Stella Dimoko Friday Spontaneous Post...


Friday, January 26, 2018

Friday Spontaneous Post...

#friday #atlast #ceceola2018 #cynthiasdayloading #excited #goodday #positivity #iknowhwatyoudidandwhatyouareupto #schoolruns #mindyabizcantmindmine #whydoyureadmyhashtag #loveweekends #needsomemoresleep #favepeople #loverocks #hezekiahwalkerGodfavouredme

Good and Unu well done!!!

Are working today or not?

Keyboard warriors govt says it wants to start monitoring those who spread hate stuff online.....Keyboard warriors watch out #spreadlove

 Please note that free adverts are for those who cannot afford it,you people should stop sending me your company adverts to post for free.......I dont do such vexs oh.....FREE ADVERT IS FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT AFFORD IT not big companies who can.

Shout out to Everyone!.....May Your Friday be everything you wish someone else!

Any Friday face of in house news?




  1. Whatever is making you to cry secretly by the Mandate of Heaven shall all become an history In Jesus name, Amen.

    1. Heres wishing you a happy married life filled with bliss @Cynthia Iyede.💕💖💞
      Is anybody watching d big bros reunion at all? Tboss fans should comman carry their bae o. Babe is full of attitude. Gosh! Kent deal. Morning peeps.

    2. @Sandy azzzin,she's so full of herself,after one year,she's still full of hatred,hian!😎😎

    3. @I am watching it @Sandy Yo

      Tboss is character on her own. Lol@Gosh Kent deal.

    4. Good morning bvs. @Stella I love reading your hash tags cos it's
      @ sandy that Tboss is something else, she has so much hatred in her blood. She irritates me with her attitude.

    5. Sandy azzin ehn That babe got some nasty attitude especially for her age.

  2. Am I the only one tired of this longer night we're experiencing? I've never felt such longer night in my life, once it's past 3am, I would have exhausted my sleep and will start counting the ceiling. January should please do and go. 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠

    Enjoy your weekend fam

    *Larry was here*

    1. My night feels short oh 😂😂

    2. What long night? Something that feels like I just blink and its morning already.

    3. Which long night?😎😎

      My night still feels very short 😎

    4. Tot I was d only one, 6:30 n it's not bright outside.

    5. Abeg I don't need the longer nights abeg cos na Vigil my baby and I dey do.. He sleeps only when day breaks

    6. Hmmm.... My nights aren't long o.
      Happy weekend to you too.

    7. The nights is short that I gear that once I turn from one side of the bed to the other it will just turn to morning 😃😃😃


    8. Am with you @ Larry , 2, 3am my eyes are wide open. The night is too long.

    9. Nothing is long in this night Pls, if you have a baby still breastfeeding you wouldn't be saying this Larry. Sometimes I don't even want to wake up when my alarm rings.gosh!

  3. What a friend we have in Jesus
    All our sins and grieve to bear.. .
    What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!

    Oh, what peace we often forfeit!
    Oh, what needless pain we bear...
    All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer...

    Having trials and temptations?
    Is their trouble anywhere?
    We should never be discouraged
    Take it to the Lord in prayer.

    Have we found a friend so faithful?
    Who will all our sorrows share?

    Jesus knows our every weakness . .
    You will find your solace there 😊😊😊...

    This is for someone who feels discouraged, Don't lose Hope, talk to Jesus as a friend...

    Have a blessed day everyone, I love you 😘😘😘😘

    1. Congrats Cynthia. May the blessings of marriage be yours. May your home be beautiful.😘😘😘😘

      No work for me today oh. Got a wedding reception so too time off every work/buisness related stuff. Will soon go to the salon to get my hair and face slayed up 😂😂😂😂😂.

