. Use your head abeg!

    1. She just lacks strategy. I didn't even hear her say she would try and get another job to earn more and pick up her biz idea 🙄🙄

  4. Am sure you know what to do. I pray u receive grace to do iy

  5. Don't quit your job,finding job isn't easy you can save up from there bit by bit and still be searching for a better job while at it. If you resign and go home how will you sponsor yourself through the fashion school except you have someone who is willing to help.

  6. Lady T/ am worth more than a thousand dollars20 February 2018 at 15:26

    Whatever, you do don't sale your integrity for a piece of meal. Better to go hungry. The God who gave you ideas will come through if you ask Him.

    You never know how the integrity will show up for you, or your dishonesty for the rest of your life. Choose life. Pay the price and you will see.

    Remember, what you sow is what you reap. Do not be deceived God is not mocked.

    All the best to you. And Yes God answers prayers.

  7. U might have to give up a few luxuries o. Dont join them to inflate prices at work tho. If dey have to give u tfare to work, r u sure that job is worth it? Maybe u should find a place close to ur home where u can learn fashion designing. Cook at home n take food to work, it may help u to save small money. And wen u finally leave work, beg ur month for her old wrappers n use them to learn. Do anything u can do to follow ur dreams as long as u r sure it is God directing u. But please do not join dem to steal money at work. Gradually, things will fall in place.

  8. You can look for another job while at this one.Please don't quit that job. I am speaking from experience.God will help you secure a better one just give your best while searching, from there you can save up and start your fashion business.

  9. Poster, please dont join them. God have seen your sincere heart and he's leading you to a life time breakthrough. Discuss with your parents and learn the fashion stuff. Dont worry , God will see you through. Dont falsify figure because of what you will eat and do not establish your business on ill gotten wealth to enable God prove Himself in your life. Trust God.

  10. If you want to walk with God you have to have faith. You prayed. You started having ideas. Did God answer or did He not answer your prayers? You dont even believe in the prayer you prayed yourself. No wonder Jesus said when He returns, will He find faith on the earth? Without faith you cannot please God. Its either you believe He is real and He answered your prayers and you take a step of Faith or you sit there and join the bandwagon of manipulators. When you are caught, which will happen sooner or later, remember that "Without faith it is impossible to please God".

  11. Poster whatever money God doesn't give you won't add to you, but take away from your life, money made by crooked means doesn't last, if the money you colleagues take amounts to anything why are they still working there abi have you heard that any body getting money through illegal means has ever made it to Forbes list of the richest?
    That's to show you that money gotten outside hard work and integrity is useless, it's just a matter of time before it is blown away and then you will be back to square one.
    Hold on to your integrity, don't compromise because of others, you don't know the curses those ones are moving about with.
    And then again being am employee is survival mode, there is a lot more you can achieve by being your own boss, I haven't heard of any multi millionaire that is an employee, except for one person. Starting your own business will open doors of opportunities for you And for God to be giving you ideas it means he has sometimes massive waiting for you in the designing stuff, it may look like there are no prospects at the initial stage but God always backs and sponsors that which is from him. Forget about the uncertainties, every business is a risk, if you remain in your job what about the uncertainty of being fired one day, or the uncertainty of the business folding up. So pursue your own idea, there is no use staying in a place that tempers with your peace of mind, you deserve to earn well and fend for yourself but definitely not by stealing.

    If you are scared or start up capital, you can approach your church welfare unit, I know salvation ministries empowers a lot of people and they will gladly help you, and always remember that God has the ability to sponsor his ideas. Remember it is not God's will for you to be in a place where you are constantly under pressure to do the wrong thing, maybe this is his way of redirecting you to his perfect plan for you
    Take the big leap and in the next few years you will look back and be grateful you did.

  12. The answer you seek is right in front of you

    Choose wisely.

  13. He answered your 1st request ba?.now, ask him for his will to be done concerning what he has showed you and do trust and have faith in him.As for the other business pls don't join them up.don't use ur hand to spoil ur blessings ooo

  14. my dear, my dear, every great height comes with it price. if you think you can keep your job and still push your dreams it is not possible you will end up as obioma tailor. I will advice you pay the price by quitting your job and concentrate on your dreams look for a tailoring shop close to your house so that you will not pay t.f . eat at home. as a learner you will not start with serious materials immediately. with in one month you will be telling your friends and close church member to bring materials that you will sew for them free of charge. trust with time you start to collect money for materials that you will use to sew for them. God being on your side with hard work and persistence you come out shining. good luck

  15. My Brother is a staunch believer. He almost lost his life over this same issue of refusal to inflate contracts and materials bought for projects. If he were flaky, he wouldn’t have been alive today. Some co workers can go to any length to deal with people they feel are in their way to enrich themselves. Try to save some money today to make your dream a reality. Good luck!!

  16. You better join them and make money to start up your life. Most people advising you here are not saying the truth, they are all praying for the kind of opportunity you have.
    Better dont quit your job, make money before leaving and dont be a fool.

  17. Keep it up. Keep your integrity. It's worth more than anything

  18. You can work in that company but mind your own business, do not join them and do not judge them, with that you could save up something.



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