Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative

WHAT!!!!...Oh My Goodness!!!

  Angelic Visitation

Thank you for this wonderful platform Stella. I grew up in a christian home and I strongly believe when one is said to be a child of God is to have a personal and intimate relationship with him.

 I am not a spirikoko person but Things started happening in my life which I have no control over until I start to pay attention to it, I knew things ahead of time be it in my life, family and people around me, it's either I see it through dreams or I hear it very audibly. At first, I wasn't serious about it until 2 events changed my life. 

1, Few months after my dad's burial, I saw where one of my elder brother(s) had an accident with his car which killed 2 people, and I shared the dream with him, I told him not to go to work with his car but he won't listen; by 10am on the same day, I got a call from my siblings, that his car failed break and killed a bike man and the other guy was fighting for his life.

 Thank God he survived. 2, My childhood girlfriend was about to get married and I saw where she died through child birth, I told her not to go ahead but she won't listen instead she called me all manners of unprintable names. The next thing I had was that during CS section, complications arise and she went into coma and never returned alive. Note: not that I didn't pray against it but I guess i never prayed enough. 

When the second one happened, I started to think something was wrong with me and I went for deliverance at MFM H/Q and the dreams became more frequent. I'm not the type that run from church to church or from one pastor to another, I strongly believe if there is a man to pray, there is a God to answer. I will list a few of them here for your perusal, these are my own personal real life encounters.

There is this woman in my church who I was standing in the gap for safe delivery, Now this woman had 2 daughters already and was trusting God for a son but she refused to go for scan. On 27/2/2016, I saw in my dream where she gave birth to 2 boys but I didn't tell her what I saw. 

so I continued to pray for her as usual, on 11/3/16 i had the same dream again. While I was contemplating on it, if it was from God or my head because I was praying for her? I heard Jerh 1 vs 6 - 8 very audibly " then said i, Lord God! Behold I cannot speak for I am a child. But the Lord said unto me, say not I am a child for thou shall go to all that I shall send thee and whatever I command thee, thou shall speak. Be not afraid of their faces, for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord". 

I called my pastor and shared the dream with her and she encouraged me to go, luckily I met the couple at home and I told them the reason why I came, but something surprised happened while I was praying; they both started to cry uncontrollably (I was like who send me?), so I summoned up courage and hurriedly finish the prayer. The man apologise and said that the reason why they were crying was last night, as they were praying, they told God if he has answered their prayer, he should send them a confirmation and me coming was that confirmation. Secondly, everything I stood here praying was exactly what they prayed for. 3 days later I got a call from her husband that she put to bed 2 boys.

. It was on 19/12/2015, While mediating on Rom 4 vs 17 "As it's written, I have made thee a father of many nations, before him whom he believed, even God who quickeneth the dead and calleth those things which be not as though they were; I slept off and saw in my dream where I was inside our staff bus coming back from work, I became very sick, swollen and my condition was very bad, when the driver saw me, he decided to dropped me at my gate against the bus stop. 

As I alight, I couldn't stand nor walk but i leaned on one of my colleague and he handed me a bottle of anointing oil and I woke up. After praying against it, exactly on Friday 25/12/2015 . While I was having my morning devotion, I heard people crying in my land lord's house; I never pay attention to it and the next thing I had on my door was a very big knock and it was my landlady saying, "don't you know that my husband is dead? As I was about to ran out of my house, I heard very audibly "carry all your amour", I quickly ran back to carry my bottle of anointing oil. Lo and behold, he was already dead, covered with a wrapper and they have even sent someone to go and get an ambulance to take his corpse to mortuary, I got to his room, i was praying and crying at the same time, i guess he died the more. 

I remembered Jesus drove the people out, i stood up and drove everyone out, leaving only his wife, granddaughter and me. I continued praying, to the glory of God, he sneezed and opened his eyes but his body was stiff and cold, as I anointed his body, they received strength. He is still alive!

3. POWER MUST CHANGE HANDS. After my midnight prayer for the advancement of the Kingdom, I saw in my dream on 14/11/2016 . where we were going to church on Sunday morning and the street leading to the church was a one way traffic which was very narrow, this street can't contain 2 cars at the same time. As we were already towards the tail end of the street, another car came in opposition direction and blocked the road, since there was no movement, I decided to preach to those people around.

As I was doing that, many people gathered and all kinds of miracles was taking place: the blind received their sight, lame walk, deaf hear, dumb speak etc. Suddenly I saw a native doctor full dressed with 5 of his servants and he said to me "why will you liberate these people? Did we touch you or your people? Won't you leave my people alone? I then said to him, I don't want to kill him and it became an open confrontation, he was making evil pronouncements against me, as I cursed him in the name of God, all of them died instantly, when they people saw what happened, they became afraid and I stood up and said if you know that you have not accept Jesus stand up, and almost everyone stood up and as I was about to led them to Christ, I woke up. 

 On Thursday 17/11/2016, I was coming back for work and the street to my house is a one way traffic, looking towards the end is this native doctor with 2 of his servants. He was fully dressed (like a nollywood native doctor, I saw how he was collecting money from motorists, shops and passerby, he was on the left hand side while I was on the right hand side. 

