Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



Monday, February 19, 2018

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



Hi Stella, I've been an ardent reader of your blog, ever since it was introduced to me by my friend. My chronicle is rather long but i need advice and i trust the advice of your bvs. Please keep me anonymous.

Now to my chronicle.I started masturbating at an early age, before I even knew what it was. We were all small, and I used to see my neighbour play with his joystick while sucking his thumb. I was always telling to stop though. But one day, I found myself doing it at the back of the chair in the house. The other kids later caught me but we all laughed over it. But when I got home, I was literally shivering and had to cover myself. I felt I had done something really bad. 

Fast forward to when I got to Jss1, we had this FHM magazine, I found it in my brother's locker. Whenever i read it, I noticed it gave the urge to do that thing I did years ago, only this time, instead of sucking my thumb, i'd squeeze my tiny breasts. Whenever, I was bored or alone in the house or whenever everyone was asleep, I'd have the urge to do it. But I wasn't addicted to it. It was later in my Jss2 I found out the word for it was masturbation.

One time, on my way to collect my result, I was so scared of my position, that I told God I'd stop if I passed. I came second that term from my usual 4/5/6th position, I stopped. I didn't do it again until after my university. I started again. Not that I'm addicted, I'd do it once or twice in a week, sometimes once in a month or once in four months.

Now to my question, after school, I started facing different health challenges and I feel like it is because I went back on my word as a vow to God is very serious. Am I right on this? Am I facing these challenges because of the vow I broke. 

Did I really make a vow considering it was out of fear of my position in school because sometimes I feel like God won't hold that against me. Although I've stopped masturbating now. But if the vow I made was serious and I committed a serious sin, how do I beg God for forgiveness and know that he has forgiven me?


  1. Masturbation is a sin against your flesh...

    1. Bible reference please

    2. My dear poster you have the answer to your problem and the key to your solution is in your hand. What works for Mr A does not work for Mr B. Stopeeet

  2. The scripture made us understand that when we sin and go to God in prayer, he's willing and Just to forgive us. But it's always difficult if we fail to forgive ourselves.

    Pray and fast, then forgive yourself and move on. God loves you dear

    1. God does pay us back evil for the evil we do.
      He is love and as such keeps no record of wrongs.

  3. My dear just talk to him like a friend, tell him you are sorry and have faith he has forgiven you. Try not to go against your vow again with his help and go on with your life.

  4. Ask God Almighty for forgiveness so that you can be free. Na wa for masturbation. May God kill that spirit behind it Amen.

    Goodluck to you. You entered a vow without knowing it was a vow. It is well with you. Ask God to help you overcome this problem

  5. Feed your mind with the word of God. Lust of eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life are the sins of man. You need to feed your eyes with things that glorify God. Stop watching movies that can cause it Or reading books that can bring temptation. Masturbation is a sin. A demon at work in the life of man.
    Love God and do what he loves.

  6. Though you are human being and bound to sin. You better keep your promise to God, he is a merciful God and a consuming fire!

  7. Poster just pray and ask God for forgiveness of ur sins. And don't go back agaon.

  8. Nice to know that you have stopped; for a person is a slave to whatever has mastered that person. 2 Pet. 2:19
    It is a question of conscience coming in to haunt you.
    For if your conscience condemns you, God is greater than your conscience and will condemn you also; 1 John 3:20.
    God does not forsake a broken and contrite spirit -Psalm 51:17; fast and pray and your conscience will be at peace.

  9. It's not a sin. Breaking a vow is nit good but God is not punishing you for it. If you think you need forgiveness, pray and Bible tells us once we ask for forgiveness, He forgives us

  10. nna ehn! I'm not addicted, I'm not addicted.... u go dey alright.

  11. Confess your sins
    are you a catholic? go for confession

  12. Hmmm you sound like a kid.. Whatever it is pray about it & believe you have been forgiven ,get your peace back.

  13. Poster, please and please. Pray and believe God has forgiven you. Then you u forgive yourself

  14. Since you have asked God forgiveness and have also stopped masturbating, God has forgiven you and you are free. Once you ask God forgiveness he forgives just move on and don't go back to the sin of masturbating again, it's difficult, ask God for His grace.

  15. Yes a vow is a vow. No matter d circumstances surrounding when we had d vow. That's y we r always advice to watch what we say. And on how to ask God for forgiveness is to really b sorry for that sin and assure God that u won't go back. And ask him for d Grace to stop.

  16. Poster....stop passing blame. Life happens to us all, don't spiritualised every situation you're going through. Whatever you are doing that your conscience condemn stop it and find solution to your situation.......

  17. Ohh dear, u have to just ask God for forgiveness, im battling it too and im winning, fuck masturbation

  18. Let me go and ask my father, he always knows what to tell people with such cases.

  19. He is a merciful father always willing to forgive. He knows the stuff we are made of and our human weaknesses.

  20. Masturbation is bad, all u need to do is pray over it and try hard to control ur self

  21. I dont even feel anything when i try to masturbate cos my husband and I are currently worlds apart. I wonder what enjoyment people get from touching themselves. It's no fun at all plus it's ungodly jare

  22. Masturbation is a natural phenomenon, very much like eating, drinking etcetera! I wonder why we make a mountain out of a mole hill.
    For those who say it’s a sin, please kindly tender the bible verse/ reference where it says so instead of talking out of self righteousness.
    Please do not give me that Old Testament verse where God purnished the men who true their seed(sperm) in the floor as they were purnished not because of the act as there was a full story behind it!

  23. what a post kwikwi,no wonder you're kwikwi! am sure you're d devil yourself..please all masturbation is a sin,its a demon possessing one to do it and it brings spiritual husband/wife to one's life which is a demon that causes marital delay,stagnation or no marriage at all unless one is delivered from it.please poster,go to God in prayers and ask for his forgiveness for breaking your vow,cos God takes vows made to him seriously.the cause of your problems is not God but the devil,for breaking your vow to God,as a sinner,grace cannot abound in your life and so you're prone to be attacked by the devil.God is good and merciful and does not harm his creatures.stop the sin of masturbation.flee from it can,ask God for his grace.give your life to Christ,fellowship with brethren and think Godly thoughts always,read the bible and get yourself busy with positive things and you'll see your life turn around for good.sin stagnates.stop masturbation and is well with you.


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