      Today mentally feels like Saturday maybe cos I me mentally told myself its a work free day for me. Only to see your post "Saturday spontaneous post" 😂😂😂.... are we mentally in this together? 😂😂😂😂😂

    2. So you typed all this so early...more sauce to your spaghetti this morning 😎


  4. What a beautiful morning, I'm glad am alive to see today. Shout out to everybody.

    God Bless Everyone

  5. Saturday SP? Lol! Stella and drama= 1,lol!

  6. Friday is here at least. Good morning everyone and do have a fruitful day.

  7. Good morning one big and happy family, hope we all had a good night rest? I miss the Job post cos I was still in the village, please any job openings in Owerri or it's environs? Please I really need a job, I know there are better and more opportunities in big cities like Lagos, PH, Abj. But I don't have any relations or friends that can accommodate a job seeker until he finds his feet, my kid sister in lag is still hanging on one feet.
    God please help me, after some years of graduation no job, tried one or two businesses no way cos money invested is small, sow seeds, fasting still no way, and that makes me to question God, lost faith in Him, prayed so many nights to sleep and never wake-up cos of frustration.
    When you are the first child among 9 children then you will understand what am talking about, God Please just for the sake of my poor parents in the village and little siblings have mercy on me, and provide me with a good job, cos if gone so soon is the only solution, I will gladly accept it.

    1. Eayah Pele,God will see you through 😎

    2. Chilaka Christian
      Gone so soon is not the solution, so take it out of your mind.
      Don't give up, tomorrow will be fine so don't let your worries take away the beauty of today.
      God will see you through. It is well.

    3. TGW where are you now that we needed you most? Please come and give Chilaka Christian a warm hug.

  8. Good morning all...As you step out today may the Almighty God embarass you with favour and may the doors of grace and mercy not be shut against you...

  9. Good morning BVs.. My cousin that has been seeking admission to study Nursing Science for 4 years finally didn't succeed. A family friend promised to help her secure admission in UNN.. Her struggling parents paid 500k. Only for my sis to check her name yesterday and she was given Human Kinetics and physical education. Her cut off mark was 262. Since yesterday we haven't been able to console her. She has refused studying Human Kinetics.. Her parents are not happy.. Pls how do we convince her to study this course.. What is the course all abt sef? Abeg make una advise me.. Despite am unhappy, I still thank God her name came out in supplementary list.

    1. I understand her frustration,human kinetics is not at all related to nursing or sciences,it could have been better if she was offered microbiology.

      Too bad,why not try nursing schools 😎😎

    2. Let her try basic nursing schools.. It's tough to secure admission too because the competition is much these days but with right connection and money she might be considered. She will spend just three yrs there and later further her studies to degree level in any of the conventional universities or outside the county.
      Wishing her all the best..
      Nursing is indeed a noble profession. Am really proud to be a nurse.

    3. Exactly lady bug.. Micro biology or science lab tech would have been better.. I pitied her yesterday cos she had hope with such amount of money been paid then her admission is sure.. Only for her to hear such breaking news.. It was so devastating

    4. It might be a way of God opening new door for her. It might not be what she wants but what she needs. I don't know if you grab. If she really wants nursing, let her try school of nursing. I learnt d one in Kadanu is giving their form for free

    5. But people are brave oh... 500k for something uncertain?
      I dont know but i feel like, the people who are most able to do these things don't even ask for money or better stil,pay the money or a balance after the deal.

      I feel so bad for her but I will advise her to just make the best out of the course. If she gets a change of course nice.

    6. Too bad she wasted 4 years doing nothing when she could have enrolled in nursing school and after that go for direct entry. I don't know what human kinetics is. All these courses that we don't practice in the country.

    7. 500k for school admission for what, in this same country that we have PhD holder who are struggling to get drivers work in dangotes company....haba No now that amount was wasted abeg, she could have started a business with that 500k multipled it and when she super comfortable she can decide to even school abroad sef where she would get better education.

      Anyway let her manage what she got she can always transfer out of the department in 200level if she gets good grades.


    8. Human kinetics is physical, health education now aka jumpology,

    9. Human kinetic is all abt physical n health education. I think wen she get to 300 level she will study more on health science. Though d dept is under education. Let her go for, God will show up for her.

    10. You people allowed her parents to pay that huge amount for something that's sure? Omg!!! School of nursing would have been better off this kinetic energy Abi what did you call it.