All of a sudden, he crossed over to my side and people started to cross over the left hand side lol, a guy at my back said sister won't you cross? Can't you see this native doctor? Immediately he said that, I was angry in my spirit and asked myself can you imagine Jesus crossing the road for a native doctor? I said No, Ephi 1 vs 20 - 21" came raw in my spirit "For we are seated together in heavenly places with Christ, far above all principality, power, might and every name that is name" my superiority mentality over the forces of darkness and my new identity in Christ came alive and I was in command. 

Few meters for us to pass each other, he crossed the other side and I stood, he brought out a white egg from his bag and was making incarnation against me, saying the same words I heard in my dream. This happened on a broad day light and people gathered, trust me, the blood of Jesus and holy ghost fire nearly finished lol. As soon as, I asked him if he want to die? He quickly walked away. I remember what my bishop normal say, that when the witches sense a higher power, they cleared the way!

On 9/7/2015, I came back from work, as I entered inside my house, I heard call Chichi. At 1st I refused but it kept coming back. It was as if I'm being persuaded to call her.let me give you a little details of my friendship with her, I met her in camp during NYSC and we became friends but I was the only one who calls, visit etc. 

She will be like you know I am not a call person bla bla so I decided to let the friendship die a natural death. So I called her and the 1st thing I said don't commit suicide, and she busted into tears. Little did I knew that she was about to commit suicide that same day, thank God I was able to talked her out of it. Later she called me back and asked me how did i know what she was about to do? I said i was surprised myself when i said those words, God is my witness i had no prior knowledge of it. She is still alive till today.

5. MARRIAGE SAVED AND VISA GRANTED. After a very busy Sunday on 2/10/16. I decided to sleep around passed 5 to 6 in the evening, immediately I lied down, I heard "go to brother U's house" and I turned to see who was that but no one. I still lied down again and heard the same words again. I quickly got to the brother's house and his wife was surprised when she saw me, and asked me did my husband called you? I said No, she said thank God you came, last night, they had a very serious issue and her husband has packed his things and he is waiting for night falls to move out of house, leaving her with the kids alone.

 I requested to speak with him alone, every attempts/efforts to make him see reasons not to leave his family fell on deaf ears. No wonder the bible said that "the heart of a man is fully set in them" thank God for the word of knowledge, I said sir there is something you are trusting God for a very long time and this thing is just at your fingertip but I can assured you that if you leave your family, you will never get it. As soon as I said that, he stood up from his chair, his mouth wide open with his 2 hands on his head, and he screamed chai chim ooo sister you dey see lol, bible said how forceful are the right words, He said do I know that he had been denied visa on several occasions and this week, he has another appointment at the embassy. 

After speaking to him, I called his wife and prayed for them. On Thursday that same week, I got a call from him, that he has been granted visa, as I type this he's in Europe now.

6. WE HAVE MOVED. I saw in my dream on 13/7/2017. Where I was standing in front of my office gate and a notice was posted on it written "we have moved out of the country on 21st". It was as if it vanished and I asked my colleague who I was standing with, if she saw the notice and she said no. 

I said something will happen on 21st concerning this company but she insist I tell her, I said a prophet does not tell you everything in details but when what he said come to pass then you know that he is a true prophet and I woke up. I called that my colleague and shared the dream with her, we prayed against it and tell God should provide another job for us if it's his well. 

Few months after, I have totally forgot about it, we came to work as usual and an emergency meeting was called, their and then the company's representative told us that they are pulling out of the country that same day, because of the economy, they are not making profits. I'm still trusting God for another job.

7. I BECAME DUMB. Do I have the answers to all questions that pertains to my life and living because God deals with me so intimately? No I go through many situations where life has to be lived like everyone else and there are unanswered questions. There are times when God choose to keep quiet and not answer my queries immediately.

 There are other times when his presence is so very closed that I feel he is living with me. It was a time of spiritual low in my life. Many distressing situations coming up one after another, prayer became difficult, instead of praying and praising God, I just sat on my bed thinking of all the problems in my life, I just sat brooding, feeling bad, contemplating the situations and I slept off. I saw in my dream on 12/10/2017, where I was sitting on a chair in an open field, it was as if it had snow, I saw a man standing by my left hand side, I was able to see only from his knee down and he was wearing a white robe. 

He said to me " I have shown it to you and I will hasten to bring it to pass, I have show you the secret things which no man have seen but you doubt my words and the things I showed you, you shall be dumb until it come to pass". The next thing I saw, I was lying down in a room with 2 of my elder sisters, as I wake up, I was crying and 1 of my sister asked me if I had a dream and I nod, and she asked me if I can talk but I made a sign with my hands, telling them I can't speak. 

They gave me a pen and paper to write what I saw, as I was writing and crying inside the dream, I woke up in my physical bed still crying. Lo and behold, the power of speech was gone from me and I started to plead for God's mercy in my heart. Thank God he restored me back! 

I can relate this dream to Luke 1 vs 19-20 "And the angle answering said unto him, I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God, and am sent to speak unto thee and to show these glad tidings . And behold, thou shall be dumb, and not able to speak, until the day that these things shall be performed, because thou believest not my words, which shall be fulfilled in there season"

Back to the main reason, I was about to make a major decision in my life (Abeg oh not husband issue Lol), you know every step you take now either takes you forward or backward. In my best mental state, I have lay all my cards on the table and weight all my decision on the scale of intellectualism, events and facts and they are good. so I decided to pray about it to know what God is saying concerning it; what I saw was not what I was expecting and I was broken. 