      Do not force her if she doesn't want that silly course, she should try school of nursing Abeg.

  10. Olori how is you jare!

    Good morning all and yes its Friday I made ofada stew with locust beans chai! I dey work

    Amado your time is up

    1. Wow,ofada stew with iru, yummy yummy 😎😎

    2. Should I send my address so that you can package my own across because informing us of the stew eithout sharing is kwaruption oo


    3. Chai I need some oh bee10,craving that stew like mad.

  11. Hello.
    Happy Friday.

  12. Congrats Cynthia, may God bless your marriage. God bless you Stella.

    God Bless Everyone.

  13. Beautiful Friday everyone because it is beautiful and I am fully beautiful too. Have you ordered your day to be bright and beautiful? If you have not, my dear you are missing because the devil is using you to fan his ynash.

    When the story of paul odekina came out, i went to google to check his face, chai that man is very coded ooo. Even self linkend or what did not have his pictures? That man na truly what they said about him. Total people how far oooo, how market? Make una give us fuel.

    This life is beautiful if you want it to be beautiful. Lets keep hate out of our ways because it will just make you grow old and wrinkled. White bia bia go just full your head and ynash because of hatred. Abeg make una leave hate and embrace Love because God is Love. There is nothing in this world at all.

    I love listening to Hezekiah songs. They are all soul lifting.

    God is working wonders please dont be left out because I am one of the wonders of God.

    Good morning again. I just finished taking my tea. Seems the weather head correct today.

    No work to do today, just sit down and enjoy the office, let the AC dey enter body.

    1. Yori how far the price of fame na
      Monday na the last day fa!
      I like the Fan

    2. So today is TV day at the office I guess..see groove😄😄😄


    3. Yori Yori Princess, enjoy jare

  14. Hello spontaneous, good morning blog family, jumma Mubarak to all my Muslim bro and sisters.
    Finally, its the last Friday in January a dupe o.
    January have been so busy for me plus malaria, this harmattan be making me feel boneless.
    Stella I read your hash tag and I don't intend to stop.

  15. Good Morning peoples!!! I can finally post a comment. How are you all?
    Enjoy your weekend Bvs. God bless you.

  16. anonymous to bahd!26 January 2018 at 08:08

    Announcement!!!! Will the real Ladybug please stand up, I repeat, will the real ladybug please stand up...! We're gonna have a problem here!

    1. Which foolish problem?😎

      It's only a FOOL that won't recognise real Id and a plastic wannabe Id😎😎😎😎

    2. I am the real lady bug. Don't mind the other impersonator.she is whiteberry hiding as ladybug. She has been exposed here already. Someone challenged whiteberry to come out and refute the claims with her id that she isn't ladybug. Did whiteberry come out? No. Do you know why? It's simple. White berry id is now ladybug. 😎 😎

    3. She has scurried like the squirrel that she is. Bring it on. Let's troll the troller as the bait is very freeesh. Bugger on

    4. She should stand up so that you can go and beat her up right haha ladybug careful oo😄😄😄


  17. Good morning Stella,this government has absolutely nothing to offer Nigerians. Thank God for the internet, at least it gives us voice to speak against their evils and imaginations. They can't stop us. Even if they arrest Nigerians living in Nigeria, those living outside the country will continue to expose their incompetencies.

    1. Seems I'm the only one seeing Saturday spontaneous post above. *WashesFaceAndLookAgain*

  18. Good morning people....💞💞💞💞

    Heeeeehehehehe..... @Keyboard warriors govt says it wants to start monitoring those who spread hate stuff online.....Keyboard warriors watch

    Congratulations again Cynny baby. God bless your marriage. Amen

    #Amebotohbad #lolatohbad
    #Osinachi #Hehehehehehehehehe

  19. Btw. This Saturday spontaneous post threw me off. For a split second i thought it was Saturday, i was like so yesterday was Friday? Lol, then i thought it was an old post. Lol.