Nevertheless, I went on another fast to confirm if it was actually from him and I told him to send me a confirmation. Men and brethren, few weeks after, as I alight from the bus, I heard behind me, my native name and I turned; standing in front of me was this fine young man, neatly dressed. Now, what made me to be surprised was that it's only my late dad who calls me by that name and it's special to me, while I was wondering could this be my dad? It's as if he knew what I was thinking, he said " is it not written in your bible that the dead have nothing to do with the living?

 He continued " I'm here because of the prayers you made to God asking for a confirmation if what you saw was from God, Yes it was from him". Every effort to engaged him in a conversation failed, he encouraged me and said am always around whenever you need help. As I turned to leave, I want to get his contact, lo and behold he was no where to be found, I looked round the bus stop for where? I asked the woman selling gala and drinks if she saw the guy I was standing with?

 She said No, shebi na only you stand here, I think say you dey wait for bus! It then it dawned on me, that this guy was not ordinary. This then brings me to my questions:

I. Could this guy be an angel of God sent to me?

II. Do angels still appears to people in this 21st century?

III. Is there someone else whose life is also like mine?

IV. Why is it that when God show you things (Negative once) and it still happened despite praying against it? Please kindly help a sister.....

Remain Blessed.

*I have goose bumps and cannot say anything for now.This is some hair rising ish for me....The poster says when she was sending me this mail,she heard that  "as you write this many will be save into the kingdom of God and many in the valley of indecision will make up their minds for Christ''


  1. Coming to finish up but make i try eat eba first...what an interesting piece

    1. I finished everything word for word,u are blessed to have that kind of gift,just try and use it wisely and follow God's instruction in ur life,don't let anyone manipulate u in using it for business or selfish purpose cos some people go contact u just to make a deal with u,just be wise and focus, the Lord is ur strength and guide

    2. My dear sister, God have a purpose for your life. The hidden things he has revealed to you. I believe in God and I believe in angels. Stop doubting God but rather intensify your prayer life. We all have different gifts. We are only but vessels in the hands of God. I believe as you keep on looking for the face of God and not withhold the gifts he has given you, he will continue to use you for a greater glory. Some people said open a church, but I will say that God will show you what to do with this gift. He gave it to you freely, continue to use it the way the spirit directs you. About the negative ones happening even after praying, my dear God is bigger than us and work in mysterious ways. I don't know either why they are not averted.
      I pray that God removes every spirit of doubt from your mind and that you will never lose this speçial gift. Keep God first in your life. We are sinners and we sin a million times but his love is bigger than our sin. Keep trusting in him and I believe he will keep on using you. Just give him yourself and say God use me as it pleases you. You are not insane but an ordinary human being with an extraordinary gift. We are always covered by the blood of Jesus!

    3. My dear, I attended a fellowship today and believe God exist, I really think he trying to reach out to you on more ways you can work for Him. My sister received a revelations few weeks ago and even though we call her holy holy, she said God needed her to do more, so I think there is potential in all you are already doing, you have to just ask God for direction and to take everything He shows you without questioning Him.
      Oh Lord please teach me to know you more

    4. Dear poster, stop doubting. God really wants to use you. It's scary but I wish I have a quarter of the relationship u have with God. What's the essence of all this vain stuffs if one ends up in hell. God help me. I will contact you.

    5. I read it all and I had goosebumps all over. God is Great

    6. Dear poster kindly pray for me as i would love to have a baby boy, i already have 2girls & due next month with scans that showed i am having a girl, i believe there's nothing God cannot do, i urgently need a miracle as a gift & pray God gives me a healthy child that will make us happy & proud. please intercede on my behalf to have a son, i am married to an Igbo man & you know they don't joke with sons.

  2. Poster,I don't know what you are still waiting for,
    You have a spiritual calling!!...
    Move closer to God,enter a pastoral school and serve God!...
    Church business is one of the business moving in Nigeria!...
    You go soon blow!!...
    Choi choi!...
    Private jet things!...

    1. Hahahaha 😁
      Poster don't mind Linda Eze oh! Don't use your GOD given gift for business oh!
      You're truly called by GOD. You are special to him

    2. Hehehe he.. ..Private jet thing ttutru downloading. My surpsurp be say i read the whole thing.

    3. I was just scrolling down to look for ur comments. U never disappoint.

      Poster, u have a gift. Use it to glorify God.

    4. Hahahahahaha...
      Amanda,it's not a matter of doing business or not!...
      Have you seen a poor pastor before?...
      The people making it in Nigeria today are hospitals,churches and schools!!...

      Amara is an Igbo girl so I trust her!...

    5. This is a great gift. I have a little of this gift too but my spiritual life isnt like b4 since i got married because of housechores and taking care of my kids. I saw my friend got pregnant after 6yrs of trying ,called her and told her. She gave birth late last yr,even b4 she gave birth,i saw she gave birth to a girl,i also told her,lo and behold,she gave birth to a baby girl. Also,i have never watched BBN ever in my life as we no even get gotv but i saw it in my dream that Efe was the winner while Bisola was the runner up. I saw the celebrations in d dream.i foretold it here on stellas blog then,go check. The recent dream i have been seeing is working in a big company after years of graduating with the salary range twice,late last yr and this week again. I pray God send helpers to me to make this dream come true. So poster,am not surprised about the dream aspect but the loud audible voice you hear.God,i need to move closer to you than before,help me Lord for i am ready.

    6. 🤣🤣😂😂😂 i swear i was looking forward to ur comment i don tire for u I swear 😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 u are really one crazy woman

  3. We are Nigerians, we don't like to read not to talk of long chronicles like this. Those who had the patience to read, biko summarize.

  4. Wow...
    God is great
    Pls put me in ur prayers.. This year will not pass me by..I want twins..a boy and a girl
    God bless u dear..u are gifted

    1. Stella Maris baby13 February 2018 at 15:45

      Amen dear.

    2. Amen. So shall it be in Jesus name.

    3. Amen I join my faith with yours and stand in gap for AC this year both of you shall hold your babies in your arms.

    4. Sharon, may God visit you according to the desires of your heart.
      May He answer me as well. Congratulations my fellow iya ibeji.
      God has done it

  5. Stella Maris baby13 February 2018 at 15:09

    @ poster,you have a serious Call from God and from birth too.

    More anoint to function more and liberate people from bondage fall on you.
    The good Lord is your strength
    It is well.

    1. I thoroughly enjoyed this piece.
      Poster, I’m like you but in a different way.
      I have dreams of delivering people from demonic spirits.
      Sometimes these ugly demons (yes, they are) come to confront and threaten me and I deal with them mercilessly. Thank You Jesus.

      One time I didn’t pray for a while because I was so busy. I worked till I dropped them.
      I guess God wanted to show me that I wasn’t serious and I had fallen so far down the deliverance ladder so one night, I encountered a demon and thought I’d have it easy.

      Mehn, this demon pinned me to the wall and rubbed her hands all over my arms. I was powerless till a man in white came and saved me.
      He gave me this look like “you think this is a joke? You better sit up.”
      I woke up and prayed but by the time I went to the bathroom, I saw my arms covered in rashes.

      I was shocked; something that wasn’t there the night before. It was then that I began to take those dreams seriously.

      Unlike you I don’t have any these manifestations in the physical but I have prophetic dreams that come to pass;
      Before anything happens in my life, I am shown in dreams.
      I told someone last year that he’d have a change of cars and it happened like a month later.
      If trouble looms, I see it and prepare for it and so many I can’t type.

      I must say that there are certain things that will happen whether you pray or not. Only God knows why.

      The angelic bit part is so real. Girl, I’m surprised you can ask whether angels exist in this century. Which bible you dey read sef?
      I have wonderful angelic manifestations. My, they are real helpers.

      One day, I was struggling for sales for hours and then I remembered the scripture that He has sent angels to keep me in all my ways. I told my angels that I want to make certain sales and I kid you not, in less than 5 mins, people began to come. I didn’t even think of it till customers stopped coming and I counted the cash. The exact thing I said, I got. No more, no less. Me that had sold nothing all day o.

      I tried it another time, same results. Then I began to understand. The only thing I was kinda frustrated about was that my angel didn’t do more than what I asked. I was told by my spiritual father that angels don’t play but do as you ask, so before you ask, think well.

      I could just be grumbling to myself saying, “oh, I don’t want to stress over this. My angel, I wish I could just have this instead.” Not really expecting anything but before I know it, what I asked for will show. If I don’t ask, oyo is my case.

      So girl, you got a gift. Pray more and ask God to guide you. Cheers!

  6. Replies
    1. You know this... All sort of questions even those playing merry bet will want her to see if their games will play etc... Poster it is well, just nurture it and soon you will have authority and dominion over your gift

  7. This is just how close I want to be with God. Wondering why some things still happen even when they are prayed against?
    Because they're meant to happen!

  8. I will email her right away and give you guys feedback.

  9. Jesus warned most of the people he healed not to tell others but today, those with "special gift" look for a way to advertise themselves.

  10. My dear God is God. He is one and same God. He is everywhere and He appears to those who knows Him. He sends angels and helpers in form of man to us.

    Yours is not different. You need to have a mentor to mentor you on things of God.

    If your pastor is right before God, he should mentor you. Goodluck

  11. LORD have mercy. Amara GOD bless you abundantly. I totally believe your gift is from GOD.

  12. You're a prophet. Don't mind Queen and Boss o, do not go into a calling unless you hear directly from God. Mine is that I have dreams that come into reality. Sometimes, i also hear a male voice that speaks once at the verge of waking from sleep. For instance, I applied for something and i llI wasnt aute if I inputted "central" or "East". I was disturbed because the need arose for the location. My name wasnt found on the East list when someone checked for me. One morning, I heard the voice that said " EAST". Oh, i was happy and i went there and my name was in that East.
    I noticed that anytime I narrate the dream to my mum or immediate family members, it will tarry longer tahn normal before it comes into manifestation. So, I have decided to tell them after I have seen that my dreams has come into manifestation.