  20. wheres atheist? I love your blog personality, that your reply to that anon in EEI yesterday got me laffin

    1. 🏃🏃🏃 off to EEI post. Amebo sweet pass

  21. I Thouht I have tasted it all until I ate okro and green leave( I don't know it has another name , it is normally use for yam). but yesterday I used it cook okro soup and it is the bump , so sweet and nourishing. If you doubt me check it out. Today is ODM Worldwide night vigil at TBS Lagos, I am inviting all BVNS

    1. I love okro soup with any leave at all😎

    2. Really,I will try it.

      Happy weekend

    3. We are not coming we only hope to 30billion gang night vigils 😈😈😈😈


    4. Try okro soup with ugu leaves and enough crayfish, smoked fish and stock fish. Be sure to use fresh pepper(ata rodo) and small palm oil

  22. Congrats Cynthia, God bless your union

  23. Today's a good day.Hopefully,I'll be making meaningful comments soon. *side eyes at Lady Bug and SDK* lol!

    1. Hi Paul.. I dey miss ur epistles... The fear of lady bug I guess.. Ikwakwakwwa

    2. I am glad that you know that your comments have k-leg😅😅😅


  24. Eka Cufflinks how market?

    1. that yeye girl, if say she carry her bizzness for head like this marriage anticipation eh the bizzness for don grow

    2. You like trouble,see your big head like expired fufu 😤😤😤


    3. Leave Eka alone, una nor dey tire, hian

    4. @bee 10, I miss last night episode, do recap for na. I guess price of fame go end next week. Lady bug, u lie, it doesn't.

  25. Yori aka 200K salary and above. if i hear. Lying lai Mohammed

    1. That you have low expectations for yourself doesn't mean everyone else has it, so if she says she can't work for 200k why are you then grieving over it.

      How much is 20k n this present economy or is it poverty that is worrying you.😤😤😤


  26. No school today and am officially off from gonna spend my day eating, watching movies and reading comment on SDK blog...
    Buhari should not scare us with his new antics. Who is father of hate speech? Who said heads will roll if he didn't win election? Did jona ordered for his arrest when he made those evil statements? The answer is no,he was not arrested because there's freedom of speech in Nigeria Let his media aids inform him in case he has forgotten,we're in democracy not in military regime and we're also entitled to freedom of speech, one thousand and one buhati and APC will not bully us into extinction or silent us with empty threats. Mtcheeew.. So the hate speech are really getting to him? He should braced up for more because this is just the beginning.

    I dey my house for Apata in jos oya come and arrest me.

    1. Don't mind the nonsense APC govt as if they didn't get their re-election through the spread of hate news and propaganda.

      SteLla pls you need to do a special post to encourage Bv's to go get their PVC for 2019 election.


    2. Freedom of speech is guaranteed.

  27. Proudly Anonymous26 January 2018 at 08:13

    Aunty Saturday on a Friday ke?

  28. Love Meje Princes, honestly you don't strike me as somebody that is earning up to 50k not to talk of 200k. I am seeing you as an Office Assistant/Recepptionist/ errand Girl. So take a chill pill with all these your lies. you go dey alright last last

    1. So from your house you can see directly into her salary to know how much she earns right,Na wa oo.

      Abeg where is kidjo she should come and carry her fellow EDO Airways brethren who can see into people's accounts.😄😄😄😄


    2. Tah. On behalf of my colleagues of the Edo Airways, I reject that anon up there..We only see positive things not amebo negativity😅😅😅

    3. E neva do with dis 200k issue, ha, na wa o

  29. Congrats Cynthia Iyede,God bless ur new home.i dont no y i cant post comment in peace.
    Have a nice day

  30. But seriously this ladybug is so annoying. The way he/she trolls people is senseless. If u wana bug anyone please use ur brains. If u like come and die under this comment, I won't even lift a finger to respond. Have fun dearie.