    1. What other signs do you want God to show her?...
      See pastor poster,people that has this calling don't blow in any other area of their life except serving God!...

  13. awww...wooow.God is real..heaven is real.poster please seek Gods face on whats happening in our country and whats the way are really blessed with such good gifts..go close to God more and more worship.thats your have no worries about life..God is with you.thats all you should be happy.

  14. Dear Poster, please what church do you attend? Do you wear jewelry and trouser? My reason is that a close relative told me that God can't use a vessel that is not clean. Her "clean" is someone that dresses like a "deeper life member". Please reply me.

    1. Off course her type wears trousers and jewelries!...
      I'm sure she has a boyfriend too!...
      Wearing those things have nothing to do with being given a gift of prophecies!...

      Pastor poster,do you know how much people spend to get this gift you are wasting?..
      I hear washing of face for seeing visions for six months starts from 5million up!...
      Let this year no pass you oh!...
      Trash that your degree certificate and job hunting and work for God!...
      Congra in advance and remember us on this blog when you blow!!...

    2. Aunty ,I wear trouser and makeup,my story is similar to the poster,righteousness is a free gift by Grace ,not by our works..God has always used the unqualified throughout the bible including harlots like Rahab and Mary Magdalene who had seven demons cast out of her. God chooses who he will use regardless of human logic..Go through your bible the criteria was by God's Grace not by what they wore or did...God himself said he searches the inward part ,which is a man's heart..
      Religion and self righteousness is what sets such conditions as what to wear etc.
      Instead cleanse your heart from sins such as envy,hatred,malice,unforgiveness,bitterness,pride,fornication,lies etc..that way you keep not just your heart pure but your body too.

    3. It's not a function of just the church,of course you have to attend a bible believing church.It's a personal walk with God.The bible says looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith.

    4. I have the same gift. I wear trousers, i make my hair, i take alcoholic drinks, I don't cover my hair most times when i pray.

    5. @foodie
      You just quoted the bible but you are "looking unto bible-believing church?"
      How about folks in hard line Islamic and communist countries whom no one knows that
      they are Christians in the first place; where there's no bible to read and no church to attend?

  15. My goodness Lord, I had goosebumps all over my body and before I finished reading the story I made up my mind to give my life back to God before I saw your last paragraph "many will give their lives back to God" I am one of them..
    I have backslided I hardly pray anymore, but will from now on..will send you a mail poster..

  16. That may be a gift given to you by God,please use it carefully. I should contact you.
    P.S Test all spirits

  17. Snr. Prophetess T.B Josephine 👍🏽

    When are we moving to the permanent site of the ministry...

  18. Hahahhahaaahha
    Queen Kuku kee me😁😁😁😁😁

  19. It seems to me that you have a calling, a very deep and strong one.Just remain connected to Jesus and you will be fine.
    To everyone out there,God is real,Jesus is real,Salvation is real. Find Jesus and serve him.

  20. Please be very careful. One person up there has already written what I want to warn you against.
    God has not asked you to "establish a church"
    The world is not short of churches but godliness and godly people.
    Be very prayerful and find out exactly what he wants you to do and follow him.
    It may not be conventional but it must be scriptural.
    I have had similar experiences but I never prayed the dead to life.
    "And please the son of man came to save people's lives and not to destroy them"
    God's grace.

    1. Aunty abortion,so you dey fear pigeon knacking like this?see how you got scared mentioning my name!...

  21. Hmm.. have a spiritual calling
    God is calling
    Use your gift to bless people
    It is well

  22. You have a strong calling n if you don't take time all the jobs you go after either they close down or something happens until you let your spirit down n answer that call. All the best

    1. Exactly @ anon 15:32. I think that she lost her job so she can answer her call and serve God fully. Dear poster, you have a very rare and wonderful gift, that some pastors will kill to have sef. Pray to God for direction, everything in this life happens for a reason.

  23. God gave some of us special power. I am almost like you. I see things before they happen. There is power in the Bible.

  24. Poster you don get job, what are you still waiting for? You better start your own church. In fact some pastors will be seeking to hire you now. You have all that is needed... Seeing is the key ooo in the ministry. You can see and even raise the dead, Omo na money be that ooo!!!

  25. Matthew 19:12 Some are born as eunuchs, some have been made eunuchs by others, and some choose not to marry for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let anyone accept this who can."

    This is the scripture in my heart to give you. Many (especially "pastors") will contact you to marry you for their selfish reasons. Get to know from God whether you are among those who "renounce marriage for the kingdoms sake". If you give in to "your desires", Satan will steal every gift of God in you and you will be empty and worth nothing. Be watchful. You see, yes just like God related to you, many will get to know Christ through this. He did not tell you that you will get married through this; did he?

  26. this is deep. all i can say is that, them no the know God finish.
    but story quicken my spirit man

  27. May God increase His unction on you. I desire such a close touch and much more from God. Would definitely continue my walk with Him. He is real and a good God.

    God bless you richly

  28. Stella Maris baby13 February 2018 at 15:39

    @ Poster,enrol in Bible School.You are not Call to do office work.
    God called you in the Ministry not to Answer Sir and Ma to people.