    1. Foolish anonymous, why are my comments frustrating your life?😎,what has your used brain gotten you?😎

      Go and die!😁😁😁😁😁😁😎😎😎

  31. Please I need urgent advise from Fellow Bvs before I become depressed slowly.
    Am a 22yr old graduate finished Nysc last year November And am back home to my parents. Although they are supportive sha but its minimal.
    My problem is My elder sis would be expecting her child any moment from now. and my parents have asked me to suspend job search till my mum is back from Omugwo cause of my eldest sister sons staying with us (She is pursing her degree and work so the kids are with us)
    Have been crying and asking why me?? They re pressuring me for an answer . and the babysitting is without any compensation.
    I went to a nearby school to apply yesterday and was told 7k to teach Literature to sss1-3.
    I don't want to be idle for three months how would I survive wen dad is a stingy type. Please help am going crazy

    1. I don't get,you should suspend your own for somebody else's life to move own,hian!😎😎😎😎

    2. My dear you should NEVER put on hold your life for anybody.
      Job searches take time and you can't afford to be idle all for your sisters sake.

      If she want you to stay at home for her kids then negotiate a price you will be collecting or else she should get a nanny for her kids,what nonsense.


    3. Don't put ur life on hold, take d teaching job @ anon 8:16

  32. Honestly, I'm blown away by the love I got here. God bless y'all for the good wishes. May you keep having reasons to celebrate. Amen

    Stella, you're a rare gem. God bless you as always.

    No work for me today. Thank you my Lord.

    1. Congratulations baby girl. Dance for two 💃 💞

    2. Congrats Cynthia. God bless your marriage

    3. Happy married life Cynthia.. May God bless ur new home

    4. Ooh, I have wished you well.👆
      Congrats baby girl.💃💋

    5. Congrats to you Cynthia
      Happy married life dear

    6. Congratulations Iyede's daughter. As you sojourn in this marriage, may heaven grants all your heart desires and wisdom to manage your home be your portion in Jesus name. Amen

    7. Happy married life girl, may God bless your marriage......

      You deserve all the love you got, you're one peaceful soul......

    8. Congratulations Dear!
      By the grace of God, your new home is blessed already.

    9. Congratulations Dear,I hope you have been rehearsing your Shakur Shakur dance very well 💃💃💃


    10. Congratulations Cynthia. Wishing you all the happiness that comes with a godly marriage. It's a new dawn for your and yours!

    11. Congrats Cynthia your marriage shall be blessed and fruitful in Jesus name

  33. starry larry go and marry so that you will busy all night and will not even know even it is 8am

    1. You well at all, with that your big head like expired fufu😤😤😤


    2. Congratulations to you darling, may your home be happy, peaceful and fruitful by God's grace

      *Larry was here*

  34. Really Stella? It shouldn't be love all the time a little fight makes the world Balance. The past week has been lit back to back. #CrawlsBackIntoMyHole I doubt I can take heat from on here especially when you have no idea how the fightee and fighter looks like you'd be creating peoples image in your head being that I am a very sensitive person, and I easily get angry it kills me I mean who will I then pour the Anger on? What will I do with my Anger? Mstchewwww #HoldsInsecticide #LetMeSeeAnyBugNearMyComment

    1. Haven't you heard our LadyBug doesn't die from insecticides...just give her a check of 10million ponds and watch how she will fade away from the blog nicely...😂😊😊


  35. Who else is enjoying the harmathan in portharcourt this morning..very cool

    1. This babe so you're in ph too. You served in Enugu. You're just following me back to back. Lol

    2. Abril so you are monitoring me,lol....I am not in Enugu anymore,ex copper😁

  36. sweet morning happy people. last working day.

  37. pls Bvs when will they do catch up for prize of Fame on Telemoundo? I missed all of them during the week., Pls help a sister this is the only thing that keeps me sane now

    1. On sat by 4.10pm i guess you can kept checking cos i know from 11am they start showing precious rose

    2. Telemundo reduces your IQ!😎😎

    3. Bee10 so you are part of those people that watch Telemundo na wa

      Lady Bug how you take know,do you watch also


  38. Good morning my lovely SDK yard people.A very warm regards to u maami Stella.
    Bee10 Abeg did u watch price of fame last night...kwakwakwakwa did u see dat bulge in Lorenzo's pant when he got up from d bed with Excel.LOL yes Amado time is up.But I love dat guy o..Na so I dey want my pay master to be.