    God called you to serve Him by Liberating people,praying for people.

    Start interceding for people around you,your local Church,friends.etc

    Do the needful by going into God's work full time and you will not regret it.

    That God that called you will Equip you dear..

    It pays to serve God.

  29. Amara, you are gifted and you have a call but you need to seek God more for direction on what next to do. Awesome

  30. You do have a gift. May God continue to guide you.

  31. Stella Maris baby13 February 2018 at 15:41

    That God that called you will Equiped you

    It pays to serve God.

  32. Any bv that contact poster for consultation/prayers should endeavour to contact Stella for testimonies.

  33. This is real, don’t let anything separate u from the love of God, avoid whatever makes u feel low, u have a rare gift! And yes our Guardian angels are always with us and only the pure in heart can feel his physical presence.
    Mind the movies u watch, the music u listen to, the conversation u have, and give more time to bible study, and see what God will do!

    Just Krix!

  34. Poster pls move closer to God

  35. Dear poster, you do have a gift and calling do not contaminate it by seeking help or validation from others only press in on God the giver of the gift to tell you what to do and how to use it. Take care and God bless

  36. Dear poster, yes to all of your questions.. God reveals things to his friends. Remember Abraham, and I can relate to your story, every bit of them.

  37. BVS!!!!! No need to start visiting fake prophets anymore. We have a true one in our midst "Prophet Amara". Enough of wasting money on Juju. Come through the right way.

  38. Hmmm, let me quickly contact her o.... Been dreaming about a Toyota sienna.... Gosh! I love that ride, especially the latest model. I need that ride, father, bless my hustle. I join my faith with hers..... Amen.

  39. see this customer finder posting cock and Bull stories. she is started with... "I am not a spirikoko" yeye dey smell. As much as it is true that people have gifts of premonitions, it has nothing to do with religion. Park well with your market selling strategy. from trying to figure if u have a gift to trying to win souls. confused person.

  40. Before even getting to the last paragraph I made up my mind to start trusting God again. My faith has been weak for a long time now. I'll mail you much later. Thanks for sharing

  41. Poster,I was like u b4 seen things and hear God voice but not any more.God pls 4give my sin.pls lord come back to me

  42. Mine is usually after the event has happened, except for death. It's usually to solve the problem that the revelation comes.

  43. I am so excited to read your chronicles.Yes God still sends angels have you forgotten He is the same yesterday, today and forever.The ministry of angels is so deep only few walk in the revelation(all can access it though)
    _ Despite we pray about negative things certain things still happens ,it's either settled and nothing can be done about it or when warning is giving and people refuse to heed the warning ,God will have to respect that person's decision as in the case of the lady who went ahead with the wedding and died in child birth and your brother.In all the things of God are so mysterious they defy human logic and imagination..E_hugs dear.

  44. Truly God is really, when reading your story I just felt this strange cold all over my body.
    I attended the salvation ministry 5nights of Glory and at the end of the programme a mantle (blessed material) was given to us, and since then I go out with it..
    Last week I traveled to Jos from PH,,on our way our car broke down at Benue for 4hours,,night falling in we were able to fix the car and we left by 5pm night journey we started. .by 12/1am I was awoke and I started seeing the faces of my family starting from my little nephew the smile on his face, my sis, bro dad,, later on I started seeing my sis carrying and my picture hung on the wall,, I just snapped and rejected every spirit of death,, immediately the spirit of fear gripped me,, I started saying what if we have an accident,what if I don't see my family after now,,My God I was really scared..
    I tried sleeping only for me to hear a lady screaming "driver you are sleeping " truly the driver was sleeping and diverting into a ditch..I almost cried thinking I may not make it home...
    Immediately my spirit told me take your mantle from your bag (Thank God I traveled with it) I took the mantle and put it on my chest suddenly my head became big,, started to swell, ,strange cold from no where my body was vibrating, I started speaking in tongues I don't speak except when praying and in the spirit but that moment I knew I was in spirit, ,I just felt this inner peace in me..
    After that,, should I say the Holy Spirit spoke to me, and said if I open your eyes to see beyond the physical now you won't be able to contain it,, I just whispered to myself show me lord open my eyes,,and he said again no I won't you are not ready..
    I was calm till we got to Ph by 5am..
    I am not a saint but I believe in God, if only we can draw closer to him and see his marvelous works..

  45. Schizophrenia. Hearing voices and hallucinating ... she’s exhibiting all the classic symptoms. A lot of ancient “mystics” were actually schizophrenic. God will NOT show you visions without a solution. He won’t show you impending office closure and not provide you with a new job. She is only telling us about the coincidences ... what about the many times she heard voices and dreamed but the voice was not true and the dreams didn’t come to pass? What is her pass/fail rate? We need to interrogate these myriad spirits that claim to have a direct line to God.