    1. I sight am oh Kai the actors are really trying gaskiya. Seriously Amado's killing got me Pissed he wanted to finish the whole cast in the novela but I am Happy he is getting hot. Yes the idiot will agree to kill manara for fame. He is cute but I jump and pass

  39. Gladys Chinyere, lets use google to know what that course is all about? Imagine spending N500k for bribes. May God Almighty deal with people collecting bribes before helping someone.

    Tell her to take it up instead of allowing it to go like that, then she can reapply again. Because I am sure once she is fully in the system, she will know one or 2 things on how to get her course of preference. It is well with her.

    She should not see it as the end of the world. Every challenge is a step upward for us.

  40. @paul Okah , did you travel to bayelsa from lagos on 24th being Wednesday?

  41. Anon 8:19 Price of Fame catch up starts by 3.00 p.m. on Saturday. If you have light or you are free on Saturday, then you can watch it.

    Eayah dont worry God will keep you sane. Dont allow what you are passing through overshadow who you are before God Almighty. It is well again.

    stay blessed Sister.

  42. Mad woman,you are just a product of a wasted sperm and an unfinished abortion 😎


    Oloshi,olobo tankasu 😎😎

  43. Please help am going crazy
    Am a 22yrs old graduate finished Nysc last year November.And my parents and siblings are pressuring me to stop job search till my mum is back from omugwo..
    Reason been my eldest sister sons are staying with us (she's working and schooling) although it's temporary and they need to be taken care of.
    Why me??? staying with my stingy dad for three months and being jobless is worst.
    I have attended interviews and supported the home and remain 8k left of my 41k Nysc paid us.
    I went to a nearby school to apply yesterday and was told 7k to teach literature to ss1-3.
    how can I watch my mates making it to interview while I babysit. is it a crime to be the younger one??? i diny want to be seen as being wicked but tjs sacrifice is so hard and painful.. please I need advise

  44. It's a beautiful Thursday my people.Stella I salute u o.
    Pls bvs how do u guys feel when u suffer type comments with hand paining u and Stella refused to u curse,hiss or shrug. But truly its painful especially when u didn't type anything bad.

  45. Bee10 yes ooo. Still trying to watch the final parts. Very busy these days.

    Mama twins how are you? Hope the cold is not that much again.

    Oluwa Baby how is you? is you fine? Enjoy jare.

    Dont mind them haters. You are beautiful and you have a good heart. Dont mind those people that have allowed white hair to finish them and made them to look old because of sadness.

    Keep doing what you love most and just know God is there for you.

  46. SDK today is Friday not Saturday. Your heading is wrong.
    I love it when people try to be cunning not knowing I already see through them. Just waiting for this man to put out his end game and I'll smile, shake my average butt and disappear 😁. Lord help every single lady trying to hustle legitimately.

    Good morning BVs

  47. Good morning everybody, please from Owerri to Lagos how much are the collecting for transport

  48. Good morning everybody, please from Owerri to Lagos how much are the collecting for transport

  49. I thought harmattan period is over. Yesterday's and today's cold is a miracle. God shiools please take this my cough away o. Its embarrassing for me to be in a place and give out a loud cough. I think catarrh is more romantic than cough when you're in public.

    1. 'Catarrh is more romantic'???

      What kind of disgusting soul are you?
      Watery snot running down your nose is 'romantic'?

      Thick yellow buggers hanging in your nostril is 'romantic'?

      All that stringy spotted phlegm/mucus that can't go through your nose, that you have to spit out or quickly swallow back with your food is 'romantic'???

      The dried scaly mucus in and around your nose is 'romantic'.

      You are beyond weird. Very well beyond it.

      I'm sure you're the type that quickly enters the toilet after your partner has excreted to take deep enriching breaths and calls it 'empowering'.

      It is well with you.

      *Too many weird, sick people roaming about.