    1. Believe in your own and leave her to believe hers. Shikena.

    2. Go and read your bible well ms know it all. Emergency psychiatric doctor?? Diagnosing like a pro. Mtchewww

  46. OMG! Poster you have this rare gift. Wow!!! God of wonders!

  47. I am glad you got to share your experiences poster. As to the questions if angels still exist, yes they do and to some, they have appeared to. Fr Ozele, a catholic priest shared his experience with us. He said when he was in the US, he was attached to a parish with a very loving and caring white parish priest. A friend of the white priest got ill and the priest went to stay with the sick person, thus leaving Fr Ozele in charge of the parish. Fr Ozele said at mid night, he went to the church to pray (there was an adjoining door from the parish house to the church, making it easy to just move from the parish house to the church). He said when he got there from afar, he could see someone at the altar. He thought it was a seminarian and called out his name but got no response. As he started walking towards the person, he saw the person no more. He said he didn't understand what was happening but didn't pay attention to it. He went to the church at midnight another day to pray and this time he saw not just one, but two persons. One at each side of the altar. He said then he became cold. Walking towards them they disappeared again. He said at this point, he called the white priest to report the strange happenings. He said the white priest just laughed and said so you too have started seeing them? He said he sees them most times after midnight when he comes to pray. That they were angels. Fr Ozele said from then on he walked with extra caution in the church. He said they would always be at the altar and after a while, disappear. I believe angels exist but only few have reached the stage where they are allowed to see them. They are ministering spirits. I haven't seen one but there are times i am in a fix and i just say guardian angel divine help me and i feel their hands turning the situation around.

  48. Goose bumps all over. This is so deep! Sister may God continue to use you to spread the gospel. May He also dwell in our hearts. There is indeed power in the word of God!

  49. But what is the purpose of the chronicle, just to advertise her gift or to get clients for her prophet business? I am not trying to be facetious, just truly wondering.

    I used to be somewhat like the poster in my teens and early twenties. I used to dream so much and travel all night even to different planets that I would wake up completely exhausted as though I had not sleep all night. It is a blessing to see the future, but you never see it all and it comes with a great responsibility. There is that thin line of warning someone and also interfering in their free will and the will of the universe. It definitely is not a responsibility that is easy to deal with. All the best on your journey and I hope you are a good steward of your gift. I am not a religious person, so peace be with you.

    1. I hope you know that yours is witchcraft. Please go for serious deliverance now.

    2. How you come up with witchcraft now? Because I am not religious? Must everything begin and end in man-made religion? All religions have perverted the glory of God, God was before the creation of man. It is humankind in their ego driven crazes that believe their songs, prayers, fasting and stories add anything to God's glory. Do it if you desire, it's your own free will, but do not be fooled that you can add anything to God, God is and will ever be whether you sing songs, pray fast or not. Nothing you do can add or remove anything from God's glory. I am free and at peace and I need no deliverance because my existence and the beauty of my life is not commandeered by man-made religions. Deliverance to make me more human and bound up like you and many Others? I am free and at peace, an experience that you may never know. I hope for you that you will one day know truly the awesome energy that is God, not the limited profile that your religion sells you. May you know the peace that surpasses all understanding, and truly be free from the Bond age of religion.

  50. I never expected this! I was actually looking forward to seeing the 'OMG' chronicles.
    While I was waiting for IHN and what Stella indirectly coined the OMG chronicles, a friend sent me a youtube link. I opened the link, was listening to the song when I decided to scroll down to the other suggested items. It was 'heaven catalyst,' 'it is supernatural.' I'd normally not give attention to these videos but then I watched it and got captivated that i forgot that it was time for IHN.
    When my time clocked 14:59 I realised I had missed IHN but in time for the OMG chronicles. Imagine my shock when I opened and I am reading what I watched (experiences of people who see) few mins ago.

    God is indeed real! My twin sis has this gift, she sees things in her dreams before they happen. Though She's scared of hers cos it is usually bad things. She dreamt of my dad's death twice which was few months to his death and a day to his death.
    I want to have such unique experience too in my walk with God. I pray for this everyday.

  51. Dear poster ,I will enjoy you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to be careful, watchful and prayerful to know the will of God for every step you take from now on
    Please to be pressurise and sweet talk to do what is not of God. Remember the devil also know the bible
    I will send you mail .remain blessed and in the vineyard of the Lord.


  52. Honestly,poster,your mail is a help on its own.what God has started with you will never go down in Jesus name,amen

  53. Poster, IG all you typed up there is true, continue to draw closer to God, for I believe God wants yo use you to bless people. One advice, whichever way you want this gift to manifest gully and also use it to help people,pls and pls, do not use it to extort people, once you do, it will disappear the way it came. Let it be from peoples free will if they decide to give you anything in appreciation.

  54. Poster, you and my brother are the same. He dreams, sees vision and all. If he tells us, don't travel, we don't. If he says sit down, we sit down.
    One time he told my dad not to travel home because a snake will bite him on his room but my dad said he had to travel, so they prayed and he left. 2 days later, my dad called and told us how nepa took light. As he wanted to open the room door to go on the gen, something told him to on the flash light of his phone, he did that and opened the door, to his amazement, there was a snake by the door waiting to enter once the room opens. How the snake got into the house, he couldn't explain. He sha killed it.

    Another time he told my mom not to go some where because he saw her having an accident and dying. She said she had to go. And that was how they prayed and she left, she had a minor accident.

    Another time he told a family he dreamt where their dad died but they didn't listen because he was just 14 then. What does a child know they said. Their dad was hale and hearty. Months later, the man died.