  50. The lies here hmmm.

    Yori yori works in the church office she has said it many times, if they her above 200k how much do they pay pastors? Use your own church to know the truth.

    Coded beggar (in lady bug's voice)

    1. Ehen, maybe she is the pastor na?

  51. I kinda like your name.
    Lovely day to you too Ma'am.

  52. anonymous to bahd26 January 2018 at 08:55

    Dear Shuga actress,

    Next time you want to make a video accusing a man of rape, please observe the following basic guides:
    1. Do not show us your boobs, it makes your accusation watery. A woman that has allegedly survived an attempted rape & kidnap will yes not go around wearing wrapper head to toe, but I'm sure also wont be flaunting boobs upandan the video.
    2. Don't dramatize. The eye rolling, eye bulging, fingers and hand twisting like Shanikwa or karishika, absolutely a no no. You're an actress, so I guess you couldn't help yourself, but considering the context and reason for the video, its unconvincing.
    3. Consult a proper PR person, to get your thoughts in coherent order. Frankly you sounded AND looked like you were high in the video.
    4. The video failed to even 50% establish your claim. Please note, dear shuga actress, that I'm not saying it didn't happen, oh no, just trying to educate you on post alleged rape/kidnap behavior. Das all! May the truth be revealed!

  53. Good morning Stella and our Blog visitors , congrats to Cynthia

  54. All the clothes used in Game of Thrones and all the superhero costumes used in Avengers are made in Delhi, India.

  55. So,i got a bad news this morning, My friend lost his Mum to cancer, I feel so terrible...... This is a woman who took us to camp, she carried us, we gisted, I even left my shades in her car, she would call, gist and all that, not knowing she was battling this ailment....... Her birthday was yesterday and she died today, Wow...... What's life??? What is Life??? I don't even know how to console myself talk more of my friend, I don't even know how to feel and I've just been begging God to please accept her soul and give her family the fortitude to bear this loss...... To think she was a bit okay Two days back, My God!!!!!! I'm so so Sad and my day is totally ruined

    1. Oh no, she has to die a day after her birthday.... Sorry dear, may God console her family she left behind. May her soul rest in peace ✌

  56. Mad woman,use your brain for once not all these copy and paste that you do,you are just a product of a wasted sperm and an unfinished abortion 😎


    Oloshi,olobo tankasu 😎😎

  57. A very cold morning it is here. Real harmattan

  58. Thank you Lord for today... Good Morning BVNs

  59. Anon 8:26 you dont have to put your life on hold because of family problems. Please go out and look for what to do to keep body and life sane.

    Dont sit at home and please that 7k job is too small ooo. Una dey try oooo.

    Chai may God Almighty help you all. I no fit work for N200k self talk less of N7k.

    I am not discouraging you. Send your cvs out and look out for more schools who might increase their prices for up to 15k or 20k? Abi wetin make i talk.

    It is well with una.

    How market everyone, una don baff?

  60. Congratulations Cynthia. May your home be filled with happiness. Thank you Lord for the gift of life and all the goodness you surround us with. Good morning Stella. I wish us all a wonderful weekend.

  61. #mummyduties #friedricefriday# birthdayloading #februaryborn #aquarius #whereisThegeneralswife #whereisomasiri

  62. #mummyduties #friedricefriday# birthdayloading #februaryborn #aquarius #whereisThegeneralswife #whereisomasiri

  63. Chilaka there is no way you can do gone so soon? Just say it is not your portion. You will be fine.

    I am sure you are from Imo State. Look around and see what small business you can do in the village before coming to the city.

    It is painful when someone spends so much in the Uni only to come out and no jobs for years. It is really frustrating. Dont tell God to take you so soon, because you dont see the bigger pictures out there for you. Something big is coming your way. Hang in there.

    Keep praying to God, He is not deaf at all. He has heard you and it will manifest before you know it.

    Bros it is well again. Keep the flag flying for our Lord Jesus Christ Amen

  64. Good day all, cast your cares upon the lord he will care for you.

  65. Blessed jare thank you. How are you?

    Please enjoy your day


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