    It was after this experiences we started listening to him. For my 2 pregnancies, even before I can see the baby sex on the scan, he tell me what I'm having. He will tell me he has seen it already..

    Last year, I really wanted to buy some thing so bad. He told me he hasnt seen me buying that thing that year. I did everything to buy it but it didn't happen.

    So yeah, you are normal. You just have an amazing gift. I wish I had such gift some times but sometimes I don't. Because it would be too much to handle. Oh, he can speak in tongues. If you see where he is praying, jesus, you will think he is a pastor

    Funny thing is, he didn't want to be a pastor. He wants to be a politician 🤣🤣😂.

    1. Stella Maris baby13 February 2018 at 20:42

      You brother is a Prophet.
      God will use him mighty in this Generation.

  55. Abeg tell him to dram for me

  56. I want to be close to God,will definitely mail poster.

  57. Choi, see free advert. Immediately I got to the middle of this tori, I scrolled down to see if there was a contact number, gbam I saw it. This one na better format.

  58. Poster May the Good Lord continue to bless you. Serve him with all your heart and indeed hold on to the Almighty. Reading this has made me feel again that I don't trust God for nothing. I believe that the Lord will awaken everything that is at a standstill in my life. This 2018 I will dance like David. I promise to come and testify. God bless you the more Amara. In Jesus Name.

  59. U go get plenty customers today...

    1. Her email is overflowing. Best advert of 2018😂😂😂

  60. Poster,you are exceptionally blessed by God Almighty. May He alone lead you. Pls remember me in your prayers, am facing a lot. Thanks and God continue to bless and keep you.

  61. I thoroughly enjoyed this piece.
    Poster, I’m like you but in a different way.
    I have dreams of delivering people from demonic spirits.
    Sometimes these ugly demons (yes, they are) come to confront and threaten me and I deal with them mercilessly. Thank You Jesus.

    One time I didn’t pray for a while because I was so busy. I worked till I dropped them.
    I guess God wanted to show me that I wasn’t serious and I had fallen so far down the deliverance ladder so one night, I encountered a demon and thought I’d have it easy.

    Mehn, this demon pinned me to the wall and rubbed her hands all over my arms. I was powerless till a man in white came and saved me.
    He gave me this look like “you think this is a joke? You better sit up.”
    I woke up and prayed but by the time I went to the bathroom, I saw my arms covered in rashes.

    I was shocked; something that wasn’t there the night before. It was then that I began to take those dreams seriously.

    Unlike you I don’t have any these manifestations in the physical but I have prophetic dreams that come to pass;
    Before anything happens in my life, I am shown in dreams.
    I told someone last year that he’d have a change of cars and it happened like a month later.
    If trouble looms, I see it and prepare for it and so many I can’t type.

    I must say that there are certain things that will happen whether you pray or not. Only God knows why.

    The angelic bit part is so real. Girl, I’m surprised you can ask whether angels exist in this century. Which bible you dey read sef?
    I have wonderful angelic manifestations. My, they are real helpers.

    One day, I was struggling for sales for hours and then I remembered the scripture that He has sent angels to keep me in all my ways. I told my angels that I want to make certain sales and I kid you not, in less than 5 mins, people began to come. I didn’t even think of it till customers stopped coming and I counted the cash. The exact thing I said, I got. No more, no less. Me that had sold nothing all day o.

    I tried it another time, same results. Then I began to understand. The only thing I was kinda frustrated about was that my angel didn’t do more than what I asked. I was told by my spiritual father that angels don’t play but do as you ask, so before you ask, think well.

    I could just be grumbling to myself saying, “oh, I don’t want to stress over this. My angel, I wish I could just have this instead.” Not really expecting anything but before I know it, what I asked for will show. If I don’t ask, oyo is my case.

    So girl, you got a gift. Pray more and ask God to guide you. Cheers!

  62. Serious untreated mararia typhoid combined tins . Seek medical help fast !!

  63. And suddenly bvs with new blog id came up today from nowhere. Hmmm I smell sexy daddy and his wife format.

  64. Poster you are gifted,please do not disobey the calling of the Lord

  65. My dear sister in christ dont worry or fear but keep waiting as you stand in GOD words,
    though mine is more battle than yours,,GOD is GOD with time,,just wait and always
    doing and speaking out as you see and please dont add in GOD words,just say
    as you heard and remove fears from ur thought,,,
    though my case are more big than yours,,is not easy by you i know ur sleepless night
    and how u may feel everytime u wish to close ur eyes to sleep,,but dont worry is
    a cross you must carry with joy and faith in you,,am also in that situation for
    long time now but its getting clearing by the day as am not in nigeria,but a nigerian east tribe too,its a very
    painful situation u are in right now but dont worry and be happy ,cos no body can
    deliever you from the hands of GOD,just surrender to GOD and fear not,,shallom,
    i will keep ur email adress,,,be stronger in faith


  67. So many new IDs and plenty anonymous!
    It is well oh😀

  68. Poster please put me in your prayers I want the fruit of the womb.amen,Stella please help me tell her to pray for ttc ladies ,thank you .

  69. Dear Poster, Please pray for me, i want to get married this year. I believe that you are truly blessed extend your blessings to me. Amen


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